
Wildlife records 2022

Wildlife records 2022 at South Raynham
No frost, overcast, early drizzle, rain/drizzle later, mild, wind SW (BF 2-5), max temp ~11C.
Amber list: Dunnock song by shed. Bullfinch across plot.
Jackdaw (10+) arriving from east before sunrise.
Robin yews. BT song patio. GT song near shed. Blackbird by laurel hedge.
Buzzard across meadow.
No frost, overcast, rain or drizzle in morning, breezy, mild, wind SW (BF 2-5), max temp ~11C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Dunnock by laurel hedge. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot into spinney cypresses. Perhaps same sparrowhawk (male?) with prey near spinney at dusk. Bullfinch (male) near Hillside House at dusk. WP (15) into Horseshoe Plantation.
Jackdaw (40) main pond trees.
Blackbird (5+) hornbeam square and shed concrete. Robin by laurel hedge. BT (3+), GT shed area. Goldfinch (4) laurel hedge burdock. Goldcrest pines. Treecreeper on big oak, mainly in mossy places.
Buzzard watching for prey from perch on big oak.
Little egret along Carr Stream near meadow.
Common gull (10+) drifting SW.
Very light frost in sheltered places, sunny, breezy, wind SW (BF 2-5), max temp ~8C.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Dunnock song near yews. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot towards spinney.
Jackdaw (4+) round willow nestbox.
Blackbird (10+) hornbeam square and shed concrete. Robin patio. BT (3+), GT shed area. Goldfinch (13+) laurel hedge burdock. Collared dove (2) plot and Silver Service.
Grey heron across main pond onto grazing near WRR. Buzzard by ivy hedge, in spinney, etc.
Common gull (10+) drifting SW. Cormorant (imm) along Wensum near Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, overcast, rain or drizzle for much of day, wind W (BF 2-5), max temp ~10C.
Red list: Marsh tit patio burdock patch. Greenfinch song (‘dzwee’) perched beech 1410 GMT (no songflight).
Amber list: Dunnock shed shrubs. Kestrel (male) perched WRR.
Blackbird (3+) hornbeam square. Robin by shed. Tit flock (18+, mainly BT (8+), LTT (3+), GT (2+)) shed area. Goldfinch laurel hedge burdock. Nuthatch big oak. Buzzard (2) Horseshoe Plantation. Buzzard Top Blackthorn. Redwing (10+) meadow and main pond trees. Magpie shed across area into Silver Service plot. Jay WBH and spinney. Collared dove big oak. Goldfinch (8+) main pond trees. Chaffinch (female) by shed. Goldcrest yew hedge.
Little egret along Carr Stream, also on rushy grazing west of WRR.
Common gull (10+) drifting SW.
Light frost, sunny intervals, wind W or SW (BF 1-4), max temp ~7C.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perched ash2 tree. WP (15+) westwards. Bullfinch (female) on dock or nettles by A1065 cypress stumps.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees, big oak etc, and on grazing near WBH.
Coal tit on patio shrubs (gorse).
Buzzard in spinney.
Very light frost, clear, sunny, wind W or SW (BF 1-4), max temp ~ 5C.
Red list: Marsh tit cypresses burdock patch. Greenfinch emerging from laurel hedge roost around sunrise.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees. WP WBH. Wren, dunnock patio shrubs.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees, big oak etc, and on grazing near WBH.
Blackbird, GT (2+), robin near ivy hedge. Goldfinch laurel hedge burdock. Buzzard on A1065 cypress stumps, big oak and washing line posts. Fieldfare on crab apple MNE. Redwing (12+) from north over plot, perhaps migrants. Red kite over Church Lane etc. Tit flock round patio (BT (5+), coal tit, GT). Nuthatch on big oak.
Grey wagtail by Carr Stream bridge (near MNE).
Little egret along Carr Stream.
No frost, overcast, mist, dank, rain through much of day, wind W or SW (BF 1-2), max temp around 7C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2+) laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) main pond trees. WP (2+) round plot.
Jackdaw (19+) main pond trees, big oak etc, and on grazing near WBH.
Blackbird, GT near shed. Goldfinch (9+) laurel hedge burdock. Robin patio. Robin with worm on shed concrete. Buzzard with food under big oak. Collared dove (3) big oak and Silver Service plot.
No frost, overcast, mist, rain or showers later, wind SW (BF 1-2), max temp around 7C.
Fieldfare (4) westwards (migrants).
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock. Marsh tit call MNE. Mistle thrush on ash at Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Bullfinch Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Wren call near shed. WP (5+) round plot. Dunnock by laurel hedge.
Jackdaw (11+) main pond trees, big oak etc.
Blackbird (2+), GT song near shed. Buzzard Top Blackthorn, spinney, SHO. Green woodpecker call WRR.
Common gull (5+) across plot.
No frost, overcast, rain or showers until after midday, clearing later, wind SW (BF 1-4), max temp around 8C.
Water rail call main pond.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Bullfinch Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (19+) main pond trees, big oak etc.
Blackbird (4+), robin hornbeam square. GT laurel hedge burdock patch. Redwing big oak. Buzzard Top Blackthorn, spinney etc. Collared dove song big oak.
Common gull (10+) drifting south over/near plot.
No frost, overcast at first, clearing later, wind SW (BF 1-4), max temp around 9C.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock patch. Woodcock up from blackthorn patch MSE.
Amber list: Dunnock song patio area, before sunrise. Stock dove (2) shed area, main pond trees.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak etc.
Blackbird (4+) hornbeam square. Robin shed. GT, goldfinch (3) laurel hedge burdock patch. Redwing ash3 tree. Grey squirrel under beech near patio. Nuthatch spinney or A1065 ashwoods. GSW briefly on big oak. Coal tit yews.
Common gull (25+) drifting south over/near plot.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
No frost (first morning since 07/12), overcast, wind S or SW (BF 2-5), max temp around 11C. Meadow track partially thawed, no surface frost.
Red list: Greenfinch emerging from yews 0810 GMT (presumably from roost). Marsh tit on oak burdock patch.
Amber list: Wren Carr Stream. Moorhen Carr Stream near MNE.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees etc.
Blackbird (7+) hornbeam square and nearby. Blackbird (3+) WBH. Red Sentinel crabs on second tree now almost gone. Blackbird (3+) Top Blackthorn. Redwing round plot. Tit flock near shed (BT). Coal tit (2) in A1065 cypress.
Common gull (50+) drifting south over/near plot.
Buzzard spinney and SHO.
Sharp frost, overcast, wind S (BF 1-3, rising), max temp around 3C. Meadow track still frozen but beginning to thaw.
Water rail calling repeatedly at 3-4 metres range, in reeds between Carr Stream and MNW track.
Buzzard captured blackbird (female) near beech or box tree, landed on hornbeam square, took prey to below tree and partially plucked it (feathers found 1 hour later). Buzzard at Top Blackthorn etc.
Red list: Mistle thrush Top Blackthorn and MNE. Lapwing (65 + 60 + 45 = 170) westwards, past Church Lane. Linnet call over plot. Greenfinch over spinney. Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Snipe across main pond area. Bullfinch (2) WBH (on sea buckthorn?), MSW, MNW. Dunnock by box tree. Wren near ivy hedge. Kestrel (male) perched above owl box, WRR. Kestrel (male) on big oak, hybrid poplars, and ash3 tree. Song thrush MNE, on hawthorn etc.
Jackdaw (25+) round/on big oak, disturbed by buzzard (see above).
Blackbird (3+), fieldfare WBH, on Red Sentinel crabs (fruit now partially stripped on the smalled trees, which had been left alone until this week -- the bigger tree is 90% stripped). Blackbird (3+) Top Blackthorn. Redwing (3+) round plot. BT (3+) by patio. Robin box tree. Goldfinch (3) MNE. GSW (male) on Top Blackthorn ash. GT (2) laurel hedge burdock. Nuthatch big oak. Coal tit (2) on A1065 cypress. Goldcrest ivy hedge.
Common gull (2) heading NE.
Little egret along Carr Stream east and west of WRR. Red kite west of WRR.
17/12/2022Hillside House WBH track in hard frost 2022-12-17 (2774)
Hard frost, sunny intervals, cloudy later, wind W or NW (BF 1-2), max temp around 3C. Meadow track still frozen solid.
Red list: Mistle thrush main pond trees. Lapwing (5) westwards.
Amber list: Snipe across main pond area. Bullfinch (2) MSW, MNW. Dunnock laurel hedge.
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak.
Blackbird (2+) WBH. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Tit flock by patio (GT, BT). Robin yews. Chaffinch (3+), goldfinch (2) over plot. Muntjac on Carr Stream bridge.
Buzzard perched in spinney near patio.
17/12/2022Burdock patch by big oak 2022-12-17 (2776)
Oak burdock patch in frosty conditions (used by marsh tit, great tits and goldfinch).
17/12/2022Native black poplar planting area in frost 2022-12-17 (2784)
Native black poplars during cold snap. Tree A02 in right foreground (pruned after ‘flop’).
17/12/2022Harvest mouse Micromys minutus nest in reed at Top Blackthorn 2022-12-04 (2766)
Carr Stream bridge near MNE during frost. Green sand may have foraged on floating watercress recently.
Hard frost, sunny, wind W or NW (BF 0-2), max temp around 2C. Meadow track still frozen solid.
Amber list: Snipe up from near main pond, off towards WRR. Snipe up from MNE, went westwards. Bullfinch (2) along alders MSW, MNW. Stock dove main pond trees. WP (4) on grazing near MNW.
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak. Jackdaw (2) in/out at beech box.
Blackbird (2+) MSW, Top Blackthorn. Blackbird (male) with worm from scratty area, went to Top Blackthorn (where ground frozen). Tit flock by patio (GT, LTT, BT). Robin by WBH.
Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation.
Common gull (1st winter) over plot.
Hard frost, sunny until midday, then cloud from north, wind W or NW (BF 0-2), max temp around 2C. Meadow track still frozen solid.
Red list: Mistle thrush foraging on sunny bank next to scratty hedge. Lapwing (2) westwards.
Amber list: Reed bunting on blackthorn at Top Blackthorn. Dunnock (2) near beech. Wren patio. Stock dove (2) round shed area, some display. WP Horseshoe Plantation.
Jackdaw (15+) on big oak.
Blackbird (2+) MSW, Top Blackthorn. Redwing (2) spinney.
Buzzard in spinney. Grey squirrel foraging on sycamore tree (collecting keys).
[Mallard calls Wensum/Carr Stream (near Horseshoe Plantation.]
Hard frost (hoar frost on trees), sunny until midday, then cloud, sleet showers from north, wind NW (BF 0-2), max temp around 1C. Carr Stream is still flowing, no ice on edges, but drain ditches near scratty hedge are frozen solid.
Pink-footed goose (55) heading NW then N over plot.
Red list: Greenfinch Church Lane to WRR. Lapwing (13) across plot, probably landed on rushy fields near WRR.
Amber list: Snipe over meadow, went down somewhere near Silver Service. Kestrel (male) on WRR post. Dunnock, wren near patio.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees etc. Jackdaws in/out at beech box.
Tit flock in spinney (GT (2), BT (3+), etc). Blackbird (2+) MSW and WBH. Robin Church Lane. Robin by shed (took chopped peanuts).
Buzzard WRR/Church Lane. Red kite WRR area.
Fog/mist at first, hard frost (hoar frost on trees), sunny at times, wind SE (BF 0-1), temp barely above 0C during day.
Same (?) Tringa wader (probable green sandpiper) across plot, down near Carr Stream.
Amber list: Stock dove over shed area. WP in spinney.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees etc. Jackdaws in/out at beech and oak boxes.
Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn. Later, buzzard perched A1065 cypress stumps.
Blackbird MSW. Robin near shed. Tit flock in spinney. Coal tit on A1065 cypress. Grey squirrel in sycamore in spinney.
Fog/mist at first, very sharp frost (hoar frost on trees), sunny at times, wind SE (BF 0-1).
Tringa wader flushed from Carr Stream, probably green sandpiper, but gave atypical call. Flight view too poor to be sure of id. Went off eastwards somewhere near Wensum.
Amber list: Dunnock under yews. Wren alarm near shed. Bullfinch Top Blackthorn and MNE.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees etc.
Robin foraging among flint (being moved to nearer shed), finding probable earthworms (small), perhaps able to extract banded snails, also other invertebrates too small to identify. BT by shed.
Buzzard perched in spinney close to A1065 cypress stumps, also elsewhere on plot.
Fog/mist, sharp frost, sunny at times, wind (BF 0-1), direction unclear, temperature at 0930 GMT -5C.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- Pink-footed goose (13) heading east. Robin (2) aggro. Blackbird, redwing, blue tit, kestrel (male). Grey squirrel. Snowberry berries along track.]
[Near Pear Tree Corner -- rook (50+), jackdaw (50+), on frozen arable.]
Mainly sunny, cloudy later from east, sharp frost, wind NW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (22) heading ENE over plot (high). Pink-footed goose (50) heading W near plot 1400 BST approx.
Water rail alarm (caused by distant shotgun) Top Blackthorn.
Red list: Marsh tit on oak burdock patch.
Amber list: Dunnock song yews area.
GT oak burdock patch. Robin shed shrubs. Blackbird alarm near Hillside House. Tawny owl song and call near Hillside House, before dawn. Chaffinch Silver Service plot. Nuthatch A1065 ashwoods.
Buzzard (2) over meadow etc. Jay (2+) Horseshoe Plantation.
Overcast, odd showers, no frost, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (40) heading ENE over plot.
Red list: Marsh tit on burdock patch near ivy hedge. Mistle thrush into spinney.
Amber list: Dunnock patio.
GT burdock by ivy hedge.
Mainly overcast, odd showers, no frost, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Woodock road casualty on A1065 between Horseshoe Plantation and NBW.
Amber list: Wren by ivy hedge. Stock dove hybrid poplars.
Blackbird (3+) shed area.
Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn.
04/12/2022Harvest mouse Micromys minutus nest in lesser pond sedge 2022-12-04 (2763)
Overcast, dry until sunset, no frost, wind E or NE (BF 1-3).
STOAT along MSE/MNE track, came within 3 metres.
HARVEST MOUSE emerged from nest in reed 70cm above ground on NE corner of Top Blackthorn. A second nest in Carex acutiformis nearby. Both nests very clse to perimeter brash hedge.
Water rail calls a) in Carr Stream, b) in Top Blackthorn.
Large accipiter eastwards over Hillside House past hybrid poplars, caused jackdaws to get up. Most jackdaws headed SE soon afterawards.
Pink-footed goose (7) heading SW near plot.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Dunnock song laurel hedge area. Wren (2) by shed. Bullfinch WBH. Moorhen call from Carr Stream opposite Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (80+) hybrid poplars, main pond trees.
Blackbird (2+), robin shed area. BT (4+), GT (2), goldcrest patio shrubs. Redwing (3) hybrid poplars. Goldfinch (25+) MSW alders. Chaffinch MNW.
Buzzard (2) on/over meadow.
Common gull (7) near plot.
04/12/2022Harvest mouse Micromys minutus nest in reed at Top Blackthorn 2022-12-04 (2766)
Second harvest mouse nest.
Cloudy, no frost, light showers at first, wind E or NE (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (50) heading ENE over plot 1135 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Dunnock song laurel hedge area. Stock dove (3), WP shed area.
Jackdaw (25+) hybrid poplars, main pond trees.
Blackbird (6+) shed area (grass, pyracantha etc). Robin by shed. Tit flock (BT (5+), GT) patio etc.
Grey heron across plot.
Redwing (25 + 10) emerging from spinney roost 0930 BST approx.
Red kite over WRR, Church Lane. Buzzard over meadow.
Common gull (2) near plot.
Damp, no frost, mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, wind NE (BF 0-1).
Probable BEAN GOOSE (2) eastwards over plot, called ‘ung-unk’ or similar (quite deep), near greylag size, pointed wings, no black bellies, not pinkfeet, 1000 BST.
Red list: Greenfinch up from near shed/laurel hedge.
Amber list: Dunnock song laurel hedge area. Kestrel (male) WRR.
Jackdaw (19) hybrid poplars.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Redwing (10) westwards (migrants).
Damp at ground level, no frost, mainly cloudy, sunny intervals, wind NE (BF 0-1).
Water rail (3+) in following locations -- a) edge of Carr Stream opposite Top Blackthorn; b) MSE opposite late-leaved oak (still green); c) main pond (probably 2).
Red list: Marsh tit with berry or hip MNE hawthorn. Redpoll (2) westwards across from Horseshoe Plantation. Mistle thrush song a) Horseshoe Plantation (north end), b) Church Lane.
Amber list: Bullfinch call MNE, Top Blackthorn. Song thrush up from ditch by MSW. Rook near WRR. Reed bunting MNW.
Jackdaw (8) hybrid poplars.
LTT (11), BT (10) flock MNW. Blackbird (3+), robin Top Blackthorn.
Golden plover call near WRR, not seen.
Less mist, damp at ground level, no frost, wind NW round to SE (BF 0-2).
Pink-footed goose (110) westwards near plot 0925 BST. Pink-footed goose (240) northwards over plot 1347 BST.
Red list: Starling eastwards across plot.
Amber list: Dunnock near laurel hedge. Moorhen (2) aggro MNE and adjacent grazing. Song thrush song Horseshoe Plantation. Sparrowhawk moving from tree to tree in A1065 ashwoods near dusk.
Jackdaw (20) hybrid poplars. Jackdaw (10+), goldfinch (25+) main pond trees. Redwing (2) out of spinney. Blackbird WBH. Blackbird (2+) Top Blackorn track. GT, BT on laurel hedge burdock patch. Jay ash3 tree. Redwing ash3 tree. Redwing (3) to roost in spinney.
Little egret (2) round meadow, Carr Stream etc. across near meadow.
Muntjac stench along WBH and MNW track.
Golden plover call north of Church Lane.
Mist or fog early, damp at ground level, no frost, wind SW or S (BF 0-2).
Red list: Marsh tit (2) patio.
Amber list: Bullfinch call MNW.
Jackdaw (17+) hybrid poplars. Blackbird WBH. Collared dove big oak. GT, BT (4+) yews and patio. GSW (male) on main pond trees.
Mist or fog early, damp at ground level, no frost, wind SW or S (BF 0-2).
Pink-footed goose (number unknown) calling over plot in mist. Pink-footed goose (30) eastwards.
Water rail call MSE.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) oak burdock patch.
Amber list: Dunnock song near shed. Dunnock song MSW/WBH. Wren WBH.
Jackdaw (10+), goldfinch (25+) main pond trees. Redwing (2) out of spinney. Blackbird WBH. Collared dove (2) big oak and Silver Service. GT (3), BT on oak burdock patch. Blackbird (3+), robin near shed. Blackbird (3) eating pyracantha berries by shed. Chaffinch (female) elder by shed. BT WBH. Robin MSW in scrubby stuff.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Overcast, dank, damp at ground level, no frost, drizzle, wind SW or S (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Wren song spinney by beech. Sparrowhawk attacked passerines in hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (12+) big oak and main pond trees.
Blackbird (3+) shed concrete. Robin hornbeam square. BT on Hillside House. Redwing (4+) out of spinney. Goldfinch (5+) main pond trees. Blackbird (3+), LTT (2), BT MSE hybrid poplars. Buzzard Top Blackthorn. Collared dove big oak.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Overcast with high cloud, damp at ground level, dry, mild, wind SW or S (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (650 approx) heading westwards over plot 1115 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: [Stock dove (3) upward-fluttering display flight Mill Covert area.] Wren yews.
Jackdaw (30+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars. Jackdaw in/out at oak box (grey squirrel (2) present on tree).
Blackbird (2+) shed concrete. Blackbird, GT (2) patio. Golcrest, coal tit (2) yews. Buzzard meadow.
Grey wagtail on shed roof.
Common gull (5+) eastwards over plot. Little egret along Carr Stream. Grey heron near MNE. Pied wagtail near scratty hedge.
Clear at first, damp at ground level, dry, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (280 + 60 = 340) heading SW north of Church Lane, went down somewhere near Weasenham. Pink-footed goose (100+) dropped down north of Church Lane 1005 BST. Pink-footed goose (340) heading NE over plot 1130 BST, probably first flock returning.
Red list: Woodcock flushed from blackthorn patch MSE. Mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: Stock dove main (2 + 1 etc) meadow area.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees.
Blackbird (5+) MSE, MNE. Redwing MSW. Carrion crow across meadow. Buzzard over plot. Meadow pipit across meadow westwards. Robin, blackbird (3+) MSE. Filedfare over plot.
Redwing (10+) near Church Lane.
Common gull (5+) westwards over plot. Little egret with grey heron heading NE across plot.
Clear at first, damp at ground level, dry, wind S (BF 0-3).
Pink-footed goose (16) heading SW near plot 0920 BST. Pink-footed goose (65+) heading SW near plot 0950 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove main (2) pond trees. Dunnock yews. Wren song shed area.
Jackdaw (19) main pond trees.
GT (2) shed area. Carrion crow across meadow. Buzzard over plot. Chaffinch, goldfinch over Hillside House. Magpie (2) MSE hybrid poplars.
Fieldfare (8), redwing (10) westwards across plot (migrants).
Common gull (5+) westwards over plot. Little egret on rushy area west of WRR and near meadow.
Overcast, showers through much of the day, wind S or SW (BF 2-4).
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Song thrush MNE. WP (70+) over Horseshoe Plantation with stock dove.
Jackdaw evicted from beech box by grey squirrel.
BT patio.
Red kite, buzzard round plot. Grey heron on track by Top Blackthorn.
Overcast, dank, rain or showers in morning, wind W or NW (BF 2-4).
Pink-footed goose (65+) heading E over plot 1000 BST, from west. Pink-footed goose (160+) heading E over plot 1400 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit shed shrubs etc.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) hovering next to WRR.
Blackbird (10+), redwing, robin, chaffinch (3), goldfinch (10) on shed concrete and hornbeam square. GT laurel hedge burdock. BT (2+) round shed.
Red kite (2) Church Lane (1 perched on hybrid poplar over the road). Buzzard over plot. Little egret west of WRR and along Carr Stream past meadow.
Mainly overcast, showers, wind W or NW (BF 1-3).
Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) main pond trees and big oak. Dunnock round shed.
Blackbird (4+), redwing (4+) shed and meadow area. Robin by shed. GT laurel hedge burdock.
Overcast, rain at first, clearing to sunny intervals, wind W or NW (BF 2-4).
Grey heron (subadult) walking round in front of shed, seizing vole (probably bank vole) along with some vegetation (dropped), swallowing vole whole. Later moved to WBH track. Also grey heron on MSW/MNW cut patch, disturbed and moved to near WRR with second heron.
Pink-footed goose (7) heading eastwards over plot.
Red list: Greenfinch across meadow towards Church Lane. Starling (10) westards across plot.
Amber list: Bullfinch Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (2) up from edge of Carr Stream by Top Blackthorn.
Fieldfare westwards across plot.
Jackdaw (16+) main pond trees etc.
Blackbird (5+), redwing (40+) meadow area. Redwing (7+) scratty hedge. Robin by shed. LTT (2), BT (5+) near shed. Green woodpecker Church Lane area. Goldfinch (20+) main pond trees.
Buzzard over plot. Red kite across plot.
Mute swan (3) heading SW over WRR.
Overcast at first, clearing to sunny intervals, mainly dry, wind E or SE (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (90+) heading SW over plot 1445 BST, in from NE. Pink-footed goose (40 + 8 + 20) later in afternoon.
Amber list: Wren, dunnock Top Blackthorn.
Fieldfare (5 + 5) hybrid poplars and meadow area.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees etc. Jackdaw (15+) on grazing near scratty hedge with cattle.
Blackbird (5+), redwing (15+) MSW. Robin Top Blackthorn. Great tit weeping willow. GSW across pond area.
Common gull (50+), lapwing (30+) over plot from south.
Overcast at first, clearing to sunny intervals, odd showers, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (90+) heading S near plot 1100 BST, in from NE.
Red list: Marsh tit oak burdock patch. Marsh tit MSE (blackthorn). Woodcock up from leaf-litter blackthorn patch MSE.
Amber list: Stock dove shed area. Kestrel (male) on big oak and WBH, mobbed by jackdaws. Rook (1) heading NE over plot.
Fieldfare in from NE.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees etc. Jackdaws in/out at ash3, beech boxes.
Blackbird (2) shed shrubs (pyracantha). Great tit, goldfinch (2) laurel hedge burdock. BT (5+), LTT (7+), goldcrest yews, patio shrubs. Blackbird (2+), redwing (15+) meadow.
Buzzard (2) over meadow. Red kite Church Lane. Little egret along Carr Stream and west of WRR. Lapwing (40) over plot from east.
Overcast, rain or showers for much of day, blustery, wind W or SW (BF 2-6).
Redwing (10+) MSW. Great tit laurel hedge burdock. BT (5+) yews, patio shrubs.
Sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 2-4).
Water rail (2) calls from by track, opposite or in Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) approaching Top Blackthorn, off towards Horseshoe Plantation. Dunnock MSW. Song thrush Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees, big oak and beech.
Blackbird (5+), redwing (10+) round Top Blackthorn. Robin (2) along alders MNW.
Buzzard over plot.
Common gull (5+) across plot.
Overcast, rain or showers, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (20) eastwards over plot 0800 BST approx.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) through plot. Woodpigeon (50+) on grazing near WBH.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees, big oak and beech.
Blackbird (3+), robin round shed. Redwing (50+) in spinney and nearby.
Red kite over plot.
Common gull (5+) across plot.
Overcast, mist/fog at first, sunny later, wind S or SW (BF 0-2).
Amber list: Reed bunting (female) Top Blackthorn. Dunnock yews. Dunnock MNE. Wren song Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch Top Blackthorn (or MNE). Stock dove over plot.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees, big oak and beech. Contesting ownership at willow and ash3 boxes.
Robin song MNE. Goldfinch (8+) MNW. BT MNE. Redwing song MNE hawthorn. Redwing (5+) WBH. Blackbird song spinney around dawn. Magpie Top Blackthorn.
Little egret perched ash by Carr Stream.
Common gull (5+) near plot.
Mist at first, sunny later, wind S or SW (BF 0-2).
[At Pensthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- marsh harrier (2+), red kite (2+), sparrowhawk (female), cormorant, Cetti’s warbler (several), water rail calls (several), shoveler, teal (100+), shelduck, coot (100+), goldeneye, tufted duck, red-crested pochard, pochard, BHG.]
Overcast at first, sunny intervals later, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (110+) heading N near plot 1530 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel burdock patch.
Amber list: Dunnock yews. Wren MNE. WP (50+) on grazing near plot. Bullfinch (male) Top Blackthorn. Stock dove song spinney. Kestrel (male) on telephone post WRR. Sparrowhawk (male, imm) thorugh plot towards spinney.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees, big oak and beech.
GT laurel burdock. Robin song by shed. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (14+), tit flock (BT, LTT (8+)) round shed area and Silver Service plot. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Redwing (5+), blackbird (2+) WBH. Pied wagtail over Silver Service. GSW Top Blackthorn.
Buzzard SHO and at Top Blackthorn. Red kite over plot. Carrion crow over meadow.
Common gull over plot.
Overcast at first, sunny intervals later, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (110+) heading N near plot 1530 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel burdock patch.
Amber list: Dunnock yews. Wren MNE. WP (50+) on grazing near plot. Bullfinch (male) Top Blackthorn. Stock dove song spinney. Kestrel (male) on telephone post WRR. Sparrowhawk (male, imm) thorugh plot towards spinney.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees, big oak and beech.
GT laurel burdock. Robin song by shed. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (14+), tit flock (BT, LTT (8+)) round shed area and Silver Service plot. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Redwing (5+), blackbird (2+) WBH. Pied wagtail over Silver Service. GSW Top Blackthorn.
Buzzard SHO and at Top Blackthorn. Red kite over plot. Carrion crow over meadow.
Common gull over plot.
Mainly overcast, wind S or SW (BF 2-4).
Robin (3) aggro MNE/MSE.
Overcast, some sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 2-4).
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel burdock patch. Marsh tit MNE and MSE. Mistle thrush song Horseshoe Plantation.
Amber list: Dunnock shed area. Wren MNE. WP (40+) on grazing west of WBH.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw in/out at oak, beech boxes.
Robin song MNE. Goldcrest (2), GT yews. Goldfinch (30+) round shed area and Silver Service plot. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Magpie near main pond. Chaffinch (2) across plot. Redwing (8+), blackbird (2) WBH. Green woodpecker call meadow area.
Buzzard on WRR electricity pole.
Little egret Carr Stream.
[Common gull (50+) near Mill Covert.]
Overcast at first, then sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (7) heading S over Hillside House 0859 BST.
Fieldfare (1 + 1) westwards across plot.
Red list: Marsh tit oak burdock etc. Mistle thrush song Silver Service spruce.
Amber list: Dunnock patio. Wren song near yews. WP (15+) on grazing west of WBH. Sparrowhawk (male) over Horseshoe Plantation.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw in/out at beech box.
