Projects... Poplars CBC Aims

Wildlife conservation tasks at Hillside House

Below is an outline list of recent conservation-related tasks at Hillside House.

Older tasks (completed prior to the start of 2017) shows the work at the start of the project.

Nature conservation tasks at Hillside House 2017 onwards
A sad day for the plot -- the cultivar willow to the SW of the main pond was drastically pruned in an effort to save it.
The crown of this tree was becoming more and more sparse over recent years until by summer 2023 there was no leaf visible at all. Only a few epicormic shoots on the two main stems suggested the tree might survive.
A similar S. alba cultivar on the opposite side of the pond was heavily pruned in February 2017 and has recovered well.
Kestrel box from Top Blackthorn partly repaired, still needs a roof.
23/12/2023Repaired Raynham Farm barn owl box 2023-12-23 (3320)
The owl box installed by Raynham Farm Co Ltd on West Raynham Road has been recovered and repaired. This box fell down at least a couple of years ago.
The box is now ready for re-installation somewhere on the Raynham estate, the location to be agreed with the Estate Manager.
23/12/2023Repaired Raynham Farm barn owl box 2023-12-23 (3323)
23/12/2023Repaired Raynham Farm barn owl box serial number 2023-12-23 (3326)
Island reshaping and reed reduction work on main pond with digger.
Island reshaping and reed reduction work on main pond with digger.
Reed cutting on main pond continues, in preparation for digger.
More work on brash hedge SW edge of Top Blackthorn.
14/02/2023Goat willow after pollarding work 2023-02-14 (2828)
Goat willow after pollarding work (see picture).
14/02/2023Area of cut reed after raking 2023-02-14 (2830)
(continued). Area of cut reed MNW after final raking.
Reed cuttings from Corps task October 2022 moved to Top Blackthorn and incorporated into brash hedge there.
27/01/2023Goat willow pollarding work 2023-01-27 (2809)
Work to pollard goat willows MSW (trees at risk of storm damage).
27/01/2023Goat willow pollarding work 2023-01-27 (2821)
Reed patch on middle of east side of meadow was cut with brushcutter and scythes.
As before, cuttings were re-used in the existing brash hedge on the perimeter of Top Blackthorn.
More work on brash hedge at NE corner of Top Blackthorn.
Brash hedge at NE corner of Top Blackthorn augmented.
23/10/2022Norfolk Conservation Corps cutting and raking reeds 2022-10-23 (2693)
Reed patch on west side of meadow was cut with brushcutter and scythes.
Cuttings were re-used to augment and strengthen an existing brash hedge on the perimeter of Top Blackthorn.
(Management of the blackthorn patch is aimed at encouraging nightingale there in the future.)
23/10/2022Top Blackthorn hedge Hillside House 2022-10-25 (2699)
Brash hedge at Top Blackthorn after strengthening.
Work on access track at MSE blackthorn patch continued, including pruning of lower hybrid poplar branches.
Work to process ash1 tree continued.
Ash1 tree taken down after severe damage on 16/08. Tree is now safe with no further risk to adjacent Silver Service plot.
Work to tidy up severe damage to ash1 tree (from 16/08) continued.
Work to tidy up severe damage to ash1 tree (from 16/08) started.
Tracks topped.
Swift calls playback at eaves nest. (Improved track, based on xeno-canto XC578624).
First swift box, essentially conforming to Rutland Swift Box style, fitted on the side of Hillside House.
Work on MSE brash continued.
Work on MSE brash continued.
Beech and oak nestboxes repaired.
Work on fallen goat willow MSW and MSE brash continued.
Work started to tidy up fallen goat willow MSW after Storm Eunice.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues, approaching western limit.
Work to shorten A1065 ‘ivy hedge’ completed. Cuttings still to be removed. This work will allow more sunlight into the ‘lawn’ area in the early part of the year.
Work to shorten A1065 ‘ivy hedge’ continues: all trees height-reduced but some still need adjusting.
Work to shorten A1065 ‘ivy hedge’ continues.
Work to shorten A1065 ‘ivy hedge’ started.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
07/01/2022Brash hedge along MSE edge, work in progress 2022-01-09 (3131)
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Mesh fitted across entrance to beech nestbox to exclude grey squirrels.
04/12/2021Brash hedge along MSE edge, near oak tree 2022-01-09 (3128)
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Work on boundary and brash hedge (MSE) continues.
Work on boundary and brash hedge continues.
Work to tidy up boundary and rearrange brash hedge alongside MSE under hybrid poplars started.
17/11/2021First experimental strip, Hillside House meadow 2021-11-17 (2061)
First experimental strip at MNE cutting and raking completed (50 x 5 metres).
First experimental strip at MNE raked, still some more to trim and move.
Last sections of track topped.
Trial section of MNE topped, ground may be too soft to continue.
Poplars A01, A04, A05, C01 straightened with guys as required.
Nestbox removed from inside shed north end. Some evidence that swallows were deterred from nesting in the shed since jackdaws began to use this box at times.
Track MSE scythed.
Poplars A04, A05 straightened, guyed etc.
Tracks (except MSE) topped.
Carr Stream near MNE cromed out after Raynham Farm removed fallen crack willow.
Grassy area between shed and box mowed, cuttings removed.
Laurel hedge sides trimmed.
Yew hedge trimmed to 30cm under final height.
Track along western edge of plot mowed by Mark Woolfrey.
Owl/kestrel box belonging to Raynham Estate re-installed on ash tree along WRR. (Had blown down, 2nd box nearby also down).
Support frame for poplar A09 strengthened using (cypress) brash sections.
Brash hedge construction at top blackthorn perimeter continues.
Last two loads of brash moved to top blackthorn perimeter.
More brash moved to top blackthorn perimeter.
More brash hedge construction at top blackthorn perimeter (perimeter now approx 80% complete).
