
General records 2015

This table lists miscellaneous records of animals and plants at or near Hillside House for 2015.

Wildlife records 2015 at South Raynham
Moorhen (3+) in H.H. garden. Stoat hunting between pond and shed, attacked rabbit out of sight -- attack still under way 15 minutes later (approx 1145 GMT). Barn owl over field west of West Raynham Road over two periods, later one around 1530 GMT. Goldfinches (small numbers) still on burdock in H.H. garden.
Marsh tit on feeders. Kestrel near west boundary of plot (1530 GMT). Great tit song H.H. garden.
Greenfinch (55+) collecting on sycamore by shed before transferring to laurel hedge roost (at 1535 GMT) -- pattern similar to 2014 when numbers started to build in December.
Stoat observed over ~40 minutes making 4+ journeys between edge of H.H. plot and log pile by pond, carrying small mammals (one looked like a baby rabbit, other could have been a baby stoat, but difficult to identify with certainty (~1115 to 1155 GMT).
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Kestrel perch-hunting from lower branches of oak by shed.
Nuthatch on oak.
Barn owl (2) hunting over field to west of plot and over meadow (1533 GMT).
Moorhens (3+), kestrel in H.H. garden.
Buzzard (2) in general vicinity of H.H. GSW flying over meadow from north.
Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Kestrel hunting over front lawn etc. H.H. garden.
Woodcock flushed from pond (1530 GMT).
16/12/2015Greenfinch (~20) collecting by laurel hedge roost p.m.
15/12/2015Goldfinch (15+) over field west of meadow. Possible rabbit kill by stoat heard on east edge of meadow. Bullfinches (5+?) along West Raynham Road.
Barn owl twice over field west of meadow (0840, ~1530 GMT).
Nuthatch, GSW H.H. garden. Jay in spinney by H.H. Dead rabbit, probably killed by stoat, near H.H. pond. Many clouds of chironomids in general area of pond.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden.
Under reed cuttings on meadow -- many active thrips and wolf spiders.
Buzzard near West Raynham Road. Kestrel on ash meadow, also pied wagtail. Grey wagtail H.H.
Grey geese flying SE, prob. PFG (700+) ~1230 GMT.
13/12/2015Kestrel (male) on cypresses by H.H.
11/12/2015Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) near oak nestbox etc. GSW over H.H. garden. Buzzard on edge of meadow, moved to poplars near Church Lane.
Stoat chasing rabbit through H.H. front garden (0815 GMT), last seen by cypresses by A1065.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (4+) in H.H. garden, near oak nestbox etc.
Treecreeper on sycamore by shed. Goldfinches (15+) on burdock by oak. Great, blue, coal and marsh tits in H.H. garden. Buzzard over field east of H.H. plot.
Barn owl over field west of meadow (1515 GMT).
Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (6+) in H.H. garden -- 1 in oak nestbox, others inspecting at least 2 of the 3 other large nestboxes. Stock dove on oak, later near north box on ash by pond.
Several greenfinches in laurel hedge at dusk, numbers unknown.
Chiffchaff (prob.) on small cypresses (~1000).
Barn owl over meadow and adjacent (1450-1500 and 1605 GMT).
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) in vicinity of oak nestbox. GSW on oak.
Greenfinch (~15) collecting in vicinity of H.H. laurel hedge (about 1530 GMT).
Jackdaws (6 or 7) in vicinity of oak nestbox. One pair with one individual apparently missing its left eye -- so one of the combatants from 01/12 did apparently lose an eye in the fight. Each individual of the pair now in possession of the nestbox has both eyes intact.
Marsh tits (2) near shed, oak etc (very white cheeks, no call heard).
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden.
Sparrowhawk (prob. female) over meadow eastwards. Cloud of many chironomids by small cypresses (v. mild for Dec.).
03/12/2015Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) in and in vicinity of oak nestbox, each with both eyes intact. GSW male on oak.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) in and in vicinity of oak nestbox, each with both eyes intact (so either, the incumbents were not seriously hurt on 01/12, or the incumbents have been displaced by the interlopers).
Sparrowhawk a) prob male attacking passerines (by stooping) in garden of house by West Raynham Road, b) prob female over meadow disappearing eastwards. Kestrel in general area. GSW male on oak.
Two harvest mouse nests just outside the zone of reeds cut in 2014 for tree-planting (found during scything work).
Barn owl hunting over field west of meadow (1605 GMT). A few fieldfares.
Greenfinch (15+) collecting at dusk, perhaps going to roost in laurel hedge.
Jackdaws (4) fighting fiercely in vicinity of oak nestbox. At one point, two were engaged in vigorous struggle on the ground below the box, lasting two to three minutes, and a third joined in. I was relieved to see that all four later flew up to perch in the oak. However, it gradually became clear that one of the 'owners' of the oak box had either lost its left eye in the fight, or possibly the eye was just completely closed. The injured jackdaw could apparently still judge distances quite well as it was able to land at the front of the nestbox and enter it.
Moorhens (3) in H.H. garden.
Blackbirds (7+) in H.H. garden, jay.
30/11/2015Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden.
