
Wildlife records 2023

Wildlife records 2023 at South Raynham
No frost, mainly overcast, 10C, wind W BF 2-5.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) main pond trees. Mistle thrush eating holly berries by shed. Marsh tit shed burdock. Starling (3) westwards.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perching big oak, main pond trees. Song thrush song spinney before sunrise.
No frost, mainly overcast, 10C, wind W BF 2-5.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) main pond trees. Marsh tit Hamamelis.
Amber list: [Kestrel west of WRR.] WP big oak. Stock dove (3) shed.
Jackdaw (5) big oak. Jackdaw (5) foraging near WBH. Jackdaw (5) main pond trees.
[Little egret west of WRR.]
Collared dove big oak. Blackbird A1065 ivy hedge. GSW main pond trees. Goldfinch (6) round shed.
Buzzard SHO.
No frost, sunny intervals, showers, 10C, wind W BF 2-5.
Red list: Mistle thrush hybrid poplars to spinney. Marsh tit (2) patio burdock patch.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perching big oak, WBH, spinney cypresses. Stock dove shed. Rook (3 + 1) westwards across plot. Dunnock yews.
Jackdaw big oak.
Robin yews. Collared dove (2) round shed area. GT (3), coal tit, BT (2+) patio border. Blackbird A1065 ivy hedge. song HH. Goldfinch (25+) shed area.
Buzzard Church Lane and spinney.
[Grey heron west of WRR.] Common gull (10+) heading SW.
No frost, sunny intervals, showers, 9C, wind W BF 2-6.
Red list: Mistle thrush across main pond area. Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) big oak. Bullfinch across plot. WP WBH. Wren Top Blackthorn.
Water rail Top Blackthorn 1704 Bushnell.
Jackdaw (4) big oak. Jackdaw (7) main pond trees.
Robin song HH. Carrion crow across meadow. Goldfinch (3) shed area.
Herring gull (2+) southwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, rain much of the day, 11C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush on spruce Silver Service. Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Stock dove, WP round plot. Kestrel (male) on big oak, hybrid poplars. Song thrush Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (4) big oak. Jackdaw (9) main pond trees. Jackdaw (15+) foraging on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Green woodpecker (female) foraging on ground near WBH.
Buzzard WRR electricity pole and over plot.
Robin shed shrubs (also bathing in bird bath). Chaffinch (male) big oak. GT, BT laurel hedge area.Collared dove (2) big oak. Blackbird (3) WBH. Blackbird near shed. GSW (female) big oak. Magpie near WBH. Carrion crow Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (35+) Silver Service plot and shed area.
Common gull (20+) over / near plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, mild, 8C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: Starling (16) westwards across plot 0918 BST. Marsh tit on burdock by patio.
Amber list: Stock dove (3+) shed roof etc, some courtship. WP (10+) round plot. Dunnock patio. Dunnock Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) on WRR pole. Song thrush patio.
Jackdaw (4) big oak. Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
Buzzard over plot. Red kite over spinney.
Robin song HH. Chaffinch A1065 Hamamelis. Jay in ash trees A1065 ashwoods. GT patio. Collared dove (2) big oak, Silver Service. Blackbird (2+) near patio.
Common gull (20+) over / near plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, odd showers after midday, mild, 11C, wind W BF 2-5.
Amber list: Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw (6) big oak. Jackdaw (5) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (8) shed area. Tit flock (BT (4+), coal tit) patio. Blackbird, chaffinch (male) A1065 cypresses. Robin patio.
Common gull (20+) over / near plot.
No frost, blustery, mainly overcast, showers in morning, mild, 13C, wind W BF 2-6.
Red list: Starling (8) westwards across plot. Mistle thrush eastwards across plot.
Amber list: WP (2+) across plot, on big oak etc. Stock dove big oak. [Stock dove (9) over Wensum near Horseshoe Plantation.] Rook westwards. Kestrel WRR pole. Wren, dunnock patio. Dunnock Top Blackthorn.
Pink-footed goose (55 + 10) southwards over plot 1120 BST.
Water rail flushed at close range from rank vegetation by Carr Stream, went into MNE.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (10+) foraging on grazing west of WBH.
Goldfinch (20+) layrel hedge burdock. Jay (2) across main pond area. Coal tit, GT (2), BT (4+) patio.
Buzzard round plot and at Church Lane.
Common gull (20+) over / near plot.
No frost, blustery, sunny intervals, 11C, wind W BF 3-6.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) song and alarms hybrid poplars. Starling westwards across plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) hybrid poplars. Stock dove (6) on grazing between WBH and WRR. WP (10+) spinney. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR.
Pink-footed goose (120+) southwards west of WRR 1020 BST.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak and main pond trees.
Goldfinch (12+) burdock patches (patio, laurel hedge). Chaffinch across plot.
Buzzard meadow. Magpie across plot.
Common gull (15+) over / near plot. [Common gull (30+) on arable west of WRR.]
Fallen owl box installed on West Raynham Road repaired (see Tasks).
No frost, overcast, blustery, 10C, wind W BF 3-6.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch. Greenfinch (prob) out of shed shrubs.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. Kestrel (male) off WBH near MSW. Rook (imm) westwards.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw in/out oak box. Jackdaw in/out willow box.
Goldfinch (2+), BT (2+) laurel hedge burdock patch. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow west of WBH. Tit flock (20+, mainly BT, LTT (6+), GT (2+), coal tit) patio area. Fieldfare (4) hybrid poplars.
Buzzard meadow. Red kite Church Lane.
Common gull (25+) over / near plot. [Common gull (80+) on arable west of WRR.]
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, blustery, 12C, wind W BF 3-6(7).
Red list: Starling (6 + 1) westwards over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. Stock dove flushed out of shed north end. WP (10) spinney.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak and main pond trees.
Blackbird yews. Blackbird (female) eating rosehips on patio dogrose, also leaf-turning underneath. Blackbird main pond. Wren alarm HH. Tit flock (15+, mainly BT, also LTT (6+)) shed area. Goldfinch (15+) round shed.
Common gull (130+) over / near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, 9C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch and burdock by patio. Mistle thrush (2) ash3 tree.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) ash3 tree. WP on ivy WBH.
Jackdaw (2) under big oak. Jackdaw (3) ash3 tree.
Little egret alighting WBH, then on adjacent pool by WBH / spinney corner.
Blackbird alarm near HH. Fieldfare (4) into hybrid poplars. GSW across plot. Goldfinch (5+) round shed, burdock by patio etc. BT (2+), GT patio. Muntjac under big oak. Pied wagtail (2) over plot.
Common gull (5+) southwards over / near plot.
No frost, calmer, overcast, rain at first, clearing mid-afternoon, 10C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch. Marsh tit MNE. Mistle thrush (2) ash3 tree. STARLING (900+) northwards over plot 1515 BST.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Wren Top Blackthorn. WP (2) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Water rail sharming main pond 1500 BST approx.