13/04/2021Brash hedge along top blackthorn 2021-04-13 (0001)
More brash hedge constructed on north edge of top blackthorn.
13/04/2021 (continued)Blackthorn plants, Top Blakthorn 2021-04-13 (0005)
Blackthorn plants at top blackthorn -- early stages of growth.
More brash moved to top blackthorn, some more hedge constructed.
More brash moved to top blackthorn, track improved.
(and on previous few days) – brash hedge construction at top blackthorn perimeter.
Ash3 box brought down for fitting protective plate.
One load of cypress brash made into brash hedge, T.B. NW corner.
Last loads of cypress brash collected from front and dumped by T.B.
New track alongside poplar planting area created with topper. (Old one will be allowed to revert to reeds).
Eventually the track will be a continuous loop right round the meadow to allow machine access without reversing.
Cypress brash collected from front and dumped at MNW (1 load), in preparation for finishing brash hedge round T.B.
Clearance work on meadow ditch continued.
Brash hedge at MSE continued. Gap infilled with goat willow twigs and branches. Experiment to plant thick cuttings.
08/01/2021Typha (reedmace) control along meadow east ditch, 2021-01-09 (1645)
Ditch alongside eastern edge of meadow dredging work continued. A section of this ditch had become blocked with reedmace (Typha). Picture shows work not quite completed (a small dam remains).
The reedmace may have been introduced accidentally or intentionally at some time many years ago. Typha is potentially invasive and may exclude other wetland species. However here the main aim was to clear the mat of semi-floating vegetation that blocked the ditch near its confluence with the Carr Stream.
Brash hedge at MSE continued -- goat willow pruning and ditch clearance.
Work on brash hedge at MSE continues.
More work on brash hedge at MSE.
Brash from diseased ash at T.B. burnt on bonfire at MNW. This task is intended to reduce the risk of spreading ash die-back.
Last of A1065 cypresses topped.
Diseased ash at top blackthorn topped.
Brash tidying continues.
More brash etc from A1065 cypresses tidied.
More A1065 cypresses topped.
Brash etc from A1065 cypresses part tidied.
Brash hedge started at MSE (using cypress brash from A1065 tops).
First 4 A1065 cypresses topped (using winch to control fall).
Triangular barn owl box cleaned out. Contained stock dove feathers.
Tit box on weeping willow taken down for cleaning and repair (contained old honeycomb as before).
Old Schwegler box at MSE cleaned out (contained carcass of BT pullus).
Path along MSW, MNW, MNE cut with brushcutter (perviosuly done with topper but makes track unnecessarily wide).
More spoil from bank by patio moved to create bridge across damp area in MSE.
Spoil from bank by patio moved to create bridge across damp area in MSE.
Planting patches for poplars (MSE) started.
Spoil from bank by patio moved to create bridge to main pond island.
Angle frame at C02 (stob-type anchors and single guy) replaced. A13 strapped.
New angle frame at A13 (stob-type anchors and single guy). A02 trained. A01 temporarily strapped (needs new angle frame at some point). Trees A11 and A15 lopped at kink caused by recent gales, to be moved later.
Poplars A07, A09, A04 re-strapped. New angle frame at A07 with stob-type anchors. A04 frame improved.
24/09/2020Example of 'poplar flop'. Tree A14 before straightening, Hillside House 2020-09-24.
Poplar A14 straightened with new angle-type frame.
Picture shows an example of 'poplar flop', before straightening.
Poplar A09 straightened, with new angle frame.
Poplar A04 top-pruned and straightened, but needs some extra work on new angle frame.
Poplar C02 guyed. Boundary work continued.
Work on poplar repairs continued (A03 straightened, A08 guyed, A09 started, C02 roped temporarily).
Work on poplar repairs continued.
Clearance of track at MSE to poplar area continued.
Clearance of track at MSE to poplar area was started.
Laurel hedge trimming completed (first since width reduction in winter 2019/20).
Extensive damage to poplars caused by unseasonally early gales. A02, A17, A14, C02 all flopped.
Willow SW of main pond partially pruned to reduce shading of oak, rowan.
'Lawn' by H.H. cut for first time in 2020, cuttings removed.
Poplars A12 (-2.6m), A10 (-3.1m) pruned in attempt to prevent trees flopping.
Poplars A07, A10 secured with new-style frames (straps broke on A07).
Scots pine near boundary temporarily straightened up -- will need additional posts.
Poplars A04, C01 secured with new-style frames.
Poplars A01, C02 secured with new-style frames.
CBC on plot from 0600 BST.
10/04/2020Refurbished starling-type box on ash, Hillside House 2020-04-12 (1527)
Refurbished starling-type nestbox re-installed on ash by main pond.
Batbox installed on ash NE of main pond (box fell down in 2019).
Starling-type nestbox on big oak repaired and re-installed, with enlarged (50mm) entrance.
Starling nestbox repaired and re-installed on shed gable end.
Tit nestbox cleaned out and put back on goat willow by main pond.
Dangerous fallen ash by main pond brought down to ground level (left in hazardous condition by storm during the winter). Most unfortunate that this tree had to come down as it represented 'standing deadwood' and was visited by woodpeckers etc.
Three more blackthorn planted out at top blackthorn.
First 4 blackthorn planted out at top blackthorn.
Reed cuttings stack moved from near new pond (MNW) to edge of meadow between alders.
Feeders (MNW, MNE1) refilled.
Poplars A17, A15, A11 secured with new-style frames.
Last five poplars measured (A03, A07, A08, A09, B21).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Feeders (MNW, MNE1, MNE2) refilled (all empty).
Feeders (MNW, MNE1, MNE2, HH) refilled (all empty).
Feeders (MNW, MNE1, MNE2) refilled (all empty).
Three willow brash piles moved into WBH.
Feeders (MNE1, MNE2,MSE, HH) refilled (all empty). MNW feeder 30%.
