
Wildlife records 2018

This table lists miscellaneous records of animals and plants at or near Hillside House for 2018.

Wildlife records 2018 at South Raynham
No frost, mild, overcast, wind light W.
Stock dove (2) by pond, also on shed (near gable entrance). GSW across towards H.P. Goldfinch (8+) on big oak. Jackdaws at willow and ash1 boxes. Marsh tit on burdock by shed.
Golden plover (45+) high over plot heading NNW.
Greenfinch (2) on sycamore by H.H. near dusk.
No frost, mild, mainly overcast, wind light W.
[At Houghen Plantation with Norfolk Conservation Corps. Crossbill (7) on line of Scots pines, feeding on pine cones. Also over canopy etc at times. Quite tame, at least 2 males. Buzzard heading to roost near road. Mistle thrush (2) over canopy. Wren in heathy area. Robin song.]
No frost, mild, overcast, wind light or fresh W.
Sparrowhawk (male, EUR3, quite brown on upperparts) made unsuccessful attack on goldfinch (14+) flock by shed, then perched on big oak. Then left, briefly mobbing kestrel on trees along edge of spinney.
Goldcrest foraging in yews by H.H. Blackbird (2+) foraging near base of tranplanted yew hedge (by cypresses). Stock dove (3) on trees by main pond, then stock dove (2) courtship behaviour by triang. box. Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 nestboxes.
Marsh tit, great tit by meadow NE feeders.
Red kite (adult) over plot from NE.
[Mixed gull flock , mainly CG, BHG, (60+), on arable fields SW of W. Raynham Rd.]
No frost, mild, overcast, wind light W.
Jackdaw (8+) on grassy area between shed and pond. Jackdaws at oak, willow nestboxes. Goldfinch (11+). Coal tit, treecreeper on big oak.
Woodpigeon pair allopreening then copulating on beech opposite H.H.
Goldcrest (2) in cypresses by big oak. GSW on willow by meadow NE, also over shed area.
Apparently no frost, overcast, wind light W.
Stock dove (2) round main pond, 1 into shed. Jackdaw (19+) on grassy area between shed and pond. Goldfinch (8+). Redwing (6) with blackbird in trees near pond.
At dusk -- woodcock (1 + 1) heading towards spinney.
Apparently no frost, overcast, wind very light W.
Stock dove (2) on trees by main pond. Goldfinch (12+) on burdock by shed. Blackbird (2+) on grassy areas by shed. Fieldfare (6) in hyb. poplars.
Sparrowhawk (male) across plot from west, towards S.S.
At dusk -- woodcock (1 + 1 + 1) over or round plot. Water rail call from main pond.
Frost early, overcast, wind very light W.
Stock dove (2) on trees by main pond. Jackdaws (19+) round pond etc. Jackdaws at beech and oak boxes. Dunnock song round H.H. Goldcrest, nuthatch on trees by H.H. lawn.
Near dusk -- greenfinch (1) recruit-calling on big sycamore in spinney (roost not yet formed this year?)
Overnight -- tawny owl (male and female) song/calls close to H.H.
Fairly mild, no frost, mainly overcast, wind very light W.
Kestrel perched hyb. poplars and ash (top blackthorn). Stock dove (2) on hyb. poplars. Jackdaws (10+) round pond etc. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Goldfinch (8+) on burdock near shed. Blackbird (2+), great tit, blue tit (2+), dunnock song round H.H. Marsh tits at MSE (2) and MNE (1) feeders. Robin song top blackthorn and meadow NE. Grey heron across meadow eastwards. [Great tit song H.P.]
Egyptian goose (2) across plot towards west.
Still fairly mild, no frost, sunny intervals, wind light W.
PFG (90+) over plot from NW, heading SE. Almost certainly from the Wash, going to feed on arable land.
Stock dove (2) on trees by pond, some courtship behaviour. Goldfinch (12+) on trees by main pond. Jackdaws (12+) on ground by shed etc. Fieldfare (2, then 1 with redwing) over plot.
Fairly mild, no frost, overcast, drizzle, wind light W.
Goldfinch (18+) on trees by main pond. Jackdaws (31+) on hyb. poplars along meadow SE. Song thrush song Church Lane (2 places).
At dusk -- buzzard (2) heading to H.P., prob. to roost.
Fairly mild, no frost, sunny intervals with high cloud, wind light W.
Goldfinch (12+) on burdock (by shed, big oak etc.). GSW on big oak. Buzzard over general area of plot. Kestrel going to perch in spinney. Marsh tit call by meadow SE feeder. Fieldfare (2) over plot from NW.
Fairly mild, overcast with drizzle, wind light SW.
Sparrowhawk (adult male) perched in big oak for about 5 minutes, then went off towards spinney.
Fairly mild, no frost, mainly overcast, wind light or fresh S.
Goldfinch (22+) on burdock (by shed, big oak etc.). Chaffinch (female) on ash trees by main pond. Nuthatch on big oak. GSW (2) on trees by main pond (1 drilling into upper branches of white willow). Blackbird (4+) on grassy areas. Wren (1 by main pond, 1 meadow SE).
Buzzard across plot towards H.P.
Greenfinch calling from yews by H.H. in afternoon -- perhaps for roost.
At dusk -- water rail calling from main pond. Barn owl over field west of meadow and along edge of meadow. Fieldfare meadow NE.
LTT (15+), goldcrest in trees near pond. Coal tit call in cypresses near big oak. Buzzard juv still begging, somewhere near W. Raynham Rd. Marsh tit call meadow NE.
Milder, no frost, overcast, wind light SE.
Water rail calling from main pond in morning.
[Rooks and jackdaws (total 150+) on stubble between Whissonsett and Horningtoft. Skylark (25+) between Whissonsett and Raynham, also on stubble.]
[At Wayland Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- blackbird, woodpigeon, jays (at dusk), finch flock (15+) over canopy, rooks and jackdaws over wood.]
Goldfinch (50+) on burdock either side of shed. Marsh tit alarms near feeders meadow NE and SE. Buzzard juv begging near plot. Sparrowhawk (male) in slanting attack stoop across plot from west.
Cold early, no frost. Sunny intervals, wind light E.
Goldfinch (19+) on burdock (by shed, big oak etc.)
Stock dove (2) on big oak and shed. Jackdaw (16+) on grass, round pond, big oak etc. Marsh tit (2) on burdock by H.H. Wren on yews.
Red kite over Church Lane, towards Wensum. Buzzard over meadow, also perched electricity pole by W. Raynham Rd.
At dusk -- water rail (2+) calling from meadow NW (new pond). Marsh tit at meadow SE feeder. Buzzard across end of plot NE (to roost?).
Cold early but no frost. Mainly overcast, wind light E.
Goldfinch (19+) on burdock (by shed, main pond etc.)
Stock dove (4 [2 on big oak, 2 near main pond]). Jackdaw (8+) round pond, big oak etc. Kestrel on cypresses (by big oak), across S.S. plot etc, perhaps with prey. Marsh tit at feeders meadow NE. Dunnock foraging on ground at base of laurel hedge by H.H.
Snipe over general area of plot, then down onto meadow (eastern end).
Barn owl foraging over field west of meadow (1630 BST).
Frost remaining throughout the day, sunny intervals, colder, wind very light N or NE.
Barn owl foraging over grassy area in front of main pond, then over field between meadow and W. Raynham Rd.
Stock dove (3 [2 males, 1 female]) on big oak, some courtship behaviour. Jackdaw (12+) round pond etc, at beech, oak boxes. Dunnock song in yews by H.H. Song thrush song in general area of meadow.
Frost early, sunny intervals, colder, wind very light N.
Barn owl foraging over field between meadow and W. Raynham Rd.
Stock dove (2) on (and in) shed, some courtship behaviour. Jackdaw (16+) round pond etc, at willow and ash1 boxes. Goldfinch (7), chaffinch on ash trees by pond. Kestrel in general area of big oak, attacking passerines along WBH etc.
Frost early, sunny intervals, fairly mild, wind very light NW.
Mistle thrush (2) on ash by main pond, then off towards A1065.
Stock dove (3+) on (and in) shed, some courtship behaviour. Jackdaw (12+) round pond etc. Jay by W.B.H.
At dusk -- barn owl over field between meadow and W. Raynham Rd. Little owl calling from large healthy ash opposite meadow NW, buzzard towards H.P. (to roost?). Muntjac by main pond.
Distant accipiter somewhere near Raynham Hall.
Rain/drizzle early, then sunny intervals, at times mild, wind light W or SW.
[At Calthorpe Broad with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- marsh harrier (2), buzzard (2+), sparrowhawk (1 + 1 near site), PFG (500+), blackbirds (near broad), wren (song), woodpigeon, unident. ducks (40+, prob. teal)].
Sunny intervals, fairly mild, wind fresh W or SW.
Stock dove (2) on dead ash by main pond.
Overcast, rain in morning, sunny intervals later, fairly mild, wind fresh W or SW.
Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 boxes.
Near dusk (around 1600 GMT) -- barn owl over fields near meadow, especially just north of top blackthorn. Little owl call from healthy ash NW of meadow. Blackbird alarm calls at roost (spinney, meadow edges etc), also song thrush alarms near top blackthorn.
Goldfinch (20+) on burdock by big oak.
Overcast, mainly dry, fairly mild, wind light W or SW.
Stock dove on ash trees by main pond.
PFG (125+) over plot heading ENE (0945 GMT).
Common gull (40+) heading SW near plot.
Little egret past plot heading west, over W. Raynham Rd.
Goldfinch (24+) by big oak, on burdock etc. Kestrel (male) on big oak. Buzzard over plot and nearby. Fieldfare (8) heading west. Mistle thrush alarm-calling on trees at top blackthorn. Marsh tit by meadow SE feeder (while feeder being refilled).
At dusk -- woodcock over main pond and into spinney. Robin song near main pond.
Overcast, damp, drizzle through much of day, fairly mild, wind light E or SE.
Stock dove (4) on ash trees by main pond, some courtship behaviour (mainly 2 males and 1 female). Jackdaw (8+) round pond area, later jackdaw (105) on hyb. poplars. Sparrowhawk (prob. male) attacking passerines near H.H. feeder. Goldfinch (18+) round plot, on burdock etc. LTT flock by main pond. Marsh tit by H.H.
Treecreeper on main stem of big oak.
Barn owl foraging over fields just north of meadow (1415 GMT). Mistle thrush across meadow to perch on stag-headed oak (alarm calls). Blackbirds in various places round meadow (e.g. by crab apple meadow NE) and other parts of the plot. Tit flock along meadow eastern edge. Sparrowhawk (female?) leaving trees by main pond low down towards meadow NW.
[Swans (2, prob. mute) along Wensum heading south.]
Overcast, damp, fog or mist in morning, frost, wind almost nil.
Stock dove on ash trees by main pond. Jackdaw (12+) on grass by shed, also at ash1 box.
Bullfinch along top of meadow.
Greenfinch (2) into laurel hedge in morning.
Overcast, damp but dry, fairly mild, wind light W or SW.
Mistle thrush on big oak and nearby.
Stock dove on big oak. Jackdaw (12+) on grass by shed, also at oak, willow boxes. Blackbird (4+) on grassy areas near shed. Goldfinch (20+) on trees round main pond. LBBG (adult) near W. Raynham Rd, with buzzard (juv) on electricity pole.
At dusk -- woodcock past main pond from NE.
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, drizzle or showers, mild, wind light W or SW.
[At Holt Lowes with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- great grey shrike on tops of various trees and shrubs (probably holding a winter territory), buzzard, greylag goose (40+, over from north), kestrel (2+), siskin (small numbers), goldfinch (40+), green woodpecker (heard), woodpigeon, carrion crow (5+), Nymphalid butterfly, wolf spiders (many), etc.]
Overcast, drizzle or showers, fairly mild, wind light W or SW.
Mistle thrush on ash by main pond, with redwing. Fieldfare (12+) heading south over plot.
Stock dove on big oak, shed etc in morning.
Sparrowhawk (male) in slanting stoop past H.H. into S.S. plot.
Jackdaw (18+) on hyb. poplars. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Chaffinch (2), goldfinch (4+) on big oak. GSW (female) on big oak branches and nearby.
Sunny intervals, still fairly mild, wind light W or SW.
Stock dove on shed in morning.
Marsh tit (2+) along meadow by Carr Stream.
Buzzard (adult) perched on ash tree by pond, prob. food beneath. Also circling round plot etc.
At dusk -- little owl calling from Church Lane area. Woodcock (1 + 1 + 1) over meadow. Barn owl across meadow from west. Song thrush alarm meadow SE.
Greenfinch (2) leaving laurel hedge (1545 GMT approx.), probably checking out roost.
Overcast, milder, occasional showers, wind fresh SW.
Redwings in small numbers around plot. Fieldfare (12+) heading S.
Goldfinch (15+) near H.H.
Sparrowhawk (prob. male, quite brown so perhaps EUR3) attacking passerines near H.H. feeder, perching on cypress, then off across A1065.
Kestrel (adult male) taking prey immediately beneath big oak, then eating prey on the oak.
Little owl calling near junction between Church Lane and W. Raynham Rd.
Overcast, still cold, showers or rain, wind fresh SW.
Redwing (50+) across/past plot heading SW. Later, redwing and fieldfare flock (40+, about equal numbers of each) heading east.
Goldfinch (20+) near H.H. Buzzard over meadow.
Kestrel eating prey on oak in spinney (40 metres from H.H.).
Largely cloudy, some sunny intervals, rather cold, dry, wind light S.
Stock dove song big oak, also display flight over plot with 1 on shed.
Intermittent song thrush song. Robin song on meadow. Chaffinch calls meadow NE.
Redwing (8) near pond. Bullfinch calls along top of meadow. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Goldfinch (22+) on burdock by H.H. Kestrel through H.H. plot, near pond. Later kestrel eating prey on oak in spinney. Grey heron over meadow eastwards. GSW (2) clashing on hyb. poplars etc by main pond. Buzzard over meadow towards H.P.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+) over pond from north, then over meadow, probably to drop down to forage on (cut) poplar planting area.
Largely cloudy, quite cold, showers, wind light E or NE.
Bullfinch calls from near main pond. Jackdaws (10+) by pond etc. Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 boxes. Goldfinch (20+) round pond area (also on burdock by H.H.). Buzzard (prob. adult) circling over meadow, also juv still persistently begging nearby. Sparrowhawk (prob. male) into hyb. poplars (disturbing goldfinches), then off eastwards. Mistle thrush into top of hyb. poplar, then off northwards.
At dusk -- woodcock (1 + 1 + 2) across meadow from north towards spinney. Little owl calling a) near S. Raynham church, b) near start of Church Lane (2 individuals, simultaneous). Teal (5, prob.) over plot heading SW. Song thrush by Carr Stream opposite top blackthorn.
Sunny intervals, quite cold, dry, wind light E or NE.
Jackdaws (14+) by pond etc, on grassy areas. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Great tit, coal tit at H.H. feeder. Stock dove (2) display-flighting round shed area, and on shed.
Overcast, quite cold, damp, wind light E or NE.
Mistle thrush song H.P.
Jackdaws (12+) by pond etc. Goldfinch (15+) on burdock by shed. Chaffinch (2+) big oak etc.
Buzzard (prob. juv) on ash near meadow NW.
At dusk -- Water rail 1 calling (near top blackthorn) + 1 calling (meadow NW). Muntjac on track meadow NW. Moorhen call main pond. LTT flock meadow eastern edge.
Overcast, quite cold, damp, wind very light E.
Jackdaws at oak and wilow boxes. Dunnock on yew by H.H. Goldfinch (15+) by main pond etc. Redwing (15+) in same area. Stock dove (2) on shed, trees by pond etc., some display-flight. Collared dove (2) on bird food by shed. Mistle thrush (2) over plot heading towards Church Lane. Buzzard on electricity pole by W. Raynham Rd.
At dusk -- little owl calling from round S. Raynham church. Tawny owl song Church Lane spinney. Water rail a) 1 calling by main pond, b) 2+ calling meadow NW (close to new pond). Muntjac by second water rail group. Mallard (2) into main pond. Moorhen call main pond.
Overcast, quite cold, damp, wind almost nil.
Jackdaws at oak and wilow boxes. Goldfinch (25+) by main pond etc. Redwing (2) in same area. Coal tit, marsh tit feeding on bird seed on ground by shed. Buzzard, kestrel across meadow. Moorhen under feeder meadow SE.
Mainly sunny, quite cold, dry, wind very light E.
Goldfinch (25+) on burdock by shed. Marsh tit in same area. Great tit (3+), blue tit (4+) round shed. Jay by big oak. Blackbird (3+), redwing, mistle thrush on holly by shed. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot through S.S. plot eastwards. Kestrel (male) on and round plot. Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 boxes, also 40+ on fields west of W. Raynham Rd.
On meadow -- song thrush by edge of Carr Stream. Blackbirds in various locations round the edge (top blackthorn etc). LTT flock along eastern edge.
Little owl call at dusk from proximity of S. Raynham church. Mallard (2 + 4) over meadow area.
Overcast, quite cold, showers, wind fresh E.
Mistle thrush (3+) on hyb. poplars near pond, then later 1 on ash in same area.
Overcast, rather cold, showers, wind very fresh E.
Buzzard across plot from north. Redwing (10+) near main pond. Pied wagtail (2) on S.S. workshop. Goldfinch (10) on ash by pond. Starling (7) heading NW over plot.
Mainly sunny, still fairly mild, dry, wind very light E.
[Starling (30+) on stubble fields 1 km east of S. Raynham. Rooks, jackdaws and a few starlings between Whissonsett and Horningtoft. At dusk, little owl off electricity cables by Whissonsett-Horningtoft road. Woodcock across road near Billingford.]
[At Foxley Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- bullfinch (8+ near main entrance, also several elsewhere, siskin (2), all five common tits (BT, GT, MT, CT, LTT), blackbird, jay (several near main entrance).]
Mainly sunny, fairly mild, dry, wind very light E.
Sparrowhawk (male?) heading NW over plot towards Church Lane at dusk.
Overcast, low cloud, damp, wind very light E.
Snipe (4, prob.) over fields near W. Raynham Rd.
Starling (100 + 30) heading west over or near plot.
Water rail calling from meadow NW corner. Chaffinch in same area. Bullfinch calling along western boundary hedge. Dunnock (2+) in blackthorn thicket by H.H. Redwing (15+) in hyb. poplars etc. Mistle thrush (2) off hyb. poplars towards H.P. Kestrel chased through H.H. by jackdaws. Jackdaw (20+) on grassy area by shed etc. Jackdaws in and out of oak and ash1 boxes.
Siskin (2) across plot from east.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind light S.
Starling (13) across plot heading west near dusk.
Stock dove on cypresses near big oak. Collared dove (2) on big oak.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind light S.
Jackdaws at ash1 box.
Stock dove (2) on ash trees etc by main pond, and on big oak.
At dusk -- water rail (2+) calling meadow NW, similar to 12/11 (1 almost certainly on Carr Stream). Woodcock (1 + 1) across meadow from east. Little owl calling from large (healthy) ash opposite Church Lane. Green woodpecker across plot from spinney direction.
Showers at first, sunny for the rest of the day, wind light S.
Jackdaws at willow and ash1 boxes.
Collared dove (2) on big oak. GSW off big oak towards S.S.
At dusk -- water rail (2 or 3 individuals) calling from meadow NW corner (round new pond) and adjacent Carr Stream. Call like 'kik, kik, kik...' or 'pik, pik, pik...', also pig-squeal call. Woodcock (1 + 1) over meadow and damp field east of meadow. LTT flock (10+) along western boundary hedge. Moorhen call from main pond. Little owl calling from near W. Raynham Rd.
Rain or showers at first, then sunny intervals, wind light S or SW.
At dusk -- little owl perched on S. Raynham church tower, then calling. Woodcock across meadow, from west side (more often appear from east). Carrion crow on stag-headed oak.
[Starling (500+) on fields between Whissonsett and Horningtoft, with rooks and jackdaws. Rooks and jackdaws pre-assembling (for roost) on trees along road between North Elmham and Brisley.]
[At Upgate Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- buzzard, green woodpecker (two places: a) Deadman's Hill, b) Upgate village), sparrowhawk (female) Upgate, redwings (5+), grey heron, GSW. Mosses identified by Peter Cawley including Funularia, Sphagnum sp..]
Still mild, mainly cloudy, sunny intervals, dry, wind light S or SW.
Reed bunting (prob.) dropping into reeds meadow SW, towards sunset.