Robin song shed shrubs. Tit flock (19+, minly BT, GT) through plot. Goldcrest yews. Nuthatch big oak. Goldfinch (18) round shed area. Siskin (5) across plot. Coal tit A1065 cypresses. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Blackbird, magpie Silver Service plot. Jay WBH. Carrion crow (3+) plot area. Pied wagtail over plot. Redwing (10+), blackbird (2) WBH. Green woodpecker call Horseshoe Plantation.
Buzzard perch-hunting big oak. Red kite Church Lane.
Common gull, BHG southwards over plot.
Overcast, drizzle or rain, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Water rail flushed off track by laurels, main pond (midday).
Red list: Marsh tit laurel burdock.
Amber list: Stock dove (1) with WP (5+) round plot. Kestrel (male, with recent tail -- short outer tail feathers) hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees and big oak.
Blackbird (3+), redwing (10+) along west side of plot. GT shed burdock. Goldfinch (20+), siskin (4+) WBH. oak burdock. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Nuthatch big oak.
Buzzard (2) Horseshoe Plantation.
Common gull (10+) southwards over plot.
Overcast, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Pink-footed goose (18) heading S near WRR 0830 BST. Pink-footed goose (160+) heading S over plot 0943 BST.
Fieldfare (1 + 14), redwing (6) westwards across plot.
Red list: Marsh tit oak burdock.
Amber list: Dunnock song near shed. Stock dove (10) with WP (50+) on grazing wet of WBH.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees and big oak.
Grey wagtail Silver Service plot.
Robin song laurel hedge near shed. GT, BT shed shrubs. Goldfinch (8+) oak burdock. Coal tit A1065 cypresses. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses. Nuthatch (2) big oak and Silver Service.
Common gull (13) southwards over plot.
Overcast, dank, drizzle/showers at times, wind SW (BF 0-2).
Jackdaw (2+) main pond trees.
Amber list: Kestrel on telephone post WRR.
Robin song (2) spinney, robin song WBH. GT, BT yews. Goldfinch big oak.
Overcast, rain or showers at times, dry later, wind SW (BF 1-4).
Fieldfare (10) west across meadow, perhaps onto WRR grazing, 1515 BST.
GBBG adult westwards near plot 1502 BST.
Red list: Starling (9) westwards across plot 0830 BST.
Amber list: Wren MNE, MSE. Bullfinch WBH. Sparrowhawk (male imm) attacking passerines WBH.
Finch flock (50+) meadow area, probably disturbed by raptor, mainly goldfinch. Blackbird (3+) in shed shrubs. Redwing (10+) MSW ditch, WBH etc. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses, big oak (probable nest in cypress). GT, BT (4+) shed area.
Buzzard (2) Horseshoe Plantation/A1065 ashwoods. Common gull (3) over plot.
Sunny intervals, wind W or NW (BF 1-3).
Pink-footed goose (28) heading NW over plot 0830 BST. Pink-footed goose (160+) heading N or NE over plot 0950 BST. Pink-footed goose (40+) heading SW near plot 0952 BST. Pink-footed goose (55) heading NW over plot 1000 BST. Pink-footed goose (38) heading N over plot 1005 BST. (Apparently 5 different flocks).
Red list: Starling (9) westwards across plot 0940 BST.
Jackdaw (2) in/out at oak nestbox.
Blackbird WBH. Goldfinch (5) main pond trees. Collared dove (2) round plot.
Bumblebee (yellow thoracic hairs) main pond, perhaps B. pascuorum but very bright yellow.
Common gull, herring gull over plot.
Rain or showers at first, overcast, dry later, wind W (BF 1-4).
RAVEN westwards near plot 1152 BST.
Pink-footed goose (13) heading S over plot.
Siskin (6+) on alders (recently topped) MSW.
Amber list: Wren MNE.
Goldfinch (6+) main pond area. Blackbird (2+), redwing (10+) MSW ditch etc. Collared dove (2) round plot.
Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind W (BF 2-4).
Pink-footed goose (3) heading S over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove on big oak. Kestrel hovering Church Lane/WRR area. WP (8) on hornbeam square.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak etc.
Redwing (17+) to roost in spinney. Collared dove (2) shed area.
Buzzard (2) WRR. Red kite (2) Horseshoe Plantation area.
Early showers, then sunny intervals, blustery, wind SW or S (BF 2-5).
Pink-footed goose (15) heading SW near plot.
Red list: Marsh tit on shed burdock. Starling (40, 12, 90) westwards across plot.
Amber list: Wren WBH. Bullfinch MNE. Sparrowhawk (female?) across plot towards A1065 ashwoods.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
GT song shed area. GT (3) on shed burdock. Goldfinch (12) round shed area. Blackbird (2+) in edge of spinney at dusk. Collared dove (2) across plot.
Buzzard over meadow.
Common gull (1st winter) + adult across plot.
Early showers, sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Water rail call in reeds etc, edge of Carr Stream opposite Top Blackthorn and MNW.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees.
GT (2) shed shrubs, eating burdock seeds. Tit flock MSW alders (20+, BT, LTT). Robin song Top Blackthorn. Blackbird MSW ditch. Reading (3+) round meadow. Jay scratty hedge. Magpie WRR. Red kite over meadow and plot. Collared dove (3) Silver Service plot. Grey wagtail westwards across plot.
Overcast, dank, wind S or SW (BF 0-2).
Golden plover (10) heading SE over plot.
Red list: Marsh tit patio shrubs.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) over Horseshoe Plantation. Bullfinch MSW to Horseshoe Plantation.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, beech, main pond trees.
GT by shed. Tit flock main pond and pines (15+, BT, LTT, treecreeper, nuthatch). Coal tit pines. Redwing (5+) round plot. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (17) Silver Service plot.
Red kite Church Lane area.
Common gull (5), BHG (5) over plot.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Wren alarm main pond area.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak and beech.
Redwing (25) westwards over plot.
Red kite across plot.
Overcast at first, sunny intervals later, wind S or SW (BF 1-4).
CROSSBILL call from top of (probably) Pinus nigra tree in spinney.
Red list: Greenfinch along WBH/MSW.
Amber list: Bullfinch MSW.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak and beech.
Redwing (13) round meadow.
GT, BT Top Blackthorn. Blackbird (2) MSW.
Buzzard (2) circling over plot.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-4).
Red list: Marsh tit MNE and Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Wren Top Blackthorn and edge of Carr Stream in dogrose.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw (40+) WRR and Church Lane area.
Redwing (12+) westwards over plot. Redwing (5+) round plot.
GT patio. BT, robin song, blackbird Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow (2) over meadow. GSW A1065 ashwoods. Collared dove, pied wagtail (2) Silver Service plot.
Hornet in places near shed.
Herring gull, common gull (10) over plot.
Sunny, wind S or SW (BF 2-5).
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw in/out at willow box.
GT (2), BT (2+) shrubs near ivy hedge. Goldcrest pines. LTT party MSW at dusk, probably at roost.
Sunny intervals, cloudier later, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Red list: Mistle thrush SHO, Church Lane and Horseshoe Plantation.
Amber list: Wren shed area. WP (50+) west of WRR. Sparrowhawk (male) off WBH eastwards. [Sparrowhawk over Mill Covert.]
Redwing WBH. Blackbird (2+) yews. GT shed area. Goldcrest MNE. Pied wagtail (2) WRR.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaws in/out at oak box. Jackdaw (30+) by scratty hedge. Jackdaws insect-hawking in various places.
Buzzard on SHO. Magpie scratty hedge.
Gulls (100+, mainly common gull) over Church Lane area.
Hornet near box tree.
Overcast, light drizzle in morning, then sunny intervals, wind W (BF 2-5).
Redwing (25), starling (35+) westwards over plot.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackbird (2+) WBH. Green woodpecker on grazing west of WBH and in WBH. Robin by shed and laurel hedge. Goldfinch (20+), GT (2) on burdock patches by shed.
Grey heron on grazing near WRR.
Hornet near shed. Wasps MNW, round alders.
23/10/2022Norfolk Conservation Corps group after task 2022-10-23 (2696)
Overcast at first, rain or prolonged showers in morning, then sunny intervals, wind S or SE (BF 1-4).
Redwing (5+) round plot.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees etc.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove into Horseshoe Plantation. Sparrowhawk (female) along track MSW. Wren by main pond.
Blackbird (5+) MSW and meadow. Nuthatch big oak. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow (4) A1065 ashwoods. Green woodpecker call meadow area.
Buzzard A1065 ashwoods. Red kite over Church Lane/WRR.
Sunny intervals, wind S (BF 1-4).
Water rail ‘sharming’ MNE, edge of Top Blackthorn. (Carr Stream still contains much water cress growth.)
Sunny intervals, odd showers, wind SW (BF 1-4).
[Kettlestone -- pink-footed goose (1000+) near dusk. Sparrowhawk (female). Buzzard, goldfinch (40+), greenfinch (2).]
Redwing (30+) round plot.
Red list: Skylark over plot.
Tit flock (coal tit, LTT (5+), BT (5+). Robin song Top Blackthorn. GSW main pond.
Jackdaw (8) SHO. Little egret Carr Stream. Grey heron WRR.
Dry, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals.
[Kettlestone -- pink-footed goose (120), kestrel (2, calling loudly), coal tit, greenfinch, redwing (250+) westwards, red kite (perhaps with white wingtag on left wing), buzzard (2+), house sparrow (15+, mainly in privet hedge), starling (30+), rook (100+), jackdaw (100+). Green woodpecker near village.]
Dry, sunny intervals.
[Kettlestone -- pink-footed goose (20 + 10 + 40). Red kite.]
Overcast at first after overnight rain, then sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-4).
Redwing (5+) round plot. Redwing (30) westwards.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees, big oak and beech.
Red list: Marsh tit shed elders and burdock.
Amber list: WP (60+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Dunnock laurel hedge. Stock dove over plot. Rook eastwards over plot. Sparrowhawk (male?) attacking redwings MNW. Wren by ivy hedge. Wren song main pond.
Collared dove (2) round plot. Blackbird eating blackthorn sloes by laurel hedge. Nuthatch (2), GSW main pond trees. Robin shed. Carrion crow meadow.
Buzzard over meadow.
Sunny intervals, wind SE (BF 1-4).
Redwing (5+) round plot.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees, big oak and beech. Jackdaw (20) Horseshoe Plantation.
Red list: Marsh tit big oak (joining tit flock) and MSW goat willows. Mistle thrush (alarms) SHO. Skylark westwards over meadow.
Amber list: WP (40+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Dunnock foraging on patio slabs. Bullfinch (2 + 1 + 1) over or round plot, near Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (6) eastwards. Rook eastwards over plot.
Collared dove (2) round plot. Blackbird (4), goldcrest, great (2+, male-male aggro), BT (2+), coal tit patio shrubs. Nuthatch on ground by yews, foraging on molehill. Tit flock round plot (BT (6+), GT (2+), LTT (5+)). Chaffinch (2), robin MSW. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow meadow.
Red kite (2) Church Lane and west of WRR. Buzzard (4+) over meadow and Church Lane area, displays etc. Gulls (BHG 5+).
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind W (BF 2-5).
Grey heron (imm) by yew hedge, walked round to near patio and seized, and quickly swallowed, bank vole. Left towards WRR.
Redwing (5+) close to plot.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak.
Amber list: WP (70+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Wren inside shed south end. Dunnock foraging on patio slabs.
Goldfinch (4) big oak. Collared dove (2) round plot. Blackbird (3) by shed shrubs.
Red kite Church Lane. Kestrel over meadow mobbed by jackdaw. Buzzard over meadow.
[Hempton, arable by common -- rook (60+).]
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind W (BF 1-3).
Redwing (5+) close to plot.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: WP (5+) round plot. Bullfinch call Top Blackthorn. Rook (10+) over plot with jackdaw (30+). Stock dove main pond area.
GSW main pond trees. Robin shed shrubs. BT, GT, LTT (6+) shed area. Magpie meadow. Goldfinch (2+) MSW. Pied wagtail over plot. Collared dove (2) spinney cypresses.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind E (BF 0-2).
Redwing (9+) close to plot. Redwing (20) westwards over plot 0700 BST.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw (10+) insect-hawking over plot and nearby.
Amber list: WP (45+) on grazing near WRR. Wren shed area. Rook (2) across plot. Stock dove (2) Top Blackthorn.
Carrion crow (2) across plot. GSW main pond trees. Robin shed shrubs. GT song, BT shed area. Green woodpecker call Horseshoe Plantation.
Queen hornet near big oak.
Buzzard (2+) over plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, early light frost, wind W (BF 1-3).
Redwing (35+) main pond trees and WBH.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak.
Amber list: WP (55+) on grazing near WRR. Bullfinch call, wren main pond. Marsh tit MSW goat willows.
Carrion crow across plot. GSW on willow. Tit flock (10+, BT, LTT, GT) shed and main pond area. Goldfinch big oak. Robin Top Blackthorn. Grey squirrel (2) by yew hedge. Blackbird (2+) main pond. Pied wagtail Silver Service plot.
Red kite, buzzard (2+) over plot. Grey heron with cattle between WBH and WRR.
Sunny intervals, early light frost, mist, calmer, wind W (BF 0-2).
Redwing (40+) westwards over plot.
Jackdaw (40) ash3 tree near dawn.
Amber list: WP round plot. Rook (9) across plot. Sparrowhawk (male) over meadow. Wren a) MNW, b) main pond. Dunnock (3) shed elders. Dunnock patio. Stock dove (5) northwards over plot.
Carrion crow across meadow. Nuthatch main pond. Tit flock (15+, BT (10+), GT (2+), LTT (2+), marsh tit) by shed. GSW on willow. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Green woodpecker call near plot.
Pied wagtail (2) across plot from NE, perhaps migrants.
Sunny intervals after early rain, calmer, wind NW (BF 1-4).
Redwing influx (233 westwards in 30 minutes). Also chaffinch (2 + 2 + 2) westwards. Later, redwings (15+) round plot on hawthorn trees.
Amber list: Stock dove over plot. Rook (2) eastwards over plot. Sparrowhawk (male) Church Lane to Horseshoe Plantation.
Goldfinch big oak. Blackbird min pond. Tit flock (10+, BT, GT (2), etc). Robin shed concrete, patio. Collared dove (2) big oak. Nuthatch hybrid poplars. Pied wagtail (2) Silver Service.
Greylag goose (2), mute swan (2) southwards over plot. Buzzard over plot.
Racing pigeon (5 + 5) southwards.
Sunny, wind lighter, dry, wind SW or S (BF 1-4).
[At Marsham Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- stonechat in several places, perhaps 4 or 5, kestrel, green woodpecker, GSW, linnets, buzzard (3), WP. Fox scat. Dung-beetles in various places, on dog- and horse-droppings (to be identified by expert). Common darter (5+). Spiders including Araneus diadematus, A. quadratus, Linyphia sp. Bumblebee. Various fungi.]
[Brisley -- rooks 100+. Horningtoft/Whissonsett -- kestrel TF932228. North Elmham/Brisley road -- roe deer road casualty TF975210. Pear Tree Corner -- skylark (12+) over arable field.]
Sunny intervals, still quite blustery, dry, wind NW or W (BF 2-5).
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Jackdaw (19+) main pond trees. Jay MNE. Magpie spinney by beech, with grey squirrel later.
Goldfinch Top Blackthorn. Blackbird (2) by shed. Tit flock (10+, BT, GT (2), etc) WBH. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Robin song main pond.
Clouded yellow Colias crocea across meadow from NE, went in SW direction, around 2-3 metres above ground.
Hornet a) WBH, b) MNW.
Buzzard meadow area. Red kite Church Lane. Kestrel WBH. Grey heron SHO. Moorhen call MNE Carr Stream.
Gulls (60+, BHG, common gull) circling over plot.
[Rooks (60+) Hempton. House sparrow (10+) Holt Road Fakenham.]
Sunny intervals, quite blustery, dry, wind W (BF 1-5).
Red list: Marsh tit (2) shed area, yews and patio. Skylark (2) over meadow from NE, probably migrants. Stock dove (6) across meadow.
Amber list: Dunnock yews. Snipe across meadow towards WRR, probably up from grazing near scratty hedge.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees. Jay round plot. Magpie Top Blackthorn.
Goldfinch, blackbird yews. Tit flock (10+, BT, coal tit, GT (2), goldcrest, nuthatch) yews, shed etc. Robin yews. Green woodpecker near plot. Bank vole by yew hedge.
Hornets (10+) round box and hornbeam, evidence of nest perhaps just outside plot. Southern hawker (male) hornbeam square. Rosemary beetle Chrysolina on rosemary. Reddish ants (perhaps Myrmica rubra) nest on patio.
Buzzard meadow area. Red kite Church Lane.
Sunny intervals, still quite blustery, dry, wind SW (BF 1-4).
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Wren MNE. Dunnock in laurel hedge. Bullfinch call, reed bunting Top Blackthorn. House martin southwards.
Jackdaw (16+) main pond trees. Jay (3), magpie around plot.
Goldfinch (4+) big oak. Blackbird (female, quite greyish) patio. Redwing (6) heading SW. Tit flock (10+, BT, coal tit, GT) round shed etc. GT song main pond area. Robin yews. Robin a) Top Blackthorn b) MSW. Collared dove spinney cypresses. Green woodpecker Horseshoe Plantation. Bank vole by laurel hedge.
Hornets in several places round plot.
Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation. BHG (10+), common gull (5+) over plot.
Overcast, dry at first, rain/showers after midday, blustery, wind W or SW (BF 2-6).
Red list: Marsh tit burdock patch by laurel hedge. House martin (40+) heading SW into strong breeze (gusting BF 5+, briefly probably 7) over Horseshoe Plantation and A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Dunnock yews. WP (40) on grazing by WRR.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak.
Small unidentified leaf-warbler MNW.
Goldfinch (15+) burdock by laurel hedge. GT song shed area.
[Corvids (jackdaw, rook) going to roost 2500+, perhaps 4000, into Mill Covert.]
Unidentified waders (12+, medium/large, perhaps curl*w) heading NNW over Horseshoe Plantation at dusk.
Overcast, dry, wind SW (BF 1-4).
Red list: Marsh tit main pond area and MSE brash hedge.
Amber list: Wren WBH. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot into spinney.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak.
Goldfinch (6+) big oak. Blackbird (3) by shed. Redwing (2) spinney. Tit flock (15+, BT, coal tit, LTT (8+)) round shed etc. GT by big oak. Robin shed. Goldcrest yews.
Hornets in several places round plot. Field digger wasp Mellinus arvensis on cut ash wood by main pond. Southern hawker by laurels, main pond. Grey squirrrel MSE.
Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantation. Common gull (5+) westwards near plot.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, dry, wind W or SW (BF 1-4).
Golden plover called over plot.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak.
Red list: Marsh tit a) Top Blackthorn, b) pines.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perched WRR. Sparrowhawk (male) circling Church Lane. Starling heading SE over plot. Mistle thrush on ash3 tree then SW.
BT (3+), GT (2) by shed. Goldfinch (30) over plot and Silver Service plot. Robin, blackbird by shed. Nuthatch (2) big oak into spinney.
Hornet (5+) various places round plot.
Muntjac (2) by yew hedge. Bank vole MSE.
BHG (10+) near plot.
Grey heron (2) with cattle near WRR.
Sunny or sunny intervals, dry, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Redwing (1 + 2) spinney and ash3 tree.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak.
Red list: Marsh tit Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Dunnock a) MNW, b) WBH sea buckthorn. Wren MNW and shed. Rook (14) westwards over plot, later rook (5) eastwards. Moorhen call from Carr Stream MNW.
BT (3+), GT MNW. Goldfinch (4+) big oak. Robin a) near shed, b) MNW, c) Top Blackthorn, d) MNE.
Hornet (3+) various places round plot, including MSW.
Magpie (2+) near MNW. Magpie scratty hedge. Jay (3) SHO.
BHG (2) eastwards near plot.
Buzzard (2) display flights Church Lane. Buzzard (3) over plot. Red kite (2) over plot and nearby. Grey heron (2) with cattle near MNE. [Buzzard (4) west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, dry, wind W or SW (BF 1-4).
Redwing heading SW across plot.
Peregrine (adult, probably female) circling over Horseshoe Plantation, up with red kite, went off eastwards. Buzzard over Wensum etc.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak. Jackdaw (4) ownership contest at willow box.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Woodpigeon (3) on shed concrete.
BT main pond and shed area. Goldfinch (4+) big oak.
Hornet (3+) various places round plot. Red admiral MSE. Bank vole MNW.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, early mist, dry at first, showers later, wind SW (BF 0-2).
Redwing (4 + 2) heading SW across plot.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak. Magpie, jay (2+) meadow.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area and main pond, on elder.
Amber list: Rook (6+) westwards across plot.
BT (4+), GT main pond and shed area. Robin (3+) MSW area. Goldcrest yews, patio shrubs. Goldfinch (12+) on burdock between shed and main pond. Green woodpecker Horseshoe Plantation north end. Chaffinch (2), nuthatch on big oak.
Few Araneus webs. Some Meta, Linyphia, Taranucnus. Unidentified lattice webs on burdock.
Red kite near Church Lane and meadow.
Gulls (120+, mainly common gull, some BHG) westwards across plot towards newly drilled arable.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind W or SW.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak. Jackdaws (20+) insect-hawking over meadow and adjacent grazing.
Red list: Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Rook (9) westwards across plot. Song thrush in ditch by MSW.
Goldcrest, BT (4+), GT WBH. Robin (2+) MSE brash hedge area. Green woodpecker across meadow. Goldfinch (12+) between shed and main pond.
Bank vole, common toad by MSE brash hedge. Probable badger scat track by Carr Stream (yellow contents, apples or maize).
Buzzard (2+) over Church Lane etc. Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard imm begging call Horseshoe Plantation.
Sunny intervals, dry at first, wind N or NW (BF 1-4).
Buzzard over Church Lane. Buzzard perched scratty hedge. Red kite (2) over plot.
Fieldfare (probable) into hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (2+) in big oak. Magpie MNE.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area and main pond.
Amber list: Dunnock (subsong), wren MNW.
BT (5+), GT shed area. Robin, blackbird MNW. Goldcrest, robin with tit flock along WBH. Goldfinch (15+) on burdock between shed and main pond.
Disintegrating pellet on ash1 stump, collected to be sent off to expert.
Hornet WBH.
Grey heron with cattle on grazing near WRR.
Geese (80+, assumed greylag goose) heading SE at dusk past plot.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, dry, wind W or NW (BF 1-3).
Buzzard over Church Lane.
Snipe looping round meadow, dropping down somewhere north of Carr Stream.
Redwing (3) into spinney.
Jackdaw (25+), magpie scratty hedge.
Red list: Marsh tit MSE blackthorn.
Amber list: Rook (2) westwards across plot. Wren MSW. Bullfinch (female) MSE blackthorn.
BT (5+), goldfinch (10+) near shed. GT (2), robin MSE blackthorn.
Poplar hawkmoth Laothoe populi caterpillar in rubbish by MSE brash hedge, record submitted to irecord.
Grey heron SHO. Green woodpecker SHO area.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, showers or rain later, wind NW (BF 2-4).
Red kite (imm, perhaps EUR3, no wingtags) over meadow. Buzzard over WRR area.
Merl*n (female, possible) fast across meadow and towards spinney -- falcon shape, mid-brown upperparts, small, low flight.
Redwing (2) near scratty hedge.
Red list: Marsh tit patio shrubs.
Amber list: Rook (5) westwards across plot. Wren MSW by goat willows.
Acros apparently all gone.
BT, goldfinch (5+) near shed.
Little egret along Carr Stream westwards.
Gulls (100+, mainly common gull, BHG) westwards across plot.
[Grey heron (4), snipe on rushy field west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, dry, wind SW (BF 0-1).
[Rook (100+), jackdaw (40+) on cut ‘pollinator’ strip, farm to SE of Whissonsett.]
[Meadow pipit (25+) on harvested bean field next to Norman’s Burrow Wood (NBW).]
[Herring gull (10+) over Forum area of Norwich.]
Redwing (4, 15+) westwards over plot.
Overcast, rain or showers, wind SW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Red list: Greenfinch across plot.
Amber list: WP (20+) on arable by Church Lane.
Robin song by shed. BT MSE. Jay (3) across plot. Collared dove (2) big oak.
Grey heron (3) westwards near plot.
Gulls (40+, CG, BHG) westwards across plot.
Sunny intervals, dry, mild, wind SW (BF 0-2).
Snipe (4) circled round over Horseshoe Plantation and then dropped down into drainage ditch about 60 metres NE of meadow.
Jackdaw (15+) over or near plot.
Red list: Marsh tit MSW by goat willow, with tit flock. House martin (5+) over plot. Linnet over meadow. Greenfinch Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Wren song yews. Wren call MSE blackthorn. WP (5+) round plot. WP off nest MSE under hybrid poplars. Rook (60) westwards over plot in morning, perhaps to recently drilled arable.
Robin (2) aggro by shed. Robin (3+) MSE blackthorn and adjacent Silver Service plot. Nuthatch collecting hazel nut from Top Blackthorn. GSW, magpie SHO. Goldfinch (15+) main pond trees. Nuthatch, GSW on dead ash Top Blackthorn. Tit flock (BT (5+), GT, LTT (6+), chiffchaff, goldcrest, robin, goldfinch (5+) MSW goat willows. Jay MSE.
Hornet near shed.
Gulls (20+, common gull, BHG) insect-hawking over plot.
Buzzard (2) over plot. Grey heron by Carr Stream.
Overcast, dry, milder, wind W (BF 0-2).
Reed warbler in reeds MNW (by new pond).
Redwing (2, probable) over meadow.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Jackdaw (30+) over or near plot.
Red list: Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Wren song by beech. Wren main pond. WP (3+) SHO. [Kestrel perched by rushy field near Mill Covert.]
Robin shed. GSW, magpie SHO. Goldfinch (15+) main pond trees. Nuthatch, GSW on dead ash Top Blackthorn. Goldcrest (2) pines. Collared dove (2) shed.
Hornet near Top Blackthorn, also MNE.
Gulls (100+, mainly common gull) on arable west of plot. Gulls (220, mainly common gull, BHG, a few HG and LBBG) over plot heading SW.
Buzzard at Top Blackthorn. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
20/09/2022Brash hedge and blackthorn patch 2022-09-20 (2639)
Sunny intervals, dry, cool, wind N or NW (BF 0-2).
Meadow pipit SE across plot.
Red list: Marsh tit MSE under hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Robin (2) MSE by brash hedge. Goldfinch (15+) main pond trees, near ivy hedge, etc. BT (2+), GT (4) MSE blackthorn patch.
Gulls (100+, mainly common gull) drifting SW past plot.
Buzzard over plot.
Grey heron with cattle by WRR.
Sunny intervals, dry, cool, wind N or NW (BF 1-3).
Acro call MNW.
Red list: Marsh tit a) WBH, b) near ivy hedge.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond area. Wren MNW. [Stock dove (15+) near Mill Covert.]
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Robin patio. Goldfinch (15+) main pond trees, near ivy hedge, etc. BT (6+) near shed and WBH.
Gulls (250+, mainly common gull) drifting SW past plot.
[Later, gulls (2000+, mainly common gull, BHG) on drilled arable north of A1065, west of WRR.]
Buzzard (2), red kite over plot.
Grey heron with cattle by WRR.
Mainly overcast, dry, cool, wind N or NW (BF 1-4).
Buzzard over A1065 ashwoods.
[Meadow pipit, swallow (6+) by NBW. Skylark (3) near Pear Tree Corner. Roe deer (female) Whissonsett TF927225.]
[At Hoe Rough with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- buzzard (4+), kestrel, jay (2+), little egret, marsh tit, wren, house martin (12+), chiffchaff. Araneus quadratus, Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus, Pisaura mirabilis. Nest of wasp, perhaps hornet, excavated by mammal or bird. Common frog. White Park cattle (5). Hybrid poplars, due for removal and replacement with natives black poplars.]
Sunny intervals after overnight rain, cool, wind NW (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit MSE.
Amber list: WP (4+) shed area. Kestrel (male) across plot. Stock dove over meadow.
Jackdaw big oak.
BT (2+), GT (2+), blackbird by shed. Nuthatch big oak. Goldfinch (13+) shed area. Jay (2) near main pond. Robin, goldcrest, GT along brash hedge MSE.
LBBG southwards over plot.
Peregrine (probable) over meadow.
Buzzard (2) over plot. Grey heron (4) on grazing north of Carr Stream with cattle.
[Gulls (250+), mainly common gull, on tilled arable near A1065 and Mill Covert west of WRR.]
Showers, some sunny intervals, wind N (BF 1-4).
Red list: Marsh tit MSE.
Amber list: Wren MSE. Woodpigeon nest in hawthorn over brash hedge MSE.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, jackdaw (4+) main pond trees.
BT (2+), GT (2+) by shed. Nuthatch big oak. Collared dove (2) big oak and Silver Service plot. Swallow over plot. Goldfinch (14+) shed area (on burdock). Jay (2) MSE.
Red kite, buzzard (2) over meadow area. Grey heron on grazing west of WRR.
[Gulls (300+), mainly common gull, on tilled arable near A1065 and Mill Covert west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, wind N (BF 0-1).
Red list: Marsh tit a) in area of ivy hedge, b) on elder by shed.
Amber list: Stock dove into shed north (where nestbox is).
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, jackdaw (4+) main pond trees.