Cuttings from Corps task 16/02 burning completed.
Feeders (MNW, MNE1, MNE2, HH) refilled (all empty). MSE feeder 40%.
Cuttings from Corps task 16/02 burnt (part completed).
16/02/2020Norfolk Conservation Corps volunteers cutting and raking reeds MSE 2020-02-16 (1481)
Another excellent visit by Norfolk Conservation Corps to Hillside House, despite Storm Dennis (less damaging in Norfolk than in the west).
Reeds in MSE section cut and raked off. Another section in meadow MNW (10m x 10m) also cut and raked off. Cuttings were too damp to burn but will be burnt later in the spring.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Poplar A10 'repaired'.
(Poplar A10 came adrift of its straightening post during gales.)
Poplars A08, A13 'repaired' (i.e. straightened with new support stakes etc.).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Mark W.'s trailcam set up by MNE feeder.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Three meadow feeders (MNW, MNE, MNE) and HH feeders refilled. MSE still 40%.
Mark W.'s trailcam set up by new pond.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Mark W.'s trailcam set up by track, MNW.
Meadow feeders refilled (MNW, MNE, MNE). Others still 30%.
All meadow feeders refilled (HH feeder 40% still).
18/01/2020Main pond Salix trees after high-cut coppicing, 2020-01-18 (1460)
Picture shows results of high-cut coppicing work on Salix trees by main pond (completed during autumn 2019).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
All meadow feeders refilled (HH feeder 40% still).
Burdock patch under big oak scythed and cleared to create growing space for snowdrops and daffodils.
(Feeder at MNW already empty.)
Feeders refilled (MNW, MNE).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
04/01/2020Laurel hedge after severe width reduction, 2020-01-18 (1450)
Laurel hedge work completed -- all cuttings burnt, final trimming done.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
All feeders refilled (all empty). (Note -- MNW and MSE feeders were already down to 40% within 4 hours).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Laurel hedge work continues.
All feeders round meadow refilled (box tree feeder still nearly full).
Laurel hedge work continues.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Laurel hedge work continues.
Cuttings from laurel hedge (3 loads) moved to burn site, edge of meadow.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Laurel hedge work continues.
Laurel hedge work continues.
Feeders -- MNW 0%, MSE 0% (1 day).
Laurel hedge work continues.
All feeders refilled.
Feeders (MNW, MNE1) refilled.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Laurel hedge work continues.
Laurel hedge (east side) lowering and width-reduction started.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Laurel hedge (west side) lowered and width-reduced.
Ash tree between ash and weeping willow by main pond taken down and processed, using puller to control drop.
Feeders (MNW, MNE, MNE, MSE) refilled. H.H. still 50%.
Feeders (MNW, MSE) refilled. Other feeders -- MNE 60%, 60%, H.H. 80%.
All feeders refilled with bird seed mix and leftover sunflower seed (first fill of the autumn).
Grassy area by main pond, triangular area north of main pond, track by shed etc topped.
Diseased ash next to weeping willow part prepared for felling.
More Salix brash moved into habitat piles by main pond.
More brash moved into habitat piles, two by MSW, one MNW.
Second and third Salix tree by main pond high-cut coppiced. More brash moved into habitat piles, two by MSW.
Second Salix tree by main pond high-cut coppiced. Brash moved into habitat piles, one by MSW.
Most brash from Salix tree by main pond moved into habitat piles.
Salix tree by main pond high-cut coppiced, brash still to move.
H.H. 'lawn' mowed, with grassbox (i.e., cuttings removed).
H.H. 'lawn' mowed, with grassbox.
Laurel hedge part cut -- top needs ladders.
Initial work on clearing islands for digger work planned early Nov.
Poplars A11, A04 'repaired'.
Poplars A17, A02 'repaired'.
Poplar A12 'repaired'.
Realignment of track in meadow NW section finished, compressed with tractor.
Realignment of track in meadow NW section continued.
Realignment of track in meadow NW section continued.
Nitrate and phosphate tests on samples from main pond, MNW pond, and Carr Stream, for Freshwater Habitats Trust.
Realignment of track in meadow NW section started.
Tracks topped (meadow, pond).
Poplar A02 'repaired' after yet more breezy conditions.
Last two poplars on meadow 'repaired'.
Most of the poplars at east end of meadow 'repaired' (straightening stakes patched up and new bracing stakes installed as necessary). Two still to do.
Track by yew hedge and WBH mowed with 'Honda' mower.
Tracks topped (meadow, pond).
Tracks topped (meadow, pond).
MNW, MSE feeders refilled with sunflower seed food. Not used prior to spring 2019 -- may have helped to attract linnets to meadow.
All feeders checked -- MSE, HH feeders refilled (others still with some sunflower seed food).
More blackthorn laid at top blackthorn.
More blackthorn laid at top blackthorn.
More blackthorn laid at top blackthorn.
More blackthorn laid at top blackthorn.
More blackthorn laid at top blackthorn.
All feeders refilled (all empty), with sunflower seed kindly donated by Malcolm Swift.
A few more blackthorn laid using a chainsaw at top blackthorn.
29/03/2019Sycamore stump in final position, 2019-04-08 (1348)
Old sycamore stump drilled for Hymenoptera.
29/03/2019 (contd.)Sycamore stump drilled for Hymenoptera, 2019-04-08 (1350)
Old sycamore stump drilled for Hymenoptera.
Drain alongside poplar planting area partially cleared to lower water table near poplars (drain was blocked in one place).
Feeders at MNW, MNE, MSE refilled (all empty). More food required.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Feeders on meadow all refilled.
Feeders (MNW, MNE, MNE, H.H.) refilled.
Feeders on meadow all refilled.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Final branch on ash at top blackthorn lopped (this job now finished).
Schwegler box installed at meadow SE (broken, discarded by EGI, later patched up).
