
Wildlife records 2024

Wildlife records 2024 at South Raynham
No frost, mist at first, sunny or sunny intervals, 16C, wind S or SE BF 0-3.
Red list: Marsh tit on burdock by WBH. Mistle thrush taking evasive action against sparrowhawk attack over plot. Gulls (100+, common gull, BHG) northwards 1715 BST.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) across plot into Silver Service plot. WP main pond trees. Wren main pond.
Jackdaw (16) ash3 tree. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Blackbird patio. Robin song, BT shed area. Collared dove (2) Silver Service plot. LTT WBH rowan. GT shed shrubs. GSW round plot. Buzzard (2) near meadow.
Hornet (10+) round big oak area. Noon fly, Eristalis flies main pond laurels.
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, 16C, wind S or SE BF 0-2.
GREAT WHITE EGRET foraging on WBH / WRR grazing, alongside black cattle, 1000 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit on burdock by WBH. Skylark over or near plot. Kestrel (male) WRR cables.
Amber list: Dunnock shed area. Bullfinch (female) Top Blackthorn and MNW. Stock dove (2) southwards over plot.
BT (2), goldcrest patio shrubs. Buzzard round plot. LTT on WBH rowan. Goldfinch (2) WBH. Robin MSW. Pied wagtail Silver Service plot. Buzzard perched SHO. Red kite across plot. Jackdaw (30+) insect-hawking over or near plot.
Hornet (5+) round main pond. Noon-fly, blowflies on main pond laurels.
[WP (10), stock dove (2) west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, 16C, wind E or NE BF 0-3.
Red list: Marsh tit on burdock near big oak. Common gull E across plot. Skylark SE across plot.
Amber list: WP (juv) ash3 tree. WP main pond trees. Rook (2) E near plot. Kestrel (male) WRR capturing prey on WBH / WRR grazing.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (30+) on grazing WBH / WRR. Robin song shed area. Robin song main pond trees. Red kite across plot. Buzzard round plot. Green woodpecker call Church Lane. LTT (3) ash3 tree. BT (2), GT (2) main pond trees.
Southern hawker (male), common darter (2+), emerald sp (2), Metellina sp, hornet main pond. Araneus quadratus MSW.
[Little egret (2), WP (10) west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly overcast, rain or showers until midday, some sunny intervals later, 15C, wind NE BF 2-5.
Red list: Mistle thrush across plot towards Horseshoe Plantation. House martin heading SE. Common gull (1, 2, 5 etc) across plot.
Amber list: Wren main pond. Rook (160+) heading SE near sunset. Kestrel perched WRR pole.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (3) willow nestbox. BT (2) WBH. Goldcrest (2) ivy hedge. Blackbird alarm main pond laurels. Swallow (4+) over plot. Red kite, buzzard over Church Lane.
Southern hawker, common darter, Metellina sp (5+) main pond.
BHG (5+), LBBG across plot.
No frost, overcast, rain or showers much of the day, 15C, wind NE BF 2-5.
Red list: House martin heading SE.
Red kite Church Lane. Pied wagtail (3) Silver Service and main pond area.
No frost, overcast, rain or showers, 15C, wind E or SE BF 2-4.
Red list: House martin (10+) over WRR / WBH grazing.
Jackdaw (16+) ash3 tree. Robin shed roof. Tit flock (BT, GT) round plot.
No (or very light) frost, sunny intervals at first, overcast later, 14C, wind E or SE BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (10), swallow (1+) over spinney area near dusk.
[At Booton Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for alder control -- peregrine (prob imm) mobbed by carrion crows, mistle thrush (2+), kestrel, buzzard, jay (2+), green woodpecker, house martin (5+), rook (20+), jackdaw (20+), gulls on adjacent arable (150+, BHG, common gull, herring gull, LBBG); muntjac; migrant hawker, spider Araneus quadratus.]
[Yellowhammer (8+) near near PTC at TF902237. Roe deer (3) near PTC TF904240.]
No (or very light) frost, sunny or sunny intervals, calmer, 13C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit big oak and shed area.
Amber list: Wren shed. Wren MSW. Dunnock (2), bullfinch Top Blackthorn.
Red kite main pond area and meadow. Buzzard over WRR. Robin song a) yews; b) Top Blackthorn; c) MNW. Grey heron (2) on grazing WRR / WBH. Swallow main pond area. Jay Horseshoe Plantation. BT (2+), GT, LTT (4+), coal tit rowan by WBH.
[Red kite (4), buzzard over area west of WRR. Little owl call at dusk west of WRR.]
Southern hawker (male) main pond south end (second probably present). Common darter (5+) shed area. Araneus quadratus female in tent MSW. Metellina pairs main pond track, MSW track. Hornet shed area.
No frost, overcast, light rain at first after overnight rain, showers later, blustery, 14C, wind N or NE BF 3-6.
Red list: Common gull (1, 2 etc) over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (6) across plot. Sparrowhawk (male) circling over meadow. WP (1, 2 etc) across plot. Rook over plot.
Red kite (6) Church Lane. GT (4+), BT (6+) patio and yews. GSW into hybrid poplars. Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree. Buzzard (2) over meadow area. Swallow (8+) across plot. [Red kite (2) over Mill Covert.]
No frost, overcast, dry at first after overnight rain, showers or rain later, 17C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Common gull (5+) over plot. House martin (2) southwards. Marsh tit by shed.
Amber list: Dunnock hawthorn MSW. Wren WBH. WP pines.
Robin song a) spinney; b) shed area. Robin in hawthorn MSW. Robin (2) aggro by shed. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Nuthatch big oak. Jay across plot to spinney. BT (4+), GT (2+) shed area. Swallow (8+) over plot. Chaffinch (3) across plot. Jay across plot.
A fight to the death: fierce contest between Metellina males main pond, resulting in death of loser, trussed by victor.
Hornet systematically visiting tops of old herbaceous plants (ragwort, dock etc) apparently searching for orb-spinner spiders. Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus in one of these plants had dropped down to ground but then returned to her usual place in her refuge tent. Araneus quadratus female in tent MSW. Southern hawker (male) patrolling main pond track. Common darter near HH.
Hornets in various other places, e.g. WBH track and MSW.
Grey heorn along Carr Stream. BHG (5+) across plot. [Buzzard, grey heron perched ash tree west of WRR.]
No frost, overcast, dry at first, showers or rain later, 13C, wind SW to SE BF 0-3.
Red list: Common gull (20) SE over plot.
Amber list: Rook southwards over plot. Bullfinch call spinney. Stock dove (2) shed roof. WP main pond trees. Wren alarm MSW, WBH etc. Dunnock pines.
Robin yews and laurel hedge. Jackdaw (10+) big oak and main pond trees. Nuthatch beech. BT (2+), GT (2+) shed area. Chaffinch (2) round plot. GSW Silver Service and ash3 tree. Red kite Church Lane. Blackcap (female / imm), robin MSW hawthorn. Jay (2) main pond trees. Swallow (2) MNE and Carr Stream. Buzzard perched SHO.
[Little egret, buzzard perched west of WRR.]
[Herring gull (adult) near bins Fakenham.]
No frost, overcast, mizzle at first, dry later, 16C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Rook (2) SE over plot. Dunnock shed concrete. WP big oak. Stock dove Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (male) WBH rowan. Mallard (6) northwards over plot.
Robin song shed roof. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Nuthatch big oak. Tit flock (25+, BT, GT, LTT (6+), goldcrest, blackcap, chiffchaff) pines and shed area. Blackbird (8+) MSE under hybrid poplars and in blackthorn patch. Siskin (male) WBH. Chaffinch main pond trees. GSW ash3 tree. Buzzard SHO. Jay scratty hedge. Red kite (2) over Church Lane.
Southern hawker (male) patrolling south end of main pond. Emerald damselfly (species TBD) main pond south end. Probable Araneus quadratus MSW track. Dytiscus sp in MNW pond. Hornet near HH.
Herring gull (3 imm) westwards.
No frost, mainly overcast, 19C, wind E BF 0-3.
Red list: Starling (50+, 5+) heading SW near WRR. Common gull across plot in small numbers. House martin (10+) SW over plot.
Amber list: Dunnock near shed. Wren WBH rowan. Rook (7 + 2) over southwards. Song thrush WBH. WP (2), stock dove ash3 tree. Kestrel (male) WRR cheased by jackdaw.
Robin song shed roof. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Nuthatch big oak. Chiffchaff shed area and MSE. GT (2+), BT (5+) WBH / shed area. Blackbird a) 2 MNE; b) WBH. Chaffinch WBH. Goldfinch (2+) WBH. Goldcrest (2) spinney cypresses. GSW ash3 tree. Jay scratty hedge. Buzzard SHO. [Buzzard west of WRR.]
Common darter (5+) near main pond, 1 or 2 over water. Southern hawker (male), noon fly (2+) on main pond laurels. Unidentified orb-spinner spider by main pond. Migrant hawker near spinney.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. BHG (10) southwards. Greyalg goose (10 + 6) over plot southwards.
No frost, sunny intervals, rain later, 20C, wind E or NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (2+) near WBH.
Amber list: Kestrel circling near MSW / MNW. Rook (2) SW over plot. Dunnock (2) Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch calls Top Blackthorn.
Swallow (4+) round plot. Robin song shed area, laurel hedge. Robin song MSE in poplars. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. BT (2+) shed area. GT MSW. Nuthatch big oak. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Chaffinch (2), BT (2) MNE. Collared dove (4) WRR. Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) perched SHO. Pied wagtail (2) WRR. GSW main pond trees.
Grey heron, little egret along Carr Stream. Herring gull (30+) eastwards over plot.
Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus a) 5+ MSW track; b) hornbeam square. Metellina abundant. Migrant hawker (male, very blue on abdomen) patrolling main pond south end. Probable emerald damselfly main pond south end.
[Gulls (2000+, mainly common gull, BHG, some herring gull) on arable west of WRR south of Mill Covert.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 23C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (2+) near WBH.
Amber list: WP big oak. Kestrel (female) perched dead ash near MSW.
Hobby (prob) northwards over plot. Swallow (4+) round plot. Robin song shed area, laurel hedge. Goldfinch (4) ash3 tree. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. BT (2+) shed area. Nuthatch big oak. Red kite northwards over plot. Buzzard over meadow. Grey heron, little egret along Carr Stream. LTT (2+) WBH. Herring gull eastwards.
Zygiella captured cranefly HH window.
No frost, overcast (cloud off North Sea), 21C, wind E or NE BF 1-3.
Amber list: WP big oak. Kestrel (male) WRR pole.
Robin song shed roof and shed shrubs. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (7+) ash3 tree. Nuthatch shed area.
No frost, overcast (cloud off North Sea), 18C, wind E or NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch call near WRR. House martin (5+) over grazing WBH / WRR.
Amber list: WP big oak. Stock dove shed roof. Wren song main pond laurels. Sparrowhawk (imm male) into spinney across plot.
Swallow (10+) foraging near tops of hybrid poplars MSE. Robin song HH. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. BT (2+) shed area. Nuthatch shed area. Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard over meadow. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Chiffchaff shed roof and pines. LTT (5+) MSW boundary hedge / WBH. GT WBH. Chaffinch main pond trees.
Southern hawker active over main pond. Hornet (5+) near main pond. Garden spider (2) capturing cranefly MSW. Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus a) hornbeam square; b) 2+ MSW track.
No frost, overcast (cloud off North Sea), 20C, wind NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) across plot. House martin with swallows (10+) over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. [Stock dove (8+) west of WRR.] Dunnock (2) patio. Rook (14+) over Horseshoe Plantation and eastwards.
Robin song HH. Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees. Nuthatch spinney. Collared dove (8) WRR. Goldfinch (2) shed area. Blackbird (2+) shed area. Chiffchaff (2) song and call WBH or spinney. Chiffchaff main pond Salix trees. GSW big oak. BT (4+) shed area. Carrion crow across meadow.
Southern hawker (2 males, 1 female) main pond south end and adjacent laurels; one male on usual patrol. Common darter (5+) shed, main pond etc. Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus a) hornbeam square; b) MSW track; c) MSW/ MSE triangle. Metellina pairs in webs main pond track etc.
No frost, overcast at first (cloud off North Sea), sunny intervals later, 18C, wind NE BF 0-3.
Red list: Common gull (10+) northwards. Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: Stock dove spinney. Stock dove out of shed north end. Stock dove (6) west over plot. WP big oak. Reed bunting (3) Top Blackthorn. Song thrush main pond laurels. Dunnock by shed.
Robin song a) spinney or yews; b) main pond laurels area; c) MSE (or Silver Service). Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jay (2) along WBH. BT (4+) yews etc. Nuthatch beech. Collared dove (3) WRR. Goldfinch (5) ash3 tree. Chaffinch (female) main pond trees. Blackbird (5+) main pond laurels and shed area. Chiffchaff call WBH or spinney. Swallow (10+) between WBH and WRR. Buzzard (2) Horseshoe Plantation. GSW main pond trees.
Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus a) hornbeam square; b) track by Top Blackthorn. Metellina (8+) main pond track. Common darter (5+) shed area. Southern hawker male on patrol south end of main pond. Migrant hawker (2) over pines and shed.
Cormorant (6) south over plot. Little egret (3) eastwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 18C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit call WBH or spinney. Common gull a) (5+) southwards; b) 30+ northwards near sunset.
Amber list: Stock dove song near HH. WP meadow.
Hobby (imm) over plot and nearby at least twice, apparently insect-hawking (no attacks on hirundines).
Robin laurel hedge and shed area. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees. Blackbird (3+) shed area. Blackbird (3+) main pond laurels. Jay (2) along WBH. Red kite, buzzard over plot. Swallow (20+) over plot and nearby. Chiffchaff song, call WBH. BHG over plot. GT (2) round shed walls. BT (2+) round plot.
Southern hawker main pond and nearby track. Migrant hawker over shed and pines. Common darter (5+) shed area. Large red underwing by HH.
[Grey heron perched west of WRR.]
Greylag goose (15, then 50+) across plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 20C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (5+), swallow (15+) over grazing west of WBH.
Amber list: Dunnock shed area. Song thrush yews area and pines.
Robin laurel hedge and shed area. Collared dove song HH. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Blackbird shed area.
[Little egret, grey heron perched west of WRR.]
[Brisley -- kestrel (male) perched church tower, dived down to attack passerines. Moorhen (8) on almost dried-up pond. Swallow (5+) round church. Starling (5), rook (40+) in village.]
[PTC -- common gull, kestrel.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 18C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Amber list: Song thrush ash3 tree. WP (ad + juv) shed roof.
Robin song shed roof. Collared dove (3) Silver Service. Jackdaw (6) ash3 tree. Blackbird (5+) ash3 tree and main pond trees.
Rhyssa persuasoria on leylandii logs by shed. Common darter (5+) near shed. Hornet by laurel hedge and at window of BR2. Bombus pascuorum near shed. Auplopus carbonarius with Clubiona sp spider on HH window.
[Grey heron, buzzard perched west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 16C, wind NW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (25+), swallow (2+) over plot and nearby, hassled by hobby (juv). Common gull (10, 20 etc) drifting over plot towards arable west of WRR.
Amber list: WP shed concrete. Dunnock, wren shed concrete. Buzzard (juv) spinney. LBBG eastwards.
Robin song shed roof. Collared dove (3) meadow. Rabbit, grey squirrel by shed. Blackbird (3+) yews.
In laurel hedge durig cutting work -- prob Ectemnius sp, ichneumon, thick-kneed hoverfly etc.
[Little egret west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly overcast, showers, 14C, wind NW BF 1-4.
Amber list: Dunnock shed area. Stock dove display over shed area. Wren song, alarm laurel hedge. Wren inside shed.
Carrion crow NW over plot. Blackbird (4+) yews. GSW spinney. Blackcap yews. Tit flock (BT, GT) yews, main pond trees etc. Goldfinch (2) Silver Service. Buzzard (3) over meadow.
Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus on ragwort plant hornbeam square.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers, 17C, wind W BF 2-4.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls spinney. WP adult + juv ash3 tree. Stock dove shed roof.
Blackcap pines / shed area. Jackdaw (4) big oak. GT, BT shed area. Blackbird (3+) round shed. Robin song yews area. LTT (2+) patio shrubs. Jay (2+) main pond area. Red kite, buzzard over plot.
[Red kite mobbed by jackdaw (2) and carrion crow.]
No frost, overcast, drizzle at times, 15C, wind N or NW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin, swallow (25+ total) NW over plot. Common gull with BHG (65+ total) northwards.
Amber list: Rook (4) NE over plot near sunset. Stock dove (2+) main pond trees. WP on SHO. Dunnock on shed concrete. Bullfinch call shed area.
BT, chiffchaff, blackap MNW. Nuthatch shed area and main pond trees. Robin patio. Jackdaw (16) main pond trees. Buzzard, magpie SHO. Swallow SW over meadow. Blackbird (4) into pines. Carrion crow (2) over plot etc.
Grey heron (2) up from grazing near Carr Stream.
Metellina in various places (hornbeam square, WBH track, etc). Whirlygig beetles (50+ and 50+), large Dytiscus sp (2+), pond skaters MNW pond. Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus MSW track.
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, mainly dry, 21C, wind E or SE BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin, swallow (100+ total) looping high over plot near dusk, perhaps searching for roost site.
[At Upgate Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for meadow-raking -- hobby (2 sightings), sparrowhawk (male, 2+ sightings), kestrel, buzzard, goldfinch (10+), linnet (15+), greenfinch (7+), LTT (7+), swallow (5+), collared dove (4+), chiffchaff; migrant hawker (3+), few white butterflies, peacock, red admiral, spider Trochosa sp (prob).]
[Little owl call near PTC at TF907234. Row deer (3) near PTC TF904240. Common toad rescued off road in Billingford.]
No frost, mainly overcast, humid, 21C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: House martin (25+), swallow (90+) on electricity cables WRR, others in flight, so total prob around 150. Marsh tit yews.
Amber list: WP (2) courtship shed roof. Bullfinch main pond trees.
Jay (2+), magpie (2+), blackcap WBH. Goldfinch WRR. Collared dove song shed area. Grey heron between WBH and WRR. Blackbird (2+) main pond laurels.
Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus hornbeam square and MSE /MSW triangle. Common darter (male) MNW pond.
[Possible greensh*nk call west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly overcast, humid, 21C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Common gull (10, 20, 20 etc) eastwards. House martin over plot.
Amber list: WP main pond trees. Kestrel (male) perched dead ash middle of grazing opposite MSW.
Swallow (10+) over grazing west of WBH. Jackdaw (7+) main pond area. Jackdaw (5+) insect-hawking WRR. Blackcap song, chiffchaff WBH. Robin song spinney.
Migrant hawker over shed concrete. Southern hawker (male), common darter (tandem pair) MNW pond.
[Little egret perched west of WRR.]
No frost, North Sea mizzle to begin with, clearer later, 20C, wind N then E BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (4+) over plot. Marsh tit near shed. Common gull (5+) eastwards (new addition to Red List).
Amber list: Rook NW over plot. Stock dove (2+) big oak etc. Stock dove out of triangular box. WP meadow. WP off nest WBH. Wren Carr Stream opposite Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch call under hybrid poplars.
Treecreeper big oak. GT (4+), BT (4+), coal tit, chiffchaff, nuthatch shed area and yews. Chiffchaff song WBH. Robin (2) aggro shed. Robin MNE. Jackdaw (4+) ash3 tree. Buzzard over plot. Red kite (2+) over plot and nearby. Magpie (2) MNW, Top Blackthorn. Swallow along WBH and over main pond. Blackbird (4+) main pond laurels. Collared dove (3) round plot. Carrion crow (2+) over plot etc. Green woodpecker call Church Lane and Horseshoe Plantation.
Grey heron up from by MSW, across to Wensum.
Metellina hornbeam square. Whirlygig beetles (100+) main pond.
No frost, sunny intervals, then overcast, 18C, wind N BF 0-3.
Red list: House martin (8+) on WRR electricity cables, with swallow (46) and sand martin (1).
Amber list: Stock dove (3) big oak. Dunnock patio. WP big oak. Wren song shed. Mallard (10+) NE near WRR.
Reed warbler main pond south end, insect-catching low down by water level.
Nuthatch (2) weeping willow. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Robin song hornbeam square / shed shrubs. BT, GT WBH. Buzzard WRR pole. Buzzard (2) meadow. Magpie (2) Top Blackthorn. Red kite over WRR.
[Grey heron across A1065 opposite Horseshoe Plantation.]
Southern hawker (male + 1 other) patrolling beat on south end of main pond as before. Metellina hornbeam square. Whirlygig beetles (100+) main pond.
No frost, showers, 19C, wind S or W BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin with swallow (total 45+) Church Lane (over hybrid poplars), WRR, meadow and nearby, mainly 25+ metres up. Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Whitethroat (2 imm) Top Blackthorn, MNW, and MSW. Stock dove ash3 tree. WP big oak.
Blackcap MSW and Top Blackthorn. Jackdaw (6+) big oak. Robin song hornbeam square / shed shrubs. Tit flock (10+, BT, GT) main pond etc. Buzzard begging calls near plot. Goldfinch (4+) WBH. Blackbird (4+) laurels by main pond. Blackbird (6+) Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow (3) main pond area.
Southern hawker (male) by main pond. Noon fly (Mesembrina) MSW. Metellina hornbeam square.
No frost, sunny intervals, then overcast, 24C, wind S BF 1-3.
Amber list: WP big oak. Wren MNE. Stock dove ash3 tree. Bullfinch call yews area.
Nuthatch Silver Service. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Swallow (8+) meadow and plot. Robin song hornbeam square / shed shrubs. BT (2) MSE blackthorn. Buzzard over plot. Buzzard juv begging at adult SHO and Horseshoe Plantation.
Herring gull (5+ imm), BHG over / near plot.
Southern hawker (male) patrolling beat on south end of main pond, mainly 0.5 to 1 metre up from water surface, frequently hovering (overall rather like a kestrel). Hornet MSE. Noon fly (Mesembrina) MSW. Whirlygig beetles (100+) main pond, 50+ MNW pond.
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, 25C, wind E or NE BF 0-3.
Amber list: WP song shed roof.
Nuthatch, collared dove big oak. BT shed. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Swallow (9+) meadow, hybrid poplars etc. Blackbird shed. GSW ash3 tree. Robin hornbeam square / shed shrubs.
[At Woodbastwick with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fen-raking -- marsh harrier (3+), red kite, buzzard, Cetti’s warbler, green sandpiper (up off access road); bladderwort, cowbane, sawsedge; brown and migrant hawkers, emerald and willow emerald damselflies, common darter.]
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, 20C, wind E or NE BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area. Greenfinch call WRR.
Amber list: WP song shed roof. WP (2) courtship ash3 tree. WP Top Blackthorn. Stock dove display main pond trees. Song thrush insect-catching inside shed south end. Wren shed. Rook (5+) SW over plot. Bullfinch call yews area.
Collared dove main pond trees. Collared dove song HH. Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree. Tit flock (BT, GT) patio and shed area. Blackbird (4+) laurels by main pond. Magpie scratty hedge. Chiffchaff a) WBH; b) Top Blackthorn.
Hornet laurel hedge. Dytiscus sp MNW pond.
[Gulls (common gull, herring gull) west of WRR on newly-tilled arable.]
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, 20C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (4+) over South Raynham village.
Amber list: WP (2) ash3 tree. Song thrush alarm laurels by main pond. Sparrowhawk WRR.
Marsh harrier (all-dark, yellow cap) rising from north of Church Lane, circling southwards high over meadow 0900 BST.
Mediterranean gull (“second summer/winter”) eastwards across plot (common gull size, pale, wings with mostly white flight feathers with small black flecks in primary tips, darkish bill).
Red kite (2) over WRR, “play” or aggro. Buzzard over plot.
[Little egret west of WRR.]
Collared dove (2) pines. Collared dove song main pond trees. Jackdaw (3) big oak. Jay WBH. Swallow (5+) meadow and nearby. Blackbird (3+) laurels by main pond. GT main pond trees. Robin on hornbeam near shed. Blackcap alarm WBH. Carrion crow round plot.