29/11/2015Moorhens (3), blackbirds (4+) in H.H. garden. Goldfinches (30+) on burdock near the oak. Jay by edge of allotments. Fieldfares (~10) and redwings near meadow. Sparrowhawk (prob. male) through spinney/allotments area. Buzzard on edge of Normans Burrow Wood.
28/11/2015Moorhens (3), kestrel (male) in H.H. garden. Goldfinches (35+) on burdock in H.H. garden near the A1065. Jay on cypress by edge of allotments. Fieldfares (~10) and redwings near meadow.
27/11/2015Marsh tit (2) by H.H.
25/11/2015Barn owl hunting on field between meadow and West Raynham Road, twice (~1400 and 1540 GMT). Stock dove on oak. Moorhens (4), kestrel in H.H. garden. A few goldfinches on burdock by the oak.
24/11/2015Goldfinch (40+) H.H. garden etc. Moorhens (4).
23/11/2015Goldfinch (40+) H.H. garden etc. Kestrel female on oak. Moorhens (4).
Stoat (around 1040 GMT) in H.H. garden, near oak etc. Working towards the area where the rabbit was left 21/11, disappeared by grass cuttings heap under cypresses. Visible for 10-15 minutes. On later inspection, the rabbit killed by the stoat on 21/11 had gone, so was either stashed by the stoat or removed overnight by another mammal such as a fox.
Moorhens (4), H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) on oak in and out of nestbox, also others at other trees with nestboxes (willow, ash etc.). GSW on ash by allotments. Probably at least 5-6 blackbirds in H.H. garden, in leaf litter by oak, on Pyracantha, on grass etc.
Buzzard (2) in poplars by S. Raynham S.S.
(1200 GMT) Alerted by what I took to be a rabbit screaming, I looked outside and saw a stoat latched on to an adult rabbit between the kitchen and shed of H.H. The stoat was gripping the rabbit on the side or nape of its neck. At times the rabbit would jump or run a short distance, but the stoat held on. At one point the stoat seemed to lose interest, left the rabbit for a minute or so, and began searching a few metres away, near the shed. Then it returned and gripped the rabbit again. Eventually the two ended up near H.H. kitchen under or by the little yew trees there. By this point the rabbit was clearly fading and seemed to be in shock (its feet were quivering). After about 20 minutes I lost sight of the two of them.
About an hour later I went out and found the body of the rabbit behind the yew trees. It was mostly intact, except that the stoat had eaten a large hole in its neck just behind the skull. As it was raining, I left it, intending to come back and weigh it, but see 22/11.
While the contest between the stoat and rabbit was going on, several gallinaceous birds stood by and watched from close range, apparently little concerned at the potential danger of being so close to the stoat. Four moorhens and at least three pheasants (all females) were present. Also in the general area, but above ground, were a few jackdaws, robins, blackbirds etc. There was little or no mobbing behaviour -- these others, like the moorhens and pheasants, just observed what was going on.
[note -- van den Brink (A Field Guide to Mammals) gives as weights: stoat 125-300 grammes; rabbit (adult) 1.3-2.2kg. So the stoat here was probably something like one eighth of the mass of the rabbit! Evidence of remarkable tenacity on the part of the stoat].
Grey wagtail on H.H. shed.
20/11/2015Moorhens (4), H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) on oak in and out of nestbox, also at least 2 more hanging round same tree and other trees with nestboxes (willow, ash etc.). Kestrel through garden. Coal tit on sycamore. Buzzard in spinney allotments area.
19/11/2015Moorhens (4), H.H. garden. Jackdaws on oak in and out of nestbox. Goldfinches (20+) and siskin (2+). Kestrel in general area. Sparrowhawk male through garden from west. Coal tit on sycamore.
18/11/2015GSW (2), stock doves (2) & jackdaws on oak, H.H. garden. Goldfinches (30+). Siskin on sycamore. Kestrel perch-hunting from oak, cypress etc -- at one point perched low down on oak under large branch during rain shower, apparently sheltering and waiting for bank voles and/or passerines visiting feeders. Grey wagtail on bird bath etc.
16/11/2015Moorhens (4) H.H. garden. Starlings (30) over from north-west. Goldfinches (~40) on burdock by oak, H.H. garden. Goldcrest in laurel hedge at dusk. Barn owl hunting over field to west of meadow 1542 GMT.
15/11/2015Moorhens (4) H.H. garden. Sparrowhawk (imm male) attacking goldfinch flock (~40, min. 34) on burdock, then perched in west hedge. Buzzard (2) in trees by allotments. Kestrel (2) in same area, perch-hunting. Grey and pied wagtail on H.H. roof. Redwings (~15) to roost in ivy-covered trees by allotments. Coal tit and goldcrest by H.H. (also great tit, blue tit, robin etc.) Jackdaw (2) in and out of oak nestbox.
14/11/2015Kestrel (2) by allotments perch-hunting. Jackdaw (2) in and out of oak nestbox, also 2 in and out of willow nestbox.
12/11/2015Kestrel perch-hunting from the oak, H.H. garden. Goldfinch flock as usual.
Moorhens (4) and pheasants H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, 1 prob. with food. Goldfinches (15) on burdock in H.H. garden. Starlings (30) flying west (1510 GMT). Buzzard on field west of meadow. Kestrel perch-hunting in spinney area. Grey wagtail on and near H.H. plot.
