
Wildlife records 2017

Below are miscellaneous records of animals and plants at or near Hillside House for 2017.

Wildlife records 2017 at South Raynham
GSW (2) over plot towards poplars along edge of meadow.
Meadow is partially flooded.
Greenfinch (31+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Mainly sunny, cold, wind light W.
Jackdaws (10+) at oak and willow boxes etc, with stock dove (2+). Woodpigeons (3+), jackdaws (2), dunnock (2), robin, blackbird, chaffinch (with foot disease) etc on bird seed by shed. Coal tit song near H.H. Kestrel foraging over meadow. Buzzard (2) circling over meadow etc.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over meadow heading towards spinney and/or pond.
Feeders -- meadow NW 10pc, meadow NE 0pc, both refilled.
Greenfinch (42+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Wintry, rain, sleet or hail much of day, wind fresh W or NW, quite cold.
Buzzard (2) circling over S.S. area. Jackdaws (1500+) and rooks (100+) heading SE at dusk.
Mainly overcast, fairly mild, wind light W.
At dusk -- barn owl at least twice foraging over meadow and adjacent fields. Little owl calling from 1) area near W. Raynham Rd, also 2) from big ash tree (or thereabouts) just NW of meadow. Woodcock (1+1) over meadow. Water rail call from near SE corner of meadow. Tawny owl call from H.P., also near stag-headed oak.
Feeders -- meadow NW 60pc, meadow NE 30pc, HH 80pc. Wire-netting guard seems to have made access too difficult, suggesting square mesh needs to be removed.
Overcast, some drizzle, fairly mild, wind light W.
Goldcrest on yews by H.H. Buzzard (2) over meadow and nearby. On bird seed by shed -- great, blue, coal and marsh tits, chaffinch (5+), woodpigeon (5+), dunnock (2+), robin, blackbird, etc.
Feeders -- meadow NW 0pc, meadow NE 25pc, HH 0pc; latter replaced with new wire-netting guard 100pc.
Greenfinch (30+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Again murky, overcast, foggy, some drizzle, fairly mild, wind almost nil.
Mistle thrush (2) on poplars meadow SE.
Jackdaws (10+) round plot, in and out of willow nestbox, etc.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over meadow. Little owl calling from scratty hedge area. Tawny owl call and song from spinney area, also near Church Lane.
The shortest day. Murky, overcast, foggy, some drizzle, fairly mild, wind almost nil (high pressure conditions).
Buzzard perched NW of meadow. Redwing (3) off track along west border of plot, with blackbirds, dunnock, great tit etc. Great tit full song (and variants), repeatedly, from spinney. Great tit gave marsh tit-like ('pitchou') call near pond. Robin song, several places round plot.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over meadow, heading towards pond and/or spinney. Water rail call from main pond (not seen). Little owl call from roof ridge of nave, S. Raynham church, flying up to tower. Somewhat later, little owl call from vicinity of large ash NW of meadow, probably 2 individuals present.
Mainly overcast, some drizzle, milder, wind very light W.
Chaffinch (4+) feeding on ground by H.H. kitchen, with woodpigeons (4+), dunnock etc. Grey wagtail near Carr Stream.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1+1) over meadow and nearby, heading towards spinney and field to west of meadow. Reed bunting call from near top blackthorn, probably to roost. Buzzard across meadow to perch in ash north of top blackthorn. Sparrowhawk (male?) along track near top blackthorn. Probable kestrel call from near start of Church Lane. Song thrush and blackbirds (several) calling form spinney and other cover. Jackdaws (150+, 120+, 2500+ latter with a few rooks) heading SE. Tawny owl song spinney. Barn owl call from near pond, not seen. Unidentified mid-size dark owl heading towards top blackthorn. Also unidentified mammal swimming in Carr Stream, near meadow NE corner.
Feeders -- meadow NW 75pc, meadow NE 90pc, HH 0pc.
Mainly overcast, some drizzle, milder, wind very light W.
Jackdaw into beech box, other at oak and willow boxes. Chaffinch (3+) feeding on ground by H.H. kitchen, with woodpigeons (4+), dunnock, coal tit, etc.
At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over meadow and nearby, heading towards spinney and field to west of meadow. Also 1 flushed from top blackthorn. Grey heron flushed off Carr Stream. Water rail call from field NW of meadow. Barn owl call from near pond, not seen.
Feeders -- meadow NW 0pc, meadow NE 0pc, both refilled.
Sunny intervals, frost remaining throughout the day in shaded places, dry, wind almost nil.
At dusk -- woodcock (2+1+1) over meadow and nearby, searching for foraging sites. Starling (500+) high over S. Raynham church area, heading SE. Jackdaws (150+) heading SE. Tawny owl song NE of S. Raynham church. Possible water rail call from field NW of meadow. Barn owl call from near pond, not seen.
Sunny intervals, quite cold (frost remaining throughout the day in shaded places), dry, wind very light N.
Jackdaws (6+) on big oak etc. Grey squirrel on oak feeder. Kestrel near western boundary of plot, over field to west etc. Sparrowhawk (male) off big oak and off to the west of plot.
At dusk -- little owl calling from roof ridge of S.Raynham church. Woodcock (3 sightings) over meadow, probably searching for good foraging sites.
Greenfinch (24+) assembling at laurel hedge roost on sycamore.
Intermittent showers, some heavy and prolonged, quite cold, wind light NE.
Buzzard over spinney. Kestrel perched etc near pond. GSW into spinney. Possible water rail call from pond. Greenfinch (c20) assembling near laurel hedge roost.
At dusk -- woodcock (2) over meadow from north, towards A1065 ashwoods. Little owl calling from direction of S. Raynham chruch, then perched right on top of church tower. Later calls from prob. edge of Carr Stream nearer W. Raynham Rd (perhaps a second individual). Tawny owl call from pond area. Numerous blackbird calls, going to roost, also wren, song thrush.
Feeders -- meadow NW 0pc, refilled; meadow NE 50pc, HH 40pc, oak 80pc.
Sunny intervals, mainly dry, cold, wind light NW.
Greenfinch (18+) assembling at laurel hedge roost (on sycamore and beech trees).
Mainly overcast, drizzle/showers from midday, cold, wind light N.
Buzzard on scratty hedge. Kestrel perch-hunting in spinney. Little egret along Carr Stream from west. Bullfinch call from top blackthorn.
Feeders -- oak 90pc; H.H. 80pc, meadow NW 50pc, meadow NE 90pc, meadow SE 50pc. Grey squirrel (adult) had got inside the protective cage on the latter and damaged the woodwork (feeder removed).
Mainly overcast, drizzle/showers from midday, cold, wind fresh N.
Grey heron flushed from edge of Carr Stream. At dusk -- woodcock (5+ sightings, including 2 individuals close together, all over or very near meadow. Very difficult to estimate total numbers but perhaps 3 or 4 individual birds. Little owl call from scratty hedge area.
Feeders -- oak 40pc, H.H. 0pc, meadow SE 0pc, all emptied/refilled.
Greenfinch (12+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, snow and rain drizzle/showers for muuch of day. Cold, wind light NW.
Jay on big oak. Kestrel perch-hunting off same oak and nearby. At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over or very near meadow.
Feeders -- oak 90pc, H.H. 90pc, meadow NW 40pc, meadow NE 0pc, meadow SE 40pc.
Overcast, snow and rain drizzle/showers for muuch of day. Cold, wind light NW.
Jay on big oak. Kestrel perch-hunting off same oak and nearby. At dusk -- woodcock (1+1) over or very near meadow.
Sunny intervals, cold, wind fresh W or NW, dry.
Buzzard over meadow and adjacent to Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel by pond.
Feeders -- oak 40pc; H.H. 10pc, meadow NW 0pc, meadow NE 50pc, meadow SE 80pc.
Mainly overcast, still mild in morning, wind fresh W or NW, showers.
Buzzard over field to west of plot.
At dusk -- little owl flushed off track along western edge of meadow, went towards A1065. Woodcock over plot from east.
Mainly overcast, fairly mild, dry.
Fieldfare (15) over plot from north.
Mainly overcast, fairly mild, dry.
Kestrel (female) perched on cypress near big oak. GSW on sycamore.
Mainly sunny, fairly mild, dry.
At dusk -- woodcock 3 sightings, perhaps different individuals, all over plot. Little owl calling from two locations (scratty hedge, also to west of plot). Unidentified small mammal swimming in Carr Stream opposite top blackthorn (water vole or water shrew?).
Feeders -- oak 50pc; H.H. 50pc, meadow NW 50pc, meadow NE 80pc, meadow SE 90pc.
[Along road between Weasenham and Hillington -- fieldfares (100+) in hawthorn hedges.]
At dusk -- little owl in two places 1) W. Raynham Rd near A1065 end, 2) towards S. Raynham church, calling almost simultaneously.
Overcast, sleet/snow showers, wind N or NW, cold.
Goldcrest (2), blue tit, dunnock (2) in yew by H.H. kitchen. Moorhen (2, ad + imm) same area. Blackbirds (3+) flicking leaf-litter near H.H. Pink-footed goose (12-14) heading north. Sparrowhawk (male) circling over plot in afternoon. Grey heron landing on field to west of meadow.
Overcast, showers/longer periods of rain, wind N or NE, cold.
Greenfinch (10+) emerging from laurel hedge roost, approx. 0800 BST. (Some evidence of the roost getting started a few days ago. The hedge has been heavily cut back this autumn and may therefore be less attractive as a roosting place now).
Sunny intervals, wind swinging NW, cold.
Moorhen (2) shed etc. Jackdaws (6+) foraging on ground by H.H. Bullfinch (male) on willow by pond. Buzzard over A1065 ashwoods. Kestrel nar meadow. Honeybee activity at weeping willow box may now have stopped (or paused, in cold weather). At dusk -- little owl calling NE of S. Raynham church. Tawny owl calling from area round S.S.
Mainly overcast, wind light W or NW, cold, intermittent heavy showers.
Moorhen (2) on track near big oak. Great tit (2) by shed.
Sunny intervals, wind light W or NW, cool (frost early on), dry.
Buzzard (2) over pond area etc. Jay along western boundary hedge. Blackbirds as usual in various places round the plot. Jackdaws in and out of oak and willow boxes, also foraging on ground by shed etc. Moorhen (2) on track near big oak. Grey heron off Carr Stream. Grey wagtail on H.H.
At dusk -- Woodcock (2) over H.H. lawn, through trees by A1065. Perhaps 2 more (i.e. others) in the same area. Again, as on several previous occasions, flying close together, in possibly pair-related or territorial flight, difficult to say. Bullfinch apparently going to roost in top blackthorn.
Sunny at first, wind almost nil, cool (light frost), dry.
Greenfinch top blackthorn area. Blackbirds (3+) east side of meadow. Coal tit, chaffinch NW corner meadow, with robin (2, song). Jackdaws in and out of oak and willow boxes. Moorhen on track W edge of meadow. Buzzard (3) squabbling above pond etc, one landing in tall ash. Grey heron landing in field to west of meadow. Kestrel near Horseshoe Plantn.
At dusk -- Little owl calling from close to S. Raynham church, probably NE of previous records, not seen. Woodcock -- 1, over field next to Horseshoe Plantn, also 1 near Carr Stream and top blackthorn, as usual below tree-top height. Barn owl several times close to top blackthorn and meadow NE corner. Tawny owl calling from SE edge of meadow, also along W. Raynham Rd close to A1065.
Overcast at first, some drizzle, sunny intervals later, wind fresh W, cooler, dry.
Fieldfare (20+) from NE heading SW, also (30) from east heading W. Pink-footed goose (110+) from SE heading NW. Jackdaws in and out of oak and willow boxes. Grey wagtail on/near shed. Song thrush by new pond. Buzzard on stag-headed oak.
Dull, overcast, sunny intervals later, wind fresh SW, mild, dry.
Fieldfare (13) from east heading west. Water rail calling from main pond. Kestrel (2) perch-hunting off big oak: adult male (with clear blue-grey head and tail, and absurdly beautiful markings on scapulars; also female or imm. male, mainly brown head (though with greyish on cheeks), more barring on back). GSW on oak. Buzzard on scratty hedge. Wasps again active,especially near new meadow pond. Finch flock (15+, mainly goldfinch, but at least 1 siskin).
Dull, overcast, wind light NW, mild, dry.
Peregrine (prob, male?) over meadow from east heading west, disappeared over Mill Covert. Brambling (prob) heard over meadow. Buzzard on scratty hedge. Moorhen near west edge of plot. Wasps still active.
Dull, drizzle early, wind light NW.
Sparrowhawk into spinney from north. Moorhen (2) near shed.
Bright at first, sunny, high cloud later, wind light NW.
At dusk (1740 BST) -- woodcock over meadow from direction of Horseshoe Plantn, below tree-tops. Barn owl meadow NW corner, overhead (circled three times), then off east.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- jays, bullfinch heard, marsh tit, green woodpecker, grey heron on pond (near steps on south side), robin, blackbirds, siskin (heard).]
Bright at first, sunny, not so cold as 17/11, wind light W.
Lapwing (10) heading SW. Fieldfare (30+), starling (10+, 8) from east heading W. Jackdaws (6+) foraging on ground by shed. Stock dove (3) on ash by pond. Goldfinch (7+) on big oak. Buzzard over Church Lane area, also over A1065 ashwoods.
At dusk (1740 BST) -- woodcock (2) in several places over meadow. Similar to last spring, close-proximity flight lower than tree-tops, 'sneeze' call, halting almost over my head at one point. Territorial or pair behaviour? Reed bunting into reeds, probably to roost.
Bright, sunny, cold (-4C in Thetford overnight), wind almost nil.
Pink-footed goose (85 estimated) from NW heading east, 1000 BST. Kestrel (male) perched on scratty hedge. Redwing (10) heading west. Starling (5+, 2, 5, etc) over plot. Jackdaws at beech, willow, oak boxes. Stock dove display-flighting near big willow. Siskin (2) over plot, also goldfinch (5+). At dusk -- unidentified ducks (2) along Carr Stream, heading west (perhaps gadwall).
Feeders -- oak 80pc, H.H. 0pc, meadow NW 0pc. Latter 2 refilled.
Overcast, damp, drizzle later.
Goldfinch (12) with siskin (2) on oak (siskins on their own earlier). Kestrel across meadow towards A1065.
Feeders -- H.H. 25pc, oak 80pc, meadow NW 25pc.
Overcast, damp, wind almost nil.
Coal tit, great tit meadow NE. Kestrel off meadow to perch hedge north of Carr Stream.
Feeders -- H.H. 50pc, oak 90pc, meadow NW 40pc.
At dusk -- little owl in same place as 11/11, not seen but calling repeatedly. Woodcock (2, or same bird twice), over meadow and then field west of meadow, below tree-top height, apparently looking for foraging sites. Tawny owl calling from meadow edge (hybrid poplars), then from W.Raynham Rd hedge.
Mainly overcast, rather cold, dry.
Fieldfare (1), starling (14), from east heading W.
Woodcock flushed off edge of plot near pond. Kestrel on electricity cables, by W. Raynham Rd. Grey wagtail over plot, on H.H. etc. Greenfinch in poplars meadow SE edge.
Fieldfare (140) from east heading W.
Buzzard (2) by Horseshoe Plantn. Siskin over H.H. plot.
Sunny at first, deteriorating, heavy, quite frequent showers from midday. Wind fresh NW, cool.
[Cawston Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- meadow pipit, green woodpecker, siskin.]
Sunny, some cloud later, wind light NW, cool, dry.
Kestrel near meadow etc. Buzzard perched dead ash immediately west of meaow, then off east. Bullfinch (2+) meadow, near Carr Stream.
Little owl calling along scratty hedge north of Carr Stream at dusk, perched on hawthorn. First definite record of this species on or near the plot, though probably heard several times previously.
Feeders -- oak 10pc, H.H. 0pc, meadow NW 0pc. All refilled.
Sunny, wind fresh NW, cool, dry.
Redwing (45), fieldfare (5) from east heading W. Starling (55, 40, 40, 40) from east, down on meadows just west of W. Raynham Rd (perhaps to forage on cattle meadow there). Buzzard mobbed by kestrels (3) just north of Carr Stream, kestrel (male) then foraging over meadow. Sparrowhawk (male?) over meadow heading east. Grey wagtail over plot, also pied wagtail.
Feeders -- oak 35pc, H.H. 40pc, meadow NW 25pc.
Overcast, wind very light W.
Redwing (35, 10, 25), fieldfare (5).
Kestrel (male) perch-hunting dge of spinney. Blackbird (4+) on grassy area etc. Chaffinch on H.H. feeder. GSW by pond. Bullfinch (2+) Carr Stream area. Thrush (song thrush or redwing) carcass, NW meadow (raptor kill?).
Moorhen X2 by shed, H.H.
Overcast after early rain/drizzle, wind very light NE.
Fewer migrants today. Redwing (20, 20), fieldfare (40, 10), starling (40, 80) from east heading W. Mixed flocks of mainly redwing with some fieldfare (40, 40, 60, 30).
Kestrel (male) perch-hunting along scratty hedge south of S. Raynham church, later round plot etc. Jackdaws (10+), woodpigeon (6+, including recently fledged juv) on ground by shed. Moorhen (3) by pond. Song thrush, blackbird, chaffinch, great tit etc on meadow (near Carr Stream).
Feeders -- oak 40pc, H.H. 80pc, meadow NW 60pc.
Approx. 90pc cloud cover, wind very light W,dry.
Visible 'vis. mig.'! Redwing (25, 10, 25, 10, 15, 10, 15, 10, 90, 20, 20, 100, 15, 15, 30, 9, 25, 10, 35, 25, 10, 25, 9, 15, 10, 25, 5, 4, 8), fieldfare (12, 10, 6), starling (8, 10) from east heading W.
Kestrel (female) perch-hunting ash tree by pond. Robin song H.H. Buzzard on stag-headed oak. Chaffinch (4+) feeding on ground by shed. Treecreeper on sycamore by shed. Mistle thrush (1+) Church Lane. Nuthatch (H.P.). Wren song meadow. Marsh tit on feeder NW meadow. Grey wagtail over meadow. Lapwing 5 over west.
[Possible hawfinches (5) over H.H., but poor view].
Sunny, thin cloud, wind very light NE,dry.
Woodcock flushed out of top blackthorn. Redwing (30) from east heading NW. Bullfinch meadow NW. Moorhen (2+) near shed. Buzzard mobbed by jackdaws. Kestrel across meadow etc.
