
General records 2014

This table lists miscellaneous records of animals and plants at or near Hillside House for 2014.

Wildlife records 2014 at South Raynham
HH garden -- jay, nuthatch, chaffinch, song thrush, blackbird (5+), dunnock, wren. PFG (90+, prob) flying north over West Raynham.
[Wensum valley between South Raynham church and R. Hall: kestrel (2+), sparrowhawk (female), tit flocks (mostly blue tit and LTT, some coal tit), mistle thrush (by South Raynham church). Jackdaw and rooks to roost to SE, high up (500m+).]
27/12/2014Buzzard and kestrel perched in HH garden.
[Wensum valley between South Raynham church and R. Hall: buzzard (2+), kestrel (2+), sparrowhawk (female), goldfinch (4, on alders), woodcock, tit flocks (mostly blue tit and LTT), stock dove (2+, by South Raynham church), mistle thrush (2+, by South Raynham church), GSW, fieldfare (1), redwing (few flocks of 5+). Jackdaw and rooks to roost to SE, high up.]
HH garden -- bullfinch (2, both male) feeding on nettle seeds, marsh tit, coal tit, blue tit, great tit.
[Wensum valley between South Raynham church and R. Hall: red kite (2), buzzard, kestrel (male), bullfinch (male), wren (2+), dunnock, teal (2, off R. Wensum). Jackdaws (x000) + rooks to roost south of A1065 (ratio of jackdaw to rook approx 15 to 20). Small numbers of redwings to roost along valley.]
22/12/2014Kestrel on field by South Raynham church.
Woodcock flew into HH pond area from south of A1065.
Roe deer (2) on field by South Raynham church.
On feeders, HH: greenfinch (male), chaffinch (2+), nuthatch, coal tit, great tit, blue tit, marsh tit, collared dove. Also present in vicinity -- robin, blackbird, dunnock, jay.
[Wensum valley between South Raynham and Raynham Hall: barn owl, perched several times; woodcock (near stream), little egret, buzzard, kestrel, goldfinch (25) + siskin (3+) + redpoll (1+); bullfinch, marsh tit, mistle thrush (near Hall). Jackdaws (perhaps 5000) going to roost south of A1065.]
Grey geese, prob PFG (5+) over South Raynham.
[Buzzard over Fakenham town centre].
06/12/2014[Fields adjacent to road between South Raynham and Wellingham: RLP (6-8), meadow pipit (5-10), yellowhammer (prob.), chaffinch, greenfinch, kestrel, carrion crow (3+), woodpigeon (100+).]
27/11/2014Moorhens (4) & pheasant (male) on HH lawn. Kestrel along West Raynham Road.
26/11/2014Bullfinch by HH pond.
22/11/2014Kestrel perch-hunting from beech tree by HH
21/11/2014Mistle thrush song near South Raynham church.
20/11/2014PFG (125), S. Raynham, flew over south-west.
19/11/2014PFG (65), South Raynham, flew over north-east.
17/11/2014Mistle thrush song near South Raynham church.
16/11/2014[Sparrowhawk near A1065 at Hempton].
13/11/2014Sparrowhawk (male), siskin (6) HH garden.
09/11/2014Bullfinch HH garden, kestrel on meadow.
08/11/2014Siskin (2), green woodpecker HH garden. Buzzard over Norman's Burrow Wood.
04/11/2014Kingfisher at HH pond at dusk; blackbirds (5+) HH garden. Kestrel on meadow. Greylag (prob, 10) over South Raynham area.
Starlings (90 approx.) flew in from the east at dusk and dropped straight down into the reedbed to roost.
In HH garden -- great tit (3-4), blue tit (3-4), marsh tit, coal tit. Sparrowhawk (female) by pond. LTT (10+) by pond. Kestrel by West Raynham Road. Redwings (30+) in fields by meadow. Greylags (20, prob) flying north over South Raynham.
Starling (35) flying west South Raynham.
HH garden -- pheasant (3 male), hornet near shed, jay, GSW, moorhen (3), fieldfare (~40), redwings (80-100), green woodpecker near shed, chaffinch (4+), greenfinch (8-10), bullfinch (3), great tit (3+), blue tit (3+), coal tit (2+), marsh tit, LTT (5+). Kestrel on field by meadow. Golden plover (12) flying south over South Raynham.