Common gull (20+), BHG (10+), herring gull (10+) over plot.
Migrant hawker (2) over shed concrete.
Poplars (especially male trees) noticeably affected by a leaf-rust, largely on the lower branches. Literature (Forest Research note FCIN7) suggests causative organism is probably Melampsora laricis-populina.
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, 22C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: House martin (6+) over A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: WP song shed roof. Bullfinch (female) MNW. [Stock dove (35+) west of WRR.]
Marsh harrier (2, both all-dark, yellow caps) circling up from spinney, high prob left easatwards, some “play” or aggro.
Collared dove song ash3 tree. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Nuthatch big oak. Blackcap, BT, Acro, magpie MNW. Buzzard (2+) round plot, begging etc. Swallow meadow. Blackbird (5+) laurels by main pond. Robin near MSE brash-hedge.
Migrant hawker shed concrete. Southern hawker (male) MSW track. Hornet (2) hawthorn by MSW track.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, 26C, wind S or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: House martin (2+), swallow (12+) over meadow and adjacent grazing. Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Bullfinch (male) WBH. Moorhen call main pond. Wren MSE.
[Peregrine (prob) eastwards (north of Church Lane), distant.]
Reed warbler (prob adult) alarms main pond SE corner. GT, BT patio. Green woodpecker call Church Lane area. Jackdaw (10) SHO. Nuthatch big oak. Chiffchaff, LTT (2), GT, BT WBH. Blackbird (4+) in and round laurels by main pond. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Robin patio.
[Buzzard west of WRR.] Red kite WRR / Church Lane. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Migrant hawker (2+) shed concrete. Common darter (3+) patio area, shed etc. Southern hawker hornbeam square.
No frost, sunny intervals, 25C, wind SW BF 2-5.
Red list: House martin (5+) with swallow (10+) over meadow and adjacent grazing. Marsh tit near A1065 cypresses.
Amber list: WP (2) courtship shed roof. Stock dove (3) shed roof. Kestrel WRR. Sparrowhawk (imm prob female) into WBH. Moorhen call main pond.
Hobby over spinney in late afternoon. Green woodpecker main pond trees. Jackdaw (4), nuthatch big oak. Chiffchaff WBH / MSW. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Blackbird (2+) shed area. Robin song pines.
Buzzard (2), red kite Church Lane. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Common gull (4 + 5), BHG (5) southwards.
Migrant hawker (3+) shed concrete. Common darter (10+) patio area, shed etc. Southern hawker (male) yew hedge. Hornet MSW.
No frost, sunny intervals, 21C, wind SW BF 2-5.
Red list: House martin, swallow (40+) over spinney and WBH area, also north of meadow. Marsh tit Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: WP song HH. Stock dove (2) shed area. Bullfinch (male) patio. Dunnock (2) patio.
Chiffchaff, GT (4+), BT (8+) patio. Chiffchaff WBH. Blackbird shed area. Jackdaw (60+) WRR. Jay spinney. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Magpie (2) MNW. Buzzard meadow.
Migrant hawker (male) perched near hornbeam square. Migrant hawker (2) over shed concrete. Common darter (5+) patio area etc.
No frost, sunny intervals, 20C, wind W or SW BF 2-5.
[At Lolly Moor (Dereham) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fen-raking -- chiffchaff, kestrel, GT, BT, woodpigeon, green woodpecker, LBBG, herring gull, starling (25+), goldfinch (10), swallow (10+), house martin (10+); migrant hawker (many), common darter (many), southern and brown hawkers, common frog and common toad; Succisa pratensis, Juncus, Eupatorium.]
Amber list: WP shed area. Stock dove shed roof.
Collared dove (3) shed area. Jackdaw (4) big oak. Robn (2) aggro round shed. Blackbird (2) aggro on shed roof. Jay ash3 tree.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers or rain from early on until late afternoon, 16C, wind W or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: House martin (20+) with swallow (20+) over meadow and grazing nearby, and cut cereal by Church Lane.
Amber list: WP (2+) shed area. WP song HH roof. Rook (imm) eastwards.
Goldfinch (2) shed area. Collared dove (2) shed area. Robin shed roof. Robin song WBH. GT, BT by Top Blackthorn. Nuthatch big oak / spinney. Blackbird MNW. Blackbird pines. Jackdaw (8) big oak. Magpie scratty hedge. Buzzard SHO.
Common gull southwards.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers, 21C, wind W or SW BF 2-6.
Red list: House martin (8+) with swallow (2+) over meadow and grazing nearby, and cut cereal by Church Lane.
Amber list: Rook (500+) with jackdaw (2000+) over plot and to north. Wren shed. Kestrel (2) on big lime South Raynham church.
[Grey heron by Wensum.] Goldfinch, nuthatch big oak. Blackbird (4+) yews etc. Red kite Wensum / South Raynham church. Tit flock (10+, BT, GT) HH area.
Common gull (2+), herring gull (2+) over plot. Eqgyptian goose (3) Church Lane.
No frost, mainly overcast, blustery, showers from early on, 22C, wind W or SW BF 3-6.
Red list: House martin over plot and nearby. Marsh tit calls spinney.
Amber list: WP (4+) shed area. WP song shed roof.
Goldfinch (2+) with tit flock (GT, BT, coal tit) yews and nearby. Nuthatch big oak / spinney. Blackbird (2) shed. Red kite over WRR. Swallow in lee of spinney. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, 20C, wind W or SW BF 2-5.
Red list: House martin (4+) over HH. Marsh tit calls spinney.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) ash3 tree. WP song big oak. Bullfinch calls WBH. Moorhen MNW pond.
Goldfinch laurel hedge. Jackdaw (50+) WRR. Swallow (2+) MNW and round plot. Buzzard adult SHO with juv in same area. Grey heron WRR area.
Heteropteran bug Himacerus mirmicoides (late instar or adult) on dead burdock. A. mixta shed concrete. Common darter (male, female) in various places round shed area. Xysticus sp washing line post.
No frost, sunny ntervals, blustery, 19C, wind W or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: House martin (5+) over HH.
Amber list: Stock dove shed area. Dunnock (2) shed area. Kestrel (female) north of Carr Stream (scratty hedge etc).
Willow warbler (prob) calls yews.
Nuthatch spinney and big oak. Jackdaw big oak. Grey heron east along Carr Stream. Blackbird (4+) shed. Swallow (4+) round plot. Magpie scratty hedge.
No frost, sunny intervals, hazy sun, 24C, wind W or SW BF 0-3.
Red list: House martin (2+) over plot and nearby.
Amber list: Stock dove display main pond area. WP (4+) shed area, some song.
Reed warbler family calls main pond. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Buzzard (juv) begging round plot, WRR etc. Green woodpecker into spinney from north. Goldfinch laurel hedge. Nuthatch big oak / spinney. Blackbird yews. Chiffchaff pines. Tit flock (10+, BT, GT) pines area.
Spider Mangora acalypha (certain) by track just south of main pond (3865). Migrant hawker (2) over shed concrete. Common darter (female) on shed. Bee Megachile by large rowan. Whirlygig beetles (100+) MNW pond, with pond skaters.
No frost, sunny intervals, 25C.
[At Pensthorpe Nature Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps for ragwort-pulling -- whitethroat (alarm), red kite (2), buzzard (2+), kestrel, osprey (up from lake at east end of site, went off northwards), rooks, jackdaws; migrant hawker, brown hawker, common darter, common blue damselfly, meadow brown; Picris, weld, common centaury, Lotus corniculatus, red bartsia, Knautia arvensis, Malva moschata.]
Red list: House martin (4+) over plot.
Amber list: WP (4+) shed area. Moorhen family calls main pond.
Swallow shed area. Swallow (5+) over plot. Tit flock (20+, BT, GT), nuthatch spinney and big oak area. Blackcap main pond trees.
No frost, sunny intervals, 21C.
Red list: House martin (2+) over plot. Linnet, greenfinch near WBH.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (imm female) perched big oak, then flew low past HH (1-2 metres away from house) and along track towards A1065 ashwoods. Stock dove (2) shed.
Chaffinch (male) WBH and main pond area. Swallow (2) MNW / MSW (along track by alders). Jackdaw (5) big oak. Jackdaw (3+) ash3 tree. Blackcap shed area.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, 22C, wind W BF 1-2.
Red list: House martin (4+) over plot and nearby.
Amber list: Stock dove song, songflight round shed area. Stock dove (3) courtship ash3 tree. WP (2) big oak. Bullfinch shed area. Wren laurel hedge / pines area. Kestrel (female) pestered by magpie (2) scratty hedge and MNW.
Hobby (3, 1 with prey) high over plot from north 0930 BST.
Marsh harrier (all-dark female / imm, yellow cap, yellow legs) circling up over meadow, some apparent display, off northwards.
Willow warbler in poplar planting area with GT. Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Collared dove song round shed. Buzzard meadow. Buzzard (juv) begging round plot, WRR etc. Goldfinch laurel hedge. Magpie scratty hedge. Little egret across plot heading SW. Grey heron (4), carrion crow across meadow.
Cranefly Tipula lateralis (prob) WBH (3565). Fly Graphomya maculata on hogweed (Muscidae, houseflies, 3591). Hoverfly Chrysogaster cemiteriorum on hogweed (possible ID). ‘Noon fly’ Mesembrina meridiana by MSW track (3563, 3564). Migrant hawker over shed concrete. Southern hawker (female) along track by HH. GVW by main pond track (3578). Ruddy darter (male) by WBH track (3548:3555). Common darter (male, female) in various places near HH, tracks etc.
No frost, sunny intervals, 24C.
Red list: House martin (8+) heading SW with swallow (5+).
Blackcap, blackbird in yews.
No frost, 22C.
[Red kite (4) over cut cereal East Raynham. Swallow (20+) Hempton.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 27C.
Red list: House martin (3+) over plot and nearby. Marsh tit shed and pines. Linnet over plot heading SE.
Amber list: Stock dove (3), WP shed area. Mallard (5) west across plot at dusk. Dunnock MNW.
Hobby (3) high over meadow, playing etc.
Acro call MSW.
Jay (2) ash3 tree. Collared dove (4) round plot. Buzzard meadow. Swallow (2+) over plot. Blackcap call a) MNW; b) MSE (near poplar A06). Robin MNE. Blackbird MNW.
Common darter (2+) by yew hedge. Aeshna grandis (prob) laurel hedge / pines. Aeshna mixta (male) MNW.
12/08/2024zebra spider Salticus scenicus on wall of Hillside House 2024-08-12 (3483)
No frost, sunny, very warm, 32C.
Red list: Greenfinch songflighting over WRR. House martin (15) over meadow. Marsh tit shed and pines.
Amber list: Bullfinch (2+) WBH.
Blackbird WBH and MNW. Collared dove (3) round plot and Silver Service. Buzzard round plot.
LBBG (5+) southwards over plot. HG (imm) east, BHG (5+).
Prob ruddy darter (male) MSW; prob ruddy darter (female) track by Top Blackthorn. Common darter (female) by yew hedge. Aeshna cyanea (male) over shed concrete (mostly 0.5 metres up). Aeshna mixta shed area. Hoverfly Volucella inanis west side of plot. Beetle Anthocomus rufus (4+) MSW by track (accepted by irecord). Spider Salticus scenicus on HH walls (see pic). At least 3 ant emergences from concrete or patio (perhaps Lasius niger). Whirlygig beetles (100+) in MNW pond.
No frost, sunny intervals, 25C.
[At Potter’s Fen (Dereham) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fen raking -- chiffchaff call, GSW (2+), woodpigeon, GT, BT (4+), coal tit, robin, buzzard, BHG (overhead), migrant hawker, southern hawker, brown hawker, comon darter, banded demoiselle, large white, newt, common frog; Aquilegia.]
[Stanfield -- roe deer (female + juv).]
No frost, overcast, sunny intervals later, 23C, wind SW or W BF 1-4.
Red list: MISTLE THRUSH (17) on ash3 tree and big rowan near main pond.
Amber list: WP (2) onc shed concrete.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Collared dove (2+) round shed. Buzzard (imm) begging calls big oak and elsewhere. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Nuthatch shed area. Goldfinch laurel hedge. GSW ash3 tree. Magpie Top Blackthorn.
Common gull (2) heading SW.
No frost, showers or drizzle at first, sunny intervals later, 23C, wind W BF 1-4(5).
Red list: House martin (4+) over A1065 ashwoods and South Raynham village. Swift (2) westwards.
Amber list: WP (imm) eating elder berries by shed. WP big oak and WRR. Moorhen family calls main pond. Stock dove (2) ash3 tree.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Blackbird (4) shed area. Collared dove (3) song HH and big oak. Buzzard (imm) begging calls scratty hedge area. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Red kite (2) aggro over meadow. Buzzard across meadow. Green woodpecker call spinney area. Tit flock (10+) main pond trees. Goldfinch laurel hedge area, possible nest. Swallow (2+) over A1065 ashwoods and South Raynham village.
LBBG westwards. Common gull heading NW.
Migrant hawker (3+) shed concrete. Southern hawker (female) a) MSW track; b) main pond track. Common darter patio area. Dock bug Coreus marginatus nymph on burdock by shed.
No frost, sunny intervals, drizzle at times later, 22C, wind W or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush (prob imm) on ash3 tree.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) shed area. WP adult courtship of imm shed roof. Bullfinch shed area. Kestrel call WRR or nearby grazing. Moorhen family calls main pond.
Reed warbler family calls main pond.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Collared dove (2) round shed area. Blackbird patio. Carrion crow (2) across meadow. Magpie spinney cypresses. Jackdaw (30+) foraging on grazing near WRR. Blackcap (2+) yews and shed area. Green woodpecker call spinney.
Larinioides cornutus on nettle on hornbeam square. GK, large white, comma Migrant hawker (3) shed concrete. Common darter (female) patio. Bombus lapidarius, Bombus pascuorum, Bombus lucorum, Tephritis bardanae (prob, many) on burdock etc.
LBBG (2) southwards.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, overcast at times later, 22C, wind SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit with tit flock in big oak. Swift (5+) westwards over plot.
Amber list: WP song, stock dove song shed area. Dunnock by shed.
Reed warbler family calls main pond. Reed warbler foraging in reeds and Salix trees main pond.
Jackdaw (3+) big oak. Collared dove (3) round shed area. Tit flock (10+, GT, BT) shed area, main pond trees. Blackbird (2+) yews.
Larinioides cornutus on nettle on hornbeam square. GK.
Grey heron with cattle on grazing WBH / WRR.
No frost, mainly overcast at first, some sunny intervals, drizzle or light rain in afternoon, 22C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin over plot.
Amber list: WP song, stock dove shed roof. Kestrel hovering over MSW and grazing just outside plot. Dunnock song laurel hedge blackthorn.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Tit flock (8+, GT, BT) main pond trees. GSW main pond area. Blackbird yews. Robin MSE. [Buzzard perched west of WRR.]
Larinioides cornutus on nettle on hornbeam square. GK.
No frost, sunny intervals, overcast later, 25C, wind W BF 1-4.
Amber list: WP song shed roof. Stock dove (2) ash3 tree. Moorhen family calls main pond. Sparrowhawk (imm male) through Top Blackthorn towards MNE.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Magpie WBH etc. Tit flock (8+, GT, BT) shed area. Nuthatch round plot. Carrion crow Top Blackthorn. Buzzard ash3 tree. Blackbird yews.
Aeshna mixta (2) over shed concrete. L. cornutus apparently gone, prob egg sac nearby. GK, comma.
No frost, mainly overcast, sunny intervals later, 21C.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fence and gate repairs and maintenance -- chiffchaff call (3+), bullfinch, GT, robin, deerfly Chrysops relictus; wild mignonette, viper’s bugloss, annual dog’s mercury, scarlet pimpernel on setaside alongside arable by site.]
[Brisley (south of church) -- jackdaws and rooks (150+) on common; plants Plantago coronopus, P. major, hemlock, Picris echioides, ox-eye daisy, Artemisia vulgaris on vergeside by common.]
[Bernard Matthews site Alderford -- LBBG, herring gull (50+) still present.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 22C, wind W or NW BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (3+) heading SW.
Amber list: WP with nest mat into box tree. Stock dove (3) shed roof.
Jackdaw (6+) ash3 tree. Swallow (6+) over meadow and main pond. Buzzard WBH. Magpie (3) scratty hedge. Blackbird (2) shed area. Tit flock main pond trees (8+, GT, BT). Nuthatch big oak. Chiffchaff call Top Blackthorn.
Aeshna mixta (2) over shed concrete. Dytiscus sp in MNW pond, prob D. marginalis (seen quite well). GK, ringlet.
No frost, sunny intervals (some high cloud), 27C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (2+) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: WP (2+) big oak. WP with nest mat into box. WP eating elder berries by shed. Moorhen calls main pond. Dunnock pines. Song thrush across meadow. Stock dove off nest in shed north end.
Swallow (3+) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods. Buzzard perched scratty hedge. Magpie scratty hedge. Blackbird (2) shed area. GT, BT, coal tit spinney cypresses and nearby. Carrion crow (3) into main pond trees. Nuthatch spinney cypresses.
Common gull (30+) over plot.
Aeshna mixta (5+) over grassy / thistly area between main pond and shed (1000). Aeshna mixta (2) over shed concrete. Megachile sp on burdock near shed. Ichneumon (2+ spp) thistles. GK, large white, peacock. Southern hawker main pond. Ant emergences (2, patio, shed concrete).
No frost, sunny intervals, 25C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Linnet song / call WBH near MSW track.
Amber list: WP (2) big oak. WP with nest mat into box or yews. Bullfinch MNW and Top Blackthorn. Stock dove perched on WRR owl box. Moorhen (adult + juv) WBH track. Probably second moorhen family in main pond reeds. Sparrowhawk (imm male) through spinney towards main pond.
Reed warbler family calls main pond.
Swallow (2+) shed area. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn. Magpie (2) scratty hedge. Blackbird (2) shed area. Blackbird (2+) on rowans MNE / MSE. Blackbird by track MSW / MNW. Robin MSE. Greylag goose (3) over plot. GSW along hybrid poplars.
Herring gull (5), LBBG over plot.
Aeshna mixta (5+) over grassy / thistly area between main pond and shed. Aeshna mixta (3+) over shed concrete. Megachile sp on thistles near shed.
No frost, mainly sunny, 25C, wind E BF 1-4.
Red list: HM (2+) over plot and A1065 ashwoods. Linnet (2) perched ash3 tree and weeping willow by main pond.
Amber list: WP (2) round plot.
Swallow (4+) over plot. Goldfinch big oak. Buzzard (imm) over Horseshoe Plantation. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn. Green woodpecker call near plot.
BHG, common gull (imm) eastwards.
Aeshna mixta (3) over shed concrete (am and 1600 onwards).
No frost, mainly sunny, 27C, wind E BF 1-2.
Red list: HM (2+) over plot and A1065 ashwoods. HM over MNW. Linnet song WBH or MSW, prob near sea buckthorns. Marsh tit spinney and rowan near WBH. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER adult on failing ash at Top Blackthorn, possibly a second present also.
Amber list: Sedge warbler (juv) in poplar planting area (tree A10 or A11). Bullfinch (2) MSE to Top Blackthorn. Stock dove round main pond. Moorhen ad / juv calls main pond. Wren MSE.
Reed warbler (2) in tall reeds just north of main pond (MSW / MSE). Reed warbler adult (worn) by track MSE.
Blackbird, robin shed area. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Tit flock (10+, mainly GT, some BT) MSE under hybrid poplars. Robin MSE. Goldfinch Silver Service. Green woodpecker call near plot. Jay round meadow.
Gulls (60+, BHG, common gull) northwards. Common gull (10 + 10) northwards. (imm).
Sawfly Athalia liberta on reed MNE, to be confirmed. Common darter female, prob Ancistrocerus sp on trailer by HH.
No frost, mainly sunny, 26C.
Red list: HM (2+) over plot and A1065 ashwoods. Linnet song WBH and ash3 tree.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) WRR elec pole. Bullfinch calls WBH.
Sand martin (3) SW over plot. Swallow (4+) over plot. Blackbird song shed roof. Blackbird (female) picking up dead ants from shed concrete. Robin shed shrubs. Goldfinch (4+) ash3 tree.
Spider Larinioides cornutus on nettle hornbeam square. Prob Hypositticus pubescens HH walls. Aeshna mixta shed concrete beat. Longhorn beetle by HH.
No frost, sunny intervals, humid, 24C.
Aeshna mixta (2) shed concrete. Banded demoiselle (3+) Top Blackthorn and hornbeam square. Spider Dictyna sp on track MSE.
27/07/2024gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus 2024-07-26 (3823)
No frost, sunny intervals, 23C.
Red list: House martin over MNW.
Amber list: WP (3) courtship shed roof. Stock dove (3) courtship shed roof. Bullfinch (2+) into spinney. Kestrel (male) perched South Raynham church tower.
Marsh harrier (all-dark female / imm, yellow cap) mobbed by red kite over plot and WRR.
Jackdaw (3+), carrion crow ash3 tree.
Alder sawfly Eriocampa ovata on reeds MNW track. Spider Dictyna sp in nettle leaf on track MSE. Ichneumon possibly Pimpla rufipes MSE / MNE by track. Large white MNW track. Broad-bodied chaser (male) by main pond. Southern hawker (female) MSW track. Banded demoiselle (female) MNE.
Plants -- Anthriscus caucalis (prob) MNE track; Festuca gigantea MNE track and MSW track.
26/07/2024ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus 2024-07-26 (3815)
No frost, sunny intervals, 22C.
Red list: Linnet song ash tree 20m west of MNW.
Amber list: Stock dove song near HH. Dunnock song a) Top Blackthorn and MNE; b) shed area. Bullfinch (male) ash3 tree.Bullfinch (2+) WBH, spinney.
Reed warbler family between main pond and shed.
Blackbird patio. Blackbird anting on shed concrete. Blackbird (3+) on big rowan by WBH. Robin patio. Robin MSE. Chiffchaff patio. Chiffchaff MNE. Magpie MNE.
Aethusa cynapium “Fool’s parsley”, Lapsana communis “nipplewort” patio. Soldier beetle Rhagonycha fulva various places round plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 20C.
Red list: House martin (2+) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods. Swift (7+) heading SW.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) ash3 tree. Bullfinch (3+) yews and spinney. WP song HH.
Swallow (15+) over plot and nearby. Blackbird (2+) near HH. Tit flock (15+) shed area. Goldfinch big oak. Collared dove (2) spinney. Robin (ad + juv) patio. Oystercatcher (2) WRR area.
Deerfly Chrysops relictus several about.
[Gulls (150+, BHG, common gull) west of WRR]. Common gull 2 westwards.
No frost, sunny intervals, 23C, wind S BF 1-4.
Red list: HM (2+) over WBH and WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. WP (2) courtship on shed, big oak. Sparrowhawk (female imm) into pines past HH.
Blackbird into prob nest near pines and laurel hedge. Swallow (10+) between WBH and WRR and over plot. Goldfinch song big oak. Goldfinch (8+) round plot. Jackdaw (5+) ash3 tree. GSW big oak and main pond trees. Blackcap shed area and yews. Nuthatch big oak. Red kite (2) over plot. Blackbird male-male aggro on shed roof.
BHG (3), common gull (2) southwards.
[Greenfinch song Holt Road. Swift (4+) Aldi (west end of Norwich Road Fakenham).]
No frost, sunny intervals, odd light showers, 20C, wind NW BF 2-4.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) on shed, big oak, etc, some display. Stock dove song. Moorhen calls main pond. Dunnock song laurel hedge. Bullfinch calls WBH. Kestrel (male) perched hybrid poplars and big oak. Kestrel (female) round main pond. Sparrowhawk (adult male) into pines past HH.
Reed warbler (adult / juv) calls main pond song.
Blackbird (male) on patio. Blackbird into prob nest blacktorns near laurel hedge. Blackbird song near HH. Swallow (5+) between WBH and WRR. Swallow (4+) over shed area. Chiffchaff patio and pines. Goldfinch song near shed. Jackdaw (5) ash3 tree. Tit flock (10+) main pond. Buzzard across meadow.