BT (2+), GT (3+), blackbird by shed. GT song by shed. Most elder berries are gone now. Nuthatch big oak.
Red kite over meadow. Buzzard at Top Blackthorn, Church Lane etc. Grey heron on grazing west of WRR.
Sunny intervals, wind N (BF 0-1).
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Wren (2+), dunnock by shed.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak and main pond trees.
BT, GT, blackbird by shed. Robin (3+) shed area. Goldfinch (8+) main pond trees.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete.
Red kite over meadow. Buzzard (2) circling over plot. Grey heron with cattle on grazing by WBH.
Sunny intervals, wind N (BF 0-1).
Red list: Marsh tit main pond area.
Amber list: Wren MNE, with tit flock. WP (4+) meadow.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (4+) in/out at beech box.
Tit flock (60+, approx 75% BT, rest mainly LTT, GT (2+), marsh tit; also blackcap, goldcrest, robin, wren) MNE, foraging mainly in native black poplars (these show signs of psyllids and leaf-miners).
Nuthatch (2) spinney. Goldfinch (5+) meadow. Red kite over plot. Buzzard perched scratty hedge. Buzzard (4+) over plot area. Grey heron up from grazing near WBH. Sparrowhawk (male) westwards across plot near dusk.
Meadow pipit (8) southwards over plot.
Starling (6) westwards across plot. LBBG heading NW.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind W (BF 1-3).
Red list: HM (5+) over meadow.
Amber list: Wren main pond.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (40+) WRR and nearby.
Green woodpecker in white willow by main pond, then in spinney. GT (2+), BT (4+) shed area. Red kite Church Lane, meadow and WRR. Goldfinch (40+) over meadow. Acro call a) from dogrose near Carr Stream, b) Top Blackthorn. Magpie (4) Top Blackthorn. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn.
Fog at first, sunny intervals later, high pressure, wind W or NW (BF 0-2).
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Wren MSE. Dunnock MSW. Stock dove (2+) meadow.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
Nuthatch big oak. GT (2+), BT (5+), robin (2) shed area. Chiffchaff MSW. Buzzard scratty hedge. Red kite Church Lane and meadow.
[At Upgate Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- greenfinch (5+), green woodpecker, red kite, buzzard (3), swallow (8+), house sparrow (5+), dunnock. Migrant hawker, southern hawker (pond inside wood), Pisaura mirabilis (many), common lizard (3+), grasshoppers.]
[Near Pear Tree Corner -- BHG (30) on temproary pond. Fakenham -- rook (15+) on verge, Greenway Lane.]
Overcast at first, sunny intervals later, overnight rain, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Wren MSE. Dunnock MSW. Stock dove (2+) meadow.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
Nuthatch big oak. GT (2+), BT (5+), robin (2) shed area. Chiffchaff MSW. Buzzard scratty hedge. Red kite Church Lane and meadow.
Mainly overcast, showers, wind N or NW (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Wren MSE and meadow east edge. Stock dove (2+) meadow.
Jackdaw (20) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (12+) big oak and burdock patch. Nuthatch big oak. Blackbird (2+), GT, robin (2), blackcap (male), chiffchaff shed area. Robin song weeping willow by main pond. Little egret Top Blackthorn. Buzzard meadow area.
Sunny intervals, humid, overnight rain, wind S (BF 0-2).
Red list: Marsh tit collecting burdock seed by laurel hedge. HM (7) over plot.
Amber list: Wren, dunnock (2) by shed. Kestrel across main pond area.
Jackdaw (12) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (10+) big oak and burdock patch. Nuthatch big oak. Blackbird (4+), GT (2+), coal tit, robin shed area. Jay main pond trees. Whitethroat (imm) burdock patch by laurel hedge. GSW across plot.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, humid, overnight rain, wind S (BF 1-2).
Marsh harrier (probable, imm male) circling/drifting SE over plot 0930 BST.
Red list: Marsh tit box tree. Swift (1 + 1) southwards over plot.
Amber list: Woodpigeon shed area. Stock dove song shed area. Wren shed shrubs. Rook (2) westwards across plot.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Sand martin (15+), swallow southwards over plot.
Green woodpecker (imm) on grassy area by hornbeam and box. Goldfinch (25+) big oak and burdock patch. GT (2+) shed. Robin by shed. Jay main pond trees. Collared dove (2) big oak and Silver Service plot. Blackcap yews and shed area.
Red kite, buzzard over A1065 ashwoods.
Overcast, humid, overnight rain, wind SW (BF 0-1).
Hobby (male?) circling over meadow then attacking dragonflies or hirundines near Horseshoe Plantation 1155 BST.
Acro calls MSE near triangular box.
Red list: Swift southwards over plot. Marsh tit near shed.
Amber list: House martin (15) over spinney and A1065 ashwoods. Woodpigeon spinney by box tree. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Kestrel calls WRR. Song thrush MNW and MSW.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Goldfinch (25+) big oak and burdock patch. Nuthatch big oak. BT (3+) shed. Robin song by shed. Jay main pond trees. Chiffchaff pines and shed area.
Hornet nest on white willow by main pond -- exact location not clear but hornets collecting on main stem in various places.
Buzzard over Church Lane. Grey heron on grazing near WRR.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 0-1).
Red list: Swift (2) southwards over plot.
Amber list: Woodpigeon spinney by box tree. WP (imm) on shed roof. WP song by shed. Stock dove big oak and ash3 tree. Stock dove (2) nest mat into shed, courtship. Bullfinch main podn area.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Goldfinch (15+) big oak and S.S. plot. Nuthatch (2) big oak. Blackbird shed roof. GT (2) shed area. Coal tit call spinney cypresses. Robin song by shed. Chiffchaff pines.
Common gull (10+) southwards over plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Sunny intervals, wind SE (BF 1-3).
Red list: SPOTTED FLYCATCHER (2, adult and probable imm) on weeping willow on Silver Service plot, for around 25 minutes, 1700 BST. Swift southwards over plot. Marsh tit elder on laurel hedge.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Stock dove flushed off cistern box nest in shed. Dunnock (2) main pond. Kestrel mobbed by carrion crows (3+) west of WRR. Bullfinch call WBH (sea buckthorn area). Woodpigeon pair with nest mat into spinney by box tree.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Blackbird (3+), BT (3) round shed (elders, blackthorn). Coal tit big oak. Robin (2) round shed. Swallow over plot. Goldfinch (10+) big oak. Nuthatch big oak and Silver Service plot. Chiffchaff song MSW. Willow warbler (probable, imm, very yellow), BT (2), chaffinch on weeping willow on Silver Service plot. GT Silver Service plot and yews area.
Hornet by main pond.
Buzzard over plot, and in spinney.
Common gull (20+) southwards over plot.
Sunny intervals, wind E (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit near A1065 cypresses.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) nestbuilding in shed north end. Dunnock (2) willow by main pond.
Jackdaw (70+) across meadow near dusk. Jackdaws in/out at beech, willow boxes.
Collared dove (2) shed area and S.S. plot.
Water rail (probable) call (kik-kik-kik) main pond. If correct, this is the earliest autumn record for this species at Hillside House.
Migrant hawker shed concrete. Common darter (2) main pond SE corner.
Red kite (2) over Mill Covert, WRR, Church Lane.
Sunny intervals, wind E (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit call shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed roof. Stock dove with nest mat into shed.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Blackbird round shed. Collared dove (2) shed area and S.S. plot. Robin on birdbath. Coal tit, GT on big oak. Swallow (4) over main pond area. Goldfinch (25+) round main pond area and over S.S. plot. Nuthatch spinney.
Migrant hawker shed concrete. Common darter (2) main pond SE corner.
Grey heron on grazing near WBH. Red kite WRR area. Buzzard Church Lane, Horseshoe Plantation etc.
Sunny intervals, wind E (BF 1-2).
Acro across main pond.
Red list: Linnet call MSW. Linnet heading SW near spinney. Marsh tit call pines area.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak and shed. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Woodpigeon on shed. Kestrel (adult male) perched WRR electricity pole. Wren main pond in ash brash.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw (70) over plot.
BT (4+) shed area. Blackbird round shed. Blackbird nest in laurels near main pond seems to be deserted. Collared dove (2) shed roof. Robin song by Hillside House. Chiffchaff call main pond Salix trees. Coal tit on birdbath. Swallow (7) over main pond area. GSW on ash3 tree. Goldfinch (5+) big oak.
Migrant hawker near big oak. Southern hawker along WBH track near crabapples. Hornet on mint by main pond. Whites.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. Grey heron among black cattle near WBH. Red kite WRR area. Buzzard Church Lane. Little egret near Top Blackthorn.
Common gull (5+, 40) across plot.
Sunny intervals, wind E (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak and shed. Stock dove flushed from shed cistern nestbox. Wren (2), dunnock by shed. Woodpigeon flushed off nest in blackthorn, MSE.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
Tit flock (BT (5+), GT) shed area. Coal tit on birdbath. Blackbird (2+), robin, blackcap round shed. Goldfinch (5+) shed area. GSW across plot. Robin (2) aggro by shed. Nuthatch by big oak. Swallow (2+) over main pond area.
Common darter (2) track by main pond.
Buzzard over meadow. Buzzard perched ash tree near main pond.
Common gull (60+) on tilled arable near Mill Covert.
Mainly overcast, wind E (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship on big oak. Woodpigeon (ad and imm) Top Blackthorn. Kestrel, sparrowhawk across meadow.
Jackdaw (8+) shed area.
Tit flock (GT (2+), BT (5+)) shed area. Robin near shed. Green woodpecker (imm) on big oak. Nuthatch across plot towards S.S. plot. Blackbird (4+) in shed shrubs (elder, blackberry, pyracantha).
Grey heron (2) along Carr Stream.
[Fallow deer road casualty by side of A1065 TF885243.]
Mainly overcast, wind E (BF 1-2).
Acro families a) MSE, b) near meadow mid-line.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) on shed roof. Kestrel over plot.
Jackdaw (2+) shed area.
Blackbird flushed off nest in laurels by main pond.
GT (2+), BT (5+), LTT, chiffchaff, blackbird, chaffinch (female) shed and near laurel hedge in blackthorn and elder. Robin (2) aggro near shed. Treecreeper (2) in edge of spinney near A1065 cypresses.
Buzzard (3) over plot.
Sunny intervals, wind E (BF 1-3).
Red list: Linnet call MSW.
Amber list: Stock dove flushed out of cistern nestbox in shed.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (7) ash3 tree. Blackcap call MSW.
Blackbird flushed off nest in laurels by main pond.
Migrant hawker near patio. Speckled wood by main pond. Red admiral by shed.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation.
Blackbird flushed off nest in laurels by main pond.
Sunny intervals, wind W (BF 1-2).
Reed warbler (2 adults and 2 juvs) reeds main pond SE corner. Reed warbler (adults and juvs) MSE by maple.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) across plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak with woodpigeon. Kestrel calls meadow area.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
Blackbird (2+) WBH, box area. GT, BT (2) main pond area. Green woodpecker big oak area. Swallow (3+) main pond and hybrid poplars area. Little egret southwards across plot from Top Blackthorn.
Buzzard (2), red kite (2) over Church Lane, meadow etc.
Overcast at first, sunny intervals, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Kestrel calls meadow area. Woodpigeon (imm) main pond trees. Woodpigeon shed concrete.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (50+) near Church Lane.
Blackbird WBH. Blackcap (2) burdock near laurel hedge. Green woodpecker big oak area. Swallow (8+) main pond and hybrid poplars area. Tawny owl (juv) call spinney.
Common gull (20+) heading NW. Magpie scratty hedge. Red kite Church Lane.
Overcast at first, sunny intervals, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit feeding on welted thistle infloresence by patio. HM (6+) over plot.
Amber list: Wren song by yews. Bullfinch calls shed area. Kestrel across plot (in tail moult).
Jackdaw (20) main pond trees.
BT, GT near Hillside House. Goldfinch shed shrubs. Nuthatch, magpie big oak area. Buzzard WBH.
LBBG (2+), common gull (10+) heading NW.
Overcast at first, sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-3).
HOBBY (male carrying prey, with visibly larger female) called loudly from big oak (‘kew-kew-kew...’), deeper than kestr*l, then off together over spinney, 1140 BST.
Presumably the same hobby pair showing for several minutes over the meadow and Church Lane 1845 BST, insect-catching, went off westwards.
Acro adults and juvs MSW.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area. Swift (2) over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. Woodpigeon song shed roof. HM (2) over plot.
Jackdaw (17+) main pond trees.
GT, BT (3+), nuthatch, blackcap, robin song shed area. Swallow (4+) over main pond area, and over grazing near WRR. Goldfinch (3+) big oak. Green woodpecker near scratty hedge.
Migrant hawker (2) shed area. Migrant hawker MSW.
LBBG (adult) southwards. Common gull (200+) on tilled arable near Mill Covert. Buzzard (7), red kite over plot.
Sunny intervals, wind S (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Stock dove, woodpigeon (2) WRR. Woodpigeon (2) big oak. HM (2) over plot. Kestrel calls round plot.
Jackdaw (17+) main pond trees.
Green woodpecker across main pond area towards spinney. GT, LTT pines. Chaffinch main pond trees. Swallow (6+) over main pond area. Chiffchaff call shed area. Goldfinch (11) big oak. GSW main pond trees. Nuthatch spinney.
LBBG (imm) eastwards. Buzzard west of WRR. Red kite Church Lane/meadow area. LBBG (adult) southwards.
21/08/2022ash1 tree Fraxinus excelsior crown damage 2022-08-21 (2562)
Sunny intervals, humid, wind W (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit main pond. Linnet over WBH area.
Amber list: Stock dove (pullus) in cistern nestbox, shed north end.
BT (4+), blackbird (4+), robin (2), blackcap (2) patio shrubs and nearby. Goldfinch (5) main pond area. Green woodpecker calls WBH area. Jay WBH.
Migrant hawker shed concrete.
Buzzard, red kite over meadow area.
Sunny intervals, less humid, light drizzle at times, wind W (BF 1-4).
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge.
Amber list: Dunnock on patio. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Woodpigeon (2) big oak.
BT, blackbird on apple trees. Robin (2) aggro on patio. Blackcap (3) patio shrubs. Goldfinch (6) big oak.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete.
Buzzard (2+) over meadow and Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite WRR. Common gull northwards. Grey heron grazing west of WBH.
Sunny intervals, less humid, showers in morning, wind W (BF 1-4).
Red list: CUCKOO (imm) on remains of ash1 tree, then near WBH. Marsh tit by main pond.
Amber list: Kestrel (adult male + 1 other) on WRR electricity line. Wren near main pond. Sparrowhawk (male) into ash2 tree.
Green woodpecker (imm) on track by yew hedge and on big oak. BT, GT near shed. Robin by shed. Goldfinch (5+) main pond trees.
Migrant hawker shed concrete.
Spider-hunting wasp hauling either clubionid or gnaphosid spider Hillside House, possibly Auplopus, awating irecord expert review.
Buzzard (2) over meadow and Horseshoe Plantation, also SHO. Red kite Church Lane.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, humid, light showers, wind W (BF 0-2).
Reed warbler adults and juvs a) main pond SE edge, b) MSE. Acro adults and juvs a) Top Blackthorn, b) MNE. Reeds on meadow extensively flattened.
Accipiter NNW across meadow 0745 BST.
Red list: Linnet over plot from north. Swift over plot.
Amber list: Bullfinch across S.S. plot. Wren MSE, main pond. HM (2) over plot. Kestrel (2) WRR.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees.
GT near shed. Blackbird (2+) MSE rowans. Robin by shed. Goldfinch (6+) main pond trees. Blackcap WBH. Green woodpecker calls MNE or scratty hedge.
Migrant hawker shed concrete.
Buzzard over Church Lane. Buzzard and grey heron SHO. Grey heron (3, 1 imm) on grazing east of meadow with cattle.
Overcast, showers/drizzle much of the day, humid, wind W (BF 0-2).
Chaffinch (male) across meadow. Swallow (3+) over main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete.
Common gull (40+) southwards over plot after dawn.
Mainly overcast, hazy thin cloud, humid, wind W (BF 0-1). Intense rain shower in mid-afternoon caused serious damage to ash1 tree -- much of crown destroyed. (See picture on 2022-08-21).
Hobby circling over meadow, went off SW.
Red list: Linnet song MSW (goat willow or near track). Greenfinch (2) Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls near shed. Stock dove (2) Top Blackthorn with woodpigeon.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees.
GT near shed. Blackbird (imm) patio slabs. Blackbird (5+) meadow east side on rowans. Blackbird main pond. Robin by shed.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete.
Red kite, buzzard over Church Lane area.
Mainly overcast, hazy thin cloud, humid, wind E (BF 0-1).
Reed warbler adults and juvs a) min pond SE edge, b) MSW, c) MNW, d) MSE.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area. Linnet (2) MSW, then towards Church Lane. Greenfinch (2) into hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. Stock dove (2) Top Blackthorn by kestr*l box. Sparrowhawk round shed area. Sedge warbler adults and juvs Top Blackthorn, near ash stump. Reed bunting (2) MNW. Song thrush MSW out of ditch. Bullfinch calls near main pond.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Jackdaw at beech box. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Blackbird eating rowan berries by WBH. Robin (3) shed concrete. Goldcrest (2), blackcap yews. Tit flock through plot (35+, BT, GT, marsh tit, LTT, nuthatch). Nuthatch on big oak. Green woodpecker calls near main pond, meadow. Green woodpecker on big oak. Collared dove S.S. plot. Carrion crow (2) towards Church Lane.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete area.
Muntjac (2+) east end of meadow. Grey heron east of meadow with cattle.
Sunny, very warm (32C at Marham), wind E (BF 0-3).
Red list: Linnet (3) over shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) on shed roof. Bullfinch calls WBH. Bullfinch (male, female) across from WRR towards Top Blackthorn. HM (2+) over plot.
Reed warbler calls (adults and juvs) a) main pond SW corner, b) MSW corner by goat willow.
Jackdaw (12) main pond trees. Jackdaw (40+) west of WRR.
Blackbird in rowan near WBH. Robin by shed, also in pry by WBH track. Blackcap calls shed etc. Swallow (10+) east across meadow. Green woodpecker calls near main pond.
Migrant hawker on territory a) by washing line, b) shed concrete. Southern hawker along WBH by hornbeams.
Sparrowhawk (male) by shed. Buzzard circling over Church Lane.
Grey heron west of WBH.
LBBG (3) SW over plot. Common gull (2) east over plot.
Sunny, warm (33C at Marham), wind E (BF 0-3).
Red list: Marsh tit near shed. Linnet over WBH area. Swift WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) shed area. Bullfinch (male) across from WBH area. HM (2) over plot. Reed bunting MNW.
Reed warbler calls (adults and juvs) a) MNW, b) MSW, c) main pond SW corner.
Jackdaw (3) big oak.
Blackbird shed area and WBH. Collared dove (2, song) big oak, S.S. plot. Robin (2) by shed. Blackcap (2+) shed etc. Swallow (2+) over plot. Nuthatch.
Migrant hawker on territory shed concrete. Migrant hawker (3+) laurel hedge at dusk. Migrant hawker MSW. Bat (pip?) MSW.
Bank vole patio.
Grey heron WRR area.
Sunny, wind E (BF 0-3).
Red list: Marsh tit near A1065 cypresses in burdock etc.
Amber list: Wren by shed. Stock dove (3) shed area. Bullfinch calls near shed.
Jackdaw (9) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (30+) near main pond. Blackbird patio and WBH. Collared dove (2, song) big oak and Hillside House. Robin (2) by shed. GT, BT by shed. Blackcap (3+) shed etc. Swallow (6+) round main pond trees. Green woodpecker on big oak and nearby. Nuthatch.
Migrant hawker on territory shed concrete.
Sunny, wind E (BF 0-1).
Red list: Mistle thrush (10+) on main pond trees and rowans. Linnet (2+) in trees and sea buckthorn by WBH.
Amber list: Dunnock by shed. Sparrowhawk (female?) attacking passerines near main pond. Kestrel call near Church Lane or WRR. Bullfinch calls near shed.
Jackdaw (4) big oak.
Reed warbler with juvs heard reeds MNW. Blackcaps (2+), BT MSW goat willows. Goldfinch (10+) near main pond. Collared dove (2, song) big oak and Hillside House. Robin (3) by shed. Coal tit call A1065 cypresses area. Blackcap (3+) shed etc. Swallow (3+) round main pond trees.
Migrant hawker on territory shed concrete.
Grey heron on grazing near WRR.
Sunny, wind E (BF 0-1).
Red list: Mistle thrush (7+) on ash3 tree.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) round main pond area. Kestrel circling over Church Lane.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees.
Blackbird (2+) near pines, WBH etc. Blackcap (4+) elder trees by shed. Blackcap (2+) on yews. Swallow (3) over hybrid poplars. Collared dove (2, song) big oak. Goldfinch (3+) near shed. Nuthatch yews. Tit flock (10+, BT, some GT, LTT) shed area. Robin by shed. GSW (imm) main pond trees.
Migrant hawker on territory shed concrete. Southern hawker along track by main pond.
Grey heron on grazing near WRR. LBBG (adult) northwards over plot. BHG near Church Lane. Buzzard over Church Lane area. Little owl call at dusk WRR area.
09/08/2022Malva neglecta Great Massingham church 2022-08-09 (2505)
Sunny, wind N or E (BF 1-2).
Red list: Mistle thrush (5) on main pond trees.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round main pond area. Bullfinch rowan near main pond track. Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw (6) on big oak, main pond trees.
Blackbird WBH and main pond track. Blackcap (3+) elder trees by shed. Swallow (8) over plot. Collared dove big oak. Goldfinch (3) ash3 tree. Chaffinch across plot. Migrant hawker over shed concrete. Goldfinch (30+) main pond trees.
[Rougham -- chiffchaff. Great Masssingham -- mistle thrush. Harpley -- song thrush, chiffchaff, linnet, nuthatch, green woodpecker. West Rudham -- HM (10+), swallow (2+), starling (10+), house sparrow (10+), stock dove. East Rudham -- willow warbler, coal tit, stock dove.]
09/08/2022Tilia cordata (small-leaved lime or pry) West Rudham church 2022-08-09 (2525)
[Small-leaved lime Tilia cordata (2+ trees) in West Rudham churchyard, submitted to irecord, confirmed by Norfolk Plant Recorder. Adjacent to sycamore, hybrid poplar and probable common lime.]
Mainly sunny, wind N (BF 1-2).
Red list: Mistle thrush (4+) on ash3 tree, then off towards Church Lane.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round main pond area. Bullfinch (male) rowan, calls near shed. Wren patio shrubs.
Jackdaw (4) on big oak.
Blackbird (2+) shed area. Robin (2), BT (2+) by shed. Blackcap (3+) elder trees by shed. Nuthatch. Swallow (song) over plot.
Little egret on trees Top Blackthorn, then west of WRR. Stock dove (10+) west of WRR near Mill Covert.
Buzzard (4+) over Church Lane, Horseshoe Plantation, etc.
Gulls (10+, mainly common gull) over or near plot.
Sunny intervals, wind NW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Mistle thrush (9) on ash3 tree, also down onto gazing near WBH. Marsh tit (2) shed shrubs and yews.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round main pond area. Bullfinch calls near shed.
Jackdaw (4) on big oak, jackdaw (5) main pond trees.
Blackbird (3+) shed area. Robin (2), BT (2+), GT by shed. Blackcap (5+) elder trees by shed. Green woodpecker on ground by washing line. GSW (imm) on big oak.
Sunny intervals, wind NW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Mistle thrush (4+) on main pond trees, also on rowan (berries are ripe but starting to deteriorate).
Amber list: Stock dove ash3 tree. Stock dove carrying food to shed north end (nest). Wren, dunnock shed shrubs etc.
Jackdaw (2) on big oak.
Blackbird shed area. Robin (4), BT by shed. Blackcap (4+) elder trees by shed.
Red kite over Church Lane.
Sunny intervals, cooler, wind NW (BF 1-4).
Red list: Marsh tit by laurel hedge.
Amber list: Stock dove carrying nest mat to shed north end. Stock dove (2) at Top Blackthorn. Wren laurel hedge. WP on track by Hillside House. Bullfinch rowan by WBH.
Blackbird WBH. Robin (2) by shed.
Common blue (male), comma, small white (5+) burdock by shed. Migrant hawker, brown hawker shed concrete.
[Weasenham -- common gull (65), BHG (10) on pig units. Badger (adult) dead on South Raynham to Wellingham road TF879235. House martin nest Weasenham St Peter in church porch (1+ pulli).]
Sunny intervals, hazy cloud, somewhat fresher, wind W or NW (BF 1-4).
GREENSHANK (8) heading NW fast over plot 0822 BST.
Reed warbler calls MNW (close to new pond).
Red list: Marsh tit in elder by laurel hedge. Linnet over MSW.
Amber list: Kestrel circling over Top Blackthorn, mobbing carrion crow. Stock dove over main pond area. Stock dove song big oak or spinney cypresses. Wren patio. Sedge warbler song/subsong (brief) Top Blackthorn. WP Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw (3) at beech box.
Blackcap (4+) shed burdock. Blackbird (4+) yew hedge/big oak/rowan. BT (3+), GT, robin (2) by shed. Jay by WBH. Pied wagtail on shed concrete. Goldfinch (30+) along Carr Stream. Chiffchaff calls MNW.
HM (2) low down over recently-mowed concrete 0815.
Hornet worker between shed and main pond.
Big Butterfly Count, between shed and main pond (1028 BST): 6 species, SW (6), MB (1), common blue (1), large white (1), gatekeeper (2), GVW (1). Fewer species and smaller counts than in previous years, but count done probably too late. Numbers were clearly much higher 2-3 weeks ago. Also present (not during count) -- comma, red admiral.
Grey heron (2), common gull on grazing west of WRR. Buzzard (2) over meadow and Church Lane. Green woodpecker call SHO area.
Sunny intervals, warm, wind W (BF 1-4).
Amber list: Stock dove on shed roof. Dunnock, wren on shed concrete.
Blackcap (2) shed burdock. Robin (4) shed concrete. BT (2+) shed area.
Green woodpecker (imm) on recently-mowed shed concrete area.
Migrant hawker over shed concrete.
Swift over plot.
Common gull southwards over plot.
Mainly overcast, warm, humid, wind W or SW (BF 2-5).
Red list: Marsh tit call WBH/big oak area.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round main pond. Dunnock on shed concrete. Wren yews.
Blackcap calls yews area. Blackcap (3) by A1065 cypress stumps. Robin (3) shed concrete. Nuthatch big oak. BT (4+) shed area.
Painted lady on burdock by laurel hedge.
Kestrel hovering along WBH.
Buzzard over Church Lane.
Overcast, some sunny intervals, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Reed warbler song (brief), calls main pond SE corner and near weeping willow.
Red list: Marsh tit call big oak area.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) around plot. Dunnock foraging on patio slabs (probably for ants). Song thrush off rowan tree (laden with berries).
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak.
Blackcap yews/shed area. Feral pigeon over plot. Nuthatch on big oak. Chiffchaff call main pond Salix trees.
Buzzard on A1065 cypress stumps ~1930 BST, dropped down to ground nearby.
Red kite (in advanced wing and tail moult) over Church Lane area. Hobby circling over Church Lane, then off westwards (towards Mill Covert). Grey heron on grazing near WRR, then towards Horseshoe Plantation. Kestrel perched WRR.
Inverts -- common blue (male, 2+), MB, GK, whites, comma, small tortoiseshell. Possible bee-wolf on burdock by shed.
Gulls (mainly CG) circling over newly-tilled arable in general area of Church Lane.
Overcast, showers or drizzle at times, blustery later, wind W or SW (BF 2-5).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) in big oak. WP (4+) shed area. Dunnock (2+), wren on concrete. Dunnock patio. Bullfinch (2+) shed area.
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak.
Blackcap yews area. Blackbird (5+) yew hedge, WBH, shed concrete etc. Blackbirds also on grazing near WBH in drizzle. Nuthatch A1065 cypresses with BT (3+), coal tit. Goldfinch (2) big oak.
Green woodpecker calls.
Common gull (10+) heading north over plot in evening.
Overcast, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Stock dove song spinney. Stock dove (5+) perched WRR. WP (2+) shed area.
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak.
Blackcap (female/imm) on elder by shed -- a few berries now are black. Nuthatch big oak. BT (3+) yews/shed/shed shrubs etc. Jay spinney. Robin (2) shed concrete.
Green woodpecker (2+, adult male, imm nearby) big oak and track nearby.
29/07/2022Silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia) on burdock 2022-07-29 (2440)
Sunny intervals, cumulus cloud, wind E or NE (BF 1-2).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. WP (4+) shed area. WP song spinney cypresses. Wren shed (searching eaves).
Jackdaw (4+) on main pond trees, also on big oak.
Blackcap (male, female) yews and shed area. Nuthatch on ash3 tree. Chiffchaff big oak/shed area. BT (3+) yews/shed/shed shrubs etc. Blackbird (2+ juvs, adult present) shed area. Chaffinch (male) across plot.
Migrant hawker shed concrete area. Comma (2+), red admiral, peacock, MB, whites.