Wooden tit box installed at top blackthorn (had old nest inside, cleaned out).
Large tit box on goat willow cleaned out (was thought not have been used, but had old nest inside).
Oak batbox replaced (had fallen, now placed on dead ash by main pond).
Track along western edge of meadow repaired using recycled rubble from shed walls.
Feeders on meadow all refilled.
Feeders on meadow all refilled.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Feeder at meadow NW refilled.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Feeder at meadow NW refilled.
Ash log processing completed.
Brash stack at back of top blackthorn carted to meadow SW (final chunk). Rest of blackthorn can now be laid.
Feeders at H.H. and on meadow refilled.
Logs from ash lopping part processed, almost complete.
Brash stack at back of top blackthorn carted to meadow SW (1/2 of stack).
Feeders at meadow NW, meadow NE (both) refilled.
Logs from ash lopping part processed.
Brash stack at back of top blackthorn carted to meadow SW (1/4 of stack).
Feeders at H.H., and on meadow (NW, SE) refilled. Feeders at meadow NE approx. 60% full.
Logs from ash lopping part processed.
All feeders on meadow refilled (all empty).
Logs from ash lopping carted away from top blackthorn, ready for laying east end trees.
More blackthorn trees at top blackthorn laid, some lopped.
More blackthorn trees at top blackthorn laid (total done now approx. 12).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
More blackthorn trees at top blackthorn laid, including some quite thick stems.
First (four) blackthorn trees at top blackthorn laid. Pleachers cut and trimmed using chainsaw (no billhook available).
Ash branches cut up and removed from top blackthorn, ready for carting. (Next stage will be laying the blackthorn trees).
Remaining cuttings raked off SE part of the meadow.
All cut reed piles now removed from poplar area.
Feeders on meadow refilled.
Most of remaining cuttings raked off SE part of the meadow.
Some cut reed piles cleared off poplar area.
All feeders refilled (all empty).
13/01/2019Norfolk Conservation Corps chairman tending brash fire, Hillside House 2019-01-13 (0935) (c) Nigel Smith
First task -- cut and rake an area on the SE part of the meadow (old clogged reedbed). This will hopefully become a damp wildflower area.
Second part -- ash brash burning at top blackthorn (pictured). The brash came from the big (infected) ash in the blackthorn patch. Burning should help to minimise spore dispersal.
Feeders on meadow refilled.
Management work on top blackthorn continued -- one large branch of big ash lopped. This tree is probably doomed as it shows early die-back symptoms. However the work will improve the shape of the tree (narrowing up the crown) while allowing extra light to reach the blackthorn.
Management work on top blackthorn continued -- more of the lower branches of big ash lopped. Some blackthorn trimmed, much is moribund (having been shaded by spreading branches of ash) and may not respond well to laying. Some blackthorn plants are 7 metres tall or more.
Management work on top blackthorn started -- lower branches of big infected ash lopped (in preparation for crown removal).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Feeders refilled (meadow SE, meadow NW).
Feeders refilled (meadow NW, meadow NE).
Feeders refilled (meadow NW, meadow NE).
All feeders refilled (all empty).
Feeders on meadow (MNE, MNW) refilled.
All feeders refilled.
Feeders on meadow refilled.
All feeders refilled.
Feeders on meadow refilled.
Feeder by H.H. refilled.
Feeders on meadow refilled.
Feeders on meadow refilled. (Feeder by H.H. 50%.)
Feeders (all 5) refilled (all empty).
Feeders on meadow refilled. (Feeder by H.H. 50%.)
Feeders (all 5) refilled (all empty).
Feeders on meadow refilled. (Feeder by H.H. 50%.)
Feeders (all 5) refilled (all empty).
Feeders (all 5) refilled.
Feeders (all 5) refilled.
Feeders (all 5) refilled.
Feeders (all 5) refilled.
26/10/2018Rowans and spindles on edge of top blackthorn, 2018-10-26 (1332)
End of a week's landscaping work mainly on the meadow using the FTC 3-tonne digger.
Track cut in meadow SE quadrant, allowing easier access to poplars.
Total of 4 rowans shifted with the FTC digger to the edge of poplar planting area. The rowans will help to shield the poplars from wind-damage.
20/10/2018Digging out drain by poplar planting area, 2018-10-20 (1329)
Small drain along edge of poplars dredged. This drain helps to clear occasional winter flooding on the eastern part of the meadow.
Three hornbeam moved to patch west of pond with FTC digger.
Last (of 5) feeder replaced.
More cuttings raked off poplar planting area.
17/10/2018Poplar planting area after mowing, Hillside House 2018-10-18 (1327)
Final tidying of edge of poplar planting area with hook and scythe, ready for digger work later in week.
Work to mark out the edge of the expanded top blackthorn patch was begun.
The long-term purpose of this mini-project is to create new nightingale habitat. This may not actually be achieved but the new habitat should be good for various other species.
Clearance work on poplar planting area largely complete.
A strip 3-4 metres west of the edge of poplars cut with a topper, exposing the small drain there. A new drain needs to be cut slightly further back from the poplars.
Further work on clearing poplar planting area. Old cuttings stack in NE corner moved -- had encouraged rats near feeder in this area.
Further work on clearing poplar planting area. Edge cut to allow access to locations for sheltering trees (rowan and maple).
Some of the trees selected for transplanting tagged and recorded.
More cuttings from poplar planting area raked off to the edge of the area.
Grassy area between pond and shed tight cut with rotary mower (with grass box to collect cuttings).
Contradicting the note on 27/09, the poplar area was mowed with the scythe and topper. Cuttings were raked off.
The revised plan is to keep vegetation under the poplars short in the near future to encourage plant diversity. This area should act as a 'nursery' for herbaceous plants (sedges, rushes, orchids etc.). Hopefully these plants will spread into an adjacent patch that will be mowed on a regular basis.