Bullfinch call meadow NW, also along western boundary hedge. Jay meadow NE.
Kestrel perched small dead ash to west of meadow.
Still mild, sunny intervals, dry, wind light S.
Reed bunting dropping into reeds meadow SW, towards sunset.
Redwing (small groups e.g. 4+) in general area of plot/. [No fieldfar*s.]
Mistle thrush (2) along scratty hedge, went to perch in hyb. poplars at start of Church Lane.
Buzzard juv perched large ash (which is still looking very healthy) opposite meadow NW. Adult nearby, no evidence of any response to peristent begging calls of juv.
Again very mild, sunny intervals, dry, wind light S.
Redwing (small groups e.g. 8+) in general area of plot.
Collared dove (3+) round plot.
Goldfinch (22+) on big oak, beech etc. Chaffinch (2+).
Surprisingly pleasant conditions for Britain in November -- sunny intervals, dry, high cloud, mild, wind very light S.
Adult peregrine 1620 GMT across plot around treetop height, heading NW (i.e., in the opposite direction from 05/11 and almost certainly the same individual).
Reed bunting (male) along west edge of meadow.
Buzzard juv calling as usual, just north of meadow.
Redwing (small groups e.g. 10+) in general area of plot. Wren song near shed.
Collared dove (2) in ash tree next to main pond.
Sparrowhawk (male) over meadow from Church Lane area, launched attack towards line of hyb. poplars meadow SE. Blackbird etc. alarms.
Sunny intervals, odd light showers, mainly dry, mild, wind very light S.
Adult peregrine 1545 GMT across plot just above treetop height, heading E.
Buzzard juv calling as usual with adult in vicinity (juv perhaps still being fed).
Fieldfare (40+) and redwing (small groups e.g. 10+) in general area of plot, mainly near S. Raynham church.
Collared dove in ash tree next to main pond, possible nest.
At dusk -- several bats (prob. pip. sp.) near hyb. poplars along meadow SE. Woodcock (1 + 2) near pond, in from NE, the 2 in close proximity quite low down, as recorded in previous seasons.
Mainly cloudy, dry, quite mild, wind light S.
After dusk -- barn owl calling near main pond.
[At Pensthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- red kite to west (edge of Fakenham), buzzard (prob. juv. calling as at Raynham), green woodpecker, sparrowhawk (female), little egret, cormorant, siskin (10), GSW, kestrel, Egyptian goose (2), water rail calling, marsh tit, ducks (various spp)., short-tailed vole, common toad, common frog, hornet's nest in oak.]
Sunny intervals, dry, milder, wind light or fresh SW.
Fieldfare (100+) and redwing (30+) in general area of plot, mainly near to W. Raynham Rd (perhaps on cattle grazing, or on recently topped field E side of the road). A few starling (6+) over plot from NW. At dusk, a general flux of mainly redwings to ESE, perhaps to roost in H.P. but not clear exactly where (100+ in total, but in straggly groups).
Green woodpecker (prob. ad. female) on H.H. lawn near box.
Lapwing (22+) over plot heading SW.
Collared dove courtship behaviour in ash tree next to main pond.
Mainly sunny, dry, quite cold, wind light W.
Buzzard (juv) on Salix tree by pond, hassled by jackdaws.
Mistle thrush (2) across meadow towards spinney. Collared dove (4) on trees by pond. Redwing (10+) round pond etc.
Sparrowhawk (male) from spinney area headed towards top blackthorn, launched attack there and then perched in tall ash.
Kestrel along scratty hedge.
Overcast, drizzle or moderate rain, rather mild, wind almost nil.
In rainy conditions -- redwing (12+) foraging on ground between pond and shed. Blackbird (5+, including 4+ EUR3 males and 1 EUR5 male) on ground near shed, especially under transplanted Syringa, and on Pyracantha. (Blackbird, blue tit, robin all feeding on Pyracantha berries). Chaffinch (8+, 4+ females) in same area. Most of these were on disturbed ground following digger work last week, the soil being soft in today's frost-free conditions. Great tit, blue tit on and round shed. Robin song. Collared dove (3) in ash trees near pond. Jay on ground near shed. Nuthatch off big oak. Jackdaw (4+) at willow box and on big oak. Goldfinch (3+) near shed, on burdock etc. Dunnock near H.H. kitchen.
Starling (50+) over plot heading SE.
Sunny intervals, dry, quite cold, wind light E.
Fieldfare flock (150+) over meadow and nearby. Redwing (30+) also present.
Water rail call ('kik-kik-kik') main pond, first record for autumn on pond.
Kestrel perched cypresses by big oak. Goldfinch (10+) around plot.
Overcast, light rain and showers, quite cold, wind fresh NE.
Fieldfare/redwing flock (80+) over meadow and nearby. Redwing (10+) around meadow.
Finches (22+) in vicinity of pond, meadow etc (perhaps greenfinch). Goldfinch (8+) around plot. Jackdaw (8+) near pond etc.
Sunny intervals and showers, rather cold, wind light NE.
Blue tit, great tit in H.H. garden, on broom etc.
Redwing (10) around meadow. Fieldfares (30+) also present in general area. Brambling call, bullfinch top blackthorn.
Green woodpecker across from spinney towards pond trees.
Jackdaws at ash1 box. GSW on big oak.
Buzzard (juv) on stag-headed oak.
At dusk -- little owl call NW of meadow. Possible water rail call MNE. (No woodcock).
Showers early on, sunny intervals later.
Stock dove (3) off ash trees top blackthorn.
[At Calthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- peregrine (adult), marsh harrier (all dark), buzzards, tandem pairs of darter dragonflies.]
Sunny intervals and showers, rather cold, wind fresh N.
Small groups of redwing (8, 15+, 20, etc) trundling W or SW. Fieldfare (100+) on fields west of W. Raynham Rd, probably where cattle are presently feeding.
Goldfinch (5) on big oak. Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 boxes.
Buzzard on stag-headed oak. Red kite over vicinity of H.P.
Cloudy early with some drizzle, then sunny intervals, cooler, wind fresh NW.
Mistle thrush (2) in agonistic clash near pond.
Kestrel over field west of meadow.
Buzzard (juv) near W. Raynham Rd. Red kite over H.P. and nearby. Siskin call over meadow.
Mainly cloudy with sunny intervals, quite mild, dry, wind light N or NW.
Water rail call probably from Carr Stream, close to top blackthorn.
Fieldfare (175+) heading westwards past Church Lane.
Siskin (8) over meadow from east.
Green woodpecker call from near stag-headed oak. Mistle thrush on stag-headed oak.
Buzzard (juv) on stag-headed oak, with adult near H.P. Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow northwards.
Barn owl foraging along edge of W. Raynham Rd on field west of meadow (on area recently cut with bat-wing topper by Raynham Farm). Kestrel perched on electricity cable in same area.
Little owl call from near S. Raynham church.
Red kite (2) over Wensum valley near H.P., some display-like flight.
Mainly cloudy with sunny intervals, quite mild, dry, wind light NW.
Stock dove (3) off willow by pond.
Fieldfare (40+) heading west.
Moorhen a) on Carr Stream (meadow NE), b) call from pond. Tit flock as usual. Bullfinch (male) meadow estern edge. Grey heron over meadow from west, landed near H.P.
Buzzard (juv) on stag-headed oak.
Pied wagtail on shed.
Sunny intervals, still quite mild, dry, wind light W.
Starling (2) over plot from SE.
Moorhen by main pond.
Prob. brambling calls over plot. Siskin across plot. Bullfinch calls.
Skylark over plot several times.
Sunny intervals at first, cloudy later, mild, dry, wind very light W.
Moorhen call Carr Stream.
Redwing (9), fieldfare (10+) round top blackthorn.
Chaffinch (12+) perhaps with brambling over H.P. Siskin across meadow again. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT, MT) along meadow eastern edge. Several MT at meadow SE feeder. Wren song meadow SE corner blackthorn patch, with others in part-flattened reed nearby. Bullfinch calls along meadow N edge.
Buzzard juv persistently calling from small dead ash.
Skylark over plot several times.
Sunny intervals, fairly mild, dry, wind light NW.
Water rail pig-squeal call from Carr Stream or top blackthorn area. Moorhen also present in this area.
Mistle thrush off cypresses near big oak towards hyb. poplars.
Small flocks of redwing (9 etc) round plot. Possible (small) redwing roost somewhere on or round meadow.
Chaffinch (8+) with prob. brambling (calls heard) into hyb. poplars and elsewhere. Siskin across meadow several times towards/from H.P. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT, MT) along meadow eastern edge. MT and BT at meadow NW feeder. Wren song (2 individuals) meadow SE corner blackthorn patch (MT calls same area). Bullfinch (male) across meadow, also calls at various times.
Pied wagtail on S.S. workshop. GSW near plot. Buzzard (3 adults) circling over W.Raynham Rd area, with juv persistently calling from small dead ash at same time.
Skylark heading over plot north-south several times, both directions.
18/10/2018Hawthorn by poplar planting area, Hillside House 2018-10-18 (1313)
Sunny intervals, mild, dry, wind light N.
Small flocks of redwing (9, 20+, etc) round plot. Several tree species carry good crops of fruit this year, e.g. the hawthorn pictured.
Brambling call (prob.) meadow NE, with chaffinch present. Reed bunting in same area. Grey wagtail from meadow area towards Church Lane.
GSW across meadow. Buzzard (2) over and near plot. Sparrowhawk (prob. male) heading towards H.P. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT, CT, MT) along meadow eastern edge.
Little owl calls from a) S. Raynham church area, b) near start of Church Lane, simultaneous and in mid-afternoon.
Several common frog and common toad on edge of poplar planting area.
Overcast, mild, damp with some drizzle, wind very light W.
Mixed flocks of fieldfare and redwing (20+, etc) heading SW, some hanging round plot on hawthorn trees etc.
Green woodpecker across plot towards A1065 ashwoods. Jackdaws at oak and ash1 boxes. Buzzard ad & juv over and near plot. Kestrel perched on scratty hedge. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT, CT) along meadow eastern edge. Robin (3+ singing) round H.H. garden near house. Siskin over meadow towards H.P.
Little owl calling from west of W. Raynham Rd at dusk. Blackbird (4+) collecting at roost in spinney.
Large common frog edge of poplar planting area.
Overcast, mild, damp but no rain, wind almost nil.
Starling (45+, 12+, 15+) heading W over plot. Mixed flocks of fieldfare and redwing (5+, 20+, 40+, etc) heading SW.
Mistle thrush a) over big oak area, heading SE, b) 2 on stag-headed oak. Redwing (3) near pond. Wren by shed. GSW across meadow. Buzzard juv calling from stag-headed oak and nearby. Sparrowhawk (male, prob. 1-y-o) in elders meadow NW corner. Tit flock (40+) round meadow (BT, GT, CT, LTT). GSW on ash trees at top blackthorn. Marsh tit (2) along western boundary hedge.
Overcast, still quiite mild, drizzle or rain through day.
Starling (70+) heading WSW over Church Lane near dusk.
Green woodpecker across meadow towards Church Lane.
Overcast, cooler, drizzle or rain until afternoon, wind light or fresh SE swinging to N.
Sparrowhawk (1-year-old male) perched on big oak, then off into spinney -- quite brown above, but some orange-brown on throat. Probably the same individual seen in recent days.
Overcast at first (cumulostratus), later sunny intervals, very warm for October, wind fresh SW.
Redwing (5+ etc) around plot, especially near western boundary hedge.
Buzzard juv and adult over meadow etc several times. (Juv has 'kwee' call unlike disyllabic call of adult). Tit flock (great, blue, marsh, coal, LTT) along meadow E edge. Jay around plot. Green woodpecker call from H.P. Pied wagtail near shed etc. Gulls (150+, mainly BHG, some common) drifting over mainly westwards. Reed bunting on dogrose by Carr Stream.
Hornet by H.H. Red admiral on meadow.
Overcast, dry, warm for October, wind fresh S or SW.
Redwing (5+ etc) around plot.
Jackdaw (14+) near pond etc. Buzzard a) juv calling persistently from near H.P., b) adult over meadow etc several times. Tit flock (great, blue, marsh, coal, LTT) along meadow E edge. Gulls (BHG, common) drifting over mainly northwards. Sparrowhawk (1-year-old male) by Carr Stream.
Overcast with drizzle early on, later clearing to sunny intervals, dry, very warm for October, wind very light S.
Redwing (small numbers) over plot from N. Remains of single redwing near western boundary hedge (prob. sparrowhawk kill).
Nuthatch on big oak. Buzzard a) juv calling persistently from area of top blackthorn, b) adult (2) over meadow etc several times. Red kite over Church Lane area towards E. Raynham and Wensum. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot from west, towards H.P. Tit flock (blue, marsh, LTT) along meadow E edge. Siskin over plot from west. Chaffinch (2) over meadow.
Dor-beetle (Geotrupes) by H.H. back door in evening. Possibly a newcomer since cattle put to graze on fields west of W.Raynham Rd. Hornets around plot in various places.
Sunny, virtually cloudless, dry, very warm for October, wind almost nil (southerly).
Buzzard juv calling persistently from ash on top blackthorn. Tit flock on eastern edge of meadow. Moorhen call from pond.
[Skylarks in several places between S. Raynham and Whissonsett, over or near stubble fields. Peregrine (prob. adult) round Norwich Cathedral.]
Sunny intervals, dry, fairly warm, wind almost nil.
Redwing (12+) on meadow by pond and in ash trees. Chiffchaff hweet-calling along western boundary hedge.
Tit flock on meadow. Collared dove (2) by shed. Buzzard (2) over meadow etc, juv calling persistently from scratty hedge. Kestrel (male) departing from perch by pond.
Hornets still active near hyb. poplars. Several butterflies (red admiral, GVW, etc).
Mainly cloudy, a few sunny intervals, dry, fairly warm, wind light W or NW.
Redwing (20+) across meadow towards H.P. A few redwing generally round the plot.
Skylark over from north. Mistle thrush (2) on big oak and on nearby holly, probable fruit-defence. Jay on big oak (searching for acorns), also on H.H. lawn. Blue tit, great tit, wren, woodpigeon, dunnock (3+), chaffinch (2), goldfinch (6+), marsh tit round shed. Collared dove (2) into S.S. plot. Blue tit and great tit in agonistic challenge on shed. Moorhen call from main pond.
Jackdaws in and out of oak box.
Sparrowhawk (prob. male) over plot heading NE. Buzzard (2) over meadow etc, juv calling persistently from scratty hedge.
Area mowed by shed and big oak had many invertebrates near and just below ground level (spiders [Pisaura and prob. Pardosa], centipedes, woodlouse, beetle (Trachyporus hypnorum), earthworms, etc.).
Sunny intervals, dry, warm, wind light E or NE.
Fieldfare & redwing flocks in approx ratio 3:1 (120+, 40+) with redwing (50+) round Church Lane and meadow area, all then departing W or SW, 1800 BST). Green woodpecker (2) on stag-headed oak.
[At Catfield Fen with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- a superb fen site with rare plants and animals. Marsh harrier (3), buzzard (2+2), blue tit, wren, woodpigeon, fieldffare (60+, 40+, 7, 25+, etc, from east), redwing (some mixed in with fieldfares, also 30+), mallard (2), grey heron, etc. PFG (200+) in distance.]
Overcast, drizzle or light rain much of the day, cool, wind fresh N or NE.
Stock dove leaving box near pond. Collared dove (2) on concrete by H.H. Goldfinch (8+) around plot. Green woodpecker calls near H.H. Tit flock through plot. Buzzard perched along scratty hedge N of plot. Sparrowhawk (male, ad.) across plot over shed low down, from west, in rain.
Mainly overcast, mild, dry, wind light W.
Grey wagtail on shed and along Carr Stream. Pied wagtails also present around plot.
Tit flock (25+) on meadow.
Buzzard (2) on small dead ash west of meadow.
Jackdaws at willow nestbox and challenging stock dove at triangular box. Dunnock (4+) in burdock by H.H. Collared dove by shed.
Hornet by H.H. Large numbers of ladybirds (several spp.) round house etc.
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, mild, dry, wind light W.
Green woodpecker (3 [adult female + 2 juvs]) on short grassy area close to big oak.
Redwing (2) over meadow.
Redwing (22+, 0852 BST) from NE into ash trees along N edge of spinney, almost exactly as on 03/10.
Jackdaws at willow nestbox, total 14+ in area by pond. Tit flock (10+) by shed etc. Song thrush, blackbird (4+) along western boundary hedge. Wren, dunnock, robin etc. Woodpigeon (5+) on lawn near H.H.
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, milder, dry, wind fresh W.
Redwing (22+, 0845 BST) from NE into ash trees along N edge of spinney, disappeared soon after.
Jackdaws at willow nestbox. Nuthatch (2) into spinney from H.P. direction. GSW over plot. Marsh tit call from spinney near beech. Dunnock by shed. Kestrel (2, both male) on field to west of plot, also near H.P. Buzzard (2) over meadow, Church Lane etc. Red kite over Wensum valley (near E. Raynham).
Red admiral by pond. Meta (prob. segmentata) on french window H.H. Araneus diadematus still has web on kitchen door but web is no longer being fully repaired after damage.
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, quite cool, dry, wind fresh (BF 5) NW.
Swallow over westwards.
Jackdaws at willow nestbox. Buzzard over meadow. Goldfinch (6) on big oak.
Sunny intervals, quite cool, dry, wind fresh N or NW.
Jackdaw (17+) on ash trees by pond. Mistle thrush over plot westwards. Swallow (5) over meadow heading SW.
Sparrowhawk (male) perched on boundary wall between S.S. plot and H.H. plot. Kestrel (male) near pond, heading to H.P. Buzzard over H.P. Red kite over Wensum valley NE of plot. Hornet by shed.
Mainly cloudy, rather cool, dry, wind light NW.
[At Winterton with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- buzzard (7), marsh harrier (2), kestrel (2+), stock dove (7+), jay (2+), meadow pipit (5+), linnet (5), green woodpecker (heard), rock pipit (prob., 2), stonechat (3+), PFG (90+). On sea -- red-throated diver (1+), cormorant (several), gannet (2+). Many small Dytiscus beetles in pond mud. In Winterton village, many house sparrow and starling.]
Sunny intervals, rather cool, dry, wind fresh NW.
Buzzard (5 = 2+3) over plot. Chiffchaff in willows etc meadow NE. Siskin (male) over H.H.
Sunny intervals, cooler, dry, wind fresh NE.
Buzzard over H.P. Jay top blackthorn. Carrion crow near H.P. Mistle thrush on hyb. poplars along Church Lane. Grey wagtail along Carr Stream. Bullfinch at top blackthorn and meadow NE. Chiffchaff call meadow eastern edge.
Sunny, some cloud later, warm, dry, wind light W.
Stock dove near pond. Marsh tit a) call by H.H., b) call meadow NE. Goldfinch (20) along track west of pond. Chaffinch (2) on big oak and nearby. Buzzard west of meadow and on stag-headed oak. Kestrel perched small dead ash west of plot. Green woodpecker call somewhere near pond. Magpie over plot. Grey heron across meadow westwards. Carrion crow (2+) around plot. Jay across meadow. Mistle thrush across meadow heading SW. Grey wagtail over H.H. and round S.S. plot.
Bullfinch meadow NE. Chiffchaff, wren, dunnock (3+) top blackthorn.
Probable little owl pellet dropped on bonnet of car near shed entrance.
Hornet on meadow (SE). Brimstone male by H.H. laurel hedge. Peacock by shed. Araneus quadratus on meadow in poplar planting area.
Sunny, some high cloud (cirrus etc), warmer, dry, wind light W.
Stock dove again hassled by jackdaws near pond. (Jackdaws appear to be winning the contest for ownership of the five big nestboxes.) Marsh tit call by H.H. Goldfinch (8) by big oak. Buzzard over plot.
Again large numbers of small flying insects in or over spinney. Prob Ichneumon suspiciosus on logs by shed. Red admiral. Araneus diadematus web over H.H. back door.
Mainly sunny, somewhat warmer, dry, wind light.
Swallow (2+) heading west.
Stock dove hassled by jackdaws near pond. Marsh tit (2) foraging on mossy branches of big oak. Kestrel calling to west of plot.
Unidentified wader (prob. snipe) over meadow from west.
Hornet by big oak. Large numbers of small flying insects in or over spinney, perhaps gnats or mosquitoes. Brimstone male by shed. Unidentified ichneumon wasp by shed.
Sunny intervals, cool, dry, wind almost nil.
Swallow (2+) over meadow, very few HM now.