Big Butterfly Count -- 7 species. Rudd* darter (male, prob) near main pond.
Migrant hawker, common darter (male) over shed concrete.
No frost, sunny intervals, light showers, 20C, wind NW BF 2-4.
Red list: Swift (2+) over WBH and WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) on shed, big oak, etc, some display. Moorhen calls main pond. Bullfinch (male, female) near WBH on rowans.
Reed warbler in small-leaved lime WBH with juvs.
Blackbird song near HH. Swallow (5+) between WBH and WRR. Chiffchaff patio (in sycamore seedlings). Goldfinch song big oak. Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees.
No frost, sunny intervals, humid, 20C.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fence and gate repairs and maintenance -- chiffchaff call, green woodpecker call, red kite, buzzard (2+), brown hawker, deerfly Chrysops relictus.]
[Brisley (south of church) -- swallow (20+) over horse-paddocks.]
No frost, overcast at first with showers or steady rain, 18C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: HM (3+), swift (4+) over WBH and WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove (3), WP (2) shed. Sedge warbler song, songflight from Top Blackthorn SW corner (spindle). Sedge warbler (3 juvs, very recently fledged) MSE (in native black poplar tree A07).
Reed warbler in top of alder MSW / MNW by hawthorn. Reed warbler song MSE.
Sylvia warbler alarm MSE (ditch near tree A06). Swallow (2+) round plot. Blackcap song shed. Blackcap (female) yews. Chiffchaff patio. Red kite Church Lane.
Broad-bodied chaser (male) round shed.
BHG (3) westwards. LBBG (2 + 5) southwards.
Orb-spinner spider Mangora acalypha on web MSE next to track roughly opposite poplar A13. Orb-spinner spider Larinioides cornutus (formerly Araneus cornutus) in head of nettle plant hornbeam square (other plants present include ragwort, Convulus arvensis, Holcus lanatus, other grasses).
No frost, mainly sunny, 30C.
Red list: Swift heading steadily east over plot.
Amber list: Sedge warbler song, songflight from Top Blackthorn SW corner (spindle). Song thrush on A1065 cypress stumps. Bullfinch (female) beech.
Reed warbler song 5m east of hawthorn (MSW / MNW).
Blackbird alarm HH. Nuthatch round plot. Blackcap song yews and shed. BT MNE. GT shed. Blackcap alarm MNE / MSE. Swallow round plot. near WBH. Goldfinch song Silver Service. Buzzard round plot. Red kite (2) over Church Lane, plot and Horseshoe Plantation.
Banded demoiselle (male) main pond.
Orb-spinner spider Mangora acalypha on MSE next to track roughly opposite poplar A13.
Common darter shed area.
[Oystercatcher (3) west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly sunny, 26C.
Red list: HM over plot. Linnet song prob location WBH sea buckthorns; also somewhere over spinney. Marsh tit calls spinney. Greenfinch song big oak. Greenfinch (male, female) round shed area.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched on nestbox perch Top Blackthorn. Sedge warbler song, songflight from Top Blackthorn SW corner (spindle). WP nest a) MSE; b) MNE; c) laurels by main pond. Moorhen (adult + 2 juvs) main pond. Bullfinch calls spinney.
Reed warbler song on poplar A09.
Nuthatch big oak. Swallow (2) meadow. Jackdaw (2) WRR owl box.
Smooth newt (5 cm) in puddle on MSW track.
Migrant hawker along WBH. Banded demoiselles (5+) MNW track. Ringlet, small white, meadow brown.
[Little egret west of WRR.]
No frost, overcast at first with showers or steady rain, 18C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: HM (2+) over plot. Linnet song (prob location in MSW or WBH).
Amber list: Sedge warbler song, songflight from Top Blackthorn SW corner (spindle). Kestrel (male) mobbed buzzard over plot. Kestrel (female) ash3 tree. Moorhen juvs calls main pond. Sparrowhawk (female) over plot.
Reed warbler in Salix trees main pond west edge.
Swallow over plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Hawker sp MSW. Common darter hornbeam square. Ringlet, small white, comma.
No frost, overcast at first with showers or steady rain, 18C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: HM (5) over WBH and WRR. Linnet (3) WRR near owl box, some song.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) in big oak. Stock dove SHO. WP on shed concrete. Moorhen cluck calls main pond. Dunnock patio. Song thrush song spinney.
Reed warbler song a) MNW pond; b) Top Blackthorn NE corner (2 singers). Reed warbler juv calls main pond and in same locations as singers.
Blackbird yews, patio and shed area. Swallow near WBH. Chiffchaff song main pond Salix trees. Goldfinch by HH. Jay scratty hedge. Green woodpecker call (prob in spinney). Jackdaw (4) ash3 tree. BT (3+) MSE.
[Oystercatcher west of WRR.]
BHG (3) westwards. LBBG (2 + 5) southwards.
Whirlygig beetles, pond skaters MNW pond.
No frost, mainly overcast, sunny intervals at times, light drizzle later, 21C, wind SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Linnet song either WBH or WRR.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) ash3 tree, big oak etc, calling. Kestrel (male) attacked prey under big oak. Bullfinch yews. Stock dove (3+) shed roof. WP song big oak etc. WP (2) attempted copulation shed roof. Sedge warbler song spindle on SW edge of Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (female) perched in reeds MNW. Moorhen cluck call with young main pond.
Reed warbler song MNW / MSW 9m east of hawthorn. Reed warbler in Salix trees west side of main pond, also juv calls in reeds.
BT shed. Goldfinch song big oak. Buzzard across plot. Carrion crow (2) ash3 tree. Swallow (2+) over meadow. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses.
[Oystercatcher (2) west of WRR.] Oystercatcher westwards over plot.
Unidentified beetle on burdock leaf by main pond.
No frost, mainly overcast, odd light showers, 19C.
[At Scarning Fen with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fen management work (raking cuttings) -- chiffchaff song, robin, kestrel, buzzard, woodpigeon; fragrant and common spotted orchid, common centaury, bog pimpernel (Anagallis tenella), Juncus spp, Salix repens (prob, the ‘upright form’), common darter, damselfly sp, small white.]
[Near Stanfield -- roe deer (female + 2 fawns) TF932197.]
[PTC -- yellowhammer.]
No frost, mainly overcast, drizzle on and off, 17C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (4+), HM over meadow etc.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) ash3 tree. Stock dove (4 + 1) shed roof and adjacent.
Reed warbler song Top Blackthorn (NE corner). Reed warbler (imm) in Salix trees west side of main pond.
Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation. Swallow over plot.
Whirlygig beetles on main pond (open water area) and MNW pond.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, showers later, 15C, wind N or NW BF 2-4.
Red list: HM (2+) over WRR / WBH etc.
Amber list: Song thrush patio. WP (2) shed roof. Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. Bullfinch calls yews. Kestrel hovering WBH and perched big oak.
Jackdaw (4) ash3 tree. Jackdaw big oak. Blackcap song spinney. Nuthatch big oak. Blackbird song near HH. Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Collared dove (2) spinney and Silver Service. Chiffchaff pines. Buzzard over meadow. Red kite (2) over Church Lane. Green woodpecker into weeping willow. GSW across plot. Goldfinch (2) shed area.
BHG westwards. Herring gull (imm) SE.
No frost, mainly overcast, drizzle on and off, 16C, wind N or NW BF 2-4.
Red list: Swift (20+) heading SW over plot. HM (2+) over WRR / WBH etc. Greenfinch Silver Service. Linnet song WRR.
Amber list: Song thrush song on shed. WP (2) shed roof. Stock dove shed roof.
Jay across plot. Blackbird (female) shed roof. Swallow over plot and Silver Service. Collared dove (2) round plot. Buzzard (3) over meadow.
No frost, sunny intervals, 21C, wind SE BF 1-3.
[Themelthorpe -- Aeshna grandis, A. cyanea, damselfly female, drone-flies, ringlet, GVW.]
[PTC to Whissonsett -- brown hare (7+).]
[Gateley / Broom Green area -- rook (400+), jackdaw (200+) on farm roofs.]
No frost, overcast, rain or showers from early on, 17C, wind S or SE BF 2-4.
Red list: Swift (4) heading SE over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush patio. WP shed roof. Bullfinch calls near HH. Raptor perched big oak. Stock dove past shed.
Reed warbler song a) main pond (near weeping willow); b) MNW.
Jackdaw ash3 tree. Blackcap song spinney. Nuthatch shed area. Blackbird pines. Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Magpie (3) Top Blackthorn.
Oystercatcher over plot from west.
No frost, sunny intervals, 17C, wind S or SE BF 2-4.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) alarms WRR / WBH and ash3 tree. Kestrel (male) mobbing unseen prob raptor on WBH. Kestrel (male) display over Top Blackthorn area. (All this despite failure of pair this year). Song thrush patio. Bullfinch (male, female) round yews and shed. Dunnock under big oak. Wren with faecal sac from shed. WP (2) big oak. Sedge warbler a) adult in poplar planting area; b) song from spindle, SW edge of Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (male) S edge of Top Blackthorn; reed bunting (female) MNW elders.
Reed warbler song main pond (6m from weeping willow). Reed warbler collecting food from hornbeam (near WBH) and feeding at nest on west side of reeds, main pond.
Chiffchaff foraging in patio sycamore seedlings. GT, BT, goldfinch, goldcrest (4+, including juvs) foraging in big oak. Blackcap song yews / hornbeam area and in big oak. Robin big oak. Jackdaw shed area. Collared dove on HH.
Grey heron Carr Stream and meadow.
Many whirlygig beetles in MNW pond, also water boatman and diving beetle. Probable Stellaria alsine on track MSE.
No frost, sunny intervals, showers, 17C.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fence repairs and maintenance -- bullfinch call and song, chiffchaff song; pyramidal and common spotted orchid.]
No frost, heavy showers in morning, 15C.
Red list: Swift over Horseshoe Plantation and meadow.
Amber list: Bullfinch (female) on shed concrete.
Chiffchaff song ash2. Blackcap song spinney. Swallow MNW. Collared dove (2) WRR. Red kite, buzzard over Church Lane and WRR area. [Buzzard, grey heron west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 19C.
[Marsh harrier (dark, yellow cap) near Colkirk TF930274. Barn owl Hindolveston TG040294. Mediterranean gull (2YO) over Hindolveston village TG031293.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 19C.
Red list: Mistle thrush (3) ash3 tree.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) ash3 tree. Sedge warbler SW edge of Top Blackthorn.
Reed warbler song main pond. Swallow WBH / WRR.
[Mistle thrush (4) Syderstone TF833237. Curlew (3), barn owl, red kite, oystercatcher Waterden TF885358. Kestrel (male) with juv North Creake TF854377. Hobby South Creake TF855362.]
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, 17C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (20+) heading SW near or over plot -- early evidence of return migration. Mistle thrush song near plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed roof. Stock dove (2+) display etc round plot. Song thrush patio. Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. Kestrel perched big oak. Sedge warbler songflight SW edge of Top Blackthorn boundary (then on spindle). Moorhen small chick, adult call main pond. WP (2) into pines.
Reed warbler song a) main pond (near weeping willow); b) MNW.
Blackcap song MSW (goat willows). Nuthatch pines. Robin (imm) on tractor in shed. Buzzard across meadow.
Oystercatcher across plot to SW.
[Grey heron west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, 17C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (4) over main pond.
Amber list: Stock dove (2), WP (3+) shed roof. Song thrush a) patio; b) ash3 tree; c) Top Blackthorn (west end). Kestrel round plot. Moorhen alarm main pond. Sedge warbler song Top Blackthorn SW edge. Sedge warbler (adult + juv) Top Blackthorn NE edge or corner. Sedge warbler move MSE. Whitethroat (male) with food MNE.
Reed warbler song a) main pond (west edge); b) MSW near hawthorn; c) MNW pond.
Blackcap song near HH. Chiffchaff song, call MNE (large goat willow). Carrion crow (2) ash3. Tit flock (GT, BT) shed area. Robin patio. Collared dove HH.
Oystercatcher WBH / WRR.
No frost, 19C.
Amber list: Stock dove song, kestrel (male) near HH.
Blackcap song, goldfinch near HH.
No frost, sunny intervals, 17C, wind S or SE BF 2-4.
[At Penthorpe Nature Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps for thistle roguing in one of their grassland plots -- marsh harrier, little egret, oystercatcher, common toad, grass snake, slowworm, house sparrows.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 23C.
Amber list: Sedge warbler a) alarm W edge of Top Blackthorn; b) move MSE. Reed bunting song Top Blackthorn SE corner.
Reed warbler feeding young a) main pond; b) MSW by hawthorn; c) MNW pond.
Broad-bodied chaser main pond. Oystercatcher call over plot.
[Hobby Helhoughton TF868266. Little owl Shereford TF887296. Swallow (4+) insect hawking Toftrees TF897275.]
No frost, sunny intervals at first, mainly overcast later, 19C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (2) over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship ash4 tree. Song thrush shed area. Bullfinch calls yews and spinney. Kestrel (male) captured prey in South Raynham churchyard.
Blackcap song spinney. Coal tit pines. Buzzard (2) over meadow etc.
Blackcap song, nuthatch, song thrush South Raynham churchyard.
BHG westwards.
No frost, sunny intervals, low cloud off North Sea at first, 24C, wind N or NE BF 1-2.
Amber list: Stock dove shed roof. Song thrush song WBH. Song thrush patio. Bullfinch (male) yews, shed shrubs and Silver Service. Kestrel (male) WRR.
Jay hybrid poplars. Blackcap song spinney. Coal tit, nuthatch big oak.
No frost, sunny intervals, 26C.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) round plot, some calling. Song thrush song WBH or big oak. Song thrush patio. Bullfinch call yews and spinney.
Red kite over WRR etc. Blackcap song spinney. Swallow over WRR.
No frost, sunny intervals, 25C.
Red list: House martin over plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) WRR pole etc, possible copulation (late for season). Song thrush patio. Bullfinch WBH, also call yews and spinney blackthorn. Moorhen adult and juv main pond.
Reed warbler (2) feeding young by MNW nest (young not seen). Broad-bodied chaser (male) at MNW pond.
Red kite (2) over WRR / WBH area etc. Jackdaw big oak. Coal tit WBH. Nuthatch (2) big oak.
Oystercatcher (5) kleep-calling over plot, heading SW.
No frost, sunny intervals, 24C.
[At Harper’s Green (Brisley) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for balsam control -- red kite, buzzard, green woodpecker nest in ash tree, linnet song, lesser whitethroat in ivy near farm, chiffchaff song, kestrel, moorhen with chick, mallard (female) with 4 chicks. Azure damselfly (many), banded demoiselle, large red damselfly, broad-bodied chaser (4+), four-spotted chaser (2+), emperor dragonfly (3+, one chasing robin).]
No frost, sunny intervals, 22C.
Amber list: Dunnock song shed shrubs and laurel hedge. Stock dove shed roof. Song thrush song WBH. Song thrush patio, big oak etc.
Jackdaw (2) shed roof. Nuthatch (2) big oak. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Blue tit (2+) big oak.
Red kite Church Lane, WBH, WRR etc.
Grey heron with cattle bewteen WBH and WRR.
No frost, sunny intervals, 23C.
Amber list: Moorhen (adult) call + chick main pond. Song thrush patio. Bullfinch call spinney. Kestrel call hybrid poplars / main pond trees.
Jay hybrid poplars. Chiffchaff song main pond trees.
Main pond -- broad-bodied chaser, azure damselfly (5+), large red damselfly (2+).
No frost, sunny intervals, 20C.
Red list: House martin (2+), swift (2+) over plot, WBH, WRR.
Amber list: Moorhen adult + chick main pond. Bullfinch call spinney. Woodpigeon plot.
Jay prob abandoned. Chiffchaff song main pond trees and ash2. Swallow (6+) over plot. Coal tit pines. BT yews. Blackbird, collared dove round plot.
Red kite over WRR / WBH. Buzzard over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 20C.
Amber list: Bullfinch call yews and patio. Reed bunting (male) into reeds (3mW, 20mN) near central path. Song thrush song a) WBH opposite crabs; b) ash2 tree.
Jackdaw (40+) insect-hawking over general plot area.
Blackcap (male, female) patio. Blackbird song main pond trees east of main pond.
Buzzard over plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Oystercatcher (2) NNE over plot.
Bee orchid (2 more, total now 4) by crabs.
No frost, sunny at first, overcast later, 20C.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls patio area.
Hobb* / RFF across plot westwards.
Main pond -- four-spotted chaser, azure damselfly (7+ pairs), large red damselfly (4+).
BHG over plot. GSW big oak.
[Whissonsett -- marsh harrier (yellow cap, dark, prob imm) over pea field and Horningtoft.]
[Wellingham - South Raynham -- lesser whitethroat song by conservation verge; roe deer, brown hare (3+).]
No frost, mainly sunny, some cloud, 19C.
Amber list: Bullfinch (male) patio.
[At Harper’s Green (Brisley) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for ragwort and balsam control -- red kite (2), buzzard, sparrowhawk (male), linnet song in many places, lesser whitethroat insect-hawking by pond, chiffchaff song, willow warbler song, swift, greenfinch song, moorhen with chick, mallard (3+). Azure damselfly (many), large red damselfly, broad-bodied chaser.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 15C.
Red list: Swift over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush a) patio; b) shed. Stock dove big oak. Wren song near HH.
Swallow, collared dove (2) shed and Silver Service. Blackcap song, chaffinch song near HH.
No frost, sunny intervals, 18C.
Amber list: Woodpigoen (4+) on shed concrete. Reed bunting song Top Blackthorn.
Reed warbler (2) feeding at MNW nest (nest not seen), some song.
Chaffinch song, chiffchaff MNE. Swallow shed area.GSW across to Silver Service. Chiffchaff song a) main pond trees; b) Top Blackthorn. BT patio. Blackcap patio. Buzzard scratty hedge.
Broad-bodied chaser (male) main pond. Prob Heliophilus trivittatus on ground elder by laurel hedge.
Bee orchid (2) by crabs.
[Lesser whitethroat song scrub SW of Wensum Pools. Near Norman’s Burrow Wood -- roe deer (female), red deer (female). Roe deer Stanfield (north end). Crossbill Gressenhall churchyard.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 15C.
Red list: Swift over meadow.
Amber list: Woodpigeon (2) A1065 cypresses. Woodpigeon (2) Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR. Reed bunting song Top Blackthorn. Wren song MSW (by track).
Reed warbler (2) feeding at MNW nest (nest not seen), some song.
Collared dove (2) HH. Blackbird (male) ash3 tree. Blackcap song main pond trees. GSW (2) Silver Service to spinney. Jay in pines. Red kite Church Lane and WRR. Swallow WBH / WRR.
Bee orchid by crabs.
Buzzard carrying juv jackdaw (prob) from Church Lane / WRR junction towards SHO, mobbed by jackdaws and carrion crow.
No frost, sunny intervals, 13C.
Amber list: Song thrush patio. Stock dove song shed roof.
Collared dove (2) HH.
No frost, showers / rain at first, sunny intervals in late afternoon, 13C, wind N or NW BF 2-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed roof. Song thrush song spinney. Sedge warbler song a) Top Blackthorn, near kestr*l box; b) MNW between Top Blackthorn and hawthorn (simreg). Wren song MSE.
Robin song MSE blackthorn. Blackcap song main pond trees. Goldfinch (4+) round shed area. Jay pines (short P. nigra). Chiffchaff alarms meadow east edge.
Jackdaw pullus about to fledge willow box. Jackdaw mobbed buzzard over Silver Service and nearby.
No frost, sunny at first, cloudy later, 15C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Amber list: Stock dove song shed roof. WP (3+) shed concrete. Song thrush song spinney. Bullfinch (male) on patio slabs.
Robin patio. Blackcap song spinney. Chaffinch song spinney. Blackbird song near HH at sunrise.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw left willow box.
[At Buxton Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fencing repairs -- swift, linnet song, chiffchaff song, willow warbler song, green woodpecker, sparrowhawk; southern marsh orchid (4+), common spotted orchid (2+), heath bedstraw, lousewort, ?Juncus bufonius, ?J. squarrosus, Ranunculus flammula.]
[Whissonsett / Honringtoft -- linnet (2). PTC -- skylark song (2+), brown hare (2), yellowhammer.]
No frost, cloudy at first, sunny intervals later, 17C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (15+), HM (2+) over meadow and WRR, in cloud and light drizzle.
Amber list: Stock dove shed roof. Song thrush song spinney. Kestrel (male) circling / hovering over spinney, stooped into Silver Service plot. Reed bunting (male) edge of Top Blackthorn and MNE. Dunnock Top Blackthorn to MSE. Moorhen (juv) call main pond.
Reed warbler song main pond west side.
Goldfinch song by HH and laurel hedge. Robin patio. Robin (juv) on MSE track. Chiffchaff song + alarm MNE. GSW across plot. Blackcap song main pond trees. GT with juvs main pond trees. Red kite over Horseshoe Plantation. Buzzard (2) over Church Lane area. Jay near main pond. Swallow over main pond and Silver Service plot. Blackcap song Top Blackthorn. Goldcrest pines.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw left willow box.
Herring gull (adult westwards over A1065 ashwoods. Grey heron grazing between WRR and WBH.
07/06/2024Pyrachroa serraticornis (red-headed cardinal beetle) 2024-06-07 (3671)
No frost, sunny at first, cloudy later, 17C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (2) over meadow. Greenfinch out of pines, went west towards WRR. HM (2+) Church Lane.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed roof, some courtship. WP (3+) courtship A1065 cypresses. Song thrush patio. Wren by shed. Sparrowhawk (male) along Church Lane, mobbed by swallow and house martins. Wren song MSE. Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Sedge warbler song between new pond and MNW track. Bullfinch (male) patio. Moorhen call main pond.
Reed warbler song (2) MNW by new pond (east side and south side, simreg).
Collared dove (2) spinney to Silver Service. Goldfinch (5) over shed and HH. Goldfinch (8+) main pond trees. Coal tit (2) provisioning flights pines to big oak and back. Chiffchaff song and alarms MNE. Robin song yews area. Chaffinch song MSE / hybrid poplars. Chaffinch female under hybrid poplars. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses etc. GSW Silver Service to spinney.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak, chick prob still being fed. Jackdaw (2) at willow box. Jackdaw (2) ash3 box. Jackdaw (15+) mobbing buzzard spinney area.
Chrysopilus cristatus (black snipe-fly female), Eristalis pertinax records accepted by irecord.
Several other insect records, awaiting confirmation by experts: Pyrachroa serraticornis (cardinal beetle) on ground elder flowers by laurel hedge; Xylota segnis, (2 Syrphidae / hoverflies); Nigrotipula nigra (Tipulidae); Panorpa communis (scorpion fly).
07/06/2024Eristalis pertinax (early drone-fly) 2024-06-07 (3673)
No frost, sunny intervals, odd light showers, 15C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Linnet song Top Blackthorn ash. Marsh tit call WBH (near rowans).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed roof. WP courtship ash3 tree. WP shed roof. Mallard over meadow area. Song thrush near HH. Sedge warbler song MNW ‘new’ pond. Sedge warbler perched reeds and spindle near Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR. Wren (2) big oak area. Moorhen juv (still some down) main pond.
Blackbird song near HH. Blackbird (male) shed and yews. Buzzard display over meadow area. Collared dove (2) spinney to Silver Service. Goldfinch (2) song Top Blackthorn. Red kite over WRR area.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak; oak box chick at box entrance. Jackdaw (2) at willow box.
Weevil Phyllobius pomaceus on nettle under big oak. Libellula depressa a) male on reeds main pond south end; b) female over thistles / nettles between shed and main pond. Volucella pellucens (5+), Volucella bombylans (10+) ground elder etc along laurel hedge.
Fox scat MSW track.
Grey heron SW over plot. Herring gull (imm) westwards near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, odd light showers, 15C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush spinney northwards. Mistle thrush song WRR / Church Lane junction. Swift (4 + 1 etc) over plot. Linnet song a) MNW dogrose; b) WBH opposite rowans (simreg). Cuckoo song near plot. Cuckoo (2) main pond trees (perhaps aggro / courtship) then off towards Horseshoe Plantation. HM over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove song big oak. WP shed roof etc. Mallard (2) over meadow area. Song thrush song big oak. Sparrowhawk (male) Wensum to Church Lane.