10/11/2015Very mild again (~16C). Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Hornet (possibly queen) flying round meadow. Pied wagtail (2) and grey wagtail on shed roof, insect-hawking.
09/11/2015Moorhen (4), pheasants in H.H. garden. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Tit flock (25+) through H.H. garden. Buzzard perch-hunting from trees on edge of spinney by H.H., also kestrel in same general area.
Moorhen (2+), pheasants in H.H. garden. Buzzards (3) over Mill Covert (west of Raynhams).
[Fields either side of road between S. Raynham and Wellingham: linnets (40), fieldfares (45) and lapwings (40) on sugar beet haulm, meadow pipits (8-10), skylark (2-3), yellowhammer (5+), bullfinch, great tit, chaffinch. Greenfinches (20) to roost in laurel bushes near Wensum Pools. Buzzard. Starlings (250 on new plough, 750 to roost somewhere west of Wellingham. BHG (~150) on winter wheat.]
07/11/2015Moorhen (4), marsh tit, blue tit, dunnock, goldfinch (~15), pheasants in H.H. garden. Sparrowhawks -- male over pond, later female hunting fast through pond area and poplars by Raynham Service Station (S.S.). Kestrel in area by pond. Jackdaws hanging round oak nestbox. Grey wagtail. Fieldfares (small flocks, 5-10) over H.H. plot. Treecreeper on cypresses near dusk.
06/11/2015Kestrel (2) in H.H. garden, buzzard on ash in spinney and nearby field etc. Goldfinch (25) in H.H. garden, with siskin (2+).
Moorhens (3) in H.H. garden. Jackdaw pair in and out of oak nestbox. Grey wagtail on and around H.H. Goldfinch (30) in H.H. garden. Kestrel on field to west of H.H., on ash in spinney. etc. Tit flock through H.H. garden, including 2 marsh tit. GSW. Buzzards (2) round S.Raynham.
Starlings (1750+250) over westwards (1555 GMT).
04/11/2015Moorhens (3) in H.H. garden. Grey wagtail on and around H.H. roof etc, also pied wagtail. Starlings (25) flying over towards SE.
03/11/2015Again mild. Moorhens (2) in H.H. garden. Magpie in spinney next to H.H. and in garden briefly. Grey wagtails (2) on and around H.H. roof etc. Pied wagtails (3-4) flying over southwards. Grey heron on meadow. Skylarks (2) singing above arable fields to south of A1065. Starlings (65) probably going to roost, SW of H.H. (not close).
02/11/2015Again very mild, misty. H.H. garden: moorhens (3), jay. Chiffchaff with tit flock and goldcrest at 0800, on sycamore tree. GSW on ash by pond. Blackbirds (2+) eating Pyracantha berries. Honeybees still active at willow nestbox. Starlings (35) moving east at dusk. [Starlings 35+15 (perhaps going to roost) near Raynham Hall. Buzzards -- in H.H. garden, near S. Raynham church, near West Raynham, etc. Bullfinches 3-4 along Wensum north of A1065, 2+ near H.H. etc. Marsh tits in similar places. Little egret along Wensum near Raynham Hall.]
01/11/2015Very mild (warmest November day on record in Wales). H.H. garden: moorhens (3), pheasants, goldfinch (~25). Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Grey wagtail round H.H. Green woodpecker by meadow.
31/10/2015Mild. In H.H. garden: moorhens (3), pheasants, goldfinch (10+). Buzzard on field next to meadow. Sparrowhawk (male?) over meadow, going east. Kestrel on meadow etc. Jackdaws in and out of oak nestbox. 35 starlings over from east. Grey wagtail on H.H.
30/10/2015In H.H. garden: moorhens (3), pheasants, usual goldfinch flock, marsh tit, plus various regulars. Siskins (11) over plot. Evidence of possible small pied wagtail roost in ivy-covered hedgerow trees next to H.H. plot. Another rabbit with myxomatosis in H.H. garden (3rd in a week).
In H.H. garden: moorhens (3), pheasants, goldfinch (5+) on burdock, marsh tit, great tit, blue tit, robin, wren, dunnock, collared dove, etc. Grey wagtail overhead, on plot etc. Kestrels (2) on and around H.H. plot, also buzzard in spinney next to A1065.
Starlings (55+30) over from east at dusk, probably heading to roost quite close to South Raynham (location yet to be discovered).
[On this day, 5000 starlings were recorded moving west at Holme.]
28/10/2015Hedge and mature oak, South Raynham to Wellingham road 2015-10-28 (0828)
Moorhens (4) and pheasants in H.H. garden. Another rabbit with myxomatosis, dead in H.H. garden.
[28/10/2015: Along South Raynham-Wellingham road: house sparrows (~5, near Wensum Pools), redpoll (1), yellowhammer (max. 5 simultaneously, but prob. 20-30+ total), chaffinch (10+), greenfinch (3-4), linnets (~8 on sugar beet), great tit, blue tit, meadow pipit (~25 on sugar beet haulm with 8-10 pied wagtail, then 40+ on wheat stubble), skylark (3-4), buzzard (2+), GSW, fieldfare (5+), redwing (small flocks, mostly 10-15), starlings in small flocks (10+) flying from east, moorhens on pond at Wellingham, mistle thrush, sparrowhawk male, carrion crows (5-10), magpie, jay. Finches and yelllowhammers probably roosting in tall hedges planted in last 5 years or so along lane -- see picture. 2 roe deer in field near Wellingham].