Chiffchaff flycatching top blackthorn. Reed bunting in elder trees nearby. Linnet (3, prob.) across meadow westwards. Buzzard (4) high over plot, also calling from H.P. north end. Stock dove a) on shed, b) round meadow, perhaps from kestrel box. Kestrel (male, perhaps 1-year-old) perched small dead ash.
Hornet by big oak. Comma, red admiral around plot. Pompilid wasps of prob. two spp. in various places -- one all-dark, the other with reddish legs.
Little owl calling, probably from meadow.
Jay by pond. Goldfinch (12) on big oak. Collared dove (2) big oak. Jackdaw (10+) pond etc. Stock dove at willow box.
Rain or drizzle early on, wind almost nil.
Jackdaw a) (16) by pond, b) 2 eating acorns on big oak, c) at oak, willow and ash1 boxes. Blackbird (male, EUR 3, no tail) eating pyracantha berries by shed. Moorhen ad. by H.H. Robin (2), dunnock by shed.
Sunny intervals, warm, dry, wind light W.
HM (25+) over spinney and plot.
Jackdaw (8+) in trees by pond at dusk. Buzzard (3) high over plot. Marsh tit calls near H.H. Stock dove song near H.H.
Sunny intervals, fairly warm, dry, wind light W.
HM (30+) over spinney.
[At Calthorpe Broad with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- hobby repeatedly over rushy fields on edge of site dragonfly-hawking. Buzzard (4). Relatively few passerine birds (wren, tits etc). Mediterranean gull, snipe. Green woodpecker call by Calthorpe House. Unidentified juvenile fish shoals in dykes. Discarded grass snake skin. Numerous or abundant dragonflies (hawkers, including southern, brown, probably migrant) and darters (ruddy and common), and willow emerald (a recent arrival in Britain, identified by Peter Cawley). Hornet, grasshoppers, etc. Various wetland plants such as Hottonia, frogbit, Potamageton spp., Carex spp., arrowhead (Sagittaria).]
Buzzard juv calling from stag-headed oak.
Sunny intervals, somewhat milder, dry, wind light to fresh W.
HM (80+, counted in rough 10s) over meadow and fields near plot. Little evidence that these are on the move yet -- but they are likely to be within a week or two.
Chiffchaff (2) on roof of shed, elder tree, laurels etc, with tit flock again.
Jackdaw (8+) in trees near pond. Goldfinch (11) round plot.
Buzzard (2) over Church Lane area, some display-flighting, and over meadow. Juv calling from stag-headed oak. Red kite over W.Raynham Rd.
Mainly overcast, rather cool, dry, wind light or fresh W.
HM (40+) over fields near plot, mainly near S.Raynham church.
Chiffchaff (2) on roof of shed and in nearby elder tree, probably tagging along with good-sized tit flock (55+, BT, GT, MT, CT [latter on planted pines], LTT [16+]). Same tit flock later on meadow, with bullfinch.
The various members of the flock focus attention on different micro-habitats. The 'yellow' tits (great and blue) concentrate on crevices, the roof eaves of the shed, etc. There they are likely to find spiders of several spp., including the orb-spinners Araneus umbraticus, Zygiella x-notata or Z. atrica, and perhaps Amaurobius fenestralis (only in crevices). Some adults of these species may be too big for the tits to deal with. Marsh tits are usually on the burdock heads. Coal tit may be in the pines, but also in the yew hedge, where other orb-spinner spiders such as Tetragnatha and Meta (prob. M. segmentata) are present, along with Linyphia triangularis. The chiffchaffs tend to be fly-catching, though also at times perhaps taking some elder berries.
Robin on roof of shed. Dunnock by shed. Swallow (adult) into S.S. building site, 0800 BST.
Jackdaw (10+) in trees near pond.
Buzzard over meadow, also juv calling repeatedly from stag-headed oak.
Sparrowhawk (adult male) across meadow towards H.P. Hornet by Carr Stream. Speckled wood by H.H.
Sunny intervals, rather cool, wind light W.
HM (20+) in general area of plot.
Jackdaw (10+) in trees near pond, and at oak, willow boxes. Stock dove (2) into shed. GSW across plot from north. Nuthatch in big oak. Goldcrest calls from A1065 cypresses.
Greylag (14) over H.H. from north.
Mainly overcast, light drizzle at times, rather cool, wind light W.
HM (5+) in general area of plot. At dusk, swallow apparently going into roost at S.S. building site (where nest was earlier in year).
Jackdaw (8+) in trees near pond, and at oak, willow boxes. Buzzard perched near pond.
Tit flock (10+, BT, GT, MT) near shed etc. Blackbird (juv) eating pyracantha berries by shed.
Red kite over Church Lane area.
Cormorant (2) over plot heading NW.
Overcast, showers in afternoon, mild, humid, wind light W.
Stock dove flushed off shed nestbox. Stock dove (3+) round plot (e.g. on top blackthorn).
HM (35+) in mostly loose flock, at times clumping, over plot and nearby. Chiffchaff calls by pond.
Coal tit on beech by H.H. Robin (2) eating pyracantha berries by shed.
Kestrel (male, perhaps 1-year-old) perched on small dead ash west of plot, moving with a second (adult male) across to near H.P.
Buzzard (juv) perched on stag-headed oak, with at least 1 more perched by Wensum further away. Sparrowhawk (male) in hunting flight across meadow.
Mistle thrush perched stag-headed oak.
Overcast early, sunny intervals later, mild, humid, wind light W.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- hobby, kestrel, buzzard, sparrowhawk (male attacking finch), marsh tit, bullfinch, chiffchaff, hirundines. Many ruddy darter pairs in tandem ovipositing on lowest pond, also southern and migrant hawkers. Hornet. Several rare or scarce plants, indicating the success of the wonderful efforts of dedicated local volunteers at this site.]
Mainly overcast, some showers, rather cool, wind light or fresh W.
Jackdaw (8+) in trees near pond, and at oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Stock dove flushed off shed nest. Stock dove (2) courtship ash trees near pond.
Swift over meadow, with HM (5+) in general area of plot. Buzzard over plot, juv calling from H.P.
Mainly overcast, some showers, rather cool, wind fresh NW.
Jackdaw (16+) in trees near pond. Stock dove near shed. Sparrowhawk (adult female) with prey along W.B.H., alarms from dunnock, nuthatch etc.
Buzzard (2+) H.P. GSW along Carr Stream.
Overcast, dry, rather cool, wind light or fresh NE.
Jackdaw (8+) in trees near pond. Stock dove into shed. Blackcap (prob.) calling from W.B.H.
HM (20+) over plot, with a few swallows.
Sparrowhawk (male) into spinney from north.
Sunny intervals, clouding up later, dry, rather cool, wind light or fresh N or NE.
Jackdaw (4+) in trees near pond. Stock dove (2) nearby, also 1 on big oak.
Swallow (7+) over plot, with a few HM.
Red kite over meadow, Church Lane etc, with buzzard.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind very light E or NE.
Jackdaw (4+) in trees near pond.
Mixed tit and others flock (total 5+), along western boundary hedge and spinney -- marsh tit, blackcap (2 -- male, female/juv). Robin song [2 -- a) W.B.H., b) cypresses by big oak]. Blackbird in W.B. H. Coal tit song (2+, 1 near pond, 2nd on big oak).
Stock dove (2+) by pond, also song. Collared dove (2) perhaps prospecting Scots pine by shed.
Hobby circling right over H.H., hirundine alarms (1530 BST).
Aeshna cyanea and Aeshna mixta by H.H. Hornet by big oak. Mellinus arvensis in H.H. kitchen.
Mainly sunny, dry.
Jackdaw (4+) in trees near pond.
Mixed tit and others flock (total 15+), along western boundary hedge -- LTT (5+), marsh tit, blackcap, blue tit.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind very light N or W.
Jackdaw (12+) in trees near pond.
Mixed tit and others flock (total 10+), along western boundary hedge and spinney -- great tit, blue tit (4+), marsh tit, blackcap (female/juv), wren. Robin song. Blackbird eating plums in same hedge. Tit flock (mainly blue, some great meadow NE, in Salix trees.
Usual HM flock over plot (15+).
Sympetrum sanguineum female near shed. Mellinus arvensis by H.H. Aeshna cyanea meadow NE. Bombus agrorum (several) on lavendar by H.H.
Buzzard (ad) over H.P., juv calling nearby. Green woodpecker call from H.P. area.
Less cloud, sunny intervals, dry, wind very light NW (high pressure building).
Jackdaw (12+) in trees near pond.
Mixed tit and others flock (total 20+), along western boundary hedge and spinney -- treecreeper (1) on big oak, great tit, blue tit (5+), chiffchaff.
Usual HM flock over plot (20+), absent some of the day, but very active in late afternoon, over shed, pond and grassy area. Question is whether these are locals or migrants? Former seems much likely as main HM movements are in late September and October, and the numbers are relatively stable. Strong indication that conditions on plot are improving.
Sympetrum sanguineum pair in tandem close to shed. Unidentified hymenopteran on shed (quite large, dark head and thorax, yellow barred abdomen).
Buzzard (2) over heading NE. Red kite to west of W.R.Rd.
Overcast, drizzle early on, dry later, wind very light N.
Jackdaw (12+) in trees near pond, also in and out of oak and willow boxes. Prob. ownership dispute with stock dove at ash1 box. Stock dove (2) round pond area. Collared dove display flight over plot and S.S.
Mixed tit and others flock, along western boundary hedge and young trees west of pond -- treecreeper (2+), coal tit, great tit, blue tit (4+), chiffchaff (2+), blackcap (3+). Also present in same area -- blackbird (5+, including 3+ juvs), song thrush, dunnock, wren (song in two places), robin (2+), goldfinch (10+), bullfinch.
Swallow ad feeding juv in flight by shed (prob. the S.S. site pair). Usual HM flock over plot (15+, later 30+), with swift (1). Much foraging is over shed, pond and grassy area and may indicate improving invertebrate numbers. Nuthatch big oak. Buzzard across plot from NE, with juv calling repeatedly from stag-headed oak area.
Several Mellinus arvensis near patio by H.H. Sympetrum sanguineum close to shed. Speckled wood by western boundary hedge.
At dusk -- barn owl juv hissing regularly near triang. box, tawny owl (2+) calling near H.H.
Overcast, dry, wind light W.
Hirundines (20+, mainly HM) over plot and nearby. Swallow (7+, including 3+ juvs) over plot, juvs hanging around over S.S. building site.
GSW (2) across plot towards H.P. Collared dove over S.S. plot. Kestrel (male) flushed from near big oak. Chiffchaff calls from various places round plot.
Stock dove flushed from nestbox in shed. Later stock into shed.
Overcast, some sunny intervals, dry, wind light W.
Hirundines (100+, almost all HM) over plot and Wensum valley. Mainly at or below treetop height, occasionally rising higher.
Green woodpecker call from pond area. Song thrush and blackbird alarms at dusk.
At dusk -- barn owl calling and perched in Salix tree meadow SW. Dark underneath (white face contrasting with underparts). Prob. a 2nd nearby. Tawny owl calling from spinney or A1065 ashwoods.
Overcast, rain in afternoon, wind light or fresh W.
Hirundines (30+, mainly HM) over plot, in lee of hybrid poplars, etc. This flock has become a regular feature in late summer this year. If local the HM must be nesting on houses in other parts of S. Raynham (there are no nests on or close to H.H.). Swallows (4+, inlcuding 3+ juvs) still round S.S. building site, though clearly all fledged now.
Jackdaws (16+) on trees round pond. Sparrowhawk (adult male) across plot eastwards.
Whitethroat (juv) on elder and Rubus, meadow NE. Acros have apparently all gone this year.
Sunny intervals, rather cool.
Hirundines (25+, mainly HM) over plot, rising with alarm calls when hobby approached from south (1600 BST). Hobby launched (prob. unsuccessful) attack near junction of Church Lane and W.Raynham Rd, left to the west.
Buzzard (2+) over plot, third perhaps juv calling from H.P.
Chiffchaff (2+) in trees near pond, with Sylvia sp. calls. Marsh tit on thistles by H.H. Goldfinch (10+) over meadow.
Hornet on Carr Stream. Prob. common darter by shed.
Goldfinch (15+) round plot.
Overcast with drizzle or rain initially, sunny intervals later, wind light W.
Stock dove (2) perched by willow box. Jackdaws (16+) on trees round pond.
Hirundines (20+, HM and swallow) over meadow etc in drizzle, with swift (2+).
Sunny intervals, dry, wind light or fresh W.
Stock dove flushed from nestbox in shed. Stock dove (2+1) near pond.
Green woodpecker calls from meadow SE (hyb. poplars). Sparrowhawk (male?) heading north over plot, mobbed by hirundines.
Swallow brood from S.S. building site has clearly fledged and family now ranges over plot and nearby. Near the end of the afternoon several of the family returned to the part-built bungalow (simiilar to 2017 in the shed).
Tit flock, with chiffchaff and blackcap (prob) along western boundary hedge (elders). Goldfinch (10+) on plot. Goldcrest calls from A1065 cypresses. Coal tit call spinney.
Sympetrum sanguineum (male and female in tandem), Aeshna cyanea near H.H.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind light or fresh W.
Hirundine (35+, mainly HM) rising to mob sparrowhawk (prob. male) heading north over plot. Swallow (8+) S.S. building site.
Tit flock through plot.
Mainly overcast, dry.
Marsh harrier (adult male) heading west over field west of plot, mobbed by kestrel (adult male). Later, sparrowhawk carrying prey towards H.P.
[At Lolly Moor, with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- sparrowhawk (female) pestered by fledged young (1 or 2) in adjacent woods. Bullfinch heard. Some common darters but fewer than 2017. Buzzard. Tit flock.]
Hirundines (10+, HM, swallow) over plot. Swift over meadow. Goldfinch (30+) round plot, feeding on thistles and burdock, some close to H.H. (group of 8+ on one spear thistle, with chiffchaff). Nuthatch on big oak. Goldcrest song A1065 cypresses. Stock dove in willow box.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, dry, wind light W.
Stock dove collecting nest mat (fresh willow fronds from willow by pond) and carrying it to shed. (Later, stock dove accidentally flushed from nestbox in shed).
Jackdaws in and out of willow and oak boxes.
As in recent days, house martins (10+) foraging over treetops of spinney, with odd swallow and possible sand martin. The HM may be local breeders or postbreeders. Swallow pair at S.S. building site has probably fledged their young (2?), though still visting nest at times. Pair perching on big oak briefly.
Chiffchaff calls from pond area and spinney. Goldfinch (10+) on trees by pond. Blackbird (female) feeding on elder berries by shed (many berries now ripe after recent rain).
Mainly overcast, showers or drizzle in morning, cool, sunny intervals later, wind light W.
Stock dove pair on shed (male, presumably, has noticeably stronger sheen-like neck patches).
Swallow (2 ad, 2 juv) on top twigs of big oak at times. This is probably the family from the S.S. building site nest.
Chiffchaff calls near H.H. Blackbird (2 males) feeding on elder berries by shed.
Southern hawker by H.H., over lawn etc.
House martin (30+) over spinney treetops in morning. In evening, house martin (15+) and swift (8+) over meadow and vicinity.
Sunny intervals, mainly dry, wind light or fresh W.
Stock dove pair on shed roof. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site.
House martin (20+) over spinney treetops, with swift (1).
Kestrel (adult male) calling repeatedly from top of small cypress (near big oak). Moorhen call pond.
Robin song, blackbird alarms spinney.
Barn owl at entrance of triangular box near dusk (prob. juv).
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, showers at times, cool, wind light W.
Stock dove song pond area.
Chiffchaff and blackcap calls from western boundary hedge (elders).
Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site, alarm-calling. Perhaps a third adult present at times, some chasing.
Coal tit (2+) calls from spinney. Nuthatch into spinney. Goldcrest to pond. Robin alarms, wren alarms. Tit flock (great, blue, marsh, LTT) in pond Salix trees.
Hirundines (40+, mainly house martin) over spinney and plot.
Southern hawker over H.H. patio.
Buzzard (2) over Mill Covert area.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, showers at times, cool, wind light W.
Stock dove pair into willow box. Stock dove into shed. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site. Buzzard carried prey from west towards H.P. Chiffchaff calls near H.H.
Stock dove flushed from ash1 box. Swallow (4+) mobbed kestrel perched on cypress by big oak. Coal tit calls from spinney. Hobby fast across plot in attack mode, heading east 1830 BST.
Mainly overcast, rather cool, dry, wind light W.
Stock dove into shed gable end. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site, alarm-calling. Buzzard (2) over plot from south. Chiffchaff calls or alarms by pond and meadow east side. Blackcap alarms spinney.
Finch flock (30+) west of W. Raynham Rd.
Mainly overcast, cool, showers at times, wind light or fresh W.
Stock dove flushed from nestbox in shed. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site.
Fairweather cloud, hazy sunny intervals, dry, warm, wind light or fresh W.
Coal tit song (2 individuals) in spinney opposite H.H. Goldfinch (4) feeding on elder bushes. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site.
Whitethroat into dense low vegetation (prob. nest) approx. 30 metres north of Carr Stream opposite top blackthorn.
Fairweather cloud, hazy sunny intervals, dry, warm, wind light or fresh W.
Coal tit song in A1065 cypresses. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site. Bullfinch over plot. Blackbird male feeding on elder berries by shed. Stock dove into shed with nest mat.
Sunny intervals, little cloud, dry, very warm, wind almost nil.
Bullfinch (3) on big oak and in elder bushes.
Fairweather cloud, hazy sunny intervals, dry, fairly warm, wind light N.
Stock dove (2) round pond, shed etc. Pair apparently inspecting oak box, but also into shed gable. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site.
Barn owl chick at entrance of triangular box, dusk. Probably fed later by noisy adult(s).
Buzzard over Church Lane area
Finch flock (20+, mainly or all greenfinch) over fields west of W. Raynham Rd. (After recent harvesting).
Fairweather cloud, sunny intervals, dry, warm, wind light W or SW.
Coal tit song and calls from A1065 cypresses.
Coenagrion splendens by H.H. kitchen (probably first record for plot). Also Aeshna mixta.
Fairweather cloud, sunny intervals, dry, warm, wind light W or SW.
Stock dove a) perched ash trees by pond, b) song spinney, c) 2 over plot, etc. Swallow (3+) round S.S. building site. Chiffchaff call/alarm near pond. Sedge warbler song middle of main pond, 1930 BST. Bullfinch (male, female) into spinney from direction of meadow.
Buzzard over plot and nearby. Gulls (mainly BHG) ant-hawking, H.P. area.
Aeshna mixta in regular beat by H.H. kitchen, Aeshna grandis and Aeshna cyanea also present at times. Prob. Anax by yew hedge.
Fairweather cloud, hazy sunny intervals, dry, warm, wind light W or SW.
Stock dove song big oak. Swallow (3+) round S.S. building site. Chiffchaff call/alarm near pond. Goldfinch (4) on big oak. Kestrel (male) hovering near pond.
Buzzard (2) in aerial clash over meadow.
Aeshna mixta in regular beat by H.H. kitchen, Aeshna grandis and Aeshna cyanea also present at times.
[Swifts (12+) screaming flights over Holt Road Fakenham.]
Fairweather cloud, sunny intervals, some light drizzle, warm, wind light W or SW.
Swift numbers going west reduced. Swallow (3+) round S.S. building site. Stock dove on ash above ash1 box. Blackbirds (5+) near shed etc. Rowan berries almost all gone already. Coal tit song A1065 cypresses. Collared dove.
Buzzard over meadow. Gulls (mainly BHG) ant-hawking Church Lane area.
Aeshna mixta in regular beat by H.H. kitchen. Sympetrum sp. (female) by H.H.
Mainly cloudy, sunny intervals, some light drizzle, warmer, wind light W or SW.
Swifts drifting westwards over plot and nearby. Swallow (3+) round S.S. building site. Stock dove on shed. Jay near pond.
Sedge warbler song and alarm in ditch, meadow NW quad., showing well. Wren alarms nearby in western ditch. Reed warbler in reeds next to poplar planting area, silent. Blackcap song meadow NE corner. Chiffchaff a) calls top blackthorn, also along eastern edge of meadow, b) song meadow SW corner.
Buzzard (2) on stag-headed oak. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
'Vereecken'-derived tree and one P.n.betulifolia bent over by recent storms.
Atlantic cloud, showers, cooler, wind light W or SW.
House martin (5+) foraging in lee of spinney near cypresses. Whitethroat in western boundary hedge on elders, dunnock song nearby.
