
Record days plots for selected bird species 2013 onwards

Record days plots

The plots shown here summarise occurrence data for 48 species for the 12 years to 2024.

These plots are updated every few days using an R script.

1 / 48
Record days plot, barn owl
2 / 48
Record days plot, blackbird
3 / 48
Record days plot, blackcap
4 / 48
Record days plot, blue tit
5 / 48
Record days plot, bullfinch
6 / 48
Record days plot, buzzard
7 / 48
Record days plot, chaffinch
8 / 48
Record days plot, chiffchaff
9 / 48
Record days plot, coal tit
10 / 48
Record days plot, cuckoo
11 / 48
Record days plot, dunnock
12 / 48
Record days plot, fieldfare
13 / 48
Record days plot, goldcrest
14 / 48
Record days plot, goldfinch
15 / 48
Record days plot, great spotted woodpecker
16 / 48
Record days plot, great tit
17 / 48
Record days plot, green woodpecker
18 / 48
Record days plot, greenfinch
19 / 48
Record days plot, grey heron
20 / 48
Record days plot, house martin
21 / 48
Record days plot, jackdaw
22 / 48
Record days plot, jay
23 / 48
Record days plot, kestrel
24 / 48
Record days plot, linnet
25 / 48
Record days plot, little owl
26 / 48
Record days plot, long tailed tit
27 / 48
Record days plot, mallard
28 / 48
Record days plot, marsh tit
29 / 48
Record days plot, mistle thrush
30 / 48
Record days plot, moorhen
31 / 48
Record days plot, pied wagtail
32 / 48
Record days plot, red kite
33 / 48
Record days plot, redwing
34 / 48
Record days plot, reed bunting
35 / 48
Record days plot, reed warbler
36 / 48
Record days plot, robin
37 / 48
Record days plot, sedge warbler
38 / 48
Record days plot, song thrush
39 / 48
Record days plot, sparrowhawk
40 / 48
Record days plot, spotted flycatcher
41 / 48
Record days plot, starling
42 / 48
Record days plot, stock dove
43 / 48
Record days plot, swallow
44 / 48
Record days plot, swift
45 / 48
Record days plot, water rail
46 / 48
Record days plot, whitethroat
47 / 48
Record days plot, woodcock
48 / 48
Record days plot, wren

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

To see the plot for a given species, click on the numbered button underneath the graphic.

Alternatively you can use the left and right arrows to step through the plots.

Species numbering

Species list for record days plots
1barn owl25little owl
2blackbird26long-tailed tit
4blue tit28marsh tit
5bullfinch29mistle thrush
7chaffinch31pied wagtail
8chiffchaff32red kite
9coal tit33redwing
10cuckoo34reed bunting
11dunnock35reed warbler
13goldcrest37sedge warbler
14goldfinch38song thrush
15great spotted woodpecker39sparrowhawk
16great tit40spotted flycatcher
17green woodpecker41starling
18greenfinch42stock dove
19grey heron43swallow
20house martin44swift
21jackdaw45water rail

Trends with some species


On the plots, a black bar indicates that a given species was recorded on or close to the Hillside House plot for the corresponding date.

Red dashed lines divide the years into months.

The plots were constructed using the R package lattice.