Silver-washed fritillary Argynnis paphia (female) on burdock by big oak.
Buzzard over Church Lane area. Red kite WRR. Gulls (10+, common gull , BHG) by Church Lane.
29/07/2022Silver-washed fritillary (Argynnis paphia) on burdock 2022-07-29 (2446)
Silver-washed fritillary (female) on burdock by big oak.
Sunny intervals, wind E or SE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Mistle thrush across meadow from south. Marsh tit yews/patio.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. WP (4+) shed area. Woodpigeon carcass from (female) sparrowhawk kill on track opposite weeping willow, body and wings neatly plucked, gut mostly missing, wasps and flies present. ID of predator confirmed by presence of sparrowhawk breast feather. Bullfinch on rowan. Reed bunting flushed from MSW by track, probable nest.
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak.
Blackcap (female feeding 2+ juvs) on shed. Nuthatch on big oak. Chiffchaff (2) pines. Chiffchaff foraging in burdock patch by shed. BT (3+), GT (2+) yews/shed/shed shrubs etc. Robin shed concrete. Blackbird shed roof. Goldfinch (2+) shed area.
Swift (2+), HM (2+), swallow over plot.
Green woodpecker big oak area. Green woodpecker calls between meadow and Church Lane.
Buzzard over Church Lane area. Gulls (10+, common gull , BHG) on cut cereal field by Church Lane.
Sunny intervals, wind E or SE (BF 1-2).
Reed warbler (imm) in Salix trees edge of main pond, also in reeds. Acro calls (probable family MSW/MSE edge.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round shed area. Bullfinch (female) on rowan by WBH. Moorhen juv calls main pond. WP song near main pond.
Jackdaw (4+) on big oak.
Goldfinch (2+) on big oak. Chaffinch persistent calls near beech. Blackbird (male, female) round shed/laurel hedge. Chiffchaff call, coal tit hybrid poplars. Blackcap yews. BT, GT main pond area. Nuthatch ash1 tree.
Swift (2+) over plot. Swift (11+), HM (2+) over A1065 ashwoods in evening.
Kestrel calls meadow area.
Common gull (5+) drifting eastwards near plot.
Overcast, calmer, light overnight rain/drizzle, wind N or NE (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit call near big oak.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round shed area. Bullfinch calls WBH (near sea buckthorn). WP (5+) round plot. Whitethroat alarms MNW in bramble thicket. Wren alarms MNE. Moorhen juv calls main pond.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak. Jackdaw (20+) collecting on main pond trees to forage to west of plot.
Goldfinch (3) Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (2+) on big oak. Chaffinch near beech. Blackbird (male) with food on shed roof, blackbird (female) by laurel hedge (probable nest -- quite late, though Campbell & Ferguson-Lees say 3+ broods quite common, and eggs sometimes into August). GSW across main pond area. Chiffchaff (2+) shed area. Blackcap (2+), BT, robin (imm) WBH. BT, GT shed area. Swallow (7+) over A1065 ashwoods in evening.
Green woodpecker on SHO.
Mainly overcast, blustery, wind W or SW (BF 1-5).
Reed warbler song (brief) a) main pond by weeping willow; b) reeds at north end of main pond.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) round meadow. Bullfinch (2) calls shed area. WP (5+) round plot. Sedge warbler song (brief) inside Top Blackthorn boundary. Reed bunting Top Blackthorn. Whitethroat (2+) alarms along Carr Stream near Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (4+) on big oak.
Goldfinch (2) on big oak and laurel hedge. Tit flock (GT, BT) yews/shed. Blackbird (male) on shed roof. Blackbird (female) flushed from laurel hedge opposite shed, possible nest. GSW on or near big oak.
Swift (19+) heading SW over plot.
Buzzard over Church Lane and meadow area. Red kite WRR. Sparrowhawk into spinney. LBBG (adult) westwards across plot.
Sunny, wind W or SW (BF 1-4).
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak.
Migrant hawker shed concrete area.
[At Rush Meadows with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- mistle thrush, green woodpecker, chiffchaff (4+), reed bunting (5+), BHG (5+), carrion crow (10+), jackdaw (10+), swallow (5+). Migrant and brown hawkers. Ruddy darter. Banded demoiselles (Calopteryx splendens) abundant. Small teasel (Dipsacus pilosus) approx 5 plants near NW corner of NWT site (record accepted by irecord). Himalayan balsam rampant, especially on west side of Wendling Beck (the stream forming the west border of Rush Meadows).]
Overcast at first, sunny intervals later, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit collecting elder berries by shed. Linnet song WBH. Linnet (11) round top part of meadow and scratty hedge. Yellowhammer (male) on dead ash tree near MSW.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) display over/round WBH. Wren patio. Bullfinch calls shed area. WP (5+) round plot. Song thrush yew hedge. Kestrel across meadow westwards.
Jackdaw (15+) on big oak and main pond trees.
Collared dove song big oak. Goldfinch (5+) round shed etc. Chaffinch song (broken) spinney. GT, BT yews/shed. Blackbird (2+) yews and concrete. Nuthatch on big oak. Acro calls in Carr Stream plants near MNE. Goldfinch song Top Blackthorn.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete area.
Buzzard perched WRR. Hobby (prob) Wensum to near South Raynham church.
Overcast, cooler, wind E or NE (BF 0-1).
Reed warbler song/subsong a) main SE corner; b) MSE in tall reeds over drain (also alarms).
Red list: Marsh tit call (‘siff-siff-siff’) WBH. Linnet calls and song WBH near MSW.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) round meadow, apparently flushed from triangular box. Wren MSE brash hedge. Bullfinch (2) main pond thickets. WP (5+) round plot. Song thrush (juv, just out of the nest) by laurel hedge near A1065.
Collared dove song big oak. Goldfinch (5+) round shed etc. Chaffinch calls A1065 ashwoods and/or spinney. GT (2+), coal tit (imm), LTT (2+) MSE in/near blackthorn. Blackbird (male, long-tail) on concrete and shed area. Green woodpecker call MSW area. Grey heron along Carr Stream down onto field near Horseshoe Plantation. Treecreeper on A1065 cypress stumps.
Swift (2+) over spinney.
Hobby (male?) fast over plot from north 0740 BST. Buzzard (2) over Church Lane area.
Possible Andrena flavipes (female) on clover patch by kitchen, with bumblebees and honeybees. Purple hairstreak (fresh) also present.
21/07/2022Tetraneura ulmi (elm sack gall aphid) on wych elm leaf 2022-07-21 (2414)
Overcast, cooler, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Stock dove song big oak/main pond area. Wren patio. WP (5+) round plot.
Collared dove song big oak. Goldfinch (2) into laurel hedge. GSW on ash3 tree.
Buzzard over Church Lane area. Red kite over WRR. Sparrowhawk (male) into ash1 tree.
Roe deer (female) along WBH track.
Sunny, hot (40.3C at Coningsby, Lincs), wind S or SE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit in patio border and vicinity, perhaps collecting Cytissus seeds.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) display big oak/main pond area. Wren song near yews. WP (5+) round plot.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak.
Blackcap collecting yew berries by kitchen. Chiffchaff song main pond area, spinney. Collared dove big oak and main pond. Chaffinch near beech. Goldfinch (2+) song big oak, ash3 tree.
Swift (10+), HM (2+) over plot. Swallow (3+) round shed south end. HM (10+), swallow (10+) over fields west of WRR.
Inverts -- purple hairstreak (4+) by Hillside House. Whites (GVW, large white) (15+), ringlet, GK (5+), MB, comma (2+). Bumblebees clearly tending to keep out of the sun at hottest time of the day, but still active in shady places. Honeybees less obviously affected. Jumping spider Marpissa muscosa (prob, 8+) on walls of kitchen, including male attempting to court female.
Sunny, very warm (38.1C at Santon Downham), some hazy cloud, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Red list: Marsh tit call WBH area (‘siff-siff-siff’). Linnet (3) over Hillside House from MSW or nearby.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) display big oak/main pond area. Dunnock song near shed. Wren near shed. Reed bunting (male) food collection flight over Hillside House beyond A1065. Woodpigeon song on concrete.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak, jackdaws (5+) ash3.
Reed warbler song main pond, brief.
Blackcap (2+) collecting yew berries by kitchen. Chiffchaff (2+) laurel hedge, big oak, spinney etc. Chiffchaff song main pond area and big oak. Nuthatch on big oak. Collared dove (2) song, display big oak and main pond. Chaffinch (2) near beech. Goldfinch song big oak, some songflight.
Swift (10+), HM (2+) over plot. Swallow (3+) prospecting in shed south end.
Inverts -- purple hairstreak on concrete.
Sunny, very warm, some hazy cloud, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit call big oak area. Linnet on or near WBH.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. Dunnock song near shed. Wren song near Hillside House, also wren into laurel hedge. Reed bunting dropping into reeds of main pond. Kestrel hovering over field west of meadow.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak.
Reed warbler song main pond, brief.
Chiffchaff (2+) WBH. Chiffchaff song main pond area and big oak. Blackbird song main pond area. Nutchatch on big oak. Collared dove (2) song, display big oak and main pond. Chaffinch (2) off beech, also on big oak. Goldfinch song big oak. GSW across plot towards Horseshoe Plantation. Coal tit call spinney cypresses. Buzzard display over Horseshoe Plantation.
Swift (4+) over plot.
Inverts -- purple hairstreak on burdock by laurel hedge. LW (6+), peacock (4+), MB, gatekeeper, skipper etc. Probable Rutpela by Hillside House.
Sunny at first, very warm, hazy cloud later, wind SE (BF 1-2).
Red list: SPOTTED FLYCATCHER on big oak 1605 BST, sallying but also foraging in canopy.
Amber list: Stock dove flushed out of shed north end by box. Kestrel (2) mobbed buzzard over fields near WRR.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak.
Blackbird song main pond area. Collared dove (2) song big oak. Chaffinch song big oak and S.S. plot.
[Swift (7+) Foxley, swift (9+) Bawdeswell, swift (3) Bintree. Rooks (6+) Bintree, rook (1) Foxley.]
Sunny, warm, wind N or NW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit yews and shed shrubs.
Amber list: Dunnock song yews or box. Song thrush yews. Stock dove main pond trees.
Jackdaws (3+) perched big oak.
Blackcap song a) spinney; b) WBH/MSW area (2 singers, sim reg). Blackbird song main pond area. Collared dove (2) song big oak. Chaffinch song S.S. plot.
Hobby circling high over plot mid-afternoon.
[Red kite Tatterford Common. Hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum Helhoughton church. Swift (25+), house martin West Raynham.]
Sunny intervals, light breeze, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) round Top Blackthorn. Dunnock song WBH/main pond area. Stock dove (2) ash by main pond; 1 on big oak; 1 at Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaws (3+) perched big oak.
Reed warbler with juvs main pond SE corner. Reed warbler flycatching off Salix trees main pond NW.
Goldcrest imm in pines. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Collared dove (2) big oak. Green woodpecker across big oak area into spinney. Chaffinch song near shed.
Inverts -- Episyrphus balteatus, Syrphus, Syritta, etc. Longhorn beetle Rutpela. Ringlet (10+), meadow brown, comma, GVW. Hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum. Chrysolina (4+) on rosemary.
Swift (10+), swallow (3+) over WRR, Church Lane. Buzzard over Church Lane. Red kite over meadow.
Sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Blackbird long-tail male song shed and big oak. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn.
[Churchyards -- Sculthorpe: kestrel mobbed buzzard, linnet (2). Fakenham: swift (4+) over church, greenfinch (2). Dunton: swallow nest (2+ pulli), chiffchaff.]
Sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-4).
Kingfisher, Carr Stream bridge WRR. Starling on bungalow Church Lane/WRR junction.
[Churchyards -- North Creake: kestrel family (male, female, 1 or 2 juvs). Coxford: little owl, sparrowhawk (male), buzzard, yellowhammer, linnet (2), skylark song, swallow (7+), roe deer (imm), brown hare (3+).]
Sunny intervals, breezy, wind S or SW (BF 2-5).
Red list: Marsh tit (2) shed, A1065 cypresses etc. Mistle thrush across plot towards Church Lane. Greenfinch song near Hillside House, exact location unknown.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) calls Top Blackthorn. Song thrush out of laurel hedge. Dunnock laurel hedge and box tree area. Stock dove big oak.
Jackdaws (5+) perched big oak.
Goldfinch (2) big oak. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Blackbird (male long-tail) song shed roof. Chaffinch song big oak. Tit flock (40+, BT, LTT, coal tit) near shed. Goldcrest big oak. Collared dove (2) big oak. RLP with 7+ juvs by shed. Green woodpecker call near WBH.
Inverts -- Episyrphus balteatus abundant on dock, ringlet (10+), meadow brown pair copulating, red admiral, whites. Chrysolina (5+) on rosemary.
Sunny intervals, blustery, wind S or SW (BF 2-5).
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) calls WRR.
Jackdaws (5+) perched big oak.
Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Chaffinch song big oak.
[Churchyards -- Weasel bridge by Wensum, near Dunton. Hempton -- rooks (3+), jackdaw (6+) in rookery above church, starlings (8+), swallow (2+), mistle thrush, oystercatcher, herring gulls (5+), kestrel, sparrowhawk (female), collared dove (3), linnet. Willow warbler song Hempton heathy area near church. Cetti’s warbler song Shereford. Song thrush Dunton churchyard. Mistle thrush song near Toftrees.]
Sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) female calling repeatedly WRR. Dunnock faecal sac from shed shrubs (or Silver Service plot).
Jackdaws (5+) perched big oak. Jackdaws (40+) main pond trees.
Blackcap song, blackbird song, GSW near Hillside House. Chaffinch song, goldfinch song big oak. Chaffinch female big oak. Green woodpecker WBH/spinney.
Sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-3).
Amber list: Kestrel (juvs/pulli 3) on Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel (female) calling repeatedly WRR. Dunnock faecal sac from shed shrubs (or Silver Service plot).
Jackdaws (5+) perched big oak.
Blackcap song, blackbird song, chaffinch song, collared dove (4), GT (4+), coal tit (2) near Hillside House. Carrion crow (4) near WBH. Swift (3) over plot.
Comma, ringlet, small tortoiseshell on grassy areas.
[Churchyards -- little owl perched by roadside Houghton. Red kite (4) foraging over cut silage or rye crop Houghton/West Rudham. Kestrel pair with 2+ juvs (flying) West Rudham. Kestrel family Little Massingham. Great Massingham -- blackbird (13+), house sparrow (5+) on/near green.]
Mainly sunny, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
Amber list: Kestrel (2 juvs/pulli) on Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel (male) WRR area.
Blackbird (long-tail male) song big oak and shed. Blackbird (short-tail male) song A1065 cypress stumps. Blackbird (long-tail male, short-tail male) aggro hazel by shed. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Song thrush song Silver Service spruces. Coal tit pines.
Treecreeper A1065 cypress stumps.
Swallow (7), buzzard over plot.
Mainly sunny, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
[Churchyards -- green woodpecker, swallow (2), buzzard, brown hare, grey squirrel East Lexham.]
Red list: Marsh tit near shed.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) WRR/WBH. Kestrel (male, female with juv) at Top Blackthorn box. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Reed bunting provisioning flights southward from main pond area.
Reed warbler song main pond, 2nd present.
Chaffinch song big oak. Chaffinch (male) into laurel hedge. Coal tit, GT, BT (2+), LTT (2+) near Hillside House.
Sunny intervals, calmer, wind W (BF 1-3).
Red list: SPOTTED FLYCATCHER on big oak and wych elm, 1655 BST (moderate clouds of probable Diptera near spinney cypresses). Cuckoo song distant, probably west of WRR.
Amber list: Reed bunting (4+) foraging trips over A1065 from meadow. Reed bunting (female) foraging in tops of pines before foraging excursion. Reed bunting song MSW. Kestrel (male) WRR. Kestrel (female) feeding 2+ pulli at TB, some wing feathers now visible.
Jackdaws (2+) perched big oak.
Goldfinch (2) main pond trees. Blackcap song shed area. Blackbird (male short-tail) A1065 cypresses. Blackbird alarms spinney, west of beech. Blackbird (male long-tail) song ash3 tree. Goldcrest pines. Swallow (2) round shed area, and Silver Service plot.
Red kite over plot area. Buzzard (3+) over Horseshoe and Church Lane, display flight etc.
Sunny intervals, still breezy, wind W or NW (BF 1-4).
Amber list: Wren (2) by A1065 cypresses. Reed bunting foraging trip over A1065 from meadow. WP (2) on patio. Kestrel (male) WRR, meadow etc.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak.
Goldfinch (2) big oak. Blackcap song shed area. Blackbird (male short-tail) laurel hedge. Chaffinch song big oak.
Red kite over plot area.
[Churchyard survey, as in 2021 -- 11 sites, 24 (bird) species, including WP, HM, wren, swift, house sparrow. Blackbird present at all 11 sites. Honeybee nest Stanfield church. Hornet queen at Horningtoft.]
[Churchyards -- Colkirk/Great Ryburgh road: marsh harrier (female/imm), lapwing, linnet (pair), whitethroat. Yellowhammer (15 approx) along 42 km of rural (B- or C-class) roads. Reed bunting song in several places, especially near/on rape fields, as at Oxwick/Colkirk. HM nests on few churches.]
Sunny intervals, breezy, wind W or SW (BF 1-4).
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane/Rectory area.
Amber list: Song thrush (2) by yews and Hillside House. Dunnock in brash by A1065 cypress stumps. Wren alarm. Reed bunting foraging trip over A1065 from meadow. Reed bunting song sim.reg. MSW + TB. WP in willow by main pond.
Jackdaws (3+) perched big oak. Jackdaw (2) both inside oak together. Jackdaws (3) perched ash3 tree. Jackdaws (5+) perched by willow box, 1 inside box. Jackdaw ‘kaaa’ calls (parental anxiety call) main pond trees and WBH area.
Goldfinch song near shed. Blackcap song shed area. Blackbird (male long-tail) shed roof. Blackbird (male short-tail) food delivery at laurel hedge nest by kitchen. Chaffinch song spinney blackthorn (or cypresses). Green woodpecker across from main pond to A1065 ashwoods.
Swift (3) courtship flights over meadow and nearby. (Started playback).
Hobby (male?) over plot from south, towards Church Lane, insect-hawking (perhaps for mayflies).
Buzzard Church Lane area, mobbed by jackdaws. Buzzard (3) over plot. Grey heron follwing cattle near WRR.
[Hempton Common -- whitethroat song. A1065 between Toftrees and Hempton -- whitethroat song.]
Sunny intervals, breezy, wind W or SW (BF 2-5).
Amber list: Reed bunting foraging trip over A1065. Kestrel 2 pulli (downy but able to stand up and facing out from front of box) at Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel (male) foraging/hovering repeatedly over area round shed and big oak, 1 or 2 attempts at prey. Kestrel (male) foraging over WRR area, also mobbing buzzard over Church Lane. Song thrush into spinney from ivy hedge area. Moorhen juv calls in reeds of main pond. Stock dove (2) in ash tree by box, Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak. Jackdaw in oak box.
Goldfinch song near big oak. Blackcap song spinney. Swallow over shed area. Coal tit calls in pines. GT shed area. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Blackbird song (short-tail male) yews, food delivery at laurel hedge nest by kitchen.
Buzzard, red kite over Church Lane. LBBG (2) westwards near plot.
Sunny intervals, breezy, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song main pond NE corner.
Red list: Cuckoo song meadow area or nearer Wensum. Marsh tit big oak.
Amber list: Reed bunting (female) into reeds MSW, 10m from centre track. Kestrel (male) passing food delivery to female or juv at Top Blackthorn, (turned out to be the adult female, see 11/06). Song thrush song main pond trees. Whitethroat song MNW area (perhaps just outside plot, along Carr Stream). Moorhen adult landing in goat willows next to main pond.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak. Jackdaw in oak box. Signs of fight below oak box -- jackdaw adult feathers, close to dead pullus.
Goldfinch (2) yews. Blackcap (male) pines. Robin song big oak. Swift near plot. Coal tit song in pines.
Buzzard over plot and nearby.
Several chafers (perhaps Phyllopertha horticola) on lawn area.
Sunny intervals, breezy, wind W (BF 2-4).
Marsh harrier adult male foraging over meadow then circling up leaving southwards.
Reed warbler song main pond NE corner.
Amber list: Reed bunting (2+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Kestrel (male) circling over main pond etc.
Jackdaws (4+) perched big oak, (6+) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (4) big oak. Blackcap (male) pines. Robin song near Hillside House. Swift (2) near plot.
Buzzard (2) over plot and nearby. Red kite over WRR area.
Several chafers (perhaps Phyllopertha horticola) on grassy area.
Overcast, drizzle/rain at first, wind W (BF 2-4).
Red list: Cuckoo song meadow area.
Amber list: Wren by Hillside House kitchen. Reed bunting (2+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Kestrel (male) hovering over meadow, WRR etc. Song thrush song main pond area. Stock dove (2) courtship shed north end.
Jackdaws (10+) calling (‘kaaa’) in various places, big oak, spinney cypresses, main pond trees etc.
Goldfinch (2) on/by yews. Blackcap song spinney. Collared dove (2) big oak etc. Swift (2) near plot.
Buzzard circling/hovering over plot and nearby. Grey heron following cattle in field west of WBH.
Sunny intervals, wind NW (BF 1-4).
Reed warbler song main SE corner and NW corner. Reed warbler foraging in foliage of pruned goat willows west side of main pond. Reed warbler song MSW (close to track, near hawthorn).
Red list: Cuckoo song repeatedly in area from meadow east to Wensum.
Amber list: Wren by Hillside House kitchen. Reed bunting (3+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Bullfinch call spinney (blackthorn or cypresses). Kestrel (male) hovering over meadow, WRR etc. Kestrel (female) inside box at TB. Song thrush alarms yew hedge area.
Jackdaws alarms along WBH. Jackdaw juv abandoned by parents near yew hedge and WBH, not seen to be fed. Jackdaw pullus dead at base of big oak, almost certainly one of the two in pictures (other may have survived). Jackdaws (10+) calling (‘kaaa’) in various places. Jackdaw (pair) entering oak box, parents of juv apparently moved away.
Blackbird (male short-tail, male long-tail) near Hillside House. Blackcap song spinney. Collared dove (2) big oak etc. Red kite over fields west of WRR.
Showers, sunny intervals, wind N or NW (BF 1-3).
Red list: Cuckoo song meadow area or nearby. Mistle thrush song ash3 tree.
Amber list: Wren adult and 3 juvs by shed (from tractor nest). Reed bunting (3+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Song thrush song big oak.
Jackdaw juvs on E side, W side of shed. Jackdaw feeding at willow nestbox.
Robin juv on shed. Chaffinch song big oak. Goldfinch (4+) big oak.
Muntjac (female) by WBH, eating yew hedge.
Overcast, showers or rain at times, wind E (BF 1-3).
Red list: Cuckoo song repeatedly in area from meadow east to Wensum. Greenfinch call near main pond or shed.
Amber list: Wren alarms near tractor nest in shed. Stock dove round shed. Reed bunting (2+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Bullfinch call spinney (blackthorn or cypresses). Kestrel (male) hovering over meadow, WRR etc, perched WRR, hybrid poplars. Song thrush with food on track by yew hedge. Song thrush on big oak.
Jackdaws feeding at ash3 box. Jackdaw juv being fed on concrete by shed.
Swift (3+) over plot area. Blackbird (male short-tail, male long-tail) near Hillside House. Blackcap song spinney. GSW (2) on A1065 cypress stumps. Collared dove (2) round shed area. Robin song yews area. Robin adult with 3+ juvs S.S. plot fence. Marsh tit (2) near HC by A1065.
Swift (4+) over plot area. Swallow (3+) near shed and meadow.
[West of Pear Tree Corner -- reed bunting song hedge near road. Skylark song over wheat. Linnet (2) near pylons. Yellowhammer, chaffinch (prob. nest in rape), swallow (4). Brown hare (4+) field near pylons. Plant records submitted to irecord.]
Blustery, sunny intervals, wind NE (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song main pond SE below ash1 tree.
Red list: Cuckoo song repeatedly in area from meadow east to Wensum.
Amber list: Wren feeding at tractor nest in shed. Stock dove flushed from shed cistern box. Reed bunting (2+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Bullfinch call spinney (blackthorn or cypresses). Kestrel (female) perched near box T.B.
Jackdaws pulli at oak box gone, probably now in pines.
Swift (3) over plot area. Blackcap song spinney. GSW (2) on A1065 cypress stumps. Collared dove (2) round shed area. Robin song big oak. Chaffinch across plot towards spinney.
03/06/2022Jackdaw pullus about to leave oak nestbox Hillside House 2022-06-03 (3231)
Blustery, sunny intervals, wind E or NE (BF 1-4).
Reed warbler song main pond SE below ash1 tree.
Red list: Cuckoo song MNW, Church Lane area, WRR. Cuckoo (silent, probably female) in white willow by main pond, mobbed by chiffchaff.
Amber list: Wren feeding at tractor nest in shed. Wren song by Hillside House. Reed bunting foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Kestrel (female) perched near box T.B.
Jackdaw pulli (2) at oak box ready to fledge, probably left by midday.
Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch (2) yews etc.
02/06/2022Silene vulgaris (bladder campion) near Whissonsett 2022-06-02 (2233)
No frost, sunny intervals, warmer, wind S or SW (BF 0-2).
Reed warbler (2) song, probable nest-building, main pond south end below ash1 tree.
Red list: Greenfinch over plot heading SE. Cuckoo song repeatedly in area from WRR east to NBW. Cuckoo song Top Blackthorn. Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods opposite spinney.
Amber list: Wren faecal sac from tractor nest in shed. Stock dove round shed. Reed bunting (2+) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065.
Jackdaws feeding at oak box. Jackdaw pulli visible at ash3 box.
Blackbird (male short-tail, male long-tail) near Hillside House. Blackcap song spinney. GSW (2+) on washing line posts. Collared dove (2) round shed area. Chiffchaff song near main pond.
Swift (4+) over plot area. Swallow (3+) near shed and meadow.
[S.Raynham to Whissonsett road -- corncrake calling repeatedly within 50 metres of road TF907235, presumably one of the releases from Pensthorpe. (Note -- silage being cut near Pear Tree Corner, should be inside out but probably not!) Linnet (2 x 4+), yellowhammer (2 x 3+), chaffinch, house sparrow (2), swallow (2). Prob. lesser whitethroat pair. Lapwing display TF902235. Oystercatcher on flax field. Red kite, buzzard, carrion crow (4+). Mistle thrush song NBW (TF889238). Fallow deer (3+) TF895235. Roe deer (female) TF886237. Brown hare in several places.]
No frost, sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-3).
Reed warbler pair main pond SE corner by E island, foraging in pines at times. Reed warbler 2nd pair in between the 2 islands.
Red list: Cuckoo song H.P. or Wensum. Mistle thrush alarms into hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Wren visiting tractor nest. Kestrel (male) over WRR area. Kestrel (female) perched by box Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (male) over Hillside House. heading beyond A1065 ashwoods (to rape field).
Jackdaws feeding at oak box.
Blackcap song spinney. Robin song big oak, yews. Collared dove (2) on big oak. GT (6+) into laurel hedge.
Red kite, buzzard over plot.
Oystercatcher down on to grazing west of WBH.
No frost, odd showers, some heavy.
Reed warbler song a) main pond NW, b) main pond SE.
Red list: Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods opposite spinney. Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: Wren (2) alarms near main pond/laurels, jay present. Wren visiting tractor nest. Bullfinch (male) on big oak.
Jackdaws (10+) round big oak.
Swallow (2) shed south end. Robin song yews, big oak. Blackbird (male short-tail) yews. Blackbird (male long-tail) weeping willow. Blackcap male ash1 tree.
Swift (7) over WRR/WBH area.
Red kite WBH. Buzzard (perhaps 1- or 2-year-old) perching in WBH, big oak and trees nearby, mobbed by jackdaws and magpie.
No frost, showers.
Reed warbler song a) main pond NW, b) main pond SE.
Red list: Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods opposite spinney. Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: Wren removing faecal sac from tractor nest. Stock dove (2) on/round shed. Reed bunting song T.B.
Jackdaws feeding at oak box. Jackdaw (6+) in big oak etc.
Swallow (2) shed south end. Robin song yews, big oak. Blackbird (male) move from ash3 tree to H.C. Blackcap male in pines. Chiffchaff song near main pond/WBH. BT shed. Goldfinch (2) big oak.
Red kite WBH. Little egret along Carr Stream westwards. Grey heron on grazing west of WRR. LBBG westwards.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, cool, wind N (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song a) main pond S end, b) main pond N end.
Red list: Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods opposite spinney.
Amber list: Wren feeding at tractor nest in shed. Wren song near shed. Dunnock juv on yew hedge. Stock dove (2) on/round shed. Reed bunting foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. Song thrush on shed grassy area.
Jackdaws feeding at beech box.
Robin song yews, big oak. Blackcap song spinney. Blackcap male in pines. Chiffchaff song near main pond/WBH. BT shed.
Starling (7) eastwards near plot.
Red kite over Carr Stream. Buzzard (3) over H.P. Sparrowhawk (male) with prey from spinney.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, cool, wind N (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song main pond.