Robin weeping willow. Robin (2) aggro by shed and laurel hedge. Blackbird HH. Blackbird (3) Top Blackthorn and MNE. Tit flock (BT, GT) main pond area. Chaffinch flycatching from holly by shed. Goldfinch (8+) meadow, also on laurel hedge burdock patch. Siskin across meadow. Carrion crow (2) Top Blackthorn area. [Magpie west of WRR.]
Red kite over Wensum and Horseshoe Plantation.
Common gull (10+) southwards over / near plot. Common gull (800+) on arable immediately north of Church Lane.
No frost, overcast, breezy, 11C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Dunnock song patio / yews. WP (5+) foraging on grazing near WBH.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Tit flock (BT, GT) patio and laurel hedge burdock patch. Robin inside shed. GT (3) in shed shrubs leaf litter. Blackbird in leaf litter under big oak. Goldfinch (18) big oak.
Common gull (20+) southwards over / near plot. Red kite Church Lane and WRR.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, mild, breezy, 8C, wind SW BF 1-4.
Red list: [Woodcock across road North Elmham.] Mistle thrush alarms, marsh tit Horseshoe Plantation.
Amber list: Stock dove song spinney.
[At Foxley Wood (National Nature Reserve), managed by NWT, with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- carrion crow (4), buzzard (2+), blackbird, nuthatch. Bullfinch (2) near Foxley.]
[Little owl up from road at Brisley. Kestrel Pear Tree Corner (South Raynham / Whissonsett). Common gull (50+) on arable Whissonsett.]
[Redwing (8+), blackbird (2+), tit flock (BT, GT, marsh tit, LTT) Horseshoe Plantation by A1065.]
No frost, overcast, calm, 9C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) near patio.
Amber list: [WP west of WRR]. Dunnock patio. Kestrel (female) WRR pole.
Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash2 boxes.
Tit flock (BT (3+), GT), goldfinch laurel hedge burdock patch. GSW across plot. Fieldfare off hybrid poplars.
Common gull (20+) southwards near plot. Herring gull (adult) foraging on ground between Carr Stream and Church Lane as in previous winter. Little egret Carr Stream. Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) over meadow. [Collared dove west of WRR. Common gull (60+) on arable west of WRR.]
No frost, overcast, calm, 8C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Woodcock up from corner of spinney / WBH. Greenfinch across plot (heading SW). Marsh tit call near patio.
Amber list: WP (5+) across plot. Stock dove in beech. Dunnock song yews / patio. Wren song main pond.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
GT song spinney near patio. Robin patio (watching groundwork). Blackbird MNE. Pied wagtail Silver Service plot.
Muntjac spinney and main pond area. Bank vole under / by conservatory foundations. Grey squirrel main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
No frost, overcast, then sunny intervals, damp, 5C, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit MSE. Marsh tit A1065 cypress stumps.
Amber list: WP across plot. [WP (120+) up from arable west of WRR.] Stock dove display WBH / spinney.
Jackdaw (16) main pond trees. Jackdaw in/out at willow, ash3 boxes.
Tit flock (10+, BT, GT) MSE. GT (2), BT patio. Robin MNW. Blackbird a) MNE, b) Top Blackthorn, c) MSW. Collared dove (2) WRR.
Muntjac by yew hedge. Grey squirrel A1065 cypress stumps.
Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite meadow and Silver Service. Common gull over plot.
No frost, overcast, overnight showers, rain or showers, 10C, wind N BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) on laurel hedge burdock patch with tit flock. Mistle thrush song, prob on hybrid poplars. Mistle thrush on big oak.
Amber list: WP on ash3 tree. WP (10+) across plot. Sparrowhawk (male) in ash3 tree, left towards spinney.
Jackdaw (14) main pond trees. Jackdaw (10+) foraging on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Tit flock (5+, BT, GT) with goldfinch (10+) on laurel hedge burdock patch.
Brown rat main pond (2033 Bushnell).
Common gull (10+) southwards and northwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, rain or showers at first, rain in afternoon, 10C, wind S or SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Woodcock up from edge of track by WBH, or from ditch, went towards HH. [Lapwing (55) westwards over plot.]
Amber list: Dunnock yews. Wren alarm patio.
Jackdaw big oak.
Buzzard over meadow. Robin Top Blackthorn. Tit flock (10+, BT, GT) MSE. Goldfinch (3) alders along MNW. Siskin across meadow towards hybrid poplars. Blackbird (2) MNE. Blackbird MSW.
Brown rat main pond (1607, 1959 Bushnell).
No frost, overcast, 9C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush across plot to hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed area. Kestrel WRR pole.
Jackdaw (10+) big oak, main pond trees etc. Jackdaw in/out at willow box.
Blackbird big oak. Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Fieldfare westwards across plot.
Grey heron (imm) on tracks near shed. Grey heron (imm) main pond (1055 Bushnell).
Buzzard over meadow. Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation perching above A1065. Common gull (5+) SW near plot. [Common gull (60) on arable west of WRR.]
10/12/2023Birch cuttings at Holt Lowes Country Park 2023-12-10 (0112)
No frost, sunny intervals at first, showers later, 9C, wind W BF 1-4.
[At Holt Lowes Country Park, managed by NWT, with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- kestrel (male), carrion crow (5+), green woodpecker, GSW, great tit, woodpigeon, jay, little egret, common frog.]
[Pink-footed goose (700+) across road northwards over A148 near Sharrington (Holt-Fakenham road). Red kite near Toftrees. Chinese water deer road casualty TF898274.]
Jackdaw (40+) big oak, main pond trees etc near sunrise. Jay spinney or WBH. Carrion crow (2) ash3 tree. Blackbird main pond (0938 Bushnell).
Brown rat main pond (0021 Bushnell).
Grey heron (imm) foraging on tracks round shed.
Common gull SW near plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, 9C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock patch.
No frost, mainly overcast, 9C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush across plot towards spinney. Woodcock up from Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Stock dove emerging from shed north end. Stock dove (2) courtship main pond trees. Wren Top Blackthorn. [WP (310) northwards over arable west of WRR.]
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees etc. Jackdaw in/out at beech and oak boxes.
Blackbird a) shed area, b) Top Blackthorn. BT (3), GT MSE. Robin with worm by shed. Robin Silver Service plot by MSE. Carrion crow (2) across plot.
Meadow pipit over grazing immediately north of Carr Stream, opposite Top Blackthorn.
Brown rat main pond (2323 Bushnell).
Common gull (15+) SW near plot.
No frost, overcast, showers, 6C, wind W BF 2-4(5).
Red list: Woodcock up from WBH ditch opposite big oak. Woodcock up from MSE near hybrid poplars. Marsh tit (3) laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: WP (3) across plot. WP MSE. Wren (2) nettles by shed.
Tit flock shed area (LTT (5+), BT, GT (3+), marsh tits as above. Robin by shed. Collared dove (3) Silver Service plot. Jay big oak. Blackbird WBH. Goldfinch (3+) near shed. Grey heron on tracks near shed.
Buzzard (2), red kite Church Lane area.
Common gull (25+) across or near plot.
Frost, sunny intervals, dry, 5C, wind W BF 0-1.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) main pond trees, display and copulation. WP big oak.