29/10/2014Magpie (2) (not common here) were on west edge of HH plot and a siskin went overhead.
28/10/2014A warm day that brought out many late-flying insects, including hornets, wasps and chironomids. A common toad and several common frogs were about. Birds included a bullfinch, jays (several), five species of tit, a green woodpecker, mistle thrush, nuthatch, and stock doves (2-3). In the vicinity of HH were buzzards (4+), a red kite (over South Raynham), and a kestrel. Fieldfares (20) and redwings (15-30) were also around the plot. Flocks of 30-50 starlings went westwards.
27/10/2014At least 4 harvest mouse summer nests found near the western edge of meadow. All were in rank vegetation (Carex, meadowsweet etc.) approx 30-40 cm off the ground.
26/10/2014Female sparrowhawk attacked passerines by the bonfire site, probably made a capture.
25/10/2014Sparrowhawk (young female) was still around, calling as if only semi-independent, in NE corner of meadow. Present also were buzzards (2), kestrel, goldfinch (15+), blue tit, robin, dunnock, wren, marsh tit (2+), and moorhens (3+). A green woodpecker was on one of the bird baths and was heard later.
23/10/2014Sparrowhawk (young female) and 3 kestrels were round the meadow. Nearby were fieldfares (3+), moorhens (2 on the stream), and a GSW. Near the house were great, blue, coal and marsh tits, greenfinches (10+), jays (2+), moorhens (3+) and a singing chiffchaff.
16/10/2014Sparrowhawk (imm?) near stream, meadow. Pheasant (male) on meadow. Kestrel, buzzard on meadow. Stock dove over meadow. In HH garden -- marsh tit, jay (2+), redwings (15+), moorhen (4), goldfinch (5+, on burdock), great tit, blue tit, robin, nuthatch (in spinney and meadow).
12/10/2014Common frog, bank vole by pond. Stock dove (4-5) near pond. LTT, great tit, blue tit, marsh tit round edge of meadow. Kestrel in area.
Marsh harrier (female/imm) headed north from Norman's Burrow Wood area.
Buzzard (2+), kestrel, nuthatch all in S. Raynham area.
10/10/2014Roe deer (2) on meadow
03/10/2014Chiffchaff (song) by oak, HH garden, also calling in ash thicket meadow.
28/09/2014HH garden -- robin juv, also several in song; song thrush; jays (3-4) carrying acorns from edge of HH plot towards the north (i.e. area of S. Raynham church). Grey wagtail, grey heron, GSW, nuthatch, chiffchaff (heard), moorhen (2) by pond. Kestrel West Raynham Road area.
27/09/2014Grey wagtail (2) in meadow area. Buzzards (2+3+2) in S. Raynham area. Kestrel, chiffchaff (2+) in HH garden.
23/09/2014Peregrine (prob imm) S. Raynham church.
21/09/2014Moorhen (3 -- 1 ad plus 2 juv), marsh tit HH garden.
20/09/2014Fieldfare (3) over HH flying NW. Red kite near S. Raynham church. Fox scat on boardwalk by pond.
19/09/2014Pipistrelle (2, prob) HH garden.
18/09/2014Moorhen (subadult) HH garden.
16/09/2014Buzzard (4) over West Raynham Road, also 1 over Norman's Burrow Wood. Kestrel (2) over HH. Great tit, marsh tit, blue tit in HH garden. Pipistrelle (2, prob) foraging in HH garden.
15/09/2014Buzzard (5) soaring over HH.
14/09/2014Chiffchaff (call) by pond HH garden.
Weasel (0640 BST) working edge of patio near HH sitting room.
On feeders, HH garden -- great tit, blue tit, coal tit. Also present in garden -- nuthatch, treecreeper, GSW, dunnock, wren, robin, blackbird, song thrush.
Hornet by beech tree. Red admiral, spotted wood, small tortioseshell butterflies.
Sparrowhawk (imm male) HH garden. Kestrel and buzzard near HH.
Gulls (herring gull, common gull and BHG) on field by South Raynham church.
21/08/2014Moorhen (2 juv) on HH lawn.
Jay HH garden.