Blackbird song near HH. Carrion crow (3+) mobbed buzzard over meadow area. Collared dove (2) spinney to Silver Service. Swallow over WBH / WRR grazing. Coal tit pines. GT main pond trees. Chiffchaff song main pond trees and laurels. Blackbird (male, female) near shed. Chaffinch song spinney. Goldfinch song main pond trees, big oak etc. Postfledging flocks of GT, BT round plot.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw pullus in entrance of oak box. Jackdaw chick from shed north end died after being abandoned.
Markedly more invertebrates visible in ‘new’ pond (MNW) than in main pond, especially water boatmen, also snails.
LBBG (2YO), common gull southwards near plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers later, 19C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush perched Top Blackthorn. Mistle thrush song near Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Stock dove on shed roof. Stock dove (2) display shed area. WP shed roof. [Kestrel hovering west of WRR.] Mallard (4) over meadow area.
Reed warbler song main pond (middle of reed strip). Reed warbler collecting reed heads (nest mat) west edge near Salix trees.
Carrion crow main pond trees. Collared dove spinney to Silver Service. Swallow over main pond. Coal tit big oak and pines. GT main pond trees. Blackbird (male) WBH. Blackbird (female) main pond trees. Jay pines to Silver Service. Magpie near A1065. Chaffinch song A1065 ashwoods opposite plot. Pied wagtail (2) transit between Silver Service and WRR area (prob nest on SS plot). Goldfinch song big oak.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw pullus in entrance of oak box.
Volucella pellucens on ground elder flowers near laurel hedge. Azure damselfly (4+) males main pond. Many wolf spider females with broods near main pond.
03/06/2024Green nettle weevil Phyllobius pomaceus on nettles Hillside House 2024-06-03 (3513)
No frost, sunny intervals, calmer, dry, 14C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Cuckoo song ash3 tree (tail-wagging). HM (4+), swift (2+) over plot and Silver Service plot.
Amber list: [Kestrel (male) perched dead ash west of WRR.] Song thrush patio. Bullfinch (male) patio. Stock dove (3) on shed concrete. WP (2) shed roof. Sedge warbler song (brief) in open blackthorn scrub near poplar A07.
Reed warbler (2+) chase SW edge of main pond (aggro / courtship). Reed warbler song a) west edge main pond; b) middle of main pond; c) Top Blackthorn (near track); 3+ singers.
Blackcap song spinney. Chiffchaff song MNE. Jay (2) pines and weeping willow. Carrion crow (3) main pond trees. Goldfinch with nest mat patio, taken towards A1065. Collared dove (2) spinney to Silver Service. Swallow WRR. GSW across shed area (transit between Silver Service and spinney). Oystercatcher call over plot.
Jackdaw (20+) commotion round beech / A1065 cypresses, caused by buzzard. Jackdaw chick in shed north, may have been abandoned.
Inverts -- Volucella pellucens (3+), Volucella bombylans (2+), Macrophya montana (sawfly) on ground elder flowers near laurel hedge. Weevil Phyllobius pomaceus on netttles. Metallic green beetle Oedemera nobilis (many) on ground elder, red campion etc, males with thickened femur. Click beetle (5+). Soldier beetle Cantharis rustica on grass etc. laurels near main pond. Main pond -- Libellula depressa broad-bodied chaser (south end and adjacent).
03/06/2024Hoverfly Volucella pellucens Hillside House 2024-06-03 (3509)
03/06/2024sawfly Macrophya montana on ground elder flowers Hillside House 2024-06-03 (3558)
02/06/2024azure damselfly Coenagrion puella Hillside House pond 2024-06-02 (3458)
No frost, sunny intervals, calmer, dry, 14C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit call WBH.
Amber list: Song thrush spinney. Song thrush with food into yews (prb nest). Wren song laurel hedge (opposite HH). Dunnock song laurel hedge (opposite shed). Stock dove shed roof. Reed bunting (male) Top Blackthorn. Sedge warbler MSE/MNE 15m east of central path. WP WBH opposite crabs.
Reed warbler (2) chase SW edge of main pond (aggro / courtship).
Blackcap song spinney. Chiffchaff foraging patio. Goldfinch (2) song big oak. Collared dove across to Silver Service. Swallow over plot and Silver Service. GSW (2) across shed area (transit between Silver Service and spinney). Pied wagtail shed roof and Silver Service. Carrion crow into spinney. Goldcrest (2) Chaffinch song spinney near A1065. Blackbird song Silver Service spruce. Chiffchaff song ash2 tree. Robin song hornbeam square. LTT (2) MSE and Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
Inverts -- Ammophila hirsuta (prob) on laurels near main pond. Libellula quadrimaculata four spotted chaser on main pond (south end). Small bibionid fly (20+) cluster round ash4.
02/06/2024large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula near Hillside House pond 2024-06-02 (3493)
No frost, overcast at first, sunny intervals later, blustery, 14C, wind N BF 2-5.
Red list: Marsh tit pines.
Amber list: Song thrush A1065 cypress stumps and patio. Song thrush WBH and main pond trees. Stock dove (2) big oak / shed. WP ash2 tree. WP Top Blackthorn. Sparrowhawk (male) over plot. Moorhen (adult + juv) call main pond.
Collared dove (2) HH and spinney. Carrion crow near HH. Tit flock (GT, BT) A1065 cypress stumps, patio etc. Robin patio. Blackbird (male) shed and yews. Blackbird song WBH opposite rowans. Goldfinch (2) laurel hedge and pines. Chiffchaff song spinney. Magpie A1065 cypress stumps. Rabbit near shed. Buzzard across plot into spinney. Pied wagtail across shed area. Blackcap song pines and main pond trees (west side). Chiffchaff song main pond trees (west side).
Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Jackdaw (2) at ash3 box. Jackdaw (3) at willow box.
Azure damselfly (2+ males) main pond.
No frost, overcast, blustery, heavy showers in morning, 13C, wind N BF 2-5.
Red list: Swift over plot.
Amber list: WP (2) Top Blackthorn. Song thrush A1065 cypress stumps. Song thrush song prob spinney cypresses. Dunnock song prob yews. Bullfinch (2) spinney towards Silver Service. Mallard (3) over main pond. Wren (adult + 2 juvs) by shed.
Reed warbler song MSW alders (just north of hawthorn).
Blackcap song spinney. Blackbird (male-male) aggro round laurel hedge. Collared dove HH and spinney. GSW across shed area (transit between spinney and Silver Service). Carrion crow near Top Blackthorn. GT near shed blackthorn. (Peacock (2) round plot.) Rabbit (2) near shed.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
Red kite over WRR area.
BHG northwards over plot. Cormorant northwards over plot.
No frost, overcast and blustery later, heavy showers in afternoon, 14C, wind N or NW BF 1-4.
Amber list: WP A1065 cypress stumps. Stock dove shed roof. Song thrush (prob song) Top Blackthorn. A1065 cypress stumps. Song thrush (2) patio. Reed bunting song MNW (edge of Top Blackthorn).
Blackcap song spinney. Chiffchaff song, goldfinch (2) MNW (alders). Acro call in MNW (alders). Red kite, buzzard (2) over plot. GSW across shed area. Goldcrest (prob) into spinney cypresses. Jay (2) near pines. Fox on WBH (in afternoon), also scat MSW. Roe deer (male, prob in velvet) by patio eating sycamore leaves. (Peacock (2) round plot.) Rabbit (2) near shed.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box and in shed.
No frost, mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, odd light showers, 18C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (2+) over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. WP (2) A1065 cypress stumps. WP shed roof. Song thrush A1065 cypress stumps. Moorhen call main pond. Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked passerine in ash2 tree (missed).
Blackcap song a) spinney; b) MSW / WBH (simreg). Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Blackbird alarm A1065 cypress stumps. Jay main pond trees. Buzzard over plot. Swallow over plot area. (Peacock (2) round plot.) Rabbit (2) near shed.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box, willow, ash3.
Grey heron eastwards along Carr Stream.
BHG (2) southwards near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, heavy showers at times, 16C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song hybrid poplars or nearby. Mistle thrush song Top Blackthorn. Swift (4+) over plot in drizzle. HM (2+) over A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) courtship shed roof. WP (2) courtship main pond trees. Song thrush on patio. Song thrush song WBH near yew hedge. Moorhen call main pond. Bullfinch across from spinney towards Silver Service. Kestrel (male) perched ash3 tree. Dunnock song WBH (opp rowans). Wren alarm pines.
Red kite Church Lane. Blackcap song spinney. Reed warbler song main pond (brief). GSW across plot towards spinney. Goldfinch big oak. BT (4+) shed shrubs. Chiffchaff song MNE. Blackbird song Silver Service beech. Jay weeping willow. Buzzard over plot. Swallow (2) perched WRR. Swallow over plot.
Jackdaw brood at oak box near fledging. Also jackdaw brood in spinney cypresses.
Grey heron (3) westwards along Carr Stream.
Common gull (4) northwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, also heavy rain / showers at times, 16C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift (2) over meadow, plot, etc. HM (2) over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush patio. WP WRR. WP (2+) round plot. Bullfinch (2) into spinney. Stock dove (3) shed roof. Malllard (male, female) round main pond. Dunnock patio. Reed bunting (male) MSW near hawthorn.
Swallow over main pond and shed area. Robin patio. Blackbird (male) into laurel hedge near camelia. Blackbird (male, female) patio. Collared dove A1065 cypresses. Blackcap song spinney. Green woodpecker call on / near plot. GSW into spinney. Chaffinch spinney. Goldfinch big oak. GT (2 adult + 5 juvs) MSE. Buzzard over plot. Chiffchaff song a) ash2 tree; b) Top Blackthorn (simreg). Jay mobbed by blackbird near pines.
Azure damselfly, large red damselfly main pond.
No frost, some sunny intervals but also heavy rain / showers at times, 19C, wind NW BF 0-2.
Red list: Linnet (2) on shrubs MNW. Swift over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush on A1065 cypress stumps. Reed bunting (male) a) MSW (5m E of hawthorn); b) Top Blackthorn.
Swallow (3) over main pond and shed area. Red kite perched ash3 tree.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for bracken control -- red kite, buzzard, green woodpecker call, garden warbler song, blackcap song (2+), chiffchaff song, song thrush song, woodpigeon, moorhen with chicks (3+) on nest. Azure damselfly, hawker.]
[Brisley -- whitethroat song on common. Near PTC -- chaffinch (3+).]
No frost, overcast from early on, rain / showers later, 13C, wind N BF 0-2.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) a) ash3 tree; b) Silver Service spruce (simreg). Greenfinch (male) big oak. Swift over meadow etc. Cuckoo song near plot (0600 approx).
Amber list: WP (2+) shed area. Stock dove shed roof. Wren patio. Wren shed concrete and shed. Bullfinch call spinney area.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Jackdaw at a) beech, b) ash3 tree, c) willow stump.
Blackbird into laurel hedge (near camelia). Chaffinch song spinney. Goldfinch big oak. Collared dove HH.
Greylag goose (3) northwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, mainly dry, 17C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch songflight over main pond area. Swift over Silver Service plot.
Amber list: WP A1065 cypress area. WP (6+) on ash near MNW (outside plot). WP (2) Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting a) (male, female) (5mW, 25mN) of central path; b) female 5m SE of hawthorn. Moorhen call main pond. Wren song MSW. Mallard (male, female) round main pond. Stock dove adult fed juv on shed roof.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box (2+ also present). Jackdaw ‘skarrr’ calls.
Reed warbler (3+) main pond, some song, some aggro.
Blackcap song spinney. Blackbird into laurel hedge (near camelia). Chaffinch song spinney. Chiffchaff song Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (2) ash3 tree. GT main pond trees. Green woodpecker near Horseshoe Cottage. Jay (2) in and near pines. Buzzard over meadow. Red kite (2) over Church Lane.
Four-spotted chaser Libellula quadrimaculata (2+) on main pond open water areas. Azure damselfly Coenagrion puella (10+ tandem pairs) same area. These species have almost certainly benefitted from the digger work last autumn. Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula (5+) round main pond. Also Bombus pratorum on patio, red campion patch near shed, and laurel hedge near main pond. Other Bombus including hypnorum and lucorum.
Greylag goose (2) southwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, mainly dry, odd sunny intervals, 15C, wind W or SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Swift over grazing between WRR and WBH, also meadow etc.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) mobbed red kite (2) over Top Blackthorn. Wren shed. WP (2) courtship A1065 cypress area. Stock dove (2) courtship on shed roof. Stock dove (juv) on shed roof.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box (2 on top of box at same time).
H*bby / RFF fast across main pond area.
Blackcap song spinney. Jay mobbed by blackbird (male) by laurel hedge. Pied wagtail (2) by Silver Service workshop. Blackbird into laurel hedge (near camelia). Green woodpecker (female) on shed concrete and nearby. BT (2) feeding at ash3 tree nest. Swallow foraging over WBH / WRR grazing. Collared dove (2) round main pond. Buzzard over meadow etc. GSW (2) aggro round big oak. Grey heron Carr Stream and west of WRR. Chiffchaff song main pond trees.
No frost, overcast, showers / rain, 16C, wind W or NW BF 1-3.
Red list: Swift, HM (2) over meadow.
Amber list: WP round shed. Stock dove (2) courtship on shed roof.
Jackdaw feeding at ash3 tree. Jackdaw feeding at shed nest.
Treecreeper on big oak (in rain). Jay on weeping willow and pines. Blackbird song near HH. Green woodpecker on ash3 tree then spinney. GT MSE. GT patio. BT feeding at ash3 tree nest. GT prob feeding at goat willow box. Collared dove into spinney. Collared dove (3) houses at WRR / Church Lane junction.
No frost, overcast, showers / rain later, 17C, wind N or NE BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song, prob in big ash on scratty hedge. House martin (3+), swift (3+) over A1065 ashwoods. Swift (3+) over meadow. Greenfinch over Silver Service. Greenfinch song ash2 tree.
Amber list: Stock dove (5 adults + fledged juv) on shed roof and shed concrete. WP shed area. Reed bunting (male, female) into reeds near hawthorn, MSW. Song thrush song main pond trees. Dunnock across to Top Blackthorn from ash2 tree. New wren nest inside shed (middle section).
Jackdaw patio. Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch (2) round main pond. BT feeding at ash3 tree nest. Swallow (2) over WBH / WRR grazing. Pied wagtail on Silver Service workshop roof. Buzzard (3+) over Church Lane.
No frost, mainly overcast, sunny intervals later, dry, 15C, wind N or NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song, prob scratty hedge. Swift Church Lane. Linnet (2) on ash3 tree then Top Blackthorn. Greenfinch (male) song Silver Service beech.
Amber list: Stock dove fledged juv on shed concrete. WP shed area. Sedge warbler song, songflight central path close to Top Blackthorn. Moorhen along track by WBH. Song thrush song WBH opposite main pond. Kestrel (male) over meadow. Moorhen juv call main pond. Song thrush song WBH opposite crabs. Song thrush into yews (poss nest). Wren song shed area and shed roof. Mallard (4 males) westwards over plot.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Jackdaw feeding at ash3 tree box.
BT foraging HH windows. Jay (2, poss courtship feeding) weeping willow and pines. Swallow (2) in and out of shed southern end. Reed warbler immediately south of Top Blackthorn (SW corner). Buzzard (2+) over meadow. Collared dove WRR. BT pair feeding natural site ash3 tree. GT feeding prob goat willow box by main pond. Chiffchaff song ash2 tree then pines (moved). Blackbird (male) into laurel hedge near Camelia. Goldfinch (2) Top Blackthorn. LTT (2+) big oak area. Goldcrest pines. Pied wagtail on Silver Service workshop roof. Hornet by shed.
[Grey heron west of WRR.] LBBG (adult) eastwards. Common gull (2 1YO) northwards.
No frost, overcast, mist at first, dry, 17C, wind N BF 1-3.
[At Broadland Country Park (Houghen) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for bracken control -- buzzard (3+), sparrowhawk with prey, kestrel (male), red kite (2, display or aggro), garden warbler (3 or 4 singers), willow warbler (3 or 4 singers), chiffchaff song, LBBG, carrion crow (3+), cuckoo song, green woodpecker call, other species; norfolk hawker, chasers (4-spot, broad-bodied), damselflies (azure, common blue, large red), Xysticus sp (prob ulmi), Tetragnatha sp, painted lady, peacock, holly blue; common lizard. Cotton-grass.]
Amber list: Stock dove juv on shed roof.
[Brisley -- swallow (3+) near Bell, linnet song low hedge on common.]
[Whissonsett /Horningtoft road -- linnet (10+). Buzzard (2) near Pear Tree Corner. Kestrel near NBW.]
[Lyng area -- prob hobby.]
[Lenwade -- LBBG (15+) on roofs.]
No frost, overcast, mist at first, dry, 17C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song, prob scratty hedge. Greenfinch (2 males) songflight / aggro over Silver Service and plot. Linnet (3+) MNW and Top Blackthorn (mainly west end). Poss spotted flycatch*r near A1065.
Amber list: WP into laurel hedge opposite shed. WP (2) WRR. Stock dove out of shed north end. Stock dove (2 adults + juv; ad fed juv) shed roof. Song thrush yews and pines (moved). Song thrush patio. Song thrush main pond area. Dunnock shed area. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR / WBH area. Sedge warbler song (from spindle) central path immediately south of Top Blackthorn. Moorhen adult + chick main pond. Bullfinch calls spinney blackthorn. Reed bunting (female) Top Blackthorn (west end). Wren song spinney. Wren song WBH.
Jackdaw out of shed nest (1 or 2 pulli). Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
Unidentified falcon (h*bby / RFF) fast across main pond area.
Blackcap song Silver Service plot / MSE. BT feeding at A1065 cypress stump box. Blackbird (male) ash2 tree. Chaffinch song Silver Service and spinney (moved). Jay in pines. Buzzard (2) over plot. BT feeding at A1065 box; foraging HH windows. Robin song Silver Service. Collared dove ash3 tree.
Rabbit (2 juvs) by shed.
Blue damselfly tandem pairs main pond. Muntjac barking near main pond.
[Grey heron west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, 18C, wind variable direction BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song ash3 tree. Swift (2) over plot. HM (2) over Church Lane area. Cuckoo song Horseshoe Plantation area.
Amber list: WP (3) WRR. Stock dove (3) shed roof. Song thrush under A1065 cypress stumps. Dunnock song shed area. Sedge warbler song a) dogrose next to meadow central path (song flight); b) MSW 25m west of path; c) MNW (songflight) prob 3 singers. Bullfinch (male) ash3 tree.
Jackdaw (2) shed roof.
Blackcap song spinney. BT (2) feeding at A1065 cypress stump box. Jay pines.
Pheasant (male, female, 2+ small juvs) MSE.
Fox scat on MSE track.
No frost, overcast, steady rain from early on, 15C, wind N, then W then S BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane or scratty hedge. Swift (6+) over Horseshoe Plantation, meadow etc. Cuckoo song Horseshoe Plantation, Norman’s Burrow Wood (prob) and Wensum 1930 BST.
Amber list: WP song shed roof. Song thrush patio. Song thrush song WBH. Stock dove (2) shed roof, courtship, attempted copulation. Stock dove prospecting shed south end. Wren shed roof. Bullfinch (2) near rowans by main pond. Sedge warbler song just west of central path.
Jackdaw ash2 tree.
Reed warbler main pond west edge. Reed warbler song a) MSW (near goat willows); MSW 20m north of goat willows (prob 2 singers).
Treecreeper foraging on underside of moss-covered branches big oak, some slight downward movements. Blackcap song spinney. LTT near big oak. Blackbird (male) shed roof and into laurel hedge. Chiffchaff song a) Top Blackthorn; b) WBH.
No frost, overcast, steady rain from early on, drier later, 15C, wind E or SE BF 0-1.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane or scratty hedge. Swift (3) over hybrid poplars. Greenfinch call Silver Service plot (near beech trees).
Amber list: WP shed concrete, big oak. Song thrush patio. Song thrush song WBH opposite crabs. Kestrel (male) WRR pole. Rook (2) southwards over HH. Dunnock call shed shrubs. Moorhen call main pond. Whitethroat song MNW (maples / elders). Whitethroat songflight Top Blackthorn (east end). Sedge warbler song near midline path. Stock dove song big oak. Bullfinch (male) Top Blackthorn and MNE.
Jackdaw arriving beech (prob). Jackdaw “skarrr” calls big oak.
Reed warbler song (strong) in thick tall reed next to MNW ‘new’ pond, showing well.
Chaffinch song spinney blackthorn or nearby. Chaffinch (male) in big oak. Blackbird song near HH. Red kite Church Lane. GT big oak etc, prob nest in pines. Collared dove ash3 tree. Chiffchaff song, blackcap song Top Blackthorn. Blackcap song MSE (sim reg). Blackcap song spinney (prob 3 singers in total). LTT (2) Top Blackthorn. Robin patio. Buzzard over Church Lane and meadow. Green woodpecker scratty hedge area.
Oystercatcher alarms over HH heading north.
Hoverflies, calliophorid flies, Andrena sp. bee, blue damselfly, large red damselflt on laurel by main pond.
[Hempton Common -- garden warbler song (northern part), whitethroat song.]
[Fakenham near water tower -- oystercatcher alarms, mobbed red kite.]
[Rook nests north and south of Holt Road.]
No frost, overcast, drizzle from early, 17C, wind S or SE BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch call near HH.
Amber list: WP Top Blackthorn. Wren shed. Rook (adult) heading SSW over plot. Kestrel near MNW / Church Lane. Bullfinch WBH sea buckthorns. Sedge warbler song a) MSE (3m E, 20m N); b) MSW (12m W, 15m N). Whitethroat song WRR hedge (above owl box). Song thrush WBH / MSW ditch. Song thrush HH / Silver Service. Moorhen call main pond. Kestrel (male) perched Church Lane pole. Bullfinch into spinney blackthorn from east.
Jackdaw ash3 tree.
Reed warbler (2, 1+ juv?) main pond west edge. Reed warbler song MNW (near ‘new’ pond).
Blackbird song near A1065 cypress stumps. Blackbird song WBH (opposite crabs). Blackbird song Silver Service plot. Blackbird (male-male aggro) Top Blackthorn and scratty hedge. Chaffinch song (spinney). Goldfinch Top Blackthorn. Robin song shed area. Carrion crow ash3 tree mobbed by jackdaw.
Queen hornet under big oak. Cardinal beetle. Brimstone (male) shed area.
Herring gull (1YO) over plot / Church Lane. LBBG (adul) near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, low cloud from south later, 20C, wind S or SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch WRR. Greenfinch (2) in transit between area west of plot and Silver Service. Mistle thrush song big ash on scratty hedge (seen from Church Lane). Swift over meadow, shed area etc. (Swift playback running, too quiet). Linnet (male, female) near WRR hedge.Marsh tit alarm shed area near pines.
Amber list: Whitethroat song and alarms WRR hedge (close to owl box). Stock dove (3) shed roof. Song thrush alarm box / yews area. WP (2) laurel hedge. WP (8+) disturbed at Top Blackthorn by kite. Bullfinch call shed area. Sedge warbler song (MSW 0m W, 20m N).
Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Jackdaw (10+) on ash2 tree near sunset.
Reed warbler song main pond west.
Chiffchaff song spinney. Blackbird into laurel hedge near shed. Chaffinch shed area. Goldfinch (4+) ash3 tree etc. Red kite over WRR, plot, etc. Buzzard display over Horseshoe Plantation. [Buzzard (2) aggro over pine plantation east of Horseshoe.] Green woodpecker call near main pond.
Tawny owl call near HH (pre-dawn).
Grey heron with cattle between WBH and WRR.
No frost, sunny intervals, thin cloud, 22C, wind E or SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Swift (2) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods. (Swift playback started). Greenfinch song near HH. Greenfinch (2) across plot to Silver Service.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) hovering over WRR area. Whitethroat song WRR hedge. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Stock dove prob feeding chick in spinney cypresses. Song thrush next to shed under topper etc. Sparrowhawk (female?) over spinney mobbed by swallow.
Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
Swallow (2) eastwards over HH. Swallow over A1065 ashwoods. Red kite over WRR. [Red kite perched west of WRR.] LTT hornbearm square area. BT big oak. Goldfinch (2) round box area.
Common gull (1YO) eastwards near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, some low cloud off North Sea, 20C, wind E or SE BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) alarm calls / aggro main pond trees and spinney. Mistle thrush song spinney. Linnet eastwards across plot, towards NBW / Horseshoe Plantation. Greenfinch call Silver Service plot. Greenfinch (2) across plot to Silver Service. Marsh tit (2, 1 with white feathers in tail, same individual as earlier in season) in pines, spinney cypresses and further west in spinney.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) chasing laurel hedge / shed area. Dunnock (2) WBH. Dunnock song shed shrubs / laurel hedge. Song thrush from WRR direction into patio area. WP (2+) Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (2) ash3 tree. Stock dove display flight over main pond area. song shed area. Song thrush ash3 tree. Kestrel (male) perched ash3 tree and WRR pole.
Jackdaw foraging hornbeam square. Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Jackdaw with food eastwards over plot prob towards Horseshoe Cottage.
Reed warbler song main pond.
Swallow (2) over HH, then main pond / shed area. BT alarm at ash3 tree natural nest (jackdaw (2)) investigating nest cavity). GT song pines. Collared dove ash3 tree. Carrion crow over plot. Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch (4+) on ash3 tree, mobbed by chiffchaff. Green woodpecker main pond trees to spinney. [Buzzard (2) over Mill Covert.] Red kite over WRR.
Common gull (2) south over plot. Cormorant (adult) over main pond area.
No frost, sunny intervals, 23C.
Red list: Swift over A1065 ashwoods and WRR. Greenfinch song Silver Service. Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Mistle thrush song spinney. Marsh tit foraging in big oak.
Amber list: Wren song yew hedge. WP WRR hedge. Song thrush on patio. Stock dove (2) shed roof.
Jackdaw (10+) alalrms spinney cypresses.
Blackbird song WBH / spinney junction. Blackbird (male) into laurel hedge. Blackcap song spinney. GT (2) big oak.
No frost, sunny intervals, 19C, wind N or NW BF 0-1.
Red list: Cuckoo song on or near plot. Cuckoo song spinney, A1065 ashwoods and Norman’s Burrow Wood 1425 BST. Greenfinch male - male aggro spinney cypresses area. Swift (2) over A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Dunnock song laurel hedge. Dunnock shed elder. Dunnock song patio. Wren song laurel hedge. WP by willow box. Stock dove shed roof. Stock dove song shed area. Song thrush ash3 tree. Wren song shed area. Rook (prob) westwards over plot.
Jackdaw (2) shed concrete. Jackdaw (5+) insect-hawking WRR area. Jackdaw at oak box.
Reed warbler song main pond west edge. Robin song yews. GT song shed area. Collared dove (3) round plot. Collared dove song shed area. Carrion crow (2) over plot. Chaffinch song spinney. BT shed area. Blackcap song spinney. Grey heron following Aberdeen Angus cattle between WBH and WRR.
Large red damselfly near shed. Andrena cineraria (2) at apparent nests on shed concrete, within 5 metres of HH kitchen. (In previous years, on short grassy area of hornbeam square).
LBBG (10+), common gull (10+), BHG (5+) high up over plot and nearby.
No frost, low cloud off North Sea, then sunny intervals, 18C, wind N or NE BF 0-1.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch spinney area. Marsh tit foraging in big oak. Linnet call near HH (transit over A1065 ashwoods). Linnet (2) WRR hedge.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) hybrid poplars, main pond trees big oak. Dunnock yews. Wren song laurel hedge and shed area. WP (5) Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (2) copulation shed roof. Song thrush ash3 tree. Moorhen call main pond. Sedge warbler song (5mW/20mN) by midline path. Whitethroat (male) WRR hedge (first record of year).
Jackdaw (2) ash3 box. Jackdaw (4+) grassy area near big oak.
Swallow WRR. Jay main pond trees. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Chiffchaff song, blackcap song spinney. Robin song near HH. Collared dove (3) round plot. Collared dove ash3 tree. GT (2) big oak. Reed warbler song main pond NW edge. Carrion crow (2) round plot. Buzzard over plot and Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite over Horseshoe Plantation. Buzzard display pver Church Lane. [Red kite perched west of WRR.]
Hornet on shed concrete. Large red damselfly patio.
No frost, overcast at first, sunny intervals later, 13C, wind N BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch song main pond trees. Swift northwards in morning. Lapwing northward near Horseshoe Plantation (approx date).
Amber list: WP (5+) Top Blackthorn. WP (4+) main pond trees. Stock dove shed roof. Stock dove flushed off strip light shed north end. Kestrel (male) round plot and at Top Blackthorn. Song thrush ash3 tree. Moorhen call main pond. Bullfinch call shed area.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Jackdaw off nest inside shed north end. Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree.
Jay pines. Chiffchaff song main pond trees (ash2). Blackbird (male) shed and laurel hedge. Robin yews. Goldfinch (2) shed area. Buzzard, red kite over plot.
LBBG (2 adults) northwards over plot. Grey heron east along Carr Stream.
No frost, mainly sunny, 18C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch song spinney. Marsh tit (2) in WBH (hawthorn and elders).
Amber list: Moorhen (adult + juv) main pond. Kestrel (male) round plot. Kestrel perched Top Blackthorn. Sedge warbler songflight MSW (20m north of main pond track, 5 metres west of central access path). Wren song main pond laurels. Dunnock patio. Sparrowhawk (male) over MNW then later with prey MSW, carried it towards spinney.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Reed warbler song main pond (west edge). Chiffchaff song main pond trees (ash2). Jay pines. BT into nest cavitiy ash3 tree. Blackbird song pre-dawn near HH. (male) shed and laurel hedge. Pied wagtail into Silver Service. GT pines.
[Grey heron west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny intervals, 18C, wind BF 1-3.
Red list: Linnet song near HH (perhaps beech). Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch song near HH.
Amber list: Moorhen (adult + juv) main pond. Mallard (female) main pond. Song thrush by shed. Bullfinch call spinney. Dunnock (2) shed shrubs to Silver Service plot.
Swallow above A1065 ashwoods.
Reed warbler song main pond (west edge). Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Robin yews.
Buzzard (2) over / near plot. LBBG (30) + common gull (2) over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 17C, wind BF 1-3.
Red list: Linnet (male, female) eating dandelion seeds on hornbeam square near shed. Greenfinch songflight over shed / main pond trees.
Amber list: Sedge warbler song 10m east of MSW hawthorn. Sedge warbler songflight 5m west of midline access path MSW. Reed bunting (male) perched Top Blackthorn. Dunnock yews and Silver Service. Wren song main pond east. Stock dove (2) shed roof.
Reed warbler song main pond (west edge). Chiffchaff, goldfinch Top Blackthorn. Blackbird (male) pines and patio. BT laurel hedge. Jay main pond trees and WBH. Chaffinch shed area.
Grey heron west along Carr Stream.
No frost, overcast, rain or drizzle, 13C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: WP (2+) big oak. Stock dove shed roof.
Jackdaw big oak. Jackdaw at willow box.
Jay through plot towards A1065 ashwoods. Green woodpecker across plot northwards from A1065 ashwoods. Pied wagtail shed / main pond area. Blackbird (male) pines and laurel hedge. BT shed area. Buzzard over plot.
Common gull southwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 18C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch call in laurel hedge, prob nest. Greenfinch songflight over main pond trees. Greenfinch song near HH. Prob linnet song near HH (perhaps on beech).
Amber list: Song thrush breaking snail on patio. Song thrush song just NW of MNW. Song thrush song ash2 tree. Dunnock in yews. WP (5+) on beech. WP (5+), stock dove Top Blackthorn. WP (2) courtship big oak. Sedge warbler song MSW (opposite hawthorn 25 metres east). Reed bunting (male) in Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) circling over spinney area, also hovering near Top Blackthorn. Moorhen (adult + 2 small juvs) main pond.
Jackdaw into nest shed north end.
Robin yews. Robin song patio area. Blackbird song spinney cypresses area. Collared dove song ash3 tree. Blackcap song big oak, spinney blackthorn, main pond weeping willow (moved). Goldfinch across HH area. Goldfinch hovering at HH window corners. GT foraging in big oak. Chiffchaff song ash2 tree. Magpie over HH. Buzzard over plot. Red kite (2) WRR area.
Common gull (2) NE over plot. [Grey heron, oystercatcher west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly sunny at first, overcast later, 20C, wind E later NE BF 1-4.
Amber list: Moorhen (adult + 2 small juvs) main pond. Moorhen MNW ‘new’ pond. Bullfinch (male, female) along WBH into spinney. Kestrel (male) circling over plot. Sparrowhawk (male) southwards over plot. Mallard (male, female) up from main pond.
Jackdaw flushed off nest in shed north end.
Reed warbler song a) main pond west edge; b) MNW near ‘new’ pond.
Pied wagtail on shed roof etc.
Buzzard over plot.
No frost, mainly sunny at first, overcast later, 18C, wind S BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch song. Greenfinch (male) Silver Service plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) copulating Top Blackthorn near box. Song thrush into yews. Song thrush song spinney. WP (2) courtship shed roof. Dunnock yews to laurel hedge. Dunnock song yews. Rook (2, 1+ adult) southwards over plot.
Swallow over shed / main pond.
Reed warbler song main pond west edge and WBH opposite pond. Blackbird (male) shed. Goldfinch (4) over HH. Jay along WBH. Jay (2) through plot past shed towards A1065 ashwoods. Carrion crow mobbed buzzard over / near plot.
Red kite (2+) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods. Buzzard (7+) over A1065, also [buzzard over Mill Covert area.].
LBBG (2 adults) southwards. Herring gull (6 1YO) over meadow area.
No frost, mainly sunny at first, milder, 15C, wind W or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Cuckoo song near plot. Cuckoo westwards over main pond 0840 BST. Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch song near HH (spinney and or yews).
Amber list: Song thrush A1065 cypress stumps. Song thrush song MSW near ash2 tree. Wren song shed area. Kestrel (female) perched Top Blackthorn near box. Stock dove on shed roof. Moorhen (adult + 2 juvs) main pond. WP (2 + 1) Top Blackthorn. WP MSE blackthorn. WP shed roof. Wren song laurel hedge. Wren main pond. Bullfinch call spinney blackthorn.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak. Jackdaw ash2. Jackdaw (2) beech.
Swallow over shed / main pond.
Reed warbler song main pond west edge. Blackbird (male) yews. GT hovering to search for inverts on HH windows. Collared dove song HH. Goldfinch spinney wych elm. Chiffchaff song MSW near ash2.
Several bees and bumblebees on comfrey under pines, inlcuding prob Anthophora pilipes (‘hairy-footed flower bee’), both females (all-black, reddish or rusty hind legs) and males (not dissimilar to small pale carder bee). Also Bombus pascuorum (carder bee).
Red kite (2) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods. Buzzard over plot. [Buzzard (3) over Mill Covert area.]
Common gull (2 1YO) southwards. LBBG (2 adults) southwards.
No frost, mainly overcast, sunny intervals, showers, cool, 10C, wind W or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush song beech.
Amber list: Song thrush on patio and on A1065 cypress stumps. Song thrush (3) shed concrete, some aggro. Song thrush (2) aggro on patio. WP (2) shed roof. Mallard (female + 2 males) over / round plot. Wren song shed area. Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. Sedge warbler song main pond north.
Jackdaw big oak.
Reed warbler song main pond west edge.
Blackbird (male) shed concrete. Robin patio. Blackbird song spinney. GT hovering to search for inverts on HH windows. BT laurel hedge and big oak. GSW across olot towards Silver Service. Robin song MSE (hybrid poplars). Robin in MSE blackthorn.
Tit box in pines contains nest.
No frost, mainly overcast, odd sunny intervals, light showers, cool, 8C, wind W or NW BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch (4) in wych elm, spinney near boundary.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed roof, some courtship. WP (2) copulation on beech. WP Top Blackthorn. Moorhen (adult + 3 or 4 black juvs) main pond. Song thrush across from plot to Silver Service. Stock dove (2) round shed. Dunnock under yews, taking discarded cooked rice off patio. Kestrel (male) on WRR pole.
Jackdaw off nest inside shed north end. Jackdaw (3+) weeping willow. Jackdaw at beech box.
Blackbird (male) shed shrubs. Blackbird (female) into laurel hedge. BT laurel hedge blackthorn. Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch (2) spinney (wych elm). Jay round big oak, WBH, etc, went across to MSE on Silver Service side. Collared dove (3+) display, song on HH etc. Magpie WBH. Buzzard into spinney.[Greylag goose (2) west of WRR.] Carrion crow round plot.
Herring gull (imm) over plot. Cormorant heading north over Church Lane.
No frost, sunny intervals, cool, 8C, wind N BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch song Silver Service and main pond trees. Linnet on ash2.
Amber list: WP (2) courtship on shed roof. Kestrel round Silver Service and HH plot. Dunnock (2) under yews. Dunnock on hornbeam. Wren song MSW. Mallard east along Carr Stream. Moorhen (adult) main pond. Sparrowhawk (male) over plot heading NE.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak. Jackdaw at beech box.
Reed warbler song a) MNW; b) main pond west edge.
Chaffinch song HH or spinney. BT (2) near HH. LTT WBH near ash2. Robin blackbird (female) patio. Blackbird song near HH. Blackbird (male) shed concrete. Blackbird (juv) in laurel hedge. GT song box or big oak. Greylag goose (16+) heading NE near plot. Pied wagtail (male) on shed roof. [Grey heron west of WRR.] Red kite over / near plot.
Jay (2) in repeated transit between MSE area, pines and south of A1065, perhaps collecting nest material.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, showers, cool, 8C, wind W or NW BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch (4) in wych elm, spinney near boundary.
Amber list: WP (2) copulation on beech. WP Top Blackthorn. Moorhen (adult + 3 or 4 black juvs) main pond. Song thrush across from plot to Silver Service. Stock dove (2) round shed. Dunnock under yews, taking discarded cooked rice off patio. Kestrel (male) on WRR pole.
Jackdaw off nest inside shed north end. Jackdaw (3+) weeping willow. Jackdaw at beech box.
Blackbird (male) shed shrubs. Blackbird (female) into laurel hedge. BT laurel hedge blackthorn. Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch (2) spinney (wych elm). Jay round big oak, WBH, etc, went across to MSE on Silver Service side. Collared dove (3+) display, song on HH etc. Magpie WBH. Buzzard into spinney.[Greylag goose (2) west of WRR.] Carrion crow round plot.
Herring gull (imm) over plot. Cormorant heading north over Church Lane.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers, cool, 8C, wind N or NE BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: WP (2) on hawthorn next to WBH. Stock dove shed north end. Dunnock under yews, taking discarded cooked rice off patio. Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. Song thrush on patio at dusk.
Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree.
Blackbird (male) shed roof. Blackbird (female) hornbeam square. Blackbird (female) collecting discarded cooked rice. BT patio. Chiffchaff song spinney. Jay (2 or 3) round big oak, WBH, etc. Collared dove song beech. Muntjac (juv) freed from stock fencing along MSW, slight grazing but fine. [Magpie west of WRR.] Carrion crow mobbed buzzard over meadow.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers, cool, 9C, wind N or NE BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch song near HH. Mistle thrush (4) in ash3 tree, some aggro. WHIMBREL (2) eastwards over plot approx 1050 BST.
Amber list: WP (5+) on grassy area by WBH. Song thrush song spinney. Song thrush ash3 tree. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Moorhen call MNW ‘new’ pond. Stock dove (2) shed area.
Jackdaw feeding brood prob big oak.
Reed warbler song (2) main pond reeds.
Jay collecting nest material (elder twigs) from general area round shed and WBH. Robin (2) shed. Blackbird (3+) shed roof etc. Blackcap song main pond Salix trees. Blackcap song spinney. Chiffchaff song spinney.
Common gull (10+, all 1YO) drifting south over plot.
No frost, calmer, mainly overcast, showers, cool, 9C, wind N or NE BF 1-4.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship main pond trees. WP (2) courtship shed roof. Song thrush song a) ash3 tree; b) beech (simreg). Kestrel (male) perched hybrid poplars. Kestrel (male) mobbed buzzard over meadow area. Dunnock laurel hedge and yews area. WP MSE oak. Wren alarm main pond. Moorhen call main pond. Stock dove Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Reed warbler song a) main pond reeds; b) MNW close to Top Blackthorn.
Coal tit with nest mat laurel hedge, went towards Silver Service. Blackcap song WBH. Blackbird (male) Top Blackthorn. Jay round main pond, pines area. Buzzard scratty hedge. Pied wagtail (female) shed roof.
No frost, breezy, some sunny intervals, cool, 9C, wind N or NE BF 1-4.
[At Pensthorpe Nature Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps for path maintenance -- marsh tit pair at nestbox, chiffchaff song, blackbird song, treecreeper, GSW, BT, GT, robin, mandarin (2 males), mallard (several), jackdaw nest with pulli in natural site by Woodland Hide, red kite, muntjac (many), wild honeybee nest in / over woods; cormorant, BHG nesting colony, Cetti’s warbler song, moorhen with chicks, jackdaw nest by cafe (in ivy covered stump), rooks nesting near to A1067, shelduck pairs, etc.]
[Hempton Common -- willow warbler song (3+), chiffchaff song.]
[Norwich Road Fakenham -- herring gull nests on Aldiss DC roof.]
No frost, breezy, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, cool, 9C, wind N or NW BF 1-4. (Similar conditions for several days now -- high pressure over Britain, with northerly airstream on the east side bringing cool, blustery, showery weather to East Anglia.)
Red list: Greenfinch (2; 1+ male) ash3 tree.
Amber list: Wren HH. Stock dove (2) round shed. WP WRR hedge and on grazing. Dunnock laurel hedge. Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Jackdaw (2) willow box. Jackdaw at ash3 box.
Blackbird (female) shed concrete. Blackbird song near HH. Goldfinch (2) patio. Robin patio. Pied wagtail Silver Service workshop area. GT patio. GT song main pond area. Chiffchaff song and call spinney. Collared dove shed area.
Egret (2) (prob GWE) heading NE west of WRR area, distant.
No frost, breezy, blustery later, showers, 9C, wind N or NW BF 2-5.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) with prey very close to HH. Kestrel (female) loafing scratty hedge. Stock dove main pond trees. Song thrush ash3 tree. Sparrowhawk attacked prob blackbird near laurel hedge and near yew hedge; tail feathers of adult female blackbird on ground. (Blackbird nest in yew hedge, empty with faecal sac). Bullfinch call WBH / yew hedge junction area.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak. Jackdaw flushed off nest in shed north end.
Blackcap song spinney and shed area.Chaffinch sogn spinney and big oak. Blackcap (male) patio shrubs. Blackbird alarms laurel hedge and box area. Blackbird juv begging calls laurel hedge. (male) ash3 tree. Robin patio. Goldfinch (5) shed area. BTshed area. GT yews. Acro song main pond. Collared dove (2) into spinney cypresses. Chiffchaff song main pond trees.
Red kite perched Church Lane. [Red kite mobbed by jackdaws and carrion crow west of WRR.]
Common gull (120+) heading NE over plot.
No frost, breezy, sunny intervals, showers, 9C, wind N or NW BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch male patio and beech. Marsh tit laurel hedge blackthorn (first record for several weeks), departed eastwards.
Amber list: Wren shed. Bullfinch (male, female) laurel hedge blackthorn. Kestrel (male). Song thrush shed area.
Jackdaw big oak, shed concrete, hornbeam square.
Blackcap song spinney. Blackcap (male) patio shrubs. Blackbird (male) ash3 tree. Robin A1065 cypresses. Goldfinch (2) near patio and ivy hedge.
[Buzzard (4) Mill Covert.]
No frost, breezy but dry, sunny intervals, cool, 10C, wind W or NW BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch song beech.
Amber list: WP shed area. WP (2) courtship big oak. Wren song main pond. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Kestrel (male, female) loafing scratty hedge. Kestrel (male, female) perched hybrid poplars. Sedge warbler song middle and NW edge of main pond. Sparrowhawk (female?) circling up from Church Lane towards spinney. Mallard (3) Carr Stream area.
Jackdaw (2) willow box. Jackdaw with nest mat prob to spinney cypress.
Reed warbler song main pond west edge (at same time as sedge).
Blackbird (male, female) shed concrete. Blackbird alarm MSE. Blackbird song near HH. Goldfinch (2 + 2) big oak area. BT HH. Robin shed area. Chiffchaff song Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow over plot.
Red kite (2) over Church Lane, meadow etc.
Common gull (70+) heading SW over / near plot. Herring gull (1YO) westwards.
No frost, blustery with showers, sunny intervals later, quite cold, 9C, wind N or NW BF 2-6.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) patio, some song. Linnet song MSW (hawthorn).
Amber list: WP shed area.
Jackdaw (3+) ash3 tree (round box). Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackbird (female) shed concrete. Goldfinch (3) yews.
Common gull (30+) heading NW over / near plot.
No frost, blustery with squally showers, quite cold, 9C, wind W or NW BF 2-6.
Red list: Mistle thrush song hybrid poplars. Greenfinch song beech or box.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) loafing scratty hedge. Kestrel (male, female) mobbing buzzard over Top Blackthorn area. WP (2) Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (male) shed shrubs. Stock dove main pond trees. Wren song main pond. Sedge warbler song main pond reeds (near west edge). Sparrowhawk (male) across plot towards spinney.
Jackdaw (3+) ash3 tree (round box). Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackcap song spinney. Robin yews. Blackbird (2 females) shed concrete. Goldfinch (3) yews. Chiffchaff patio.
Herring gull (adult) WRR / WBH grazing.
14/04/2024Bluebells on track in north end of Foxley Wood 2024-04-14 (3428)
No frost, warm, sunny intervals, 13C, wind W BF 1-3.
[At Foxley Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps for track maintenance -- mistle thrush song, marsh tit song (“tchu-tchu..”), robin, chiffchaff song, willow warbler song (3+), blackcap song, GT song, BT, nuthatch, treecreeper, buzzard, red kite; holly blue, speckled wood, peacock butterflies; early purple orchid, bluebells.]
[Foxley village -- rook (14+ nests).]
No frost, mainly overcast, sunny intervals later, mild, 18C, wind SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) collecting nest mat from patio under gorse, taking it towards laurel hedge.
Amber list: Song thrush into pines, then on shed concrete. Stock dove main pond trees. Stock dove A1065 cypress stumps. WP (3) round shed. Dunnock (2) yews.
Jackdaw (3+) ash3 tree (round box). Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackbird (male) ash3 tree. Goldfinch (2) collecting nest mat patio. Robin insect-hawking at HH patio window, also collecting discarded rice from patio. Blackcap song spinney. GT song shed area. BT patio. Chaffinch song spinney.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, 19C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch song beech and big oak. Linnet song MNW.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) courtship laurel hedge (near pines). Wren song shed. Wren song main pond west side. Sparrowhawk (male) into spinney.
Jackdaw (2) at wilow box. Jackdaw (5+) big oak.
Blackbird (male-female) aggro shed. Robin shed shrubs, yews etc. Goldfinch on HH. Goldfinch (2) shed area. Goldfinch pati. GSW into spinney. LTT patio. BT laurel hedge etc.
Butterflies -- orangetip (male), possible brown arg*s (2) patio, holly blue (several near laurel hedge). Bibionid flies many along meadow south edge.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, 18C, wind SW.
Red list: Mistle thrush song main pond trees or hybrid poplars. Greenfinch song a) spinney cypresses; b) WBH; c) big oak.
Amber list: Reed bunting (male) MSW alders. Reed bunting (male, female) Top Blackthorn. Sedge warbler song Top Blackthorn (near regrowth area laid 2019). Dunnock song shed shrubs. Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Song thrush (juv? extensive light feather margins on wing) anting / sunbathing shed shrubs.