[Potters Fen with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- swift (25+ at any one time) foraging over cut fen, drifting west (return mig.). Blackcap in alder buckthorn. Common lizard (2+), common frogs, southern hawker, etc.]
Atlantic cloud, showers, sunny intervals later, still fairly warm, wind W or SW, at times fresh.
Stock dove (2 + 1) on shed and nearby, male courting female, a second male attempting to get in on the action. Jay on big oak, GSW (female) on big oak. Nuthatch (2) on big oak. Swallow (2+) round S.S. building site.
Thunder clouds building from south, warm, later heavy rain and thunderstorms.
Blackcap song spinney. Wren song by H.H. Stock dove (2) by willow nestbox, male courting female. Nuthatch on big oak etc. Blackbirds on rowan trees near shed. Pied wagtail (4) across plot. Bullfinch (2+) along western elder hedge.
Acro in reeds (prob. reed warbler) by poplar planting area, eastern part of meadow.
Little owl calling from direction of stag-headed oak or S. Raynham church 1330 BST approx.
Sunny intervals, dry, warm.
Swallow (3+) over plot, from S.S. building site (no nesting in shed now). Blackcap (female) feeding on green elder berries by shed. Goldfinch (2) on beech, big oak. Buzzard over H.P.
Sunny intervals, dry, warm.
Red kite heading NW over meadow.
Sunny intervals, some fairweather cloud, warm.
Stock dove (3+) near pond etc. Stock dove entering willow nestbox. Blackbirds beginning to feed on rowan berries near shed.
Sunny intervals, some fairweather cloud, wind almost nil, warm. Still no rain (no significant rain since end of May).
Greenfinch song big oak. Goldfinch (2) on big oak. Blackcap song spinney near cypresses. Reed bunting song field west of meadow. Stock dove (2) ash north of main pond and on big oak. Blackbird foraging on dry grass by kitchen.
A general drift of several hundred gulls (80-90% BHG, some common and herring) headed westwards over the plot in the afternoon.
Aeshna mixta in beat near kitchen afternoon.
[Swifts (30+) over Holt Road, Fakenham. Several black-headed gulls near industrial estate, on dry grass verges, some run over on roads.]
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, wind light W, warm.
Dunnock song a) western boundary hedge near big oak, b) pond area (simltaneous). Blackbird male foraging for ants by shed.
Sunny intervals, wind light W, warm.
Reed warbler in reeds by new pond. Whitethroat song in boundary hedge, west of main pond. Whitethroat (male, female) on dead ash field west of meadow, and in low vegetation nearby.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, dry, wind light or fresh W.
Blackcap song spinney near cypresses.
Reed bunting song a) meadow NE quad (on hawthorn), b) east end of top blackthorn, c) prob. third near western edge of meadow.
Acro song eastern half of meadow, at dusk.
Little owl at dusk near triangular box, mobbed by blackbirds.
Plants in eastern part of meadow -- ragged robin, J. articulatus, Galeopsis, Lotus uliginosus, hogweed, unident. umbellifer. Section in Chinery suggests reddish galls on poplars are caused by a psyllid.
Mainly sunny, some cloud, dry, wind almost nil.
Buzzard over plot and nearby. Stock dove entering ash1 box. Green woodpecker (1 + 1) across plot to spinney. Pied wagtail on shed (few records this summer).
Reed bunting song meadow NE quad, perhaps nest site in field to north of meadow.
Buzzard (2) in territory clash west of plot.
Nuthatch (2+) on big oak. Dunnock (3 -- 1 adult + 2 juvs) on shed. Blackcap song spinney near cypresses.
Mainly sunny, some cloud, dry, wind almost nil.
Buzzard over plot and nearby. Stock dove entering ash1 box. Green woodpecker call near H.H. several times. Pied wagtail on shed (few records this summer).
Red kite (2) in territorial or courtship flight SW of plot.
Swallow (4+) over shed etc., including some chasing between 3, probably the local male chasing an interloper (centre of activity now definitely seems to be the S.S. building extension).
Swift (4+) over plot, then 12+ in screaming flight. House martin (4+) over plot.
Song round plot -- blackbird, chaffinch, dunnock, woodpigeon, wre, greenfinch, stock dove. Coal tit song on cypresses etc, with 1+ juv.
Acro song brief meadow SW quad (prob. reed warbler). Whitethroat song and alarm calls top blackthorn. Reed bunting song meadow NE quad, perhaps nest site in field to north of meadow. Blackcap song top blackthorn.
Aeshna grandis and Aeshna mixta near H.H., latter in regular beat by kitchen. Several Sympetrum sanguineum round plot, on boundary track, by cypresses etc. Butterflies -- ringlet, large white, red admiral, gatekeeper (latter mainly along western and northern plot edges).
Sunny intervals, dry.
Jackdaw (2+), jay (2) on big oak. Stock dove a) song spinney, b) 2 by ash1 box. Coal tit song spinney cypresses, with juvs. Blackcap song spinney (mainly round cypresses, on hedge, blackthorn etc). Goldfinch (7) in shed area.
Whitethroat song meadow east end of top blackthorn. Blackcap song a) meadow east end of top blackthorn, b) meadow NE corner. Chiffchaff song Salix trees east edge of meadow. Reed bunting a) song on dead ash 50 metres west of meadow, b) male flew from top blackthorn to field north of meadow. Song thrush disturbed from edge vegetation meadow western track, possible nest.
Butterflies -- ringlet, meadow brown, gatekeeper (latter mainly along western and northern plot edges), large white.
Mainly overcast, dry, wind very light NE.
Sparrowhawk (female) carried prey over meadow southwards. Later sparrowhawk (female) glided quite slowly northwards over plot, quite high up (30+ metres), then made stooping attack at unseen prey target, probably unsuccessfully. (May possibly not correspond to any of the methods described by Newton, needs checking.)
House martin (10+), swift (2+) over meadow etc.
Whitethroat song meadow west end of top blackthorn. Blackcap song a) meadow NE quad, b) top blackthorn, c) spinney in blackthorn patch by cypresses. Reed bunting song a) meadow NE quad (on diseased wych elm, male visible), b) top blackthorn. Song thrush 2+ along track by Carr Stream. Chiffchaff alarm or contact call meadow NW quad.
Mainly overcast, fairly warm, dry, wind very light NE.
Sparrowhawk (female) carried prey over meadow towards H.P.
Mainly overcast, fairly warm, dry.
Red kite over meadow, Church Lane area etc.
Sunny intervals, hazy cloud, humid, warm, dry, wind very light N.
Blackcap song spinney in blackthorn patch by cypresses. Chaffinch song close by. Chiffchaff song Salix trees by pond. Stock dove (3+) in or round oak nestbox, also on trees by pond.
GSW across plot from NE towards spinney several times. Kestrel across plot towards meadow. Sparrowhawk across meadow from Church Lane towards N.B.W. probably carrying prey.
Sunny intervals, hazy cloud, humid, warm, dry, wind very light E or NE.
Reed warbler song a) opposite hawthorn on meadow western boundary, b) close to edge of poplar planting area, in SE meadow quadrant (main pond singer seems to have gone quiet). Whitethroat song meadow NE quad. Blackcap song meadow NE quad, also spinney in blackthorn patch by cypresses. Reed bunting song (males visible) a) meadow NE quad (on diseased wych elm), b) on diseased ash, west end of top blackthorn.
Stock dove (3+) near big oak, pond etc.
[Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- garden warbler (2+ singing), chiffchaff song, bullfinch (2+), great tit, dunnock, robin, blackbird. Overhead, buzzard (2+). Woodpigeon. Lower pond had Lib. dep., Anax, southern hawker, azure damselflies, diving beetles, many g.c.newts.]
Sunny intervals, hazy cloud, humid, warm, dry, wind light E.
Stock dove on big oak. Coal tit song near H.H. Marsh tit (2) meadow NW corner.
(0700 BST) Blackcap song a) western boundary hedge, near cypresses, b) meadow NE corner, c) meadow SE corner, d) outside plot along Carr Stream, near meadow NW corner. (4 singers). Whitethoat song meadow NE corner. Chiffchaff song a) Salix trees near pond, b) top blackthorn. Song thrush song meadow NE corner.
Buzzard perched stag-headed oak.
Sunny intervals, cloudy earlier, humid, warm, dry, wind very light NE.
Spotted flycatcher on top twigs of big oak, 1237 BST.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Stock dove (3) near shed, big oak etc. Coal tit song big oak. Goldfinch song, greenfinch song big oak and S.S. plot. Greenfinch (4) going into laurel hedge 1900 BST. Chaffinch song edge of spinney. Song thrush song near H.H. Green woodpecker across plot into spinney. Jay (3) across plot into spinney.
Swallow (4 adults) over plot and S.S. etc, also foraging over hybrid poplars. Swift (3+) over plot.
Blackcap song spinney edge or nearer spinney middle. Chiffchaff song in same area.
Buzzard (2) through A1065 ashwoods, from H.P. direction.
Sunny intervals, some high fairweather cloud, warm, dry, wind light or fresh E.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Stock dove (5) near pond. Stock dove entered oak nestbox (with jackdaw on same tree). Stock dove juv is still alive inside shed. Goldfinch song, greenfinch song big oak. Chaffinch song edge of spinney. Nuthatch on big oak. Remains of collared dove near shed, perhaps predated by cat (tortoiseshell cat captured rabbit 04/07 in same area and departed to NW).
Swallow (2 adults) over plot and S.S. etc. (Pair from shed may have moved to new building on S.S. plot). Swift (3+), house martin (2+) over plot.
Blackcap song spinney edge.
Buzzard (3+) over H.P., Church Lane etc. 1 mobbed by kestrel over W. Raynham Rd. Grey heron across plot several times.
Mainly almost cloudless, sunny, some high fairweather cloud, warm, dry, wind light or fresh E.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Stock dove (2) on big oak and ash trees near pond. Green woodpecker calls from A1065 ashwoods. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot towards H.P. 2025 BST. Goldfinch song, greenfinch song big oak. Also goldfinch (7+) over plot etc.
Swallow (2 adults) over plot and S.S. etc. Swift (3+) over plot.
Blackcap song a) spinney edge and big oak, b) meadow SE corner (simultaneous). Chiffchaff song spinney.
Buzzard over H.P., Church Lane etc,also 1 mobbed by kestrel over W. Raynham Rd. Red kite (2) territorial or courtship behaviour over Church Lane area. Grey heron eastwards along Carr Stream.
Mainly sunny, warm, dry, wind light E.
Reed warbler a) song south end of pond, b) song 5 metres from Vereecken-derived poplar, c) in low rowan, NE quadrant of meadow.
Stock dove (3) on big oak and ash trees near pond. Juv on floor inside shed, about to fledge. Green woodpecker across plot from NE towards spinney. Kestrel (male) near big oak, H.H. etc. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot from S.S. direction. Coal tit (juv) on big oak.
Swallow (2 adults) over plot and S.S. etc, some song. House martin (3+), swift (3+) over plot.
Meadow (0645 BST) -- reed warbler in two places (see above), reed bunting song NE quadrant (on small birch), blackcap song a) NE corner, b) SE corner. Chiffchaff song a) SW corner, b) top blackthorn (different individuals). Chiffchaff foraging in alders and elder, NW corner. Whitethroat songflighting near top blackthorn.
Unidentified Sphecid wasp in sitting room, H.H. Several dragonflies near H.H. and pond -- Anax (down-turned abdomen in flight), Lib. dep., Sympetrum sanguineum. Several common butterflies (small tortoiseshell, large white, ringlet, meadow brown etc).
Buzzard over H.P., Church Lane etc. Red kite heading towards Church Lane.
Sunny intervals, low cloud off North Sea early on, clearing later, warm, dry, wind light E or NE.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Stock dove (3) on ash trees near pond (1 into shed). Buzzard over H.P. Green woodpecker across plot from NE towards spinney. Marsh tit call near H.H., goldcrest song from A1065 cypresses. Dunnock song near H.H. kitchen. Possible greenfinch nest in yews by H.H. kitchen.
Swallow (2 adults + 2 juvs, probably the shed family) over plot and S.S. etc. House martin (5+), swift over plot.
Hornet by shed.
Kestrel circling near pond and meadow. Red kite (3) over area east of Church Lane and over H.P., some territorial or courtship behaviour.
Sunny intervals, low cloud off North Sea early on, warm, dry, wind light NE.
Spotted flycatcher S.S. plot 2030 BST, top of small beech.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Jackdaw at willow nestbox (most jackdaws now seem to have left the plot and forage in the areas nearby). Stock dove on big oak. Buzzard (2+) over plot and nearby. Sparrowhawk (male) meadow NW corner and over big oak area.
Green woodpecker into big oak from direction of meadow. Also across plot several times in direction of A1065 ashwoods to probable nest SW of plot.
Meadow -- blackcap song a) NE corner, b) top blackthorn (simultaneous registrations). Whiethroat song NE corner. Acro song NW quadrant, near Vereecken-derived P. nigra.
New pond -- Lib. dep. (male), common blue damselflies, tandem pair of possible small red damselflies, many whirlygig beetles.
Male Sympetrum sanguineus E side of pond. (Common darter SW side).
In poplar planting area -- J.effusus, J.acutiflorus, ragged robin.
Kestrel circling to west of plot. Red kite (2) over area north of Church Lane (600+ metres north of H.H.)
Sunny intervals, low cloud off North Sea early on, warm, dry, wind light NE.
Jackdaw (2) and stock dove (2) contesting ownership of willow nestbox 0830 BST. (Contest apparently won by jackdaws). Later stock dove on shed roof (when willow box pair still present).
Moorhen (2) with 2 small juvs by yew hedge.
Swallow (2) over shed area and nearby (juvs have apparently dispersed now). Goldfinch (2), greenfinch (male) big oak.
Hazy early on, later some high fairweather cloud, warm, dry, wind very light N or NE.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Red kite over Church Lane area.
Hazy early on, later some high fairweather cloud, warm, dry, wind light NW.
Spotted flycatcher flycatching off big oak 0930.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Jackdaw adult still feeding fledged juv on ground near shed and big oak (juv has quite dark eye, still some yellow on side of gape, dull, brownish plumage with little contrast between nape and crown). Swallow (2) over shed area and nearby. Stock dove a) 2 near shed, big oak etc, b) 2 on ash trees by pond. Goldfinch song, greenfinch song big oak.
Mainly almost cloudless, at times some high fairweather cloud, warm, dry, wind light NW.
Reed warbler song south end of pond, a second Acro approx. 10-12 metres away near the exposed water (prob. reed warbler).
Swallow (2 adults + 2 juvs) over shed area and nearby. Stock dove (2) near shed, big oak etc. Goldfinch song, greenfinch song big oak. Chiffchaff song pond Salix trees.
Mainly almost cloudless, at times some high fairweather cloud, warm, dry, wind very light NW.
Reed warbler song south end of pond, a second Acro approx. 10-12 metres away near the exposed water (prob. reed warbler). Wren song pond.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed (1 dead juv in middle section, probably fell out of nest). Stock dove a) 2 near shed, big oak etc -- song in this area, b) 1 on ash trees by pond. Goldfinch song, greenfinch song big oak. Swift (3+) over plot and meadow, including at dusk. Blackcap song spinney. Chiffchaff song pond Salix trees. Kestrel male foraging in various places round plot.
Meadow -- reed bunting male song NE corner (on hawthorn). Blackcap song hawthorn/ash along Carr Stream near NW corner. Whitethroat a) song hawthorn along western edge, b) NW corner (prob. different territories).
Buzzard Church Lane area.
Mainly overcast, hazy, high thin cloud, fairly warm, dry, wind very light NW.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed, also 2 juvs on floor inside the end section (towards pond). Stock dove a) near shed, big oak etc, b) on ash trees by pond (2 individuals). Goldfinch song big oak. Swift (3+) over plot and meadow. Green woodpecker calling near pond. Bullfinch (male), chaffinch near edge of spinney. Collared dove (2) near shed.
Red kite, buzzard (2+), kestrel (male) over plot and Church Lane area.
Mainly almost cloudless, sunny, fairly warm, dry, wind light NW.
Whimbrel across meadow heading ENE, 1830 BST.
Marsh harrier (all-dark except yellow cap) circling over Wensum valley area to NE of plot, 1835 BST.
Reed warbler song south end of pond. Also a second Acro song close by (10 or 15 metres to the north).
Swallow (2+) in/round shed, later 5+ alarm-calling over shed area before hobby went over plot heading northwards. Jackdaws around plot, at least one juv on big oak. Stock dove (3+) near shed, big oak etc, also on ash trees by kestrel box (meadow). Goldfinch song big oak, also 9 over plot. Greenfinch male song big oak. Collared dove on big oak. Swift (3+), house martin (10+) over plot and meadow. Moorhen call main pond. GSW across plot.
Meadow -- whitethroat a) song by hawthorn western edge of meadow, b) male songflighting NE corner by 2nd hawthorn. Chiffchaff song NW quadrant (alders, also trees along Carr Stream). Reed bunting a) song top blackthorn, b) song NE corner (on hawthorn), simultaneous registrations, a 2nd territory, both males showing well.
Red kite, buzzard over plot and Church Lane area. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot towards spinney mobbed by swallows.
Sunny intervals, later almost cloudless, fairly warm, dry, wind fresh N weakening later.
Reed warbler song south end of pond 0415, 1600 BST etc.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed, with 2 fledged or pre-fledged juvs on the ground inside shed underneath nest in middle section. Jackdaws around plot, at willow nestbox etc. Stock dove (2) near shed, big oak etc. Goldfinch (2) copulating on big oak, then chased by 3rd individual. Greenfinch male song big oak. Swift over plot. Kestrel (male) across plot towards H.P. twice.
Whitethroat song by hawthorn western edge of meadow. Blackcap song eastern edge of meadow. Wren song top blackthorn, also NE corner, possibly same individual.
Red kite, buzzard over plot and Church Lane area.
[Little owl along S.Raynham Horningtoft road -- a) TF896236, b) TF910233 (approx.). Linnet (5+) same road between Whissonsett and Horningtoft.
Sunny intervals, fairly warm, dry, wind fresh or strong W.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaw 2+ juvs on big oak. Stock dove (2) courtship behaviour on shed, big oak etc. Goldfinch (2) song, greenfinch song big oak. Chiffchaff song spinney. Green woodpecker across plot from north, into spinney, as on previous days (suggesting nest there).
Whitethroat song, songflight, alarms by hawthorn western edge of meadow. Sedge warbler song from ditch by meadow SW quadrant. Blackcap song NE corner of meadow.
New pond --possible small blue damselfly Coenagrion puella with common blue damselflies. Lib. dep. male active. Many whirlygig beetles. Water level is getting very low (no rain since May).
Probable Juncus acutiflorus (possibly J. articulatus) in SE quadrant of meadow, with ragged robin. (Area cut with topper earlier in the spring).
Overcast, mild, drizzle at times in morning, wind very light W.
Spotted flycatcher flycatching off big oak 0905, 0955, 1030, 1050 BST etc.
Reed warbler song south end of pond. Singers at B and C territories (on meadow) seem to have gone quiet or moved on.
Swallow (3+) in/round shed. Jackdaw 2+ juvs on big oak. Stock dove (2) courtship behaviour on shed, big oak etc. Goldfinch (2) song, greenfinch song big oak. Chiffchaff song pond Salix trees. Blackbird song big oak at dusk.
Whitethroat (female) alarm meadow NW corner. Chiffchaff song meadow NW corner. Possible small blue damselfly (male) on new pond.
Several native black poplar trees are being attacked by an aphid-like insect, causing leaf-curl and dark red coloration on young growth.
Buzzard over Church Lane area.
Little owl calling area of Church Lane/W.R.R junction.
Overcast, mild, dry, blustery, wind fresh W.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Goldfinch (2) song big oak. Green woodpecker into beech by H.H. Sparrowhawk over plot westwards, mobbed by swallow.
Mainly overcast with some sunny intervals, mild, dry, blustery, wind fresh W.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws with fledged young near by big oak. Song thrush repeatedly across plot east to west near shed, carrying food (nest probably in spinney). Greenfinch song big oak. Goldfinch song big oak and near H.H. Chiffchaff song pond area.
Mainly overcast with some sunny intervals, fairly warm, dry, wind light or fresh W.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws with fledged young near by big oak. Song thrush song a) on big oak, b) in spinney. Blackcap song blackthorn patch edge of spinney. Chiffchaff song pond area.
Blackcap song NW corner of meadow.