27/10/2015Moorhens (4) and pheasants in H.H. garden. Goldfinch flock (10+) in ash trees by pond. Nuthatch on oak. Grey wagtail on and by H.H.
26/10/2015Moorhens (3+) and pheasants in H.H. garden. Kestrel along western boundary. Goldfinch flock (approx. 10) in ash trees by pond, apparently eating ash keys. Redwings (5+) and blackbirds (5+) on meadow (redwing subsong). Red admirals (2+) by oak. Small flocks of starlings over, westwards. Also 150+ redwings (mainly) plus fieldfares, also westwards.
25/10/2015Moorhens (3) and pheasants in H.H. garden. Grey wagtail on bird bath. Buzzard calling from spinney next to H.H.
24/10/2015Grey wagtail in H.H. garden.
Moorhens (4) and pheasants in H.H. garden. Jackdaws hanging round the oak nestbox. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked tit by oak, missed.
[Along South Raynham/Wellingham road -- house sparrows (total of 12+10=22; a new local location, but still none near Hillside House), yellowhammers (5-10), redwings (small numbers), odd fieldare, gulls on fields (common, BHG, etc., total 200+), buzzards (3-4), carrion crows (3-4).]
Anticyclonic weather conditions again (about to end).
Moorhens (3) and red admiral in H.H. garden. A 'myxi' rabbit seen on 19/10 had died in the garden. Buzzard (2) over field to west of H.H. plot. Grey wagtail below bridge on West Raynham Road (stream around bridge has recently been cleared of waterplants).
Pheasants and RLP on fields near South Raynham church, probably 40+ of each. At least 2 GSW in trees near South Raynham church. [Brambling (2) at Del's Nursery near Sculthorpe].
19/10/2015Moorhens (3) in H.H. garden. Sparrowhawk (prob. female) through garden around 1000. Tit flock moving through, from spinney next to A1065.
15/10/2015Willow nestbox occupied by honeybees, showing honeycomb 2015-10-15 (0803)Moorhens (3) in H.H. garden. Several hornets in H.H. garden. Honeybees again still active at nestbox on willow by pond -- a few wasps entering and leaving the same box (picture shows honeycomb near entrance hole in box, also one or two bees). More redwings, probably arriving from east, in general area of South Raynham, also Fieldfares (4). GSW in ash wood next to A1065.
13/10/2015Moorhens (4, i.e. 2 ads, 2 juvs) in H.H. garden. Honeybees still active at nestbox on willow by pond. Small flocks (10, 15, etc.) of redwings in general area of South Raynham.
12/10/2015Moorhens (4, i.e. 2 ads, 2 juvs) in H.H. garden, again chasing of imms by ads. Marsh tit song near pond. Grey wagtail overhead. Kestrel on field west of meadow.
11/10/2015Moorhens (3) in H.H. garden. Marsh tit with large mixed tit flock. Kestrel on meadow (on ash near the nestbox put up in 2015). Bullfinch on meadow. Song thrush feeding on elderberries meadow. Jays (2+) in H.H. garden. Hornets in several places. Cat killed woodmouse.
10/10/2015Comma butterfly, large white in H.H. garden. Grey wagtail over H.H. plot.
08/10/2015Hornet on meadow. Blackcap in blackthorn thicket. Jay. Moorhens (3) H.H. garden. Comma & large white butterflies. Marsh tit caching food near H.H. kitchen. Kestrel over W.Raynham Road.
06/10/2015Approx. 40 redwings on field next to meadow. Approx 20 siskins, also skylarks (small numbers) over H.H. plot. Green woodpecker on meadow. Pied wagtail on S. Raynham S.S. buildings. Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden as usual.
05/10/2015Moorhens (4, i.e. 2 ads, 2 juvs) in H.H. garden -- chasing of imms by ads continues. Goldfinches (15) on burdock in H.H. garden. Male sparrowhawk in trees near pond. Hornet near pond. Kestrel perch-hunting from oak tree in garden. (Low pressure system has arrived).
04/10/2015Grey wagtail H.H. garden, pied wagtail on South Raynham Service Station buildings. Brimstone male near pond. [Some passerine flocks at Wells: house sparrow (60), starling (80), linnet (100-120). House sparrows on Suaeda bushes.]
03/10/2015Moorhens (4, i.e. 2 ads, 2 juvs) in H.H. garden, again at least one feeding in box tree branches. 4 jays flying over meadow from east then beyond West Raynham Road, at 100 metres altitude or more, as on 01/10 -- probably recent migrant arrivals (locally the jays usually fly quite low down). Meadow pipit (2) over meadow. Bullfinches (2+) on and near H.H. plot. Araneus quadratus on one of the 2014 alders.
Still anticyclonic.