Jackdaw (2) out of triangular box.
Blackbird (male-male-female, 3-way) aggro shed. Robin (2) shed shrubs, shed concrete. GT Top Blackthorn. Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch song big oak. LTT box, beech, towards A1065 ashwoods. Green woodpecker WBH into spinney.
LBBG (adult) southwards over plot. Herring gull (2 adults) WRR / WBH grazing.
Grey heron (2) circling over plot. [Greylag goose (8) west of WRR.] Greylag goose (2) Church Lane / meadow area. Buzzard over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, calmer, 10C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song main pond trees or hybrid poplars). Mistle thrush perched beech. Greenfinch subsong beech. Greenfinch (2) HH, shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. WP on hornbeam hedge. WP (2) courtship WRR. Kestrel (male) over Top Blackthorn area. Wren song shed area. Rook (2 imm) southwards. Sedge warbler song west edge (in reeds) of main pond. Wren by HH kitchen. Dunnock into laurel hedge.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackbird (male-male) aggro ash3 / ash4. Goldfinch (3+) shed area. Collared dove song HH. Collared dove pines. Blackcap song a) spinney; b) main pond west edge. GT big oak. GT song shed area. BT pines. Chiffchaff song a) hybrid poplars; b) MSE blackthorn (perhaps same singer). Chiffchaff call spinney blackthorn.
LBBG (adult, imm) westwards. LBBG (2+1 adults) round WRR / WBH grazing, some long-calling. Herring gull (2 adults) WRR / WBH grazing.
Red kite (2) display over Church Lane and Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, mild, mainly overcast, still blustery, 10C, wind SW then W BF 1-6.
Red list: Mistle thrush song MSE (hybrid poplars) or Horseshoe Plantation. Greenfinch song big oak, HH, pines area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2), WP on shed concrete. Kestrel hovering over Top Blackthorn area. Kestrel (female) loafing on scratty hedge. Wren shed shrubs. Sedge warbler song main pond reedy parts. Rook eastwards. Wren song WBH.
Jackdaw (20+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (3+) beech. Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Chaffinch song spinney. Blackbird (female) shed concrete. Blackbird (male-male) aggro shed. Goldfinch (5+) shed area. Pied wagtail shed roof. Robin patio and shed shrubs. Collared dove with nest mat pines. Chiffchaff song a) main pond weeping willow; b) MSE hybrid poplars; c) MNE. Jay near main pond.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Red kite over plot and Silver Service.
Grey heron eastwards over plot. Little egret along Carr Stream towards Wensum.
Common gull (10+) southwards.
No frost, mild, mainly overcast, calmer, 16C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song MSE (hybrid poplars) or Horseshoe Plantation. Greenfinch song big oak area.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) on shed concrete with WP (3+). Kestrel (male, female) perched WRR pole, copulation; female with prey on same pole. Wren WBH. Dunnock song shed area.
Jackdaw (6+) under and on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw collecting nest mat from shed concrete, off to Silver Service.
Chaffinch (female with bumblefoot) on patio. Blackbird shed area and spinney. Blackcap song spinney (cypresses area). Goldfinch (2) big oak. Robin shed shrubs. Chaffinch big oak. Collared dove nest mat into pines. Magpie main pond trees and Church Lane area. Brimstone (male) shed area.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Buzzard over area near meadow. Red kite over WRR.
Common gull (20+) southwards.
No frost, mild for April, sunny intervals, blustery, 16C, wind S BF 2-6.
Red list: Mistle thrush song main pond trees / spinney. Greenfinch (2) HH / big oak / laurel hedge. Greenfinch (male?) insect-hawking on windows of HH sitting room.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) on shed roof. WP big oak. House martin over shed area mid-afternoon.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak / shed concrete / hornbeam square.
BT HH. Blackbird song round HH. Chiffchaff song spinney. Goldfinch (2) shed concrete. Collared dove shed area. Blackcap song spinney. Blackcap (male, perhaps also female) into main pond laurels. GT song pines and shed area. Carrion crow Top Blackthorn. Magpie WBH. Green woodpecker (female) on WBH track and hornbeam square. Pied wagtail round shed. Brimstone (male, female) near patio.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Red kite over Church Lane, meadow etc.
Common gull (1YO) southwards.
No frost, unusually warm for early for April, sunny intervals, blustery, 19C, wind S BF 2-6.
Red list: Mistle thrush song ash3 tree. Greenfinch (2) big oak.
Amber list: Stock dove off cistern box nest (2 eggs) inside shed north end. Stock dove big oak. WP WBH. Grey wagtail main pond. Kestrel circling Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (male, female) on Cox by yew hedge. Dunnock laurel hedge. Lapwing heading SE over plot.
Jackdaw weeping willow.
BT HH. Carrion crow main pond trees. Blackbird (male) moved ash2, ash3, hybrid poplars. Coal tit song spinney. Chiffchaff foraging patio. Chiffchaff song Top Blackthorn. Robin shed. Goldfinch, chaffinch (male, no bumblefoot) shed concrete. GT song pines. Greylag goose (2) over plot down on to area west of WRR.
Common toad call main pond (west edge). Prob Andrena nitida in several places.
Red kite (2) Church Lane, meadow. Buzzard Church Lane.
05/04/2024Probable Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale cress) Hillside House 2024-04-04 (3408)
No frost, mild, overcast, steady rain at first in morning, 17C, wind S or SW BF 1-3 freshening.
Red list: Linnet song MNE, prob either hawthorns or small rowans. Mistle thrush song ash2, ash3 trees 1830 BST.
Amber list: Wren song HH or shed. WP big oak. Dunnock under yews. Bullfinch (male, female) under yews after rain. Kestrel hovering WRR. Stock dove (2) display round shed. WP (10+) on grazing west of WBH. Wren song main pond (near ash2 tree). Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw (8+) under and on big oak. Jackdaw (2+) round willow box. Jackdaw (5) ash3 tree. Jackdaw (44+) on beech after rain.
Chaffinch song spinney. Chaffinch (male) main pond goat willows. Chiffchaff song hybrid poplars. GT (2) at box main pond goat willows. GT song pines. Coal tit pines. BT subsong oak under hybrid poplars. BT (2+), goldfinch (2) laurel hedge blackthorn. Blackbird spinney to hybrid poplars. Blackbird laurel hedge track by shed. Blackbird (female-female) aggro by shed. Robin under yews. Robin foraging inside shed south end, prob for flying insects. GT song near HH. Red kite, buzzard over Church Lane.
[Red kite (2), buzzard (3) over Wensum.]
Common toad call main pond west edge.
Buff-tailed bumblebees (4+) hybrid poplars and main pond. Holly blue (2+) laurel hedge. Brimstone (male) shed area. Peacock MSE. Numbers of smaller flying insects increasing.
Blackthorn still in flower at Top Blackthorn. Shrubs by laurel hedge are gone over.
04/04/2024Lasius flavus nests in unmowed grassy area Hillside House 2024-04-04 (3418)
No frost, mainly overcast, odd drizzle showers, 12C, wind S or SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Linnet on MSW alders, ash2 and then round Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) scratty hedge area then South Raynham church, later over HH. Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Wren round shed. Bullfinch (2 males, 2 females) patio, shed shrubs, and edge of spinney; eating gorse seeds, hazel buds or catkins, wych elm seeds (in spinney). [WP (30+) perched trees west of WRR.] Stock dove shed area. Mallard across meadow.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak.
Treecreeper in spinney (on sycamore). Chiffchaff song Top Blackthorn. Robin patio. GT song pines. GT (2) round box NW edge of main pond. Pied wagtail (male) main pond. Grey squirrel MNE hawthorn. BT (2+) laurel hedge blackthorn. Goldfinch (2) patio. Goldcrest yew hedge. Nuthatch call spinney. Red kite meadow and Church Lane. [Buzzard (2) west of WRR.]
Common toad (2+) calling main pond reeds.
Lasius flavus 6+ nest mounds in grassy area. These seem to be a recent arrival and follow the end of mowing in this area, though the ants may have been present previously without being able to form mounds.
Herring gull (2 adults) WRR and nearby, some long-calling.
No frost, mainly overcast, occasional drizzle, cooler, 14C, wind S or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch song spinney (near cypresses), also further west. Mistle thrush song prob in spinney.
Amber list: WP (2) courtship on big oak. Stock dove (4) round main pond area, shed area. Stock dove flushed from inside cistern box shed north end. Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof.
Jackdaw (3+) box ownership contest under big oak. Jackdaw (5+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (2) beech box.
Green woodpecker call main pond area. Treecreeper on A1065 cypress stumps. Robin song HH area. GT song box or spinney. GT song pines. BT (4) patio. Goldfinch (2) in laurel hedge. Chiffchaff song and call spinney. Red kite Church Lane, WRR etc. Carrion crow main pond trees.
Common gull (5+) Church Lane southwards.
No frost, mainly overcast, sunny intervals, mild, 13C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch (4) round plot, in hybrid poplars etc. Greenfinch song.
Amber list: Stock dove rescued from inside shed. Dunnock song shed area. Dunnock shed shrubs. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR. Wren song patio. Wren alarm main pond.
Jackdaw (102+) hybrid poplars and main pond trees 1830 BST.
Chiffchaff song spinney. Chaffinch song spinney (halting, incomplete). Pied wagtail (male, female) shed roof. Robin song round HH. Goldfinch, BT laurel hedge blackthorn. Carrion crow (2) main pond trees etc.
Main pond inverts etc -- male newt unidentified, common toad calling (from reedy area in middle of pond), Dytiscus spp beetles (medium size brownish, also small black), whirlygig beetles (many), pond skaters, Tipula sp ovipositing.
Common gull (16) Church Lane southwards. Herring gull WBH / WRR grazing.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, odd showers, mild, 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch laurel hedge. Mistle thrush big oak into spinney.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. WP shed concrete. Wren laurel hedge. Song thrush ash3 tree and hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak. Jackdaw (11+) intense contest round beech box.
Chiffchaff patio. Chiffchaff song spinney. Blackcap call spinney. Pied wagtail (male, female) shed roof and main pond ‘islands’. Robin patio. GT song shed area. Robin song round HH. Collared dove HH. BT laurel hedge blackthorn. Blackbird (male-male) aggro hybrid poplars. Carrion crow (2) main pond trees etc. Buzzard (3+) Church Lane. Blackbird song spinney or box.
Common gull (40+) southwards. Herring gull (2) WBH / WRR grazing and further west.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, overcast with drizzle later, cooler, 10C, wind E BF 1-2.
Red list: Greenfinch song Silver Service plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) round Top Blackthorn. WP (4+) on grazing by WBH. Stock dove on big oak. Wren song HH. Rook (2) southwards.
Jackdaw (21) main pond trees. Jackdaw (5+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (2) beech box.
Blackbird alarm yews area. GT patio. GT song box or spinney. BT patio. Robin song HH before dawn. Robin yews. Wren MSE ditch. Goldfinch (4) laurel hedge burdock. Chiffchaff song MSE hybrid poplars. GSW (2) MNE goat willow. Red kite WRR, meadow etc. Buzzard (2) Church Lane, buzzard (2) meadow simreg. Jay Horseshoe Plantation. Carrion crow main pond trees.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Herring gull 2YO meadow area. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
No frost, 14C.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched near Top Blackthorn box. Stock dove shed roof. Rook westwards.
GSW round plot. Robin song yews or box. BT (2) laurel hedge. GT song yews or box. Chiffchaff song spinney. Chiffchaff song hybrid poplars. Magpie hybrid poplars. Chaffinch song spinney. Chaffinch (female) big oak. Goldfinch song weeping willow and nearby.
Round shed area -- Bombus terrestris (3+) queens, brimstone (male), holly blue, peacock. Main pond -- whirlygig beetles, prob Tipula sp ovipositing.
Herring gull (2 adults, 1 1YO) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (5+) southwards.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, 13C, wind S BF 1-4.
Amber list: WP (7+) by WBH. WP (2) courtship A1065 cypress stumps. WP (2) on track by WBH. Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. Kestrel (female) with food on WRR pole.
Jackdaw (2) beech box with nest mat. Jackdaw (5+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (2) weeping willow.
Collared dove (2) WRR pole. Chaffinch (2) male-male aggro at beech. Red kite through spinney.
Herring gull (2 + 2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (20+) southwards.
No frost, mainly overcast, breezy, 11C, wind S or SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) out of laurel hedge in morning. Mistle thrush into spinney.
Amber list: WP (3) courtship big oak. WP (25+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Stock dove (2) on ground by main pond. Kestrel (female) WRR pole. Kestrel (female) perched by nestbox Top Blackthorn. Dunnock under yews. Wren song shed area.
Jackdaw (4) ownership contest big oak.
Robin laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin under yews. Blackbird (male) laurel hedge track. Goldfinch (5) big oak. Blackcap song spinney. GT song shed shrubs. GT (2) pines. Coal tit foraging in pines on cones. BT (4+) laurel hedge, Silver Service. Treecreeper on A1065 cypress stump. Pied wagtail on shed roof. Redwing westwards. Buzzard (3+) over meadow.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Herring gull (1YO) SW.
No frost, overcast at first, sunny intervals later, mild, 12C, wind S BF 1-4.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews area. Mistle thrush across plot into spinney (middle part).
Amber list: WP (7+) across main pond area. Kestrel on WRR pole.
Jackdaw (2+) wilow box. Jackdaw (7+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (3) beech. Jackdaw (20) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin (2) song HH. Buzzard meadow. Grey heron west along Carr Stream. Chaffinch song spinney.
[Oystercatcher (2) kleep-calling Fakenham near Millers Walk. Hempton -- starling (20), rook (10+). East Raynham -- house sparrows in privet hedges.]
No frost, mainly sunny, mild, 12C, wind ESE BF 0-2.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) yews. Mistle thrush song spinney (west end).
Amber list: WP (3+) courtship big oak. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Stock dove (2) flushed from box in shed north end. Wren shed area.
Jackdaw (2) wilow box. Jackdaw (11) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (2) beech box.
Robin (2) shed area, prob courtship feeding. Blackbird (male-male aggro) round shed. Blackbird song on / near plot. Collared dove (2) HH and Silver Service. Carrion crow main pond trees. GT (2) patio. Blackcap song spinney (blackthorn area). Goldcrest (2) big oak. Red kite over meadow. Buzzard (2) Church Lane. Fieldfare (2) eastwards.
Herring gull (2 adults) paddling on grazing between WBH and WRR, on WRR pole, etc.
Common gull (15+), BHG (7+) eastwards.
No frost, milder, sunny intervals, 11C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch song WBH. Mistle thrush song Church Lane poplars.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched by box Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male, female) perched WRR pole. Song thrush (3) pines and shed area. Stock dove (2) shed and big oak. Dunnock shed shrubs. Moorhen call main pond. Mallard over main pond.
Jackdaw shed area.
Goldfinch (6+) big oak. Robin (2) courtship feeding by shed. Collared dove (3) HH and spinney. Blackcap song, chiffchaff song spinney. Blackbird song shed. Redwing (2) hybrd poplars. Buzzard meadow.
Herring gull WBH / WRR area.
Common gull (20+) over plot.
24/03/2024Carabus granulatus (prob) at Calthorpe Broad 2024-03-24 (c) Jackie Grzeskowiak
No (or very light) frost, overcast at first, sunny intervals later, 10C, wind NW BF 1-4.
[At Calthorpe Broad with Norfolk Conservation Corps for control of holly seedlings -- buzzard (2+), robin, chiffchaff song, blackcap song, coal tit, LTT (4+) collecting feathers nest mat (from buzzard carcass), accipiter, red deer (32+ females), white stork, kingfisher, mallard (3), buff-tailed bumblebees (several), prob Carabus granulatus (ground beetle). Common crane call nearby. Floating pondweed. Much of the birch-dominated woodland shows significant deer damage with an obvious browse-line at around 1.5 metres off the ground. Very little understorey is present.]
[Opposite Norman’s Burrow Wood -- red kite.]
[Pear Tree Corner -- skylark song. Whissonsett / Horningtoft arable -- linnet.]
[Whissonsett village -- mistle thrush song, greenfinch song, chaffinch song, house sparrows.]
[Brisley -- rook nests (31 total), Potthorpe -- rook nests (17).]
No frost, rather cold, blustery, 8C, wind NW BF 2-4.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) big oak. Mistle thrush cong spinney.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney. WP A1065 cypresses and big oak. [WP (25) west of WRR.] Kestrel over Silver Service, plot, and spinney. Stock dove big oak and spinney. Mallard (female) main pond. Mallard (male) over plot.
Jackdaw (19) ash3 tree.
Robin song HH. Robin patio. BT (3+) ivy hedge / patio. Blackbird song. Goldfinch (5+) shed concrete. GT (2) patio. Fieldfare (2) westwards over plot.
Herring gull (3 2 adults, 1 2YO) WBH / WRR area.
[Oystercatcher (2) rushy grazing west of WRR.]
No frost, still mild, 11C.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews / box / cypresses area. Marsh tit (white tail) laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Kestrel (female) mobbed by jackdaw (2) at Top Blackthorn. Rook westwards over plot. [WP (30) west of WRR.]
Jackdaw (2 + 2) oak box. Jackdaw (2) ash3 box. Jackdaw (2+) willow box. Jackdaw (2) beech box (nest-cleaning).
Goldfinch (2) big oak etc. Blackbird HH. Goldcrest pines. Fieldfare (6) westwards over plot.
Red kite Church Lane and WRR.
Herring gull WBH / WRR area.
Greylag goose (2) westwards over plot.
Shelduck (2) heading NE over plot.
No frost, mild, 13C.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews / box / cypresses area.
Amber list: Song thrush ash2 tree. Song thrush song WBH 25 m S of MSW / WBH junc. Stock dove shed and ash4 tree. Dunnock song shed and round HH. Wren song HH. Stock dove display over plot.
Jackdaw (2 + 2) oak box.
Robin song near HH. Treecreeper on yews main stem. Goldcrest yews. GT (2) aggro shed shrubs. Blackbird song spinney or box. Goldfinch song a) big oak, b) yews. BT HH. Robin shed.
Red kite Church Lane.
Herring gull WBH / WRR area.
No frost, overcast, light showers, mild, 12C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Amber list: Kestrel across meadow. WP big oak. Stock dove shed roof. Dunnock yews and patio. Wren yew hedge. Mallard (male, female) main pond.
Jackdaw (2) beech box. Jackdaw (11) big oak (2 in box, 2 on box at the same time).
BT (2) patio. Robin patio. Blackbird (male) laurel hedge. Collared dove HH. Carrion crow main pond trees. GT patio. Red kite over area west of WBH.
No frost, some sunny intervals, mild, 13C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch song on hornbeam by HH and spinney cypresses.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. [Sparrowhawk circling over Horseshoe Plantation.] Grey wagtail main pond area. WP shed.
Jackdaw (4) big oak. Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree.
Pied wagtail (2) round plot. BT shed area.
Pied watgail across to Silver Service plot. Goldfnch (4) big oak. Blackbird shed. Chaffinch song HH area. BT (3+) laurel hedge. GT song patio. Chiffchaff song Top Blackthorn. Buzzard over meadow and Church Lane.
[Greylag goose (2) west of WRR.]
No frost, mild, 13C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch song on hornbeam by HH.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (female) over plot heading SE. Moorhen call main pond. Bullfinch call near HH. Song thrush song main pond trees.
Goldfinch song hornbeam by HH. Chaffinch song Silver Service plot. Chiffchaff song (2 or 3) round plot. Carrion crow (3) over plot.
Red kite (2) over meadow and Wensum area.
No frost, overcast, drizzle at times, mild, 14C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush across plot towards spinney.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) ash3 tree.
Jackdaw (4) big oak.
Pied wagtail (2) round plot. BT shed area.
[At Foxley Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps for coppicing -- buzzard (2+), blackbird song, robin, chiffchaff song, muntjac. Possible mud pond snail Omphiscola glabra next to drainage ditch in coppiced area.]
[Opposite Norman’s Burrow Wood -- kestrel (2), jackdaw (4+), carrion crow. A1065 opposite Horseshoe Plantation -- red deer pregnant female road casualty (dragged away from road to prevent accidents etc).]
[Pear Tree Corner -- skylark, chaffinch. Whissonsett arable -- fieldfare (200+), redwing (40+), common gull (80+), linnet (2), skylark song.]
[Whissonsett village -- mistle thrush song, greenfinch song, chaffinch song, house sparrows.]
[Brisley -- rook nests (18 + 5 + 17 = 40 total).]
No frost, 11C.
Red list: Greenfinch song beech and big oak. Greenfinch (male) on shed.
Amber list: WP (2+) big oak. Stock dove (3) courtship shed roof. Kestrel (male, female) mobbed jacdaws at Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (male, female) Top Blackthorn. Wren shed. Mallard (male, female) main pond. Song thrush WBH to spinney. Dunnock (2) WBH / MSW. Dunnock (2 or 3) courtship chase. Snipe up from edge of “new” pond MNW.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak.
LTT (2) shed area. Chiffchaff song shed area, blackthorns etc. GT song HH. Robin shed shrubs. Blackbird (male, female) shed area. Blackbird male-male aggro by HH and laurel hedge. Collared dove (2) ash3. Pied wagtail (male, female) on shed roof. [Carrion crow (9) Mill Covert.]
Herring gull (adult) between WBH and WRR.
No frost, 15C.
Red list: Woodcock up from MSE next to brash hedge.
Amber list: WP (25+) grazing north of Top Blackthorn. Wren yews / box. Bullfinch HH (laurel hedge). Mallard (male, female) main pond. Grey wagtail (male in spring plumage) shed roof. Kestrel call near plot.
Jackdaw (19) big oak.
Blackbird male-male aggro by shed and laurel hedge. Pied wagtail round plot. GT laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin song laurel hedge. Chiffchaff song round plot.
Red kite (2) aggro over meadow and Church Lane.
Herring gull (2 adults) between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (80+) heading SW over plot.
No frost, overcast, dry, mild, 14C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call (“tchi-tchi...”) junction of WBH and yew hedge (first record for several days). Starling (45+) eastwards 1637 BST.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) copulation next to Top Blackthorn nestbox. Moorhen call main pond. WP (2) courtship shed roof. Stock dove (3) courtship shed roof. Dunnock (2) courtship laurel hedge. Bullfinch (male, female) across shed area towards spinney. Wren song a) spinnney / box area, b) shed / pines area (sim reg).
Jackdaw beech box. Jackdaw (4) big oak.
BT (3) shed area, yews, patio. LTT shed area (went towards Silver Service plot). Goldcrest, coal tit pines. Robin yews. Robin ivy hedge. Goldfinch laurel hedge. Blackbird (2 males) aggro by HH kitchen. Collared dove (2) big oak, main pond trees. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation. Buzzard over Church Lane. Buzzard (2) mobbed red kite over meadow and nearby. GT song patio. GT pines.
Brimstone (male), Bombus lapidarius queen near shed. Tachinid flies near shed.
No frost, some sunny intervals, some light drizzle, 14C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (white tail) laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: WP (20) WBH (on ivy). Stock dove (3) courtship shed roof. Wren song a) WBH / yew hedge, b) weeping willow. Reed bunting song MSW / MSE. Sparrowhawk (male, age 2+) attacked tit near shed, then perched in big oak. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw beech box (removed leaves left prob by grey squirrel). Jackdaw big oak, 1 in box.
BT (4+) laurel hedge, shed area. Blackbird laurel hedge. Robin laurel hedge. Bank vole patio. Rabbit (2, incl 1 juv) shed area. Common toads calling main pond. Red kite over plot. Cormorant along Carr Stream.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (60+) northwards.
No frost, overcast, rain or drizzle for much of the day, 11C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (white tail) laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perched big oak, hybrid poplars, edge of spinney. WP (3) hybrid poplars. Stock dove (3) big oak, courtship. Dunnock laurel hedge. Song thrush song Top Blackthorn (west end). Mallard (2 + 1) over main pond, meadow etc. Sparrowhawk across plot.
Jackdaw (4) big oak, 1 in box. Jackdaw (3 or 4) pollarded willow by main pond (1 in box). Jackdaw (19) main pond trees.