The area chosen for mowing long-term so far has not been used by warblers, though there may be a few harvest mouse there. These should be able to relocate into adjacent intact areas of reedfen.
Some poplars damaged by recent strong winds were repaired. The main stakes of a few trees had snapped and the trees were bent over. Stakes were patched up and trees straightened.
The bases of all poplars were also scythed to reduce nutrient competition from weeds. The entire poplar planting area had previously been mowed regularly, but this year, partly because of the dry summer, mowing was only done once in May. There seems little point in maintaining the area for wildflowers or fen plants as eventually the poplars will shut out light for other plants. The aim now is to create herby areas elsewhere on the meadow, while avoiding reduction of habitat for warblers and harvest mouse.
Big Wasp Survey material collected. Later registration for 2018 was found to have been closed, to some irritation. However, the material will still be identified and reported on the invertebrates page of this site.
Great Butterfly Count by big oak (six spp., MB, GVW, LW, GK, SS, C). Later, by shed, brimstone male and common blue male.
01/07/2018Barn owl chick from triangular box being ringed, Hillside House 2018-07-01 (1245)
Barn owl chicks from triangular box ringed by Gary Elton. Three, one smaller than the others, still quite small (pin showing on wing but feathers short, probably 30 mm or less even on the eldest).
01/07/2018 (contd)Smallest barn owl chick from triangular box, Hillside House 2018-07-01 (1259)
Shown is the smallest barn owl chick from triangular box.
Tracks and grassy area near pond cut with topper.
New pond is starting to dry out, suggesting that a deep sump should be created there later this year.
Tracks, grassy area near pond, and poplar planting area cut with topper. (Next year poplar planting area will only be cut much later.)
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc (RF), meadow NW 25pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 20pc, meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 70pc, meadow NW 50pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 55pc, meadow NE (mesh) 25pc, meadow SE 50pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 40pc, meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 5pc (RF).
Three hornbeam moved from area by pond to boundary hedge. (These are assumed to be a hedging variety, as they retain leaves through the winter and have twigs branching off approximately at right angles).
Old Pyracantha shrub by shed pruned heavily to restore shape.
Feeders -- H.H. 15pc (RF), meadow NW 0pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 0pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 0pc (RF), meadow SE 0pc (RF).
One yew plant moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. 26 (pot plants from Del's Nursery, Sculthorpe) planted along same boundary. Hedge is now complete -- total in final locations = 103.
Eight yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. Total now in final locations = 76.
Fifty blackthorn bare-root plants collected from Del's Nursery and heeled-in for the summer in temporary planting area by shed. (To be used to extend top blackthorn area in October).
Feeders -- H.H. 15pc (RF), meadow NW 5pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 5pc (RF), meadow SE 5pc (RF).
Seven yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. Total now in final locations = 68.
Feeders -- H.H. 85pc, meadow NW 50pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 70pc, meadow NE (mesh) 25pc (RF), meadow SE 90pc .
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc (RF), meadow NW 5pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 75pc, meadow NE (mesh) 40pc, meadow SE 5pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 50pc, meadow NW 25pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc (RF), meadow NE (mesh) 5pc (RF), meadow SE 30pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc (RF), meadow NW 5pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 30pc, meadow NE (mesh) 45pc, meadow SE 75pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 25pc, , meadow NW 5pc (RF), meadow NE (w.n.) 40pc, meadow NE (mesh) 15pc (RF), meadow SE 20pc (RF).
Feeders -- H.H. 60pc, meadow NE (mesh) 30pc, meadow SE 40pc; meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 20pc. Last 2 refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 15pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 20pc, meadow SE 10pc. All refilled.
Three yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. Total now in final locations = 61.
Eleven yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. Total now in final locations = 58.
Feeders -- H.H. 70pc, meadow NE (mesh) 25pc, meadow SE 45pc; meadow NW 10pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 20pc. Last 2 refilled.
Shrubs along western boundary hedge (mainly elders) trimmed to encourage new growth and improve light for planted trees.
Six yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. Total now in final locations = 47.
Feeders -- meadow NE (mesh) 60pc; NW 10pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 20pc, meadow SE 10pc, H.H. 10pc. Last 4 refilled.
Four yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. Total now in final locations = 41.
Feeders -- meadow NE (w.n.) 25pc, meadow SE 40pc; meadow NE (mesh) 10pc, meadow NW 5pc. Last 2 refilled.
Twelve yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary. (Work was planned for last week but was prevented by very cold conditions.) Total now in final locations = 36.
Feeders -- H.H. 60pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 40pc, meadow NE (mesh) 35pc, meadow NW 45pc, meadow SE 65pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 80pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 25pc; meadow NE (mesh) 20pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow SE 20pc. Last 3 refilled.
Feeders -- meadow SE 60pc; H.H. 25pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 10pc, meadow NE (mesh) 10pc. Last 4 refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 45pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 45pc, meadow NE (mesh) 35pc; meadow NW 5pc, meadow SE 30pc. Latter 2 refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 60pc, meadow SE 60pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 35pc; meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 15pc. Latter 2 refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc, meadow SE 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 15pc, meadow NW 5pc. All refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 60pc, meadow SE 60pc, meadow NE (mesh) 35pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 60pc; meadow NW 5pc. Latter refilled.
Western boundary line very carefully measured out using a surveyor's tape.
Fourteen yew plants moved to the correct planting line just inside plot boundary.
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc, meadow SE 5pc; meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc. All refilled.
Five more yew plants transplanted from near H.H. to boundary hedge. However exact track of hedgeline appears to be wrong and will need adjusting.
New kestrel-style nestbox installed in shed for stock doves.
Feeders -- H.H. 50pc, meadow NW 40pc, meadow NE (mesh) 50pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 80pc; meadow SE 5pc. (latter refilled).