Moorhens (4, i.e. 2 ads, 2 juvs) in H.H. garden, some fighting occurring -- perhaps adults competing with, or driving off, this year's offspring. A jay was on the oak, also a nuthatch. Four tit species were in the garden (great, blue, coal and marsh). Sparrowhawk (female) on field adjacent to H.H. garden, mobbed by jackdaw. Comma, red admiral & speckled wood butterflies, a hornet, and at least two unidentified spider-hunting solitary wasps were in H.H. garden. Young common frog and common toad were on meadow. Kestrel was on field next to meadow. The usual flock of goldfinches was in H.H. garden (12 today) -- these were feeding on burdock seeds.
A cormorant flew northwards over the A1065 towards Raynham Hall. Pied wagtails (at least 2) were on South Raynham Service Station buildings.
01/10/2015Moorhens (2 imm) in H.H. garden. Hornet in H.H. garden. Pied wagtail at South Raynham Service Station (next to H.H.). Lapwing (10-12) in South Raynham area, probably feeding on recently disced fields. Misty caught a bank vole, which was released alive, near H.H. A jay flew from the east high over meadow and was thought to be a possible recent arrival from across the North Sea.
30/09/2015Anticyclone continues. Kestrel on field west of H.H. plot. Poplar hawkmoth caterpillar has defoliated one of the P.n.betulifolia planted in 2014, near the stream on meadow. Hornet on ivy, by laurel hedge. Chiffchaff in H.H. garden.
29/09/2015Comma butterfly and several large whites in H.H. garden.
28/09/2015Sparrowhawk perching in oak, then attacking collared dove (tried to fly it down in level pursuit, presumably failed, but outcome not seen). From size comparison sparrowhawk was probably a female. Buzzards (4+) over area near South Raynham church. Kestrel on field west of H.H. plot. Jays (2+) in H.H. garden. Blackcaps (2+) on blackthorn etc, edge of meadow, also hornet. Several pheasants on meadow. Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden.
Anticyclonic weather conditions.
Moorhen (imm) clambering around in box tree and apparently eating seeds off the same tree, H.H garden. Pale green looper moth caterpillar on alder on meadow (species TBD). Hornet in H.H. garden. Migrant/southern hawker over pond. Kingfisher flew from pond towards West Raynham Road.
Approx 35 jackdaws hawking flying insects near South Raynham church. Bean fields near South Raynham have now been harvested and on the field next to the church (where cutting occurred around 24/09 or 25/09) some spilt crop is present. However it is hard and brown and probably could not be eaten by birds [except perhaps by hawfinches??]. Hornet near 'two bridges'.
26/09/2015Blackcap and chiffchaff in west hedge, H.H. Kestrel perched near meadow. Araneus quadratus webs on spear thistles on the grassy area just south of pond (the first time they have been noticed here). Bullfinches (3) over meadow.
25/09/2015Moorhens (2 juv) in H.H. garden. Jay. Approx. 6 jackdaws in and out of nestboxes on oak and ash. Grey wagtail in vicinity of H.H. garden. Small numbers of siskins in the general area. Kestrel on field next to meadow and buzzards nearby on several occasions. Chiffchaff calling in H.H. garden.
Around 40 house martins over meadow etc. Buzzard in vicinity of H.H. Moorhens (2) allopreening in H.H. garden. Misty caught another bank vole, which was released alive. Grey wagtail on one of the bird baths. Chiffchaff calling.
Mistle thrush near S. Raynham church.
22/09/2015Siskins (4) flew over. Usual flock of 10-12 goldfinches in H.H. garden. Hornet by edge of meadow.
20/09/2015Warm. Honeybees in & out of willow nestbox again (had been no activity on some days recently). Misty caught bank vole by shed, released alive. Spotted flycatch*r apparently gone. Carp in pond, gulping air at surface.
Spotted flycatcher (ad) on oak and nearby, ~1000.
H.H. -- goldcrest, jay. Chiffchaff singing ~0800.
H.H. garden: Speckled wood (quite late?). Large tit flock (blue, great, coal, long-tailed, marsh) with at least 1 Phylloscopus sp. (probably willow warbler) moved through garden northwards. Jackdaws (4+) squabbling over oak nestbox again. Blackbirds (4+) & song thrush eating berries on cherry laurel hedge. These berries (and the flowers before them) only seem to appear on the top parts of the hedge where the hedge is sparser.
Possible vapourer moth caterillar on alder, edge of meadow.
Redpolls (2) near South Raynham church, apparently feeding on dock seeds. Possible native black poplar found near footpath north of East Raynham church. Mistle thrush in grounds of Raynham Hall.
17/09/2015Jackdaws (4+) squabbling over oak nestbox. Blackcap alarm call near H.H. Male sparrowhawk mobbed buzzard near meadow. Later male sparrowhawk with prey near pond (small passerine).
14/09/2015Stoat climbed up ash to jackdaw/stock dove nestbox (about 7 metres up near vertical trunk). Jays (4) on oak tree. Nuthatch. Buzzards (2) over South Raynham area.
13/09/2015Green woodpecker, jays (2+), moorhens (2+) and pheasant all by pond. About 5-10 jackdaws hanging round oak nestbox. Blackc*ps and spotted flycatch*rs apparently gone. Buzzard over Norman's Burrow Wood.
Spotted flycatcher ad. and juv on big oak.
Hobby flew fast through Hillside House garden (about 0900).