BT (2) shed area. LTT (2) patio. Goldcrest, robin yews. Goldfinch (15+) hybrid poplars east end. Blackbird (2+) shed area and laurel hedge. Green woodpecker call near St Martin’s Church. Carrion crow across plot.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (15+) southwards.
[East Raynham -- mistle thrush song (opposite turn to West Raynham); greenfinch, house sparrow, nuthatch (opposite Raynham Hall gate).]
[Hempton -- rook nests (8+).]
No frost, overcast, 7C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (white tail) laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel perched big oak, then hybrid poplars. WP (5) ash2 tree. Mallard (2) over main pond.
Jackdaw (9) big oak, 1 in box. Jackdaw (2) pollarded willow by main pond (1 in box).
BT (2) shed area. Goldfinch (2) shed area. Blackbird alarm laurel hedge. Jay MNW.
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
10/03/2024Trametes versicolor (turkey-tail fungus) on poplar twig at Houghen 2024-03-10 (3399)
No frost, overcast, some light drizzle, 9C, wind E BF 1-2.
[At Houghen Plantation (Broadland Country Park) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for fence repairs -- siskin (40) in birch canopy (feeding on buds or female catkins), blackbird, redwing (in and round holly), jay, carrion crow (2+), kestrel, blue tit, robin; various fungi, including birch polypore Piptoporus betulinus, turkey-tail fungus Trametes versicolor, etc; queen wasps under bark of dead pine.]
[Potthorpe -- rook nests (8). Brisley -- rook nests (15), greenfinch, starling (2+), moorhen, common gull (10+ on common). Horningtoft -- mistle thrush song.]
[Arable (crop stubble) near Norman’s Burrow Wood -- fieldfare (25), carrion crow (2). Pear Tree Corner -- brown hare (2).]
[Guist -- rook nests (40+).]
[Lenwade -- LBBG (5+), herring gull (5+). Attlebridge Wensum flood plain -- little egret.]
10/03/2024Norfolk Conservation Corps volunteers at Houghen (Broadland Country Park) 2024-03-10 (3402)
No frost, mainly sunny, 11C, wind E BF 1-3.
Amber list: Kestrel perched big oak, then hybrid poplars. Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. WP A1065 cypresses. WP (2) courtship main pond weeping willow. Reed bunting (female) perched main pond weeping willow. Mallard (2 males) over main pond. Wren song WBH opposite main pond. Wren song shed. Wren foraging round shed walls. Song thrush song a) ash3 tree, b) hybrid poplars (prob moved to MNE) (sim reg). Moorhen call main pond. Snipe call over meadow at dusk.
Jackdaw (5) big oak, 1 in box. Jackdaw (4) pollarded willow by main pond. Jackdaw (20) main pond trees.
Water rail (2+) calls just south of Top Blackthorn at dusk (1915 BST).
BT (2) laurel hedge. BT main pond willows. Pied wagtail (male, female) shed roof. Goldfinch (2), GT main pond weeping willow. Blackbird shed area. Blackbird laurels by main pond. Buzzard (2) circling over meadow and nearby. Red kite circling over Church Lane, meadow etc.
Treecreeper (2) ash4 tree, hybrid poplars and later pines.
Small bat round ash4 tree at dusk, perhaps just emerged from batboxes there.
Brimstone (male), buff-tailed bumblebee by shed. Prob Eristalis pertinax (2+) on laurels by main pond.
Toad frenzy just beginning (3+ callers).
Herring gull (2 adults) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (50+), BHG (5+) heading NE Church Lane.
No frost, mainly sunny, 8C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit foraging on grassy area north of shed (burdock seeds).
Amber list: Moorhen call main pond. Stock dove (2) shed. WP spinney cypresses. WP (2) hybrid poplars. Kestrel perched ash3 tree. Mallard (male, female) main pond. Wren song WBH.
Jackdaw (11) main pond trees.
Marsh harrier (female / imm male) circling over meadow and nearby (dark, yellow cap and throat).
BT (2) laurel hedge. Pied wagtail (male, female) shed roof. Goldfinch (4) Silver Service. Magpie over meadow. Redwing (10) into hubrid poplars. Buzzard round plot.
Probable Eristalis pertinax (drone-fly) under pollarded willow by main pond.
Herring gull (2 adults + 1 1YO) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
No frost, overcast, 8C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Greenfinch over spinney. Starling (7) westwards.
Amber list: [WP (45) west of WRR.] WP (3) main pond area. Stock dove shed, some display. Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. Sparrowhawk (male) MSW ditch. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked goldfinch (15+) Silver Service plot.
Jackdaw (9) big oak. Jackdaw (18) main pond trees. Jackdaw (2) on/in willow box.
BT (4+), GT shed area. BT (8+), GT hybrid poplars. GT (male, female) MSE ditch. LTT pines. [Fieldfare (30), redwing (5) west of WRR.] Blackbird male-male aggro yew hedge. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Buzzard (2) Church Lane, display flight.
Prob common toad call from main pond.
Clear badger print on track by Top Blackthorn.
Herring gull on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (20+) southwards.
No frost, sunny intervals, 11C, wind S or SE BF 1-2.
Red list: Greenfinch songflight over spinney (cypresses area). Mistle thrush into hybrid poplars. Marsh tit (2) in WBH (on elders etc).
Amber list: [WP (45) west of WRR.] Stock dove (2) display round shed. Kestrel perched hybrid poplars. Sparrowhawk (male) hunting flight across plot into pines. Song thrush song a) spinney cypresses, b) ash3 tree (sim reg). Mallard (male, female) into main pond. Later, mallard (female) on grass by shed.
Jackdaw (4) willow box. Jackdaw nest mat at oak box. Jackdaw (41) main pond trees (also insect-hawking). Jackdaw (75) collecting in Church Lane poplars before roost.
BT (3+), LTT shed area. LTT hybrid poplars. Goldcrest laurel hedge and spinney cypresses. Blackbird male-male aggro patio. Collared dove song HH. Robin song HH. GSW (2) main pond trees.
Herring gull (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Grey heron eastwards.
No frost.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call ‘tchi-tchi...’. Greenfinch spinney. Woodcock up from leaf-litter under blackthorn MSE.
Amber list: [WP (45) west of WRR.] Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Kestrel (female) hybrid poplars. Song thrush song ash3 tree. Song thrush Silver Service.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak, main pond trees.
Carrion crow (4) hybrid poplars. Robin a) song MSE blackthorn b) perched hybrid poplars (sim reg). BT (2) shed area. GSW (2) hybrid poplars.[Magpie west of WRR.]
Herring gull (3) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Light frost, then sunny intervals, overcast later, 10C, wind SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit call near big oak. Mistle thrush perched hybrid poplars. Greenfinch (3+) big oak and spinney, some song.
Amber list: WP shed area. Stock dove big oak. Kestrel (male, female) perched dead ash near Top Blackthorn nestbox. Later, kestrel (male, male, female) circling over Top Blackthorn. Kestrel mobbed buzzard over meadow. Moorhen call main pond. Bullfinch (2 males) Top Blackthorn, left southwards towards HH around sunset. Song thrush song Top Blackthorn at dusk. Sparrowhawk (male) meadow, hunting flight low across reeds at sunset.
Jackdaw (18 + 10) departed from hybrid poplars for roost. Jackdaw (2) on/in beech box. Jackdaw (4) on/in willow box.
BT (3+) shed area. Fieldfare over main pond, (probably) into spinney at dusk. Robin shed. Blackbird into spinney. Blackbird song MNE. Robin song main pond. Buzzard (2+) aggro over Church Lane. Collared dove round shed. Red kite over WRR. Redwing (8) out of Top Blackthorn, left southwards towards HH or spinney around sunset. Greylag goose (2) heading NE near Church Lane.
Herring gull (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Common gull (20+) southwards.
Very light frost, mainly overcast, 10C, wind SE BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit calls (several types) near big oak / WBH / spinney.
Amber list: Song thrush big oak. Stock dove out of shed north end. Kestrel (male) perched by WRR owl box. Moorhen call main pond. Bullfinch call. Mallard (male, female) main pond.
Blackbird shed area. Collared dove (2) WRR. Robin (3+) spinney near yew hedge. Goldcrest in ivy by WBH. LTT WBH. Buzzard over meadow.
Probable badger print on track by Top Blackthorn.
Herring gull (2) ‘paddling’ on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Tawny owl song near HH before dawn.
No frost, mainly overcast, 8C.
Red list: Marsh tit (white tail) pines song/call ‘tchi-tchi...’.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) hybrid poplars, some display. WP A1065 cypresses. Wren shed area. Song thrush (3-4) alarms edge of meadow near sunset. Mallard (male) heading NE. Kestrel (female) perched ash4 tree. Kestrel (male) perched big oak. Moorhen on track by main pond. Bullfinch (male) Top Blackthorn (on blackthorn).
Jackdaw (25+) ash2 and ash3. Jackdaw (2) willow. Jackdaw (3+) big oak. Jackdaw (2) mobbed grey squirrrel at beech box.
Fieldfare (3) southwards. Chaffinch (2) Silver Service. BT (3+) shed area. Robin (2) patio. Robin laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin song spinney blackthorn. Blackbird (2) laurel hedge and main pond. shed area. Blackbird song MNW. Blackbird song main pond / WBH. Coal tit big oak. BT (15+) shed area.
Water rail (2+) calls MSW at dusk.
Herring gull (2) ‘paddling’ on grazing between WBH and WRR.
The first day of (meteorological) spring. Very light frost, overcast, rain or showers at first, sunny intervals later, 6C, wind E or NE then S BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit shed shrubs and laurel hedge.
Amber list: WP shed area. Wren song box or yews. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot, mobbed by goldfinch (20).
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees.
BT (3+) shed area. Redwing (8) over plot towards A1065 ashwoods. Blackbird alarm MSE. Robin patio. Jay (2) MNE. Buzzard SHO. [Magpie (2) west of WRR.]
Common gull (30+) southwards.
The last day of winter. No frost, overcast, rain or showers, 10C, wind W or NW BF 0-1.
Red list: Mistle thrush in beech, Silver Service plot.
Amber list: WP (4) beech. Kestrel (male) WRR pole.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (6) willow (1 in box). Jackdaw (2) beech. Jackdaw (18) main pond trees.
GT, BT shed area. Redwing (2) over plot. Blackbird shed roof. Robin ivy hedge. Redwing (2), blackbird (2) in ivy hedge. BT (3+) patio area. Treecreeper on A1065 cypress stumps and nearby. Chaffinch (male, female) near patio. GSW across plot.
Herring gull (2 adults) foraging on usual area WBH / WRR.
Common gull (30+) southwards. Common gull (180) heading NE.
No frost, overcast, 10C, wind S BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit foraging on big oak mossy areas. Mistle thrush (2) in hybrid poplars at dusk.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Dunnock laurel hedge blackthorn. WP big oak. Kestrel (female) perched ash3 tree. Kestrel scratty hedge / Church Lane / ?Top Blackthorn at dusk (perhaps came out of box). Moorhen call main pond. Wren song box or yews. Mallard over main pond.
Jackdaw (9+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (2) beech. Jackdaw ash2 tree. Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree.
BT (2), goldfinch laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin song yews. Nuthatch big oak. GT patio. Redwing (5+) in A1065 ivy hedge, chased by blackbird (male, female). Redwing (2) into Top Blackthorn at dusk.
Buzzard (2) over meadow and Horseshoe Plantation.
Common gull (5+) southwards.
27/02/2024Possible Chrondrostereum purpureum on main stem of willow cultivar 2024-02-27 (3387)
Very light frost, sunny intervals, 7C, wind N or NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit shed shrubs, ‘tchi-tchi..’ call/song, some warbling (beginning of nighting*le song?). Marsh tit (white tail) patio.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) along hybrid poplars, mobbing perched buzzard, also in main pond trees. Wren call main pond. WP big oak. Sparrowhawk (male) out of spinney towards Church Lane.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak, ownership contest.
BT (2+), LTT (2) laurel hedge blackthorn. Blackbird (4) into spinney. Blackbird male-male aggo shed roof. Collared dove song on HH roof. Collared dove (3) round shed area. GSW across into spinney. GT near shed. Goldcrest (female?) yews.
Grey heron west along Carr Stream.
26/02/2024Possible Phlebia radiata on willow cultivar 2024-02-27 (3395)
No frost, sunny intervals, odd showers, 7C, wind N or NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (partly white tail) laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Stock dove (3+) shed area, some display. Kestrel (female) perched big oak. Kestrel (male) perched pollarded willow. Mallard (male, female) up from main pond. Dunnock on shed concrete. WP (3) shed area.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, ownership contest. Jackdaw (2+) on pruned willow. Jackdaw (20+) main pond trees.
BT (2+) shed area. Blackbird shed area. Robin patio. Goldfinch laurel hedge burdock. Collared dove song on HH roof. Buzzard (3) over meadow etc. Red kite (1YO) perched hybrid poplars with food, mobbed by jackdaws (6+).
Tawny owl call near HH before dawn.
Fairly sharp frost, mist or fog at first, sunny intervals later, 7C, wind E or NE BF 1-2.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps for hawthorn scrub control -- wren, blackbird, robin (2+), GT, BT, LTT (2+, probably nest-building), carrion crow, GSW, WP; a few mining bees. Various plants emerging -- Arum, dog’s mercury, honeysuckle, etc.]
[Linnet (2) Whissonsett. Rook (5 nests) Brisley. Thrush flock (fieldfare 60, redwing 20, starling 15+) on arable by Norman’s Burrow Wood (Raynham).]
Amber list: Bullfinch (male) Top Blackthorn. Mallard (male, female) main pond after sunset.
Redwing over meadow at dusk. Pied wagtail ash3 tree at dusk.
No frost, overcast, mist or fog at first, 7C, wind SW BF 0-1.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock and yews. Marsh tit big oak burdock. Greenfinch call in A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Stock dove song beech. Kestrel (male, female) perched WRR. Bullfinch (male) Top Blackthorn. Dunnock laurel hedge blackthorn. WP MNE.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) on pruned willow after box was replaced (1 in box). Jackdaw (18+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (30+) collecting in hybrid poplars before leaving for roost to S.
Chaffinch song spinney. Chaffinch (female) in big oak. Goldfinch laurel hedge burdock. Robin (2) by laurel hedge (1 perhaps collecting moss, then dropped it). BT (2) round shed. GT (3) main pond trees and sea buckthorn WBH. Blackbird (male) by laurel hedge. Collared dove song on HH roof. Buzzard (3) circling over Church Lane. Red kite over WRR. Pied wagtail over plot. Extensive muntjac prints along track by Top Blackthorn. Fox print MNW.
Herring gull (adult) perched on WRR electricity pole/pylon.
LBBG adult southwards. Common gull (imm) over Church Lane.
No frost, overcast, some sunny intervals later, 8C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock. Mistle thrush in hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship in spinney. Stock dove display over shed area. Stock dove ash2 tree. WP shed roof. Kestrel scratty hedge. Moorhen call main pond. Song thrush alarm MSW. Wren song box tree or spinney. Dunnock (2) patio and box.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (34) collecting in hybrid poplars before leaving for roost (to S or SE).
Collared dove Silver Service. Collared dove spinney cypresses. Robin song yews. Blackbird patio. BT (4) shed shrubs. Goldfinch (2) laurel hedge burdock. Chaffinch (male) patio shrubs. Buzzard (4) over Church Lane.
Common gull (10, 5, etc) south- or westwards.
No frost, overcast, showers, then heavier rain later, 11C, wind S or SW BF 2-4.
Amber list: Stock dove shed roof. Kestrel (female) perched ash3 tree.
Jackdaw (9+) big oak. Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees etc.
Blackbird by laurel hedge. Blackbird WBH. Chaffinch (female) yews (on and patio eating discarded rice). Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Collared dove song HH.
Common gull (10, 5, etc) south- or westwards.
Tawny owl song vicinity of HH before sunrise.
[Red kite East Raynham. Oystercatcher (2) Hempton.]
No frost, overcast, rain later, 11C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Dunnock shed shrubs. Dunnock song yews and box. WP (2) round shed area.
Jackdaw (13) big oak. Jackdaw (4) ash2 tree. Jackdaw (2) ash3 tree.
Blackbird male-male aggro on shed roof. Blackbird (2) patio. Collared dove (2) shed area. Green woodpecker call Church Lane area.
Common gull (7) south- or westwards.
No frost, overcast, mainly dry, 12C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Red list: Greenfinch over shed area.
Amber list: Reed bunting (male, female) at Top Blackthorn, departed west. Reed bunting (male, female) later at Top Blackthorn, prob 4 in total. Bullfinch (3) Top Blackthorn, probably departed to roost elsewhere. Song thrush song ash3 tree. Wren song main pond and ash4. Dunnock song MSW and ash2. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw (8 pairs) heading SE at sunset.
Carrion crow SHO. Buzzard (2) meadow, Silver Service etc. Chaffinch song spinney.
Herring gull (adult) foraging on usual area WBH / WRR. Herring gull (adult) perched WRR pole.
No frost, overcast at first (some slight drizzle), then sunny intervals, mainly dry, 11C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: Stock dove display main pond area. Dunnock (2) courtship laurel hedge burdock. Reed bunting (8+) Top Blackthorn 1800 BST onwards, roost probably elsewhere (to the NE). Bullfinch (2, male, female) Top Blackthorn at sunset. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw (30) main pond trees.
Blackbird ash3 tree. Blackbird male-male aggro by laurel hedge. BT (2) patio. Robin song pines area.
Redwing (15+), blackbird (2) dropping into Top Blackthorn to roost, at and just after sunset.
Grey heron west over Church Lane. Common gull (10+) south- or westwards. Common gull (350+) with herring gull (5+) up from arable north of A1065, west of WRR.
No frost, steady or heavy rain overnight and up to midday, drier later, mild, 13C, wind W BF 1-3.
[At Pensthorpe Nature Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps for bramble control -- Cetti’s warbler (song), marsh tit, linnet (song), shoveler (10+), teal (10+), cormorant, tufted duck, red-crested pochard, goldeneye, buzzard, greylag goose, rook (50+ nests?).]
Red list: Mistle thrush (3) ash3 and ash2 trees.
Amber list: Stock dove song hybrid poplars. Song thrush song ash3 tree and hybrid poplars. Moorhen call main pond. Dunnock (2) laurel hedge blackthorn. Wren song main pond. Kestrel (female) perched scratty hedge opposite Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (4+), bullfinch (3) Top Blackthorn round sunset.
Water rail call MSW (possibly 2).
Pied wagtail (24) across meadow towards Church Lane/WRR junction 1805 BST, roost may have shifted.
Redwing (5+) into Top Blackthorn round sunset. GT call pines. greylag goose (24) over plot southwards at dusk.
No frost, overcast, mild, 12C, wind S BF 1-2, later 4+.
Red list: Marsh tit patio burdock.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) big oak and nearby. Bullfinch (male, female), reed bunting (6+), song thrush (2), blackbird Top Blackthorn. Song thrush song hybrid poplars and ash3 tree. Dunnock patio. Dunnock hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak.
BT (3+), GT (2) patio and laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin song HH. Blackbird MNE. Buzzard meadow.
No frost, sunny intervals, light showers, mild, 13C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit call (“tsiff, tsiff, ...”) near HH. Marsh tit (2) on laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) big oak and nearby. Kestrel (male) circling over meadow, probably some display over Top Blackthorn. WP big oak.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak. Jackdaw (11) ash3 tree.
BT (4) patio and laurel hedge blackthorn.
No frost, sunny intervals, very mild for February, 16C, wind W or SW BF 1-2.
Amber list: Song thrush big oak.
Robin yews.
14/02/2024Oystercatchers, knot, and other waders at Snettisham 2024-02-14 (3376)
No frost, mainly overcast, calm, mild, dry, calm, 14C, wind W BF 1-2.
[Snettisham Beach, waders collecting at high tide -- knot (warden’s estimate 40000), oystercatcher (4000+), grey plover (200+), redshank (200+), turnstone (40+), bar-tailed godwit (unknown), black-tailed godwit (60), little grebe, great crested grebe, cormorant (10+), greylag goose (100+), teal (100+), shoveler (4+), gadwall (6+), goldeneye, tufted duck, marsh harrier (2+), goldfinch (40), linnet (song), meadow pipit (5+), GBBG (2+).]
Blackbird male-male aggro shed roof.
Light frost, mainly sunny, dry, calm, 8C, wind W or SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit call (“tsiff, tsiff, ...”) near HH. Starling (3) south over plot near sunset.
Amber list: Stock dove display main pond area. Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. Wren call main pond. Song thrush song Church Lane. Song thrush song MSE or Silver Service plot.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees, big oak etc. Jackdaw (40+) alarms in ash3, ash2 trees. Jackdaw (100+) heading south at sunset.
Robin yews. BT, GT near HH. Blackbird into Top Blackthorn at sunset. Buzzard circling over meadow. Buzzard perched SHO.
Pied wagtail (12+) Top Blackthorn and MSW 1740 to 1755 BST.
Grey heron east over Church Lane.
No frost, some light drizzle early, calm, 8C, wind W BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit call (“tsiff, tsiff, ...”) near HH. Starling west over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed roof and big oak. Stock dove entering shed north end. WP (12) across plot. Kestrel (female) perched hybrid poplars. Dunnock laurel hedge. Wren song yews or box. Reed bunting (male, female) Top Blackthorn, then into roost in reeds MSW.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees etc. Jackdaw (2) with nest mat approaching beech box.
Blackbird (2 males) shed area. Robin (2) yews. BT (4) patio. BT (2) laurel hedge blackthorn. Collared dove (2) shed area, some song. Buzzard circling over meadow. Carrion crow (3) across meadow. BHG over grazing between WBH and WRR.
Pied wagtail (27) Top Blackthorn and MSW 1740 to 1747 BST.
Common gull (10+) south over plot.
No frost, calm, 9C, wind W BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit call (“tsiff, tsiff, ...”) near HH. Mistle thrush round main pond trees.
Amber list: Song thrush song MSW trees (ash4 etc). Dunnock laurel hedge.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees etc.
LTT, BT laurel hedge blackthorn. Goldcrest spinney cypresses. Buzzard scratty hedge.
Pied wagtail (15+) over MSW near sunset (1729 BST). Redwing (11) into spinney around sunset. [Magpie (2) west of WRR.]
Common gull (10+) south over plot.
No frost, rain or showers from soon after sunrise, breezy, 11C, wind SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit call (“tsiff, tsiff, ...”) near HH. Starling (60+) west over Church Lane.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed roof. WP (5+) across plot. Sparrowhawk (male) circling over main pond. Kestrel (male) perched edge of spinney and on WRR pole.
Jackdaw (10+) ash2 tree and big oak.
Blackbird (2 males) shed roof.
Common gull (200+) over Church Lane near sunset.
No frost, overcast, rain / drizzle from soon after sunrise, breezy, 3C, wind E BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit in shed shrubs.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH and main pond area. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Dunnock shed shrubs, shed roof etc. WP holly. Kestrel (male) on rowan and big oak.
Jackdaw (20) ash2 tree and big oak. Jackdaw (3+) invertigating pruned willow.
Goldfinch (20+) ash3 tree. Magpie across plot. Robin (2), BT shed shrubs. Blackbird near shed. Red kite over plot area. Collard dove (2) big oak.
Redwing (140+) in Top Blackthorn and nearby in drizzle.
Herring gull (adult) foraging on usual area WBH / WRR.
Common gull (2, 1, 5, etc) over plot. Grey heron west along Carr Stream.
No frost, overcast, dry, calm, 12C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit call shed area.
Amber list: Song thrush song ash3, ash2 trees and MSW. Stock dove display hyrbrid poplars etc. WP (20) across plot. Wren main pond. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw (20+) hybrid poplars before leaving for roost.
Blackbird (male) shed area. BT (3), LTT (3) laurel hedge blackthorn.
No frost, overcast, rain later, blustery, 12C, wind W BF 2-6.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) in patio leaf-litter.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH and main pond area. Stock dove shed area. WP (2) round plot. Bullfinch (male) patio. Moorhen call main pond. Sparrowhawk (male) past HH and through main pond area.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak. Jackdaw in/out at oak box.