Feeders -- oak 10pc (half-filled), H.H. 10pc, meadow NW 10pc, latter both refilled.
Mainly sunny, clouding up later, wind light NE, mainly dry.
[Winterton dunes with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- meadow pipits (30+, roost), green woodpecker (2+), marsh harrier (2+), starling (several flocks, between 10 and 40, coming in off sea), PFG (400+), cormorant, great black-backed gull (10+), common seal (15+). Short-eared owl seen by Billy Riseborough.]
Rain in morning, sunny intervals in afternoon.
Red kite R.Wensum (by footbridge ). Kestrel on rough meadow west of Wensum.
Overcast, high thin cloud, wind very light, dry.
Jackdaws on oak feeder. Tit flock near shed etc. Kestrel (male) on big oak, watching for voles etc. Later, kestrel (female) on ash by pond, also perch-hunting. One of these kestrels flycatching from cypress on edge of spinney, also launching attack on passerine by shed (failed). Fieldfare near S. Raynham church. Starlings (20, 9, 10, 7) from east heading west. Buzzard on stag-headed oak, also 2nd soaring over Wensum valley. Song thrush meadow eastern edge. Bullfinch (call) hedge near big oak. Grey wagtail on S.S. plot.
Feeders -- H.H. 30pc, oak 10pc, meadow NW 40pc.
Overcast, high thin cloud, wind very light, dry.
Moorhen (2+) by pond, shed etc. Jackdaws on oak feeder. Jackdaw in and out of oak box but cautious. Tit flock near shed etc with treecreeper (2) on sycamore. Kestrel (female?) in usual place on ragged hedge south of S. Raynham church. PFG (7) over from SE.
Feeders -- H.H. 50pc, oak 20pc, meadow NW 60pc.
Moorhen X1 pond 1715 BST.
Overcast, high thin cloud, sunny intervals, wind very light S, dry.
Fieldfare (1), starling (22) from east. Grey wagtail over meadow from Carr Stream. Pied wagtail (male) on shed. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Buzzard perched middle of field west of meadow, a 2nd by Horseshoe Plantn. Sparrowhawk (ad female -- almost white underneath, slatey uppers, warm buffish sides of neck) across from pond area to perch high in poplars along Church Lane. Kestrel (imm male?) taking rodent, prob vole (short tail), near big oak and perching briefly on oak. Goldfinch (5+) on oak. Goldcrest on yews by H.H. kitchen, also on beech.
Feeders -- H.H. 80pc, oak 20pc, meadow NW 80pc.
At dusk -- Starlings (22) heading north. Moorhen X1 along meadow western track.
Overcast, wind very light NE, dry.
Redwing (35, 5, 11), fieldfare (8), starling (4, 7, 60) from east. Also fieldfare (40) arriving on meadow at hawthorns and top blackthorn. Several blackbirds apparently arriving from high up. PFG (11) over from NW. GSW (2 -- male, female) on dead/dying ash, top blackthorn. Pied wagtail by shed, also 3 over from south. Grey wagtail on H.H. and on shed. Kestrel by big oak, also perched stag-headed oak. Jackdaws back in control at oak and willow boxes. Moorhen (3 -- 2 ads & imm) by big oak etc. Blackbirds (4+) on pyracantha berries by shed. Buzzard stag-headed oak. LTT (10+) across meadow. Siskin (10+) by big oak, into spinney.
Hornet near pond.
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, quite cool, wind light NE, occasional drizzle/showers.
Oak feeder still in use (robin, dunnock, blue tit, coal tit). Redwing (40, 30, 20, 35, 22, 5, 25, 35, 13, 20, 40, 15, 25), fieldfare (40, 35, 40, 55, 4, 30), starlings (8, 33, 11, 1, 12, 35, 70) from east. Pied wagtail (male) on ground by shed. Jackdaws at oak box, later box may have been occupied by grey squirrel (jackdaws very cautious to enter it). Woodcock flushed off edge of Carr Stream NE meadow, went 30-50 metres and down again (first record this autumn). Thrushes (3-4) on recently topped grass between poplars. Dunnock song top blackthorn. Song thrush (2) on ash top blackthorn. Siskin (11) over meadow to alders on edge of Horseshoe Plantn. Goldfinch (12) on ash by pond, apparently feeding in twigs. Buzzard stag-headed oak, 2nd over Horseshoe Plantn. Red kite over S. Raynham church area. Grey heron field west of meadow.
Feeders -- H.H. 10pc (refilled), oak 30pc, meadow NW 10pc (refilled).
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, quite cool, wind light N or NE.
Starlings (6+), fieldfare (7) from east. Hobby (imm) over from south, heading NW. Buzzard on stag-headed oak. Red kite circling over Church Lane and Wensum area, at times during light rain. Falcon (?). Sparrowhawk (female?) by big oak. Goldfinch (10+) on burdock, by pond etc. Bullfinch call NW meadow. Redpoll over meadow. Siskin with small goldfinch flock along Carr Stream. Marsh tit call. Moorhen ad & imm by oak etc. Meadow pipit (2, prob) over from SW.
Overcast, cooler, wind fresh W or NW.
Redwings (7, 4, 15, 8 etc), starlings (4) from east, heading west. Mistle thrush (2+, perhaps 4) stag-headed oak. Blackbirds round plot, e.g. 2 on hawthorn NE meadow. Goldfinch (20+) across meadow. Bullfinch (3) into spinney. Jackdaws round pond boxes. Pied wagtail, grey wagtail on H.H. roof and nearby. Buzzard stag-headed oak.
Sunny intervals, low cloud off North Sea, still mild, wind light N (low cloud/mist overnight).
"Vis. mig.", in 15 minute watch 0840 BST -- redwings (30, 10, 100+, etc), fieldfares (30, 20), starlings (40+), all from east, heading west. Later (1000 BST): fieldfare (10) with redwings (15), starling (5). Further redwing and fieldfare flocks going west throughout the day, e.g. 80+ redwings near dusk.
Geese heard in distance. Grey geese, prob. PFG (45) heading north over Church Lane. GSW Church Lane. Redpoll perching top of ash top blackthorn. Skylark (3) over from south. Finch flock (50+, unidentified, goldfinch/siskin/redpoll) across meadow towards start of Church Lane. Bullfinch call spinney. Siskins calling, numbers unknown. Water rail call from pond, repeatedly (later from SE corner of meadow, prob. same individual; may have just arrived). Jackdaws round pond boxes. Stock doves (1-2 by pond, 6+ over plot). Kestrel (female?) on field by W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard stag-headed oak. Wren, robin song from spinney. Grey wagtail on roof of H.H. Redwings (4) disturbed from hawthorn NE meadow near dusk, perhaps going to roost.
Feeders -- H.H. 20pc full, oak 30pc, meadow NW 20pc.
Overcast most of the day, high cloud, mild, wind light W.
Jackdaws at oak and willow nestboxes. Kestrel on or round plot much of the day. Starlings (50+, 8, etc) heading west. Grey wagtail near H.H., shed etc, also pied wagtail (2-4) in general area. Redpoll (15+) over meadow towards Horseshoe Plantn. GSW (male) on diseased elm on Carr Stream, also over meadow. Roe deer (female) on field just north of top blackthorn. Greenfinch (3) round plot near dusk, perhaps the beginning of the roost.
Feeders -- H.H. 25pc full, oak 40pc, meadow NW 75pc.
Honeybees at weeping willow nestbox.
Sunny most of the day, high cloud, mild, wind light W.
Kestrel with buzzard on stag-headed oak. Kestrel over meadow etc. Redwings arriving again (5, 10, etc, heading west). Starlings (60, 25, 25, 30) heading west. Grey wagtail near pond.
Red admirals. Hornet along meadow SE edge. Honeybees active at willow nestbox.
Overcast, drizzle/showers, mild, wind light SW.
Kestrel (2, male, with prob. imm. male) several times on big oak by shed and nearby. Redwings arriving again (5, 5, 25, 15, etc, heading west). Grey wagtail, pied wagtail on H.H. and shed. Mistle thrush, buzzard on stag-headed oak. Bullfinch meadow NW corner. Feeders -- H.H. 100pc full, oak 40pc, meadow NW 15pc (then refilled). Jackdaws by oak and willow boxes, hassling grey squirrel. Moorhen (3, 2 ads + imm). Blackbird (3+) on pyracantha. GSW over plot several times. Woodpigeon (100+) heading east. Starlings (100+) heading west.
Red admirals still active. Hornets along meadow SE edge. Honeybees active at willow nestbox.
High cloud, sunny intervals, mild, wind very light SW.
GSW (male) on oak. Redwings arriving (15, 25, 15, 30, 45, 9, 40 etc, heading west). Starlings (15+, 10) heading west. Kestrel (male) near oak, later attacking passerine on pyaracantha. Fieldfare (30+, 20, 15+) heading west. Marsh tit by shed. Grey wagtail, pied wagtail (2+) on shed. Feeders -- H.H. 10pc full (then refilled), oak 40pc, meadow NW 20pc. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Bullfinch (2+) meadow NW corner. Grey geese, prob. PFG (18), heading east near plot 1445 BST.
On ivy hedge -- red admirals, hornet.
Overcast, wind strong NW, showers.
[Holkham dunes and grazing marsh -- marsh harrier (2+, 1 young male), GWE (2+), grey heron, PFG (100+), greylags, linnets (100+, on saltmarsh), buzzard, wigeon (100s). Red kite near Wells.]
Overcast, mild, wind light NW, occasional showers.
Greylag goose (6-7) with prob. pink-footed goose over plot from east, quite low, near tree-top height. Later, grey geese, prob. wild PFG (60+) in distance, high, heading north. Buzzard off field west of meadow. Bullfinch (2) NW corner of meadow. Song thrush (3+) in NE corner of meadow. Redwings (30+) from east, settled in trees near end of Church Lane. Starlings (15+) heading west. Sparrowhawk (female?) circling over meadow, putting up jackdaws (approx 40). Pied wagtail (2+) round shed. Feeders -- H.H. 25pc full, oak 55pc, meadow NW 35pc.
Overcast, misty, mild, wind almost nil.
Meadow pipit (5), later pied wagtail (3) over fields near meadow. Redpoll call over field west of meadow. Song thrush, blackbirds top blackthorn. Tits (4 spp) round edge of meadow. Goldcrest call. Thrushes (25, redwing, fieldfare) across from NE. Starlings (15+) from NE. Robin song. Wren in various places, dunnock calls round plot (perhaps arrivals?). Starlings (small flocks, e.g. 20, 20 etc) over from east. Moorhen (2 ads, also juv) near pond.
At dusk -- redwings over plot, apparently looking for roosting sites, e.g. 5 with blackbird.
Overcast, rain/drizzle early, still fairly mild, wind light NE.
Buzzard (ad + juv) over/near plot (juv still calling/begging). Feeders -- H.H. 40pc full, oak 60pc, meadow NW 50pc. Goldcrest by track W of pond. Blackbirds (11+) top of meadow. Song thrush NW meadow corner. Tits on feeders. Fieldfare (5) with redwings (4+) over Horseshoe Plantn area. Redpoll call over meadow. Siskin over plot from east. Kestrel (male) perched near Carr Stream and meadow. Grey heron (2) over plot.
Sunny intervals, cooler, wind light SW, dry.
Buzzard (2 ads + juv) over/near plot, also 3 over Raynham Hall area. Feeders -- H.H. 50pc full, oak 60pc, meadow NW 60pc. Red admirals still about, also unidentified moths over pond. Southern hawker over pond (also possible A. grandis). Goldfinch (5+) on burdock by oak. LTT (10+) meadow NW. Pied wagtail on and near plot. Marsh tit on burdock by shed, spinney etc. Grey wagtail over meadow.
Sunny early, with very low cloud from the south, mild, clouding over later, dry.
One or two redwings around plot in morning. Starlings (20+) across plot from east. Buzzard (3+, including prob juv) on or near plot, also 2+ over Mill Covert. Hornets in several places, with many more common wasps. Red admiral still about. Goldfinch (15+) with siskin (1+) on or near plot. Siskin (5) heading west over meadow. Skylarks (small numbers) over plot. Tit flock passing through. Kestrel (2+) immediately north of meadow. Bullfinch (4) along Carr Stream. Robin, wren song. Gulls (common and BHG, 100s) heading south (i.e. inland), perhaps ahead of forecast gales. Starling (prob) (100+) over meadow around midday, probably headed west. Kestrel (2) on stag-headed oak near sunset. Tit flock (16+, mainly LTT, some coal and blue) top of meadow near dusk. GSW on poplars along meadow SE edge. Grey wagtail on shed.
High cloud, sunny intervals, wind light W, dry.
Redwings (2+) over plot in morning, on hawthorn west edge of meadow, also calls from overfliers later. Sparrowhawk (male) disturbed along track west of pond. Buzzard (prob juv) over plot. Grey wagtail on Carr Stream and vicinity. Hornet near big ash. Several red admiral still about. Unidentified finches (3) over meadow, perhaps linnet/siskin. Skylark (1, 1 etc) over plot. Blue tits using feeder on meadow. Green woodpecker up through plot from near H.H.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, wind light W, mostly dry with occasional drizzle.
Redwings (2+) over plot in morning. Marsh tit near A1065. Buzzard over plot. Kestrel hovering over field west of meadow. Pied wagtail on Silver Service plot. Hornet along laurel hedge.
Tawny owl calling from spinney at dusk.
The BTO sent analysis of a single recording session for the Norfolk Bat Survey. Results show two bat species new for the plot were recorded here on the plot in June this year (Natterer's and serotine).
High cloud, sunny intervals, wind light W, dry.
Redwings (2+) near meadow. Bullfinch call meadow NW corner. Great tit on feeder same area, also by H.H. Magpie near Carr Stream. Moorhen by shed. Buzzard over plot. (Feeder NW corner approx 1/3 full, H.H. feeder approx 1/3 full, shed feeder 90pc full). Jackdaws at willow nestbox. Siskin (female) with goldfinches (4+) on big oak. Jay across plot on NE/SW path as usual. GSW (female) on big oak. Pied wagtail (2) on shed -- apparent territorial dispute. Redwing into Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel over east end of meadow. Blackbirds harvesting hawthorn (and rosehip?) berries on edge of meadow. Grey wagtail over meadow.
Several redwings (4 + 5 + etc) apparently dropping into roost on edge of spinney/allotments. Bats (3-4) foraging over plot in dusk.
Overcast, dry, wind fresh W.
Buzzard (2) over A1065 ashwoods. Siskin (number unknown) with goldfinches (20+) near shed. Marsh tit near pond. Skylark high over plot heading south. Honeybees still active at weeping willow box.
Overcast, dry, wind light W.
Buzzard (several times) over plot. Siskin with goldfinches (8+) near shed.
Overcast, dry, wind light W.
Swallow circling round oak tree, near Norman's Burrow Wood (S. Raynham). [Rush Meadows with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- buzzard, grey wagtail, kingfisher, sparrowhawk, little egret, redwings (8), fieldfare, bullfinch, dunnock, great tit, GSW, robin, chiffchaff, skylark (several) overhead, etc. Succisa pratensis, yarrow, knapweed, water crowfoot, etc.]
Sunny intervals, wind fresh NW, cool, dry.
Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantn, second on stag-headed oak. Hornet (with common wasps) by hawthorn W side of meadow. Moorhen near pond. Mistle thrush over meadow.
Sunny, wind fresh NW, dry.
Kestrel (male) on electricity wires by W. Raynham Rd, also near Church Lane. Buzzard over meadow, S. Raynham church area etc. Red kite (2) over S. Raynham church area. Sparrowhawk across meadow heading west. Hornets (with common wasps) in lee of several hawthorn bushes sides of meadow. Goldfinch (20+) near pond.
Overcast, wind light NW, dry.
Possible redwing into Horseshoe Plantn. at dusk. Coal tit with blue tits edge of spinney.
Drizzle/showers in morning, drier later, overcast, wind fresh W or SW.
Jays still crossing plot from NE quite frequently. Several short-tailed voles, common frogs disturbed during tidying work by shed/sycamore. Chiffchaff song near pond. Kestrel hovering field west of W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard on stag-headed oak. Coal tit meadow SE edge. Robin (several) song various places round plot.
Mainly dry, later sunny intervals, wind light W or SW.
Grey wagtail and pied wagtail (2) on S.S. plot. Marsh tit, goldfinch (8+) on burdock, blackbird (imm male) on pyracantha by shed. GSW over plot. Coal tit along western boundary hedge. Great tit song edge of spinney. Jackdaws (5+) on oak and beech.
Drizzle on and off up to ~1200 BST, later clearing to sunny intervals, wind light SW.
Chiffchaff (3+, dark legs, some song) edge of spinney, western boundary 'hedge', etc. Blackbirds in various places round plot. Finch flock (20+) over plot, perhaps siskins. Goldfinch (10+) also present. Jackdaws (6+) on oak etc. GSW on oak. Moorhen by pond. Jays (1-2) carrying ?acorns across plot from NE, towards spinney. Buzzard off field west of meadow towards H'shoe Plantn. Probable garden warbler subsong meadow NE corner. Bullfinch, great tit, blue tit, robin, wren, etc in bushes NE corner of plot. Robin song several places round plot. Hornet by pond, along Carr Stream etc. Kestrel (2) over S. Raynham church area, possible territorial flighting.
Drizzle up to ~1000 BST, later clearing to sunny intervals, wind light SW.
Blackbirds (3+) on big willow. Jackdaws (8+) on oak etc. Jays (1-2) carrying ?acorns across plot from NE, towards spinney. Goldfinch (7+) near pond. Buzzard (3+) circling over Church Lane etc. with red kite. Grey wagtail on shed (brief song), later two along Carr Stream. Probable blackcap meadow NE corner. Robin song several places round plot. Wren, dunnock by recently cut 'wildflower meadow' area. Hornet by pond. Small solitary bees on welted thistle next to pond. Honeybees still at weeping willow nestbox. Green woodpecker across meadow to land in stag-headed oak. Marsh tit near pond several times (on burdock etc).
Hazy sun, thin cloud, wind light SE.
Blackbirds (5+) on big willow. Jackdaws (4+) in same area. Moorhen by H.H. Great tit near Carr Stream, also one by SW corner of meadow, brief song.
Hazy sun, light cloud, wind light SE.
Linnet over meadow, heading towards R. Wensum. Mistle thrush on stag-headed oak. Chiffchaffs near meadow NE corner, in Salix bushes, quite shy. GSW in sycamore by H.H., also nuthatch. Distant flock of possible redwings (15+), near meadow. At dusk, several bats over meadow.