Pink-footed goose (30) southwards near Church Lane, turned and went NW 0915 BST.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak, main pond trees.
LTT big oak. Carrion crow across meadow.
No frost, overcast, some drizzle, 7C, wind NE BF 1-3.
Red list: Lapwing (26+) heading south over plot. Starling (2) westwards (0929 BST). Marsh tit laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees, some display. Kestrel (male) Church Lane. Kestrel (female) WRR pole. WP across plot. Wren shed. [WP (30+) westwards near Church Lane.] Song thrush across meadow to WRR.
Jackdaw (14) big oak, main pond trees.
BT, GT laurel hedge blackthorn. Robin patio. Blackbird HH. Goldfinch (15+) main pond trees. Magpie WRR.
Grey heron (imm) foraging along WBH track.
Common gull (10+) across plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Red kite meadow area.
No frost, overcast, drizzle, 5C, wind SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) laurel hedge burdock. Woodcock up from edge of track near Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls spinney.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, main pond trees.
Little egret on small pond next to WBH. Water rail calls MNE (near Top Blackthorn).
Red kite Church Lane and WRR.
BT, GT laurel hedge blackthorn. Tit flock (20+) shed area. Goldcr*st calls (prob) patio. GSW big oak. Blackbird yews area. Carrion crow across meadow. Chaffinch by shed. Goldfinch (5+) burdock by pines.
Grey heron (imm) foraging near patio, hornbeam square, shed grassy area.
Common gull (10+) over/near plot.
Frost, overcast, drizzle, 4C, wind W BF 1-2.
Jackdaw (2) big oak.
Grey heron by laurel hedge, then on grassy area between main pond and shed.
GSW spinney. Blackbird alarm main pond area.
Brown rat main pond (1706 Bushnell).
Sharp frost, murky, mist most of the day, calm, 1C (cold for early December), wind SW BF 0-1.
Red list: Marsh tit patio area.
Amber list: [Kestrel Toftrees.]
Jackdaw (2, allopreening) big oak.
BT laurel hedge blackthorn.
Sharp frost, sunny intervals, calm, 4C, wind NE BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush alarms hybrid poplars by MSE. [Lapwing (9) NE near plot.]
Amber list: Wren yews. Stock dove main pond trees. [Stock dove (2) west of WRR. WP (150+) northwards near plot.]
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees.
Buzzard by edge of Horseshoe Plantation. BT patio. Blackbird (female) yews. Blackbird (3+) MSE (in leaf litter). Collared dove plot and Silver Service. Carrion crow eastwards. Chaffinch (female) ash3 tree. Muntjac main pond.
Little egret (yellow feet) east along Carr Stream.
Common gull (10+) across plot.
30/11/2023Water rail on main pond north end recorded by trailcam 2023-11-30 (0016)
Sharp frost, sunny intervals, calm, 4C, wind NE BF 1-2.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) on laurel hedge. Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) across main pond area. Sparrowhawk attacking passerines across main pond area, went towards Silver Service. Bullfinch (female), song thrush perched ash3 tree. Wren shed. Stock dove display hybrid poplars area.
Water rail main pond north end (1537 Bushnell).
Jackdaw (2 + 2) at beech box, prob ownership contest. Jackdaw (2 + 2) big oak box. Jackdaw (9+) hybrid poplars.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) aggro over main pond area. BT (5+), GT (2) patio area.
Common gull (10+) across plot.
Sharp frost, sunny intervals, calm, 4C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit on burdock by pines.
Amber list: Kestrel perched by WRR. Wren main pond (Bushnell).
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Blackbird main pond (Bushnell).
[Common gull (15) northwards west of WRR.]
Light frost, sunny intervals, calm, 6C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: Starling (14) westwards. Starling (5) near plot. Mistle thrush (5) in tops of hybrid poplars, prospecting / territorial clash. Woodcock a) flushed from near triangular box, b) flushed from ditch by MSW. Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock. Skylark over HH.
Amber list: Stock dove (2, some song, display) main pond / spinney etc. WP (20) heading SW. Wren song spinney. Bullfinch call Top Blackthorn. Mallard (25+) northwards over Horseshoe Plantation. Moohen main pond (Bushnell).
Water rail on main pond north end (1653 Bushnell).
Migrant timed count 0921 (30 minutes) -- starling (14) westwards (as above).
Jackdaw (30+) on grazing near WRR. Jackdaw (2) in/out at oak box. Jackdaw (2) in/out beech box.
Robin patio. Blackbird (female) feeding on hips (prob) MNE. Blackbird (2) WBH. BT MNE. Carrion crow hybrid poplars. Goldfinch, pied wagtail, GT round plot.
Red kite across meadow from Church Lane.
Common gull (20), BHG (2) over / near plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) perched WRR pole.
Robin inside shed. Buzzard Top Blackthorn.
Medium frost, overcast, calm, 4C, wind W BF 0-1.
Red list: Starling (70) on WRR cables then down on to adjacent grazing between WBH and WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove (2, some song) main pond / spinney etc. WP beech. WP (5) southwards. WP (110) over Church Lane and WRR. Moorhen call main pond. Wren spinney.
Migrant timed count 0919 (30 minutes) -- nada.
Jackdaw (24) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin, blackbird, nuthatch yews area. BT shed area. Collared dove (1) Silver Service. Magpie WRR. Carrion crow (2) hybrid poplars. Goldfinch (7) Silver Service, round shed, etc. Red kite Church Lane, over meadow and general area.
Tit flock (58+, mainly BT, LTT (6+), GT) WBH, big oak etc.
Green woodpecker call WRR or Church Lane.
Tawny owl (2) calls/song near HH before sunrise.
Common gull (4), BHG (2) over / near plot.
Red list: Mistle thrush across from spinney to hybrid poplars.
Blackbird (2) HH. Red kite over meadow. Jay under big oak.
No frost, sunny intervals, breezy, 12C, wind W BF 2-4(5).
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge area. Greenfinch (6) across plot. Starling (121 total) westwards.
Amber list: Song thrush song main pond area. Kestrel (male, female) Church Lane. Kestrel (male) WRR pole. Stock dove (4+, some display) main pond / spinney etc. WP (30) southwards. [WP (30) on Mill Covert arable.] Rook over plot. Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow.
Pink-footed goose (37) SW over plot 0900 BST.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees and big oak.
Robin HH. Blackbird yews. BT, GT shed area. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Magpie MSW. GSW across plot. Carrion crow (3) over A1054 at Horseshoe Plantation. Goldfinch (6) round shed. Siskin (4) across plot from east. Buzzard Church Lane. Red kite over meadow and general area.
Common gull (11) over / near plot.
No frost, overcast, breezy, 9C, wind SW BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge area. Greenfinch over plot. Starling istle thrush song Church Lane. Star
Amber list: Song thrush song main pond area. Water rail calls, moorhen calls main pond. Kestrel (male) WRR pole. Wren yews area. Bullfinch calls shed area / WBH. Stock dove hybrid poplars. Stock dove big oak. WP (5+) southwards. Grey wagtail main pond north end (Bushnell).