Red list: Linnet over plot heading SE. Cuckoo song H.P. or Wensum area.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) incubating/brooding at Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel (male) hovering over area near big oak and WBH. Wren into tractor in shed. Dunnock song yews or box. Stock dove (3) on/round shed. Reed bunting (2+) along track by Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (2) foraging flight towards rape field south of A1065. WP (4) T.B. WP (2) by Hillside House.
Jackdaws feeding at oak box, 2+ pulli visible. Jackdaws feeding at beech box and shed NW corner.
Blackbird (male short-tail, male long-tail) on patio. Goldfinch (at nest) yews. Robin song yews, big oak. Goldcrest pines. Blackcap (male) foraging in broome shrub patio, also in shed shrubs. GSW call big oak. Green woodpecker call meadow. Swift over A1065 ashwoods. Carrion crow WBH, mobbed by jackdaws. Song thrush alarms spinney blackthorn area, also in WBH. Collared dove (2) round shed area. LTT (2) big oak. BT (2) patio. Chiffchaff song near main pond.
Many honeybees and other insects feeding at non-floral nectaries on laurel hedge. Laurel is a much-maligned plant in some circles but here is a phenomenal resource for wildlife.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags. Buzzard (2) over H.P.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, cooler, wind W or NW (BF 2-5).
Reed warbler song main pond.
Red list: Greenfinch song near laurel hedge.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) hovering over grassy area near big oak. Wren shed and adjacent burdock patch. Wren song shed area, main pond, WBH. Dunnock song spinney near box. Moorhen call main pond, juvs audible.
Jackdaws feeding at oak box, one pullus visible.
Blackbird (male long-tail) shed roof. Goldfinch (at nest) yews. Robin song ivy hedge. Goldcrest pines and yews. Blackcap (male) transit between spinney and pines, also song. GT WBH.
Whitethroat song WRR.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags.
No frost, overcast, blustery, wind W (BF 2-5).
Red list: Linnet (2) over plot heading SE.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perched WRR electricity pole. Reed bunting (2) transit over Hillside House SE. WP (2) courtship main pond.
Jackdaws feeding at beech box. Jackdaws at willow box perhaps fledged or predated.
Swift (3) over area round plot (playback on Hillside House east side). HM WBH and WRR.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags. Buzzard along WBH and spinney.
24/05/2022Ctenophora pectinicornis (Tipulidae, craneflies) Hillside House 2022-05-24 (3178)
No frost, mainly overcast, light showers at first, brighter later, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song main pond south end.
Red list: Mistle thrush song H.C. poplars, then S.S. plot spruces. Also mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: Reed bunting up from meadow area towards rape field south of A1065. Wren song spinney.
Jackdaws feeding at oak box.
Collared dove (2, ‘pair’) on big oak. Goldfinch (at nest) yews. Green woodpecker call meadow area. Blackcap female in patio border and pines.
Swift (3) over A1065 ashwoods.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags. LBBG southwards.
The cranefly Ctenophora pectinicornis on laurel hedge, then probably same individual inside Hillside House kitchen. ID confirmed by Pete Boardman. Length around 19mm, initially mistaken for a sawfly or relative. “The (Ctenophora) species are confined to old deciduous forests, orchards, and other habitats with continuity of the presence of dying and fallen trees. Ctenophora species are important bioindicators.” (Wikipedia).
Muntjac (3) by WBH.
[Hempton Common -- willow warbler song (5+). Rooks nearby. Blackcap song Hempton south end. A1065 S.Raynham to E.Raynham -- whitethroat song, linnet (2). Fakenham Holt Rd -- blackbird (6+), starling (4+) on verge.]
No frost, mainly overcast, mild, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Reed warbler song main pond south end, 2nd singer NE edge.
Red list: Mistle thrush song spinney west end, also S.S. plot spruces.
Amber list: Reed bunting up from meadow area towards arable south of A1065. (This field contains nearly-ripe rape). Reed bunting song MNW. Reed bunting female MNW, on hornbeam. Stock dove (2) main pond and big oak. WP (2) in pines. Wren tractor.
Jackdaws feeding at oak box.
Collared dove (2, ‘pair’) on big oak. Blackbird (male long-tail) song shed roof. Goldfinch (at nest) yews. GSW on ash3 tree. Green woodpecker call meadow area, then on ash3 tree. Marsh tit on blackthorn plants by shed.
LTT (13+) in WBH. Goldcrest with faecal sac near spinney cypresses, then into big oak.
Gasteruption jaculator shed timber.
HM (7+), swift over A1065 ashwoods.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags. Buzzard circling over Church Lane.
22/05/2022Stenocorus meridianus (longhorn beetle) at Foxley Wood 2022-05-22 (2625) (c) Chris Richardson
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
[At Foxley Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- early purple orchids (going over), several sedges, creeping jenny, water avens, ragged robin, red campion. Cuckoo song, garden warbler (2+), willow warbler, blackcap, chiffchaff, chaffinch, jay, carrion crow, blue tit, buzzard (2+) over southern parts of wood, kestrel, oystercatcher (over wood!). The ichneumon Rhyssa persuasoria (2) hanging round birch logs, main track. (Rhyssa parasitises woodwasps). Emperor dragonfly, brown hawker. Longhorn beetle Stenocorus meridianus (thanks to Chris Richardson for adjacent picture; id by Linda Losito). Bombus pratorum on grassland near wood edge (two yellow bands, then orange/buff tail patch). Drinker moth caterpillars. Speckled wood, peacock. Hornet queen. Short-tailed vole. Finch song unidentified.]
[Yellowhammer near E.Raynham/Whissonsett. Dunnock song B1145. Bullfinch Stansfeld. Bullfinch Foxley. Swallow (3+), rooks, moorhen Brisley.]
Reed warbler song main pond south end, 2nd singer NE edge.
Red list: Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods, opposite spinney.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed. WP (2) on Hillside House concrete, also 1 at T.B.
Jackdaws feeding at oak, shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove song Hillside House Collared dove (2, ‘pair’) on big oak, also in pines. Blackbird (male long-tail) song shed roof. Green woodpecker call either MSW or T.B. GSW call big oak area. Goldfinch (at nest) yews. Swallow round shed area in morning.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags.
22/05/2022Anax imperator (emperor dragonfly) at Foxley Wood 2022-05-22 (3057) (c) Chris Richardson
[(Recently emerged?) emperor dragonfly Anax imperator at Foxley Wood.]
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song main pond, (seen) opposite weeping willow, 2nd singer laurels or pines nearby, perhaps 3 rd singer. Reed warbler song MSW near hawthorn, also nearer T.B.
Amber list: Whitethroat song MNW (probably in hawthorn or maples -- first record on plot this year). Song thrush song spinney near cypresses. Song thrush ash3 tree. Kestrel (male) hovering over MSW/WBH. Stock dove (2) shed. WP (2) on Hillside House concrete, also 1 at T.B.
Jackdaws feeding at oak, shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove song Hillside House Collared dove (2, ‘pair’) on big oak, also in pines. Blackbird (male long-tail) song shed roof. Green woodpecker call either MSW or T.B. GSW call big oak area. Goldfinch (at nest) yews. Swallow round shed area in morning.
Flies (tachinid, calliophorid, syrphid etc) on leaves of burdock, dock etc by patio. Some sawflies, also solitary wasps.
Red kite over/round plot, no tags.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers in afternoon, slightly cooler, wind SW (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song a) main pond Salix west side, b) MSW.
Red list: Cuckoo (2, perhaps pair) song across plot westwards towards WRR. Mistle thrush alarm, across plot towards H.P. Greenfinch song ash1 tree.
Amber list: Song thrush near shed shrubs. Kestrel arriving at T.B. Kestrel (male) perched WRR electricity pole. Stock dove (3) ash3 tree. Wren shed laurels. Wren song near beech.
Jackdaws feeding at oak, beech, shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove (2) pines. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Green woodpecker call meadow. GSW across plot towards H.P.
[Buzzard (4) over Mill Covert.]
Swallow (3+) over WRR/Church Lane junction.
No frost, mainly overcast, showers in afternoon, slightly cooler, wind SW (BF 2-4).
Reed warbler song a) main pond Salix west side, b) MSW.
Red list: Cuckoo song scratty hedge or Church Lane area.
Amber list: Song thrush song S.S. spruce trees. Kestrel (male) moving from WRR to T.B. at nestbox. Reed bunting (2 males) moved from meadow area to south of A1065 ashwoods, over Hillside House Transit distance at least 250 metres. This is becoming a regular pattern and was also seen in 2021: the likely target in 2022 is a large field of rape.
GT call WBH. Chiffchaff song ash3 tree. Blackbird song (long-tail male) ash3 tree. Swift (4) over plot.
Red kite over plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, thundery, mild, wind SW (BF 0-2).
Reed warbler song main pond, (seen) near gap between islands.
Red list: Cuckoo song scratty hedge or Church Lane area. Marsh tit main pond.
Amber list: Song thrush song S.S. plot (oak area). Kestrel arriving at T.B. Stock dove (3) T.B. Sedge warbler song (quiet) hawthorn MSW.
Jackdaws feeding at oak, beech, shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove song Hillside House Blackbird (2, short-tail male, female) on patio. Blackbird song T.B. Blackbird (2, male short-tail, male long-tail) aggro along boundary between ash1 tree and laurel hedge opposite shed. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Green woodpecker on dead ash at T.B.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, mild, wind SW (BF 0-2).
Reed warbler song main pond.
Red list: Marsh tit song (‘siff-siff-siff’) main pond or MSE.
Amber list: Song thrush song.
Jackdaws feeding at oak, beech, shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove (2) big oak, pines. Swift, HM over plot.
Honeybees (5+) and rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana on patio rosemary.
[At Houghen Plantation (Broadlands Country Park) with Norfolk Conservation Corps --garden warbler song (2+), willow warbler song (2+), blackcap song, mistle thrush song, buzzard. Whissonsett -- lapwing near newly-sown arable.]
No frost, sunny, quite warm, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Reed warbler song main pond.
Red list: Mistle thrush song spruce (S.S. plot) moved to NBW. Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods opposite spinney, probably a second singer.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) MSW.Song thrush song.
Jackdaws feeding at oak, beech, shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove (2) big oak, pines. Swift, HM over plot.
[Fakenham town centre -- swift (10+) screaming over main square. Swift (2+) near Fakenham church. Hempton Common -- willow warbler (8 or 9 singers), garden warbler song near access track), whitethroat song (1 or 2). Blackcap song, chiffchaff song Hempton south end. Lesser whitethroat song Hempton/Toftrees (TF902277). Roe deer (female) roadkill carcass on A1065.]
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind SW (BF 2-4).
Swift (4) over plot and nearby.
Amber list: Wren in shed by tractor. Kestrel (male) at T.B. box.
Chiffchaff foraging big oak. Collared dove (2) big oak. Green woodpecker call MSW or WBH. WP near Hillside House Blackcap song WBH, spinney. Blackbird (male short-tail, male long-tail, female) by shed. Blackbird song (2) yews and spinney, sim.reg. Robin song, BT big oak.
Buzzard over plot.
[Swallow (3+) over arable, Carr Stream west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind W (BF 1-4).
Swift (2+) over A1065 ashwoods, playback continued.
Red list: Mistle thrush song various places round plot and S.S. spruce trees.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) over meadow. Song thrush song spinney. Dunnock song yews.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow, ash3 boxes.
Collared dove song big oak. Blackbird song ash3 tree. Goldfinch (3) near laurel hedge by shed.
Sparrowhawk across grazing towards WRR.
Grey heron with black cattle near WRR.
LBBG heading SE over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind SW (BF 2-4).
Swift (4+) over Church Lane, later over Hillside House Playback continued.
Swallow (2) near spinney cypresses.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) laurel hedge and big oak. Mistle thrush big oak, hybrid poplars, ash3 tree. Cuckoo song scratty hedge area.
Amber list: Song thrush on patio. Song thrush hybrid poplars to A1065. Kestrel (male, female) by box at T.B. Stock dove (2) ash3 tree.
Jackdaws feeding at shed nest (NW corner).
Collared dove song laurel hedge. Blackbird (2 males, short-tail, long-tail) repeated clashes along laurel hedge, near where female (mate of short-til) nestbuilding. Robin song, GT big oak.
Sparrowhawk (male) attacked passerine in spinney. Red kite Church Lane area.
LBBG (3) westwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind SW (BF 2-4).
Finally! Swift (5+) over meadow, then Hillside House Playback continued.
Swallow (2+) prospecting in shed south end.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) laurel hedge and big oak. Mistle thrush (2) hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney. Kestrel (male) over T.B. area. Stock dove (2) ash3 tree.
Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow boxes.
Collared dove song Hillside House, 2nd on shed. GSW on willow by main pond. Blackbird (2 males short-tail, long-tail) by Hillside House GT song, blackcap song spinney blackthorn area. Chiffchaff song WBH/spinney junction. Goldfinch pair nest mat yews. Goldcrest song spinney blackthorn and cypresses.
Buzzard (3) over plot. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked blackbird near main pond (failed).
Oystercatcher heading SE near H.P. Common gull (5+), BHG near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals then overcast, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Swift playback continued, no swifts still, unless one appeared very briefly.
Swallow (2) over rape west of WRR. Swallow (2) round shed south end (perhaps will make use of mud placed in birdbath for them).
Red list: Mistle thrush ash1 tree.
Amber list: Bullfinch song (weak) near junction WRR/WBH. Kestrel (male) hovering high over Carr Stream. WP (3) near main pond. Stock dove (2+) main pond trees.
Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak (young shrilling) boxes, also shed nest.
Robin song big oak, 2nd nearby. Collared dove song. Blackbird aggro (2, long-tail male, short-tail male) by laurel hedge opposite shed. Blackbird song ash3 tree. GT song main pond trees (west side) near willow. Red kite over MSW. HM (2) A1065 ashwoods. Goldfinch pair yews.
[Woodpigeon (40+) west of WRR.]
No frost, sunny, quite mild, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
Swift playback continued, no swifts as yet.
HM over plot. Swallow ‘pair’ propspecting in shed south end.
Red list: Greenfinch song beech. Marsh tit spinney blackthorn.
Amber list: Sedge warbler song MSW (hawthorn). Song thrush song WBH/spinney. Kestrel (male) Carr Stream between meadow and H.P. Wren building at ivy hedge.
Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak (young shrilling) boxes.
Collared dove song, blackbird song spinney cypresses. Robin song big oak. GT shed burdock patch.
No frost, overcast after overnight rain, mild, wind W or SW (BF 0-1).
Red list: Greenfinch songflight S.S. plot.
Amber list: Sedge warbler song (quiet) main pond.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Collared dove song big oak and S.S. plot. GT song by A1065 cypresses box. Muntjac (female) by shed.
[Kettlestone village -- swallow (2+), house sparrow (5+), starling (5+), greenfinch, linnet, chaffinch (2 singers), buzzard, red kite, blackbird (pair), dunnock, robin; whitethroat song (The Street). Fakenham industrial estate -- herring gulls, LBBG. Binham/Hindringham area -- yellowhammer (male).]
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, mild, wind W or NW (BF 0-2).
Hobby drifting westwards over A1065 ashwoods.
Red list: Cuckoo song scratty hedge/SHO area. Cuckoo (2) across from main pond area to S.S. plot. Mistle thrush alarm near hybrid poplars. Mistle thrush song spinney north edge.
Amber list: Wren song spinney. Stock dove (4) on main pond trees. Stock dove display WBH/spinney. Dunnock song near ivy hedge. Kestrel (male) circling over meadow and WRR.
Carrion crow feeding on female pheasant carcass near WBH. Magpie, jackdaws (2+) present later.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3, willow boxes. Jackdaws foraging on grazing near WBH.
Collared dove song big oak and pines. GT apparently feeding at nest near S.S. forecourt. Green woodpecker call A1065 ashwoods.
Buzzard (2) over plot and H.P.
WRR -- yellowhammer (female) (Red List), linnet (female), jackdaw in owl box replaced May 2021.
[Wellingham Road -- linnet in hedge. Wensum Pools gravel pit area -- chiffchaff song, robin song (2+), song thrush song. Chinese water deer by edge of rape, sat down on belly, seen well from 60 metres.]
No frost, sunny or sunny intervals, mild, wind W or NW (BF 0-2).
Red list: Greenfinch song beech area.
Amber list: Song thrush by Hillside House kitchen, into laurel hedge. Kestrel (male) perched by T.B. box, also nearby. Wren song near shed. Stock dove (2) on shed roof.
Carrion crow feeding on female pheasant carcass next to A1065. After carcass was moved near to WBH, crow found carcass within 3-4 minutes. Also found extra food about 2 metres away in grass.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3, willow boxes. Jackdaws foraging on grazing near WBH. Jackdaw (4+) foraging in grass by yew hedge, ignoring carcass. Jackdaw investigated, but then abandoned, carcass.
Robin near Hillside House kitchen. GT song near main pond. Collared dove (2) big oak.
Swallow (2) across plot.
Buzzard (3) over H.P. Red kite circled round near carcass. Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars.
No frost, overcast, mild, rain showers in afternoon, wind SW (BF 0-2).
Red list: Greenfinch song beech area.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Song thrush big oak. Wren song box tree. Wren nest ivy hedge (either being built or just abandoned).
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3, willow boxes. Jackdaw (10+) heading to roost at dusk, some pairs.
Robin (2) near Hillside House kitchen. Blackbird (long-tail male) song shed roof.
Tachinid flies -- many on laurel hedge.
Buzzard (2) display over A1065 ashwoods.
[Swallow (3) over rape field, west of WRR.]
No frost, overcast, some sunny intervals, warmer, wind NE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Greenfinch song big oak. Greenfinch over A1065 ashwoods. Cuckoo song SHO area.
Amber list: WP (2) pines. Stock dove (2) on shed. Song thrush song big oak. Kestrel (male) mobbed by jackdaws near WRR.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow, ash3 boxes.
Blackbird (long-tail male) song big oak, also song on ash1 tree. Blackbird (female) main pond. Blackbird (short-tail male) bathing in water-tray. GT by A1065 cypress box. GT song (1-syll.) WBH. Goldfinch (6) ash3 tree. Chiffchaff song a) WBH opposite main pond. Blackcap song pines/laurel area. Green woodpecker main pond trees. GSW drumming spinney.
Swallow (3) over plot.
Flies sunning themselves on laurel hedge, including prob. Macquartia tenebricosa (from Google images). Nomada sp., perhaps N. marshamella (parasitic on Andrena scotica). Fewer mining bees than earlier in April. Brimstone (male).
Buzzard (2) display over A1065 ashwoods. Grey heron by WRR.
[Hempton Common -- willow warbler song (3+), whitethroat song, garden warbler song (south end of common). Oystercatcher over Holt Road. Grey heron over Fakenham market.]
02/05/2022Rutland-style swift nestbox at Hillside House 2022-05-02 (2146)
No frost, overcast, mild, wind E (BF 0-2).
Red list: Cuckoo song scratty hedge/H.P. north end. Greenfinch song beech area. Linnet across plot heading SSE. Marsh tit call (song) between main pond and WBH.
Amber list: WP (2) pines. WP (2) near WRR. Stock dove (2) T.B. with kestrel. Sedge warbler song a) MSW near hawthorn, b) approx 20m east. Song thrush song WBH. Wren song spinney near beech. Wren (2) in ivy hedge.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Jackdaws (30+) heading S or SE to roost at dusk in pairs, presumably unable to find nest-sites. Indicates population is limited by nest-site availability.
Blackbird (long-tail male) by Hillside House Blackbird (female) patio. Blackbird (short-tail male) visiting laurel hedge nest by A1065. GT by ash3 tree. GT song (1-syll.) WBH. Goldfinch (2) laurel hedge near shed. Chiffchaff song a) WBH opposite main pond, b) hybrid poplars. Chaffinch across plot. Oystercatcher calls near WRR.
Swallow (3) over plot.
More bibionid flies (WBH, main pond etc).
Buzzard chased by red kite on SHO.
No frost, overcast, mild, wind E (BF 0-2).
Red list: Cuckoo song scratty hedge. Greenfinch song near Hillside House Greenfinch (2) out of laurel hedge near Hillside House Greenfinch (5) over laurel hedge/S.S. workshop area.
Amber list: WP (2), stock dove T.B. WP eating oak buds big oak. WP (2) courtship pines. Stock dove display near big oak. Sedge warbler song MSW near hawthorn. Song thrush song big oak. (Song thrush song WRR). Dunnock song yews. Wren song MSW (brash pile).
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3, willow boxes. Jackdaw (2) with nest mat by shed (nest probably in side of shed north end). Jackdaw (5+) on backs of Aberdeen Angus cattle near WRR.
Blackbird (long-tail male) by Hillside House kitchen. Blackbird (short-tail male) track by A1065. Robin patio. Jay A1065 cypresses. GT on big oak. Blackcap male elder by shed. Goldfinch (2) laurel hedge near shed. Collared dove (2) on Hillside House and in pines. BT big oak. Green woodpecker main pond trees to A1065 ashwoods. Muntjac by patio. Chaffinch (female) on big oak, flycatching.
Bibionid fly numbers beginning to build. Symmorphus (wasp) on laurel hedge.
Buzzard (6) over A1065 ashwoods.
Common gull (1-year-old) southwards over plot.
Light frost, mainly sunny, warmer, wind E (BF 0-2).
Red list: Greenfinch (2) in and out of laurel hedge opposite shed. Greenfinch song beech area. Cuckoo song main pond and meadow. HM (2) over meadow.
Amber list: WP (2) T.B. blackthorn. Stock dove nest (2 eggs) in cistern box, shed north end. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR and meadow. Sedge warbler song a) main pond near weeping willow; b) MSW near hawthorn; c) songflight T.B. Reed bunting (male) T.B.
Hobby (2) display over Church Lane area (HM present).
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Blackbird juv in patio border. Blackbird (long-tail male) song moved spinney cypress to main pond trees. Coal tit big oak. Carrion crow (imm) round main pond. Carrion crow (3) near Church Lane. Chiffchaff song a) WBH opposite main pond, b) spinney N edge. Blackcap song WBH (near grazing hawthorn). Goldfinch song big oak. Goldfinch (2) eating dandelion heads patio. BT pines/yews. main pond. GT song (fast 2-syll.) spinney blackthorn. GT song (slow 2-syll.) weeping willow. Jackdaw (30+) collecting in white willow by main pond. GSW drumming spinney tall trees. Green woodpecker moved from A1065 ashwoods to hybrid poplars. Song thrush alarm MSE, main pond.
Swallow (2 + 3) over plot area.
Sparrowhawk (male) circling over meadow and WRR. Buzzard over general area. Grey heron (2) on meadows near WRR.
Oystercatcher kleep-calling over plot, heading eastwards.
Small copper by laurel hedge. Orangetip (male, female), peacock (2+).
No frost, overcast, cloud off North Sea, cool, wind E (BF 1-2).
Amber list: WP (4) T.B. blackthorn. Stock dove into shed. Kestrel hovering WRR. Sedge warbler song main pond (near weeping willow). Reed bunting song MNW.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes. Jackdaw ‘kaaar’ calls at beech box.
Blackbird (long-tail male) big oak. Blackbird song, wren song main pond Salix trees. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Goldfinch song main pond. Buzzard over meadow and nearby. Collared dove (3) big oak and S.S. plot. Red kite over Church Lane. Green woodpecker across from A1065 ashwoods to hybrid poplars.
Common gull (70+), BHG (5+) eastwards near plot. CGs almost all 1-year-olds.
Oystercatcher display flight over A1065 ashwoods and nearby arable.
[Hempton Common -- willow warbler (8+, perhaps 10+ singers), garden warbler song, chiffchaff song.]
[Holt Road Fakenham -- HG (5+), oystercatcher call, starling (4+), house sparrow (5+).]
[East Raynham -- egyptian goose (2) by R. Lodge.]
No frost, overcast, cloud off North Sea, cool, wind E (BF 0-1).
Red list: Greenfinch (2) in laurel hedge (newer plants opposite shed).
Amber list: WP (2) on concrete. Stock dove (2) T.B. Wren song shed shrubs. Kestrel perched hybrid poplars.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes. Jackdaw ‘kaaar’ calls near beech box.
Blackbird male (long-tail) on shed roof.
Grey heron (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR, following black cattle.
Greylag goose (2) over plot and A1065 ashwoods.
Oystercatcher (2) over plot heading ENE.
No frost, overcast, dull, very light drizzle (‘mizzle’), cloud off North Sea, cool, wind N or NE (BF 0-1).
Swallow over grazing near WBH.
Amber list: WP (3+) on concrete. WP (2) courtship main pond trees. Song thrush grassy area near shed shrubs. Stock dove (2) big oak. Stock dove entering shed north end. Wren song shed burdock and yews/box, shed shrubs, and by Hillside House Probable food delivery by kestrel at T.B. box. Kestrel perched WRR electricity pole. Sedge warbler song MSE. Sedge warbler song main pond. Reed bunting song MNW.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Blackcap pair) song spinney blackthorn. Blackbird male (short-tail) with small slug by Hillside House kitchen. Blackbird male (long-tail) by shed shrubs, later on concrete, apparently eating ants (likely Lasius niger). Male territories apparently overlap but recently little aggro (compare fierce fight 22/03). Blackbird female by WBH. Chiffchaff song WBH (opposite Red Sents). Coal tit (2) pines.
Sparrowhawk (adult male) across meadow towards spinney.
Light frost in shady places, sunny intervals, cloud from North Sea, cool, wind E or NE (BF 1-2).
Red list: Cuckoo song somewhere near scratty hedge. Greenfinch song beech. Greenfinch song laurels near main pond.
Amber list: WP (5+) beech. Song thrush shed burdock and WBH. Song thrush main pond. Sedge warbler song main pond. Kestrel (male) perched WRR electricity pole.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3 boxes.
Blackcap pair) song main pond. GT song (fast) beech. Chiffchaff call beech and blackthorn. Chaffinch (female) main pond trees. Collared dove WRR. Jay working laurel hedge.
Bibionid flies, peacock butterflies near pines. Orangetip.
No frost, overcast, cloud from North Sea, quite cool, wind E or NE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Cuckoo song somewhere near MNE. Greenfinch (2) over plot, down into laurel hedge area.
Amber list: WP (2+) WBH and nearby. Song thrush anting on shed concrete. Sedge warbler song main pond (west edge). Kestrel display flight over WRR area.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Blackcap song ivy hedge/patio area. Robin bathing in drinking trough. Blackbird (2, short-tail male, long-tail male) both on grassy area by shed (no aggro). GT song (slow) white willow near WBH. GT song (fast) spinney area. Carrion crow across plot, carrying ?egg. Chiffchaff call, song WBH.
No frost, patchy low cloud from North Sea, cooler, wind E or NE (BF 1-4).
Osprey drifting N or NE near Mill Covert 0754 BST.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) courtship feeding on S.S. plot: pair from laurel hedge. Marsh tit collecting nest mat near yews. Cuckoo song near MNE. Later, cuckoo perched in plum WBH, mobbed by goldfinches, BT, jackdaws (no visible satellite tag). Mistle thrush (2) aggro across plot, ended up in or near hybrid poplars. Mistle thrush song near Hillside House
Amber list: WP (2+) beech, also on patio. Wren song shed, also with nest mat under tractor. Stock dove carrying nest mat to shed. Kestrel (male) perched WRR electricity lines. Dunnock (2) hawthorn adjacent to WBH. Dunnock patio. At dusk --song thrush alarm spinney/WBH.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Blackcap song ivy hedge/patio area. Blackcap song pines. Blackcap song WBH and adjacent hawthorn (sim.reg. with spinney). Robin big oak. Goldfinch big oak. Collared dove (2) across plot. BT (2+) WBH/Red Sentinels. GT song (fast) spinney. GT song (slow) main pond area. Robin song spinney cypresses at dusk. LTT near shed.
Buzzard (2) H.P. area. Red kite over plot (no wingtags).
[Possible snipe calls near WRR at dusk.]
Muntjac WBH/spinney.
No frost, mainly overcast, patchy low cloud from North Sea, cooler, wind E (BF 1-4).
Red list: Cuckoo across meadow near hybrid poplars 0745 BST. Greenfinch song beech. Linnet (2) across plot from south. Mistle thrush landing in ash3 tree.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) on shed roof. WP (5+) beech. Wren song shed shrubs. Kestrel (male) on big ash (between Church Lane and T.B.), outside plot. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes.
Collared dove display over spinney. Collared dove (2) S.S. plot. Goldfinch (4+) round shed area. Blackbird (long-tail male) by shed shrubs. Blackbird (short-tail male) feeding at laurel hedge nest near A1065. Blackcap (male) across from spinney into pines. GT song shed area. BT round shed. Pied wagtail (2) across plot, prob. from S.S. Green woodpecker call from direction of H.P. Starling over plot from north.
Prob. Andrena nitida on track by laurel hedge, with other Andrena sp.
Red kite over WRR.
Cormorant (ad, with white crown/nape) over plot eastwards. Common gull (30+) eastwards near Churhc Lane.
No frost, sunny, slightly cooler, wind E (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch song big oak.