Hazy sun at first, clouding over, wind very light SE.
Chiffchaffs (2+, song) again in several places round plot (meadow SW corner, top blackthorn, spinney etc). Tits, dunnocks, blackbirds, blackcap (prob) in hawthorn, shrubs etc. Coal tit in sycamore by H.H. Kestrel (male) over fields to north of meadow. Buzzard over plot. Hornet on brambles western boundary, with common wasps and comma. Marsh harrier (young male) over meadow, from west. Lapwing (7+) heading west.
Kestrel perched on electricity wires next to W. Raynham Rd, west of plot. Greenfinch on top of big willow by pond (few seen here at this time of year).
Dry after showers before dawn. Sunny, mild. Wind light W.
In morning (~0745) -- chiffchaffs (song, calls) in several places round plot (meadow NE corner, top blackthorn, spinney, sycamore by H.H. etc). One small Phyllosc.-type seen briefly, drooping wings and with strong eyestripe. Also tits, dunnocks, blackbirds, bullfinch (female) etc. Kestrel (male) in apparent territorial-type flight over pond area. Buzzard (2+) over plot. Hornet by oak. Marsh tit near pond. Moorhen (imm and adult) near pond on mowed grassy area. Red kite over fields north of S. Raynham church.
Sunny at first, clouding over, dry until dusk. Wind light W.
Barn owl past Horseshoe Plantation at dusk. Goldfinch flock (20+) by oak etc. Red kite over meadow. Red admiral by shed.
Dry, probably showers before dawn. Milder. Wind light W.
Jackdaws round oak, willow, ash nestboxes, as 18/09; foraging on ground (in grass) and on oak. Jay (1-2) round plot. Buzzard over plot. Chiffchaff song NE corner of meadow, probably a second calling near pond. Pipits (approx 8) over plot heading SW. Sparrowhawk (prob. female) attacking goldfinch flock (25+) on western boundary hedge.
In evening -- many Araneus umbraticus on/round shed. Many Meta segementata, some A. diadematus on shrubs and hedge plants. Possible A. sclopetarius on oak near hedgebank. No swall*ws in shed.
Slightly Milder than recently in afternoon.
Goldfinch (7+) on burdock etc by western boundary hedge of plot. Marsh tit same area. Wasp nest in ground, 25 metres NE of pond. Southern hawker in same area. Honeybees still active at weeping willow box.
Some heavy showers in morning, quite cool. Wind fresh N or NE.
Swallow again on nest in shed after dark.
Jackdaws round oak, willow, ash nestboxes, total 30+ at times. Stock doves (2+) also present. Buzzard (persistent calling, juv?) over plot. Hobby over A1065 ash woods in morning. Whitethroat (imm) on elder berries, NW corner of meadow, also bullfinch (2+). Odd HM over meadow.
In evening -- barn owl over field west of meadow. Possible little owl (more than 1?) calling from west of W.Raynham Rd, north of A1065. Tawny owl song from Carr Stream bridge area.
Showers in morning. Wind N or NE.
[Lolly Moor, Dereham -- hornet nest in base of dead ?hawthorn. Chiffchaff, GSW, bullfinch, kestrel, buzzards, common darters (in tandem), liverworts, Succisa pratensis.]
Sparrowhawk (male, perhaps adult) across meadow to perch in ash (top blackthorn), then off northwards, at dusk.
Mainly dry, quite cool. Wind light W or NW.
Jackdaws round oak, willow, ash nestboxes. Stock doves also present but seem to have lost ownership dispute. Buzzard over plot.
Westerly airstream, showers, quite cool. Wind brisk W or NW at first.
Swallows (4+) over plot, with house martins (15+). Later, after sunset, several (4+) swallows in shed, on old nests from this season -- so swallows come back in to roost at then end of the day.
Flock of small birds, perhaps hirundines, at dusk over meadow, perhaps going to roost in reeds there.
Sunny early, clouding up later, dry, wind light W.
Swallows (4+) over plot, with house martins (15+).
Jackdaws (up to ~8) in dispute with stock doves (3+). Jackdaws now apparently in control. Bullfinch near shed. Goldfinch (10+) on oak. Buzzard on dead ash immediately west of plot. Red kite over plot.
Red admiral by H.H.
Sunny early, clouding up later, some heavy showers, wind light W.
Swallows (8+) over plot, with similar numbers of house martins.
Jackdaws (up to ~8) again disputing ownership of willow nestbox with stock doves (3+). Stock doves seem to be losing as jackdaw seen at box entrance, also one removing prob nesting material and taking it to the oak box. Chiffchaff calls near H.H.
Sunny intervals, some showers, wind light W.
Swallows (3+) over plot.
Swift (2+) heading SW. Red kite (2) over plot. Buzzard (2+).
Mainly cloudy, rain later in evening, wind light W.
Swallows (4+) over plot.
Hobby aproaching from south and launching attack on prob. hirundines over meadow. Jackdaws (up to ~8) pestering stock doves (2+) round willow nestbox. Chiffchaff calls near H.H.
Sunny intervals, breezy, mainly dry but some showers.
[Holkham Meals -- buzzard, marsh harrier (all dark), siskins in wood, linnets (100+) on saltmarsh (especially on Limonium, sea lavendar), gannets over sea, possible little bunting in dunes. Dunes have interesting mix of plants, e.g. carline thistle, polypody, centaury, rosebay, lichens, Suaeda fruticosa, sea holly Eryngium, etc.]
[Sculthorpe -- kingfisher, buzzard (2+), kestrel, accipiter (male).]
Sunny intervals, mainly dry.
Swallows (4+) round shed etc.
Buzzard (2+) round plot, one repeatedly calling (prob. begging). Green woodpecker near plot. Red kite between W. Rayham and Chutch Lane.
Sunny intervals, mainly dry.
Swallows (4+) round shed etc. Later inside shed near dusk, so still probably roosting there.
Flock of 40+ hirundines (mainly HM) over plot in afternoon, mainly round pond, meadow etc. Single swift.
03/09/2017Ash tree just NW of pond, Hillside House 2017-09-03 (1123)
Sunny intervals early on, later cloudy, dry, wind S or SE.
Swallows (25+) over plot in morning. At 1600 BST, no juvs inside shed, may now finally have departed. Droppings show that two nests were active, with juvs later using a cable and electric strip light as a perch.
Linnet flock (50+) over meadow, perching in willows etc. Also goldfinch flock (25+). Bullfinch by Carr Stream. Sylvia-type alarm calls top part of meadow. Tits, chaffinch etc in elders. Buzzard (3+) over H.P., with kestrel. Nuthatch near H.H. GSW (female) on oak, ash etc.
Some of the larger ash trees in the area are still in apparently good shape, e.g. this tree near the pond.
Sunny intervals, hazy cloud, dry, wind N or NE, not particularly warm.
Swallows (3+) feeding in shed.
Goldfinch (15+) around plot, on thistles by pond etc. Meadow -- bullfinch (3+) NW corner, chaffinch same area, sedge warbler (2+) in Carr Stream vegetation, chiffchaff calls, marsh tit calls, linnet over eastwards, mistle thrush over from south, kestrel and buzzard. Later nuthatch, green woodpecker on plot or S.S. plot.
Sunny intervals, some cloud, dry, fairly warm.
Swallows still feeding at shed nest. Juvs are inside shed most of the time. Hobby (2, prob male and female) over A1065 ash woods, with buzzards (2+). One hobby launched attack to the west. Sparrowhawk with buzzards (4+) over Horseshoe Plantn. Nuthatch near H.H.
Hawkers (southern?) around plot, surely more than 2016. One in tight beat by pollarded willow by pond, quite dark. Hornet past shed. Darter over Carr Stream.
Sunny at first, clouding over in afternoon, brighter later, dry, warmer than 30/08.
Swallows (8+) over plot in morning, near shed etc. Two adults still feeding juvs inside shed.
Hobby over plot quite low, mobbed energetically by swallows, departed west and then circled high towards Church Lane. Stock dove (2) by willow nestbox. Jackdaws near same box, also oak nestbox. Chiffchaff song near H.H., also calls near kitchen. Buzzard (4) over plot, also prob juv/imm perched by pond etc, calling (begging?). Red kite over meadow etc, rising, then mobbed by buzzard. Kestrel over meadow. Sparrowhawk (prob the young male) attacked goldfinch near H.H., landed briefly in sycamore, left westwards mobbed by swallows. Moorhen 60% grown juv on lawn, also adult y pond. Marsh tit (2) by pond (on marsh thistle). Bullfinch calls in same area, also LTT flock. Swift heading SW.
Large hawker dragonfly near pond in tight territorial beat, dark, with some blue patches on abdomen (prob. southern hawker). Several other hawkers around plot, prob. southern. Also darter pair in tandem near shed. Two ruddy darter males in territorial dispute by pond.
Hazy, cloudy at first, rain later until evening, cool.
Swallows (12+) over plot in morning, near shed etc. Later, before sunset, 5 prob. fledged juvs huddled close together on a piece of cable inside the shed, hopefully not disturbed. Flock of 40+ house martins foraging over plot. Stock dove (2) by willow nestbox, 1 entering the box. Jackdaws near oak nestbox. Blackcap tack calls. Chiffchaff near H.H. Buzzard (2) on plot and stag-headed oak etc. Sparrowhawk (prob the young male) across plot fast in morning. Kestrel near S. Raynham church. Moorhen 60% grown juv on lawn.
Sunny at first, clouding over from west, wind light W.
Swallows appear to have fledged okay. Approx 12 over plot, near pond etc., alighting briefly at tops of willow and big oak. Harrassed several times by hobby (prob male, also very briefly a second), though hobby seemed mainly to be hawking dragonflies, making several passes backwards and forwards over grassy area between shed and pond, at about treetop height. (Dragonfly numbers seem to be up this year). Swallows alarm-calling, apparently taking evasive action by climbing high to 100 metres or so.
Stock dove (3) by willow nestbox, jackdaws near oak nestbox. Finch flock still present, prob reduced (30+, mainly goldfinch). Blackcap tack calls. Chiffchaff in sycamore by H.H. Hawkers (southern and migrant) over plot.
Red kite over plot and W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard (2+), over general area of plot. Kestrel (female?) over pond area.
Later, after sunset, approx 5+ swallows were inside the shed, apparently roosting on top of the old nest.
Mainly sunny, warm, wind light W.
Spotted flycatcher on big oak in morning.
Swallow juvs still in shed, but now flying quite well (inside the shed). Must be very close to leaving. Hobby several times over/near plot, took small bird over S.S. plot (perhaps goldfinch), circled and climbed away on thermal with prey towards poplars. Goldfinch flock is approx 60, mainly along western boundary opposite pond. House martins (60+) collecting on electricity cables along W. Raynham Rd, then disturbed by hobby.
Marsh harrier (all-dark, presumably fem/imm) over plot fairly high up, heading west.
Sedge warbler (ad) in reedy stuff just outside meadow W edge. At least one whitethroat in NW corner of meadow.
Mainly sunny, wind light W, warm.
Spotted flycatcher ad on big oak several times, with chaffinch etc.
Swallows still present over and near plot, perhaps up to 25 at times, clearly quite good prey levels available (perhaps following changes to cutting regime this year). At least three chicks still at shed nest. Hobby over plot. Sparrowhawk (imm male?) circling to west of plot. Buzzard.
Mainly cloudy, some sunny intervals, wind v. light W, some drizzle.
Stock dove by willow nestbox, jackdaws in and round oak nestbox. Approx 6+ jackdaws also round willow nestbox. Coal and marsh tit along western boundary hedge. Finch flock on ashes by pond (30+, mainly goldfinch, some greenfinch). Blackcap (2+) in goat willows near pond. A small hirundine presence of 12-15, mainly swallows, foraging for insects over meadow and nearby. Green woodpecker calling from near Church Lane. Hawkers (a few southern, also some migrant) over plot.
Several raptors -- red kite over plot and W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard (3+), over S.S. plot etc, one on stag-headed oak calling. Sparrowhawk (imm male) on scratty hedge just south of S. Raynham church. Hobby from west over plot, in front of pond, looped round over S.S. plot and returned, mobbed by swallows but probably dragonfly-hawking (more on plot this year).
Sunny, light cloud, wind light W, dry.
Contest between jackdaws and stock doves for ownership of willow nestbox (and perhaps ash box) continues. Jackdaws (10+) outnumber stock doves (4+) but latter seem to hold their own, at least at the willow box. One stock dove entering willow box and not apparently evicted by jackdaws. However jackdaws seem to be in possession at the oak box (2 together in box entrance simultaneously at one point!).
An interesting aspect of this contest is that jackdaws do not nest at this time of the year (they are finished by June). They appear to operate a spoiler strategy whereby they commit typically at least a couple of hours a day to preventing the stock doves from becoming established. They are already in evidence by 0630 or 0700 and today were still near the boxes at 1000. There is clearly some intraspecific competition too, presumably because suitable nest cavities are scarce in modern environments.
Swallow nest in shed still has at least 3 chicks, at least 3 adults still in vicinity.
Chiffchaff on eastern edge of meadow, also SE corner. Still a few Sylvia-like alarm calls (could be sedge warbler). Hirundines alarming over plot at 1100 BST, hobby with prey. Peacock, spotted wood around the plot.
Sunny intervals, wind light W, fresher.
Swallows still foraging near shed, alarming etc, but may now not be feeding at shed nest.
Finch flock less in evidence, still a few goldfinches. Stock dove (2+) near willow by pond.
Sparrowhawk over plot and near H.P., with buzzard. Hobby across meadow from east mobbed by hirundines, no captures seen.
Ruddy darter near shed. Wasp nest along southern edge of pond. Honeybees still active at willow box.
Cloudy at first, sunny intervals later, wind light W, humid.
One swallow chick still in shed nest, others apparently fledged, parents still feeding remaining chick.
Finch flock of (40+) still around plot, mainly goldfinches, especially just west of pond. Hirundines (30+, mainly swallows) foraging over plot. Sparrowhawk mobbed by hirundines again. Stock dove (2+) near willow by pond. Buzzard on stag-headed oak, over A1065 ash woods, etc. Jackdaws (2) disturbed from ash box (nearer boundary, used earlier in season by tawny owls).
Hobby came from south along western boundary of plot, leisurely, attacked and captured small bird (brownish, perhaps blackcap?) just to north of Carr Stream, quite low down (5 metres up?) and disappeared near Church Lane. Whitethroat flycatching along edge of Carr Stream.
Sunny intervals, wind light SE.
Finch flock of (40+) still around plot, mainly goldfinches, especially just west of pond. Hirundines (40+, mixture of swallows and house martins) foraging over plot. Sparrowhawk attacked finches, mobbed by hirundines.
Swallow brood is at least 4, parents repeatedly in and out of shed gable wall. Stock dove (2+) near willow by pond. Buzzard (4) circling over general area, also prob juv calling repeatedly.
Sunny intervals, cloudy later, wind nil or very light SE.
Mixed finch flock (45+) round plot, probably linnet (25+), goldfinch (15+) and a few greenfinch. Perhaps feeding in crack and goat willows, also in top blackthorn.
Swallow (3+) repeatedly in and out of shed gable wall, feeding young at gable nest (young very near fledging). Stock dove song near shed, 1 in willow nestbox, blocking attempts of jackdaws (6+) to enter the box. Jackdaws in and out of oak box. Contest between stock doves and jackdaws continues most days. Blackcaps on elders along western boundary.
Buzzard (2) calling from stag-headed oak. Sparrowhawk (female) over pond area, left westwards.
Black kite (probable, 90% sure) over plot high above Hillside House from SE, estimated 200 metres altitude; glided slowly NW, no wingbeats for at least 1 km, kite/harrier shape, dark, slight or shallow fork to tail, on flat wings (not in shallow V like marsh harrier); too dark for red kite and without contrasting pale primary patches.
Sunny intervals, cloudy later, wind nil or very light SE.
Swallow (2+) repeatedly in and out of shed gable wall, feeding young at nest against gable, perhaps 3 young (near fledging now so caution required). Stock dove song near shed, 1 in willow nestbox, 2nd chasing off jackdaws (4+), apparently successfully. Jackdaws in and out of oak box. Blackcap juv on elders by shed, also 4+ in SE corner of meadow. Sedge warbler 1) adult in reedy patch just west of meadow, 2) calling from western part of meadow, near hawthorn. Green woodpecker across from stag-headed oak to poplars between meadow and S.S. Bullfinch call SE edge of meadow. Mistle thrush on stag-headed oak. Buzzard calling from meadow area (prob juv).
Nuctenea umbratica (small) accidentally captured, from shed. On logstack -- prob Pemphredon lugubris (2+), leaf-cutter bee looking out of tunnel, Pompiliid wasp (all dark or black except some red on legs).
Showers, sunny intervals, wind fresh W or SW.
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby. Stock dove song near shed, 2 on oak. Jackdaws in and out of oak box. Swifts (5+) heading SW over plot, with 10+ house martins.
Fairly warm, sunny, wind light W or SW.
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby. Hobby (male?) over plot, circling in breeezy conditions, causing swallow alarms, left southwards (1630 BST). Buzzard over/near plot. Bullfinch call top blackthorn. Sedge warbler alarm/subsong NE corner of meadow, near edge of poplar planting area. Whitethroat female/juv NW corner of meadow.
Mainly sunny, fairly warm, wind light SW, dry.
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby.
Moorhen 2 ad with 2 half-grown chicks near shed. Blackcaps (prob) alarm-calling from near shed (elder bushes).
Brimstone on burdock by shed. Logstack -- Pemphredon lugubris (2+), Megachile bees with cut leaves, Symmorphus (2+).
Green woodpecker calling near big oak.
Rain before dawn, sunny in morning, warmer, wind light SW, dry.
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby.
Moorhen ad with 2 half-grown chicks on lawn. Blackcaps (prob) alarm-calling from near shed (elder bushes). Goldfinches (2+) on oak, on elders etc, also blackbirds (mostly juvs, 3+). Buzzard perched on tree garden near W. Raynham Rd, also 2+ circling later.
Meadow (0545 BST) -- sedge warbler alarm call (trill), in ditch area, western boundary. Whitethroat (female/juv) in elder bushes NW corner. Chiffchaff song NE corner. Also prob Acro alarm reeds in same area. Song thrush, blackbirds feeding on rowan berries in fen.
Marsh harrier (fem/imm) from north, headed SE over H.P.