[Peregrine (prob) and buzzard (2) over West Raynham area.]
Egret sp South Raynham.
[Cormorant (2) over Hempton.]
14/08/2014Moorhen (2 juv plus ad) on HH lawn.
10/08/2014Moorhen (5 -- 3 juv plus 2 ad) on HH lawn.
07/08/2014Buzzard (3) over HH
06/08/2014Moorhen (4 -- 3 juv plus 1 ad; 1 juv full grown) on HH lawn. Stoat on and in vicinity of cherry tree stump HH garden.
04/08/2014Nuthatch on sycamore by HH shed. Moorhen (juv) nearby.
02/08/2014Buzzard (7) over HH Green woodpecker calling HH garden.
30/07/2014Moorhen (2 juv, approx. 2/3 grown, plus ad) on HH lawn.
24/07/2014Sparrowhawk (male) over HH.
23/07/2014Sparrowhawk (male) attacked blue tit in sycamore, HH garden.
18/07/2014Moorhen (3 juv plus 1 ad) HH lawn by kitchen.
17/07/2014Moorhen (4 juv plus 1 ad) HH lawn by kitchen, 0645 BST.
16/07/2014Moorhen (ad) HH lawn by cherry stump. Song thrush breaking snail on patio slabs. Chiffchaff foraging in sycamore by HH.
15/07/2014Moorhen (4 juv (1/2 grown) plus 1 ad) HH Song thrush by patio. Chiffchaff song HH pond and near poplars by W. Raynham Road. Whitethroat (female) meadow. Blackcap (song), wren (song) HH plot. Swifts (50+) over W. Raynham Road, also a few swallow and sand martin, prob beginning to leave. Common toad HH plot. Unidenfied bat.
14/07/2014Song thrush collecting food by patio. Buzzard (3) overhead.
13/07/2014Moorhen (2+ juv (1/3 grown) plus 1 ad) HH by oak.
HH garden -- song (chiffchaff, wren, song thrush, woodpigeon, dunnock, blackcap).
Spotted flycatcher calling from ash wood opposite Silver Service.
11/07/2014Reed warbler song (brief) HH pond.
10/07/2014Moorhen (3 juv ("mid-size") plus 1 ad) HH by pond.
08/07/2014HH garden -- song (wren, song thrush, woodpigeon, blackbird). Kestrel (prob juv) begging near HH plot.
07/07/2014Kestrel (prob juv) begging.
04/07/2014Treecreeper on old cypress trunk (0830 BST). Blackbird sunbathing by box tree. Mixed tit flock.
Tawny owl perched on post of washing line with prey, ate prey, then flew to new perch in oak (1930 BST).
Kestrel hovering over meadow. Buzzard (2+) soaring over S. Raynham.
Comma in conservatory.
02/07/2014Moorhen (juv, full-grown) in HH garden by shed.
30/06/2014Grey heron walking around in HH garden, came close to side of house.
29/06/2014Moorhen (5 juv plus ad) by HH pond, 2100 BST.
24/06/2014HH garden -- song (chaffinch, wren, woodpigeon, coal tit).
21/06/2014Reed warbler song HH pond.
13/06/2014Great tit still feeding chicks at beech tree nestbox.
12/06/2014Great tit still feeding chicks at beech tree nestbox. Chiffchaff song by pond.
11/06/2014Chiffchaff song by pond (2 individuals), also song from edge of spinney.
Reed warbler song HH pond.
Great tit still feeding chicks at beech tree nestbox.
09/06/2014Great tit nestbox on beech by HH invaded by a few honeybees. Chicks (2+, 1 egg unhatched) still alive and near fledging. At the second nestbox in this spinney, a nest had clearly been started but then abandoned -- just a few pieces of long grass etc. The entrance hole looks to have been enlarged by a woodpecker.
Reed warbler song (brief) pond.
Bullfinch male by shed. Great tit still feeding at beech nestbox nest. Moorhen juvs with ad on pond.
Reed bunting by stream, north edge of meadow (song). Whitethroat male & female along W edge of meadow, also whitethroat in eastern part of meadow.
Buzzard (3) & kestrel soaring over HH.
Reed warbler song HH pond.
Red kite over HH from south, heading towards W. Raynham Road, apparently hunting over field west of meadow.