Nuthatch and tits (5 species) in H.H. garden. About 6 blackbirds (may have just arrived as migrants).
Woodmouse (or yellow-necked mouse) by the house, later probably killed by cat.
Kestrel to west of plot as usual.
11/09/2015Siskin (1) flew over. Muntjac in H.H. garden
07/09/2015Hobby with prey over H.H. garden
06/09/2015Kestrel near meadow. Blackcaps (3+) on elders (meadow). Chiffchaff. Kingfisher at dusk flew to pond. Sparrowhawk male near meadow
05/09/2015Whitethroat female with food, edge of meadow -- quite late if a nest is still active.
Spotted flycatcher in corner of H.H. garden, near oak.
Barn owl on field west of meadow at dusk.
27/08/2015Barn owl on field west of meadow at dusk, ~1945.
25/08/2015Blackcap 3 including prob. juv. corner of H.H. garden. Stock dove on dead ash (near nestbox). Nuthatch, GSW, dunnock (juv.) & goldcrest (juv.) all in H.H. garden.
Spotted flycatcher (2 juv & 1 ad) H.H. garden. Juvs still being fed by adult.
Sparrowhawk young male on meadow. GSW.
21/08/2015Buzzard (6+) over Wensum valley near S.Raynham
20/08/2015Hobby (ad) over H.H. garden. Marsh harrier (f/imm) over meadow. Swifts (5+) overhead.
16/08/2015Spotted flycatcher (1 juv & 1 ad) H.H. garden, mostly by pond, in ash trees.
15/08/2015Spotted flycatcher (1 juv & 1 ad) H.H. garden, by pond, in dead ash.
05/08/2015Barn owls (2) on field west of meadow 2045.
28/07/2015Stock dove into oak nestbox, H.H. garden. Chiffchaff (calling), GSW on oak, moorhen & 2 juv in garden. Kestrel (2) & buzzard on field west of meadow. Song thrush singing nearby. Swifts 5-10 overhead.
26/07/2015Stock doves (2) into oak nestbox, H.H. garden. Singing: chiffchaff, blackbird, woodpigeon.
25/07/2015H.H. garden, singing: song thrush, chiffchaff, blackcap, woodpigeon, greenfinch.
24/07/2015H.H. garden, singing: blackcap, woodpigeon.
23/07/2015Stock doves (2) into oak nestbox, H.H. garden. Singing: chiffchaff, blackbird, woodpigeon.
17/07/2015Reed warbler song, H.H. pond (last record of year).
16/07/2015Prob. fox scat, meadow
15/07/2015Reed warbler song, H.H. pond. Chiffchaff song, pond area. Whitethroat with food, edge of meadow (ditch).
28/06/2015Song on plot: woodpigeon, blackbird, wren.
27/06/2015Goldfinch song by shed. Reed warbler song on pond. Chiffchaff song by pond. Blackcap song near H.H.
26/06/2015Stock dove song in spinney next to H.H. Barn owl in H.H. garden (2100). Reed warbler song on pond. Blackbird song by H.H.
25/06/2015Hornet queen nest-prospecting in flower-border, H.H.
24/06/2015Swifts (5-10) over H.H. Buzzard. Stock dove in dead ash by pond and on oak (probably nest-prospecting). Chiffchaff song by pond. Song thrush 5+ territories on H.H. plot and field to west.
22/06/2015Sparrowhawk male over meadow flying east (2100). Prob. Odynerus spinipes (a solitary wasp that hunts beetle larvae) on laurel hedge H.H.
20/06/2015Buzzard by pond, by meadow etc. Chiffchaff, reed warbler song on pond. Blackcap song by N.E. corner of meadow.
19/06/2015Reed warbler song on pond.
17/06/2015Carrion crow (5, probably a family) eating green beech mast on beech tree by H.H. Loud recruit-calling.
15/06/2015Reed bunting song, song thrush song, meadow. Chiffchaff & song thrush song by pond (a different territory).
14/06/2015Jackdaws probably fledged from oak box (parents making 'charr' call).
Reed warbler song on pond.
BLACK STORK was recorded at S. Raynham (reported on Penny's Hot Birding and Life). A large dark bird soaring on flat wings was seen near the Church Lane but no bins were to hand. This bird was almost certainly the black stork.
11/06/2015Reed warbler song on pond.
10/06/2015Reed warbler song on pond. Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Kestrel in H.H. garden. Pied wagtail pair by shed. Yellowhammer male song, ash by meadow (as on 03/06). Muntjac barking nearby.
09/06/2015Reed warbler song on pond. Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Blackbird alarm call near shed nest (which was in a pallet, later failed). Kestrel on field by W.Raynham Road.
08/06/2015Reed warbler song on pond.
06/06/2015Kestrel by West Raynham Road. Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Mistle thrush in H.H. garden.
Red kite over West Raynham Road.
Reed warbler song on pond. Jackdaw feeding at oak box. Mistle thrush feeding at nest to south of A1065 (possibly a new nest).
Araniella cucurbitina near pond.
Whitethroat song (3) near to meadow; 1 on edge of plot.
03/06/2015Yellowhammer male singing from ash just outside plot boundary, NW corner of meadow. Whitethroat nearby.