[Starling (30+) on roadside near Dunton or Doughton.]
Mainly overcast with some sunny intervals, fairly warm, dry, wind light W.
Reed warbler song south end of pond.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws with 2+ fledged young on ground by big oak. Song thrush song a) on big oak, b) in spinney. Green woodpecker across plot towards spinney. Blackcap song and alarms blackthorn patch edge of spinney. Chiffchaff song pond area. Stock dove (3) on ash by pond, courtship chasing etc.
Hornet on shed roof.
Cuckoo song east of H.P.
Kestrel male on electricity cables by W. Raynham Rd. Swift (3+) over plot and Church Lane area.
Overcast, dry, wind strong SW (gusts 40+ knot in East Anglia).
Swallow in/round shed. Greenfinch male, goldfinch (5, all adults) big oak. Kestrel and buzzard over plot. Chiffchaff song spinney. Chaffinch song big oak. Song thrush song spinney. Green woodpecker on ground by yew hedge, west side of plot.
Sunny intervals, warmer, dry, wind light W.
Spotted flycatcher flycatching off top twigs of big oak 1125 to 1140 BST, also later at 1905 BST.
Reed warbler a) song south end of pond, b) song SW quadrant of meadow, about 5 metres south of previous location.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Greenfinch male song big oak. Kestrel and buzzard over plot. GSW (2) on ash by pond.
Meadow -- reed bunting (male) between top blackthorn and Carr Stream, probably hawking mayflies. Whitethroat (3+) along Carr Stream between top blackthorn and hawthorn in NE corner. Blackcap a) song NW corner, b) female foraging in Salix NE corner.
Red kite 1 over plot with 2 others displaying or in territorial clash over S. Raynham church area.
Overcast, cooler, some slight drizzle, wind light or fresh N or NE.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws at beech, willow, ash1 boxes. Swift (2+) over plot. Greenfinch (juv) on shed, male songflighting over pond area. Green woodpecker across plot from direction of meadow, towards spinney.
Mainly sunny, some light high cloud, warm, dry, wind light N or NE.
Reed warbler a) song south end of main pond (13 days now), b) song 10-12 metres SE of hawthorn along western edge of meadow. Third near top blackthorn not heard today.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow boxes. Chiffchaff song by main pond. Chaffinch male song big oak. Mistle thrush across plot from west towards H.P.
Reed bunting song top blackthorn. Whitethroat a) 1+ NE corner, alarm calls, b) female NW corner, also alarms. Evidence of 2 nests in field immediately north of meadow, 1 close to top blackthorn (30 metres from Carr Stream), 2nd about 50 metres and further east. Earlier in the year a male was singing from a bramble patch even further east. Suggestion of 5-6 whitethroat territories in this area. Bullfinch (female) NE corner of meadow.
[Swifts present in fair numbers over Swaffham, Brandon, Deddington, Woodstock in Oxon.]
Sunny intervals, warm, dry, wind light N or NE.
Reed warbler a) song south end of main pond (12 days now), b) song 10-12 metres SE of hawthorn along western edge of meadow, c) between new pond and top blackthorn. Total 3 individuals.
Green woddpecker landing on grassy area by pond. GSW on big oak. Swallow (2+) in/round shed, nest in middle section probably has chicks now. Jackdaws still visiting beech, oak, willow boxes, very close to fledging. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Chiffchaff song a) by main pond, b) top blackthorn. Chaffinch male song big oak. Greenfinch juvs (2) on big oak. Buzzard over plot. Hobby across plot from west high up (insect-catching) 1700 BST.
Meadow -- reed bunting on dog rose by Carr Stream, again flycatching. Reed bunting song top blackthorn. Whitethroat a) 2 NE corner, with food, alarm calls, b) female NW corner, also alarms, c) male song scatty hedge near felled ash (outside plot). Great tit, blue tit. Lib. dep. (female) by NW corner of meadow, round drain into Carr Stream (i.e. not on the new pond).
Mainly overcast, dry, wind light N or NE.
Reed warbler a) song south end of main pond (11 days now), b) song 10-12 metres SE of hawthorn along western edge of meadow, definitely a 2nd individual, and showing well at tops of new reed growth.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws still visiting beech, oak, willow boxes, very close to fledging. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Chaffinch female foraging in broom shrubs by H.H. patio. Greenfinch male brief song big oak. Buzzard over plot.
Cuckoo song west of W. Raynham Rd.
Mainly overcast, dry, wind light N or NE.
Reed warbler song south end of main pond (10 days now).
Swallow (2+) in/round shed, on nest in middle section. Jackdaws still visiting oak, willow boxes, very close to fledging. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Chaffinch (male, female) near H.H. kitchen. Greenfinch (male, male and 2+ juvs) on big oak. GSW across plot. House martin (2+) over plot.
Reed bunting song top blackthorn.
Buzzard over Church Lane. Red kite (3) above Church Lane area, aerial combat (1 with missing inner primaries, other with full wing).
Cuckoo song west of W. Raynham Rd.
Sunny intervals at first, cloudy later, dry (slight drizzle at times), wind very light N or NE.
Spotted flycatcher flycatching off top twigs of big oak, 2010 BST.
Reed warbler song south end of main pond (9 days now).
Swallow (2+) in/round shed (including middle section). Jackdaws still visiting beech, oak boxes. Jackdaws, song thrush chasing jay near oak and pond. Blackcap song spinney blackthorn. Chaffinch (male, female) near H.H. kitchen. Greenfinch (male) on big oak. GSW (2) across plot. Swift (2+), house martin (2+) over plot.
Meadow -- reed bunting possibly carrying food to nest in SE quadrant. Blackcap song top blackthorn. Chiffchaff song NW quadrant (in alders, also along Carr Stream). Acro song NE quadrant, near edge of poplar planting area (not the pond reed w.). (Note -- this turned out to be a 2nd reed warbler, see 09/06). Whitethroat songflighting from hawthorn SW quadrant.
Buzzard, red kite over Church Lane. Buzzard (3) aerial combat over plot and H.P.
Red kite over Fakenham. Swifts (10+) over Holt Road.
Cloudy early on, sunny intervals later, dry, somewhat warmer, wind light N or NE.
Reed warbler song south end of main pond, quite close to edge of pond (i.e. near nettles). Flycatching.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws still visiting beech, oak boxes. Chaffinch (male, female) near H.H. kitchen, perhaps catching mayflies coming up from meadow. Goldfinch song by H.H. Greenfinch (male) on big oak. Blackbird, song thrush song close to H.H. Dunnock song laurel hedge. Collared dove on big oak and nearby. GSW across plot. Mallard (male, female) checking out pond. Moorhen call from pond.
Hornet by H.H. kitchen.
Buzzard, red kite over Church Lane. Skylark song over fields south of A1065.
Sunny intervals, dry, quite cool, wind light NE.
Reed warbler song south end of main pond. Territory appears to be quite restricted, mostly the strip of emergent reeds between the islands and southern edge of pond.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Swallow adults (2) flying round inside shed (north end section). Jackdaws at beech box may now have fledged. Jackdaw juv (yellow gape) looking out of oak box. Chaffinch (male) song big oak. Kestrel over plot near H.H. House martin (3+) over plot.
Sparrowhawk (male?), red kite over Church Lane.
Barn owl foraging at approx 2000 BST Hempton Common.
Overcast, light drizzle, cooler, wind fresh NE.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Swallow adult inside shed (middle section). Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak boxes (very close to fledging now -- 'scarrr' alarm calls). Chaffinch (male) song big oak. Blackcap male across by H.H. from laurel hedge. Blackcap female foraging in front border, alarm calls. Swift (3+), house martin (3+) over plot.
Many mayflies over Carr Stream and vcinity -- at least 2 species, probably Ephemera danica, possibly also Potamanthus luteus, plus a third smaller species. Less insect activity in today's cooler conditions.
Swift (20+) and house martin (10+) over upper Wensum near A1065.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, fairly warm, wind light W or NW.
Reed warbler song southern end of main pond again, showing well, from areas of old dead stems. Apparently successfully finding plenty of insect food.
Swallow in/round shed. Swallow adult perched on nest inside shed (middle section). Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow, ash1 boxes (prob. juv looking out of ash1 box). Chaffinch (male) song big oak. Blackcap male across by H.H. from laurel hedge. Blackcap female foraging in broom shrubs by H.H. Kestrel over meadow and nearby.
Bombus terrestris/lucorum 30-40 workers on bramble patch western edge of meadow.
Several species of Hymenoptera on pyracantha flowers by east boundary wall -- prob. at least 3 spp. of bees, also hornet.
New pond -- Libellula depressa male holding territory, chasing smaller insects etc. Reed bunting song, chiffchaff song top blackthorn. Blackcap song NW corner. Blue tits probably now fledged from repaired EGI box.
Whitethroat song and songflighting in scratty hedge by stag-headed oak. Buzzard (2+) over plot and nearby. Cuckoo song to west of W. Raynham Rd..
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, wind light W.
Reed warbler song southern end of main pond again, mainly from the greener parts where new reed growth is showing, also from areas of old dead stems.
Cuckoo song from Church Lane area.
Swallow (3+) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow boxes. Goldfinch on big oak. Chaffinch (male) song big oak. Blackcap song a) blackthorn patch spinney, b) under white willow by pond. Swift (3+) and house martin (3+) foraging over plot. Kestrel at dusk perched on beech opposite H.H.
Hornet by pond. Many blue damselflies near edge of pond, some in tandem couples. Also several red damselflies (species TBD).
New pond -- Libellula depressa pair in tandem, later male holding territory. Blue damselflies in tandem (several pairs). Elsewhere on meadow -- reed bunting song, Acro song both close to top blackthorn. Blackcap song NW corner. Whitethroat song by Carr Stream NW quadrant.
Mainly overcast, wind light, E or SE.
Spotted flycatcher on big oak and adjacent, around 1230 BST.
Reed warbler song southern end of main pond again. Later perhaps same individual midway along western edge of meadow.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed, 1 singing from cables running into S.S. workshop. Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow boxes. Goldfinch (2+) on big oak. Chaffinch (male) song big oak. Blackcap song blackthorn patch spinney. Blackbird juv. foraging big oak. Greenfinch (male) on big oak. Sparrowhawk (male) into spinney from north (almost identical to 30/05). Swift (2) and house martin (3+) foraging over plot.
Hornet by H.H. Bumblebee workers on upright rosemary (and that's no joke!).
Buzzard (3) over Church Lane. Kestrel (male) over field to west of plot.
Overcast, misty sea fret conditions early on, wind light, swinging to S or SW.
New summer visitor arrival -- reed warbler song southern end of main pond, good view. In emergent reeds.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at ash1 box. Goldfinch (2+) on big oak. Chaffinch (male) song big oak. Blackcap song laurel hedge by H.H. kitchen. Blackbird (4+) foraging near shed etc., 2 fledged juvs by H.H. Moorhen by pond. Greenfinch (male) on big oak. Cuckoo song from meadow area. GSW across plot towards H.P. Sparrowhawk (male) into spinney from north.
Meadow -- reed bunting (male) apparently flycatching mayflies over Carr Stream, also song. LTT flock (6+) NE quadrant near Carr Stream. Chiffchaff song top blackthorn, also alarms NE corner. Great tit (male) foraging in elders NW corner.
Overcast through day, sea fret conditions, wind light E or NE.
Swallow (2+) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Goldfinch (2+) on big oak. Chaffinch (male) song big oak, taking food to prob. nest in laurel hedge by H.H. kitchen. Blackcap (male) to same/nearby location in laurel hedge. Stock dove juv. on shed. Goldcrest song cypresses opposite H.H. kitchen. Sparrowhawk (male) by pond. GSW across plot.
Cuckoo song from Church Lane area.
At first overcast, misty, wind light E or NE.
Swallow (3) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at beech, ash1 boxes. Goldfinch (2+) on big oak. Chaffinch (male) song big oak, taking food to prob. nest in laurel hedge by H.H. kitchen. Blackcap (male) to same/nearby location in laurel hedge -- territory includes blackthorn patch in spinney. Song thrush, blackbird song from big oak. Stock dove juv. on shed. Moorhen juv. on plank in pond. Buzzard (up to 2) over plot, mobbed by jackdaws. Swift (3+) over plot at times, also over Church Lane area.
Meadow -- blue damselfy (either small or common) several couples on or over water surface. Stock dove (2) off poplar with triang. box, across to top blackthorn. Chiffchaff alarm NE corner of meadow, on fallen crack willow etc -- prob. nest in this area. Blackcap song a) (short) top blackthorn, b) immediately NW of meadow, along Carr Stream, from ivy-covered ash.
Cuckoo song from H.P., then across to top of stag-headed oak (chaffinch song and whitethroat song from same tree when cuckoo present).
Sea fret conditions later on.
Jackdaws feeding at ash1 box. Red kite over plot.
Anticyclonic, quite warm.
Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow boxes. Mistle thrush (2) into hyb. poplars. Hornet by pond.
Meadow -- Libellula depressa male by new pond. Kestrel (female) by top blackthorn. Blackcap song, whitethroat song NW corner. Bullfinch (male) into top blackthorn. Chiffchaff song, reed bunting song top blackthorn. Acrocephalus song NE corner, in hawthorn and edge of reeds (prob. sedge warbler).
Cuckoo song north of H.P. Mistle thrush song stag-headed oak (with chaffinch song). Red kite Church Lane and meadow area. Buzzard Church Lane.
Overcast, misty, damp at first after overnight rain, wind almost nil.
Swallow (2) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at beech, willow box.
Meadow, near pond -- Carex hirta, also a green beetle on Ranunculus flowers, perhaps Oedemera nobilis.
Mainly overcast, wind light or fresh NE.
Swallow (2) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at beech box. Blue tit pair feeding at S.S. workshop nest.
Meadow -- whitethroat song a) NW corner (elders etc), b) goat willows along eastern edge. Blackcap song NW corner (hawthorn). Reed bunting song top blackthorn. Chiffchaff song/alarms NE corner.
Mistle thrush song from tall conifer by S. Raynham rectory.
Mainly overcast, blustery, cooler, wind fresh NE.
Swallow (2) in/round shed. Jackdaws feeding at willow, beech boxes. Greenfinch (2, male, female) on big oak. Blue tit pair feeding at S.S. workshop nest. Hobby over plot (around 1800 BST).
Meadow -- stock dove (3) perched by kestrel box. Reed bunting song top blackthorn.
Kestrel hovering near W. Raynham Rd. Red kite Church Lane.
Clytus arietis (wasp beetle) by H.H. -- a new species for the plot.
Sunny, little cloud, warm, wind light E or NE, dry.
Swallow (2) in/round shed. Buzzard over plot, also 2+ to the west of W.Raynham Rd. Red kite over from north.
Cantharis rustica (type of soldier beetle) on grassy area by shed.
Meadow -- chiffchaff song top blackthorn. Whitethroat song and songflighting in/near hawthorns, NE corner. Acro song Carr Stream NE corner. Reed bunting song a) just north and east of NE corner, b) top blackthorn. Bullfinch into top blackthorn. Great tit probably feeding at top blackthorn tit box. Hornet round fallen crack willow.
New pond -- whirlygig beetles, tadpoles, pondskaters. Libellula depressa (broad-bodied chaser) male, a new species for the plot, apparently holding territory along the northern edge of the pond. Also blue damselfly and large red damselflies (Pyrrhosoma nymphula).
Sunny, little cloud, warm, wind light E or NE, dry.
Swallow (2) in/round shed. Red kite over plot. Jackdaws to beech box.
[At Houghen Plantation with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- Libellula depressa, damselflies, prob. Cerceris sp. (Sphecidae). Many linyphiid spiders, wolf spiders. Willow warbler (2+ territories), garden warbler (2+ territories), blackcap, chiffchaff, buzzard, green woodpecker, kestrel, stock dove (song). Cotton-grass, Sphagnum, orchids.]
Sunny, little cloud, warm, wind light E or NE, dry.
Jackdaws to beech box.
Sunny intervals, low cloud, rather cool, wind light or fresh NE, dry.
Greenfinch song big oak. Great tit feeding at A1065 cypresses box. Great tit males (2) simultaneous song from cypresses by big oak. Blue tit pair feeding at S.S. workshop nest. Goldfinch (2) on big oak. Kestrel (male) on big oak, then nearby. Buzzard over H.P. and nearby. GSW into spinney.
Hornet near pond. Various other Hymenoptera, e.g. unident. bees round log stack.
Meadow -- chiffchaff song top blackthorn. Blackcap song just outside plot NE corner. Acro song SW quadrant. Whitethroat song approx middle of reedfen. (Also a second singing from bramble patch immediately south of S. Raynham church, near stag-headed oak). Moorhen near barn owl box.
New pond -- whirlygig beetles, many tadpoles, prob. small mayflies, at least one large diving beetle, prob. Dytiscus sp..
Sunny intervals, low cloud, rather cool, wind light or fresh NE, dry.
Swallow (2) near shed. Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Chaffinch song big oak. Blackcap song spinney (blackthorn area) and across from laurel hedge. Dunnock song spinney (near blackcap). Mistle thrush song Church Lane area. Prob. cuckoo song west of plot, but distant.
Overcast, rather cool, wind light or fresh NE (North Sea air), dry.
Swallow (3) near shed. Robin (juv) inside S.S. workshop. Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak boxes. Buzzard over area of plot. Kestrel (male) hovering immediately west of pond. Stock dove (2) round shed etc. Hobby across plot heading NE (1815 BST).
Misty early, sunny intervals, mild, wind light N, dry.
Cuckoo over H.H. plot heading north (0800 BST approx). Swallow (2) near shed. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot, mobbed by swallows. Swift (2+) over plot. Buzzard over W. Raynham Rd area, with red kite further west. Kestrel (male) over pond area, later near top blackthorn. Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak, willow and ash1 boxes.
Hornet (queen) by pines and shed.
Sunny intervals, mild.
Swallow (2) near shed. Stock dove song (on shed roof), also display-flighting nearby. Jackdaw feeding at beech, oak and willow boxes. Blackbird males (4+) close to H.H., some territorial clashes etc. Flying juv between shed and S.S. workshop. Swift (5+) over H.H. plot. Sparrowhawk (male) heading north over plot. Great tit pair to nestbox on A1065 cypresses. Goldinch, greenfinch near H.H., bullfinch calls.
Cuckoo song at dusk (after sunset) from direction of W. Raynham Rd. Perhaps a second to the north-east of the plot, somewhere near S. Raynham church, but might be same individual.
Meadow -- probably two whitethroat territories (SW quad., NW quadrant, latter partly outside plot boundary). A third just NE of NE corner. Blackcap a) male meadow NE corner, b) male (and female?) SW corner. Reed bunting song in same area as third whitethroat. Chiffchaff song top blackthorn.
Prob. Osmia rufa foraging on rosemary in patio border. Honeybee nest at weeping willow nestbox appears to have been abandoned -- may now be filled up with comb.
Red kite with buzzard (2) over spinney.
[Fakenham, along Holt Rd -- swifts (several) and house martins (several).]
Sunny intervals, mild or warm, showers at times.
Red kite over H.H. plot.
Hazy, sunny intervals, mild or warm, wind light S.
Swallow (2) near shed, one into gable end entrance repeatedly. Jackdaw feeding at beech box. Several blackbirds round area of shed and house -- at least 3 males. Song thrush song near H.H. (spinney). Chaffinch song near H.H. a) A1065 ashwoods, b) spinney (50 m from H.H.), c) big oak. Red kite over plot from north. Blackcap song spinney, male into laurel hedge.
Cloudy initially with showers or drizzle, sunny intervals later, mild or warm, wind light W.
Swallow (2) near shed. Jackdaw young at beech box now audible. Jackdaws delivering at oak box. Several blackbirds round area of shed and house, some alarms, probably with young. Song thrush song and alarm near H.H. Chaffinch song near H.H. Blue tit feeding at nest S.S. workshop (west side). Stock dove near shed. Buzzard over plot from direction of H.P. Blackcap song and ?juv-present alarms blackthorn patch in edge of spinney. Jay, grey heron across plot.
Whitethroat songflighting off alder, SE quadrant.
Mistle thrush song poplars along Church Lane.
Sunny intervals, cloud increasing later, dry, mild or warm, wind light W.
Swallow (2) near shed. Blackbird pair still present near H.H. kitchen, juvs seem to have fledged. Stock dove near shed. Buzzard over plot from north. Blackcap song and ?juv-present alarms blackthorn patch in edge of spinney. Great tit song big oak, also LTT present.