Amber list: Stock dove with nest mat into shed. WP (3+) beech. Wren song shed and yews area. Sedge warbler song main pond. Kestrel perched on entrance of box at T.B., also approaching box in flight. Mallard over main pond area.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash2 boxes.
Collared dove (2) into pines. Goldfinch (4+) round shed area. Robin (1 ad + 1 ?juv) A1065 cypresses. Chiffchaff call spinney. Green woodpecker call main pond trees or MSW.
Mining bees, Andrena spp., on track by laurel hedge. Anthophora plumipes (prob.) on comfrey under pines. Holly blue, orangetip.
Grey heron eastwards near plot. Muntjac on grazing near WBH/spinney.
No frost, mild, sunny, wind E or NE (BF 0-4).
Red list: Greenfinch emerging from laurel hedge by Hillside House
Amber list: Stock dove (3) courtship shed roof. Song thrush on grazing next to WBH. Mistle thrush foraging on grazing near WRR. WP big oak. WP (28) eating beech buds opposite Hillside House Wren song (box to spinney cypresses, moved). Sedge warbler song main pond. Reed bunting (male) MSE. Kestrel (male) perched ash tree at T.B. Moorhen call main pond. Mallard (male) over plot.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3 boxes.
Goldfinch song big oak. Blackbird (male) on grazing near WBH. Robin foraging round shed area. GT song beech (female nearby). BT song wych elm by Hillside House Coal tit song pines. Blackbird (long-tail male, near shed; short-tail male, near patio and ivy hedge).
Prob. Osmia bicolor (2+) shed south end, others in patio border. Mining bees, perhaps Andrena praecox, round/on weeping willow flowers.
Buzzard (2) over H.P.
[Magpie at nest in Salix tree west of WRR. Sparrowhawk over Mill Covert.]
No frost, mild, sunny, wind E or NE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Greenfinch song big oak. Greenfinch songflight towards mid-spinney.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak and shed. Wren song shed. Moorhen call main pond. Sedge warbler song main pond. Kestrel (female) perched on ash tree above box at T.B.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash3, willow boxes. Jackdaws (4+) foraging on ground near shed.
Blackcap song main pond near pines. GT song A1065 cypresses area. Goldfinch (4) main pond trees. Robin by patio. Chiffchaff song near weeping willow. Coal tit, WP pines. BT on Hillside House
Buzzard (2) over H.P.
Mining bee Andrena fulva on laurel hedge. Hoverflies (Eristalis, Syrpha (ribesii/vitripennis), Syritta). Symmorphus. Bombus pascuorum. Orangetip male, holly blue, brimstone male.
No frost, mild, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Red list: Greenfinch song by (or on) Hillside House Greenfinch songflight near main pond, also song apparently in laurel shrub plants.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) big oak and shed. Wren song shed and Hillside House Moorhen call main pond. Reed bunting male by main pond in Salix tree.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes. Jackdaws (4+) foraging on ground near shed, catching insects.
Blackcap song main pond/MSW, T.B., prob. 2 singers, sim.reg. GT alarm by main pond. Goldfinch (2) yews area by Hillside House kitchen. Robin song hornbeam by Hillside House (Robin box by ivy hedge contains nest but no clutch/brood). Pied wagtail (2 males) on concrete by Hillside House (no aggro). Chiffchaff song, flycatching under weeping willow. Collared dove (2) pines. Collared dove song (2, sim.reg.) a) big oak, b) WRR/spinney.
Buzzard over meadow.
Mining bee prob. Andrena sp. by patio, perhaps A. nitida. Orangetip female.
[Roe deer by Mill Covert.]
No frost, mild, hazy sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Greenfinch song in laurel hedge.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched next to kestrel box T.B. Bullfinch (male, female) on ash1 tree, from spinney. Stock dove (2) big oak and shed. Wren song shed shrubs. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes. Jackdaws (4+) foraging on ground near shed, catching insects.
Blackcap song, GT song spinney blackthorn. Goldfinch (2) yews area by Hillside House kitchen. Robin song near ivy hedge. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Pied wagtail (male) on shed roof and S.S. plot (Ronny’s house).
Buzzard perched white willow by main pond.
Symmorphus sp., mason bees prob. Osmia sp. (2+), Nuctenea on shed timber. Orangetip (2+), peacock.
Muntjac on grazing between WBH and WRR.
No frost, warm, sunny intervals.
[Kettlestone -- red kite, buzzard, swallow, house martin, linnet (2+), greenfinch, blackbird nest in woodshed, dunnock, robin, BT.]
No frost, warm, sunny intervals.
[Kettlestone -- kestrel, buzzard, house martin (3+), linnet.]
No frost, mild, hazy sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Greenfinch (2) on big oak, also going to nest in laurel hedge.
Amber list: Sedge warbler song main pond, (S end) -- first of season. Kestrel leaving T.B. to circle nearby. Bullfinch call spinney blackthorn. Stock dove emerging from cistern box inside shed, back again soon afterwards. Wren song by A1065 cypresses, also prob. carrying faecal sac from yew hedge. Moorhen call main pond. WP by WBH.
Jackdaws at beech, oak boxes. Jackdaws (4+) foraging on ground near shed, catching insects.
Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Goldfinch (4) yews by Hillside House kitchen, collecting nest mat, some aggro. Robin, GT (2) shed shrubs. Blackbird (female) by Hillside House kitchen, blackbird (male) by WBH. Chiffchaff song T.B. Blackcap song yews area, moved to pines.
Kestrel circling over meadow and WRR. Buzzard over meadow.
Symmorphus sp. (solitary wasp) on laurel hedge near shed. Mason bees prob. Osmia sp. (15+) on track by laurel hedge (burrow in ground surface). Hoverflies, prob. Eristalis interruptus, many on laurel hedge and vicinity (probably the prey being snapped up by jackdaws). Bombylius major (2+) on track. Holly blue, small tortoiseshell, brimstone (male), peacock (2+). First Chrysolina americana rosemary beetle in patio rosemary.
No frost, mild, hazy sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Greenfinch (female) collecting nest mat next to Hillside House kitchen by yews. Greenfinch (2) going to nest in laurel hedge.
Jackdaws into beech, oak boxes. Jackdaws (4+) foraging on ground near shed.
Bullfinch (female) in yew hedge and on Cox’s. Wren song beech. Wren song shed. (perhaps same singer). Goldfinch (2) by Hillside House kitchen. Robin shed shrubs. GT (2) song (‘chu, chu, ...’).
Kestrel in hybrid poplars. Kestrel driving off buzzard near T.B.
Red kite over plot. Buzzard over meadow.
Rook (2, prob. imm) heading SW over plot.
Yellowhammer (2), linnet, greenfinch WRR.
No frost, mild, hazy sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Greenfinch (female) next to Hillside House kitchen, greenfinch song laurel hedge. Marsh tit shed burdock.
Jackdaws at oak box, also 2 on concrete. Later, at dusk (1945 BST), jackdaws still making their way SE to roost, mainly in pairs with a few singletons, clearly not having started clutches yet.
Wren song yews area. Goldfinch (2) by Hillside House kitchen. Goldfinch into laurel hedge by A1065, prob. nest. Blackbird into same laurel hedge. GT (male, female) in patio shrubs. Dunnock pines. Blackbird (long-tailed male), song thrush by WBH. Robin foraging by ivy hedge. Blackbird (female) returning to laurel hedge nest. Blackbird song shed roof and ash1 tree (long-tailed male). Bullfinch (2) across from S.S. into spinney blackthorn.
Kestrel inside T.B. box, left towards WRR.
Holly blue, peacock round plot.
Greylag goose (5) over meadow, across WRR etc. Starling (3) across plot heading NE.
No frost, mild, hazy sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 1-2).
Red list: Greenfinch song near box. Greenfinch song main pond area (by laurels). Mistle thrush into spinney from north, probably provisioning. Linnet (2) off ash3 tree.
Kestrel display by box at T.B.
Stoat approaching to within 3-4 metres by main pond, 1145 BST.
Starling approached and landed on Hillside House
Jackdaws at oak box.
Wren yews and near Hillside House kitchen. Chaffinch (female) patio. Goldfinch (3+) round yews etc. Stock dove (2) on shed. Robin by shed. Blackbird (short-tailed male) on/near ivy hedge, and next to yews. Song thrush patio, also song thrush (2) aggro by WBH. GT (male, female) carrying nest mat to cypress box. GT song (chu, chu, chu, chu, different from other singer) beech. BT patio area. Song thrush song MSE blackthorn/hybrid poplars. Wren song MSE brash hedge. Chiffchaff song main pond.
Holly blue, brimstone (male), orangetip round plot.
Kestrel on big oak, also driving off carrion crow near T.B. Later landing near T.B. box, loud calling.
Mallard (2, males) over/near plot. Mallard (female) dropping into main pond.
CG (15+), BHG (5+) heading south near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, wind S or SE (BF 1-2).
Red list: Mistle thrush song mid-spinney. Mistle thrush through A1065 ashwoods, opposite Hillside House, perhaps provisioning now. Greenfinch (2) song laurel hedge near Hillside House, also spinney cypresses. Greenfinch song hybrid poplars. Greenfinch (2) songflighting over H.P. north end (at least two singers). Marsh tit song beech.
Jackdaws at oak box, still inside at dusk so now likely incubating. Jackdaw (4+) foraging by big oak.
Wren song near box. Blackcap song spinney. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Chaffinch (male) on beech, also song. Goldfinch (4+) round yews etc. Stock dove (3) on shed, copulation. Collared dove (2) shed area. Dunnock song yews. Robin by shed and by ivy hedge. Blackbird (short-tailed male) near ivy hedge. Blackbird long-tailed male near WBH. Blackbird (female) patio. Song thrush patio, also song thrush (2) aggro by WBH. GT emerging from cypress box. GT song spinney blackthorn area (‘ter-shee, ter-shee, ...’ -- another present, different song). BT patio area. Coal tit foraging on lichen or moss-covered parts of big oak, some song. Treecreeper edge of spinney near A1065. Jay (2) under big oak.
Buzzard through A1065 ashwoods, low down. Buzzard (2) display over H.P. Carrion crow (2) across plot. Grey heron across plot from west. CG (5+) drifting south near plot.
Frost, sunny, wind W or SW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaws at oak box, also pairs inspecting chimneys at S.S. (where cowls already in place).
Wren song, goldcrest Hillside House Goldfinch (2) yews. WP (5+) on beech eating buds. Stock dove on shed. Collared dove (2) pines. Chaffinch (female, feet intact) on concrete by shed. Chaffinch song spinney. Dunnock foraging by shed burdock. Robin (2) by shed. Blackbird (short-tailed male) ivy hedge. GT, BT (2) round cypress box. Later, GT emerging from cypress box. Jay in A1065 ashwoods, perhaps collecting nest mat.
Kestrel (male) on WRR electricity pole.
Rook (3) heading SE over plot.
[Buzzard (2) over Mill Covert.]
Frost, sunny, wind N or NW (BF 1-2).
[Stubb Mill near Hickling with AMW -- common cranes calling in distance, stonechat (male, female), linnet (2+), reed bunting (male), skylark (10+), pied wagtail, kingfisher, snipe, sparrowhawk (female), marsh harrier (5+, male, female), kestrel (male), buzzard, mallard (male, female), gadwall (male), chiffchaff song, willow warbler song; muntjac, red deer tracks & scrambles, fox scat.]
[Swallow near Hickling.]
[Horsey Mere -- GCG (2), cormorant (2), pied wagtail (male, female), greylag goose (10+).]
Sparrowhawk display flight over Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, milder, light showers at times, overcast, wind W (BF 2-5).
Kestrel (female) perched by box at T.B. Kestrel (male) nearby.
Blackbird (short-tailed male) on ivy hedge and patio. Blackbird (long-tailed male) by shed and WBH. Song thrush (2) by yew hedge/WBH. Chiffchaff song spinney near blackthorn patch.
Mistle thrush song mid-spinney.
Jackdaws (6+) big oak and grassy areas. Collared dove big oak. Collared dove (2) flushed from pines. BT song MNE. Linnet (3+) near scratty hedge, some song, source location not clear. Bullfinch call WBH (sea buckthorn area). Chaffinch song spinney. Goldfinch on alders MSW. Greenfinch song/call close to WRR/Church Lane junction.
GT shed area. Chiffchaff call near shed. Pied wagtail (male) on/round shed. Wren song by shed.
Greylag goose on grazing between WBH and WRR (likely that female is on a nest somewhere nearby). Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Buzzard over meadow and H.P.
Nuthatch song, mistle thrush song Church Lane.
[Chinese water deer road casualty along A1065, near E.Raynham. Red kite, carrion crow along same stretch. Rook, jackdaws (10+), starling (5+) Hempton (old) village. Starling (3), some song, Holt Road Fakenham.]
No frost, milder, rain or drizzle at first, dry but overcast later, wind W (BF 3-5).
Mallard (female with ~7 small ducklings) under laurel by main pond.
Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods opposite S.S./Hillside House boundary (mistle thrush song Church Lane woods at same time); also mistle thrush song on big oak. Mistle thrush provisioning at Church Lane (near spruce).
Jackdaws (10+) big oak, beech, main pond trees. Jackdaws (6+) foraging on grazing west of WBH. Stock dove near big oak.
BT (2) by/in A1065 cypress box. Robin foraging by Hillside House kitchen and by ivy hedge. Coal tit foraging patio shrubs. Collared dove S.S. plot. Bullfinch (female) in MSE blackthorn. Chiffchaff song WBH opposite main pond. Nuthatch song/call H.P. Wren in reeds MSE. Goldfinch (2) in Hamamelis. Pied wagtail (2) S.S. plot and across shed area.
Greylag goose on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Buzzard (2) display over H.P. Red kite over plot.
CG (5+) drifting southwards over plot.
Sharp frost, cold, sunny, wind N or NW (BF 1-3).
Mistle thrush song spinney east end.
Jackdaws (10+) big oak, beech, main pond trees. Stock dove (2) on big oak by box.
GT song, BT near A1065 cypress box. Blackbird (male, short-tailed) patio and under ivy hedge, WP (2) foraging on grassy area near big oak. BT (3) by laurel hedge. Robin song shed roof. Chaffinch song just SW of beech. Marsh tit song spinney blackthorn. Mistle thrush song mid-spinney. Coal tit song, call pines. Coal tit foraging on ash tree by bat boxes. GT song near beech. Reed bunting (male) T.B. Blackbird alarm along MNE track. Collared dove (2) in pines. Bullfinch call MSW by track. Chiffchaff song WBH opposite main pond. Nuthatch song/call A1065 ashwoods opposite S.S. GSW into hybrid poplars. Wren song just north of main pond. Song thrush song spinney cypresses.
Kestrel (male) perched hybrid poplars (above brash hedge). Kestrel (male) hovering over garzing west of WBH, perched WRR electricity pole, and calling over meadow.
Redwing (16+) into spinney roost at dusk.
Buzzard (5) display/aggro over meadow and nearby. Red kite over WRR.
CG (30+) drifting southwards over plot.
[Buzzard over Mill Covert. Muntjac grazing on cereal crop near Mill Covert.]
Calmer, frost after hail, quite cold, sunny, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Mistle thrush song spinney east end.
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, beech, main pond trees.
GT song near A1065 cypress box. Blackbird (male), song thrush, jackdaw (4), WP (2) foraging on grassy area near big oak. Redwing (2) on ash tree spinney. Goldfinch (3) shed shrubs. BT patio. Robin song near yews.
Green woodpecker off big oak into spinney.
CG (2), HG (1), BHG over/near plot.
Kestrel (male) perched hybrid poplars (above brash hedge).
[Buzzard over Mill Covert.]
Blustery, quite cold, sunny intervals later, hail showers, wind NE (BF 3-5).
Mistle thrush song WRR.
Jackdaws (10+) big oak, beech, main pond trees.
Chiffchaff song big oak and shed shrubs. GT yews. Marsh tit song spinney blackthorn and WBH. Marsh tit MSE under hybrid poplars. Moorhen call/alarm on main pond. Goldcrest across plot to S.S. plot.
Kestrel hovering over grazing near WBH. Red kite over WRR and nearby. Buzzard (2) over meadow and H.P.
Light snow on ground at first, sunny intervals later, blustery, cold, wind NE (BF 3-5).
Mistle thrush song spinney north edge.
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, beech, main pond trees. Stock dove on shed roof.
Dunnock song yews. GT song by A1065 cypress box. Chaffinch by shed.
Kestrel perched WBH, also hovering over grazing.
Blackbird song shed roof at dusk.
No frost, overcast, drizzle or steady rain later, wind N (BF 1-2).
Mistle thrush song spinney north edge.
Jackdaws (21+) main pond trees. Jackdaw emerging from Hillside House chimney. Stock dove out of shed. WP (2) on track by yew hedge.
Greylag goose on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Blackbird (male, long-tailed) on shed roof and nearby. GT song by A1065 cypress box. BT (2) Hamamelis and patio shrubs. Robin song between shed and Hillside House Chaffinch (female) on shed concrete. Chiffchaff song WBH. Goldfinch (3) near Hillside House
Kestrel (male) perched T.B. Linnet calls, marsh tit song near T.B.
Redwing (9+) on WBH and across plot, some subsong.
At dusk -- redwing (60+) across plot from spinney area, towards H.P.
No frost, overcast at first, sunny in afternoon, wind E (BF 0-2).
CETTI’S WARBLER song main pond (southern part) 1430 BST.
Mistle thrush ash3 tree.
Jackdaws (14+) oak, ash3, and main pond trees. Stock dove (2) on or by beech box.
Greylag goose (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Blackbird (male, short-tailed, with female) by patio and shed burdock. GT main pond trees. BT Hamamelis. Kestrel (male) perched ash3 tree, also near T.B. Chiffchaff song WBH. Robin, wren by Hillside House Kestrel (male) perched ash3 tree.
Goldfinch with nest mat in laurel hedge near A1065.
Reed bunting (male) MNE goat willow.
Fieldfare (16) near WRR, then eastwards.
Grey heron along Carr Stream.
No frost, mist at first, then sunny, wind E (BF 0-1).
CETTI’S WARBLER song main pond 0950 BST.
Mistle thrush song spinney.
Jackdaws (10+) oak, ash3, and main pond trees. Jackdaws (4) at beech box (2 inside, 2 on top).
Greylag goose (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Blackbird (male, long-tailed, with female) on and by shed. Blackbird (male, short-tailed, with female) by ivy hedge, probably changeover at nest in laurel hedge. GT song A1065 cypresses area. BT T.B. GT alarm hybrid poplars. Dunnock shed roof. Stock dove emerging from shed north end. WP by WBH. Collared dove (2) across plot. Kestrel round meadow area, perhaps inspecting T.B. box. Chiffchaff song main pond.
Linnet (2) MNE. LTT (2) MNE. Reed bunting (female?) MSE near track. Reed bunting MSW. GT (3+) probable courtship chasing MSE blackthorn. Robin song close to hybrid poplars. Robin song weeping willow by main pond. Moorhen call main pond. Mallard (2) over round main pond. Muntjac by main pond.
Mistle thrush song WRR/Church Lane junction.
Buzzard across meadow to perch on WRR electricity pole.
27/03/2022Remains of woodpigeon killed by sparrowhawk 2022-03-27 (3161)
No frost, overcast, light drizzle, wind nil (BF 0).
Sparrowhawk (female) plucking woodpigeon prey near to WBH and washing-line. Prey identified by width of pale banding on tail-feathers, by comparison with featherbase. WP had apparently been eating lilac buds.
Jackdaws (12+) main pond trees.
Wren song near Hillside House
Redwing (25, 12) eastwards across plot.
27/03/2022 (continued)Crop contents of woodpigeon killed by sparrowhawk 2022-03-27 (3169)
Hind gut of WP prey discarded by sparrowhawk.
27/03/2022 (continued)Crop contents of woodpigeon killed by sparrowhawk 2022-03-27 (3169)
Crop contents of WP prey probably Syringa buds from nearby (originally thought to be ash tree buds, but the bracts in the crop were green, not black, and rest of contents were lilac-coloured).
Light frost, sunny, wind E or SE (BF 0-1).
Mistle thrush song spinney and ash1 tree.
Jackdaws (10+) oak, ash3, and main pond trees. Attempting to build in Hillside House chimney again.
Blackbird (male) WBH. WP (3), stock dove on shed.
[Kettlestone -- house sparrows (10+), starling (4+), greenfinch songflight (2 ,males), goldfinch, chaffinch, linnet, fieldfare, buzzard, red kite, kestrel.]
25/03/2022Daffodils Hillside House 2022-03-27 (3175)
Light frost, hazy sun, wind E or SE (BF 0-1).
Mistle thrush song spinney. Mistle thrush foraging near or under big oak.
Moorhen on track by WBH.
Jackdaws (14) oak, beech, and main pond trees.
Blackbird (male), stock dove on shed. WP WBH. WP (2) courtship by yew hedge. Goldfinch (2) blackthorn plants by shed, perhaps beginning nestbuilding in laurel hedge. Dunnock (2) courtship by shed. Song thrush (2) by yew hedge. GT (2) shed burdock etc. Wren song laurel hedge. Blackbird female by WBH. Chiffchaff song round meadow. Kestrel (male) on WRR electricity pole. Marsh tit (2) MSE blackthorn and poplars.
Buzzard (5+ total) over H.P., Church Lane etc.
Egyptian goose across meadow area. Greylag goose (2 + 3) in general area of plot.
[Gulls (400+, mixed CG, BHG) on tilled arable near Mill Covert.]
[Rook nests in Fakenham area -- 6 by church; 10 Norwich Rd (near JB); ~10 Hempton.]
Light frost, sunny, wind E or SE (BF 0-1).
Mistle thrush song (2, sim.reg.) a) spinney, b) Church Lane/WRR junction area.
Jackdaws (10+) oak, beech, ash1, ash3, willow boxes.
Robin, RLP (2) by shed. GT (2) near Hillside House BT (2) big oak.
Collared dove across plot. Stock dove (3) on shed, big oak. Wren by shed. Collared dove (2) in pines. Blackbird (male, female) by WBH. Mistle thrush (2) aggro round main pond. Song thrush (2) near MSE. Dunnock by shed and yews. Goldfinch (2) yews, big oak, pines. Carrion crow on grazing near WBH. Coal tit (2) big oak etc. Bullfinch (2+) WBH (plum). Reed bunting (male, summer plumage) T.B. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. GT song A1065 cypress box area, also MSE in hybrid poplars. BT patio shrubs. Wren A1065 cypresses. Blackcap song (brief) spinney blackthorn. Moorhen alarm main pond.
Kestrel (male) perched WRR electricity pole. Red kite over WRR area. Buzzard over H.P.
Starling (30, 25, 12, 18) all heading eastwards across plot -- return migration.
At dusk -- song thrush song main pond trees. Buzzard (3) from H.P. to spinney area.
[Yellowhammer (male) on goat willows west of WRR.]
[Gulls (400+, aminly CG) on newly-tilled arable near Mill Covert.]
No frost, sunny, wind E or SE (BF 0-2).
Mistle thrush song (strong) spinney west end.
Blackcap song spinney.
Jackdaws (10+) big oak, beech, main pond.
Blackbird female nestbuilding laurel hedge by A1065. Mate is the the short-tailed male.
Robin song by Hillside House Collared dove (2 + 1) big oak and nearby, display-flight. Stock dove (2) big oak. WP by WBH. Marsh tit song spinney, also MSE. Greenfinch call spinney cypresses. Linnet call MSW. Bullfinch (2) WBH. Goldfinch (2) yews area. Song thrush MSE. Robin song MSE brash hedge. LTT (2) on big oak. Mallard (male, female) up grom main pond. Dunnock song MSE blackthorn. Jay MSE, WBH. Pied wagtail S.S. plot and Carr Stream near MNE.
Remains of stock dove under ash2 box.
Toad frenzy continues, 5-6 clusters.
Red kite over WRR, then plot. Kestrel circling near WRR. Buzzard over H.P. [Magpie west of WRR.]
Peacock, brimstone butterflies round plot. Bombus terrestris, Bombus pascuorum (latter on comfrey).
[Roe deer (3 males) grazing on arable crop near Mill Covert.]
No frost, sunny (hazy), wind E or SE (BF 1-2).
Mistle thrush song (strong) willow by main pond, also foraging on grassy area by big oak.
Starling (full breeding plumage) on ash1 tree (jackdaws on front of box at same time), then willow by main pond.
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, beech, main pond.
Blackbird (2) male-male aggro by Hillside House, intense conflict. One male as before has shortened, pointed tail-feathers.
Wren song by Hillside House, yews. Collared dove (2) big oak etc. Stock dove, WP (3) on shed. Dunnock by Hillside House BT patio shrubs. Bullfinch (3, 1 female, 2 males chasing) WBH. Marsh tit song spinney, shed, then MSE (hybrid poplars), same individual. Stock dove (2) round shed. GT, coal tit by shed. Blackbird (female) nestbuilding laurel hedge by A1065. Robin song by Hillside House Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Greenfinch (2) yews.
Buzzard perched WRR electricity pole. Buzzard (3 + 1) circling over general area of plot.
Greylag goose (2) on grazing near WRR (east side).
Comma, brimstone (male) butterflies round plot.
Rook (3) circling westwards over plot.
[Common gull (100+) on arable near Mill Covert.]
Definite frost, sunny at first, cloudy later, wind E or SE (BF 0-1).
Kestrel perched big oak and T.B. Kestrel (male) near Church Lane.
Mistle thrush song (strong) spinney west, and along WRR.
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, beech, main pond.
Linnet (2) MNE hawthorn, went off westwards.
Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Wren along meadow east edge. GT alarm by main pond. Marsh tit (2) MSE brash hedge. Coal tit song hybrid poplars area. Goldfinch (2) yews. Collared dove (2) big oak. Stock dove (2) on shed. Jay WBH. BT (2) inspecting A1065 cypress box.
Toad frenzy continues, perhaps 9+ clusters.
Fieldfare (20), redwing (10) SHO area.
Buzzard perched WRR electricity pole.
Green woodpecker call near A1065/WRR junction, also Church Lane.
No frost, sunny, wind E (BF 2-4).
Peregrine (adult, male?) circling with buzzard (2+) over general area of plot, drifting westwards.
Mistle thrush song (strong) spinney west, also on ash3 tree. Mistle thrush song H.P. (a second singer, sim.reg.).
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, beech, main pond. Jackdaws attempting to build at Hillside House chimney again.
Wren A1065 cypresses. GT at cypress box. GT (3) burdock. Goldfinch (2) yews. Collared dove song big oak. Stock (4) shed roof, 2 upward-fluttering, probably same pair copulation on big oak. Robin song shed shrubs. Greenfinch call near laurel hedge. Redwing (3) main pond trees. Fieldfare into hybrid poplars. Redwing (40+) meadow area. Robin (2) aggro by MSE brash hedge. Coal tit (2) probable courtship chasing MSE. BT (4) courtship chasing MSE. Wren MSE. Song thrush song T.B. Chiffchaff song spinney.
Queen Bombus terrestris by Hillside House
Toad frenzy continues.
Starling (30, 50) heading east, clearly return migration.
Kestrel perched WRR electricity pole. Buzzard perched WRR electricity pole different location.
Green woodpecker call near A1065/WRR junction, also Church Lane.
[Roe deer (5) grazing on new arable crop (wheat?) near Mill Covert.]
No frost, sunny, wind SE or E (BF 0-1).
Woodcock up from MSW, went back down near MNE.
Mistle thrush song (strong) beech, before and round sunrise. Mistle thrush on grazing near WRR.
Jackdaws (4+) big oak. Jackdaws in/out at oak, ash3, willow boxes.
Wren song by Hillside House Collared dove (2) across plot. Coal tit (2) in pines. Stock dove (2) big oak. Kestrel hovering along WRR. Red kite over WRR, meadow etc. Buzzard over H.P. Reed bunting (2) T.B. Redwing (6) meadow area.
Light frost, sunny, wind SE or E (BF 0-1).
Greenfinch call by laurel hedge 0835 BST.
Jackdaws (18) round main pond, at oak, beech, willow, ash3 boxes, etc. Alarms at jay. Stock dove near shed.
Robin song yews. Dunnock (2) yew hedge. BT (3) chasing by shed. Wren song near box/yews. Marsh tit on big oak. WP eating holly berries. Carrion crow (2) hybrid poplars.
Mistle thrush song (strong) spinney north edge.
Blackbird male with worn, pointed tail feathers by patio.
Chiffchaff song WBH opposite main pond. Robin (2, song) MSE. BT alarm MSE. Chaffinch across meadow. Red kite over meadow and plot. Buzzard over H.P.
Greylag goose on grazing immediately north of Carr Stream, near T.B.
[Kestrel perched west of WRR.]
[Rooks at nests (approx. 4) by Fakenham Church. GT (2), blackbird song. Rook also nests at Hempton (approx. 8).]
No frost, sunny after overnight rain, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
Greenfinch (2, male, female) emerging from laurel hedge 0840 BST.
Jackdaws at oak, beech, willow, ash3 boxes, also perhaps inside shed. Stock dove round shed.
Robin (2) copulation shed shrubs.
Mistle thrush song (strong) spinney north edge.
Blackbird male-male aggro by patio (1 male has worn, pointed tail feathers). Blackbird female (2) by yew hedge. GT, dunnock shed burdock. Chaffinch (female) big oak.