02/06/2015Great tit nest in shed fledged about 4-5 juvs. Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
01/06/2015[Spotted flycatchers (pair) very close to River Wensum, one apparently nest-building in dead willow about 2.5 metres up. Hornet queen apparently nest-prospecting also in willow close by.]
30/05/2015Reed warbler song H.H. pond. Chiffchaff near house.
At least five species singing meadow & pond area. Species and apparent numbers of territories: song thrush (2); reed warbler (2); chiffchaff (2); blackcap (2); wren (2).
Cuckoo (2 males song -- a) on meadow, b) near South Raynham church).
Linnet (25-30) on bean field by S. Raynham church. Mistle thrush nearby.
Reed warbler song from S.E. corner/edge of meadow.
Mistle thrush pair nest-propsecting in various trees in/near H.H. garden.
16/05/2015Jackdaw chicks apparently hatched in willow box (calling).
14/05/2015[Swifts (20-30) over Fakenham town].
13/05/2015Barn owl in H.H. front garden (2100).
11/05/2015Queen hornet found in H.H. interior and placed in shed.
10/05/2015Roe deer male in H.H. front garden.
09/05/2015Jackdaws and carrion crow collecting waste chips from H.H. garden.
Mistle thrush feeding fledged juv in H.H. garden.
Barn owl over field west of plot (0817).
H.H. garden: mistle thrush pair still collecting food and delivering to nest south of A1065. Jackdaw feeding at oak box.
[Wensum valley between A1065 and Raynham Hall: singing chiffchaff, blackcap, dunnock, wren, great tit, blackbird, whitethroat (latter near 'two bridges'). Prunus padus is now in flower (numerous trees/shrubs along this stretch). Hobby drifted east. Kestrel male & female.]
Mistle thrush carrying food from near oak to nest south of A1065. Chiffchaff singing by allotments (next to H.H. plot). Buzzard over H.H. Kestrel male & female West Raynham Road area. Grey heron on pond. Male roe deer on meadow. Greylag alarm calls near meadow, two others also present.
Blackthorn thicket on meadow (top blackthorn)-- reed bunting song, whitethroat song.
03/05/2015GSW in H.H. garden.
Blackbird male with 2 flying juvs, by Hillside House kitchen.
Mistle thrush food deliveries as on 29/04 (two nests).
Kestrel on field west of meadow.
Adult male marsh harrier soared over West Raynham Road with buzzard, departed south (~0950).
Jays (2) mobbed by blackirds in spinney by A1065, possibly with small whiteish egg. House martin over pond.
Singing on/by pond: reed warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap. 2nd singing whitethroat in blackthorn thicket on meadow (female also present), also 2nd singing BC S.E. corner of meadow.
01/05/2015Robin feeding fledged juv, under shed, Hillside House garden.
30/04/2015Grey heron on pond. Roe deer (female) in H.H. garden, came from meadow direction and departed south. Jay (2) in H.H garden. Carrion crow in oak, willow etc, apparently searching for insects.
Arrival of several summer visitors. Lesser whitethroat song, whitethroat song top blackthorn (thicket near Carr Stream on meadow). Also blackcap song edge of meadow. Chiffchaff song by pond.
Great tit visited shed nest-hole (in concrete blocks). Jackdaw feeding at oak and willow boxes. Buzzards (2+) over plot. Sparrowhawk male perched in poplars on edge of plot, departed east. Sparrowhawk female by West Raynham Road.
Mistle thrush in Hillside House garden -- apparently 2 pairs (1 feeding at nest in spinney north of A1065, near junction with West Raynham Road, the 2nd feeding at nst in hornbeam on south side of A1065). Magpie on West Raynham Road in hedgerow.
Mistle thrush pair prospecting in sycamore near Hillside House kitchen, also in oak.
Jackdaws visited oak and ash boxes. Stock dove perched in oak. Buzzards (4) overhead. Song in Hillside House garden: greenfinch, goldfinch.
Kestrel male & female near meadow.
26/04/2015Mistle thrushes (2) continued feeding at hornbeam nest. Mistle thrush alarm calls near houses by A1065. Kestrel on oak. Chiffchaff song, by pond.
23/04/2015Mistle thrushes (2) continued feeding at hornbeam nest. A probable 2nd nest approx. 80 metres away on north side of A1065. Kestrel over meadow.
22/04/2015New kestrel nestbox installed in ash on north edge of meadow. (Placed the wrong way round -- faced south-west so needs rotating). Great tit nestbox on willow by pond has nest material but no eggs; a red-tailed bumblebee present in the moss. (Later this box was occupied by honeybees).
21/04/2015Mistle thrushes (2) continued feeding at hornbeam nest. Kestrel in Hillside House garden.
19/04/2015Mistle thrushes (2) continued feeding at hornbeam nest. Jackdaw (2) in oak nestbox. Kestrel in Hillside House garden.
Mistle thrush pair collecting food in Hillside House garden and carrying it to a nest in a hornbeam tree on the south side of the A1065, about 60 metres from Hillside House; nest 8-9 metres up in an acute-angled fork in main stem.
Greylag goose (2) and grey heron (2) by pond.
Red kite in vicinity of Hillside House, also buzzard (2).
Marsh harrier (female/imm male) over meadow, departed eastwards.