Blackbird alarms HH. Blackbird (1, 4, etc) apparently arriving from east. BT, GT shed area. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Magpie MSE. Carrion crow across plot. Goldfinch (6) round shed.
Greylag goose (22) over meadow and Church Lane.
No frost, drizzle from early on, breezy, 10C, wind N or NE BF 2-4.
Amber list: Song thrush song main pond area.
Pink-footed goose (unknown number) over plot 1100 BST. Pink-footed goose (320 + 30 = 350) northwards over plot 1625 BST.
GSW, jackdaw (5+) round plot. Magpie WRR. Fieldfare across main pond area. Redwing main pond trees.
No frost, sunny intervals, calm, 10C, wind W BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Starling (9 + 5) westwards.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) beech. Wren song HH. Song thrush across plot. WP (7 + 15 + 5 + 3 = 30) mainly westwards. Wren (2), dunnock Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR.
Pink-footed goose (3) southwards over plot 0852 BST. Pink-footed goose (120) westwards over plot 0945 BST.
Migrant timed count 0828 (31 minutes) -- fieldare (7), starling (9).
GSW, jackdaw (5+), GT, BT, blackbird, goldfinch, carrion crow (2), collared dove round plot. Magpie WRR.
Common gull (total 250), BHG southwards.
No frost, overcast, breezy, 12C, wind W or SW BF 2-4.
[At Pensthorpe Nature Park with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- red kite (2), buzzard (2), marsh harrier, shoveler (10+), teal (20+), mallard (30+), gadwall (2), wigeon (5+), greylag goose (18), Egyptian goose (2), snipe, lapwing (18), cattle egret on Aberdeen Angus, grey heron (2), cormorant (5+), mistle thrush, reed bunting (3), pied wagtail, grey wagtail, moorhen, coot, muntjac (3+), starling (2000+) at roost.]
No frost, mist and overcast at first, calm, 8C, wind W BF 0-1.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock. Mistle thrush Horseshoe Plantation over A1065.
Amber list: Stock dove hybrid poplars. Wren shed area. WP (15) W across plot. Moorhen (2) on main pond (Bushnell).
Pink-footed goose (55 + 4 + 25 = 84) heading SW, W, N near plot 0850 to 0922 BST.
Jackdaw (6) main pond trees and big oak. Goldfinch (14), chaffinch (3), siskin across plot. Blackbird, BT (3), GT (2) shed area. Coal tit spinney. Carrion crow (2) meadow. Nuthatch Silver Service. Collared dove (2) across plot. Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation over A1065. Robin patio.
Common gull (20) W over / near plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, calm, 9C, wind E BF 0-1(2).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) display round main pond. Kestrel (male) on big oak, spinney cypresses, hybrid poplars. Bullfinch calls WBH and shed area. Bullfinch across Silver Service. Thrush-like song/calls main pond area, thought to be water rail. WP (10+) WBH / spinney. Rook northwards. Wren song shed area. Moohen main pond (Bushnell).
Pink-footed goose (1 + 18 + 95 = 114) heading S, W near plot 0846, 0904 BST. Pink-footed goose (500+ + 300+ = 800+) northwards 1600 BST.
Jackdaw (15) main pond trees and big oak. Goldfinch, chaffinch across plot. Blackbird (2) spinney / WBH. BT (3) shed area. Carrion crow (2) Horseshoe Plantation etc.
Common gull (70 + 40) SW over / near plot.
No (or very light) frost, sunny intervals, breezy later, 11C, wind W BF 2-4(5).
Red list: Marsh tit calls near HH. Woodcock (1 + 1 or 2) round meadow at dusk 1745 BST (first record of season). Starling (10) westwards 1030 BST.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) display near big oak. Stock dove (5) past main pond area. Kestrel (female) on WRR pole and hovering nearby. Kestrel (male) past HH. Grey wagtail near main pond. Bullfinch calls spinney. Moohen main pond (Bushnell).
Pink-footed goose (90 + 30 + 25 = 145) southwards near plot 1030 BST. Probably same flock northwards at 1045 BST.
Jackdaw (5) westwards. Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak. Pied wagtail with grey near main pond. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Blackbird alarm WBH. GT yews. Buzzard over meadow and Horseshoe Plantation. Carrion crow call spinney. Red kite Church Lane. Redwing MNE. Fieldfare westwards.
Tawny owl at dusk main pond to Horseshoe Plantation. Tawny owl call /song spinney a few minutes later (at least 2 or 3 individuals).
Common gull (50), BHG (10+) SW over / near plot.
No frost, fairly calm, sunny intervals, 12C, wind W BF 1-2.
Red list: Greenfinch (2 + 1) across plot. GREAT WHITE EGRET along Carr Stream then over plot past HH, within 20 metres at closest, big yellow bill, all-black legs (first record at HH). Marsh tit pines burdock. Mistle thrush SHO.
Amber list: Rook (2 + 1) over plot. Stock dove display main pond trees. [Stock dove (10) west of WRR.] WP (49 total) over / across plot. Kestrel (female) with food on WRR pole. Sparrowhawk (female?) attacked song thrush near yew hedge, captured it, but released it when approached and prey may have survived (was still calling). Song thrush may just have arrived from east. Water rail call from main pond (first record this season).
Migrant timed count redwing (4), fieldfare (27); 30 minutes.
Pink-footed goose (10) southwards near 0845 BST.
GSW, collared dove (2), goldfinch (10+), blackbird, chaffinch, buzzard, jay, GT, carrion crow, pied wagtail, red kite on or over plot.
Common gull (13), BHG (3), LBBG (2) southwards over / near plot.
13/11/2023Kestrel box displaced by gales during Storm Debi 2023-11-13 (3302)
No frost, blustery (“Storm Debi”), showers at first, sunny intervals later, 14C, wind SW BF 3-7.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) across Top Blackthorn.
Amber list: Stock dove round shed area. Kestrel (male) approaching displaced Top Blackthorn nestbox (see pic).
Redwing (6) round meadow. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (8+) shed and main pond area. Goldcrest yews. Red kite over meadow.
Sharp frost, calm, mist at first, sunny intervals later, 11C, wind W BF 1-2.
Amber list: Rook westwards over plot. Stock dove song spinney.
[At Buxton Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- pink-footed goose (5 + 70 + 50), fieldfare (35), siskin calls, redpoll, green woodpecker, jay, magpie, kestrel, meadow pipit (2), blue tit. Micromoth. Wasp queen still active. Various fungi.]
[Whissonsett / Horningtoft road -- meadow pipit (5+), pied wagtail (5+) on recently ploughed arable. Common gull (30+), BHG (5+).]
[Lyng -- rook (50+), jackdaw (50+) collecting in poplars.]
Red list: Starling (20) SW, (9) westwards.
Amber list: Rook westwards over plot.
Pink-footed goose (10) south at 0844 BST.
Redwing (15) westwards.
No frost, overcast at first, dry, sunny intervals later, 10C, wind W or NW BF 0-2.
Red list: Starling (27 + 14 + 5 + 25 = 71) westwards. Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: WP round shed area.