Toad frenzy underway (6+) clusters.
Buzzard (4) circling over plot, some aggro.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, rain later, wind S or SE (BF 1-2).
Snipe (5) over meadow, went down somewhere west of WRR.
Jackdaw (2) in oak box together. Stock dove round shed.
Mistle thrush (2) aggro on big oak. Mistle thrush song big oak and ash tree near spinney/WBH junction. Also a second mistle thrush song near Church Lane/WRR junction. Collared dove pines. Song thrush on main pond trees. Carrion crow (3) in hybrid poplars.
Marsh tit, goldfinch (3), robin song shed burdock. Blackbird male-male aggro by patio. Blackbird female, BT (2) near ivy hedge. BT (3) aggro T.B. LTT in reeds MSW (just north of main pond). Redwing (5), blackbird MNE. Redwing (31) on ash3 tree. Fieldfare (15) heading SE across plot. Dunnock (2) courtship WBH/yew hedge.
Red kite (no wingtags) carried bird to large tree near Church Lane, perhaps woodpige*n.
Kestrel WRR electricity pole. Later, buzzard perched same location.
Toad frenzy (7+ clusters).
Gulls (40+, 25+, etc, mainly CG) over Church Lane area, drifting south. Gulls (320+, mixed CG, BHG) eastwards across plot.
The Ides of March: a day for all tyrants to fear. Light frost, sunny intervals, dry, wind S or SW (BF 0-2).
Jackdaw (8+) at beech, oak, willow, ash3 boxes. Stock dove on shed roof.
Starling (35+), fieldfare (2+) on main pond trees. (Fieldfares mainly 300m west of WRR.)
Blackbird (male, female), GT, wren song by Hillside House Robin song by Hillside House and on big oak. Goldfinch (2) laurel hedge. Carrion crow (2) near WBH. Chiffchaff song MSW.
Robin song MSE brash hedge. LTT (2) hybrid poplars. Blackbird (2) T.B., MSE. Wren MSE.
Greylag goose (2) across plot low down.
No frost, sunny, dry, wind S or SW (BF 0-2).
Jackdaw (8+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (2) occupying oak box, collecting leaf-litter. Also jackdaw (2) at renovated beech box.
Stock dove round big oak, shed. Stock dove (2) emerging from shed. WP (2+) big oak area. Blackbird male by Hillside House GT song by A1065 cypresses. Coal tit pines and near Hillside House
Linnet (male) (song), calls T.B.
Woodcock up from under laurel shrubs by main pond.
Chiffchaff song main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Reed bunting song, poplar tree A14. Blackbird (male) T.B. BT, GT (alarm) MNE.
Wren song, dunnock song main pond. Robin song patio. Pied wagtail on S.S. plot (Ronny’s house).
Greylag goose (2) southwards over plot, later northwards low down.
Toad frenzy, low levels, main pond, some calling.
Buzzard (2) over/near H.P. Buzzard perched WRR electricity pole, mobbed by kestrel.
No frost, sunny intervals, overcast later, slight drizzle at times, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Woodcock up from edge of main pond, gave shrill alarm call.
Chiffchaff song spinney cypresses.
Jackdaw (12+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (2) fighting over beech box or Hillside House chimney.
Fieldfare (45), starling (55) across plot eastwards, probably moving. Redwing (7+) main pond trees, subsong etc. Mistle thrush song WRR area.
Robin by Hillside House Blackbird female (2), male by Hillside House patio, yews. Chaffinch (male) on big oak. Chaffinch (female with bumblefoot) on shed concrete. Marsh tit song shed burdock. BT round A1065 cypresses box. BT (2) yews. Coal tit, GT by shed. Goldfinch (2) round shed area. WP (4) foraging on grass areas by shed.
First signs of toad frenzy, but still subdued.
Buzzard over meadow. Sparrowhawk (male?) circling over H.P.
Common gull (25+), BHG (5+) heading south near plot, in loose groups. Greylag goose (3) Church Lane.
No frost, sunny intervals, quite mild, dry, wind S or SW (BF 1-4(5)).
Jackdaw (6+) big oak and main pond trees, some nest-mat. Stock dove (2) round shed.
Fieldfare (10), starling (20) on grazing between WBH and WRR, later on main pond trees. Later fieldfare (18) across plot.
Blackbird (male, female) by Hillside House yews. Dunnock, robin, GT shed burdock. Chaffinch (2) round shed area. Marsh tit by shed. BT round A1065 cypresses box. Kestrel perched big oak. Goldfinch (4) round shed area. Coal tit (2) in pines (foraging on cones). Redwing (2) by WBH. Redwing (8+) across plot.
Linnet (2) song and calls MNE, by Carr Stream. LTT (2), GT (3), BT, bullfinch call, wren, blackbird T.B. and MNE. Fieldfare (2), song thrush, redwing MNE. Marsh tit, GT (2) MSE.
Buzzard over WRR area.
Common gull (100+), BHG (75+) heading south near plot, in loose groups.
No frost, sunny at first, mild, dry, wind S or SE (BF 1-4).
Jackdaw (17+) big oak and main pond trees.
Stock dove on shed roof. WP big oak.
Mistle thrush on grazing between WBH and WRR. Mistle thrush into spinney from near WBH track.
Fieldfare, starling (25+) on grazing near MNW, later probably moving eastwards. Starling (35+), fieldfare (2+), redwing (8+) collecting on ash trees spinney.
Siskin (2) over meadow.
Wren song T.B. GT song near A1065 cypresses. GT song MSE. Dunnock (2) courtship, BT (4), robin shed burdock. Dunnock patio shrubs.Robin, goldfinch by ivy hedge. Chaffinch (male) across shed area. Goldfinch song near big oak. Coal tit foraging on pines. Marsh tit song near shed. Sparrowhawk (male) into spinney near box tree. Moorhen call main pond.
Buzzard (2) over H.P. and Church Lane area. [Buzzard (3) over Raynham Hall area.]
Bug Sehirus bicolor (pied shieldbug) numerous in leaf-litter under big oak. Some violets Viola canina in flower. Little evidence of to*d activity yet, but common toad under water in Carr Stream.
Common gull (30+), BHG (10+), LBBG (5+) heading south near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, dry, wind S or SE (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (6+) under/near big oak. Jackdaws bathing in temporary pool by WBH.
Mistle thrush song spinney north edge or WRR. Later, mistle thrush song (2, simultaneous) a) WRR area (near WRR/Church Lane junction), b) hybrid poplars. Mistle thrush (2) across from WRR to main pond trees.
Fieldfare (4), mistle thrush on ash1 tree.
Fieldfare (25+), starling (20+) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
GT song near A1065 cypresses. Dunnock (2) courtship, BT (3), robin, blackbird (male), shed burdock. Chaffinch (female with bumblefoot), goldfinch shed concrete. WP on shed. Coal tit call pines.
Linnet song MNE hawthorn, later also song in T.B. Reed bunting song T.B./MNW. Wren, robin (song), blackbird, LTT, GT, redwing subsong MSE blackthorn. Redwing (7+) meadow area.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, dry, wind S or SW (BF 1-3).
Marsh harrier (adult male) across plot heading S or SW 0919 BST.
First evidence of start of toad frenzy -- common toad in patio border.
Jackdaw (17+) on big oak, main pond trees. Stock dove (2) courtship round main pond.
Fieldfare (5+), starling (50+), mistle thrush (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Redwing song MSE (in hybrid poplars). Robin, GT (2), LTT (2), dunnock MSE.
Moorhen by small temporary pond next to WBH (few records here recently).
Little egret over and round plot. Song thrush by ivy hedge. Wren, blackbird (male) by shed. GT (2), BT (2+) by big oak. WP in pines. Mallard (male, female) down onto main pond. Robin (2), goldfinch (2+), dunnock (2) by shed and Hillside House Marsh tit song, also eating burdock seeds by laurel hedge. Chaffinch (female with bumblefoot) on concrete by shed. Chaffinch song laurel hedge. Pied wagtail S.S. plot (Ronny’s house).
Treecreeper foraging on dry, moss-covered trunk of big oak.
Kestrel on WRR electricity pole. Buzzard at T.B., mobbed by carrion crow (2). Red kite over Church Lane. Green woodpecker call Church Lane.
[Buzzard (2) ovr Mill Covert. Cormorant (2) heading ESE over Mill Covert.]
Sharp frost, sunny, dry, wind E or SE (BF 1-2, later 1-4).
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak, main pond trees. Stock dove on big oak.
Mistle thrush (2), fieldfare (5+), starling (40+), carrion crow (2), jackdaws (10+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Fieldfare (40+) west of WRR.
Jay WBH. Redwing main pond trees. Coal tit big oak. GT (2), BT (4), marsh tit near Hillside House Robin, wren, dunnock (2) by shed and Hillside House Blackbird (4+) near yew hedge. Goldfinch (4) near patio and shed. WP (2), collared dove (2) by big oak. GT song near Hillside House Chaffinch song spinney. Mallard (male) down onto main pond. Coal tit working cones on pines. Pied wagtail across plot.
Kestrel (female) dropping onto prey in WBH, from big oak. A second kestrel present west of WRR.
Common gull (5+), BHG across plot.
WP (60+) west of WRR.
Common gull (25+, in small groups), BHG (30+), lapwing (5) heading SE near plot.
A very pale (perhaps imm) buzzard moving steadily ESE over plot from beyond Mill Covert, high up, clearly in transit -- unusually pale, reminiscent of ospr*y, creamy-white head, underside like rough-leg.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, wind E (BF 1-2).
Peregrine (adult male) attacked WP near hybrid poplars, continued westwards, 1827 BST.
Kestrel (female) on big oak.
GT song near Hillside House GT in patio border. BT on patio shrubs. Robin song, blackbird MNE. GT (2), BT (2) along meadow east edge. Reed bunting, wren, stock dove T.B. WP by shed. Goldfinch by A1065 cypresses. Chaffinch (2) over S.S. plot towards spinney.
Jackdaw (4+) on big oak, main pond trees.
Mistle thrush, fieldfare (5+), jackdaw (10+), carrion crow (2+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Redwing on main pond trees. Magpie MSE trees.
Buzzard over Church Lane, H.P. Buzzard (2), red kite over H.P. Carrion crow mobbed kestrel over H.P. Sparrowhawk (female?) across plot from NW towards NBW.
Probable brook lamprey (Lampreta planeri) in Carr Stream opposite T.B., approx. 16-18cm length, very slim, e*l- or snake-like, near stream bed.
GSW drumming H.P. and Church Lane.
Woodcock across plot from east, 1920 BST. Redwing (30+), some blackbirds, into spinney cypresses and other trees nearby, 1845 BST onwards. Song thrush alarms in spinney. Robin song by shed, yews.
Common gull (5+) across plot.
[Grey heron over fields west of WRR. WP (40+) on arable south of A1065 ashwoods.]
No frost, overcast, light drizzle in morning, wind NE (BF 1-2).
Blackcap (male) in Hamamelis by ivy hedge: earliest spring record here. GT (song), robin, blackbird nearby. WP (4+) in pines etc. Stock dove display over plot. Jay WBH. Mistle thrush into hybrid poplars. Goldcrest, coal tit near shed and pines. GT visiting A1065 cypress box. Marsh tit song MSE, S.S. plot and near shed. Robin MSE. Goldfinch (3) on concrete by shed.
Jackdaw (15+) on big oak, main pond trees. Later jackdaw (40) on ash2 tree, carrion crow (2) present.
Song thrush in main pond trees. Fieldfare (20+), redwing (10+) in trees near main pond. Green woodpecker into hybrid poplars. Magpie WRR.
Grey wagtail (2) over fields near WRR.
Redwing over plot southwards.
Kestrel on WRR electricity pole.
BT (3) in laurel hedge.
Buzzard across meadow.
Starling (120) on cables, WRR, and on grazing. Later, starling (15, 15) heading east.
[WP (75+) over fields west of WRR.]
No frost, overcast, rain/drizzle in morning, wind N or NE (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak, main pond trees.
Kestrel round MSW, into spinney.
Collared dove (2) near main pond and on S.S. plot. Blackbird song spinney near cypresses.
Buzzard, red kite over plot.
Starling (35+), fieldfare (2) on grazing bewteen WBH and WRR.
Starling (15) heading ESE across plot.
Redwing (40+) going into spinney roost.
Gulls (30+, CG, BHG) heading S over plot.
No frost, overcast, drizzle in afternoon, wind N or NW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaw (28) on hybrid poplars after arrival from roost.
Green woodpecker off big oak towards spinney.
Robin song spinney. Dunnock MSE. Robin MSW by goat willow work. GT MSW. Marsh tit MNE. Collared dove big oak. Kestrel perched goat willow MSW. GSW across plot. Nuthatch call/song S.S. plot. Wren by Hillside House
Coal tit song MNW.
Mistle thrush song near A1065/WRR junction.
[Active rook nests (3 or 4) in trees by Fakenham Church.]
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind S or SE (BF 1-2).
Water rail up from next to track MSW, dropped into reeds close by. One of the latest (spring) records here.
Jackdaw (12+) on big oak, main pond trees.
Blackbird (male) by laurel hedge. Robin song spinney cypresses. Jay MNE. Stock dove (2), reed bunting (male), BT, dunnock (2), wren song T.B. BT on patio shrubs. Redwing (6+) across plot from spinney. Goldcrest by Hillside House Collared dove (2) courtship on big oak. WP shed area.
Siskin (male) subsong on alder MSW. Coal tit song MSW.
Mistle thrush song near A1065/WRR junction.
Fieldfare (10+), redwing (10+) collecting in hybrid poplars.
Starling (40) over fields west of WRR.
Buzzard over H.P., mobbed by carrion crow (2).
Common gull (2+) southwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, light drizzle at first, wind ESE (BF 1-2).
Peregrine (adult male) across plot from NW, went into attack mode over H.P. 1715 BST.
Jackdaw (16+) on big oak, main pond trees.
GT song by A1065 cypresses. Jay under big oak. Stock dove on shed. Robin by Hillside House BT on patio shrubs. Dunnock in laurel hedge. Dunnock song hawthorn along MSW. GT (2), BT (2+) MNE. LTT T.B. GSW in hybrid poplars. Wren MSE. GT alarm MSE. RLP (3) on grazing near WBH. Goldfinch (15+) near main pond in hybrid poplars.
Kestrel perched north edge of spinney. Buzzard perched T.B.
Fieldfare (40), redwing (20) arriving at spinney roost 1735 BST.
[Gulls (300+, mainly CG, BHG) up from arable near Mill Covert.]
No frost, mainly overcast, drizzle or rain at first, wind NE (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (12+) on big oak, main pond trees.
Jackdaws (50+) heading south at dusk.
Mistle thrush on big oak, went towards spinney. Wren inside shed. GT call by main pond. Reed bunting (male in partial summer plumage) T.B. Jay hybrid poplars. Redwing (7) across plot from spinney. Carrion crow (2) on grazing near WBH.
Fieldfare (60+), snipe up from fields west of WRR.
Buzzard on WRR electricity pole.
Kestrel (female) on WRR electricity pole.
[Kestrel perched 250m west of WRR. Buzzard perched same area. Red kite, buzzard over Mill Covert.]
Light frost, sunny intervals at first, overcast later, rain after sunset, wind S (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (12) on big oak, main pond trees.
Mistle thrush song A1065 ashwoods, moved to WRR. Song thrush, blackbird by yew hedge. BT on patio shrubs. Chaffinch (2) big oak. Bullfinch (3) spinney blackthorn. Magpie across meadow.
Collared dove (2) round shed and pines.
Kestrel perched big oak and rowan (by WBH). Buzzard (2) aggro in A1065 ashwoods. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
[Collared dove Holt Road Fakenham. Rooks (15+) on cut maize field Hempton.]
Sharp frost, sunny, dry, wind S or SW (BF 2-4).
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak, main pond trees. Stock dove on big oak.
Mistle thrush on ground by big oak. Song thrush song spinney cypresses area. GT (2, male, female) eating burdock seeds, near patio. Robin by Hillside House Dunnock (2) under patio shrubs. BT, coal tit on patio shrubs. Chaffinch song spinney. Redwing (4+), blackbird in ivy A1065 ashwoods. Chaffinch (4, 2 males, 2 females), goldfinch (4) on concrete by Hillside House Chaffinch females with intact feet, 1 male on stumps, other with bumblefoot. Wren (2+) near north end of shed. Marsh tit song near white willow, edge of main pond. Bullfinch (2, male, female) on blackthorn T.B. Song thrush T.B.
Fieldfare (40) on goat willows MSW. Earlier, fieldfare (15+) heading east past H.P.
Collared dove (2) round shed and pines.
Small tortoiseshell butterfly near Hillside House
Fieldfare (6+), carrion crow foraging on grazing between WBH and WRR. Kestrel perched WRR electricity cables.
Stock dove (5) eastwards over plot. Starling (4) southwards.
Buzzard over general area of plot. Buzzard (3+) over R. Wensum towards Raynham Hall.
Redwing (55+) into spinney roost, 1820 BST approx.
Sharp frost, sunny, calmer, dry, wind S or SW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak, main pond trees. Jackdaws arriving from SE 0730 BST.
Mistle thrush (2) on ground by big oak. Song thrush song spinney cypresses area. Blackbird on ground by big oak. GT eating burdock seeds, near patio. Robin by shed. Marsh tit song round shed. Dunnock song spinney cypresses or blackthorn. Chaffinch (3) WBH etc. Kestrel perched WBH. Goldfinch (6+) round shed.
Collared dove (2) round shed. Stock dove on shed roof, also display.
Bullfinch (4 [2 females, 2 males]) on plum tree WBH.
Weasel in vole runs by patio 0830 BST.
Fieldfare (40), redwing (6+), starling (4) on hybrid poplars.
Blackbird song near dusk (a) main pond, (b) on S.S. plot.
Kestrel (3) displaying over fields west of WRR.
BHG (6), CG southwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, somewhat calmer, dry, wind W or NW (BF 2-4).
Jackdaw (7+) on big oak, main pond trees. Stock dove big oak. Collared dove (2) big oak.
Mistle thrush (2) on grazing near WBH, on main pond trees, then off into spinney.
Dunnock patio. Goldfinch (5) big oak area, on ground. GT (2) shed area. Wren song main pond. Robin foraging by shed. WP (2) courtship on big oak.
Reed bunting song MNW and T.B. (2 singers probably). Coal tit (2) along WBH. GSW (2, perhaps 3) aggro/display on hybrid poplars. Carrion crow (3) across plot to H.P.
Red kite over meadow and nearby. Buzzard over H.P. etc.
HG (adult) over plot from north. Starling (5) southwards. Buzzard over H.P.
No frost, mainly overcast, blustery, rain and hail showers, wind W or NW (BF 2-5).
Starling (20 + 10) heading SW over plot.
Sparrowhawk over plot towards A1065 ashwoods and NBW. Buzzard over plot.
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak, main pond trees.
Redwing (10+) in A1065 ashwoods and spinney, apparently eating ivy berries.
Bullfinch T.B. Dunnock by laurel hedge by A1065. Robin by Hillside House GT song, BT by A1065 cypresses box. Greenfinch call near yews. Chaffinch (male) across to S.S. plot. Goldfinch (3+) on burdock plants pulled several weeks ago, by hybrid poplars. Muntjac entering T.B. brash hedge. Rabbit by WBH.
Redwing (5+), blackbird heading into spinney roost. Greenfinch (3) towards spinney at same time.
WP (45+) near WRR.
LBBG (2) heading east over plot.
[Common gull (60+) arable near Mill Covert.]
Very light frost in places, mainly overcast, sunny intervals, wind W (BF 2-4).
Starling (2) heading NE Church Lane.
Sparrowhawk over H.P. and A1065.
Jackdaw (10+) on big oak, main pond trees. Stock dove in pines. Collared dove in shed area.
Mistle thrush on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Reed bunting song on rowan MNE/T.B. Blackbird (female), BT MNE. Probable water rail heard in ditch MNE (near fallen dead goat willow). Mallard (2, male, female) along Carr Stream.
Blackbird (male), BT, GT, robin A1065 cypress stumps. Song thrush song MNW. GT, goldfinch (4) shed burdock. Wren song MSE.
Red kite (3) display over Church Lane and H.P. Buzzard (2) over H.P.
Redwing (8 + 1 + 1) into roost in spinney 1820 BST onwards. Greenfinch (2 males) into laurel hedge roost 1828 BST.
WP (60+) west of WRR.
[Common gull (20+) arable near Mill Covert.]
22/02/2022Herald in Hillside House 2022-02-22 (3159)
No frost, mainly overcast, blustery, showers until early afternoon, wind W (BF 2-6).
Barn owl through spinney and perching on washing line post 1825 BST.
Starling (7) heading SW across plot.
Herald moth Scoliopteryx libatrix in a bedroom.
Buzzard (2) over H.P. Buzzard along WBH at dusk.
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak, main pond trees. Stock dove on big oak. Collared dove by Hillside House
Moorhen call main pond.
Blackbird, BT, GT A1065 cypresses. Dunnock under laurel hedge. Marsh tit shed burdock. Jay hybrid poplars. Robin song near shed. Song thrush song, probably T.B. Mistle thrush across plot towards Horseshoe Cottage. Redwing into spinney at dusk. Marsh tit MSE. GT song spinney.
WP (60+) west of WRR.
Common gull (20+ in groups) heading SW across plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, blustery, rain until early afternoon, wind W (BF 2-6(7)).
Starling (125+) heading NE across plot 1815 BST.
Buzzard over H.P.
Jackdaw (13+) on big oak, main pond trees.
Blackbird (male) on shed at dusk. Song thrush song H.P. Marsh tit song main pond.
WP (60+) across plot, and west of WRR.
Common gull (40+ in groups) heading SW across plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, blustery with rain in afternoon, wind W (BF 2-6).
Green woodpecker on branches of big oak.
Kestrel (male) perched big oak and nearby.
Jackdaw (10+) on big oak. Stock dove (2) courtship on big oak.
Chiffchaff call near shed.
Dunnock (2) in shed burdock. Chaffinch song spinney. GT (2) shed burdock. Marsh tit call near shed. Robin by ivy hedge. LTT (3+), GT (2), BT (2) patio border. Goldfinch (2) near shed. Fieldfare (2) over plot. Treecreeper on A1065 cypress stumps. Jay WBH.
Grey heron along Carr Stream.
19/02/2022Goat willow Storm Eunice 2022-02-18 (2134)
Calmer after ‘Storm Eunice’. No frost, some sunny intervals, blustery with rain in afternoon, wind W (BF 2-5).
Jackdaw (8+) on plot. Stock dove on shed roof.
WP (40+) west of WRR. Dunnock (2) courtship by Hillside House Chaffinch song spinney. BT, GT (2) shed burdock. Marsh tit by shed. Robin (2), goldfinch (4) on shed concrete. Blackbird leaf-turning by shed. Blackbird by ivy hedge. Chaffinch (2+) on mossy parts of big oak. Nuthatch on base of big oak. Redwing (5+) foraging on ground close to big oak. Goldfinch (12+) on burdock north of shed. Goldcrest shed burdock and yews.
Kestrel (female) on WRR electricity pole.
Fieldfare (3+), mistle thrush (2) on grazing west of WBH. Also RLP (2), grey partridge (2) (likely released by shoot).
Greenfinch (male) into laurel hedge 1805 BST, probably to roost. Redwing (6+) into roost in spinney.
[Buzzard over Mill Covert.]
19/02/2022Goat willow damaged by Storm Eunice 2022-02-18 (2128)
Goat willow flattened by Storm Eunice.
18/02/2022Goat willow damaged by Storm Eunice Hillside House 2022-02-18 (2123)
”Storm Eunice”: no frost, storm conditions, rain, strong winds, some sunny intervals, wind W (BF 3-8).
Jackdaw (6+) on plot, struggling against storm.
Siskin (4) along Carr Stream. WP (40+) general area of plot. Dunnock song yews. Chaffinch song spinney. BT MNW. Jay WBH.
Stock dove (2) going to roost in spinney cypresses at dusk.
17/02/2022Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis in spinney 2022-02-22 (3146)
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, wind W (BF 2-6).
Jackdaw (8+) on big oak and nearby.
Coal tit (3) song, courtship on yews. Dunnock song yews. Dunnock, blackbird by A1065 ivy hedge. Goldfinch (2) by box tree.
Mistle thrush (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Blackbird, BT MNE.
Red kite (2) over H.P. and plot. Kestrel hovering over WRR.
Common gull (30+, mainly 1st winter) drifting SW over plot.
Storm Dudley: no frost, mild, sunny intervals then overcast, breezy, showers later, wind W (BF 2-6).
Jackdaw (4) on big oak and nearby.
Robin (2), WP eating bird seed by shed. Blackbird by shed. Chaffinch song spinney. Dunnock (2) by shed. Redwing near main pond. GT, BT (2) aggro over box ownership A1065 cypress box. GT alarm MNE. Wren in shed.
WP (2) courtship by yew hedge.
Kestrel (female) circling WRR/Church Lane, mobbed by carrion crow (2). Kestrel hovering over WRR. Red kite over Church Lane. Buzzard (2) over H.P.
Fieldfare (5+) across plot towards area west of WRR.
Common gull (40+, mainly 1st winter) drifting SW over plot.
Redwing (10+), blackbirds arriving at spinney roost, 1815 BST approx.
No frost, overcast, steady light rain or drizzle, dry later, wind W (BF 2-4).
Jay, robin, BT, blackbird (male) eating bird seed by shed.
Jackdaw (6) on grass by big oak and nearby.
Blackbird by WBH. Chaffinch (2 males), dunnock, wren on concrete by shed. GSW on main pond trees. Redwing (3) leaf-turning under big oak. LTT (2), goldfinch (2) under big oak. Redwing (20+) across plot low down from spinney. Mistle thrush (2) on big oak. Song thrush on track by yew hedge. GT song, wren near main pond. Chaffinch song spinney. Marsh tit, GT by laurel hedge. WP on shed roof. Buzzard on ash at T.B. Kestrel on WBH. Jay (2) MSE, MNE.
Collared dove (2) big oak, pines.
Muntjac (2) by WBH, came in from spinney.
Fieldfare (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR. WP (60+), grey heron general area west of WRR.
Common gull (5+, mainly 1st winter) drifting SW over plot.
No frost, overcast, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Jay under big oak.
Collared dove (2) on big oak.
Jackdaw (9) on grass by big oak and nearby.
Blackbird (3+) by yew hedge. Goldfinch (8) on or under shed burdock, later (12+) by WBH. Robin, BT eating feed on concrete. Dunnock (2, some courtship), GT in shed burdock. WP WBH. Chaffinch (female) in patio border. Blackbird (3) between patio and yew hedge, leaf-turning. Redwing main pond trees.
Reed bunting (2 males) song T.B.
Kestrel (female) on WRR electricity pole.
Buzzard over plot and on WRR electricity pole.
WP (60+) west of WRR.
Common gull (10+) over general area, heading SW.
Tawny owl song spinney 2140 BST.
No frost, overcast, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
Green woodpecker (2, male + female) on big oak and nearby grass 1025 BST.
Mistle thrush on big oak, went off towards A1065 ashwoods. Returned later.
Collared dove display from big oak. Collared dove with nest material round big oak and pines.
Jackdaw (8) big oak.
Blackbird (2) by yew hedge. Stock dove, GSW on big oak. Goldfinch (5+) north of shed. Robin by Hillside House Dunnock (2) spinney cypresses area. LTT (2) across from shed area to S.S. plot. Marsh tit near triangular box. GT song main pond area. Chaffinch (female, no bumblefoot) on concrete by shed. Wren patio and by shed burdock.
Red kite over WRR. Buzzard acros meadow.
Common gull (5+) westwards across plot.
Starling (14) heading SW over plot.
Redwing (40+) arriving at spinney roost 1810 BST approx, in light drizzle.
Sharp frost, mainly overcast, wind W or SW (BF 2-3).
Snipe up from MSW track, went west over WRR.
Woodcock through main pond area and down into spinney 1152 BST, probably disturbed from somewhere near meadow.
Mistle thrush (2) on grazing near WRR.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Blackbird big oak. BT yews. GT tsink-tsink call WBH. Stock dove (2) over main pond area, others in general area. Collared dove (2) in pines. Robin song WBH. Chaffinch (2 males, foraging on mossy-coverered branches), treecreeper big oak. LTT across to S.S. plot. Marsh tit on hazel by shed. Goldfinch WBH.
Robin song MSE, on/by brash hedge. Another robin song in S.S. plot at same time.
Kestrel (2) over MSW, also on big oak and WBH.
Buzzard over meadow area. Carrion crow (2) SHO area.
Common gull (5+), herring gull (adult) across general area of plot.
Chaffinch song near WRR new house.
Starling (4) heading SW over plot.
Sharp frost, sunny, wind S or SW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaw (8) on ground by big oak, also on grazing adjacent to WBH.
Song thrush song spinney cypresses area.
GT song near main pond. Robin near shed. Coal tit call/song S.S. plot spruces.
Stock dove (2+) display near main pond and T.B. Collared dove (2) display over shed area.
Reed bunting “proto-song” T.B., male not yet in full breeding plumage. Dunnock T.B. BT MNE. Robin song MSE.