Jackdaw pair into oak box and willow box.
12/04/2015Mistle thrush (2) by pond, perhaps prospecting. Jackdaw (2) in oak nestbox, also round ash nestbox. Kestrel in H.H. garden.
11/04/2015Red kite in vicinity of Hillside House.
09/04/2015Barn owl on field west of meadow and nearby, 0842.
Redwings (4) possibly to roost by pond.
Redpoll call over Wensum woods near South Raynham.
Jackdaw with light nest material (not sticks) oak box.
Buzzard (2) over West Raynham Road.
Barn owl on field west of meadow and nearby, 1735.
04/04/2015Barn owl on field west of meadow and nearby, 1257 & 1805.
Mistle thrush in ash and Salix near pond, possibly prospecting. Chiffchaff singing, large poplars by meadow.
Barn owl on field west of meadow and nearby, 1817.
01/04/2015Jackdaw in oak, willow and ash nestboxes.
10/03/2015Jackdaw pair was collecting nest material for the oak nestbox.
09/03/2015Jackdaw pair prospected in new oak nestbox (2 days after installation!)
Weasel spent around 100 minutes in the vicinity of H.H. kitchen. Carried two rodents (probably bank voles) to a possible nest nearby.
Kestrel in H.H. front garden.
Oystercatcher over plot.
Barn owl hunted over the field west of meadow at 1603.
06/03/2015Hillside House garden -- barn owl (at 1727) on field next to meadow. Mistle thrush prospecting in oak tree.
05/03/2015Hillside House garden: kestrel & male sparrowhawk, ~1700.
04/03/2015Hillside House garden -- Barn owl (at 1718) on field next to meadow, later fields west of West Raynham Road.
01/03/2015Hillside House garden: kestrel imm male; RLP (2), pheasant (2), song thrush.
26/02/2015Hillside House garden: RLP (2); marsh tit, moorhen.
Barn owl on field next to meadow.
Hillside House garden -- greenfinch (75) to roost in laurel hedge (64 + ~10, probably the peak in numbers).
22/02/2015Jackdaw pair inspecting (starling-size) nestbox on beech. Later great tits in/out of same box.
H.H. garden -- goldcrest singing in oak; marsh tit; kestrel, buzzard nearby.
Barn owl on meadow.
Greenfinch (50+ ) to roost in laurel hedge.
20/02/2015Hillside House garden: greenfinch (60+) to roost in laurel hedge.
12/02/2015Kestrel perched near pond
09/02/2015Hillside House garden: bullfinch on blackthorn; mistle thrush (2) prospecting in spinney.
08/02/2015Hillside House garden: stock dove (2), 1 in oak; sparrowhawk male perched poplars. Also pheasant, blue tits (5-6) courtship flights etc., moorhen (2), coal tit (2+), great tits (3-4) courtship flights.
07/02/2015Hillside House garden: greenfinch (50-60) to roost in laurel hedge.
Hillside House garden -- song thrush (2+, 1 singing). Robin song.
Greenfinch (50+) at dusk to roost in laurel hedge.
31/01/2015Hillside House garden: bullfinches (2 males, 1 female) eating blackthorn buds. Kestrel. Song thrush singing.
30/01/2015Hillside House garden -- greenfinch (19) in morning.
H.H. garden: kestrel hunting voles by house, perched in beech tree. Moorhen (2+), goldcrest, dunnock (2).
Greenfinch (45-50) collecting at dusk to roost in laurel hedge.
Hillside House garden -- kestrel hunting voles by house.
Greenfinches (15-20) collecting at dusk to roost in laurel hedge.
Hillside House garden -- goldfinch (2), moorhen (3), pheasant, wren, dunnock, song thrush (2+), blackbird.
Greenfinch (27+).
14/01/2015Hillside House garden -- bank vole by Hillside House kitchen. Song thrush, great tit, pheasant. Kingfisher along stream north edge of meadow. Nuthatch. Buzzard perched in spinney.
12/01/2015Hillside House -- sparrowhawk (male) perched in cypress. Greenfinch (4).
08/01/2015Hillside House -- bank vole (2) by kitchen. Jays (2), blackbird (5-6).
06/01/2015[Starlings (~45) to roost near East Raynham church, in reeds/alders.]
05/01/2015Great tit singing near Hillside House. Bank vole by Hillside House. Bullfinch female feeding on dock seeds.
04/01/2015[Prob. RLB near Wells, also greenfinch (~80-100) near Wells lifeboat station]
03/01/2015Hillside House garden & plot -- song thrush, blackbird (6-7), wren, robin, marsh tit, dunnock, moorhen (4), bullfinch (male), goldfinch (3-4), greenfinch (7+), chaffinch (5+). Possible raven flew eastwards. In West Raynham Road area -- RLP (8), golden plover (10+), mistle thrushes (4-5), kestrel. [Sparrowhawk female at Kettlestone.]
01/01/2015Hillside House garden & plot: Song thrush, jay, goldcrest, blackbird (5+), wren, robin, great tit, blue tit, marsh tit, dunnock, magpie, nuthatch, pheasant, moorhen (2+), collard dove, woodpigeon (5+), bullfinch (female), goldfinch (6+), greenfinch (2+), chaffinch (5+).