Brimstone on burdock by shed. Pemphredon lugubris (2+) on logstack. Mellinus arvensis (8+) on Cistus plants by H.H. Bombus agrorum on lavendar, with several B. lucorum.
Near dusk (2020 BST) -- sedge warbler 2 tiny juvs (clearly just fledged) sitting right next to each other, low down on reeds, NW corner of meadow, between track and to blackthorn -- proof of breeding on the plot. Adult alarming nearby. Also alarm calls from a different adult close to hawthorn (along western boundary track).
Green woodpecker calling near S. Raynham rectory. Buzzard off towards Horseshoe Plantn.
Mainly cloudy, some drizzle at times.
Spotted flycatcher (ad) on oak for at least 30 minutes (1600 BST approx).
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby. At least two chicks in swallow nest in shed (against gable wall).
Moorhen ad with 2 half-grown chicks in area of shed. Blackcaps (prob) alarm-calling from near shed (elder bushes).
Barn owl (2) foraging over field west of meadow at dusk, one also over meadow.
Sunny in afternoon, dry, quite warm.
Sedge warbler (2 adults) alarm-calling from reeds NW corner of meadow (good evidence of breeding now -- a probable second territory within NW part of meadow). Sparrowhawk (male) off towards W. Raynham Rd.
Sunny, early on, cloudy later, rather cool, wind light N, dry.
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby.
Moorhen ad with 1 half-grown chick near shed. Chiffchaff alarms by H.H. Accipiter past H.H. (0800 BST approx) causing swallow alarms. Sedge warbler juv (prob pre-fledge -- yellow gape, short tail, soft feathering) on reeds just outside western edge of plot. Whitethroat juv in elders NW corner of meadow. Buzzard (1+) in area round H.P. Red kite over W. Raynham Rd. Blackcaps (prob) alarm-calling from near shed (elder bushes). Goldfinches (10+, including family of 5) on oak, on elders etc (elder berries just ripening).
Along track, meadow western boundary -- sexton beetles (2+, red and black), searching for carcase (back and forth along the track). Hawker pair in tandem. Prob. Mellinus arvensis in same area. Brimstone male on burdock by big oak. Another unidentified all-black solitary wasp, approx 6-7 mm long, by kitchen. From pictures on the web this could be Dipogon sp. (this is a genus of Pompilid wasps that specialise in parasitising crab spiders, especially Xysticus cristatus). A handlens reveals the exquisite structure of this little wasp.
Sunny, temperature about average, dry.
Swallow (2+) in and out of shed gable wall, foraging nearby.
Moorhen ad with 2 half-grown chicks near shed. Marsh tit top blackthorn. Buzzard (2) on stag-headed oak, one calling repeatedly. Blackcaps (prob) alarm-calling from near shed (elder bushes). Goldfinches (10+, including family of 5) on oak, on elders etc (elder berries just ripening).
Ruddy darter on logstack and near shed. Also unidentified all-black solitary wasp, approx 6-7 mm long, by kitchen.
At dusk, approx 15 minutes after sunset -- hobby male from south, flew to perch at very top of trees Church Lane area, then insect-hawking just above canopy, reminiscent of behaviour in nice warm places.
Heavy rain at times, wind fresh N, cloudy, occasional suny spells.
Blackbird (3, all juv) by burdocks next to big oak. Hobby (ad, prob male) from south, perching on dead ash by pond (1140 BST), in heavy shower. Moorhen (2 ad plus 2 half-grown chicks) near shed etc.
Wind light W, cloudy, occasional showers.
Swallow (3+) foraging near shed.
Buzzard (prob juv) calling repeatedly from near plot, also 2 over plot, with gulls (20+, mainly BHG). Green woodpecker across plot from south. Sparrowhawk (male?) perching in live ash by pond (mobbed by swallows), then off across meadow.
Wind light SW, sunny intervals, mainly dry.
Swallow disturbed off nest in shed (near gable wall end). Also 2+ foraging near shed.
Buzzard (prob juv) calling repeatedly from near plot. Moorhen ad with half-grown chick near pond.
Wind reduced, light SW, cloudy, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallow in and out of shed.
Buzzard (prob juv) calling repeatedly from near stag-headed oak. Stock dove pair round willow nestbox.
05/08/2017Lesser stag beetle (Dorcus parallelopipedus) Hillside House 2017-08-05 (1116)
New beetle species for plot -- lesser stag beetle Dorcus parallelopipedus found (with some young common toads) in drainage pipe by H.H. (see picture -- scale is in centimetres, so beetle is at least 20 mm long).
Also a prob longhorn beetle found drowned in a bucket by H.H. -- from comparison with web photos could be Strictoleptura rubra, said to be scarce in Rutland (on the Nature Spot website). However size (length 16-17 mm), overall coloration and leg coloration match description on www.naturespot.org.uk/species/strictoleptura-rubra: femurs black, tibia, tarsus reddish-brown, elytra mid or pale brown, rest of insect black. A medium to large insect, thought to be a beetle, was around the same area approx 2 days previously, appeared to have reddish wing-cases.
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Wind reduced, light or fresh SW, cloudy, sunny intervals, some showers.
Light swift movement continues, e.g. 5 over A1065 ash woods in afternoon, apparently drifting westwards. Whitethroat female alarm near NW corner of meadow. Sylvia alarms along boundary hedge (assumed blackcap). Coal tit song trees along SE edge of meadow. Sparrowhawk through H.H. garden in evening.
Usual mix of butterflies by shed and oak (red admiral, peacock, etc).
Wind light SW, sunny intervals.
Moorhen ad with 2 half-grown chicks by shed etc. Jackdaw in and out of oak box. Stock dove pair showing interest in same box. Green woodpecker calling from pond area. Buzzard perched on oak and later on stag-headed oak.
On meadow -- bullfinch call NE corner, chiffchaff and Sylvia alarms same area. Whitethroat (with food?) near top blackthorn, also marsh tit call.
Wind light or fresh SW, mainly cloudy, showers later.
Barn owl flushed from upper parts of big oak (1115 BST), flew off towards spinney. (First record for around a month -- thought previously to have been run over or wiped out by traffic on A1065. Perhaps prospecting in shed).
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Light swift movement continues. Kestrel (male) over field to west of plot, foraging etc. Buzzard (juv?) calling repeatedly from Horseshoe Plantation area. Moorhen (4 -- 2 adults, 2 chicks 40% grown) near shed, kitchen etc. Greenfinch calls from laurel hedge (prob nest). Stock dove near pond etc. Jackdaws (4+) on oak, well into moult.
On meadow -- sedge warbler alarming from several locations right next to poplar planting area. Reed warbler (prob -- or marsh??!!) alarm-calling repeatedly next to boundary ditch, west side. Whitethroat (female) alarm-calling dogrose near top blackthorn (i.e. next to Carr Stream, north boundary).
Honeybees very active at weeping willow nestbox -- possibly drones waiting for virgin queens to emerge?
Wind light or fresh SW, sunny intervals, light showers.
Swift movement much reduced, also some swallows and house martins. Buzzard (juv?) calling repeatedly from W. Raynham Rd area. Green woodpecker calling from near pond, also foraging quietly on oak. Moorhen adult, juv and chick near shed. Blackcap male quietly in western boundary hedge. Tit flock along western edge of plot, including some coal tits.
Hawker sp. near shed.
Wind light or fresh SW, sunny intervals.
Swift movement continues, perhaps larger than 30/07. Buzzard over general area. Kestrel heading east over H.H. and Silver Service. Greenfinch song near H.H. Sylvia (prob) alarm, hawthorn along west edge of meadow.
Along western edge of plot -- peacock, red admiral, painted lady, meadow brown, whites. Several ruddy darter along meadow track (west edge of plot). First poplar hawkmoth caterpillar (on tree A01).
Wind light or fresh SW, sunny intervals with showers.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed. Stock dove on oak etc. Swift movement smaller, but continuing. Red kite over Church Lane area. Buzzard over general area.
Numerous moths on burdock plants at dusk, thought to be family Geometridae. Some plants with 10+ moths. Bats (prob. pip sp.) foraging along track western edge of plot, probably feeding on same moths.
Gulls (200+, mainly BHG, also common, etc) over field near Church Lane.
Wind light or fresh SW, sunny early, cloudy later, light showers.
Swift movement continues, many over ash woods by A1065, perhaps attracted by manure-spreading on nearby fields after harvest. Gulls (BHG, common, etc) over field near Church Lane.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed. Buzzard over H.H. and vicinity. Red kite over H.H. plot. Greenfinch male, female on oak. Prob southern hawker near kitchen.
Wind light or fresh SW, cloudy, sunny intervals at times, showers, some heavy.
A major movement of swifts (impossible to count, but 100+) has begun, heading SW. This is always a sad event as it heralds the beginning of the end of the summer. However, it does indicate there are still swifts to move. By mid-August they virtually all be gone.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed. Buzzard over H.H. and vicinity. Red kite over plot. Kestrel circling over meadow. Greenfinch calls from laurel hedge -- prob a nest. Prob southern hawker near pond etc. Whitethroat (female) with food near Carr Stream and top blackthorn. Chiffchaff alarms/calls by pond (song now weak).
Usual selection of butterflies near shed (red admiral, peacock, comma, whites, meadow brown).
26/07/2017Sympetrum sanguineum (ruddy darter) on boundary track Hillside House 2017-07-26 (1108)
Several Sympetrum sanguineum along track, western edge of plot (see picture). Hawker sp. near H.H., rather small.
Wind light or fresh SW, cloudy, sunny intervals at times, showers.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Buzzard over meadow. Swifts (100+?) over W. Raynham Rd area, meadow etc, possibly heading SW.
Near shed -- red admiral (several), peacock, comma, whites. Painted lady along track. Meadow brown near pond, on meadow etc.
Wind light NW, cloudy, sunny intervals later, dry.
Swallow (2+, perhaps 4) foraging near shed, alarm calls at times.
Stock dove (2) in or round willow box, others present on plot. Reed bunting song hawthorn west edge of meadow. Blackcap alarms western boundary hedge (opposite pond), also brief song. Buzzard (3+) over Church Lane area, also one perched stag-headed oak.
Near shed -- red admiral (several), peacock, comma, whites, brimstone. Skipper sp. on meadow.
Wind again fresh W, sunny intervals, dry.
Spotted flycatcher on oak at 1115 BST -- apparently adult. Possibly a juv also present.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Green woodpecker calling near H.H. plot. Stock dove (2) in willow box. Reed bunting song hawthorn west edge of meadow, later NW corner of meadow. Whitethroat alarms near hawthorn, also by top blackthorn. Chiffchaff alarms near pond. Blackcap song spinney (cypresses area). Goldfinch song near oak.
Near shed -- red admiral (several), whites.
Wind dropping, W, mainly cloudy, sunny intervals later.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Green woodpecker on H.H. plot. Buzzard overhead.
Near shed -- painted lady (1), peacock, red admiral (several), comma (2+).
Swallows (2) by shed. Swift (8+) in screaming flights over plot. Stock dove (4) in goat willows etc by pond. Red kite over Church Lane area.
By eastern edge of pond -- Sympetrum sanguineum, very deep red.
Wind light W, sunny, dry.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Song thrush song H.H. and vicinity. Blackcap song near H.H. (spinney), also by pond. Jackdaws at willow box. Stock dove (3) near pond. GSW in goat willows by pond. Also in H.H. garden -- greenfinch, robin, blue tit, great tit, marsh tit (2). Reed bunting song SW corner of meadow. Perhaps same individual singing top blackthorn. Blackcap song NW corner of meadow, also western edge or SW corner (simultaneous).
Along track, western edge of plot -- Sympetrum sanguineum (perhaps 4). Also gatekeeper, comma, meadow brown, red admiral, peacock, whites.
Wind light W, overcast, some drizzle/showers.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed. Swallow perched inside shed.
Song thrush, greenfinch song H.H. and vicinity. Blackcap song near H.H. and by pond. Buzzard (2) on stag-headed oak and nearby. Chiffchaff song 1) east edge of meadow 2) NE corner of meadow and just outside plot, in crack willows etc (simultaneous). Oystercatcher overhead, going NE.
On buddleia by shed -- red admiral (7), comma (2), peacock (1).
Wind light W, mainly overcast, dry early but showers/rain later.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Song thrush, greenfinch, goldfinch, chaffinch (fading now), coal tit song H.H. and vicinity. Blackcap song near H.H. (sycamore), also by pond. Jackdaws at oak box. Stock dove (2) near shed and pond. Buzzard over meadow etc. Red kite over Church Lane area. GSW over plot from east.
Wind fresh W, mainly overcast, mostly dry but some brief showers.
Reed bunting song NE corner of meadow, close to Carr Stream. Chiffchaff alarm calls eastern edge of meadow. Whitethroat alarm calls NW corner of meadow (and into adjoining field). Green Woodpecker female and juv on dead ash (top blackthorn), also in general vicinity of plot, calling loudly and repeatedly. Buzzard on stag-headed oak.
In evening -- swifts (5+) and house martins (15+) over houses near junction between A1065 and W. Raynham Rd. Sparrowhawk (prob male) past pond and into goat willows.
Wind light W, sunny intervals, cloudier later, mainly dry.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Goldcrest, coal tit song spinney/cypresses. Blackcap song near H.H. (sycamore), also by pond. Greenfinch song near H.H. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn, also round plot etc. Green woodpecker (2 -- prob. female and juv, see 14/07) calling, flying into H.P. Kestrel near W. Raynham Rd. Whitethroat top blackthorn.
In evening -- swifts (2+) over houses near junction between W. Raynham Rd and A1065. Yellowhammer song from area just west of W. Raynham Rd, perhaps 150 metres from edge of H.H. plot.
New insect species for plot -- ruddy darter Sympetrum sanguineum on track along west edge of meadow. Slightly expanded rear part of abdomen, with black marks on two segments near tail, eyes quite dark reddish brown. Quite tame, landing on track. (Record submitted to British Dragonfly Society.)
Also common darters in same area. Copulating ringlets by track. Red admirals, meadow brown.
Wind fresh N/NE, sunny intervals, rain early on, dry later.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Blackcap song 1) near H.H. (sycamore), 2) in NW corner of meadow. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Red kite over plot, also 2 over area round S. Raynham church, with buzzard. Green woodpecker calling from same area. Kestrels calling from west of plot. Chiffchaff alarms NE corner of meadow. Whitethroat alarm calls NW corner of meadow. Sedge warbler brief song western part of meadow. Mistle thrush in trees near pond.
More evidence of insect attack on poplars, perhaps hawkmoth caterpillars (though none seen yet in 2017), on tree A17. Many of the leaves near the top of the plant have been partially eaten. Some very small arthropods (perhaps a psyllid such as poplar leaf crinkle psyllid Camarotoscena speciosa) were also present and some leaves had rolled edges. Psyllids are true bugs, closely related to aphids, and some species are serious plant pests. An expert entmologist would obviously be needed for accurate identification.
Wind light W, mainly overcast, dry.
Swallow (2+) foraging near shed.
Song thrush, woodpigeon song H.H. garden. Blackcap song from boundary hedge west of pond. Moorhen (7 -- 2 ad with full-grown juv, and 4 very small black chicks) near shed, eating chicken scraps (earlier ignored by Misty). Jackdaws (8+) in ash trees near pond. Red kite over W. Raynham Rd area.
Wind light W, largely cloudy with sunny intervals, dry.
Song thrush, woodpigeon song H.H. garden. Blackcap song from boundary hedge west of pond, also alarm calls near SE corner of pond. Reed bunting song top blackthorn area. Stock dove song from spinney, also 2+ in display flights over/round plot. Swallow (2+) foraging near shed. Moorhen ad with 2 very small black chicks near shed. Jackdaws in and out of oak and willow boxes. GSW (3, all juvs) on dead ash by pond. Kestrel male hovering along western edge of plot.
Marsh harrier adult male over plot quite high from NE, heading towards Wellingham area (0840 BST). Sparrowhawk (female) west of W. Raynham Rd and circling high over plot. Several linnets along blackthorn hedges, W. Raynham Rd.
Wind light W, largely cloudy with sunny intervals, dry, humid.
Song thrush, wren, goldcrest, greenfinch song H.H. garden. Chaffinch song from spinney, also somewhere near W. Raynham Rd (quite late now for chaffinch). Blackcap song from boundary hedge west of pond. Sedge warbler brief song in SW quadrant of meadow. Chiffchaff song top blackthorn. Green woodpecker calling repeatedly from stag-headed oak, then perhaps same individual over H.H. garden. Kestrel male on electricity post west of plot, juv calling from same area. Stock dove on ash right next to kestrel box (top blackthorn). Swallow (2+) foraging near shed, also entering shed via the specially-removed concrete block! Swifts (10+) foraging west of plot, with several swallows. Moorhen ad with 2 very small black chicks near H.H., also juv by pond. Jackdaws in and out of willow box.
Probable Chrysotoxum bicinctum on grassy area by oak (from comparison with Google Images pictures -- this is a wasp-mimicking hoverfly (Batesian mimic), similar in colouring to some of the mason wasps). Various butterflies in same area (meadow brown, small tortoiseshell, red admiral, comma, ringlet etc), also many cinnabar moth caterpillars and soldier beetles. Honeybees at the tit box (weeping willow) are active and apparently thriving.
Distant accipiter to west, slow wingbeats.
Wind light W, sunny intervals, dry.
Song thrush song H.H. garden. Blackcap song 1) from boundary hedge west of pond, 2) blackthorn thicket SE corner of meadow. Sedge warbler brief song, also Sylvia- type alarm calls NW corner of meadow (close to second territory from recent days). Whitethoat alarm calls 1) hawthorn along western edge of meadow, 2) NW corner of meadow (right next to poplar A18). Whitethroat song from field immediately north of top blackthorn. Stock dove disturbed from inside shed., also round pond etc. Swallow (2+) near shed. Swifts (5+) over plot. Chiffchaff alarm calls NE corner of meadow.
Green woodpecker calling from Church Lane area. Kestrels calling from round junction between Church Lane and W. Raynham Rd.
Wind light W, sunny intervals, dry.
Wren, goldfinch song H.H. garden. Blackcap song from spinney edging onto H.H. plot. Sedge warbler song and songflighting 1) in western half of meadow, SW portion, 2) second territory, along western edge ditch and in reedy vegetation in field just west of meadow; also probable courtship chasing in this territory. Reed bunting song top blackthorn. Stock dove near pond etc. Swallow (2+) near shed. Swifts (20+) in screaming flights over plot, also probably same group foraging near Carr Stream bridge. Chiffchaff song NE corner of meadow. Oystercatcher (2) over plot from north.