Seven more yew plants transplanted from near H.H. to boundary hedge (approx. 11 more to do).
Feeders -- H.H. 75pc, meadow SE 50pc; meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc. Latter three refilled.
Seven yew plants transplanted from near H.H. to boundary hedge (approx. 18 more to do).
Feeders -- meadow NW 30pc, meadow NE (mesh) 35pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 30pc; H.H. 5pc, meadow SE 5pc. Latter two refilled.
All sycamore and ash cord (from sycamore falling and ash pruning) now split and stacked.
Feeders -- H.H. 40pc, meadow SE 40pc, meadow NW 10pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 15pc. Latter three refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc, meadow SE 5pc. All refilled.
Feeders -- H.H. 60pc, meadow NW 25pc, meadow NE (mesh) 40pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 40pc, meadow SE 50pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 5pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE (mesh) 5pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 5pc, meadow SE 5pc. All refilled.
Feeders -- meadow NW 30pc, meadow NE (mesh) 20pc, meadow NE (w.n.) 30pc, meadow SE 70pc, H.H. 5pc (latter refilled).
Feeders -- meadow SE (new feeder) 80pc, H.H. 5pc.
Feeders -- meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 5pc (latter 2 refilled), meadow SE (new feeder) 85pc. New feeder added at meadow NE.
01/02/2018Transplanted laurels, Hillside House 2018-02-17 (1202)
Four more laurels moved to eastern boundary (from by pond, where they were struggling, probably in ground that is too wet -- growth sluggish, leaves on leading shoots often etiolated, revealing dark green 'gland'-like marks near main vein).
Feeders -- meadow NW 60pc, meadow NE 15pc, meadow SE (new feeder) 100pc.
Four (of 8) laurels moved to eastern boundary.
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 5pc, all refilled.
The log-stack along the eastern boundary of the plot was revised and reduced.
Any logs that had been used by Hymenoptera and/or drilled for the purpose were saved and put back in the new stack.
This work will make space for an extension to the existing laurel hedge with the aim of increasing its attractiveness to roosting greenfinches.
Feeders -- meadow NW 45pc, meadow NE 10pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 50pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 5pc (latter 2 refilled).
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 5pc (all refilled).
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 5pc (all refilled).
Feeders -- H.H. 50pc, meadow NW 45pc, meadow NE 5pc (latter refilled).
Feeders -- meadow NW 50pc, meadow NE 15pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 60pc, meadow NW 0pc, meadow NE 0pc (latter 2 refilled).
20/01/2018Preparing to take down sycamore, Hillside House 2018-01-20 (1187)
The multi-stemmed sycamore near the shed was taken down using a winch. Many thanks to Billy Riseborough for successfully achieving this tricky task.
20/01/2018Sycamore pulled down using winch, Hillside House 2018-01-20 (1189)
(contd.)(This tree was right where a new shed is due to be built. It was sad to have to remove it.)
Feeders -- H.H. 80pc.
Ash immediately NE of pond part pruned (to allow more light to reach laurels planted close by). Several twigs showed signs of die-back but many shoots looked healthy -- tree might be in early stages of infection or, optimistically, might be fighting the disease off.
Feeders -- meadow NW 30pc, meadow NE 10pc.
Pinus nigra near shed had tipped over and needed straightening -- new posts provided by Del's Nursery used. (Tree had been moved recently). Four other pines secured in the same way.
Feeders -- H.H. 0pc, meadow NW 0pc, meadow NE 0pc (all three refilled).
Remaining Red Sentinel crab apples (2 of 3) planted near western boundary hedge of plot.
Red Sentinel crab apple (1 of 3) planted near western boundary hedge of plot. Trees supplied by Del's Nursery at Sculthorpe.
[This is a vigorous crab apple that produces a good crop of red fruit, which last well into the winter. Some were still on the new tree. Previously I found this variety to be excellent for winter thrushes and blackcap, though blackcap seems to be absent from the Raynhams area in winter, unlike areas further south and west.]
Feeders -- oak 30pc, meadow NW 25pc, meadow NE 5pc (latter refilled).
Two laurels were moved from an original planting location by pond to fill in a gap in the main laurel hedge.
Several of the laurels by the pond have grown sluggishly and new growth is often etiolated. These characteristics seem to be associated with height above the pond surface -- the lowest plants are worst affected. Moving them to a drier location may allow them to recover.
Feeders -- oak 50pc, meadow NW 15pc, meadow NE 5pc (latter 2 refilled).
All surviving poplars measured (mean growth for 2017 was 111 cm -- all but one surviving trees are in mounds).
Box ash1 re-installed on live ash next to pond.
Box ash2 box checked for contents (dusty detritus), no pellets etc.). Barn owl box contained old jackdaw nest.
Sycamore timber (first part) logged and stacked.
Feeders -- H.H. 70pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 5pc (latter 2 refilled).
Ash and sycamore brash built into 'hedge', meadow SE edge.
Dead ash near main pond cut and cleared from track.
Feeders -- oak 90pc, meadow NW 5pc, meadow NE 15pc (latter 2 refilled).
Feeders -- H.H. 30pc, oak 90pc, meadow NW 30pc, meadow NE 0pc (latter refilled).
Broken, dead ash immediately north of main pond successfully pulled down by Billy Riseborough using a winch.
The ash1 box was carefully removed beforehand, and will be repositioned on an adjacent tree. Inside the box was some debris suggesting at least occasional occupancy (by stock dove/barn owl/jackdaw).
First stage of removal of the sycamore near H.H. (two of the stems taken down). This work is sadly necessary to make space for a new shed, which will house various wildlife features (such as a barn owl box, etc).
Feeders -- H.H. 30pc, oak 90pc, meadow NW 30pc, meadow NE 0pc (latter refilled).
Feeders -- H.H. 40pc, oak 95pc, meadow NW 10pc, meadow NE 10pc (latter 2 refilled).