Jay working laurel hedge. Present in HH garden -- chiffchaff, blackcap, song thrush, wren. Several house martin & swift overhead at HH. Great tit feeding at beech nestbox nest. Pied wagtail by shed.
03/06/2014Great tit still visiting at beech tree nestbox. Moorhen juv by HH front door.
02/06/2014Sparrowhawk (male?) past beech chased by blackbird (male). Great tit feeding at beech nestbox. Pied wagtails (2) by shed.
01/06/2014Song in HH garden -- blackcap, chaffinch, woodpigeon, wren, chiffchaff, goldcrest.
Spotted flycatcher prospecting at missing brick top of house wall HH, just below eaves on west side of house.
Great tit 3 chicks ~4 days old at beech nestbox. Mistle thrush alarm in spinney west of HH. LTT (10+) by HH cypresses. Moorhen juv. by shed etc. Jay on beech tree (i.e. near GT box).
Song -- chiffchaff, chaffinch (2+), wren.
Hornet by pond.
Spotted flycatcher in HH garden and nearby.
Song in HH garden -- blackbird, chaffinch (2+), wren. Great tit repeatedly visiting beech nestbox (19 days after nest mat. delivery). Blackbird (male) with small juv, near beech tree. Jay mobbed by song thrush.
Possible pied wagtail nest in log stack in shed.
Spotted flycatcher in HH garden and nearby.
Weasel (prob) near new pines.
Spotted flycatcher in HH garden and nearby.
Mistle thrush alarm in spinney west of HH. Jay being chased by song thrush HH garden.
Stoat (prob) by willows near pond.
27/05/2014Red kite soaring over HH.
26/05/2014Red kite over HH. Tawny owl on oak HH.
Spotted flycatcher in HH garden (but call only).
Sparrowhawk kew-calling near HH. Song at HH -- song thrush, chaffinch, goldcrest, wren, chiffchaff. Kestrel (2) over field west of meadow.
Red kite (2) over field west of meadow.
Blue tit still feeding at nest in west side of S.S.workshop. Great tit still feeding at nest in boundary wall eastern edge of HH plot.
[Swifts over Holt Road Fakenham.]
11/05/2014Great tit repeatedly carrying nest mat to nestbox on beech, edge of HH plot. Great tit still feeding at nest in boundary wall eastern edge of HH plot.
10/05/2014Blue tit feeding at nest in west side of Silver Service workshop. BT nest in cypress fork still active (chicks cheeping). Great tit feeding at nest in boundary wall eastern edge of HH plot (1 feed/minute). Whitethroat song Salix trees eastern edge of meadow. Song thrush using bird bath HH. Kestrels (2) over W. Raynham Road area.
08/05/2014Jay apparently searching for nests/chicks, area of old cypresses and oak on HH plot (2nd jay also present). Blackbird juv with ad. HH garden.
Song at HH -- robin, blackbird, song thrush, chaffinch, collared dove, woodpigeon. Great tit pair prospecting beech nestbox.
Red kite over HH, dropping into field west of meadow. Buzzard in same area.
Jays making a racket in direction of W. Raynham Road.
06/05/2014Blue tit feeding at nest in cypress fork, alarm calls. Swift (1000+) over S. Raynham.
05/05/2014Blackbird (male) feeding 2 fledged juvs HH garden. Robin nest mat HH shed. Buzzard (4) over S. Raynham. Great tit feeding chicks at nest in boundary wall eastern edge of HH plot. Blue tit feeding at nest in west side of Silver Service workshop. Swallow hawking round HH and adjacent. Sparrowhawk (male?) attacking collared dove HH.
30/04/2014Song at HH -- dunnock (yews by kitchen), blackcap (blackthorn thicket near HH). GSW in ash by pond etc. Sparrowhawk (female?) near pond. Song thrush by laurel hedge. Jay by pond (caused moorhen alarm calls) and racket near allotments area. Kestrel over field west of meadow.
Blackcap song (2 sim.reg. close to edge of HH plot, one in blackthorn thicket, other near A1065, probably <40m apart).
Jay in HH garden.
28/04/2014Sparrowhawk (male) in cypresses, HH garden. Song thrush (2) in HH front border. Jay (2) in HH garden.