A new invertebrate record (tentative, ID by comparison with google images) -- Oiceoptoma thoracicum (Silphidae [carrion or burying beetles], Coleoptera). At least one under and round carcase of dead male greenfinch, along recently planted section of yew hedge by box tree, immediately west of H.H. kitchen. Approx 18 mm length, thorax earth-brown, elytra ridged and blackish, abdomen extending beyond ends of elytra. Website naturespot indicates quite a few (12-15) squares in East Anglia where this species has been recorded. Naturespot says that adults and larvae do not actually eat the carcase remains but instead the larvae of other insects that are themselves feeding on remains.
Sunny, more cloud than recent days, quite close, dry, warm.
Swallow (2) near shed. Mistle thrush across plot from H.P., heading past W. Raynham Rd (prob. feeding young at nest in H.P.).
Meadow -- whitethroat song, songflighting SE quadrant. Chiffchaff song top blackthorn. Blackcap song SW corner (goat willows and nearby sea buckthorn). Cuckoo song prob just north of meadow.
[Newton (near church) -- kestrel copulation calls. Gayton -- swifts.]
Sunny, almost cloudless, dry, warm.
Blackbird fledged juv by pines.
Meadow -- Acro song western half of reedfen (prob. sedge warbler).
[Falcon over Litcham near church.]
Sunny, almost cloudless, dry, warm.
Jackdaw feeding at beech box. Swallow (2) near shed.
Meadow -- reed bunting song south edge of top blackthorn.
[Marsh harrier (dark) over Binham near Priory. Red kite at Walsingham.]
Sunny, almost cloudless, dry, warm.
Barn owl near pond (1700 BST approx).
Little owl in big lime tree by S. Raynham church, close range.
[Acro song edge of reeds immediately west of E. Raynham church. No HM or swifts in W. Raynham.]
Sunny intervals, dry, mild or warm.
Swallow a) 2+ near shed, b) 1 off nest inside shed. Goldcrest song A1065 cypresses. Chaffinch song, blackcap song, greenfinch song, blackbird song, dunnncok song, woodpigeon song, song thrush song, collared dove song, goldfinch song, all in vicinity of H.H.
[Near Corpusty, 2.5 hectare site -- willow warbler song, chiffchaff song, blackcap song.]
Sunny intervals, clouding up later, dry, mild, wind light NW.
Swallow a) 3 near shed, b) 2+ over Carr Stream. Blackbird pair still feeding at laurel hedge nest by H.H. kitchen. Stock dove a) display over meadow, b) 2+ near shed. Buzzard over meadow, heading towards Church Lane. Blackcap a) song western boundary hedge, b) song laurel hedge. Greenfinch with nest mat, ivy 'hedge' by A1065. Commotion from dunnocks, robin, tits, etc, cypresses by A1065.
Meadow -- two warbler arrivals: whitethroat song and alarms near hawthorn, western edge. Acro song western half of reedfen. Reed bunting song prob. top blackthorn.
[Four warbler spp. and swallow now returned.]
Overcast, showers/rain around midday, again quite cool, later sunny intervals, wind light W.
Jackdaws at beech box. Blackbird pair by H.H. kitchen. Stock dove feeding on ground by new Red Sentinels. Buzzard over plot heading SE, later 2 over plot etc. Kestrel (2) over pond and adjacent areas. Blackcap song, song thrush song, goldfinch song, nuthatch alarms in Salix trees by pond. Great tit probably with brood in large tit box on goat willow, SW corner of meadow. Swallow around shed, entering via gable end. No sign of song thrush adult or juv by H.H. Blackcap song laurel hedge. Greenfinch into laurel hedge, probable nest, greenfinch song same area (e.g. on oak). Jay across meadow. Green woodpecker call from near S. Raynham rectory.
At dusk -- kestrel perched above kestrel box, top blackthorn. Song thrush disturbed from laurel hedge near A1065 (alarms, probable nest).
[Red kite between Weasenham and Massingham.]
Sunny intevals, dry, milder, wind light W.
Swallow over and round shed several times.
Jackdaws at beech box. Blackbird pair feeding pulli in nest at base of laurel hedge by H.H. kitchen (1 m up, at the back of the hedge against a fence). Song thrush foraging close to H.H. (clearly not predated the day before -- victim may have been a juv). Song thrush juv came into H.H. kitchen, apprently healthy, noisy, removed and placed by new yew hedge. Kestrel in and over spinney.
Chiffchaff song E edge of meadow. Great tit song SW corner of meadow (goat willows).
Despite forecast of heavy and prolonged rain, overcast but mainly quite dry, occasional light drizzle, quite cold, wind fresh to gale force N.
Song thrush foraging close to H.H. Later, around 1900, song thrush probably predated by sparrowhawk (adult female).
Jackdaws at beech box. Blackbird pair feeding nest/juvs at base of laurel hedge by H.H. kitchen. Chiffchaff call pond area. Blackbird song spinney. Buzzard (2) over plot from south. Kestrel hovering over field west of plot.
Overcast, intermittent rain or drizzle, wind light NE.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow boxes (presumably incubator being fed by partner). Blackbird pair feeding nest/juvs at base of laurel hedge by H.H. kitchen. Song thrush foraging close to H.H., collecting earthworm by patio. Blackcap song at NW corner of pond. Goldfinch (2) near shed.
Overcast, rain or drizzle in morning, wind light E.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow boxes. Blackbird with food near H.H. kitchen. Accipiter through plot heading NE. Goldcrest song H.H. garden near A1065 cypresses.
Blue tit flushed from old Schwegler box, meadow NE.
Sunny intervals, dry, mild, wind light/fresh W or SW.
Blackcap song blackthorn patch spinney. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow boxes. Sparrowhawk over plot heading NW. Kestrel near meadow. Marsh tit meadow NE corner.
Church Lane area -- mistle thrush song, red kite.
All poplars on meadow are close to budburst, some leaves partly unfurled. Vereecken-derived tree is more advanced. Some field maples in NW corner look partially delayed, perhaps diseased.
Sunny intervals, showers, fairly mild, wind light/fresh W or SW.
Blackcap song blackthorn patch spinney. Coal tit song cypresses near A1065. Bullfinch calls and possible subsong vicinty of yews by H.H. kitchen. Jackdaws at beech and oak boxes. Stock dove (2+) around plot. Mistle thrush song Church Lane area.
Meadow -- reed bunting song a) western edge, b) top blackthorn area, c) NE corner (b and c could be same individual, but probably not). Song thrush flushed from near hawthorn patch NE corner, perhaps nest nearby. Chiffchaff song eastern edge. Chiffchaff call SW corner.
Jackdaw at beech box.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, dry, cooler, wind freshening W or SW.
Kestrel (2) display-flighting over plot, meadow etc. Jackdaw at oak box. Pied wagtail (female) on grass by shed and H.H. kitchen. Chiffchaff song, blackcap song spinney (latter especially in blackthorn patch). Swallow across plot heading west.
Sunny, dry, warm, wind light W or SW.
Reed bunting song meadow SW corner (approx).
Sunny, dry, warm, wind light W or SW.
Red kite over meadow. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow, ash1 nestboxes.
Sunny, dry, warm, wind light W or SW (warmest April day since 1949).
Stock dove disturbed from shed nestbox. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow nestboxes. Mistle thrush song spinney opposite H.H., also alarms. Chiffchaff song Salix trees by pond. Blackcap song spinney near cypresses. Goldfinch pair in yews by H.H. kitchen. Great tit song, wren song spinney near A1065 cypresses. Kestrel (female?) left top blackthorn to perch meadow NE. Blackbird (female) to prob. nest, holly by shed. No sign of Acros yet.
Many trees now near budburst, including Vereecken-derived P. nigra.
Bombylius major by H.H. Many bumblebees about, presumably all queens. Also several ladybirds (more than one species). Small tortoiseshell (2) by H.H. Several orangetip round plot.
Mainly sunny, dry, quite warm, wind light S.
Mistle thrush chasing jackdaw through spinney. Chiffchaff song a) top blackthorn, b) Salix trees by pond. Jay in spinney. Kestrel hovering near top blackthorn. Redwing near pond. Song thrush alarm a) laurel hedge near H.H. kitchen, b) top blackthorn. Buzzard across fields towards H.P. (at dusk).
Brimstone (male, female) by laurel hedge.
Mainly cloudy, sunny intervals, dry, fairly mild, wind light W.
Swallow round shed.
Mistle thrush a) alarm calls in A1065 ashwoods opposite H.H., b) song in spinney. Jackdaws at beech, oak nestboxes. Chaffinch male insect-catching off big oak, female foraging on mossy parts of same tree. Pied wagtail (male, female) foraging by shed. Kestrel (male, possibly 1-year-old) perch-hunting edge of plot along western boundary, opposite shed. Red kite over plot heading north.
Sunny intervals, dry, fairly mild, wind light W.
Kestrel (3) circling over edge of meadow near pond and hyb. poplars. Grey wagtail over plot. Chaffinch (female) on shed, probably collecting spider silk. Blackbird prob. to nest in holly by shed. Goldfinch (2) into laurel hedge near H.H. kitchen, prob. to nest. Buzzard over meadow. Chiffchaff song a) in Salix trees by pond, b) spinney near H.H. Chiffchaff calls a) goat willow meadow SW, b) top blackthorn, c) goat willow E edge of meadow. Mistle thrush (2) alarm calls in A1065 ashwoods opposite H.H.
Near dusk -- pied wagtails (8+) assembling at roost in middle of reedfen on meadow.
Sunny intervals, dry, fairly mild, wind light W.
[With OCV at Jubilee Fields, Wootton, Oxon. -- little egret, red kite, buzzard, sparrowhawk (prob. female), mallard, grey heron, grey wagtail, chiffchaff, blackcap, wren, swallow (several, mainly on river), house martin, mistle thrush. Patches of Caltha. On drier sward, Carex sp., carline thistle, Viola sp., Luzula campestris. Dog's mercury in shadier places. Possible Glyceria (narrow-leaved) in the river itself. Redpoll over Cuttleslowe Park.]
Dull at first, clearing later to sunny intervals, dry, milder, wind very light SW.
Jackdaws at beech, ash1, oak boxes. Bullfinch (2), great tit song in top blackthorn. Grey heron over meadow, also droppping down to edge of pond. Kestrel pair copulating stag-headed oak. Buzzard over meadow, later one perched ash in top blackthorn. Pied wagtail song shed area. Song thrush by pond. Stock dove (2) entering shed. GSW over plot heading north. Nuthatch 'song' from A1065 ashwoods. Swallow (2) over plot westwards (but quite low down).
Mammal records.
Invertebrate activity -- honeybees active at willow nestbox, also many in pussy willow trees. Bumblebees in various places (queens apparently setting up nests or prospecting). Many lycosid spiders on meadow (Pardosa spp.). Pond-skaters, whirlygig beetles on new pond, probably also some small diving beetles (new pond is only about 4 months old).
Dull, overcast, mainly dry, still rather cold, wind light SW.
Jackdaws hanging round barn owl box but may have been evicted. Jackdaws at beech, ash1, oak boxes. Red kite (1 or 2) over plot, Church Lane, W. Raynham Rd. Kestrel apparently taking prey from field to west of plot. Pied wagtail (male and female by H.H. kitchen, male collecting nest mat. Song thrush by pond. Great tit (4) by laurel hedge. Stock dove disturbed from shed nestbox, probably now incubating. GSW over plot, towards H.P. Grey heron over meadow heading west. Nuthatch 'song' from A1065 ashwoods. Sand martin heading north.
Dull, overcast, some drizzle, fairly mild, wind light E.
Chiffchaff song (and calls) Salix trees by pond. Blackcap song blackthorn patch spinney.
Reed bunting call from two places western half of meadow.
Barn owl (2) entering barn owl box. Hoarse calls.
Dull, overcast, some drizzle, fairly mild, wind almost nil.
Chaffinch (2) going to point in laurel hedge opposite H.H. kitchen, probably nestbuilding. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow, barn owl boxes. Moorhen on grass by pond. Red kite over W. Raynham Rd. Grey heron over meadow heading east (to heronry nr E. Raynham probably). Kestrel (male) perched mature ash just NW of meadow.
On meadow -- bullfinch (male and female) in crab apple NE corner. Reed bunting (male) in adjacent hawthorn.
Dull, overcast, some drizzle, fairly mild, wind almost nil.
Marsh harrier (all dark) circling/displaying over Wensum valley between H.P. and Raynham Hall (probably same individual as on 07/04).
Chaffinch calls approx 0900 BST near H.H., probably from laurel hedge. Blackcap song, chiffchaff song near H.H. Jackdaws at oak, willow nestboxes. Goldfinch (2) entering laurel hedge near H.H. kitchen (nestbuilding?). Red kite (2) over Church Lane area. Oystercatcher calling heading over plot towards south. Bullfinch (male) meadow NE corner. Grey wagtail over meadow.
Toad frenzy appears to have pretty much stopped, with many clumps of eggs in main pond, though some toads are still 'kowking'. A few have been eaten, probably by herons.
Probably a new species for the plot -- two small shoals of juvenile fish in Carr Stream, each at the confluence of drainage ditches and the stream. Too small to identify with certainty, but one shoal (15+ individuals) had vertical bars so could be perch/minnow/gudgeon. The only fish seen previously in this stream are sticklebacks. If genuinely new arrivals, may reflect management work done in spring 2017. The stream flows much clearer now after removal of fallen branches and detritus.
Overcast, drizzle/showers through much of the day, fairly mild, wind almost nil.
[At Cawston Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- remarkable numbers of yellowhammers, including many singing males, with a few linnets, chaffinches, and dunnocks, and a little owl. Mainly associated with a farm on the north-west edge of Cawston Reversion, which is apparently being managed by traditional methods. Also present -- swallow and singing mistle thrush, chiffchaff.]
Tawny owl call by H.H. at dusk.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals at times, mild, mostly dry with odd showers.
Marsh harrier (female/imm.) circling over meadow, carrying green wing tag on each wing (LHS, RHS).
Chiffchaff a) song spinney near H.H., b) song along estern boundary of meadow. Nuthatch calls, song from A1065 ashwoods, also on big oak. Pied wagtail (male and female) on shed. Buzzard over meadow area (top blackthorn etc). Stock dove (4) by kestrel box. Jackdaws taking nest mat to beech box.
Sunny intervals, fairly mild, some showers.
Chiffchaff song spinney. Great tit song near H.H. Marsh tit song spinney near beech. Buzzard in general area of plot.
On meadow -- wren song NW corner and SE corner. Song thrush song a) top blackthorn b) mid-point of eastern edge c) immediately west of pond (boundary hedge). Reed bunting song top blackthorn (along southern edge).
At dusk -- toad frenzy continues, some on grassy area in front of pond. Kestrel perched trees along W. Raynham Rd. Barn owl call between shed and pond (2030 BST).
Greenfinches (8+) still collecting at roost.
Mainly sunny, fairly mild, dry.
Chiffchaff (song), blackcap (song) on edge of spinney, by cypresses. Nuthatch calls, song from A1065 ashwoods. Pied wagtail (male) near H.H. Great tit song by shed. Marsh tit song spinney. Goldcrest song yews by H.H., went to S.S. plot (perhaps to nest in leylandi hedge). Buzzard a) 2 over meadow area, b) 3 over Mill Covert. Red kite (2) over Church Lane area. Stock dove (2) courtship on big oak. Jackdaws collecting nest mat and taking it to beech box. Sparrowhawk across plot to perch in hedge under hyb. poplars. Toad frenzy continues -- now many large clumps of eggs in main pond.
Sunny intervals, clouding over with rain later, mild.
Chiffchaff (song) on edge of spinney, by cypresses -- first record at H.H. this year (2017: 13/03). Nuthatch calls, song from A1065 ashwoods. GSW over plot. Grey wagtail (female? indistinct bib) on ground by H.H. kitchen. Pied wagtail (male) on shed. Great tit a) pair by H.H. b) 2 on box on cypress, near A1065. Great tit and blue tit (2) in clash near eastern boundary wall (near old blue tit nest in S.S. workshop bulding). Buzzard over meadow area. Stock dove perched right next to beech box. Jackdaws collecting nest mat and taking it to beech box. Accipiter across field west of plot, into spinney. Song thrush by new section of yew hedge. Toad frenzy continues.
Sunny intervals, milder.
GSW (2) over plot. Buzzard a) 1 over meadow area, b) 4+ over Mill Covert. Red kite near S. Raynham church. Stock dove (2) perched on kestrel box (top blackthorn). Mammal record. Toad frenzy continues.
Overcast, steady rain from sunrise, cool, wind light W.
Osprey across plot heading SW in brief lull in rain, 1210 BST. Paused over pond, disturbing mallard (male).
Sparrowhawk (male) into big oak, then cypresses, after rain. Grey heron off pond. Buzzard over plot from direction of Church Lane. Red kite appearing from near Church Lane, drifting over meadow and spinney. Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1, barn owl boxes. Jackdaw (2) chasing off grey squirrel from oak box. Moorhen (2) by pond. Blackbird (3+), song thrush (2+) on grass near shed. Mistle thrush on big oak. Great tit (2) near H.H. kitchen. Greenfinch songflighting over H.H. pond, shed areas. GSW, nuthatch on oak etc. Redwing (40+) along western boundary of plot.
Overcast, steady rain, wind almost nil.
Blackbird (3+), song thrush foraging on ground by shed, by H.H. etc. Blackbird male-male territorial clash by H.H. kitchen. Greenfinch songflighting over pond. Stock dove again on ground by shed and big oak, collecting nest mat, taking it to inside of shed. Stock dove at one point chasing off jackdaw from shed. Jackdaws (4+) at oak, willow nestboxes.
Some sun early on, overcast later with steady (and quite heavy) rain, wind light SW.
Red kite (2) over Church Lane area, also over plot -- sailing/circling flight suggesting pair-formation behaviour. Buzzard near plot, including clash with kite. Kestrel (female) perched on dying ash above kestrel box. Stock dove (2) on ground by shed and big oak, collecting nest mat, taking it to inside of shed. Goldfinch (4) near big oak. Greenfinches (4+) in general area of shed. Jackdaws (8+) at oak, willow nestboxes, apparently sorting out ownership. Grey heron eastwards over meadow. Nuthatch calls repeatedly from A1065 ashwoods.
Sunny intervals until afternoon, overcast later with steady rain, wind light S.
Red kite over Church Lane area. Buzzard (3) over plot. Kestrel (male) display-flighting energetically over meadow and immediately to north. Redwing (30+) in hyb. poplars, also probably foraging on ground by pond. Stock dove (2) on ground by shed and big oak, collecting nest mat, taking it to inside of shed. Collared dove (2) on big oak etc. Goldfinch (2) on H.H. patio. Chaffinch (female) again collecting spider silk from H.H. windows. Marsh tit call by big oak, GSW on big oak. Greenfinches (4+) in general area of shed. Jackdaws at oak, willow nestboxes. Blackbird (3+) on grass by shed. Dunnock (2) foraging in leaf-litter by laurel hedge in rain. Nuthatch calls repeatedly from A1065 ashwoods.
Toad frenzy continues.
Overcast, drizzle/rain, wind light NW.
Reed bunting song SE quadrant of meadow. Greenfinches (several) on or by laurel hedge. Starling (150+, 25) heading east over plot. Jackdaws at oak, willow nestboxes, even quite late into evening now (1920 BST).
Several rafts of toad eggs in new pond.
Woodcock (1 + 1) over meadow, by pond, no calls heard. New mammal record on Carr Stream.
Overcast, drizzle/rain, wind light S.
Jackdaws to oak, willow nestbox. Stock dove entering shed via gable wall. Greenfinch songflighting near H.H. Great tit song by H.H. Redwing (20+) by W. Raynham Rd. GSW over plot. Red kite over Church Lane area.
At dusk -- woodcock across meadow, low down, into rushy field just north of top blackthorn.
Mainly sunny, dry, wind light NW.
Stock dove inside new box in shed (probably 2). Kestrel (2) display-flighting over meadow. Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1, barn owl boxes. Jackdaw nest mat to oak box. Greenfinch song near H.H. Moorhen carrying nest mat into reeds by pond. Possible dunnock nest starting in laurel hedge. Coal tit song (spinney). Chaffinch (female) collecting spider silk (probably Zygiella) from windows of H.H. snug. Sparrowhawk (female, brown above, dark bars beneath) over plot from H.P.
Reed bunting song just east of meadow. Possible chiffchaff song same area but brief. Buzzard (2+) over H.P. etc. Red kite over meadow area.