In afternoon -- stock dove flushed off nest in shed, fully-feathered (almost fledged) chick and one infertile egg.
Wind light SW, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Song thrush, wren, dunnock (just east of pond) song H.H. garden. Blackcap song from spinney edging onto H.H. plot. Sedge warbler song and songflighting 1) in western half of meadow, SW portion, 2) (a second individual) along western edge ditch and in reedy vegetation in field just west of meadow. Reed warbler song from eastern half of meadow, about 5-10 metres west of poplar planting area, and midway between north and south edges of meadow. Whitethroat charr calls from 1) NW corner of meadow, 2) SW corner, not thought to be same pair. Reed bunting 1) (male) perched edge of top blackthorn 2) female into reeds near reed warbler, 3) song just NE of meadow (prob second territory). Stock dove near pond etc. Jackdaws at oak, willow nestboxes.
There may have been a recent influx of Acrocephalus, alternatively some singers just go through quiet periods and are undetected.
Comma, small tortoiseshell, meadow brown, skipper sp., red admiral around plot. Poplar A18 shows evidence of already being attacked by poplar hawkmoth (previously not noticed until into August or later).
Wind light W, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Song thrush, wren song H.H. garden. Blackcap song, chiffchaff song west side of pond (goat willows etc). Sedge warbler song and songflighting in western half of meadow, SW portion. Also second (and third?) sedge warbler along bordering ditch (western edge of plot), Sylvia-like alarm calls. Whitethroat song from NW corner of meadow, female alarm call from hawthorn (west edge), prob not same pair. Stock dove near pond etc. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow nestboxes. Marsh tit alarm near oak (reappeared in last few days, certainly around on Sat.) Red kite over Church Lane area. Kestrel (2+) over meadow etc. Chiffchaff alarm calls goat willows along east edge of meadow. Reed bunting song eastern half of meadow. Yellowhammer song somewhere near W. Raynham Rd (distant). Small tortoiseshell more common on meadow than south of pond (where red admirals predominate).
In evening -- several (5 or 6) swifts over houses near south end of W. Raynham Rd.
Sedge warbler song and songflighting in western half of meadow, mainly SW portion, showing very well (perched, in good light).
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Blackbird, song thrush, wren, dunnock, chaffinch, greenfinch, woodpigeon song H.H. garden. Blackcap song, chiffchaff song west side of pond (goat willows etc). Whitethroat song from top edge of meadow. Stock dove near pond etc. Jackdaws at willow nestbox. Sparrowhawk (male) across pond from east. Red admiral numerous near oak (nettle patch).
Wind light SW, cloudy, sunny intervals, dry.
Wind almost nil NW, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Blackbird, song thrush, blackcap song H.H. garden. Chiffchaff song 1) near pond (goat willows etc), 2) top blackthorn. Chaffinch call again from yews by H.H. kitchen. Stock dove near shed etc, by willow nestbox but apparently kept away by jackdaw. Buzzard on stag-headed oak, over plot etc. Reed bunting song NE part of meadow, on reeds. Reed warbler song from western half of meadow, approx midway between edges. Whitethroat charr calls from hawthorn (western edge of meadow), also song/songflight NE corner of meadow (almost certainly separate pairs). Dunnock song eastern part of meadow. Kestrel perched electricity cables next to W. Raynham Rd. Several hirundines over plot near midday, mainly house martins. Swifts (3+) over Church Lane area etc. General movement of larger gulls (HG, LBBG) eastwards over Raynhams area. Large numbers of 'whiteflies' over reedy areas of meadow. Red admiral, comma, small tortoiseshell around plot.
Wind light or fresh NW, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Blackbird, song thrush, goldcrest, blackcap song H.H. garden. Chiffchaff song near pond. Chaffinch call from yews by H.H. kitchen, possibly a nest. Stock dove song from pond area. Barn owl foraging over field west of meadow, in bright sunlight (0915 BST). Buzzard over plot. Reed bunting song NE corner of meadow.
Wind light W, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallow (2+) near shed.
Blackbird, song thrush, blackcap, wren, goldcrest song H.H. garden. Stock dove (2+) song from oak, inspecting oak nestbox, jackdaws present at times. Stock dove (2) at willow nestbox. Kestrel foraging over field west of meadow. Whitethroat song near western edge of meadow. Chiffchaff song goat willows near pond. Buzzard over meadow and nearby.
Evening -- barn owl in H.H. garden (shriek call). Kestrels calling repeatedly again from area by Carr Stream bridge.
Wind almost nil, overcast, dry.
Swallow near shed.
Blackbird, song thrush, blackcap song H.H. garden. Kestrel foraging over field west of meadow. Kestrel calling repeatedly and apprently mobbing something in ash trees next to W. Raynham Rd. Whitethroat song near western edge of meadow. Chiffchaff song goat willows near pond. Moorhen adult and juv near shed/H.H. Buzzard (2) over meadow, plot in general etc, calling, some display. GSW off oak.
Wind almost nil, mainly overcast, dry.
Blackbird, song thrush, GC, chaffinch, goldfinch song H.H. garden. Kestrel foraging over field west of meadow. Swallow (2+) near shed. Stock dove (2) on broken wall by shed. Red kite over Church Lane and vicinity, also buzzard in same area (later one perched stag-headed oak). Chiffchaff song near pond. GSW off oak. Moorhen near pond. Jackdaws at oak and willow nestboxes.
Evening -- barn owl foraging over field west of meadow (2045 BST, perhaps earlier than on other days due to yesterday's rain), also perched in ash, not seen to make a successful catch. Whitethroat song 1) immediately NW of meadow, by and and south of Carr Stream, 2) just north of top blackthorn, clearly two separate individuals (2nd songflighting, also on NE edge of meadow). Reed bunting song top blackthorn. Song thrush song from approx 5 locations on or right next to plot (3 on or on edge of meadow).
Wind brisk, direction variable, overcast, steady rain until after 1500 (approx 80 mm).
Blackbird, song thrush, GC song H.H. garden. Kestrel hovering high in rain/wind near spinney etc. Swift over plot in drizzle. Hobby attacking (prob. swallow) near shed 1710, also in very damp conditions. Stock dove on broken wall by shed.
Wind light, direction variable (S, E etc), overcast, rain later.
Soon after dawn (0530 on): chiffchaff song 1) goat willows SW corner of meadow, 2) goat willows E edge of meadow, 3) NE corner of meadow (3 individuals singing simultaneously). Blackcap along perimeter hedgerow, W edge of plot. Also female/juv in NE corner of meadow. Whitethroat song 1) just outside plot, NW corner of meadow 2) along northern edge of meadow (Carr Stream), simultaneous. Whitethroat female giving charr alarm calls top blackthorn. Dunnock song S edge of meadow. Wren song. Song thrush song, blackbird song. Reed bunting song top blackthorn.
Stock dove on broken wall by shed.
Wind light W or NW, hazy, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallows (2+) by shed. Stock dove (2+) by shed etc. Chiffchaff by shed, pond. Blackcap song by shed. Reed bunting song meadow (top blackthorn).
In evening, near dusk -- barn owl showing well on various fields, on and near meadow. Tawny owl juv calling from mid-size oaks along SE edge of meadow (presumably came from ash2 nesbox), adult flying into top of hybrid poplars at same time. Other adult calling from Horseshoe Plantn.
Wind light W or NW, fresh at times, overcast, occasional showers.
Swallows (2+) by shed.
Moorhen by pond. Buzzard near plot, mobbed by kestrel. Buzzards (2+) west of W. Raynham Rd. Song in H.H. garden, near shed etc -- song thrush, blackbird. Chiffchaff song top blackthorn (meadow). Reed bunting song meadow (top blackthorn). Whitethroat song elder/maple thicket NW corner of meadow. Kestrel hovering etc over field immediately west of plot.
[At Pensthorpe -- mistle thrush (15+) on field east of workshop. Linnets (5+), gorse along old railway track near Langor Bridge. Willow warbler song in same area. Yellowhammer, skylark song over meadows.]
Wind light W or NW, fresh at times, sunny intervals, dry.
Swallows (2+) by shed.
Moorhen by pond. Buzzard over plot etc. Song in H.H. garden, near shed etc -- song thrush, blackbird, blackcap. Blackcap (male) foraging in burdock by oak. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Stock dove (5) round shed, on oak etc. Whitethroat song elder/maple thicket NW corner of meadow (as intended!). Kestrel hovering etc over field immediately west of plot.
In evening -- chiffchaff song goat willows by pond. Reed bunting song meadow (top blackthorn). Blackcap song along hedge, western edge of plot close to pond.
Wind light W or NW, fresh at times, overcast, mostly dry.
Swallows (2+) by shed. Buzzard over plot etc. Song in H.H. garden, near shed etc -- song thrush, blackbird, wren, blackcap, chiffchaff (near pond). Second chifchaff song NE corner of meadow. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Stock dove (3) round shed, on oak etc.
Oystercatchers kleep-calling over adjacent fields again, west of W. Raynham Rd.
Barn owl foraging over field west of plot (2130 BST).
Wind light NW, fresh at times, overcast, thundery in morning.
Swallows (2+) by shed.
Red kite circling over plot early on. Song in H.H. garden, near shed etc -- song thrush, blackbird, wren, blackcap, goldfinch, greenfinch, chiffchaff (near pond). Grey wagtail on shed. Jackdaws at beech box. GSW (juv) on base of big oak.
Three oystercatchers kleep-calling over adjacent fields, especially just west of W. Raynham Rd.
In evening -- reed warbler song from eastern part of meadow.
Wind very light NW, fairly warm, overcast.
Chaffinch song in shed area (on oak etc.). Jackdaw (2+) near beech box. Jackdaw in oak box. Jackdaw ad feeding fledged juv on grass near oak. Carrion crow on lawn. Red kite over from north, returning later. Chiffchaff song near pond.
Wind very light W, warm, dry, humid later.
Swallow (2+) over/round shed.
Chaffinch song in shed area (on oak etc.). Pied wagail (male) round shed etc. Buzzard (2) over plot and nearby. Red kite over from north. Jackdaw (2+) round oak box, also several in ash trees near pond. Stock dove near shed, also song from kestrel box (top blackthorn). Chiffchaff song near pond, also meadow (top blackthorn). Moorhen ad and 2 2/3-grown juvs near pond etc.
Evening -- reed warbler song (1 or 2 -- one eastern part of meadow, other either side of top blackthorn. (None heard on pond). Reed bunting song eastern part of meadow. Whitethroat song and alarms NW corner of meadow. Heron (2) over plot high from SW.
Wind very light W, warm, dry.
Chaffinch song, chiffchaff song H.H. garden. Jackdaws at oak box. Tawny owl pullus (approx 70% grown) perched on edge of ash2 nestbox entrance in evening, seen well with bins. Dunnock song yews by H.H. Barn owl call from spinney at dusk.
Marsh harrier (male, adult) over A1065 near Toftrees.
Wind light or fresh W, fairly warm, dry.
Swallow (2+) over/round shed.
Chaffinch song in shed area (on oak etc.). Pied wagail (3 -- male, female and recently fledged juv) round shed. Buzzard over plot. Jackdaw (2+) round oak box. Stock dove on shed walls and on ash near pond. Chiffchaff song near pond.
Tawny owl pullus at entrance of ash2 nestbox.
Resume of blog after expensive HDD crash.
Anticyclonic, wind light SW, warm.
Swallow (2+) foraging over and near shed.
Red kite over plot, also buzzards (2+) in general area. Whitethroat alarm-calling from brambles just outside plot, opposite top blackthorn thicket. At least one male stickleback in Carr Stream. Jackdaws at oak box may have fledged now. Blackcap song along edge of plot west of pond. Pied wagtail (male) on grass near shed etc. Grey wagtail on shed.
On meadow (eastern half), around 2030 -- reed warbler song, reed bunting song. Also roe deer (male and female) on or near meadow.
Anticyclonic, warm.
Blackcap song blackthorns immediately west of H.H. Jay carrying prob. greenfinch chick towards spinney, chased by greenfinches (3+). Reed warbler song from reeds south end of pond. Kestrel over plot.
At dusk (around 2150) -- barn owl foraging over field between plot and W. Raynham Rd. Bats (4+, unidentified, prob pipistrelle sp.) near pond. Possible young owl calling from ash2 box.
Building anticyclone, fairly warm, dry.
Red kite over plot. Whitethroat across Carr Stream near top blackthorn thicket. Chiffchaff song nearby. Reed bunting song 1) top blackthorn thicket, 2) NE corner of meadow -- simultaneous registrations indicating two territories quite close together.
Building anticyclone, fairly warm, dry.
Swallow (2) out of roof of shed. Reed warbler song reeds in south end of pond. Whitethroat (male) distraction display (like wader!) across track opposite blackthorn thicket top of meadow.
Fairly warm, dry.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, and ash1 boxes. Reed warbler song reeds in south end of pond. Reed bunting song east end of top blackthorn thicket. Stock dove pair same thicket. Chiffchaff song 1) immediately west of pond, 2) E edge of meadow. Blackcap song near cypresses immediately west of H.H.
Fairly warm, dry.
Swallow (2+) near shed. Reed warbler song reeds in south end of pond and near middle of pond. Pied wagtail song Silver Service plot. Marsh tit alarm call and song from sycamore by shed ('siff-siff-siff'). Blackbird song, chaffinch song near shed. Red kite over plot. GSW in trees by pond. Chiffchaff song top blackthorn thicket. Blackcap song, kestrel along W. Raynham Rd hedge.
In West Raynham -- chaffinch (song), swift (2+) prospecting in village hall roof, house sparrow (at least 20-30). Starlings.
Along W. Raynham Rd by S. Raynham rectory etc -- swallows (25+) foraging over arable field, in lee of trees.
Fairly warm, dry.
Reed warbler song reeds SE of top blackthorn thicket. Reed bunting song from same area.
Along Whissonsett/Horningtoft road -- stock dove (2) on road, linnets (5+). House sparrows in Whissonsett and Horningtoft.
Rain or showers, rather cool.
Dunnock nest in elder shrub immediately west of H.H., disturbed by hedge-trimming (unfortunately later abandoned) -- 2+ pulli and 1 egg. Grey wagtail on shed. Reed bunting song W edge of meadow. Swallow (2+) round shed. Hobby low over plot from north, no swallow alarms. Red kite over plot. Buzzard (3+) west of W. Raynham Rd. Kestrel male around plot. Jackdaw at beech box.
Swift (12+), house martin (2+), red kite, buzzard, kestrel over/near plot. Stock dove (2+), swallow (2+), grey wagtail on or near shed. Blackcap song spinney cypresses near H.H.
At dusk (around 2150) -- barn owl foraging over field west of meadow. Several bats. Oystercatcher (2) over from north.
Swallow (3+) near shed.
Swallow (2) shed area.
Greenfinch song same area. Possible spotted flycatcher on oak (not seen well). Pied wagtail (male) on shed. Jackdaws at oak box. Dunnock song by shed, bullfinch call same area. Blackbird song general area of H.H. Sparrowhawk (male) by pond (around 2000 BST). Barn owl on field west of meadow, took food to spinney immediately north.
Swallow (2+) shed area (0815 BST).
Jackdaws at oak and beech boxes. Buzzard over plot. Shed area -- greenfinch song, goldfinch song, chaffinch song, blackbird song. Possible greenfinch nest in yew by H.H. Stock dove on nest in shed, disturbed. Reed bunting song mid-meadow area.
Grey wagtail (male, female), pied wagtail (male, female) near shed etc. Jackdaws at oak box. Red kite over plot. Song thrush song 1) blackthorn top 2) NE corner of meadow (simultaneous). Goldfinch song from blackthorn top.
At dusk -- barn owl along W. Raynham Rd. Chiffchaff alarm top blackthorn.
Bombus hypnorum nest in oak tit box.
Red kite over W. Raynham Rd. Greenfinch song, goldfinch song near to H.H. Jackdaws at oak and beech boxes. Grey wagtail on plot.
Anticyclonic, wind light SE, warm.
Jackdaw chicks begging at beech box. Much jackdaw activity at oak box, probably near fledging. Blackcap song cypresses/blackthorn area immediately west of H.H. Great tit pair still feeding at shed nest.
Anticyclonic, wind light, warm.
Cuckoo song north of plot, probably in hawthorn trees immediately south of S. Raynham rectory. Pied wagtail by shed and Silver Service plot. Great tit pair still feeding at shed nest. Chaffinch song oak and nearby. Goldcrest song A1065 cypresses. Stock dove (2) on (perhaps in) shed. Chiffchaff calling near blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Blackcap song 1) north of plot (near cuckoo) 2) trees west of pond. Blackcap alarm calls cypresses/blackthorns near to H.H. Whitethroat song just NW of meadow, also along W. Raynham Rd. Reed bunting song blackthorn thicket top of meadow, also a second near W. Raynham Rd (well outside plot). Sparrowhawk (male) circling over H.H. and Silver Services plots.
In evening (~2030 BST) -- willow warbler song approx 250 metres west of plot (west of W. Raynham Rd). (First record of singing willow warbler since I arrived at H.H. in 2013.)
Anticyclonic, mostly rather hazy sun, wind light NW, quite warm.
Cuckoo song west of plot, probably west of W. Raynham Rd. Grey wagtail by pond and on outbuildings of Silver Service. Great tit pair still feeding at shed nest. Blue tit pair still feeding at sycamore box nest. Chaffinch song oak and nearby. Goldcrest song A1065 cypresses. Stock dove on (pehaps in) shed, also on oak. Jackdaws still audible at oak and beech boxes. GSW across plot as before. Reed bunting (song) area of blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Chiffchaff calling near blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Buzzard W. Raynham Rd/meadow area. Blackcap song cypress/oak area.
At dusk -- barn owl calling NW corner of meadow, flew across cut patch and landed right next to barn owl box (2203 BST). Several unidentified bats, e.g NE corner of meadow over Carr Stream, also possibly medium-sized pale bat floppy flight at low level near shrubs, by shed.
Good numbers of bumblebees at oak box (15+?). Cockchafers along western hedge.
Anticyclonic -- another fine day, after yet another day of mass murder, this time in Manchester.