Blackbird (male) by laurel hedge. Fieldfare (2) MNE. Redwing round plot. Goldfinch (5+), GT laurel hedge burdock.
Herring gull (adult) foraging on usual area WBH / WRR.
No frost, mainly overcast, blustery, mainly dry, 11C, wind W BF 2-6.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) up from laurel hedge area towards spinney.
Amber list: Song thrush out of laurel hedge. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. WP (9+) round plot. Kestrel (female) WRR. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak.
BT (3) laurel hedge blackthorn. Blackbird (male) by laurel hedge. Redwing (15+) west across plot. BT (6+), GT, coal tit patio area.
Pied wagtail (25+) over / round MSW and adjacent grazing near sunset.
Common gull (150+) over plot, westwards then back east.
No frost, mainly overcast, breezy, mainly dry, 12C, wind W BF 1-4.
Amber list: Moorhen call main pond.
Robin yews.
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals at first, overcast with drizzle later, breezy, mainly dry, 13C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit song (“chu-chu-...” and “tsiff-tsiff..”) spinney cypress area. Greenfinch song spinney cypresses.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH / spinney. Stock dove main pond trees. WP (3+) round plot. Kestrel perched Church Lane pole. Dunnock song laurel hedge.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin song HH. BT (3) main pond trees. Blackbird (3+) plot. Fieldfare (6) across meadow. Collared dove (2) big oak, holly etc. Red kite over plot. Goldcrest A1065 spinney cypresses. Goldfinch (4+) shed area. Caol tit song spinney near A1065 cypresses.
Pied wagtail Silver Service.
[Arable by East Bilney -- fieldfare (160+), redwing (40+). Arable near Whissonsett -- common gull (160+), herring gull (5+), buzzard, yellowhammer (4+), skylark song. Gressenhall -- kestrel. Gressenhall Old Rectory -- mistle thrush song.]
No frost, overcast at first, sunny or sunny intervals later, breezy, dry, 11C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH / spinney. WP (3+) round plot. Kestrel WRR.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin song pines. BT, GT (female) patio. Blackbird (3+) Top Blackthorn at sunset. Redwing meadow to spinney. Fieldfare across plot. Collared dove big oak, holly etc. Red kite, buzzard across plot. Goldcrest A1065 live cypress. Goldfinch (4+) near patio.
Pied wagtail (17+) into reeds MSW at sunset 1750 BST.
Common gull (1, 1, etc) westwards near plot. Grey heron east along Carr Stream.
[Rooks at nest (8+ nests) Hempton church. Red kite Toftrees.]
Light frost, mainly sunny, calmer, mainly dry, 7C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Starling (7) westwards across plot.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH / spinney. Stock dove (3+) main pond trees, hybrid poplars etc. WP (5+) round plot. Kestrel (female) hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin song HH. BT patio. Blackbird (2) laurel hedge burdock etc. Collared dove (2) big oak, holly etc.
Herring gull adult “paddling” on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Pink-footed goose (4) S over plot.
Common gull (1, 1, etc) westwards near plot.
Light frost, overcast, breezy, mainly dry, 8C, wind W or SW BF 2-4(5).
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH / spinney. WP (60+) up from north of Church Lane, went towards Horseshoe Plantation. Dunnock (2) courtship laurel hedge burdock. Bullfinch call spinney. Kestrel attacked pied wagtail near Top Blackthorn at dusk. Wren patio.
Pied wagtail (27+) up from reeds MNW / MSW 1735 BST in blustery conditions, perhaps too unstable for roosting on meadow, went to the south.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw (4+) round beech box.
GT, BT, goldfinch laurel hedge burdock. Blackbird (2) by laurel hedge. Red kite, buzzard round plot and spinney. Collared dove WRR. Robin song laurels by main pond. Blackbird (2) in laurel hedge at dusk.
Herring gull adult “paddling” on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Pink-footed goose (4) NW over plot.
Common gull (20+) westwards near plot.
No frost, overcast, murky, drizzle at times, 9C, wind W or NW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit patio. Starling (250+) heading NE near sunset.
Amber list: Song thrush song WBH. Bullfinch WBH (perhaps on spindle, where berries are now just husks).
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak.
GT, BT patio. Blackbird by shed. Redwing (10+) Church Lane area. Red kite, buzzard round plot and spinney. GSW main pond trees.
Herring gull adult on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Egyptian goose (3) SE across plot. Muntjac in Top Blackthorn. Common gull (10+) westwards near plot.
No frost, overcast, 10C, wind S BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) main pond trees. Starling (10+) on grazing near scratty hedge with thrushes. Greenfinch (2) out of laurel hedge after sunrise.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) patio leaf-litter. Kestrel (female) perched hybrid poplars. Bullfinch (male, female) box tree area and pines. WP eating berries on holly by shed.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees and big oak, some allopreening.
Robin patio. Blackbird shed area. Fieldfare (25+), redwing (10+) on grazing near scratty hedge. Red kite round plot.
Light frost, sunny, 10C, wind S or SW BF 1-3. (Record January temperature of 19.6C in Scotland).
[At Swanton Novers with Norfolk Conservation Corps for birch / pine control on heathland area -- goshawk (male) circling, buzzard (3+), nuthatch, WP (4+), redwing (20+), siskin (10+), GT, BT, coal tit, roe deer (female). Swanton Novers village hall -- mistle thrush, greenfinch.]
Red list: Starling (40) heading SE at dusk. Starling (7) on SHO with mistle thrush.
Amber list: Moorhen call main pond. Reed bunting (2+1) into Top Blackthorn at dusk. Song thrush Top Blackthorn.
Pied wagtail over main pond at dusk. LTT MSE. Fieldfare (40+), redwing (15+) scratty hedge area at dusk. GT song WRR. Carrion crow across plot. Golden plover (9) soutwards over plot near sunset.
[Brisley -- greenfinch (7+) near common, some song. Chaffinch. Jackdaw (20+), rook (20+) arriving from roost. Starling (15+).]
[Pear Tree Corner (Whissonsett) -- mistle thrush (2). Whissonsett / Horningtoft road -- yellowhammer (15+).]
Light frost, mainly overcast, 8C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call (“chu-chu...” shed shrubs.
Amber list: Stock dove hybrid poplars. Kestrel (male) perched hybrid poplars. Kestrel (female) WRR pole. WP holly. Dunnock (2) laurel hedge. Bullfinch (2) across plot from box area.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees and grassy area near shed.
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch (14 species in 1 hour, total count 36), including goldcrest, collared dove, stock dove (3), kestrel, robin, BT (4), GT, dunnock, jackdaw (15), marsh tit, wren, blackbird, bullfinch (2).
Herring gull adult on grazing between WBH, WRR and Church Lane, “paddling” for earthworms on damp grass.
Little egret west along Carr Stream.
No frost, overcast, odd sunny intervals, 11C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Starling (18) westwards over plot 0830 GMT. Mistle thrush song ash3 tree, also chasing blackbirds. Mistle thrush (2) spiiney to north of plot. Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Stock dove (3+) round shed. WP on holly. Kestrel (male) Church Lane pole. Kestrel (male) defending Top Blackthorn box against jackdaw and stock dove (2). Kestrel (female) WRR pole.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak.
Blackbird, GT leaf-turning patio.
Herring gull adult on grazing between WBH, WRR and Church Lane, “paddling” for earthworms on damp grass.
Buzzard over WBH, meadow. Red kite over WBH / WRR.
Common gull (50+) heading SW in small groups.
No frost, overcast with rain or drizzle at first, some sunny intervals later, 10C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Starling (6+) hybrid poplars with fieldfares. Mistle thrush song ash3 tree, also chasing blackbirds. Mistle thrush (3) ash3 tree (some aggro). Woodcock west over meadow 1805 BST.
Amber list: Stock dove (3+) round shed, also display round plot. WP (5+) plot. Dunnock song laurel hedge. Song thrush song WBH and spinney (sunrise). Song thrush alarm at dusk main pond / MSW. Kestrel (male) big oak. Bullfinch (male) patio.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (18+) hybrid poplars at sunrise. Jackdaw in/out oak box. Jackdaw (10+) foraging on grazing near WBH.
Fieldfare (140+), redwing (20+) on hybrid poplars, also foraging on grazing adjacent to plot.
Peregrine (male) heading SSW over plot 1630 BST.
Collared dove (2) scratty hedge. BT (3+), GT patio burdock etc. Robin shed shrubs. Robin song Horseshoe Plantation. Goldfinch (15+) plot and Silver Service plot. Tit flock (25+) WBH. GT song main pond. BT song spinney. Jay main pond area. [Magpie west of WRR.] Blackbird alarms Top Blackthorn, MNE at dusk. GSW willow.
Herring gull adult on grazing between WBH, WRR and Church Lane, “paddling” for earthworms on damp grass.
Little egret eastwards along Carr Stream.
Muntjac (male) just north of Carr Stream. Muntjac passing through fence into Horseshoe Plantation at dusk. Grey squirrel (3+) spinney.
Common gull (10+) SW across plot.
No frost, overcast, 10C, end of Storm Jocelyn, wind W or SW BF 3-6.
Red list: Marsh tit near A1065 cypresses. Starling westwards.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) round shed. WP (4) MSE. Dunnock laurel hedge burdock and patio. Mallard (male) main pond. Grey wagtail main pond.
Jackdaw (10) big oak. Jackdaw in/out oak box.
Collared dove (2) round plot. Goldcrest A1065 cypresses. BT (4+), GT, goldfinch (10+) patio burdock etc. Robin shed shrubs. Pied wagtail meadow towards Church Lane.
Herring gull adult on grazing between WBH, WRR and Church Lane.
Buzzard perched in spinney by A1065 cypress stumps at dusk.
Muntjac MNW.
Common gull (10+) SW across plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, 11C, wind W or SW BF 2-6.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed area. Kestrel (male) on WRR pole.
Jackdaw (10+) grazing between WBH and WRR.
Buzzard round plot. Goldfinch (10+) main pond trees. Blackbird (2+), BT (2+), collared dove (2) shed area. Robin (2) aggro by shed. Jay big oak.
Herring gull (adult, with 2YO) on grazing between WBH, WRR and Church Lane.
Common gull (10+) SW across plot.
No frost, mainly sunny, main pond thawed, 9C, wind W or SW BF 2-6.
Red list: Greenfinch across plot and Silver Service. Mistle thrush song main pond trees and hybrid poplars. Mistle thrush big oak. Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock. [Lapwing (40+) arable between East Raynham and Toftrees.]
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed area, 1 entering north end. Kestrel (male) on Church Lane pole. WP (20+) spinney, main pond trees. Rook (2) westwards over plot. Sparrowhawk (male) west across main pond.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Buzzard round plot. Buzzard (3) over Church Lane. Red kite over plot and Silver Service. Goldfinch (2) shed area. LTT (6+), GT (4+), BT (3) patio and shed area. Fieldfare big oak. Robin (2) aggro shed shrubs. Treecreeper big oak. Collared dove (2) plot and big oak.
Herring gull adult on grazing between WBH, WRR and Church Lane.
Cormorant, grey heron west along Carr Stream.
Common gull (20+), LBBG, BHG SW across plot.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, main pond largely thawed, 11C, wind W or SW BF 2-5 (later 6+, Storm Isha).
Red list: Mistle thrush perched ash3 tree. Marsh tit song/call ‘tsiff...’ spinney. Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock. Starling (10+) on thawing grazing between WBH and WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed area, some song. [Stock dove (8+) on rushy grazing west of WRR.] Kestrel (male) on willow, big oak etc, taking prey from by yew hedge and eating it on big oak.
Jackdaw (10 + 10 etc) arriving from east at sunrise. Jackdaw challenging grey squirrel for ownership of beech box.
Fieldfare (40+), redwing (20+) on thawing grazing between WBH and WRR.
Blackbird (female) shed shrubs. Robin song HH. Fieldfare, redwing (3) across plot. Goldfinch (2) laurel hedge burdock. Robin, blackbird MSE. Treecreeper pines and weeping willow. GSW across plot.
[Red kite west of WRR.] Buzzard (2) Church Lane.
Common gull (10+), herring gull (2), LBBG SW across plot.
No or very light frost, mainly overcast, main pond and ‘new’ pond still frozen, 5C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush on big oak and eating holly berries by shed. Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: WP big oak and holly. Stock dove into shed north end. Kestrel (male) with prey on willow. Kestrel (male) perched hybrid poplars. Dunnock shed shrubs. Song thrush foraging under laurel hedge (also taking food to concrete oil tank base). Reed bunting (3) into Top Blackthorn at sunset (from NE). Wren patio etc. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot near sunset.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak.
Blackbird under laurel hedge and shed shrubs. Blackbird (male, female) aggro shed area. GT, BT, LTT (2+) patio shrubs. Treecreeper, nuthatch on big oak. goldfinch shed area. Goldfinch (15+) MSW and MNW (on alders). GSW Top Blackthorn to spinney. Chaffinch (2 female), GT in shed shrub leaf-litter. Buzzard spinney, meadow etc. Red kite over A1065 ashwoods. Redwing (5+) into spinney at dusk. Collared dove big oak. Magpie across main pond area.
Common gull, herring gull across plot.
Severe frost (-6.3C at Marham before sunrise), sunny intervals, cloudy later, main pond frozen, 4C, wind NW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush eating holly berries on tree by shed (also some from ground). Marsh tit big oak.
Amber list: Snipe (or j*ck snipe) silently up low from unfrozen edge of MSW ditch, no call, dropped down by WRR.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak and main pond trees.
Blackbird leaf-turning yews/patio. Robin song HH. Collared dove (2) round plot. Coal tit in beech and yews.
Grey heron west along Carr Stream. Little egret on or near Carr Stream near WRR.
Muntjac (2) just north of Carr Stream opposite plot.
Sharp frost (-5.5C at Marham before sunrise), sunny intervals, main pond frozen, 2C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Lapwing (8 + 2 + 2 + 25) SW over plot.
Amber list: Snipe (or j*ck snipe) silently up low track top of meadow. Snipe (2) down onto grazing next to WBH. Stock dove (3) shed area. Wren patio. Kestrel (female) on big oak and WRR pole with prey. Sparrowhawk (female) south across plot.
Jackdaw (9+) big oak. Jackdaw (2) main pond trees.
Blackbird (female), goldfinch (3) in leaf litter MSE. Goldfinch (0+) shed area. Fieldfare across plot. Robin laurel hedge blackthorn. LTT, GT (2+), BT (8+) shed area.
Grey heron (2) east along Carr Stream.
Sharp frost, (-4.5C at Marham before sunrise), sunny intervals (high pressure over UK), main pond frozen, 4C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush evicted blackbird from holly tree by shed. Marsh tit near shed.
Amber list: Wren shed. Stock dove (2+) shed area. Kestrel (male) hybrid poplars. Kestrel (female) on big oak and willow. WP on holly. Song thrush across plot to Silver Service. Snipe (5) dropping down on meadow.
Jackdaw (28+) big oak and main pond trees.
BT, GT, goldfinch (10+) round shed. Collared dove (2) round plot.
Sharp frost, sunny intervals (high pressure over UK), main pond frozen, 2C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush perched ash3 tree, second across plot towards spinney. Starling up from near WRR southwards. Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock. [Greenfinch (2) near South Raynham church.]
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed area, some display. Kestrel (male) display over Top Blackthorn area, then near WRR. WP (15) spinney. Kestrel (female) perched big oak. WP on holly by shed. [Stock dove (5+) on rushy grazing west of WRR.]
Water rail flushed from just north of main pond towards Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (14+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (2) allopreening big oak. Jackdaw chasing stock dove.
Blackbird leaf-turning shed shrubs. Robin apparently site-selecting / displaying at box on western wall of shed (protected by wire-netting). GT, BT, goldfinch shed area. Goldfinch (5+) near pines. Nuthatch spinney. Abundant muntjac tracks along edge of Carr Stream near MNE. Buzzard over plot. Fieldfare (30+) into large ash in scratty hedge 1640 BST. BT Top Blackthorn. Collared dove (2) plot and Silver Service.
Grey heron eastwards over meadow. [Grey heron west of WRR.] Common gull across plot.
Common gull (6+), fieldfare (25+) on arable by Church Lane.
Sharp frost, sunny intervals (high pressure over UK), main pond frozen, 1C, wind NW BF 2-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush across plot.
Amber list: Stock dove shed roof. Kestrel with prey WRR electricity pole. WP (12) spinney.
Jackdaw (12+) on big oak (box ownership disputes). Jackdaw in oak, willow boxes. Jackdaw (5+), carrion crow foraging on grazing west of WBH.
Blackbird HH and main pond area. BT (2+) shed area.
Buzzard round plot.
No frost, mainly sunny, 4C, wind N or NE BF 1-2.
[At Marsham Heath (northern compartment) with Norfolk Conservation Corps for birch control -- pink-footed goose (200 + 22 + 200) westwards near heath, redwing (20), stonechat (2, male + female or imm male), carrion crow, jay (3+), sparrowhawk (imm), buzzard, cormorant (2). Cawston Heath -- red kite, kestrel.]
Amber list: Snipe (5) perhaps from grazing just of north of Carr Stream, went south. Reed bunting into Top Blackthorn around sunset. Bullfinch spinney.
Fieldfare (80+), redwing (30+) up from grazing just of north of Carr Stream. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Blackbird in laurels near main pond at roost.
Pied wagtail (20+) into reeds MSW around sunset.
[East Raynham near Raynham Hall -- lapwing (400+) TF891265 1530 GMT.]
[South Raynham to Pear Tree Corner -- kestrel (male), red deer (3 (female + 2 imm)), carrion crow (2).]
[Pear Tree Corner to Whissonsett -- brown hare, fieldfare (3).]
[Brisley -- rook (3 + 15 nests), starling.]
No frost, mainly overcast, 5C, wind N or NE BF 1-2.
Amber list: Stock dove (2), WP (2) shed area. Wren Top Blackthorn. Wren MSW.
Jackdaw (14+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (23+) alarms round WBH.
LTT (2), coal tit, blackbird Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (3+) shed area. Robin (2) yews.
Bat (2, prob) out of bat boxes at dusk, towards meadow in mild conditions.
Buzzard meadow etc. Red kite Church Lane.
Herring gull (adult) foraging on grazing west of WBH.
No frost, overcast, some sunny intervals, some drizzle off the North Sea, 6C, wind E or NE BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush perched big oak and hybrid poplars. Marsh tit calls near patio.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship main pond trees. Stock dove display-flighting over shed area. WP (2) courtship big oak. Dunnock patio and yews. Kestrel perched hybrid poplars. Kestrel (male, female) perched next to each other on/by WRR pole. Wren inside shed.
Jackdaw (14+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (23+) alarms round WBH.
Blackbird (3+) WBH and pines area. GT patio. BT (2+) shed area. Robin (2) shed shrubs. Goldfinch (20+) on burdock patches (patio, shed, etc). GSW (2) possible aggro in spinney.
Buzzard carrying food across meadow area (from near WBH), also perched ash3 tree.
Mute swan eastwards along Carr Stream. Common gull westwards along Carr Stream.
Light frost, sunny, 6C, wind NE BF 1-4.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) shed roof. WP (2) eating holly berries by shed. Dunnock leaf-turning patio. Bullfinch (female) Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting into reeds near Top Blackthorn (near sunset).
Pink-footed goose (18) westwards near plot in morning. Pink-footed goose (60) eastwards to the south of A1065 in afternoon.
Jackdaw (5) main pond trees. Jackdaw (10+) on grazing west of WBH. Jackdaw into oak box.
Herring gull (adult, streaked head) foraging on grazing west of WBH, also perched WRR pole.
BT (4+) patio. Collared dove (2) big oak etc. Blackbird alarm HH. Carrion crow hybrid poplars. Magpie near WRR.
Buzzard Top Blackthorn.
Sharp frost, sunny, 4C, wind NE BF 1-4.
[Mistle thrush song Hempton Common.]
[Fakenham Norwich Road -- herring gull (3+), starling (20+). Fakenham churchyard -- rook (17, 3 active nests).]
[Stibbard area (near A1067) arable -- lapwing (60+).]
[Sparham -- starling (40) on wires.]
[Lenwade near A1067 -- cormorant.]
Sharp frost (pond frozen), sunny intervals, 4C, wind E or NE BF 1-4.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) main pond trees. WP (15+) spinney across main pond area. Kestrel perched big oak. Snipe over main pond, went northwards.
Jackdaw (18+) main pond trees.
Carrion crow main pond trees. Fieldfare (25) Church Lane towards spinnney.
Red kite, buzzard over Church Lane.
No frost, overcast, 3C, wind E or NE BF 1-4.
Red list: Lapwing (25+) westwards over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) WBH. WP (2+) main pond area. WP (6+) spinney. Kestrel WRR pole. Wren MNE.
Jackdaw (100+) in from east near sunrise.
Goldfinch (20+) round main pond, hybrid poplars. Blackbird MNE.
Water rail call (prob) Carr Stream near MNE.
Herring gull adult on or near grazing by WRR and Carr Stream. Probably the same adult as before.
Red kite (2), buzzard (2+) west of WRR.
Cormorant southwards over plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, light showers later, 4C, wind NE BF 1-3.
[At Broadland Country Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- crossbill (20), redwing (60+), fieldfare, great tit, wren, robin, blackbird, kestrel, woodpigeon, jay (2), carrion crow (5+), magpie, starling (9), fallow deer (3+).]
[Great white egret over road North Elmham mill TG002203.]
[Whissonsett -- mistle thrush song, common gull (180+).]
[Horningtoft -- pink-footed goose (25) heading NW.]
[Billingford -- roe deer road casualty.]
No frost, some sunny intervals, odd light showers, 5C, wind N BF 1-3.
Amber list: Stock dove display by hybrid poplars. WP (2) main pond area.
Jackdaw (20+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw in/out at oak box.
Collared dove (2) courtship hybrid poplars.
Common gull (30) SE over plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, light showers, 7C, wind N BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush hybrid poplars. Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch. Starling (9) westwards.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney. Stock dove display over main pond area. WP (2+) round plot. Dunnock laurel hedge. Kestrel (male, female) together on WRR pole.
Jackdaw (11) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin, BT, GT (3) laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin song HH. Fieldfare (8) across main pond area. Buzzard over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, rain after dark, 8C, wind E BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush song hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney around sunrise. Stock dove over plot.
Pink-footed goose (200+) westwards over plot 0930 BST.
Jackdaw (4) attempting to enter beech box.. Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin, BT patio. GT main pond. BT (4+) MSE. BT (4+) WBH. Redwing (2), blackbird (2) Top Blackthorn. Fieldfare main pond area. Collared dove (3) spinney. Collared dove (2) near Church Lane.
Common gull (100+) near plot.
No frost, overcast, dull, showers early on, 9C, wind W later BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit big oak. Starling (30 + 10) westwards.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney before sunrise. Dunnock song yews area. Bullfinch (2) over shed.
Pink-footed goose (40) northwards near plot 1000 BST.
Robin (2), BT patio. GT song spinney. Redwing (6) hybrid poplars. Fieldfare (8) over plot.
Common gull (60+) over A1065.
No frost, overcast, dull, steady or heavy rain from mid-morning, 10C, wind mainly W later BF 2-6(7).
Red list: Mistle thrush ash3 tree.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney before sunrise. WP A1065 cypresses. Dunnock (2) laurel hedge.
Jackdaw (2) hybrid poplars.
Robin song HH. BT, GT laurel hedge blackthorn. Collared dove (2) big oak.
Common gull (160+) eastwards near Church Lane.
No frost, mainly sunny, overcast later, rain after dark, 10C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Starling (5) westwards.
Amber list: Stock dove song spinney. Stock dove (2) across plot. Bullfinch, dunnock, wren Top Blackthorn. Dunnock, wren MSE.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak, main pond trees.
Collared dove shed area. Blackbird MSE. BT MSW. BT (2) HH. Goldfinch patio burdock. Goldcrest pines.
[Buzzard, red kite, magpie west of WRR.]
Common gull (10+) over plot.