Toad frenzy getting underway -- several clasping 2s or 3s. Looks to be 12 days later than in 2017.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind light N or NE.
Grey heron (adult) dropping down by pond. Stock dove a) 3 on dead ash by pond with 2 nearby (total 5+); b) 1 on shed chasing off jackdaw; c) 1 taking nest mat from below big oak (apparently oak twigs) to inside of shed; d) 2 by kestrel box. Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Jackdaw nest mat to oak box. Pied wagtail (male) on shed. Song thrush with blackbird (3+) by western boundary hedge. Song thrush eating ivy berries on hedge along A1065. Greenfinch song near H.H. Kestrel over plot heading N. Collared dove (2) on big oak. Starling (150, 200, 25) heading E -- possible return migration to the Continent. Kestrel (male, female) perched on ash trees by kestrel box. Bullfinch (male, female) going into top blackthorn..
Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn and vicinity.
First evidence of start of toad frenzy -- a few (males) creeping across the grassy patch by the pond, from the direction of the spinney. (Probably at least 11 days later than in 2017). Amphibians symphony main pond. Some egg patches on new pond (on the meadow).
Overcast, dry, wind light N or NE.
Grey heron (adult) dropping down to pond and perching very low on goat willow near the edge (harrassed by jackdaws). Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1, ash2, barn owl boxes. Jackdaw nest mat to beech box. Song thrush into laurel hedge by H.H., possible nest. Greenfinch song near H.H. Collared dove (2) on big oak. Great tit (female) apparently searching for nest mat by H.H. kitchen. Goldcrest several times between S.S. plot (cypress hedge) and spinney, perhaps nestbuilding. Mistle thrush (2) across plot from pond area towards A1065 ashwoods. Stock dove a) 3 over plot in same direction, b) 1 on ground by H.H. Stock dove (2) by kestrel box. Starling (4, 9) heading SW.
Red kite over Church Lane area. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn and meadow.
Overcast, dry, wind light or fresh W or SW.
Jackdaws at oak box. Greenfinch song near H.H. Collared dove (2) on big oak. Great tit (3) on yews by H.H. kitchen. Mistle thrush a) across plot from A1065 ashwoods, heading north, b) song from area roudn S. Raynham church. Mixed starling (10+) and fieldfare flock (5+) in hyb. poplars.
Buzzard over Church Lane area.
No frost, mainly cloudy, sunny intervals, dry, wind light W.
Jackdaws bringing nest mat at oak box. Jackdaw at willow, ash1 boxes. Stock dove round shed, 1 probably entering shed via gable wall. Blackbird, dunnock, chaffinch on ground next to shed. Song thrush on grass by big oak. Buzzard over meadow area. Grey heron (2) along Carr Stream. Nuthatch calls from A1065 ashwoods. Song from spinney -- song thrush, blackbird, greenfinch, great tit (latter near cypress box). Pied wagtail (male) on shed roof. Green woodpecker on big willow by meadow NE corner.
As yet there no sign of the annual toad frenzy (this had started by March 14th in 2017).
Greenfinch roost continues, but numbers now are probably no more than 10.
Frost early on, sunny intervals, dry, wind light NE or N.
Jackdaws at beech, ash2 boxes. Stock dove (3) round shed, 1 probably entering shed via gable wall. Song thrush (2) round H.H. Jay (2) by pond. Red kite, buzzard (2) over Church Lane area. Sparrowhawk (male? -- brown upperparts) over Horseshoe Plantn with starling (30+). Redwing (30+) foraging on ground near pond, at foot of hyb. poplars, etc. Mallard (male, female) on pond.
No frost, snow gone, milder, sunny intervals, dry, wind light NE or N.
Jackdaws at oak, willow boxes. Jackdaw (2) apparently checking out the gable wall entrance into shed. Stock dove inside shed, perched on new box, departed. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel over field west of plot. Redwing (10) on hyb. poplars, headed NE. Nuthatch call from A1065 ashwoods. Dunnock song H.H. yews. Starling (80+) heading SW near sunset.
Sharp frost, patchy snow still lying, mostly disappearing later, sunny intervals, dry, wind fresh E.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow, ash1, ash2 boxes. Stock dove a) 1 display-flighting near shed, b) 3 near barn owl box. Buzzard over meadow and near Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel (male?) hovering near north edge of meadow. Starling (2+) heading NE. Red kite (2) over fields near W. Raynham Rd. Coal tit, marsh tit at meadow NE feeders. Greenfinch songflighting over plot.
Blackbird, blue tit (2), great tit, woodpigeon (2), jackdaw (2), chaffinch, robin near shed on bird seed.
Temperature remaining at or below freezing through day, snow lying (2-3cm), overcast, dry, wind fresh E or SE.
Jackdaws at oak box. Blackbirds (3+) near shed on grass. Marsh tit at meadow NW feeder. Mistle thrush on big oak (perhaps prospecting). Song thrush meadow SW corner. Dunnock song spinney near H.H. Snipe off meadow near hyb. poplars.
Overcast, slight drizzle, wind freshening SE.
Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 boxes (perhaps at ash2). Blackbirds (3+) near shed on grass. Red kite over meadow and vicinity, mobbed by buzzard. Buzzard perch-hunting off goat willow by meadow SW corner, taking prey (quite small, perhaps amphibian). Gull flock in general area of Church Lane (100+, mixed BHG and common, probably mainly the latter). Coal tit at H.H. feeder. Great tit (2) foraging along edge of shed roof (looking of spiders probably). Starling (2) across plot heading NE, perched in hyb. poplars. Marsh tit a) at meadow SE feeder, b) song by shed.
Still fairly mild, overcast, slight drizzle in day, wind very light NW.
Kestrel a) (male) perched small dead ash, west of plot, b) perched by meadow and across towards S. Raynham church, c) mobbing buzzard over meadow. Stock dove a) 1 into gable end of shed, b) 2 round pond area. Jackdaws at beech, oak, ash1 boxes. Mistle thrush perched tall ash by pond, departed towards A1065 ashwoods. Song thrush on H.H. lawn. Blackbirds (3+) near shed on grass.
Mild, sunny intervals, dry, wind very light S.
Kestrel a) (male) perched meadow NW corner, b) 2 display-flighting over meadow area. Stock dove a) 2 by top blackthorn kestrel box, b) 2 round shed and pond area. Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1 boxes, 1 on big oak probably collecting nest mat. Coal tit in stacked wood alongside shed. Buzzard over meadow. Jay, magpie near meadow. Mallard (male, female) off pond. Pied wagtail on shed and H.H. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Mistle thrush song Church Lane area. Red kite (2) over meadow and nearby. Redwing (20+) in hyb. poplars etc near pond.
Mild, mainly overcast, mainly dry, wind very light NW.
Kestrel (female) perched meadow NE corner. Nuthatch by big oak. GSW over plot. Great tit inspecting tit box on cypresses by A1065. Bullfinch (male) in blackthorn patch meadow SE corner.
Mild, no frost, mainly overcast, drizzle in afternoon, wind almost nil.
Reed bunting song near meadow NE corner, just outside plot by bridge. Linnet call over meadow NW corner. Nuthatch (2) by big oak. Pied wagtail on H.H. roof. Buzzard perched ash by meadow NW corner. Red kite over Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel over pond area. Stock dove (4) on dead ash by pond. Song thrush on H.H. lawn, also by top blackthorn. Song thrush song spinney opposite H.H. Greenfinch song in various places round H.H. Chaffinch (male, female) on big oak. Jackdaw (8+) foraging on ground near pond. Starling (8+) over plot heading SW. Green woodpecker call from S. Raynham rectory area. Mistle thrush across from Horseshoe Plantn towards Church Lane, later song from area near start of Church Lane. Marsh tit call meadow NE. Jay (4) over meadow. Gulls (100+, mainly common, BHG) over fields near Church Lane. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Mild, no frost, mainly overcast, drizzle in afternoon, wind almost nil.
Nuthatch calls from A1065 ashwoods. Buzzard leaving perch edge of spinney. Song thrush on H.H. lawn. Greenfinch song in various places round H.H. (ivy, laurels, etc). Jackdaw (8+) in hyb. poplars. Fieldfare (30+) pausing in hyb. poplars, then heading SE.
Frost early, mild later, sunny intervals, mainly overcast, dry, wind light W.
['Lesser spotted woodpecker'] call/song again from A1065 ashwoods. Nuthatch calls from same area. Buzzard (3) over meadow etc. Kestrel (female) perched hyb. poplars, also male over meadow. Stock dove flushed from shed section with nestbox. Song thrush meadow SW corner, perhaps with food. Starling (17, 100+) heading SW over plot. Marsh tit meadow NW, also spinney by beech. Goldcrest song from recently planted yew hedge (range approx 1-2 metres). Chaffinch (male, female) courtship chasing. Greenfinch song in various places. Dunnock song yews by H.H., also 2 courtship-chasing spinney blackthorns. Bullfinch (male) top blackthorn. Mistle thrush song spinney close to junction between W. Raynham Rd and A1065. Fieldfare and redwing (10+) heading SE. GSW call from A1065 ashwoods. Sparrowhawk (male) past H.H. at dusk. Siskin (5) over plot.
Fairly mild, mainly overcast, occasional showers, wind fresh W.
['Lesser spotted woodpecker'] call/song again from A1065 ashwoods. Nuthatch calls from same area. Red kite over spinney. Buzzard over meadow and nearby. Stock dove (2) by shed, possibly into section with nestbox. Jackdaws (8+) on big oak. Song thrush by top blackthorn. Starling (10+) heading SW over plot. Jay near pond. Marsh tit meadow NW. Moorhen call from pond.
Fairly mild, mainly overcast, occasional showers, wind light SW.
Mistle thrush song from Church Lane hyb. poplars. Kestrel across plot to perch in stag-headed oak. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn. Jackdaws (8+) on big oak. Song thrush near western boundary hedge on meadow. Goldcrest song from cypresses edge of spinney. Great tit song from ash trees near pond.
Mild, overcast, no overnight frost, wind light SW. Ice on each pond has gone.
Snipe over field west of plot, possible drumming.
Mistle thrush (2) over plot towards A1065 ashwoods. Stock dove (2+) on big oak and trees round pond. Kestrel perched on small dead ash west of meadow, also in spinney. Buzzard over plot towards Church Lane. Chaffinch song spinney. Jackdaws (8+) near pond etc. Song thrush near western boundary hedge. Moorhen call from pond. Starling (60+) heading west over plot. Red kite (2) circling/sailing over Church Lane area. Goldcrest insect-hawkig off cypresses edge of spinney. Song thrush song by pond, blackbird song north of top blackthorn and by S. Raynham rectory. Robin song several places round meadow. Reed bunting call from meadow at dusk.
Snow and ice almost completely gone. Mild, sunny intervals, no overnight frost, wind light SE. Ice on each pond partially gone but some remains.
['Lesser spotted woodpecker'] call from direction of Horseshoe Cottage. Red kite (2) circling over area between Horseshoe Plantn and S. Raynham church, perhaps some low-key display. Kestrel perched, hovering above field west of meadow. Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantn, also over Mill Covert. GSW on big oak. Chaffinch song, coal tit song spinney. Greenfinches to roost but not counted. Nuthatch (2) on big oak, also calls from S.S. site and A1065 ashwoods. Jackdaws (8+) near pond etc. Accipiter into spinney. Goldcrest on beech. Jay (7) across plot.
Thaw begins. Temperature above freezing from early on, snow disappearing, wind almost nil. Each pond starting to thaw.
Stock dove (2 + 1) near pond etc, 2 on shed courting, 1 perhaps entering shed via missing block (out of sight). Kestrel perched small dead ash to west of meadow. Woodcock on ground under big oak, flew across to boundary ditch. Teal (2, male and female) flushed off Carr Stream, towards N end of Horseshoe Plantn. Mistle thrush (3) across from Church Lane direction to hyb. poplars and ash trees, 2 either courting or clashing in upper branches, some alarm calls. Marsh tit (2) along meadow SE edge in oaks etc. Siskin song from meadow SE edge. Song thrush on ground near log stack, also western boundary track of meadow. GSW across field west of meadow. Lapwing (4), cormorant over plot heading SE. Jackdaws (8+) near pond etc.
Blackbird (2), chaffinch, woodpigeons (2+), jackdaws (4+), pheasant on bird seed by shed.
Easterly airflow continues. Temperature close to freezing throughout day, though some evidence of partial thaw, snow lying, wind fresh E, blustery. Both ponds still completely frozen over.
Stock dove (2 + 1) near pond etc. Grey heron flushed off Carr Stream. Kestrel perched small dead ash to west of meadow. Fieldfare feeding on holly berries by shed. Goldcrest on yew by H.H. Goldfinch (8+) along western boundary hedge, some song. Buzzard over area between Horseshoe Plantn and S. Raynham church.
Robin (2), blackbird, dunnock, woodpigeons (2+), jackdaws (2+) on bird seed by shed.
Greenfinches (55+, partial 'good' count) assemblling at laurel hedge roost, at one point in ash by pond, hard to count in poor conditions.
Easterly airflow continues. Temperature below freezing throughout day, odd snow showers, snow lying, wind fresh E. Both ponds completely frozen over.
Peregrine (imm male) heading NE over H.H. in morning. Kestrel perched small dead ash to west of meadow. Woodcock a) 1 up from top blackthorn (1445 BST) flew round meadow several times apparently looking for unfrozen ground b) 1 low down near Horseshoe Plantn. Snipe flushed off Carr Stream NE corner of meadow. Fieldfare in willows nearby, also 1 feeding on holly berries by shed. Chaffinch song spinney. Greenfinch song near laurel hedge. Goldfinch near meadow SE feeder. Grey heron west along Carr Stream, dropped down west of W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard over plot from east.
Robin, blackbird, woodpigeons (2+), jackdaws (4+), pied wagtail on bird seed by shed.
Easterly airflow continues. Sharp frost throughout day, snow showers, some sunny intervals, snow (approx 7 cm) lying, wind light or fresh E.
Sparrowhawk (male) into hyb. poplars, mobbed by greenfinches, jackdaws. Mistle thrush across plot. Jackdaws (8+) round plot, in and out of beech, oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Robin, blackbird, woodpigeons (2+) on bird seed by shed. Dunnock song by H.H. kitchen. Mallard (2, male and female) flushed off Carr Stream. Lapwing (10+) heading westwards over plot, 2 low near Carr Stream. Woodcock (2+) up from near meadow SE feeder. Red kite circling over meadow and Church Lane area. Buzzard over meadow. Kestrel over fields to west of plot. Grey heron west along Carr Stream. All remaining Red Sentinel crab apples are gone.
Greenfinches (30+, partial rough count) at and over laurel hedge roost, hard to count in poor conditions.
Easterly airflow continues. Sharp frost early on (frozen puddles), snow showers, some sunny intervals, snow (4 cm) settling, partly disappearing by afternoon, wind light E.
Mistle thrush on grassy area by pond, departed towards A1065 ashwoods. Greenfinches (2+ males) songflighting near pond with some 'fighting'. GSW (female) on ash by pond. Jackdaws (8+) round plot, e.g. 2 in and out of willow nestbox. Robin, blue tit, blackbird, marsh tit on bird seed by shed. Kestrel (male) over meadow, female perched near kestrel box. Stock dove (2 + 2) near pond. Bullfinch (male) across plot towards S.S. plot. Lapwing (25, 9, 15) heading westwards over plot.
Easterly airflow from Siberia. Sharp frost early on (frozen puddles), sunny intervals, some snow showers, snow (1-2 cm) settling but largely disappearing by afternoon, wind light E.
Marsh harrier (female/imm male -- mainly dark brown, buff cap and shoulders) circling and hunting low over meadow, mobbed by buzzard (2). Kestrel perched small dead ash field west of plot. Lapwing (50, 20, 30 etc) over plot westwards. Blackbird (3+) on grassy area. Song thrush (tailless, perhaps recently attacked by predator) by shed. Stock dove (2 copulating, observed by 1 nearby) by barn owl box. Stock dove with nest mat by willow box. Collared dove courtship behaviour hyb. poplars. Jackdaws (8+) near pond etc. Greenfinch (2+) songflighting over plot.
Sunny intervals, sharp frost early on (frozen puddles), wind light.
Cormorant (5) over plot eastwards. Lapwing (15) over plot eastwards. Red kite over meadow and Church Lane area. Buzzard perched electricity pole near W. Raynham Rd, over plot etc. Kestrel mobbing perched buzzard, over meadow etc. Song thrush (2+) along western edge of meadow. Mistle thrush alarm from ash just outside meadow NW.
Sunny intervals, frost early on, later fairly mild.
Goldcrest foraging in newly planted yew hedge (seen from 1 metre distance).
Sunny intervals, mild.
Red kite (2) over Church Lane area. Buzzard (5+) over Mill Covert. Kestrel (3 -- male & female, male) on or near meadow. Bullfinch (2) across meadow. Marsh tit pond area. Fieldfare perched stag-headed oak. Stock dove in shed (after new box installed).
Two separate (simultaneous registrations) possible [lesser spotted woodpecker] calling from Horsehsoe Plantn a) near Horseshoe Cottage, b) further north and east. Call compared with audio by Peter Cawley on his smartphone.
Overcast initially, slight drizzle at times, sunny intervals later, wind almost nil.
A major movement of fieldfares and redwings (ratio 5:1 or more) -- flocks 350+, 50+, 10, 30, etc. Song thrush song western boundary hedge. Mistle thrush (2) song from ash trees near pond, alarm call, song continued further north. Robin, goldcrest foraging along new yew boundary hedge. Coal tit song spinney near cypresses. GSW in A1065 ashwoods. Stock dove near barn owl box.
At dusk -- woodcock (2 + 1 + 2 + 1) -- 2 circling low round pond and settling somewhere on meadow; also (2 + 1) towards spinney. Close proximity flight suggesting courtship or territorial. Also blackbird song in direction of S. Raynham church.
Overcast, drizzle or rain through most of the day, wind almost nil.
Song thrush (2), blackbird (4+) on grassy areas near big oak. Red kite (2) circling over plot in drizzle. Chaffinch (2), dunnock (2+), robin etc on ground near shed.
Overcast, drizzle, fairly mild, wind almost nil.
Various ground-feeding birds on grassy area between shed and pond, in drizzle -- jackdaws (8+), blackbird (5+), song thrush, great tit, robin (2, territorial clash), etc. Stock dove (2+) round pond at barn owl box etc. Chaffinch (2+), goldfinch (3+) by shed. Chaffinch song near spinney cypresses.
Mainly sunny, frost early on, clouding over later, dry, wind light SW.
Jackdaws at oak and ash1 boxes. Stock doves (2+) near pond etc. Blackbirds (3+), song thrush on ground near big oak. Kestrel hovering over meadow and fields to north, perching on hybrid poplars etc. Marsh tit by pond laurels.
Buzzard (2 + 2 .. etc) near plot. Red kite over Church Lane area. Fieldfare (50+) over plot from NW.
Mainly sunny intervals, frost early on, dry, wind light or fresh W or SW.
Jackdaws at oak, willow and ash1 boxes (total 8+). Stock doves (2 + 2 = 4) at willow box and barn owl box -- evidence of at least two pairs prospecting, also copulating, though may fail in site competition with jackdaws. Blackbirds (2+) on ground near big oak (on recently tidied cut nettles). Kestrel hovering over meadow and fields to north. Great tit (4) on big oak. Great tit, blackbird, woodpigeon at H.H. feeder. Moorhen (2) by pond and shed. Marsh tit by shed. Grey heron dropping down to main pond.
Buzzard (2 + 2 + 1 etc) in various places in vicinity of plot. One perched on diseased ash on meadow and mobbed by 2 kestrels. Starling (25+, 5+) over plot from N.
Greenfinches (30+, partial count, small flocks scattered about in vicinity of roost, quite calm and mild conditions) assembling at laurel hedge roost. Individuals or small groups erratically dropping into roosting hedge whilst others still in treetops. Flock seems mainly to consist of males (male:female ratio probably at least 2 or 3 to 1). Many of these males singing from treetops.
Sunny, cold at first (frost), dry, wind almost nil.
Greenfinch song from laurel hedge roost soon after dawn. Kestrel on big ash opposite (north of) meadow NW. Stock dove display-flighting near willow box. Jackdaw pair at willow box, also oak box. Song thrush on ground by recently transplanted yew hedge. Chaffinch (male, female) courtship chasing, spinney blackthorn, also male song. Collared dove song from spinney cypresses. Coal tit song spinney. Mistle thrush (2) flying from spinney area north towards Church Lane. GSW along A1065 ashwoods. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn etc. Moorhen X5 droppings near new yew hedge plants.