Pink-footed goose (18 + 27 = 45) southwards over plot in morning 0844 to 0850 BST.
Redwing (3, 15) main pond area, hawthorn etc. Fieldfare (3) SW over plot. Blackbird (2) WBH. Goldfinch (10+) main pond area. Collared dove (2) shed area. GSW ash3 tree. Tit flock patio (GT, BT).
Common gull (10+), BHG (5+) southwards over/near plot.
No frost, mainly dry, sunny intervals, 10C, wind S or SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Starling (145) southwards. Greenfinch over plot. Marsh tit call near shed.
Amber list: WP (26) southwards. Bullfinch WBH. Stock dove (6) over / near plot. Wren song WBH. Wren MSW. Wren Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (female) WRR pole. [Kestrel west of WRR.] Kestrel (2 + 1) display over and on box at Top Blackthorn 1600 BST; apparently a pair plus an intruder male.
Pink-footed goose (23 + 97 + 43 + 4 + 1 + 90 + 70 + 60 + 45 + 85 + 150 + 40 = 708; 40 minutes) southwards over plot 0843 to 0923 BST.
Migrant timed count redwing (1), [starling (145)]; 40 minutes.
Blackbird WBH. Goldfinch (7) shed area etc. Pied wagtail (2) WRR. Collared dove shed area. GSW hybrid poplars. Chaffinch over plot. Buzzard over meadow. Red kite along A1065. Tit flock patio (GT, BT, LTT). Robin patio.
Common gull (14), BHG (5) southwards over/near plot.
No frost, showers or drizzle from sunrise, 11C, wind S BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush perched hybrid poplars. Starling (100) westwards at dusk.
Amber list: WP WRR. Rook westwards at dusk.
Pink-footed goose (140) southwards over plot 0946 BST. Pink-footed goose (30) S or SE over plot 1148 BST.
Jackdaw into oak box. Jackdaw (6) main pond trees etc.
Goldfinch (6), redwing (1), fieldfare (1), BHG (1), common gull (1) over / round plot. Red kite mobbed by jackdaw over meadow. Tit flock (GT, BT). Robin box or spinney. Collared dove shed area and Silver Service.
Jackdaw (280) eastwards at dusk. Jackdaw (10) westwards at dusk (different roost?). [Jackdaw / rook roost Mill Covert.]
No frost, dry, sunny intervals, calmer, 10C, wind W BF 1-3.
Red list: Starling (80) westwards over plot 0830 BST. Starling (3) norhwards. Greenfinch over plot. Marsh tit call near shed.
Amber list: WP (50) southwards near plot. Stock dove (2 + 2 = 4) pairs courtship display in beech. Kestrel (female) on WRR pole. Moorhen main pond (north end). Wren (2) MSW. Bullfinch WBH.
Pink-footed goose (29) SW over over plot 0821 BST. Pink-footed goose (215) SW over over plot 0940 BST. Around sunset, pink-footed goose (unkown number) over plot (return flight).
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Siskin (2) on willow. Chaffinch across plot. Robin, BT, GT by shed. Buzzard round plot. Fieldfare southwards (flock seems to have moved on). Redwing (5), carrion crow, robin round plot.
Dry, sunny intervals, breezy, 11C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Starling (125) westwards over plot 0825 BST.
Amber list: Dunnock yews. Stock dove (2) ash3 tree. Stock dove (23) southwards. Bullfinch (4) across plot. Kestrel over meadow, calling. Song thrush alarm at dusk a) Top Blackthorn, b) WRR. Rook westwards. WP (60) southwards near plot.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees, big oak.
Pink-footed goose (100 + 165 + 110 = 375) SW over over plot 0912 BST. At dusk pink-footed goose (much larger numbers, perhaps 500+) northwards near plot, but too dark to count.
Migrant timed count (redwing (6), fieldfare (11), starling 125; 31 minutes).
Pied wagtail across plot. Coal tit spinney. Chaffinch (1 + 2). Robin song patio. Blackbird WBH. GT, BT shed area. Collared dove (2) near shed. Jay shed area. GSW hybrid poplars.
Red kite over meadow. [Buzzard (2) over Mill Covert.]
Common gull (10 + 2 + 3 + 12 + 1+ 2 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 38; 31 minutes) southwards. Herring gull (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4). BHG (1 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 5) southwards.
Showers at first, then sunny intervals, breezy, 11C, wind W BF 2-4.
Amber list: Wren by shed. [Kestrel west of WRR.]
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees, big oak.
Pink-footed goose (115) north over plot 1213 BST.
Robin song yews. GT, BT (4+), LTT (3+) patio. Fieldfare (150+), redwing (25+l approx) along Carr Stream grazing. Pied wagtail (2) over HH. Red kite over meadow. [Buzzard (2) circling over Mill Covert.] near South Raynham church. Collared dove (2) near shed. Carrion crow across plot.
Overcast, calmer, showers in morning, 9C, wind SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Redpoll eastwards across meadow and over Horseshoe Plantation 0915 BST. Starling (3) northwards. Mistle thrush ash3 tree to Church Lane.
Amber list: Wren (2) MSW. Wren by shed. Bullfinch calls WBH. WP (4) by main pond. Grey wagtail over main pond.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees, big oak.
Fieldfare (25) near South Raynham church. Redwing (50 total approx) round meadow, on hawthorns MNE, scratty hedge etc. Robin WBH. Collared dove (2) near shed. Jay (2) over HH. Magpie over meadow. GSW across to spinney. Blackbird (3+) meadow.
Carrion crow across meadow. Buzzard Top Blackthorn. Common gull Church Lane.
Drier, blustery, 11C, wind S then W BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) on oak burdock (with GT). Mistle thrush on rowan by Top Blackthorn, then ash tree, then westwards with fieldfare. Starling (6) southwards.
Amber list: Moorhen main pond north end. [Stock dove (15) over arable west of WRR.] WP (5+) scratty hedge, WRR, etc. Kestrel (female) WRR. Wren MSW. Sparrowhawk (male) attacking passerines near patio. Sparrowhawk (female) heading NW over meadow. Rook (10+) westwards with jackdaw (100+) near sunset.
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees, big oak.
Pink-footed goose (12 + 31 = 42) south over plot. [Pink-footed goose (20) over Wensum near Raynham Hall.]
Fieldfare (2 + 30 etc) west or SW near plot. Redwing (20) into Top Blackthorn. Redwing (15) westwards. Redwing (15) SW. Fieldfare (300+) on fields backwards and forwards either side of WRR, presumably part of same flock as on 31/10.
Siskin (2) HH. Carrion crow (3) meadow and Horseshoe Plantation. GT, BT (4+), blackbird near HH. Goldfinch (10) laurel hedge burdock.
Common gull (15) south over plot.
Tawny owl song/call near HH before dawn.
[Red kite over Wensum.] Grey heron near meadow. Common gull (20+), herring gull (imm), BHG over / near plot.
Storm Ciaran. Rain overnight, then rain or heavy showers, breezy, 11C, wind S then W BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock (with GT, BT).
Amber list: Bullfinch (2) hear shed. Stock dove over main pond. WP (5+) foraging on grazing near WBH.