Cuckoo song 1) Horseshoe Plantn area (perhaps inside wood) 2) west of plot, probably west of W. Raynham Rd and perhaps a second individual. Swifts (3+) over plot. Great tit pair still feeding at shed nest. Chaffinch song oak and nearby. Grey wagtail across meadow. Stock dove (2) near barn owl box. GSW across plot as before, with a second on stag-headed oak. Reed bunting (female) on hawthorn NE corner of meadow (song now essentially stopped). Chiffchaff calling near blackthorn thicket top of meadow, probably a second near SW corner of meadow. LTT (9+) SW corner of meadow -- quite early for a post-breeding flock. Buzzard W. Raynham Rd/meadow area.
Oak nestbox is occupied by bumblebee colony, perhaps white-tailed? (wrong -- see 30/05).
Anticyclonic -- sunny, dry, wind very light.
Grey wagtail foraging on grass immediately SW of pond, as before. Chaffinch song from sycamore by shed. Kestrel (male) over W. Raynham Rd area. House martin (3+) over A1065 ash trees. Reed bunting male and female NE corner of meadow, perhaps a nest near edge of poplar planting area.
Several cockchafers at dusk near H.H., one or two right next to house. Unidentified bats in same area.
Sunny, dry, wind very light.
Red kite near meadow and pond. Cuckoo (male) song in vicinity of W. Raynham Road. Stock dove song from barn owl box. Jackdaws feeding at beech, oak and willow boxes, probably also at ash1 and ash2. Round pond (in goat willows etc) -- chiffchaff (song), dunnock (song), wren (song). Chaffinch song 1) from sycamore by shed 2) by pond.
Honeybee colony has re-formed in the tit box on the weeping willow by the pond. (This box was cleaned out in March 2017). Comb is already visible round the entrance hole.
[At Pensthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- cuckoo (song), marsh harrier (2 or 3), buzzard, little egret, avocet, oystercatcher (several), lapwings (probably with young), reed warbler (song). blackcap (song), chiffchaff (song), gadwall (4+), shoveler, mallard (several), greylag (several), free-flying barnacle geese, etc.]
Mild, wind light SW, dry.
Stock dove again disturbed from interior of shed, probably at least prospecting (as previously, 2-3 days ago, fleeing through the new hole created by removing a block from the gable wall). Grey wagtail (male) foraging on grass between shed and pond. Jackdaws still feeding at beech, oak and willow boxes, perhaps also at ash1. Buzzard over W. Raynham Rd. Kestrel (male) perched electricity pole nearby. Swift(s) over general area of plot. As before, GSW repeatedly across plot.
Several ash trees either on the plot or close by (next to the A1065) are late into leaf and clearly in decline -- sadly this includes one of the best trees by the pond. Perhaps the dry spring has accelerated progress of die-back?
Mild, wind SW, rain or showers early but drier later. (Meadow is much wetter after heavy rain within last 48 hours).
On the meadow -- greenfinch songflighting, reed bunting (female) prob. with food (eastern end), chiffchaff song (top blackthorn thicket). Pond -- grey wagtail with food, perched and subsong in ash on eastern edge, several moorhen chicks heard (not seen), Acrocephalus sp. song (prob. sedge warbler). GSW across plot as before.
Several large mayflies in Carr Stream.
Total of 8 Geum rivale counted (Carr Stream).
Swallow briefly near shed (1 only).
Song thrush apparently still feeding a chick inside laurel hedge, probably just one left. Nuthatch foraging on oak.
[Kestrel bathing in large puddle right next to the A1065, between East Raynham and Toftrees (about 2 metres off the main road!).]
Single swallow near pond and shed.
[Red kites in many places from Thrapston southwards towards Oxford. Raven over main road near Deddington.]
Mild, wind SW, odd showers but also sunny intervals.
A pair of swallows! One perched on electricity cables by H.H., the pair later round the shed area calling (see Tasks -- a block was extracted from the gable end of the shed to encourage swallows and stock doves to enter the north end).
Red kite over plot etc., at one point swooping down to inspect the edge of the pond (though nothing collected). Buzzard (6+) with falcon (hobby or kestrel) circling in distance over area towards Raynham Hall. Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Great tit (2) feeding brood at site in shed wall. Blue tit feeding at nestbox on sycamore. Song thrush (2) foraging on grass by shed. Grey wagtail (2) on shed, on Silver Service outbuildings etc. (Also pied wagtail). Stock dove again singing perched right next to barn owl box. Whitethroat song, songflighting along western edge of meadow. GSW flying across plot near shed again. Chaffinch, greenfinch, blackcap song near shed. Goldcrest song A1065 cypresses.
Orangetip and brimstone butterflies on plot.
Still mild, wind SW, slight drizzle at times.
Red kite over W. Raynham Rd area. Jackdaws at willow box. Great tit (2) feeding brood at site in shed wall. Blue tit feeding at nestbox on sycamore. Song thrushes still bringing food to laurel hedge. Whitethroat song, songflighting 1) NW corner of meadow (by Carr Stream etc), 2) hawthorns along edge of field immediately north of meadow (a second territory). GSW flying across plot near shed again. LTT (2+) in NE corner of meadow and in blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Mallard (2 -- male, female) flushed off Carr Stream.
Several (perhaps 10+) three-spined sticklebacks in the Carr Stream, near to the adjacent blackthorn thicket. The orange- or reddish-bellied males were clearly visible at times. This stretch may be in better condition since the crome work done earlier in the year.
Orangetip butterflies on plot. Several hymenoptera on log stack near shed (prob. Odynerus carrying a green caterpillar into log tunnel, possibly Eucera (a bee)). Bombus leucorum on meadow. Cercopis vulnerata right next to the Carr Stream (a froghopper-like bug). Large mayfly on Carr Stream, also pond-skaters.
Plants on the meadow -- Geum rivale ( three plants, a new species for the plot); Lamium, Glechoma, Epilobium hirsutum, Galeopsis, Carex acutiformis.
Humid, mild airflow from the south. Cloudy, occasional drizzle.
Red kite circling over spinney with several swifts (latter seem to be here consistently now, at long last). Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars along meadow SE edge, then off into Horseshoe Plantn. Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes (brood quite noisy now at beech box). Nuthatch foraging on ground by shed, also on oak. Greenfinch song, chaffinch song on sycamore. Great tit (2) feeding brood at site in shed wall. Blue tit feeding at nestbox on sycamore. Goldcrest song (A1065 cypresses), coal tit song (cypresses near barberry). Song thrush nest in laurel hedge apparently partially predated -- nest empty and some pin feathers of prob. pullus on ground nearby. However, a parent was delivering food to the base of the hedge later on, so at least one chick must have survived. Moorhen by pond. Whitethroat song, songflighting NW corner of meadow (by Carr Stream etc), also charring alarms western half of meadow. Stock dove (2+) on meadow track with jackdaws. GSW flying across plot near shed again. LTT (2+) in NE corner of meadow.
Orangetip butterflies on cut area, west edge of meadow and elsewhere.
Sunny, warmer, wind light S or SW, dry.
Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes (broods audible at beech and oak boxes). Parents are foraging on meadow (cut parts) and fields to west of plot, also on grassy places by pond.
Greenfinch song, chaffinch song on sycamore. Goldfinches (2) in same area. Great tit (2) feeding brood at site in shed wall -- much of the food is coming from the big oak. Blue tit feeding at nestbox on sycamore (by shed). Wren song from cypresses next to A1065. Song thrush (2) by ditch along western edge of meadow. Reed bunting (female) in blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Whitethroat song western half of meadow, also a second singing from hawthorn hedge north of Carr Stream (150 metres away). Chiffchaff song 1) NE corner of meadow, also 2) (simultaneous) from blackthorn thicket top of meadow, 3) by pond. Stock dove (2) perched right next to barn owl box, a second 'pair' nearby, perhaps from kestrel box (at least 3 hanging round the kestrel box later [~1930 BST], with woodpigeons). GSW flying across plot near shed, probably to and from a nest (location either in spinney or perhaps H.P.).
Red kite over spinney, Church Lane etc. Buzzard near West Raynham Rd. Kestrel (male) in same area. Sparrowhawk (prob. male) circling etc near S. Raynham church, mobbed by pied wagtails.
Several hirundines (probably swallows) heading NE over plot in evening.
Peacock and red admiral butterflies on cut area, west edge of meadow. Probable sawfly near Carr Stream.
Sunny, still rather cool, wind light W or SW, dry.
Red kite over Church Lane. Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Greenfinch (male) song on sycamore, also goldfinch song same area. Pied wagtail (male) near shed. Great tit again at site in shed wall. Blue tit at nestbox on sycamore (by shed). Reed bunting (2 -- male and female) in blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Whitethroat song western half of meadow. A second whitethroat singing along W. Raynham Rd. Wren song 1) NE corner of meadow, 2) by pond. Chiffchaff song NE corner of meadow. Coal tit song from cypresses next to A1065. Stock dove song from area of barn owl box. Nuthatch calling from spinney.
Very slightly milder, wind light N or NE, cloudy, dry.
Swift (3) Church Lane area (at last!!). Swallow over plot.
Red kite over Church Lane. Jackdaws at oak and willow boxes. Song thrush still feeding at laurel hedge nest. Greenfinch (male) song on sycamore. Great tit again at site in shed wall. Blue tit at nestbox on sycamore (by shed). Reed bunting song from blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Whitethroat song and song-flighting western half of meadow (on hawthorn, young field maple etc.). Buzzard over plot. GSW (female) foraging on oak and flying across to hybrid poplars (edge of plot). Mistle thrush across meadow into field next to W. Raynham Rd. Stock dove song from barn owl box, also perched near shed and probably entering top end of shed (i.e. towards pond). Moorhen chicks calling from pond. Later -- in afternoon -- Acrocephalus sp. song from middle of meadow, prob. sedge warbler.
Two prob. sticklebacks in Carr Stream.
Very slightly milder, wind light E or NE, cloudy, dry.
Kestrel (male) perched low down on west side of pond. Moorhen chicks (4 + 1, latter quite sickly-looking) on pond. Goldfinch song in sycamore by shed. Song thrush feeding at laurel hedge nest. Grey heron disturbed from Carr Stream at dusk.
Again cool, wind fresh E or NE, cloudy, dry.
Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Song thrush still feeding at laurel hedge nest, so carrion crow was apparently unsuccessful. Great tit visiting nest in traditional location in shed wall. Blue tit at nestbox on sycamore (by shed). Blackcap song near cypresses/blackthorn (edge of spinney). Bullfinch calling from same area.
Again cool, wind fresh E or NE, mainly cloudy, mostly dry but slight drizzle at times.
Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Carrion crow on ground along track by H.H., probably searching for song thrush nest. Chiffchaff song hedge along western edge of plot, also in blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Blackcap song near cypresses/blackthorn (edge of spinney). Bullfinch (male) in same area. Reed bunting song middle part of eastern half of meadow. Whitethroat song and alarm from same area. Buzzard, kestrel near meadow etc.
Cool, wind fresh E or NE, mainly cloudy with sunny intervals, dry.
Sedge warbler song from pond, mainly the south end. Stock dove display-flighting over pond area. Reed bunting song blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Chiffchaff song pond willows. Whitethroat song along western edge of meadow. Blackcap song from spinney (cypresses and blackthorn thicket), some swall*w mimicry. Moorhen on pond. Carrion crow walking on ground by shed and H.H. Kestrel (male) over meadow and vicinity. Grey heron on Carr Stream. GSW along Church Lane.
A significant algal bloom has built up on the pond. The top water layers are heavily clogged and the habitat quality may be degraded.
Cool, wind fresh E or NE, mainly cloudy, dry.
Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Probably feeding at oak and beech boxes. Stock dove inside shed, possibly prospecting. Greenfinch in sycamore by shed. Song thrush in laurel hedge, at presumed previous location of nest. Chiffchaff song, blackcap song. Oystercatcher (pair) heard over plot.
[In Fakenham -- starlings and house sparrows quite numerous in various places. North of A1065 between East Raynham and Toftrees -- lapwing display-flighting over recently tilled arable fields.]
Cool, wind light or fresh E or NE, mainly cloudy, dry.
Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes (may now be feeding young at at least two). Kestrel (male) perched in oak in spinney. Reed bunting song in eastern side of meadow, also a second singing (simultaneously) outside plot boundary by Carr Stream close to edge of Horseshoe Plantn. Chiffchaff song on edge of meadow, SW corner. Blackcap song from at least four places either on plot or just outside (by Carr Stream close to NW corner of meadow).
Cool, wind light or fresh E or NE, mainly cloudy, dry.
Mistle thrush song, Church Lane area. Reed bunting song in eastern side of meadow, also a second singing (simultaneously) outside plot boundary by Carr Stream close to edge of Horseshoe Plantn. Moorhen (several) along Carr Stream, top of meadow. Chiffchaff song, blackcap song in willows etc by pond. Buzzard, kestrel near W. Raynham Rd etc.
Fairly mild, wind fresh easterly, sunny intervals with hazy cloud, dry.
Jackdaws at beech and oak boxes. Kestrel (male) mobbed by jackdaw over Horseshoe Plantn. Red kite over from north in morning. Buzzard near W. Raynham Rd. Chiffchaff song on edge of meadow, 2 places (eastern side, SW corner).
[At Buxton Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- willow warbler (song), chiffchaff (song, several places), linnet song from near middle of heath, jay, woodpigeon, blackbird. Many solitary wasps, tentatively identified as Anoplius viaticus from pictures in Chinery. Many wolf spiders, including some males signalling with palps. Peacock butterflies. A slime mould, also various fungi including Galera (?).]
Fairly mild, wind light, sunny intervals with cloud, dry.
Reed bunting song middle of eastern half of meadow. Kestrel (male) over meadow and nearby. Buzzard circling over fields west of plot. Whitethroat (male) alarm-calling along Carr Stream opposite kestrel box. Stock dove (2) out of ash trees round kestrel box. Chiffchaff song on edge of meadow, 3 places (eastern side, SW corner, blackthorn thicket round kestrel box). Jackdaws at beech and oak boxes. Great tit probably with nest in brickwork of shed.
Slightly milder, wind light W or NW, sunny intervals with cloud, dry.
Kestrel over meadow and nearby. Red kite over from north. Buzzard performing looping, undulating display right over plot. Whitethroat song-flighting over NW corner of meadow (elder, brambles etc). Chiffchaff song on edge of meadow (eastern side, SW corner). Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Roe deer tracks near NE corner of meadow. Great tit probably with nest in brickwork of shed.
Again cool for late April, northerly (or NW) airstream, sunny intervals with cloud and occasional heavy showers (some hail).
Jackdaws at beech, oak and willow boxes. Reed bunting song eastern half of meadow at dusk. Roe deer (male) out of eastern part of meadow. Blackbird song mid-way eastern edge of meadow. Mistle thrush song from ashwoods south of A1065. Kestrel male foraging over meadow and adjacent fields. Buzzard perched on stag-headed oak. RLP (2) off eastern end of meadow. BT female begging on sycamore (near box). Stock dove pair in and round shed.
Rather cool for late April, with northerly (or NW) airstream, mainly cloudy with sunny intervals and occasional drizzly showers.
Jackdaws at beech and oak boxes, latter with nest mat. Red kite over area near meadow. Kestrel male foraging in same area. Several song thrushes on western edge of meadow, including one with food, carried to elder hedge. Great tit near feeder in NW corner of meadow. Dunnock song SW corner of meadow (goat willows), also courtship behaviour. LTT party on sycamore by shed.
Probable lesser whitethroat song from blackthorn-dominated hedge along W. Raynham Rd. (Song thrush song from same area).
Reed bunting song from meadow near dusk. Mistle thrush alarm calls from vicinity of Carr Stream bridge.
[Small flocks of linnets (also some goldfinch) along road between Whissonsett and Horningtoft.]
[At Potter's Fen with NCC -- blackcap, great tit, marsh tit, robin, wren, sparrowhawk (pair), jays (2), treecreeper (several). Also various plants, including marsh valerian, Carex acutiformis, columbine, bog bean, liverworts (unknown species), Groelandia, etc. Also prob. Libellula quad., speckled wood, bibionid flies, bumblebees etc.]
21/04/2017Bibionid flies, perhaps Bibio marci, copulating on stone, Hillside House 2017-04-21 (0950)
Dull, rather cool, wind light N, dry.
Greenfinch song sycamore by shed. Jackdaws at beech nestbox. Oak nestbox may have been deserted after work on nearby shed. Chiffchaff song from NE corner of meadow. Goldcrest song cypresses by A1065. Grey heron over eastwards.
Barn owl calling from spinney/shed area at dusk. Prob. long-eared bat and pipistrelle sp. over H.H. garden.
Pair of bibionid flies, perhaps Bibio marci, copulating on a stone by H.H. Strong sexual dimorphism, not mentioned by Chinery -- male has much larger eyes, presumably associated with territory defence activities (see picture, male is on the right).
Blackcap song spinney by cypresses and A1065. Coal tit song, chiffchaff song (on beech) from same area. Grey wagtail (2, one with partial dark bib) on shed roof and on ground nearby. Song thrush foraging near shed. Jackdaws at beech nestbox. Roe deer male grazing on short vegetation along west edge of meadow. Muntjac barking from area immediately east of meadow. Song thrush foraging by oak and pond. Red kite over from south. Buzzard near and in Horseshoe Plantn. Kestrel male over meadow.
Red kite over meadow. Kestrel male foraging over meadow. Great tit song round shed. Reed bunting (subsong) eastern half of meadow.
Stock dove (3) in trees by pond. Reed bunting (subsong) eastern half of meadow.
Yellowhammer song from region of Carr Stream bridge (along W. Raynham Rd). Reed bunting male on edge of blackthorn thicket, top of meadow. Chiffchaff song from pond area. Jackdaw in oak box. Chaffinch song, greenfinch song from 'garden' area by H.H. Blackbird (male and female) feeding fledged juv H.H. lawn.
Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area. Oystercatcher over eastwards.
Poplars are all showing good leaf development, although A03 has probably lost its leading shoot. The weeping willow by the pond, pruned in February 2017, is now showing excellent regrowth in several places.
Red kite (2) over H.H., W. Raynham Rd, Church Lane etc. Buzzard with them at one point. Sparrowhawk (prob male) over meadow, went north. Jackdaws taking nest mat to beech box. Blackbird feeding fledged juv H.H. lawn.
Dead long-eared bat found in shed during re-work.
Sunny, light cloud, wind light N, temperature about average, dry.
Greenfinch songflighting over shed area. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow nestboxes. Song thrush foraging by oak and pond. Red kite over from south. Buzzard (2) circling etc in general area of plot. Dunnock song by shed. Chiffchaff song from western hedge.