Feeders -- oak 95pc, meadow NW 60pc, meadow NE 40pc. Feeder on big oak is being visited by goldfinch, great tit, blue tit etc (so these species, as expected, can negotiate the 38 mm wire netting). Grey squirrrel spent 5 minutes or more trying to bite through wire netting but eventually gave up.
Feeders -- H.H. 95pc, oak 100pc, meadow NW 75pc, meadow NE 70pc.
Feeders -- H.H. 15pc, meadow NW 0pc, meadow NE 0pc, all refilled. Oak feeder replaced (large mesh removed) 100pc.
Attempt to clear blockage in culvert downstream of meadow failed -- stream level is too high to be safe. Seems either the culvert is too small for the flow or gets blocked too easily by debris.
Even the planting mounds of several poplars (C01 and C02, i.e. both female trees, and A17) are submerged under floodwater. Most other trees are clear but ground nearby is waterlogged. (This proved to be the day of peak flood level).
Caged feeders are being entered by grey squirrels quite frequently now. The mesh fitted on the cages is about 48 mm square. The plan is to fit 38 mm rabbit wire-netting over the cages also -- this should leave them accessible by small passerines.
21/11/2017New pond being dug using Wordingham digger, 2017-11-21 (1162)
Oak from 2013 or earlier planting moved from meadow to new position west of pond. Seven alders removed (three along west edge of meadow, the others near top blackthorn). Dip on edge of 'wild flower meadow' filled.
New pond (9 x 3 metres, 0.8 metres deep) created with the Wordingham digger, near NW corner of meadow. About 2.5 hours work.
Four pines transplanted to new positions, correcting leans etc (lifted with digger from Wordingham Plant Hire, Binham). New stakes/posts provided to avoid leaning occurring again.
Maples (3) tied up. Poplar mounds (2) repaired.
Sixth topper cut (tracks and poplar planting area).
Feeders (box, meadow NW) refilled. (Not much activity at feeder on big oak, perhaps should be moved).
Brash stack moved from foot of sycamore to SE edge of meadow (common frogs, short-tailed voles underneath it).
Fifth topper cut (tracks and poplar planting area) -- driveshaft tube broke.
New 'wildflower meadow' area (just north of pond) topped.
Poplar bases weeded and tidied.
Fourth topper cut (tracks and poplar planting area).
Heavy rain and winds have caused one of the alders to lose approx 1.8 metres of the top stem. Similar to 2016 when two or three trees were damaged like this. Poplars unaffected.
Third topper cut (tracks and poplar planting area).
All poplars watered, stakes on some extended by about 1 metre.
Two hornbeams along western edge of plot staked and tied. Base of poplars (and other trees) scythed. Recent laurels along boundary between Silver Service weeded.
Various trees (oak, hornbeam etc) provided with extended stakes and ties. Bases of trees cleared and tidied to reduce competition.
Second topper cut.
All poplars watered.
All poplars watered.
All poplars watered. (Carr Stream is polluted with brown surface scum near NE corner of meadow.)
All poplars watered.
All poplars watered.
All poplars fed with bonemeal and watered.
24/05/2017Poplar planting area after first cut, Hillside House 2017-05-25 (1004)
First cut with Votex topper (tracks, also approx 75% of poplar planting area). Result was fair, though risk of sinking into soft ground prevented the whole area being cleared. Several hazels removed to make way for machine.
All poplars in new area watered.
A single concrete block was removed from the gable end of the shed to allow entry by swallows and stock doves.
Two of the Scots pines planted in 2014 were staked to try to correct a lean that has developed (away from the direction of the prevailing wind).
09/05/2017Female native black poplar C01, Hillside House 2017-05-10 (0977)
All poplars in new area watered. The poplars, including the females, are progressing well. (Tree C01, a female tree derived from the veteran tree in Abbey Gardens at Bury St Edmunds, is pictured).
All poplars in new area watered.
All poplars in new area watered.
All poplars in new area watered.
22/04/2017Completed track bridges, NE corner of meadow, Hillside House 2017-05-25 (1001)
'Bridges' in NE corner of meadow were completed (picture was taken much later, in May)
All poplars in new area watered. As mentioned in 2017 records, all trees are showing good leaf development. The new female trees C01 and C02 are doing especially well -- many thanks to Dwaine Gray at Nowton Park.
More scrap blocks added to second 'bridge' in NE corner of meadow.
12/04/2017Drainage pipe under second bridge, meadow NE corner 2017-04-12 (0919)
Second 'bridge' in NE corner of meadow started, hawthorn cut back etc.
08/04/2017First bridge, NE corner of meadow, Hillside House 2017-04-12 (0921)
More work on first 'bridge' in NE corner of meadow.
All poplars in new area watered.
New poplar mounds adjusted (to create concave surface at top), all trees watered. Most are showing green leaf buds so prospects are good, something of a relief in that transplanting was left very late in the seaon.
30/03/2017Poplar A03 planted with protective fence and stake, Hillside House 2017-03-31 (0905)
Poplars A03 and A07 moved to eastern part of meadow. This task is now essentially complete, though tree A18 and a 'Vereecken' tree still need to be moved later, using a digger.
28/03/2017Native black poplars transplanted to eastern part of meadow, Hillside House 2017-03-31 (0898)
Poplar A08 moved to eastern part of meadow. Guard and stake installed for the last two poplars in this patch.
27/03/2017Example fence and stake used to protect poplars, Hillside House 2017-03-28 (0892)
Poplars A10, A09, A13 moved to eastern part of meadow.
Picture shows an example of the guard and stake used to protect each poplar. The stake encourages initial stem growth to be near vertical and the wire netting guard prevents rabbits from digging out the young roots.
Poplars A12, A15, A11 moved to the eastern part of meadow.
Poplars A17, A14 moved to eastern part of meadow.