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw (10+) on grazing near WBH.
Migrant timed count (redwing (32), fieldfare (36), starling (7), blackbird (1) 10 minutes).
Siskin call, chaffinch, carrion crow, GT, BT, goldfinch (5) round plot. Blackbird (6+) Top Blackthorn, main pond trees, hybrid poplars etc, probably just arrived. Green woodpecker past Top Blackthorn.
Common gull (15) south over plot.
[Buzzard, grey heron west of WRR.]
Damp but clear, mainly overcast, 13C, wind S BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: WP (30 + 10 + 9) south near plot. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Rook (1 + 8 + 1) west over plot.
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw (2) into oak box.
Migrant timed count (redwing (81), fieldfare (129), starling (52), 20 minutes).
Blackbird, nuthatch, coal tit, robin (song), goldfinch (2) round plot.
[Buzzard (3) over Mill Covert. Magpie west of WRR.]
Common gull (2 + 17 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 8 = 39, 30 minutes) south over plot. BHG (1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9, 30 minutes) south over plot.
Mist or fog at first, then showers and sunny intervals, 9C, wind SW BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit patio. Mistle thrush ash3 tree.
Amber list: WP main pond trees. Stock dove (5) over plot. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Wren shed concrete. Rook (2) east over plot.
Jackdaw (11+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw (40+) foraging on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Substantial fieldfare/redwing influx. Fieldfare (400+), redwing (50+) moving approx SE from Church Lane and rushy fields west of WRR across or past plot 1430 BST approx. Of these, fieldfare (100+) perched in hybrid poplars. Most of these looked to have arrived from the NW.
Redwing (3) into main pond trees. BT, carrion crow round plot. Meadow pipit (2) eastwards over HH. Siskin (9) spinney, left eastwards. Chaffinch (2) across plot. Blackbird ash3 tree. Goldfinch (15+) ash3 tree. GSW (female) on willow by main pond.
Buzzard (imm) perched Top Blackthorn. [Buzzard, magpie (2) west of WRR.]
Common gull (50+), BHG (10+) south over plot.
Sunny intervals after overnight rain, 13C, wind SW BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit spinney or box area. Skylark over plot. [Mistle thrush west of WRR.]
Amber list: Rook (1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 10, mostly imm) heading westwards over plot. WP (25, 5, etc) southwards over pot. Stock dove display main pond area. Stock dove (6) heading SW near plot. Kestrel (male, with prey) perched WRR pole. Bullfinch (2) WBH and MSW. Dunnock yews. Wren main pond reeds.
Jackdaw (9+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw (2) on/in oak box.
Redwing (30) down on to meadow. Redwing/fieldfare mixed flock (100+) west across plot. Redwing (5+) on MNE hawthorns.
BT, GT, chaffinch. goldfinch (5+), jay round plot. Blackbird laurel hedge and main pond trees. Collared dove Silver Service.
Common darter main pond.
Red kite (2), buzzard (3) circling over meadow.
Common gull (1, 5, etc), BHG (1, 5 etc) south over plot.
Sunny intervals after overnight rain, 13C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Amber list: WP (imm) big oak.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Fieldfare (30), redwing (50) heading W across plot 0820 BST.
Cormorant (2 imm) southwards over HH.
[At Upgate Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- siskin (2+), green woodpecker, buzzard (5+), red kite, GSW, jay, LTT (5+), blue tit, blackbird (2) on guelder rose, grey heron, bullfinch, wren, pied wagtail (3), meadow pipit (3), redwing (2+), herring gull (ad and imm). Fox scat. Caddisfly (adult, prob caperer Halesus digitatus) Deadmans Hill. Common darter several tandem pairs. Buff-tailed bumblebee queen. Minotaur beetle.]
[Kestrel (male between Whissonsett and Horningtoft.]
Mist or fog at first, clearing before midday, then sunny intervals, calm, 12C, wind S or SW BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock.
Amber list: Wren MSW. Wren spinney. Dunnock patio and yews. Stock dove display flight WBH and main pond area. Kestrel (male) WRR pole. WP (4 + 8 + 2, etc) over plot.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Egyptian goose (3) NW across plot. Goldcrest yews. BT round plot. Redwing (15) heading SW. Redwing (30) into hawthorns MNE. Fieldfare (10) heading SW 1324 BST. Blackbird MSE. Blackbird WBH. Robin song near shed. Buzzard scratty hedge. Buzzard WRR pole. GSW across plot. Goldfinch (2), carrion crow (2), ied wagtail, robin (song), siskin, chaffinch round plot. Greylag goose (2) south over plot.
Common gull, BHG over plot.
Mist or fog at first, then sunny intervals, calm, 11C, wind S or SW BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush out of MSW. Starling (15) heading WNW over plot 1123 BST.
Amber list: Bullfinch call HH. Wren song spinney. Stock dove, WP (2) main pond trees. WP (5) on triangle north of main pond. Kestrel (female) WRR pole.
Jackdaw (20+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
LTT (10), BT (2) MNE and MNW. Redwing (5+), blackbird, robin MNE hawthorn. Buzzard Top Blackthorn. Redwing (6) heading SW 1055 BST. Fieldfare (15) on Church Lane poplars. Chaffinch main pond trees. Blackbird remains MSW track (sparrowh*wk kill). [Magpie west of WRR.]
Murky, rain or showers for much of the day, calm, 11C, wind S or SE BF 0-2.
Amber list: WP (25) west of WRR. Bullfinch call HH. Rook (1 + 2) westwards over plot. Dunnock yews. Wren MSE. Stock dove display-flight MSE. Kestrel perched WRR pole.
Pink-footed goose (10) over near plot.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
GT, BT near HH. Blackbird hybrid poplars. Blackbird WRR. Jay spinney. Chaffinch across plot. Robin song yews. LTT (5) patio. Nuthatch big oak and Silver Service. Goldfinch (20) round plot and Silver Service.
Common gull (10+), BHG (10+) near plot.
Mist at first, then sunny intervals, calm, 11C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit patio area. Starling westwards over plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) WRR pole. WP (4) MSW on hawthorn. WP (2) MNW. Stock dove over plot. Mallard (2) along Carr Stream. Wren Top Blackthorn.
Pink-footed goose (unknown number) southwards over plot 0900 BST. Pink-footed goose (40) northwards over plot, 1358 BST. Pink-footed goose (35) northwards over plot, 1420 BST. Pink-footed goose (40) westwards near plot, 1530 BST.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Fieldfare (75+), redwing (75+) eastwards near plot. Fieldfare (120) heading SW 1517 BST.
LTT patio shrubs. Blackbird near HH. GT near shed. Robin song, BT Top Blackthorn. Magpie (2) near Top Blackthorn.
Common gull (30+), BHG (30+), jackdaw (40+) over / near plot, insect-hawking.
Cormorant (5) northwards over plot.
Overcast, rain or showers from sunrise, murky, calm, 12C, wind W BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit call shed area. Mistle thrush ash3 tree.