Common gull (10+) circling over plot and Church Lane. Buzzard over H.P.
Chaffinch song garden at Church Lane/WRR junction.
Starling (3) SW across plot.
Redwing (10 + 9, perhaps more) arriving at spinney roost 1845 BST approx.
No frost, sunny intervals, high cloud, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
Jackdaw (4) on ground by big oak.
Mistle thrush big oak. Blackbird by WBH. GT feeding on burdock by patio. Bullfinch (female) near patio. BT by A1065 cypresses. Goldfinch (6) on ground by shed burdock. Robin near ivy hedge box. Marsh tit on elder and hazel by shed.
Mistle thrush (3) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Stock dove (2+) display near main pond and T.B.
Red kite across plot heading NE.
Common gull (50+) over arable near Mill Covert (probably winter wheat).
No frost, overcast, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (4) big oak, (4) on main pond trees.
Mistle thrush (2 + 1) by big oak and main pond, probable territory clash.
BT (2) by patio. GT on shed burdock. GT song spinney blackthorn. Wren song MSE. Blackbird (4+) by ivy hedge cuttings MSE. Goldfinch (6+) near big oak, WBH. Blackbird (2+) WBH. Bullfinch WBH. BT (2) by S.S. workshop, hanging round old nesting location. GT alarm same area. Robin song in 3+ places near shed, spinney, main pond. Stock dove (2) display round main pond. WP near pines. Collared dove (2) round shed area.
Sparrowhawk (female) fast through Hillside House plot into S.S. plot, probably attacked passerine.
Buzzard on WRR electricity pole, along WBH etc.
Common gull (20+, in loose parties) heading W or SW over plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
No frost, dry, sunny intervals, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
Kestrel on WRR electricity.
Bullfinch (3, 2 females, 1 male) on spinney blackthorn.
Jackdaw (9) on grass by big oak. Jackdaw (2) by oak box. Jackdaws departing to roost to S or SE near sunset in small loose groups (2-10, mainly even numbers).
Stock dove (2 + 2) courtship shed roof, hybrid poplars etc.
Goldfinch (5+) big oak. GT (male) in shed burdock. Mistle thrush on shed roof. Goldcrest on yews. Blackbird on patio.
LBBG (imm) heading NW over plot.
Woodcock across plot from east 1825 BST.
Very light frost, more obvious an hour or two after sunrise, dry, sunny intervals, wind W or NW (BF 1-2).
Kestrel on ash1 tree, also on hybrid poplars.
Moorhen call main pond (few records recently).
Bullfinch (4, 3 females, 1 male) on plum in WBH, earlier on blackthorn in spinney.
Jackdaw (4) on big oak.
Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof and nearby.
Goldfinch (5+) by shed. Greenfinch by Hillside House, probably out of laurel hedge. Chaffinch by yews. Marsh tit across shed area. GT (2) in shed burdock. Robin hazel etc by shed. Carrion crow on grazing by WBH. Mistle thrush through Hillside House garden towards A1065 ashwoods.
Wren T.B. Marsh tit in blackthorn/poplars MSE. Siskin across meadow near Carr Stream.
Greylag goose (4) low down across plot from north.
Woodcock (1 + 1) across plot from east 1835 BST approx.
[Buzzard (5+), sparrowhawk (male, female) over Wensum woods.] Green woodpecker call H.P.
No frost, rain overnight and around sunrise, clearing, then sunny intervals, wind W or NW (BF 2-6).
Kestrel (male, female) on WRR electricity pole and cable. Kestrel along WBH.
Robin possibly entering A1065 open-fronted box, which should have been cleaned out during recent ivy hedge work.
GT (2), BT (5+), shed burdock and patio shrubs. Blackbird (4+) by WBH, A1065 cypresses. Goldfinch (7+) by shed. Marsh tit shed burdock. Jay by big oak. WP near shed. Bullfinch (3) in spinney blackthorn, also on dock plants by patio. Wren by patio. Mistle thrush (2) near big oak and spinney cypresses, perhaps aggro.
Buzzard across plot.
Muntjac across grazing near WRR. Jackdaws (11) on same grazing.
[Common gull (40+) on arable near Mill Covert.]
Frost, dry, sunny intervals, wind W or NW (BF 1-2, later 3-6).
Chaffinch (9+) on concrete by shed: of 5 males, 3 with bumblefoot (including 1 missing most of left leg); 4 females, 2 with bumblefoot, 2 clear; overall, 5 out of 9 infected.
Jackdaw (13+) big oak, main pond trees.
Stock dove (2) main pond trees. WP near main pond. GT, BT, blackbird by A1065 cypress box. Goldfinch (3+) by shed. Mistle thrush (2) on big oak and holly.
Rabbit by WBH.
Buzzard low down in spinney. Kestrel over WBH area.
Starling (2) across plot from east.
Song hrush alarm spinney, at dusk.
No frost, steady rain at first, colder, wind W or NW (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw inspecting ash3 box.
Redwing (40) landing in main pond trees (willow etc).
Redwing (7+) arriving at spinney roost, 1725 BST.
Chaffinch (2) near big oak into spinney. Goldfinch (6+) across from shed area towards S.S. plot. LTT (3+) near shed, towards dusk. Robin by shed, laurel hedge. Dunnock leaf-turning by shed burdock.
Siskin (15) westwards near spinney (approx date).
Muntjac by WBH.
Buzzard along WBH etc. Kestrel west of WRR.
[Fakenham -- green woodpecker call near church. House sparrow calls, collared dove Holt Rd.]
No frost, mainly overcast, calmer, slight drizzle, mild, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
Stoat foraging in vicinity of yew hedge, crab apples and WBH, 1330 to 1343 BST. Feet mainly white. Probably searching for small mammals (voles, shrews).
Kestrel (male) on big oak, also over grazing west of WBH.
Mistle thrush (3) in A1065 ashwoods, alarms.
Mistle thrush (2) on big oak and holly. Blackbird on holly.
Jackdaw (12+) arriving from east near sunrise.
Greenfinch subsong/call near A1065 ivy hedge.
GT, marsh tit by cypress box. GT song near Hillside House BT (2) display patio border. Robin near shed. Goldfinch (5+) near WBH. Robin by shed. WP by main pond. Stock dove (2) display over main pond area. Coal tit across from S.S. plot to yews area. Jay near oak.
Collared dove (2) song S.S. plot (Ronny’s house).
Buzzard near WBH.
No frost, overcast, calmer, light showers, mild, wind W or SW (BF 1-3).
WP (70+) across plot eastwards.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, tail-quivering etc.
Greenfinch calling and emerging from laurel hedge 0835 BST.
Blackbird (4+) by WBH. Blackbird foraging near ivy hedge. Goldfinch (4+) burdock by yew hedge. Robin by yews. Song thrush song and alarm spinney cypresses at dusk.
Mistle thrush on ash T.B. Dunnock song T.B.
Buzzard (2) over general area. Red kite over WRR, meadow etc. Buzzard mobbed by kestrel (2, male and female) on WRR electricity pole. Grey heron on rushy grazing west of WRR.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, dry, milder, wind W or NW (BF 2-5).
WP (90+) across plot westwards and eastwards.
Jackdaw (4+) aggro at willow box.
Blackbird (4+) round shed, yews etc near dusk. Goldfinch (2+) burdock by patio. Jay on ground by yew hedge. BT (2) by Hillside House LTT (3) probably at roost in shed. GT, wren in patio border.
Fieldfare (7) on scratty hedge.
Buzzard (2) over H.P. Red kite over WRR, meadow etc.
Redwing (28+) arriving at roost in spinney, some in spinney cypresses, others probably in ivy-covered trees slightly further west. Greenfinch (5) arriving at same time, perhaps also into spinney.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, dry after overnight showers, cold, wind N or NW (BF 2-5).
Grey heron (imm) up from ground by main pond.
WP eating ivy berries near A1065.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackbird (2+) in A1065 ivy hedge, by yews, etc. Goldfinch (8+) burdock north of shed. Jay MNW.
Buzzard (2) over general area.
Sharp frost, sunny intervals, calmer, dry, fairly mild, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
WP (150+) arriving from east near sunrise, headed over WRR.
Jackdaw (10+) on ground by big oak, also on main pond trees.
Tit flock (10+, BT, GT) through plot. Blackbird in A1065 ivy hedge, by yews, etc. Goldcrest in yews. Chaffinch near beech. Robin on big oak. Stock dove (2) round plot. Mistle thrush near WRR. Fieldfare over plot. Redwing (3) MSE and MNE. Goldfinch (4+) shed burdock. Coal tit song/call spinney. Buzzard perched A1065 cypress stump for several minutes, also nearby in spinney, perhaps carcass. Siskin along A1065.
Buzzard (3+) over general area.
Greenfinch song WRR/Church Lane junction area, towards sunset.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, blustery, dry, mild, wind W or SW (BF 2-4).
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch at Hillside House -- 16 species in 1 hour.
Jackdaws arriving fast and low from east in ragged parties of 2-10 0825 BST. Jackdaw (10+) big oak, main pond trees, investigating oak, ash3, beech boxes.
Bullfinch (4, 2 male, 2 female) eating blackthorn buds in spinney next to box, with GT and BT. Jay (2), blackbird (2), chaffinch (male), near shed. LTT (2) by shed and patio. Dunnock yews. BT song patio (rose). Robin song by shed. Coal tit yews. Stock dove (2) courtship on big oak. Mistle thrush (2) on ash1 tree, also 1 on big oak. Goldfinch (6+), GT (2), marsh tit (2), wren on shed burdock. WP (4+) round plot.
Fieldfare (60+) up from grazing next to WRR, disturbed by walkers.
Grey heron near WRR. Common gull (5+), BHG (5+) heading SW over plot. Rook westwards across plot (not many records here). Egyptian goose NW across plot.
Light frost at first, sunny intervals, dry, milder, wind W or SW (BF 1-2).
Teal (prob., female) up from Carr Stream MNE.
Kestrel hovering over WRR.
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, main pond trees. Jackdaws investigating oak box.
Bullfinch (male, female) eating broad-leaved dock seeds near patio. Robin, blackbird (2+), BT (3+) patio shrubs. GT song spinney. Goldfinch (6+) on burdock by yew hedge. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Blackbird (2) by WBH. Nuthatch call S.S. plot area.
Mistle thrush foraging on grazing west of WBH. Redwing (10+) in trees near WRR.
Redwing (8+) arriving at spinney roost 1730 BST approx.
Raptor kill (sparrowh*wk?) on track MNE, probably blue tit.
Buzzard perched WRR electricity pole.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, slightly milder, wind NW (BF 1-3).
Kestrel female) on big oak.
Green woodpecker across from main pond trees to ash near Church Lane.
Jackdaws (4+) big oak, main pond trees. Jackdaws investigating oak (base missing) and beech (entrance blocked) boxes.
Robin, blackbird, GT (2) patio shrubs. Marsh tit, GT (2), goldfinch (2) on burdock by shed. Stock dove (2) shed roof.
Redwing (9+) on alders MNW. Wren, marsh tit call MSE. LTT WBH. GT song near main pond.
Red kite along A1065 ashwoods, also over plot. Buzzard across plot from spinney.
No frost, sunny, dry, slightly milder, wind W (BF 0-1).
Kestrel off big oak, towards WBH.
Jackdaws (10+) big oak, main pond trees.
Mistle thrush main pond willow, perhaps prospecting.
Redwing (14+) arriving at spinney roost from east 1730 BST. Blackbirds also present.
Song thrush song spinney cypresses at sunrise. BT (2+) patio shrubs. Marsh tit on burdock by A1065 cypresses. Robin (2) aggro on shed roof. Blackbird (female) chased blackbird (male) off track by WBH. Dunnock (2) courtship shed concrete. WP (2+) WBH.
Jay west edge of plot. Goldfinch (2) on burdock by yew hedge.
Buzzard near WBH.
No frost, overcast, dry, cold, wind W (BF 0-1).
Little owl call before sunrise, WRR approx.
Kestrel dropped down under big oak and probably came up with prey, likely small mammal.
Jackdaws (19+) big oak, main pond trees.
Song thrush song spinney cypresses at sunrise. Tit flock (BT (3+), coal tit (2+), GT) along patio shrubs etc, with chaffinch (female). Robin song by shed. GT (male) ‘tsink-tsink’ call weeping willow: same male gave very good rendition of m*rsh tit picthou call. Bullfinch (female) on broad-leaved dock plant near patio.
Jay by big oak, also hybrid poplars and main pond. Goldfinch (15+) WBH, big oak. GSW hybrid poplars.
Fieldfare (50+), redwing (20+) trees edge of WRR. Redwings around plot. Blackbird (4+), redwing (5+) in ash trees by A1065, eating ivy berries. Wren MNE Carr Stream edge.
Woodcock up from ditch by edge of arable south of S. Raynham church. Blackbird (4+) by same ditch. Buzzard near WBH.
No frost, overcast, cold, wind W or NW (BF 0-1).
Marsh harrier (all dark) heading south over grazing near WBH towards spinney.
Jackdaws (12+) big oak, main pond trees.
Song thrush song spinney cypresses at sunrise. BT (2+) yews, patio etc. Robin song by shed. Dunnock patio.
Stock dove willow by main pond, near box.
Fieldfare (5+), redwing (5+) main pond trees. Mistle thrush along WBH towards spinney.
No (or very slight) frost, overcast, cold, wind W or NW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaws arriving fast from the east in parties of 6-10, 0840 BST. Jackdaws (10+) big oak, main pond trees.
Song thrush song spinney cypresses at sunrise. BT (2+) yews, patio etc. GT (3) on elder by laurel hedge. Marsh tit MSW. Blackbird, jay WBH. Robin song on elder by box. Dunnock song T.B. GSW across plot.
Kestrel in canopy, spinney, fast between perches.
Fieldfare (50+), redwing (20+) WRR. Also finches (greenfinch, chaffinch, goldfinch).
Sharp frost, sunny, cold, wind W or NW (BF 0-1).
Jackdaws (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
BT (2+), goldcrest yews, patio etc.
Coal tit calls pines.
Buzzard (imm) over WRR, grazing etc.
Frost, sunny, cold, wind W or NW (BF 1-2).
Jackdaws (10+) big oak, main pond trees. Jackdaws (2) courtship behaviour oak box (tail-quivering etc.). Box is still missing its base!
Bullfinch call near shed. BT (2+) patio etc. Marsh tit shed burdock. Goldfinch burdock near A1065. Dunnock patio shrubs. Blackbird on grassy area by Hillside House Robin song in shed shrubs. GSW on hybrid poplars.
Coal tit (2, song, call) yews, with GT song near shed. Tit flock (12+) through plot.
Kestrel perching big oak, willow, hybrid poplars, S.S. trees, near sunset.
Buzzard across meadow, WBH area.
Snipe (3) up from grazing near MNE, went northwards.
HG westwards near plot. Common gull southwards. Magpie in goat willows near WRR.
No frost, overcast, showers, cold, wind N or NE (BF 1-2).
Chiffchaff call, probably in pines with tit flock, 1005 BST.
Bullfinch shed shrubs.
Song thrush song spinney or WBH. Goldfinch (2) shed burdock. Dunnock call patio. Blackbird on grassy area by Hillside House
Common gull (10+) southwards over plot.
Tawny owl song near Hillside House
[Redwing (20+) up from under trees, E Raynham. Rooks (100+), jackdaws (100+) on arable by Toftrees.]
No frost, milder, sunny, light breeze, wind W (BF 1-2).
Greenfinch (2) emerging from laurel hedge 0857 BST, headed SW.
Siskin (10+) across plot eastwards over spinney.
Bullfinch (2, 1+ female) eating nettle seeds near A1065 cypresses.
Mistle thrush across from big oak to oak on east side of S.S. plot.
Robin by Hillside House yews. Song thrush song WBH or spinney. Goldfinch (4) big oak. Dunnock patio shrubs. GSW on hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak.
Kestrel perched electricity pole WRR.
Buzzard over S.S. plot. Buzzard (2) over H.P.
Sharp frost, lingering on plot into afternoon, sunny, calm, wind W (BF 0-2).
Jackdaw (40+) arriving from east before sunrise (0845 BST), in even-number parties of 4 to 8 mostly. Jackdaw (10+) at ash3 tree, alarms etc.
Bullfinch (2, male, female) eating sea buckthorn berries, WBH.
Robin song by Hillside House yews, box. Song thrush song WBH.
Mistle thrush across meadow from MSE to MSW, alarm.
Marsh tit (2) on Hamamelis by A1065 ‘ivy hedge’, some aggro. BT also present. GT song ash1 tree and goat willow MSW. GT (female) MNE above box. GSW hybrid poplars. Stock dove, collared dove (3) over plot. Wren MSW, also 2 courtship-chasing MNE. LTT (2) MSE.
Kestrel (female) hovering over MNW, calling, then north past S. Raynham church.
Buzzard (imm) by Church Lane and H.P.
Frost, calm, wind W (BF 0-1).
Common crane (probable, unknown number) calling loudly near Raynham 2000 BST approx, caused several dogs to bark. (Well after dark, full moon).
Robin song by Hillside House Song thrush song spinney north edge. Mistle thrush on willow by main pond, possibly prospecting. Blue tit song near yews. Blackbird (male) on A1065 cypresses. Carrion crow perched hybrid poplars.
Bullfinch (female) eating dock seeds by patio.
Jackdaw (10+) arriving from east before sunrise.
Reed bunting (male) flycatching T.B. Song thrush (2, 1 MSW, 2nd T.B.
Stock dove song spinney.
Tit flock through A1065 ashwoods and spinney (15+, BT, marsh tit, etc).
Kestrel (female) on goat willows west of WRR, also across meadow. Buzzard across meadow.
No frost, calm, suny intervals, damp but dry, wind W (BF 1-2).
Hen harrier (probable, 90% confidence, ‘ringtail’) alarmed (perhaps attacked) green woodpecker west of WBH, looped round over grazing, slight dihedral, brief view.
Bullfinch (male, female) in patio shrubs, eating deteriorated Rubus fruits. By now little is left but the seeds, which contain various omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and other nutrients. Few other species seem to bother with the fruits in this condition (others may perhaps include blue tit).
Robin shed burdock. BT (3+) laurel hedge etc. Blackbird female-female aggro by Hillside House Jay on big oak. Redwing on alders MNW. GSW on hybrid poplars. Jackdaw (40+) on grazing near plot. LTT (2) on patio shrubs.
Kestrel (female) on big oak and WRR pole. Buzzard across meadow.
WP (100+) west of WRR.
No frost, calm, overcast, damp but dry, wind SW or W (BF 0-1).
Tawny owl song (2) before dawn: 1 singer by A1065 cypresses, 2nd about 150 metres away.
Greenfinch emerging from laurel hedge 0914 BST.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees, big oak.
Robin song yews, shed shrubs. BT song, GT song, marsh tit song spinney blackthorn area. Song thrush song WBH. Stock dove big oak. Goldfinch big oak. Chaffinch (2) main pond trees. Goldfinch (20+) near main pond. Dunnock patio. Coal tit call/song pines. Blackbird (2) by shed. Blackbird T.B., MSW. Jay WBH. GSW at base of MSE trees.
Fieldfare (12), redwing (3+) across plot from spinney direction. Carrion crow on grazing by WBH.
Kestrel (female) on ash3 tree and S.S. plot trees, later spinney. Buzzard perched WRR electricity pole.
Sharp frost lingering into the afternoon, calm, sunny, cold, dry, wind SW or W (BF 0-1).
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees, big oak.
Greenfinch emerging from laurel hedge 0925 BST. Robin yews.
Sparrowhawk (female?) into hybrid poplars, attacked prey underneath.
Muntjac tracks on meadow. Muntjac on grazing west of MNW.
Sharp frost lingering into the afternoon, calm, sunny, cold, dry, wind SW or W (BF 0-1).
Song thrush song spinney cypresses area.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees, big oak.
Sparrowhawk (male) landed with prey near spinney cypresses, but no sign of the carcass later.
Fieldfare (22+) on trees near WRR/Carr Stream bridge. Later landed on grazing west of WBH. Mistle thrush on dead tree west of MNW. BT (2) patio shrubs. Bullfinch, blackbird, BT MNE hawthorn. Stock dove (2) main pond area, some display.
Kestrel (female) perching hybrid poplars, short sally flights as before.
Red kite over Church Lane. GSW Church Lane poplars. Buzzard (2) over H.P. WP (6+) on ivy-covered trees H.P. Grey heron on tree west of WRR.
Sharp frost, calm, sunny intervals, cold, dry, wind SW or W (BF 0-1).
Song thrush song spinney cypresses area, 0845 BST.
Jackdaw (20) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw inspecting broken oak box.
BT (2) yews. Bullfinch calls spinney blackthorn. Marsh tit on ground by shed burdock. Stock dove (3+) main pond area, some display. Chaffinch (male, female) shed and main pond area. Fieldfare (12+) main pond trees. Kestrel perched trees edge of S.S. plot near sunset.
Bullfinch (2), marsh tit T.B. BT (4+) MSW. Muntjac prints along meadow tracks.
[Hempton Common -- kestrel. Holt Road Fakenham -- house sparrow (5+) in privet hedge. Rooks (10+) back at rookery by Fakenham Church.]
No frost, calm, overcast, low cloud, drizzle, wind S or SW (BF 0-1).
Song thrush song spinney cypresses area, 0845 BST.
Bullfinch (4, 2 males + 2 females) on dock, nettle and Rubus plants round shed and patio area. (At the time bullfinches appreared to be eating pyracantha berries but in fact these have disappeared.)
Goldfinch (12+) shed area, some on burdock but mostly now on the ground (concrete). BT (3), LTT patio shrubs. GT (2) burdock by shed. Blackbird (2), robin by shed. Robin song yews. Stock dove (2) display main pond. Wren (2) in brash piles by main pond. Jay by big oak.
Reed bunting (2) in reeds MNW. Marsh tit MSW and WBH. BT (2) MSW.
Jackdaw (2) main pond trees.
GSW across S.S. plot to A1065 ashwoods. Buzzard on electric pole WRR.
Common gull (90+) heading NW over plot. Lapwing (45) NW over plot. Cormorant (imm) over H.P. area, went northwards.
No frost, calm, slightly milder, wind S or SW (BF 0-1).
Woodcock across S.S. plot into spinney, 0820 BST.
Fieldfare (45), redwing (5+) on main pond trees, also foraging on Raynham Farm grazing between WBH and WRR. Blackbird (3+) on same grazing.
Mistle thrush (2) main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees.
Robin song near shed, also on S.S. plot. Song thrush alarm at dawn main pond area. Wren call WBH. Goldfinch (6+) on pulled burdock in stash near main pond.
Redwing song/subsong in spinney.
Kestrel perch-hunting from big oak, WBH and hybrid poplars, as previously (see 31/12/2020). Perhaps catching winter moths?
Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow towards H.P. Buzzard on pole, WRR.
Carrion crow (7) heading SE over plot before dawn. Common gull southwards over plot.
Frost lingering past midday in places, dry, sunny, cold, wind W (BF 1-2).
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, main pond trees. Jackdaw in/out damaged oak nestbox. Grey squirrel has damaged roof and protective mesh on beech box.
Mistle thrush across meadow. Mistle thrush on SHO. Fieldfare (3) main pond trees.
Chaffinch big oak. GT (2) by main pond. GT song H.P. Coal tit song A1065 ashwoods. BT song T.B. and MSE goat willow. Blackbird (female) between shed and Hillside House Bullfinch (male, female) eating seeds of broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius). GT (2) on pines. BT (4+) next to Hillside House Marsh tit near shed. Robin patio. Robin song near A1065. Stock dove (2+) display near main pond, probably emerging from triangular box.
Greenfinch across S.S. plot.
Carrion crow foraging on grazing near WBH.
Buzzard (3) over meadow.
Goldfinch (25+), redwing (5+) near Church Lane, disturbed by walkers. Starling (4) heading SE over plot.
Common gull (2) over arable by Mill Covert.
After sunset -- insects, probably winter moths (10+), collecting round lights of S.S. canopy.
No frost, drizzle, showers, or rain, somewhat less cold, wind W (BF 1-2).
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, main pond trees. WP WBH.
Mistle thrush eating berries on holly by shed.
Goldfinch (8+), GT (5+), BT (8+), robin, dunnock (2) on or under shed burdock. Blackbird (2), song thrush (2), chaffinch (4) between shed and Hillside House (Chaffinches 1 male, 3 females (1 with bumblefoot, others free). Bullfinch call H.P. garden. GSW (male) on big oak. Jay on ground by big oak.
Fieldfare (3), redwing across plot towards Wensum or H.P. Carrion crow across plot.
Common gull (3), LBBG southwards over plot.
Woodcock (2) across meadow at dusk, from SW, probably down onto MNE.
Light frost lingering to midday in places, sunny intervals, still cold, wind W (BF 1-2).
Snipe (2) up from MNW, right next to track.
Greenfinch (1) out of laurel hedge 0905 BST, (1) out of laurel hedge 0919 BST.
Aggro between BT (2) and marsh tit (2) patio.
Robin yews. Bullfinch (female) burdock etc by A1065 cypresses. Stock dove (2) on big oak, some courtship. GT, BT (2), goldfinch (5) shed burdock. LTT (3) patio area.
Robin (2) aggro MSE brash hedge. Blackbird MSE. Redwing (12) into H.P. Blackbird alarm spinney. Reed bunting call T.B. near dusk.
Tawny owl song near plot after dark.
Buzzard across plot into spinney near dawn. Red kite near WRR.
Grey heron west of WRR. Common gull (5+) over near plot.
Sharp frost, sunny, cold, wind N (BF 0-1).
Fieldfare (7) on arable by Church Lane.
Jackdaw (10+) on main pond trees. Stock dove (2) on ash3 tree, jackdaws also present.
GT song MNE. Bullfinch call edge of spinney near blackthorn patch. Marsh tit call near big oak. Fieldfare (8+), redwing (15), goldfinch (15+), chaffinch (2) on main pond trees. Robin on yews. LTT (2) laurel hedge area. Coal tit song/call spinney.
Carrion crow SHO. LBBG near Church Lane.
Frost clearing, mainly sunny, cold, wind W (BF 1-2).
Goldfinch (4), BT (3) shed burdock patch.
Redwing (7) in hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (4) on big oak, jackdaw attempting to enter box.
Kestrel (male) on big oak, dropped down to ground but no prey. Buzzard on big oak at dusk.
Fieldfare southwards across plot.
Grey heron on damp grazing west of WRR.
No frost, some sunny intervals after overnight rain, cooler, wind W (BF 1-2).
Stoat (somewhat paler than usual, some white on feet) foraging in grass by yew hedge, captured short-tailed vole and took it towards spinney, 1120 BST.
Goldfinch (6+) big oak. Robin shed roof. Greenfinch (2, prob.) up from laurel hedge area 0930 BST. Blackbird (female) by shed. Marsh tit on big oak. BT A1065 cypresses.
Redwing (15+), blackbird (3+) round plot at dusk, probably to roost in spinney or nearby.
Jackdaw (4) on big oak, jackdaw attempting to enter box.
Fieldfare (30+) heading NE across plot.
Cormorant over plot northwards.
Mistle thrush song spinney.
Buzzard across meadow.
No frost, sunny intervals, still quite mild, wind SW (BF 1-4).
Jackdaw (4) on big oak. Oak box floor has fallen out. Stock dove (2) on big oak.
Mistle thrush song spinney tall trees. Mistle thrush on main pond trees and big oak. Song thrush song, wren song spinney. Robin song beech. Jay under big oak.
BT (8+), GT, goldcrest, bullfinch (female), wren patio area (shrubs, yews etc). Goldfinch (5+) burdock by A1065. Blackbird (female) by shed. Blackbird (3+) in or near laurel hedge at dusk.
Redwing, blackbird (2+) T.B. at dusk.
Buzzard across meadow.
Cormorant (imm) over plot, along Carr Stream etc. Grey heron west of WRR. Lapwing (25) heading NW near Church Lane.
Common gull (20+) across plot.
No frost, mainly sunny, mild, wind SW (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (4) on big oak.
Mistle thrush song spinney eastern end. Song thrush song, wren song spinney.
BT (3+) laurel hedge, shed etc. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Treecreeper with tit flock (BT, GT, coal tit) MSE. Goldcrest in pines. Chaffinch big oak. Goldfinch (15+) near WBH and spinney. Goldfinch (6) along Carr Stream.
Starling (12) westwards across plot.
Buzzard over meadow etc. Kestrel near Church Lane. Little egret near H.P. and Wensum.
Common gull (60+) on arable near Mill Covert.
No frost, sunny intervals, very mild, wind SW (BF 1-3).
Jackdaw (4) on big oak, jackdaw (5) on willow. Jackdaws in/out at oak, willow boxes.
Redwing (13), fieldfare (2) eastwards across plot.
GT (2 males) on shed burdock. Goldcrest song spinney cypresses. Mistle thrush song spinney nothern edge. Mistle thrush on hybrid poplars. Blackbird alarm T.B. Magpie MNE. Song thrush on track MSE. Blackbird laurel hedge. Bullfinch call WBH or main pond area.
Brown rat recorded by trailcam MSE.
Buzzard (2) over Mill Covert. Buzzard over meadow.
Common gull (30+) southwards near plot.