Poplar A05 moved to eastern part of meadow. Female trees C01 and C02 planted in same area.
Three A-group native black poplars moved to new locations in NE corner of meadow (trees A01, A02, A04). Planted using the mound technique developed earlier.
One additional piece of drainage pipe laid in track near NW corner of meadow. More rubble moved from edge of pond and dumped on track. Despite recent work on the track, vehicles have caused deep ruts in the track after overnight rain (ruts are 20 cm or more deep).
More rubble dumped on meadow track.
Further addition of rubble to meadow track. Turning place created in NW corner and near top edge. (More rubble is needed to bridge soggy areas in NE corner).
685XL and trailer rescued from meadow. More rubble dumped to fill track goudges.
Attempt to fill in gap in track along western edge of meadow continued using rubble dug from the edge of the pond. 685XL and trailer temporarily stuck at NW corner (track was extremely soft and trailer cut deep ruts).
Yew hedge transplanting to mark boundary near spinney begins (17 plants moved).
New stock dove nestbox installed on beech opposite H.H. Tit box installed on cypress close to A1065.
Work on repairing the damage caused by Storm Doris along the hedge by the oak was completed.
10/03/2017Buried land drainage pipes and bund, western edge of meadow, Hillside House, 2017-03-10 (0857)
More work on the gap in the track. Third and fourth pieces of land drainage pipe were laid. The next stage is to move rubble and soil from the edge of the pond to cover the pipes -- this will require use of a digger.
Later, work to repair the damage caused by Storm Doris along the hedge by the oak was started. Brash was used to form a makeshift section of laid hedge.
Work on the gap in the track along the west side of the meadow continued again. Second piece of land drainage pipe was laid. By the close of play both pipes were working okay -- water was trickling into the ditch.
08/03/2017Logs and cord from the pruned weeping willow 2017-03-08 (0853)
Willow cord and logs from the weeping willow were tidied up using the 685XL and trailer.
Work to fill in the gap in the track along the west side of the meadow continued. The first piece of land drainage pipe was laid. The bund or dam is now complete and seems to be doing a fair job of holding back the water behind it. (Plants in the adjoining wet area include dock Rumex sp., meadowsweet, marsh marigold Caltha palustris and a sedge Carex sp.).
07/03/2017Tit nestbox with old honeycomb from 2015, before cleaning 2017-03-08 (0851)
Weeping willow cuttings were divided into manageable pieces. One of the two large remaining branches was shortened to improve the tree's shape. Ring-count indicated this branch was about 25 or 26 years old.
The tit nestbox on this willow was also cleaned out. The material included an old great tit nest and the remains of the honeybee nest from 2015. Several invertebrates were present, including a spider Tegenaria, many woodlice and some slugs.
Another excellent day with Norfolk Conservation Corps volunteers. Brash from the recent pruning of the weeping willow was collected and burned on the dry part of the meadow. Later the edge of the pond was cromed out to clear some of the stick and leaf detritus.
Work to fill in the gap in the track along the west side of the meadow has started. A makeshift dam was created to hold back water so as to create a permanent shallow pond. Non-perforated land drainage pipe will be used to drain the other side of the dam.
Storm Doris has done significant damage in various places round the plot. Several elder trees have lost branches, some with a good covering of ivy. Young pines that were not well-staked have become dislodged and now tilt (about 4 trees). Some of the pines were due to be repositioned anyway so this work will be brought forward.
21/02/2017Carr Stream after tidying, Hillside House 2017-03-28 (0889)
Work to clear weeds and detritus from Carr Stream is now complete. Much dead material hauled out onto bank. Total time to clear approx 120 metres of stream was 9 hours (spread over several days).
20/02/2017Carr Stream after tidying, Hillside House 2017-03-28 (0885)
Weeds and detritus cleared from stream along northern edge of meadow (the 'Carr Stream') using a crome etc. (Picture was taken later, in March).
The new poplar planting area is now almost cleared (total of approx 500 m2). Planting positions of the new trees were mapped out and marked with stakes.
Further progress with scything of NE part of the meadow -- at least 4 spindle plants discovered.
An area of 18 x 12 metres (216 square metres) has now been cleared on the NE part of the meadow.
Clearance of a patch of the NE part of the meadow was started.
Clearance of the track along north edge of meadow began. When complete this should allow access to the new planting area for poplars on the meadow's eastern edge.
Second of 4 caged feeders installed on elder tree NW corner of meadow.
The weeping willow east of the pond was crown-reduced by tree surgeons Oliver Husar and Scott Cole, in an attempt to improve its shape and also to reduce shading of the pond.
02/02/2017Pollarded female native black poplar Populus nigra betulifolia, Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds 2017-02-02 (0836)
Visit to Nowton Park, Bury St Edmunds to collect whips of female native black poplar, kindly supplied by Dwaine Gray, Senior Ranger. (The source tree for the cuttings is in the Abbey Gardens Bury St Edmunds, as shown).
Some 'light' pond maintenance using the crome lent by Norfolk Conservation Corps. The aim is to pull out as much as possible of the leaf and twig detritus from the floor of the pond. Over time this should help to raise oxygen levels in the water, and thus improve conditions for invertebrates etc.
08/01/2017Norfolk Conservation Corps raking up reed cuttings 2017-01-08 (0820)
A fantastic day with Norfolk Conservation Corps. Seven volunteers, some of whom had come considerable distances, cut and cleared reed from the entire poplar planting area. The old reed cuttings stack at the top end of the plot was shifted to expose a damp area. This boggy area should now potentially attract snipe etc in the winter and may become dragonfly breeding habitat in the summer.
Poplars A07 & A08 both transplanted and given new-style guard etc. Several B-group trees (B03, B04, etc) lifted and scrapped.
Poplars A12 & A10 both transplanted and given new-style guard etc.
Poplars A15 & A14 both transplanted and given new-style guard etc.