Amber list: WP (7), stock dove (4) round plot. WP (60) Horseshoe Plantation. Dunnock yews. Kestrel (male, female) WRR pole. Kestrel hovering near WRR. Wren song shed area / spinney. Rook (imm) over plot.
Pink-footed goose (75) northwards over plot, 1600 BST.
Fieldfare (80 + 60) heading SW. Migrant timed count (30 minutes) -- redwing (9), fieldfare (2), starling (14).
Jackdaw (26+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars.
Coal tit spinney. Chaffinch across plot. Brambling call over spinney. Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Robin HH. Robin song main pond trees. Buzzard, GSW, carrion crow across plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Goldfinch (20+) meadow, Silver Service plot, etc. Buzzard perched SHO. Blackbird, redwing (15) MNE hawthorn. Buzzard WRR pole.
Little egret (2), grey heron west of WRR. [Magpie (4) west of WRR.]
Common gull (20+), BHG (10+) over / near plot. Later common gull (150+) near plot.
Sunny, sunny intervals, calm, 14C, wind E or SE BF 1-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush alarm scratty hedge. Skylark across plot.
Amber list: Mallard (5) round South Raynham church area. Dunnock (2+) laurels by main pond. Wren song shed / main pond. Rook across plot.
Jackdaw (15+) main pond trees.
Jay (2) across plot. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT) WBH and main pond trees. Robin song HH. GSW across meadow. Blackbird MSE. Buzzard (imm) perched Top Blackthorn, then scratty hedge. Buzzard (adult) across plot.
Pink-footed goose (5) southwards over plot. Grey heron near meadow.
Sunny, sunny intervals, calm, 15C, wind E or SE BF 1-2.
[At Swanton Novers with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- siskin, GSW, jay, nuthatch, sparrowhawk (female), gulls (250+), skylark, buzzard (3). Common darter.]
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees.
Jay, GSW across plot. Tit flock (BT, LTT) shed area.
Overcast at first, quite calm, showers midday, 14C, wind SE BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit Top Blackthorn (on burdock). Skylark (2) across meadow westwards, some song.
Amber list: Reed bunting (2, on hawthorn), bullfinch (on rowan), wren, dunnock Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (3) up from WBH. Mallard along Carr Stream. Sparrowhawk (male) across from main pond trees to WRR. Kestrel (female) perched on nestbox Top Blackthorn, mobbed by jackdaws. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Rook (40) circling over plot, high and into low cloud.
Jackdaw (20+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (3+) foraging on grassy area near WBH.
Jay across plot. Collared dove (2) Silver Service and nearby. Goldfinch (12+) on laurel hedge burdock with tit flock (BT, GT (2+)). round plot. Fieldfare (1), redwing (5+) hybrid poplars. Robin song a) HH, b) pines, c) MNW. Blackbird main pond trees. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow across plot.
New pond is almost full after yesterday’s rain.
Greylag goose (14) heading southeast near plot. Little egret along Carr Stream.
[Gulls (500+, mainly common gull) on arable west of WRR near A1065, with jackdaws (100+).]
Overcast, steady rain, 17C, wind E BF 1-3.
Amber list: WP (20) on Church Lane arable. Snipe (2) across plot eastwards. Sparrowhawk (imm male) perched on shed roof.
Pink-footed goose (3) southwards near plot.
Jackdaw (25+) hybrid poplars.
Jay across plot. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Goldfinch (30+) round plot. Fieldfare (30) on/round Church Lane arable. Fieldfare (10) into hybrid poplars.
Overcast, no frost, overnight rain, calmer, 17C, wind S or SE BF 1-4.
Red list: Starling (126) westwards.
Amber list: WP (20) on grazing near WBH. Dunnock yews.[Stock dove (4) west of WRR.] Rook (2) westwards near plot. Grey wagtail on main pond. Kestrel (female or imm) perched WRR pole.
Jackdaw (30+) on grazing near WBH.
Migrant timed count (30 minutes) -- redwing (244), fieldfare (19), starling (126).
Jay across plot. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Coal tit spinney. Goldfinch (10+) round plot. Siskin (20) over plot. Carrion crow over meadow. Robin song shed shrubs. Pied wagtail across plot. Nuthatch Silver Service. Fieldfare (5) on rowan tree MSE.
Many ladybirds on walls of HH. Common darter near main pond.
Buzzard across plot. Gulls (20+, common gull, BHG) over/near plot.
[Pink-footed goose (30) northwards near East Raynham/Colkirk (TF902255).]
[Swanton Novers Raptor Watchpoint -- skylark (30), redwing (40), linnet (30) etc.]
Overcast, no frost, calm at first, breezy later, 15C, wind E or SE BF 2-5.
Amber list: WP near shed. WP (5) Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Sparrowhawk (male) mobbed by jackdaws over meadow.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees.
Jay across plot. Collared dove (2) spinney and Silver Service. Coal tit pines. Goldfinch (6+) laurel hedge burdock. Redwing (3+) over meadow. [Redwing (40+) on rushy fields west of WRR.] Redwing (45+), fieldfare (5+) across plot from west. Robin yew hedge. Siskin call over plot. Fieldfare MNE hawthorn. Fieldfare (30+) eastwards over meadow. Goldfinch (30+) on ash3 tree. Pied wagtail Silver Service.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. Buzzard (2) Church Lane. Red kite Church Lane and over plot. Gulls (40+, common gull, BHG, herring gull (1)) mainly eastwards over/near plot.
Sunny intervals, light frost, calm at first, breezy later, 13C, wind E or SE BF 0-2(4).
Red list: Mistle thrush along WRR. Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock (with tit flock).
Amber list: WP (5) on ash by MNW. Dunnock pines. Wren main pond trees. Stock dove display near HH. Kestrel (2, male and female/imm) WRR pole, also near Church Lane etc. Sparrowhawk (male) MSW at dusk.
Jackdaw (15+) round plot. [Jackdaws and rooks (2000+) at roost Mill Covert.]
Redwing (2) over plot. Redwing (5) into hybrid poplars. Jay (2) main pond trees and meadow. Meadow pipit (2) near Carr Stream. Carrion crow (4+) across plot. Robin song box. Robin MSW. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT(7+)) main pond trees. Goldfinch (5) round plot. Blackbird WBH and shed. Pied wagtail shed roof. [Collared dove (7) west of WRR.]
Common darter (male) by main pond. Prob dor-beetle across grazing near WBH.
Grey heron, little egret along Carr Stream. Gulls (40+, common gull, BHG 3:1) over plot etc. Buzzard (3) over Church Lane. Buzzard Top Blackthorn. Cormorant (2) eastwards across plot.
16/10/2023New pond 2023 Hillside House 2023-10-16 (3241)
Sunny intervals, frost, calmer, 12C, wind N or NE BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush Top Blackthorn. Mistle thrush SHO. Greenfinch (2) over main pond. Marsh tit MSE under hybrid poplars.
Amber list: WP (20+) on grazing between WBH and WRR. Dunnock by main pond. Bullfinch calls WBH. Wren patio. Wren MSE. Stock dove over plot. Grey wagtail off pond.
Jackdaw (25+) main pond trees.