Sunny, light cloud, wind light NW, temperature about average, mainly dry.
Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow nestboxes. Red kite over Horseshoe Plantn and plot. Buzzard (3) in same area. Kestrel hovering over meadow and adjacent fields. GSW flying from pond to A1065 ash woods. Pied wagtail song on shed roof. Coal tit and LTT (2) on sycamore by shed. Blackbird and sonf thrush foraging on cut area western edge of meadow.
Sunny, light cloud, wind light or fresh W, temperature about average, dry.
Song thrush feeding young at laurel hedge nest. Goldcrest on oak and H.H. cypresses. Pied wagtail (male) on grass near shed etc. Jackdaws at beech, oak, willow nestboxes. Kestrel hovering over fields adjacent to meadow. Chiffchaff song NW corner of meadow, also NE corner. Reed bunting male along western edge of meadow, near old poplar planting area (now clear). Mistle thrush song Church Lane area. Buzzard in general area of plot. Red kite near Church Lane. Mallard pair off Carr Stream. Greylag (2) over meadow, eastwards. Marsh tit meadow NW corner (alarm).
Sunny, light cloud, wind light or fresh W, cooler, dry.
Goldcrest song H.H. cypresses. Pied wagtail (male) on grass near shed etc. Blackbird two males fighting on grass by oak. Stock dove display-flighting by pond.
Sunny, almost no cloud, wind light, freshening later, warm, dry.
Jackdaws at oak (with nest mat) and beech boxes. Goldcrest song H.H. cypresses. Pied wagtail (male, female) on grass near shed etc. Grey heron off pond. Mistle thrush alarm-calling from goat willows by pond, also song from Church Lane area. Great tit pair alarm-calling from vicinity of goat willow nestbox (SW edge of meadow). Green woodpecker calling from Church Lane area, later flying towards Horseshoe Plantn. Reed bunting (female) in hawthorn tree NE corner of meadow. Oystercatcher over plot heading east. Greylag (2) over plot heading south.
Mainly sunny, some cloud, wind light, warm, dry.
Fieldfare off goat willows near pond. Buzzard (4) circling over area of plot and W. Raynham Rd. Stock dove perched close to nestbox on ash, blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Oystercatcher over plot heading SW.
Orangetip, holly blue (2) H.H. garden.
Buzzard (2) in general area of H.H. Red kite over meadow etc. Song thrush feeding young at laurel hedge nest. Blackbird, robin song H.H. garden. Blackbird male and two females H.H. lawn. Mistle thrush song from vicinity of H.H. pond. Chiffchaff song from edge of meadow in usual places, also by pond.
Mostly quite cloudy, sunny intervals, mild, wind light, dry.
Song thrush feeding young at laurel hedge nest. Buzzard (3+) over plot area. Chaffinch song, greenfinch song from spinney/allotments area. Blackcap song from near cypresses edge of allotments. Pied wagtail shed roof. Blue tit at sycamore box.
Orangetip H.H. garden.
Kestrel hovering on field west of meadow, perched near meadow etc. Fieldfare (15) across plot into ash trees on edge of spinney. Chiffchaff song from edge of meadow in usual places, possible courtship feeding in NW corner of meadow.
Mainly sunny, some cloud, mild, wind almost nil, dry.
Jackdaws at oak, beech and willow nestboxes. Great tit alarm call near box NE corner of meadow. Chiffchaff song from edge of meadow in usual places. Kestrel hovering west of W. Raynham Rd.
Peacock on meadow.
Caltha coming into flower along W edge of meadow. Celandine flower is now peaking. Blackthorn in thicket at top of meadow is now just coming into flower, much later than other patches nearby.
Mainly sunny, with small amounts of fair-weather cloud, mild, wind almost nil, dry.
Jackdaws at oak and willow nestboxes. Blue tit repeatedly perching on wing-mirror of car, apparently attacking its own reflection. Great tit with nest mat near shed. Buzzard (3+) over general area of plot. Red kite (2, both adult) rising from area round S. Raynham church. Mistle thrush song from poplars along Church Lane. Chiffchaff song from edge of meadow in usual places.
Holly blue on track, western edge of plot. Brimstone (male) on meadow.
Cloudy with sunny intervals, mild, wind fresh W or SW, dry.
Jackdaws at oak, beech and willow nestboxes. Starling across plot heading SW. Song thrush in laurel hedge again. Chaffinch pair collecting nest mat near shed. One club-footed (right side) female chaffinch is still around the plot. Buzzard (2) over meadow, Horseshoe Plantn etc.
Red admiral on meadow.
Barn owl giving hoarse call from near pond, flying into ash (that contains jackdaw/stock dove box) at 2010 BST. Call is rather amphibian in character. Reed bunting call from middle of meadow, perhaps at roost.
Mainly overcast with some sunny intervals, mild, wind fresh W or SW, dry.
Jackdaws at oak, beech and willow nestboxes. Starling briefly approaching oak box but chased off by jackdaw. Song thrush in laurel hedge again. Buzzard over meadow, Horseshoe Plantn etc. Red kite over W.Raynham Rd, Church Lane etc.
Sunny, very warm in afternooon, wind light W or SW, dry.
On meadow -- chiffchaff (song, E edge and top part), blackcap (song, blackthorn in SE corner). Latter is more than two weeks earlier than first record here for 2016. Mistle thrush song from conifer in S. Raynham rectory garden. Roe deer male disturbed from blackthorn thicket on meadow, headed off east then towards S. Raynham church. Probable stickleback in Carr Stream. Mallard (male) on pond. Jackdaws at oak and beech nestboxes. Stock dove near poplar nestbox (i.e., barn owl nestbox). Song thrush in laurel hedge. Buzzard (3) over Horseshoe Plantn etc. Kestrel (male) north of same area.
Butterflies -- brimstone, small tortoiseshell, peacock, possible holly blue (latter near H.H.).
Mainly cloudy, wind light W or SW, mild, drizzle in morning, drier later.
Mallard (male) on pond. Jackdaws round the plot at various nestboxes. Stock dove pair round willow nestbox. Song thrush in laurel hedge, perhaps a nest. Jays (2) along hedge on western edge of plot.
Blackthorn near H.H. kitchen is just (but only just) coming into flower. Blackthorn in the thickets round the meadow is still in bud. Elsewhere, even in the general area of the Raynhams, blackthorn has been out for two or three weeks.
Mainly sunny, wind almost nil, mild, dry, some slight drizzle later.
Red kite (2) and buzzards (5+) above meadow and nearby. Two buzzards copulating on stag-headed oak. Kestrel (male) foraging on fields just north of meadow, also immediately west. Marsh tit song, chiffchaff song along SE edge of meadow. Great tit song E edge of meadow. Green woodpecker call from S. Raynham rectory area. LTT pair still along Carr Stream, nest is probably in streamside brambles just outside plot. Jackdaw pairs at beech and oak boxes.
Small tortoiseshell on meadow. Several bumblebees (presumably queens) on meadow etc, one into rabbit burrow close to pond.
Anticyclonic, mainly sunny, wind light E or SE, fairly mild, dry.
Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantn. Mallard (male) over plot, on pond etc. Mallard (female) dropping down to pond separately. Kestrel (male, female) near plot, display/courtship-flighting. Grey heron near plot. Grey wagtail across meadow from Carr Stream. Chiffchaff song, marsh tit song from SE edge of meadow. Mistle thrush (2) from edge of Horseshoe Plantn, heading north, alarm-calling, perhaps territory dispute (one territory may extend across from Church Lane area to edge of Horseshoe Plantn, so quite extensive, and if so, much larger than typical song thrush territory).
Anticyclonic, mainly sunny, wind light E or SE, fairly mild, dry.
Jackdaw pairs bringing nest mat at beech and oak boxes. Red kite over meadow. Buzzard (2) in vicinity of plot. Sparrowhawk (male?) over Church Lane area, then stoop-diving towards S end of W. Raynham Rd. Kestrel pair copulating on electricity pole by W. Raynham Rd. Mistle thrush song from S. Raynham rectory area. Several redwings and fieldfares in edge of Horseshoe Plantn, perhaps a small roost (late in day). Chiffchaff song (4+ individuals) on plot. Grey wagtail (2, perhaps a pair) on shed and on Carr Stream near NE corner of meadow. Prob. reed bunting over meadow heading east. Mallard over plot. Great tit song blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Chaffinch song in spinney. Goldcrest in cypresses near oak. Possible water rail call from just norht of meadow. LTT pair probably nestbuilding in brambles, edge of Carr Stream, NE corner of meadow. Wren song east edge of ,meadow.
Butterflies -- brimstone, small tortoiseshell, peacock. Several spiders, including some small Agelena in tiny webs, also many wolf spiders (probably Pardosa sp.).
Mainly sunny, wind light E or SE, fairly mild, dry.
Red kite (2) circling over meadow etc. Buzzard (2) in vicinity of plot. Grey heron up from near meadow, headed east. Mallard (3), chasing flights, near plot. Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow, eastwards, probably hunting.
Probable water rail scooting along ditch, eastern edge of meadow. Red kite over meadow, Church Lane area etc. Buzzard (2) near Horsheshoe Plantn etc. over meadow etc. Chiffchaff song 1) from NE corner of meadow, 2) from blackthorn thicket top of meadow (simultaneous registrations). Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area, also on stag-headed oak (south of S. Raynham church). In NE corner of meadow (crab apple, hawthorn etc) -- bullfinch (male, female), great tit (song), blue tit (2). Wren (song) nearby.
Hazy sun, with thin low stratus-type cloud. Wind light E or SE, milder, dry.
Jackdaw pairs bringing nest mat at beech, oak, willow boxes. Greenfinch song near H.H. Buzzard over meadow etc. Pied wagtail on grass by pond. Grey wagtail over meadow, heading towards Church Lane. Chiffchaff song 1) from NE corner of meadow, 2) from blackthorn thicket top of meadow (simultaneous registrations). Probably a third calling from hedge opposite big oak. Fieldfare over heading east. Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area, also one alarm-calling and into spinney area.
Kestrel pair in and out of oak nestbox (1720 GMT). Male was inside box for ~5 minutes. Probably the same male was foraging over and near the meadow at various times.
Hazy sun at first, with low stratus-type cloud. Wind light E or SE, rather cool, dry early on, rain/drizzle in afternoon.
Jackdaw pair collecting nest mat from sycamore tree. Greenfinch song, robin song near H.H. Buzzard mobbed by two carrion crows over H'shoe Plant'n. Green woodpecker calling from S. Raynham rectory area. Mistle thrush song from spruce as on 21/03. Moorhen by pond. Marsh tit song near pond. Pied wagtail on meadow track. Kestrel on oak by shed.
Sunny with fair weather cloud, wind fresh W, cooler, dry.
Chiffchaff song along hedge near pond. Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area, perched on top of tall spruce. Red kite over general area of Chutch Lane. Reed bunting call from middle of meadow. Great tit song from NW corner of meadow (elders, hawthorn etc). Pied wagtail on disturbed parts of meadow track. Buzzard nearby as usual. Mallard dropping onto pond. Jackdaws in (recent) beech box. Song thrush eating ivy berries in laurel hedge by H.H.
Toad activity on pond continues, some spawn now visible.
Overcast, wind light SW, mild, drizzle.
Chiffchaff song near pond. Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area. Redwings (4) near spinney. Goldcrest on sycamore by shed.
Overcast, wind fresh westerly, milder, drizzle in afternoon.
Chiffchaff song from hedge along western edge of plot near pond. Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area. Fieldfares and redwings (mixed, mainly FF, 25+) around plot. Red kite over Church Lane area. Accipiter with buzzard over Horseshoe Plantn. Great tit song blackthorn thicket top of meadow.
Toad activity continues but reduced (in cooler conditions?). The spider Pisaura mirabilis in two places on meadow.
Mainly cloudy, wind fresh westerly, colder, dry.
Jackdaw inspecting new box on beech (installed 13/03). Jackdaws and stock doves competing over willow nestbox. Stock dove (4) on track on meadow. Fieldfares and redwings (mixed, 25+) around plot.
Mainly sunny, mild, dry.
Chiffchaff song in pond area. Pied wagtail on newly disturbed parts of track on meadow. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn. Redwings emerging from blackthorn thicket top of meadow, possibly getting ready to roost there.
Toad frenzy continues.
Mainly sunny, mild, dry.
Chiffchaff song in pond area.
Toad frenzy continues.
14/03/2017Common toads in mating cluster, Hillside House pond, 2017-03-16 (0873)
Cloudy, hazy sunshine, wind light, mild, dry.
Mistle thrush song from ash trees by allotments. Mallard (2) dropping into pond. Chiffchaff song from just north of pond.
First day of toad frenzy -- common toads in the pond, on paths nearby etc. Up to 4 in some mating groups.
Some cloud, hazy sunshine, wind fresher, mild, dry.
Chiffchaff song from hedge along western edge of plot. Pied wagtail (2) on shed. Jay near pond. Bullfinch (male, ?female) in recently trimmed stretch of hedge along western edge of plot. Kestrel perched on electricity cables near W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn. Mallard (2) near or on pond, later dropping into field west of meadow at dusk. Grey heron apparently carrying nest mat from west. Fieldfare and redwing mixed flock (~15) heading SW. Stock dove display-flighting over plot. Jackdaw nestbuilding at oak box. Nuthatch call from Silver Service plot. Reed bunting weak song near blackthorn thicket top of meadow. Starling flock (60+) circling over H.H. and nearby at dusk (1750 GMT). Tawny owl into spinney at dusk.
Brimstone (male) near H.H.
Overcast but dry.
[Wayland Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- four tit species (great, coal, blue and marsh), all singing. Stock dove song. Robin, wren song. First chiffchaff of the year. Some very fine hornbeam, oak and ash, also many large field maples. Some rare plants in the understorey.]
Overcast most of day, sunny spells, wind light, mild, dry.
Kingfisher along Carr Stream, top of meadow (few records of this species here, little evidence of any food in this stream or the Wensum, into which it drains). Mistle thrush song from area round S. Raynham rectory. Kestrel (2) courtship- or display-flighting on fields to north and west of meadow. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn. Mallard (3) near or on pond. Grey heron from east. Fieldfare and redwing mixed flock (100+) heading NE.
Inverts -- Nuctenea umbratica (formerly Araneus) on stake securing Cox's apple, Linyphia sp. on hedge (west edge of plot), many prob. Pardosa sp. in short grass in various places. Bumblebee near pines.
Overcast most of day, sunny spells, wind light, mild, dry early, drizzle at times in afternoon.
Mistle thrush song from poplars SE edge of meadow. Great tit song NE corner of meadow (i.e., near tit box). Kestrel (2) display-flighting on fields to east and north of meadow. Moorhen call on pond. Starling (~10) heading SW near plot. Reed bunting song near northern edge of meadow, same area as 08/03. Buzzard perched on ash middle of field west of meadow, also in general area of meadow. Red kite along W. Raynham Rd. Fieldfare and redwing mixed flock (10) heading south. Grey heron (2) over meadow, from east.
At dusk (1820 GMT) -- barn owl from spinney direction, flew right over H.H. Woodcock heard along western edge of plot (snipe-like 'schaap' call, again almost exactly at the time thrush and blackbird alarms and song ceased, 1828 GMT). Mallard calling from pond (also pair flying nearby). Bat (unident.) near shed.
Sunny most of day, wind fresh at times, mild, dry.
Mistle thrush song from Church Lane area. also two alarm-calling and landing in poplars SE edge of meadow. Kestrel circling mear pond. Moorhen call on pond. Starling heading SW near plot. Reed bunting call near northern edge of meadow, same area as 08/03. Buzzard over meadow area. Brimstone (male) near shed again. Bullfinch (2) into blackthorn thicket on N edge of meadow.
Buzzard (2) circling/display-flighting over and near Norman's Burrow Wood.
At dusk (1831 GMT) -- Woodcock (2) over plot from west, 'twissick' call, flying close together at approx tree-top height, flew over shed. Almost exactly at the time thrush and blackbird alarms and song ceased. Probable barn owl call from field immediately to the west. A small blackbird and song thrush roost has built up in the cypresses and nearby ivy-covered ash and hawthorn.
Rain early on, later hazy sun, wind light, mild, dry.
Mistle thrush across pond area towards spinney. Moorhen near pond. Jackdaws in and out of willow and oak boxes. Starling group (~10) heading SW near plot. Reed bunting song near northern edge of meadow, perhaps just outside plot. Buzzard over meadow. Brimstone (male) near shed (by pyracantha etc).
At dusk (1824 GMT) -- Woodcock along western edge of plot near spinney, then over spinney. Barn owl calling then into plot from field immediately to the west, close to the woodcock. Undientified bat by cypresses. Song thrush song from in oak and nearby.
Mainly sunny, wind light, mild, dry.
Mistle thrush song 1) Church Lane area, near S. Raynham rectory, 2) poplars SE edge of meadow. Marsh tit song northern end of Horseshoe Plantn. Possible water rail alarm call (scuffle with pheasants?) immediately west of western edge of meadow. Bank vole by shed. Kestrel hovering over field just north of meadow. Buzzards (3) soaring/display-flighting over meadow area. Green woodpecker call near Church Lane. Bumblebee over pond.
Sunny spells at first, wind light, dry.
Jackdaw pair in and out of oak nestbox. Probable woodcock call at dusk, near spinney.
Sunny spells at first, wind very light, dry.
House sparrow (male) in laurel hedge early in day (0900 GMT approx). Red kite over Church Lane area. Buzzard (2) over plot from north. Kestrel (male) perched on electricity cable, field west of plot. Jackdaw (16) on grass/molehills near oak. On bird food by shed -- moorhen, woodpigeon, stock dove. Starling groups moving SW across plot (10, 12, etc). Fieldfare (7) over plot from north. Stock dove (2) display-flighting near ashes at top of pond. Song thrush and woodpigeon eating ivy berries on boundary hedge by H.H. Muntjac eating ivy plant along western edge of plot. At dusk, robin, blackbird and song thrush song from various parts of the plot. Mallard pair over plot from SE, heading towards Wellingham.
Woodcock a) 1, from north over pond, towards A1065 and ash woods, at 1815 GMT, b) 2 close together, over shed and into spinney area, around 1820 GMT. No calls heard.
Greenfinch (30+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Overcast, wind almost nil, drizzle early.
Mistle thrush song from poplars SE edge of meadow. On bird food by shed -- stock dove, pheasant, blackbird (chased off by pheasant), chaffinch (2+), dunnock, woodpigeon (4+), coal tit, great tit, robin, collared dove, etc. Jackdaw pair allopreening at willow nestbox.