27/04/2014Mistle thrush song by pond (in ash). Jay (2+) in blackthorn thicket by HH
25/04/2014Blackcap (female) in laurel hedge. Greenfinch (female) in laurel hedge, prob nest.
24/04/2014Mistle thrush song near HH
23/04/2014Robin pulli (4+) fledged from nest in shed (1400 BST). Mistle thrush song in HH area.
22/04/2014Robin pulli (5) in nest in shed. Blackcap (male & female) in laurel hedge along edge of HH plot.
21/04/2014Blackbird juv (just fledged) by HH shed.
20/04/2014Sparrowhawk (male) landed in Pyracantha by shed, apparently searching for blackbird chicks.
15/04/2014Buzzard (2) chased by carrion crow over HH. Song in HH garden -- chiffchaff, blackcap, goldcrest. Greenfinch carrying nest mat. Great tit alarm by shed. Robin (ad & 2 juvs).
Song in HH garden -- blackcap, wren, chaffinch. Pied wagtail (2) in HH shed area. Jay in spinney by HH. Chaffinch (female) still building at nest in yew by HH kitchen. Robin (ad & 2 juvs) near HH. Mistle thrush song from poplars along SE edge of meadow. Greenfinch prob has nest in laurel hedge. Nuthatch on feeders.
Buzzard (2+) in S. Raynham church area. Oystercatcher (2) songflighting near S. Raynham.
12/04/2014Chaffinch (female) sitting at nest in Pyracantha by shed. GSW drumming.
11/04/2014Pied wagtail (2) in HH shed area. Moorhen on pond. Song -- mistle thrush (poplars near junction A1065/Whissonsett road), blackcap (blackthorn thicket by HH), goldcrest. Chaffinch nestbuilding by HH kitchen (in yews). Jay in HH garden. Song thrush prob feeding young by or in cypresses. Goldfinch and greenfinch in HH garden. Blue tit with nest mat. Robin feeding fledged juv HH garden. Sparrowhawk (male) along A1065 near HH.
30/03/2014Red kite & buzzard (2) soaring over Norman's Burrow Wood.
25/03/2014Blue tit in and out of new nestbox on beech. Coal tit nestbuilding near HH shed entrance. Greenfinch carrying nest mat. Jay.
23/03/2014Bullfinch (male & female) HH. Greenfinch pair with nest mat. Also in HH garden -- LTT (2), marsh tit, song thrush, wren, blue tit, great tit, coal tit. Red kite, buzzard, sparrowhawk (prob, male). Kestrel display flight over field west of meadow.
22/03/2014Present in HH garden -- song thrush, robin, blackbird, chaffinch, greenfinch, marsh tit, great tit, blue tit, wren, dunnock. Goldcrest song. Buzzard, red kite, RLP (2) in/over HH garden. Siskin song. Redwings (40) in area (in poplars etc).
21/03/2014Red kite over HH
20/03/2014Red kite over HH
Red kite over HH (may have white wing tag on LHS primaries).
Chiffchaff song. [Possible LSW opposite HH.]
11/03/2014Buzzard (3) display-flighting S. Raynham.
10/03/2014Blackbird (female) nestbuilding by shed, HH
09/03/2014Warm, spring-like conditions. In HH garden -- brimstone, small tortoiseshell butterflies, bumblebee, queen wasp; moorhen, marsh tit song ('chu-chu-chu...'), song thrush (2), greenfinch (song), woodpigeon (nest mat). Mistle thrush in woods near HH. Buzzard overhead, calling.
03/03/2014Muntjac 2 & fawn in HH garden.
28/02/2014Stoat in HH garden.
23/02/2014HH garden -- jay (4), muntjac (2), goldcrest (song), song thrush, blackbird (6+). Buzzard in area. Jackdaw (60+) on field adjacent to HH plot.
22/02/2014Goldcrest near HH kitchen. Mistle thrush in poplars Swaffham Road (A1065).
20/02/2014Bank vole near HH kitchen.
05/02/2014Jay (5), great tit (3+), goldfinch (~5), blackbird (6+), marsh tit in HH garden. Buzzard over field west of meadow.
14/01/2014Mistle thrush song in woods adjacent to HH Song thrush song.