Reed bunting call, then song, middle of reedbed (about a week later than first song record in 2017). Dunnock song meadow NE.
Red kite (2) circling over Wensum valley NE of plot.
Mainly sunny intervals, quite cold at first, dry, wind light or fresh W or SW.
Kestrel hovering over field west of plot, perched electricity cables, etc. Bullfinch (male) on old crab apple, western edge of plot.
Moorhen X5 tracks along western boundary track.
Overcast, dry until dusk, rain later, wind light SW or S, fairly cold.
Blackbirds (3 -- male, male, female) agonistic clash near shed. Other blackbirds elsewhere on grassy areas near pond (total at least 6, probably more). Blackbird (female) eating Red Sentinel crab apples (tree only planted in last few weeks). Jackdaws round pond, at oak box etc. Stock dove (2) courtship behaviour by barn owl box. Goldfinch on ground by shed. Greenfinch song near laurel hedge roost. Chaffinch song spinney by H.H. Goldcrest on yew hedge by H.H. Nuthatch, GSW (female) on big oak. Collared dove (2) on/over plot. Kestrel (male) perch-hunting from big oak. Grey wagtail on H.H. roof.
Mallard (male, female) on Carr Stream. Moorhen diving to take cover, edge of Carr Stream near meadow NE. Buzzard (3) over fields west of plot.
Greenfinches (54+, 'good' count despite windy conditions, in top of tall sycamore opposite H.H.) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Dry until midday, then drizzle, wind light S or SW. Milder.
Buzzard over meadow. Kestrel perch-hunting from big oak and nearby trees. GSW along meadow SE edge etc. Goldfinches (4+) in same area. Greenfinch song beech. Robin song. Coal tit song meadow SE edge.
A second day without rain. Sunny intervals, slightly milder, wind light W.
Buzzard over meadow. GSW by pond etc.
Greenfinches (32+, incomplete count -- some already going into roost) assembling at laurel hedge roost on beech.
Incredibly, a day without rain. Sunny intervals, cold, wind fresh W.
Buzzard over plot. Marsh tit at meadow SE feeder.
Greenfinches (52+ = c40 + 12, rough count) assembling at laurel hedge roost on beech, ash trees by A1065.
Overcast and dry in morning, showers/rain from midday, quite cold. Wind fresh W.
Siskin (14+) on oak edge of S.S. plot. Goldcrest by H.H. Kestrel on field to west of meadow. Song thrush on western track meadow. Moorhen, blackbird (2+) by shed. Golden plover (5) over plot from north.
Overcast and dry in morning, showers from mid-afternoon, continuous rain near dusk, quite cold. Wind light W.
Mistle thrush alarm meadow SE edge. Greenfinch song H.H. plot. Goldcrest on yews by H.H. Blackbird (3), woodpigeon (2+), dunnock, robin, chaffinch, blue tit, moorhen etc on bird seed by shed.
Greenfinches (33+, rough count, in poor conditions) assembling at laurel hedge roost on big oak in rain.
Sharp frost overnight, sunny intervals in morning, cold, wind almost nil.
Mistle thrush (2) on lawn by H.H. in morning, then on beech. Chaffinch song spinney opposite H.H. Dunnock song near H.H. Stock dove (2) by barn owl box (courtship behaviour). Stock dove by willow box. Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1 boxes. Great tit (2) prospecting at shed site. GSW (female) on big oak (later a second with prob. same female). Buzzard (2) over Church Lane area. Marsh tit call pond. Occasional fieldfare, redwing.
Snow showers in morning, lying snow, sunny intervals later, quite cold, wind almost nil.
Mistle thrush (2) on big oak, possibly also feeding on new Red Sentinel crab apple trees. Chaffinch song spinney opposite H.H. Song thrush song immediately west of pond. Jackdaws (20+) loafing in trees near pond, also pair in and out of oak box. Kestrel perched small dead ash west of plot. Buzzard over meadow. Unidentified calls (treecreeper or wagtail) near pond reeds at dusk. Redwing (1 or 2) top blackthorn at dusk, perhaps to roost. Little egret near W. Raynham Rd.
Greenfinches (48+, 'good' count, but hard to see whole flock) assembling at laurel hedge roost in hybrid poplars.
Snow showers in morning, settling, quite cold, wind almost nil.
Jackdaws (5+) in trees near pond, apparently almost inactive in falling snow, later 21+ in hybrid poplars. Stock dove (3+) near pond, display-flighting etc. Blackbirds (3+) on ground under pines. GSW across plot. Marsh tit call by pond. Kestrel (male) over meadow. Buzzard over field north of meadow.
Greenfinches (34+, 'good' count, but hard to see whole flock) assembling at laurel hedge roost in hybrid poplars.
Mainly overcast, showers or drizzle at times, wind light N or NW.
Goldcrest (2) yews by H.H. Fieldfare (50+) in loose flock over plot at times.
Overcast, drizzle from midday, wind light NW.
Goldcrest yews by H.H. Treecreeper on willow by pond. Fieldfare (50+) over plot from south, may be a 'resident' local flock. Buzzard near W. Raynham Rd. Kestrel perched small dead ash west of plot. Red kite over plot.
Rain from before dawn, clearing to sunny intervals later. Wind light or fresh N or NW.
Mistle thrush on big oak for an extended spell after rain (holly tree near shed could perhaps become a nesting site). Jackdaw (12+) round pond etc, at oak and willow boxes. Blackbird (4+) on ground near shed. Goldfinch (5+) by shed. Bullfinch (2) on blackthorn by H.H. Greenfinch emerging from roost in small parties (total 12+). Kestrel (female) perched big oak.
Buzzard (2) over Church Lane, 1 coming from Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel over field immediately west of plot.
At dusk -- barn owl hunting over field immediately west of plot, excellent view, also immediately north of meadow. LTT flock (10+) into trees by pond. Grey wagtail round pond, perhaps roosting there.
Greenfinches (35+, rough count) assembling at laurel hedge roost (in hybrid poplars).
Sunny intervals initially, clouding over later, continuous rain/drizzle from lunchtime (i.e. not what was forecast yesterday by UKMO). Wind light or fresh W or NW.
Chaffinch song spinney opposite H.H. Buzzard (2+) over spinney, plot etc. Stock dove (2) near pond. GSW into spinney near H.H. Occasional fieldfare. Blackbird (5+) on grass in front of pond etc. Moorhen by pond. Song thrush song SW corner of plot (edge of spinney). Mistle thrush song Horseshoe Plantn.
Overcast, heavy showers in morning, wind light or fresh SW or W, sunny intervals later.
Chaffinch song spinney opposite H.H. Dunnock song, great tit song near H.H. Buzzard on ash near meadow NW. Kestrel hovering over meadow and nearby, quite late near dusk. Stock dove (2 + 2 = 4), near pond. Starling (5+), redwing (9) also heading W. Corvid high, steady, heading NW.
Greenfinches (46+, very difficult to see all the flock and could be significant underestimate) assembling at laurel hedge roost, mainly in hybrid poplars also beech on S.S. plot.
Sunny intervals, wind light SW, temperature about average, dry.
Mistle thrush song meadow SE (hyb. poplars), spinney (same individual?). Fieldfare (4) on hybrid poplars, then heading SW. Jackdaws at oak box. Moorhen calls main pond (top end). Water rail call pond. Song thrush song meadow NW. Kestrel on small dead ash to west of plot.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) across meadow heading north -- a) high, fast shallow wingbeats on flat wings, flying slowly (territorial?); b) normal flight.
Fair initially, rain/drizzle in middle part of day, clearing later. Wind fresh W, mild then colder.
Buzzard (2) at dusk over meadow etc. Fieldfare (50+) over plot heading south. Great tit (2) by shed. GSW on beech by H.H. Kestrel over plot (meadow etc.) Moorhen alarm calls main pond (top end). Water rail call pond. Poss. Moorhen X4 into spinney. Song thrush song a) top blackthorn b) meadow NE (2 individuals). Dunnock song just north of pond. Chaffinch song spinney opposite H.H. Mistle thrush song Church Lane area.
Sunny intervals, mild, wind light W, dry.
RPSB Big Garden Birdwatch (14 spp., max. blackbird, jackdaw and goldfinch, all 4).
Kestrel on ground by box tree. Mistle thrush song ash immediately north of main pond. Chaffinch song near H.H. Dunnock song H.H. garden. Blue tit (2) prospecting at top of wall of Silver Service workshop. Buzzard (2) over plot. Little egret across meadow.
At dusk -- woodcock from north over pond.
Robin (4) in territorial/mating conflict near shed (2 individuals grappling on ground). Fieldfare (30+) over plot. Mistle thrush song spinney.
Greenfinches (27+, 'good' count) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Mainly overcast, dry, wind light NE.
Redwing (7) over plot, heading SW. Sparrowhawk (imm male) along western boundary hedge near pond. Buzzard (2) calling, circling over spinney etc. Coal tit on pines by shed. Chaffinch song (faltering) H.H. garden near A1065. Common toad disturbed during digging work by boundary wall (under the soil surface, moved to safety). Pink-footed goose (75+) over in mist, heading west. Mistle thrush song direction of stag-headed oak.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+2, i.e. 3 individuals) across meadow and pond towards spinney. Water rail calling pond. Prob. pied wagtail song/subsong in pond area (possible roost?) Song thrush song top blackthorn. Robin song meadow NE and meadow NW. Tawny owl song Church Lane area. Prob. little owl call from S. Raynham church area.
Greenfinches (30+, rough count) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Mainly sunny, dry, wind light W or SW.
Goldcrest (2+) on yew by H.H. Buzzard over spinney. Kestrel near plot. Moorhen by pond. Araneus umbraticus found during work to move (Hymenoptera) log-stack, moved to safety in shed.
At dusk -- barn owl foraging over meadow and adjacent fields. Water rail calling pond.
Greenfinches (30+, rough count) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, drizzle/showers in morning, milder, wind light W or SW.
Blackbirds (5+), song thrush foraging on grass by big oak. Marsh tit (2), goldfinch (25+) in same area. Stock dove (3) by pond. Great tit (2+), blue tit, robin (2+), dunnock, chaffinch (male, with intact feet) by H.H. LTT (8+) across plot.
At dusk -- little owl (2) -- a) calling, not far from A1065, west of W. Raynham Rd, b) somewhat to the north of (a), a second individual. No call from near S. Raynham church. Woodcock over H.H., southwards towards A1065 ashwoods.
Initially sunny, later overcast, dry, somewhat milder, wind light NW.
Water rail (2) calling, then in the open on track just N of main pond -- apparently foraging in or near puddles. Kestrel around plot, in spinney etc. Buzzard across meadow. GSW across plot. Moorhen call pond.
At dusk -- barn owl foraging over fields immediately to north and west of meadow, quite close at one point. Little owl a) calling, to west of W. Raynham Rd, perhaps 250 m off; b) calling from near S. Raynham church (i.e., similar to previous records, clearly 2 individuals). Later, one calling from somewhere close to the W end of spinney. Redwings (10+) into trees near top blackthorn, perhaps roosting. Also a few fieldfares. Song thrush song from top blackthorn, also another alarm-calling meadow NW. Blackbirds in several places.
One of the blackthorns immediately west of H.H. has come down, probably in recent gales.
Greenfinches (22+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, sleet/snow after midday, quite cold, wind almost nil.
Kestrel perched on small dead ash west of meadow. Jackdaws round boxes.
Overcast, mainly dry, some drizzle, quite cold, wind almost nil.
Water rail calling pond. Kestrel over plot and vicinity, perching ash by pond. Grey wagtail near pond. Little egret over meadow, heading east. Chaffinch song H.H. garden, incomplete.
At dusk -- buzzard heading to roost in Horseshoe Plantn. Woodcock over meadow and pond, towards spinney. Little owl a) near S. Raynham church, b) in direction of Uphouse Farm (to SW of plot). Tawny owl song a) end of Church Lane b) Horseshoe Plantn.
Sunny intervals at first, overcast later, mainly dry, quite cold, wind light W.
Stock dove (2) courtship behaviour near barn owl box. Probably at least one other pair. GSW across plot. Water rail calling pond, also probably in reedbed on meadow. Kestrel over plot and vicinity, perching in big oak and elsewhere. Buzzard (2+2) over W. Raynham Rd etc. Grey heron off field next to pond.
Greenfinches (c20) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Sunny intervals at first, overcast later, showers in afternoon, quite cold, wind strong NW, easing later.
Stock dove (2+) round pond etc. GSW across plot. Water rail (2 -- i.e. 2 individuals, from location of calls) calling pond. Kestrel over plot and vicinity. Red kite circling high over meadow in morning, in quite strong winds. Buzzard (2) over Church Lane, meadow etc. Bullfinch (6+) feeding in upper parts of blackthorns opposite H.H. Fieldfare (20+) over plot from south in morning. Great tit song round pond. Barn owl foraging over field immediately west of plot (1500 BST). Jackdaws (10) on ash trees by pond.
Greenfinches (27+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Sunny intervals, some showers in morning, quite cold, wind fresh W.
Moorhen call pond. Kestrel over field immediately west of plot. Buzzard over meadow etc. Bullfinch call western boundary hedge. Fieldfare (3), grey wagtail over plot. GSW (2) in hybrid poplars along SE edge of meadow. Prob treecreeper call Salix trees by pond, at dusk.
Lesser stag beetle Dorcus parallelopipedus inside ash log (from dead tree pulled down 06/01/2018). Alive, groggy, placed in crevice in live ash near pond.
Greenfinches (22+) arriving laurel hedge roost.
Sunny, quite cold, dry, wind light W.
Jackdaws (10+) at oak, willow, ash1, barn owl boxes. Stock dove (2+2) near pond etc. Water rail call (pig-squeal) main pond, moorhen call main pond. Kestrel (2) over field immediately west of plot. Buzzard (2) over meadow etc.
Greenfinches (4+3+1 etc) leaving laurel hedge roost near dawn, most heading north beyond meadow.
At dusk -- woodcock (2) over plot towards spinney.
[Pink-footed goose (60+) circling, then landing on fields west of W. Raynham Rd.]
Later, greenfinches (c20) arriving laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, quite cold, heavy showers, wind light W.
Kestrel round plot. Blackbird (8+) on grass near pond and big oak. Bullfinch (2) next to H.H.
[Pink-footed goose (110+) landing on fields west of W. Raynham Rd.]
Greenfinch (20+) collecting at laurel hedge roost, in poplars and in part-felled sycamore.
Overcast, quite cold, dry, wind almost nil.
Jackdaws foraging on grassy area by pond etc. GSW by pond. Buzzard (2) across plot from west. Kestrel perch-hunting on small dead ash west of plot. Water rail call (pig-squeal) top end of main pond, also moorhen call from pond. Mistle thrush song poplars along meadow SE. Blackbird (4+) ash by pond.
[Pink-footed goose (c100) landing on fields west of W. Raynham Rd.]
Greenfinch (c20) collecting at laurel hedge roost, in poplars and in part-felled sycamore, so roost has not moved elsewhere.
Overcast, quite cold, dry, wind nil.
Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1, and barn owl boxes. Stock dove (4) round plot. GSW (male) on big oak. Fieldfare perched in poplar near pond.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over meadow.
Greenfinch (c5) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Initially overcast, foggy, cold, dry, brightening later, wind nil.
Song thrush song top blackthorn. Mistle thrush song start of Church Lane. Buzzard 1) perched on ash near start of Church Lane, 2) on stag-headed oak. Pink-footed goose (c20) over from SE, 1020 BST. Water rail 'kik, kik, kik' call top end of pond. Great, blue and marsh tits at meadow NE feeder. Coal tit song nearby.
Overcast, foggy, quite cold, slight drizzle, wind nil.
Song thrush song 1) top blackthorn and meadow NE, 2) western boundary hedge, 3) scratty hedge. Sparrowhawk (male?) across meadow low down from pond direction, through top blackthorn. Buzzard perched on ash near start of Church Lane. Pink-footed goose (125+) over from south, 1100 BST, later 1 on its own, apparently lost (foggy conditions). Probably same flock heard in afternoon to NW of plot. Water rail call from top end of pond. Bullfinch call from near shed. Marsh tit call near pond. Great tit song Horseshoe Plantn. Robin song in various places, now well into dusk. Mistle thrush alarm, carrion crow on/near stag-headed oak.
Cat caught prob. short-tailed vole in garden border, released apparently unharmed.
Greenfinch (2) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, foggy, cold, drizzle later, wind nil.
Song thrush song 1) top blackthorn and meadow NE, 2) scratty hedge. Kestrel perch-hunting small dead ash west of plot. Stock dove (2+) round pond. Jackdaw (6+) round plot.
Greenfinch (5) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, cold, dry, wind very light E or NE.
Moorhen X3 on and near patio stones, vole-runs etc.
Moorhen call from pond. Water rail call from top end of pond, several times (pig-squeal and 'kik, kik, kik' call). Coal tit song from top blackthorn area. Marsh tit (4) near pond. LTT flock near pond (10+). Stock dove (2+) near pond etc. Buzzard (1) near plot. Kestrel into spinney.
At dusk -- little owl call from vicinity of stag-headed oak (as 08/01). Woodcock over plot towards spinney. Kestrel perch-hunting on small dead ash immediately west of plot.
Sunny at first, overcast later, cold, wind very light E or NE.
Moorhen by shed. Jackdaw (8+) by pond, big oak, on barn owl box, etc. Stock dove (2+) on shed, bog oak, near pond etc. Mistle thrush over plot heading north. Fieldfare (15+5) over plot from NW. Buzzard (1+1) over plot from north. Kestrel hovering over meadow. Bullfinch along western boundary. Coal tit song along meadow SE edge. Grey wagtail over meadow.
At dusk -- little owl call from vicinity of stag-headed oak. Carrion crow (3) heading north to roost. Kestrel perch-hunting on small dead ash immediately west of plot. Fieldfare over plot. Song --wren, robin.
Sunny conditions through day, cold, wind very light E or NE.
At dusk -- buzzard to roost in Horseshoe Plantn. Barn owl foraging over meadow and adjacent fields, also perching right next to barn owl box. Woodcock near W. Raynham Rd, near spinney. Moorhen call from pond (fist record for several weeks). Song -- robin, wren.
Cloudy, some drizzle, fairly cold, wind light N or NE.
[Along R. Wensum down to Raynham Hall -- little egret (2), possible early courtship behaviour. Mistle thrush (2) near road bridge. Buzzard, kestrel.]
Greenfinch (c30) collecting at laurel hedge roost, not a proper count.
Overcast, occasional showers or drizzle, slightly colder, wind light W.
Jackdaws (7+) around big oak, pond etc. Buzzard (2) near plot, on ash by pond etc. Water rail call repeatedly from top end of pond, at dusk. Song -- robin, wren.
Greenfinch (c20) collecting at laurel hedge roost, but disturbed by cars.
Overcast, occasional showers or drizzle, fairly mild, wind almost nil.
Jackdaws (10+) around pond etc. Goldfinch (7), bullfinch (female) near big oak. Blackbird (4+) on grass by oak. Goldcrest, nuthatch on oak. Buzzard on electricity pole by W. Raynham Rd. Song -- song thrush (scratty hedge), robin, wren, great tit.
Greenfinch (29) collecting at laurel hedge roost (1630 BST).
Mainly overcast, occasional showers, milder, wind fresh NW or W (almost gale force overnight).
Little egret along Carr Stream, then over fields to west of plot. Buzzard on dead ash west of meadow. Water rail call from pond (top end). Blackbirds (4+) going to roost nearby. Great tit song from Horseshoe Plantn.
Level of Carr Stream is almost back to normal but water is very cloudy, having picked up silt from further upstream.
Greenfinch (12) collecting at laurel hedge roost in blustery conditions.
Overcast, showers, quite cold, wind light NW or W.
Jackdaws (10+) at oak, willow etc nestboxes. GSW (female) on big oak. Prob marsh tit call/song ('siff-siff-siff') near shed. Great tit song spinney.
Level of Carr Stream has dropped by approx. 1 metre and flooding on meadow has essentially gone. Carr Stream culvert may be partially blocked but flow is still significant. All poplars are exposed again.
Greenfinch (31+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Jackdaws (10+) at oak, willow etc nestboxes, with stock dove (2+). Goldfinch (10) on ground by shed. Kestrel over meadow etc.
Flooding on meadow has receded somewhat but still significant.
Greenfinch (36+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.