Cloudy, wind light westerly, colder, rain/showers in afternoon.
Woodcock (2) over plot at dusk (1810 GMT), apparently came out of spinney, headed NE towards meadow etc. Flying close together. Reed bunting call from middle of meadow, also at dusk. Mistle thrush across meadow from north, alarm-calling.
Cloudy, wind fresh westerly, colder, rain/showers early.
Stock dove display-flighting over pond area. Buzzard near plot. On bird food by shed -- stock dove, woodpigeon (4+), chaffinch (2+, one with foot disease), pheasant (2+), dunnock, etc. Wren on tractor.
Sunny, wind almost nil, fairly mild, dry.
Stock dove (2) and jackdaw (2) contesting ownership of willow nestbox. Chaffinch (2+) with foot disease again. On bird food by shed -- woodpigeon (2+), dunnock, great tit, blackbird, collared dove (2),etc. Buzzard (6) soaring/display over general area of plot. Probable woodcock over field near W.Raynham Rd at dusk.
Mainly sunny, wind light W, still fairly mild, showers early.
Grey heron off pond, also a second along Carr Stream etc. Chaffinch (2+) with foot disease again (perhaps fringilla papillomavirus, according to BTO website).
Greenfinch (16+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Dull, mainly overcast, wind moderate SW, still fairly mild, showers in afternoon.
Woodpigeon pair copulating on sycamore by shed. Mistle thrush song 1) poplars SE edge of meadow 2) from area round S. Raynham rectory. Buzzard near Horseshoe Plantn etc. Fieldfare (7) heading SW near plot. GSW female on sycamore by shed, chaffinch (3+) same area. Stock dove (3) vicinity of willow nestbox.
Greenfinch (33+) collecting at laurel hedge roost, again some song.
Mainly dry, sunny intervals, wind light westerly, still fairly mild.
Woodcock flushed from western edge of meadow, went towards spinney. Mistle thrush song 1) Horseshoe Plantn, near Horseshoe Cottage 2) from poplars along Church Lane. Buzzard (2+) near Horseshoe Plantn etc. Fieldfare (40+) heading SW near plot in morning. A few starlings (12+) heading in the same direction. Kestrel (2) west of W. Raynhham Rd. Goldcrest on yews by H.H. kitchen.
Greenfinch (15+) collecting at laurel hedge roost, some song.
Pisaura mirabilis on snowdrops by big oak -- active, quite early in the year.
Mainly dry, sunny intervals, wind light westerly, colder.
Mistle thrush song 1) spinney area (near junction A1065/W. Raynham Rd), 2) from poplars along Church Lane. Buzzard west of W.Raynham Rd. Mallard (2 -- m, f) on Carr Stream (i.e. recently cleared area). Jackdaws (40+) collecting Church Lane. Pied wagtail (3) heading east high up towards dusk, perhaps towards Pensthorpe roost. Fieldfare (60+) heading NW near plot in morning.
Rain early, overcast, wind brisk westerly, fairly mild.
Mistle thrush song from poplars SE edge of meadow. GSW same area. Buzzard on field west of meadow, also opposite Horseshoe Plantn. Mallard (2 -- m, f) on Carr Stream (i.e. recently cleared area). Jackdaws (2) and stock dove (2) contesting willow nestbox. Several other jackdaws on plot. On bird food by shed -- stock dove (3), woodpigeon, dunnock (3+), robin, blackbird etc.
At dusk (approx. 1740 GMT) -- woodcock (2) in close proximity flights over spinney next to H.H., rather reminiscent of recent tightly coordinated flights by stock doves seen in the S. Raynham area. At least two types of call heard, 1) the 'twissick' call that BWP refers as the Sneeze note, and 2) a snipe-like 'schaap' call. Hard to interpret this behaviour, i.e. whether this is courtship or an agonistic (territory-related) contest.
Sunny in morning, cloudy later, wind light westerly, mild, dry.
Reed bunting song from small ash, blackthorn etc, near blackthorn thicket northern edge of meadow, perhaps a second eastern edge of meadow. Chaffinch song from same area. Fieldfare (6) over plot heading SW. Kestrel (2) on and near stag-headed oak not far from S. Raynham church. Blackbird (5+) near shed and western edge of plot. Buzzard (2) in vicinity of meadow.Mistle thrush song 1) area round S. Raynham rectory 2) poplars by Horseshoe Cottage. Stock dove song near pond. Great tit song SE corner of meadow, also marsh tit song same area. Jackdaw (8+) on grass by shed, also 2 in and out of willow nestbox.
Starlings (approx 200) collecting near Fakenham water tower towards dusk.
Mainly cloudy with sunny intervals, wind brisk westerly, mild, dry.
Goldcrest song from cypresses by A1065. Reed bunting calling from northern edge of meadow. Blackbird song edge of meadow (apparently first this year). Grey wagtail (with robin) on Mill Stream after weed clearance. Buzzard (2) in vicinity of meadow.
Brimstone flying well by pond.
Hazy sunshine, wind light westerly, mild, odd light showers.
Stock dove (2) and moorhen (2) on bird food by shed.
[At Booton Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- woodcock, buzzard (3+), GSW (calling), green woodpecker (calling), kestrel (2), siskin (male, plus a few others), great tit (song).]
Hazy sunshine, wind light westerly, mild, dry.
Stock dove (4) near pond, shed etc, two in close proximity courtship flight. Mistle thrush singing well from hybrid poplars along SE edge of meadow, approached this area from vicinity of stag-headed oak. Grey wagtail by H.H. Jackdaw pair in and out of oak box. Egyptian goose (2) flying along steram valley near meadow. Buzzard (2 -- 1 over meadow, other near Mill Covert). Great tit song meadow NE corner.
Hazy sunshine, wind light westerly, mild, odd light showers.
Red kite over plot heading towards S. Raynham church. On bird food by shed -- marsh tit, coal tit, moorhen, woodpigeon (3), chaffinch (3+).
Hazy sunshine, wind light westerly, mild, odd light showers.
Reed bunting calling from NE corner of meadow. Mistle thrush singing well from hybrid poplars along SE edge of meadow, later moving to poplars near Horseshoe Cottage. One probably same territory flying in from north towards this area from near stag-headed oak. Also near meadow NE corner -- bullfinch (male, female), marsh tit (pitchou calls), blue tit, great tit (2, one singing), robin. Woodcock 1) flushed from eastern part of meadow 2) flying into spinney at dusk. Buzzard in vicinity of meadow. Pheasant male courting two females by shed. Jackdaw flock (30+) with starlings (6) near Church Lane. GSW over plot heading towards ash wood south of A1065.
Hazy sunshine, wind light southerly, milder, occasional light rain.
Reed bunting singing well on meadow, mainly central area (on rowan, also on blackthorn). Buzzard (2) in vicinity of meadow, on stag-headed oak etc, also in Horseshoe Plantn. Grey wagtail (prob female -- no trace of black bib) on grass by house, on house, shed etc. Moorhen by shed. Kestrel over meadow and into spinney. Mistle thrush (2) on stag-headed oak near S. Raynham church, with several starlings.
Mainly sunny, wind light SE, cold, dry.
Teal (2, m & f) flushed from stream along north edge of meadow (first record for plot). Song thrush foraging on ground immediately next to stream. Song thrush song from several locations on and near plot, e.g. immediately north of pond. Buzzard in vicinity of meadow, perched on stag-headed oak etc, also in Horseshoe Plantn. On bird food by shed -- marsh, blue and coal tits, moorhen (2), pheasant (5+), woodpigeon (4+) etc. Stock dove (4) in vicinity of pond, one apparently entering empty barn owl box. Chaffinch song (halting) from beech by H.H. Pied wagtail on roof.
Mainly sunny, wind brisk at times easterly, cold, dry.
Probable water rail flushed out of blackthorn spinney north edge of meadow, called, dropped into stream. Buzzard in vicinity of meadow, perched on stag-headed oak etc. Song thrush alarms at dusk, spinney.
Greenfinches (~30+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Dull, wind light, cold, occasional drizzle (rain).
Woodcock (2) along eastern edge of plot, probably flushed from ditch, flew off towards Horsehsoe Plantn. Bullfinch (9, including 3+ males) feeding on blackthorn buds, thicket immediately east of H.H. kitchen. Buzzard in vicinity of meadow, perched on stag-headed oak etc.
Greenfinches (~30+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Dull, wind light, cold, occasional freezing drizzle.
Coal tit song from vicinity of new feeder NW corner of meadow. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (4+), blackbird (2+), robin, woodpigeon (8+), dunnock, moorhen (2), collared dove etc.
Greenfinches (13+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Dull, wind light, cold, occasional freezing drizzle.
Jackdaws in and out of oak and willow nestboxes. Moorhen on pond. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (4+), blackbird etc. Coat tit at new caged feeder NW corner of meadow. Buzzard on field west of meadow.
Greenfinches (6+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Dull, wind light, cold, mizzly conditions.
On bird seed by shed -- GSW (female), moorhen, woodpigeon, blackbird (2+), etc. Goldcrest on yews by kitchen. Redwing on ground by oak. LTT flock (13) along NW edge of meadow. (New caged feeder in this area approx. 1/6 emptied so is being accessed succesfully by tits etc). Buzzard on field immediately west of meadow, also calling repreatedly from Horseshoe Plantn.
Dull, wind light, cold, drizzle/rain early into afternoon.
Reed bunting song (incomplete, stumbling) on NE corner of meadow. Stock dove (2) in extended, close proximity courtship flight over arable field etc immediately south of Church Lane. Jackdaw (71) on hybrid poplars Church Lane.
[At Pensthorpe Natural Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- egyptian goose nest at base of hollow-trunked oak tree (7 eggs), pied wagtails (50+) assembling at roost by cafe. Also wigeon, teal, gadwall, etc.]
Marsh tit (3) in NW corner of meadow (elders etc). Mistle thrush (2) on hawthorn, south of S. Raynham church.
Sunny spells, wind light, mild, dry.
Song thrush song from ash wood south of A1065 by Silver Service. Robin song 1) laurel hedge by kitchen 2) blackthorn thicket opposite house (simultaneous). Bullfinch (2+) on blackthorn buds opposite H.H. kitchen. Blue tit (2) near pond. Reed bunting (male, coming into summer plum.) NE corner of meadow, with greenfinches (2).
Bright, mainly sunny, wind light, quite mild, dry.
Mistle thrush song from spinney, west of house, also possibly a second along ash hedge on edge of allotments. Song thrush song (2 -- simultaneous) from ash wood south of A1065 by Silver Service. (Also robin, blackbird song). Goldcrest near shed. Bullfinch (5 [3ff, 2mm]) on blackthorn buds opposite H.H. kitchen. Kestrel on hedge, along edge of field west of meadow. Buzzard in general area of plot. Blue tit using caged feeder, food is now about a third down. Common toad disturbed by stump-grinding by laurel hedge.
Greenfinches (43+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Dull, drizzle, wind light, mild.
Mistle thrush song from spinney, west of house. Song thrush song from sycamore. Treecreeper on sycamore near kitchen. Moorhen (2) on bird seed by shed.
[In Fakenham along Holt Road near dusk -- starlings (1000+) collecting apparently over roost, possibly in leylandi cypresses.]
Dull, drizzle, wind light, mild.
Moorhen (2), pheasant on bird seed by shed. Goldfinches (30+) around the plot, on oak etc. Starling (2) over from west. Buzzard on electricity pole west of plot. Jay along hedge etc by pond. Treecreeper on oak. Greenfinches (2-3) feeding on ground by cypresses with chaffinch and goldfinches. Kestrel (male) on hedge along W.Raynham Rd. Woodcock dropping into spinney at dusk (1715 GMT). Song thrush song blackthorn/ash thicket N edge of meadow.
Dull, wind light, mild.
Nuthatch on ground by oak but apparently unable to enter new 'caged' feeder. Blue tits (3+) and great tit successfully taking food from the same feeder. Goldcrest in yews by kitchen. GSW (2) chattering calls. Jackdaws in vicinity of oak and willow nestboxes. Bullfinches (4+) feeding on blackthorn buds, edge of spinney opposite house.
Pressure falling, mainly overcast, wind light, milder.
RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch results submitted (0915-1015 GMT) -- 14 species, including jackdaw (12), stock dove (2) and GSW (female).
Buzzard landing in meadow from adjacent field. LTT flock (7) on sycamore. Jackdaws in and out of oak and willow nestboxes.
Atlantic conditions ('mizzle'), sunny early, overcast later, wind light, milder.
Foxley Wood with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- Buzzard (several times), LTT, goldcrest. blue and marsh tits, treecreeper, woodcock (1, 1, then 2, at dusk). Fox scat. Muntjac slots.
High pressure conditions, overcast, wind light, cold.
Blue and great tits starting to use the new caged feeder on the oak.
Greenfinches (22) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
High pressure conditions, mainly sunny, wind light, cold.
Woodcock flushed off unfrozen ditch near to pond, flew over into spinney. Caused alarm calls from blackbirds etc. (Shaded areas on the meadow largely frozen into the afternoon). Buzzard over meadow. Sparrowhawk into elder/bramble thicket NW corner of meadow. Marsh tit, goldcrest in same area. Mistle thrush (2) off stag-headed oak and into Horseshoe Plantn, possibly prospecting. Near pond -- jackdaws (4+), stock dove (2). On bird food by shed: moorhen (2), coat tit, blackbird (3+), robin, pheasants (3+), woodpigeon (4+), etc.
Starlings (~60) flying WNW at dusk.
High pressure conditions, dull, wind light, quite cold.
Some greenfinches from roost apparently dropping into small yew trees near kitchen (not the usual location).
High pressure conditions, dull, wind light, quite cold.
LTT flock (10+) in sycamore tree by shed.
High pressure conditions, dull, wind light, quite cold.
Greenfinches (45+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
High pressure conditions, dull, wind light, quite cold.
Sparrowhawk (male, prob first winter) out of spinney and later into blackthorn thicket, N edge of meadow. Kestrel (2) territory/courtship flighting near pond. Buzzard over meadow etc.
Greenfinches (41) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
High pressure conditions but mainly dull, wind very light, quite cold.
Mistle thrush on big oak and on grass by pond. In same area, song thrush and several blackbirds. Buzzard dropping into grazing field next to meadow, prey not seen. Kestrel perched on electricity cables on same field. On bird seed by shed -- robin, dunnock (4), moorhen (2), blackbird, coal tit (2), marsh tit (2). Treecreeper on sycamore by shed.
Greenfinches (19) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Jays (2) on ground by pond, under goat willows. LTT flock (12+) with a few other tits on sycamore etc.
Jay on ground below oak. On bird seed by shed -- dunnock (4), moorhen (2), blackbird, pheasant (3+). Brown rat by shed.
Mistle thrush (2) on big oak, on grass by pond, on holly by shed etc. Jay on ground below oak. On bird seed by shed -- dunnock (6), moorhen (2), blackbird.
Wintry at first, blizzard-like in morning, folllowed by blustery drier conditions in the afternoon. Wind NW or N, fresh.
Mistle thrush on big oak and on grass by pond. Red kite along W. Raynham Rd, harrassed by LBBG. Buzzard (2) in same area and over plot. Kestrel also over plot. Sparrowhawk (prob. young male) perching in ash tree by pond, departing through/along spinney. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (4+), woodpigeon (4+), robin, dunnock (4), moorhen (2), blackbird.
Possible water vole nest disturbed by accident. Found on edge of Wensum drain near NW corner of meadow. Hauled up the stream bank with a crome, along with detritus. Length along longest axis ~20 cm, ~17 cm at right angles to this axis (too big for harvest mouse -- nest of that species pictured elsewhere on this site was about 11 cm diameter). Clear entrance hole.
No frost, wind light W or NW, mainly overcast, wintry showers later.
Stoat western edge of plot, near big oak. Buzzard (2 -- ad near meadow etc, juv on stag-headed oak [not far from H.P.], again begging). On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (3+), woodpigeon. Geese, prob Egyptian goose (8+), heading SE over Horseshoe Plantn at dusk.
Greenfinch (7) assembling at roost.
Sparrowhawk (prob male) over plot from north.
Slight frost, wind light W or SW, mainly overcast, dry.
Mistle thrush singing Church Lane area, perhaps a second near S. Raynham church. Buzzard (2 -- ad near meadow, juv along edge of Horseshoe Plantn, still begging). Kestrel perched electricity wires near W. Raynham Rd, also calling. Bullfinches on meadow. Prob. yellowhamer over meadow. Moorhen near shed.
No frost, wind light W or SW, overcast, dry at first.
Goldfinches (30+) in roving flock, general area of the big oak. On bird seed by shed -- coal tit (2), marsh tit (2), great tit, chaffinch, blackbird, woodpigeon, moorhen (2), pheasant (5+).
No frost, wind negligible, mainly overcast but dry.
Several common toad under the old reed cutting stack, top end of meadow (also probable field vole). Harvest mouse nest in cut vegetation in same area. Bullfinches calling from edge of meadow. Mistle thrush singing well in Church Lane area. Buzzard (2) circling over meadow, Horseshoe Plantn etc. Kestrels in several places, near S. Raynham church, nearer E. Raynham, etc. GSW (2) over meadow. Prob. water rail heard (squealing call, identified by Billy Riseborough of Norfolk Conservation Corps) just outside plot on N side of Wensum drain. Similar recent records from this general area that were put down as stoat kills may instead be water rail.
No frost, wind light NW, dull, overcast.
Reed bunting (2) perhaps going to roost in reeds on meadow. Treecreeper with LTT flock by pond.
Greenfinch (25, counted) at laurel hedge roost.
No frost, wind light N, sunny spells and showers, somewhat colder.
Buzzard (3) circling over meadow, Horseshoe Plantn etc. Red kite over Church Lane area. Kestrel mobbing buzzard near S. Raynham church. Sparrowhawk (female?) fast over meadow heading towards Church Lane. Marsh tit in NW corner of meadow.
Slight frost early, wind negligible, sunny spells, rather mild.
Mistle thrush on grassy area by pond, flying up to oak. Marsh tit on bird seed, also calling "siff-siff-siff". Goldfinches (25+) on burdock by oak etc.
Frost early on, wind light N, one or two hail showers early on, sunny spells, somewhat milder.
Buzzard (3) round field west of meadow, over spinney etc. Bullfinch (female) by shed, probably feeding on nettle seeds.