Redwing (8) into spinney from north. Redwing (18) in hybrid poplars then down onto meadow. Fieldfare (15) heading WNW over plot. Jay main pond trees. Chaffinch over meadow. Carrion crow across plot. Robin song MSE. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT) main pond trees and MSE. Coal tit pines. Goldfinch (5+) MSE (in oak).
Grey heron along Carr Stream. BHG, common gull over Church Lane arable. Buzzard across meadow.
15/10/2023Main pond renovation Hillside House 2023-10-15 (3230)
Sunny, light frost, calmer, 12C, wind N or NW BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush eating rowan berries MSE. Mistle thrush SHO. Marsh tit MNW (on burdock).
Amber list: Grey wagtail on main pond (after reed clearance work).
Robin main pond during pond work. Tit flock (BT, GT) main pond. Jay (2) across meadow. Siskin call over plot.
Grey heron (2) on fields adjacent to plot. Buzzard (2) over meadow.
Pond renovation work on main pond with FTC digger.
14/10/2023Work on island 1 main pond renovation Hillside House 2023-10-14 (3220)
Sunny, overnight rain, calmer, 12C, wind W or NW BF 1-3.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) perched willow by main pond. Stock dove (2), WP over plot.
Robin main pond during pond work. Tit flock (BT, GT (3)) patio. Coal tit call spinney. Collared dove Silver Service.
Common darter (male) on main pond.
Grey heron on fields adjacent to plot. Red kite over meadow, WRR etc. Common gull (10+) near plot.
Pond renovation work on main pond with FTC digger.
Overcast, overnight rain, blustery, 20C, wind W or SW BF 2-5.
Red list: Mistle thrush SHO. Starling (100+) westwards over South Raynham church (approx date).
Amber list: WP (20+) Church Lane arable.
Robin song HH. Redwing (3) MNW. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Tit flock (BT (10+), GT, goldcrest) patio. Goldfinch (20+) Silver Service and shed area.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. Grey heron (2) perched SHO. Red kite over meadow. Red kite (2) over Church Lane/WRR junction.
Overcast, calm, 13C, wind E or NE BF 0-2.
Amber list: WP WRR. WP hybrid poplars. Kestrel calling WRR. Wren main pond reeds. Song thrush MSE.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw (60+) in/over main pond trees.
Robin song HH. Pied wagtail on shed roof. Jay hybrid poplars, main pond trees. Finch flock (20+) spinney/WBH. BT, GT MNE. Buzzard (2) across meadow. Chaffinch meadow.
Collared dove (10) WRR.
Overcast, drizzle or rain at times, breezy, 19C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) Top Blackthorn. Marsh tit patio area.
Amber list: Stock dove (10+), WP (10+) Church Lane arable. [Stock dove (30+) west of WRR.] Dunnock yews. Grey wagtail (2) shed roof. Kestrel (female/imm) WRR.
Redwing (2) WBH (on hawthorn).
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees, big oak.
Jay main pond trees. Pied wagtail shed roof. Pied wagtail (2) WRR. Blackbird by shed. Tit flock (BT (5+), GT) round HH. Robin song HH. Carrion crow scratty hedge. [Grey heron west of WRR.] Goldfinch (8+) laurel hedge burdock.
Red kite over meadow.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, breezy, 20C, wind W BF 1-2.
Amber list: Dunnock shed roof. Kestrel calling WRR/Church Lane junction etc.
Jackdaw (10+) insect-hawking Church Lane.
Jay meadow. Pied wagtail main pond trees. Blackbird (3) by shed. Chaffinch (male) main pond area. Grey heron across meadow. Green woodpecker call Church Lane.
Red kite (2) Church Lane/Wensum. Buzzard (2) Church Lane. Commmon gull (60+) over Church Lane.
Mainly overcast, thin cloud, weak sun, breezy, 21C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush (3) SHO.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. Stock dove song. Bullfinch (2) MSW and WBH (sea buckthorn).
Redwing influx -- redwing (50, 30, 20, 20, 10) westwards near plot in approx 15 minutes.
Peregrine (male) heading SW over Church Lane 0850 BST, attack mode west of WRR.
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw in/out at oak box. Jackdaw (15+) insect-hawking Church Lane.
Robin song pines. Jay (2) near main pond. Pied wagtail shed roof. Blackbird, BT, robin Top Blackthorn. Robin patio.
Large numbers of flies perhaps cluster fly Pollenia rudis on walls and chimney of Hillside House (one caught by common wasp). Also many ladybirds including two-spot Adalia bipunctata and eyed ladybird Anatis ocellata.
Buzzard perched SHO. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn. Red kite over meadow area. Magpie scratty hedge.
Mainly overcast, weak sun, calm, 22C, wind W or SW BF 0-2.
[At Woodbastwick with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- redwing (15), fieldfare (100), marsh harrier (female), buzzard, Cetti’s warbler song/calls, jack snipe (up at short distance, no call, short bill), snipe (3+), grey heron, water rail call, GSW, reed bunting (2), kingfisher, mallard (6+), teal (2), cormorant, robin (song), common frogs, pond snails, migrant hawker, common darter (many tandem pairs), willow emerald (many).]
[Brisley -- kestrel perched by road. Starling (10+), rooks, jackdaws. Horningtoft -- sparrowhawk. Opposite NBW -- carrion crow (8+).]
Mainly overcast, breezy, 20C, wind W or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush main pond trees. Mistle thrush (3+) Church Lane arable. Marsh tit call WBH.
Amber list: Stock dove over plot. WP (imm) main pond trees. Dunnock by HH. Kestrel WRR and Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees, big oak.
Robin song HH. Jay near main pond. Pied wagtail shed area. Tit flock (BT, GT) round shed. Goldfinch (7) main pond area. Blackbird shed area. Hornet MNW.
Buzzard, red kite Church Lane and meadow. Magpie scratty hedge.
Common gull (350+), herring gull (10+) over plot and nearby, off arable west of WRR.
Overcast, light breeze, 20C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Redwing (15) westwards across plot 0941 BST.
Red list: Mistle thrush SHO, mobbed by tits. Marsh tit yews/shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove (7) circled round main pond. Wren song main pond. Dunnock laurel hedge. WP near WBH. Kestrel display over Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Kestrel (2) over plot.
Jackdaw (2+) main pond trees, big oak. [Jackdaw (120+) up from arable west of WRR.]
Robin song HH. Jay (2) near main pond. Pied wagtail shed area. Tit flock (BT, GT) round shed. Goldfinch (2) main pond trees. Goldcrest shed area, box. Blackbird shed area.
Greylag goose (8) over plot. Buzzard (3) Church Lane. Magpie (2) Top Blackthorn. [Red kite (2) Wensum.]
Common gull (150), herring gull (1 + 7 + 2, imm) southwards over plot. [Gulls (600+, mainly common gull, BHG) up from arable west of WRR.]
At dusk -- large bat (serotin*/noctul*) over spinney/SBH junction. Pipistrell* sp over track by WBH. Carrion crow (3) scratty hedge. [Jackdaws and rooks (4000+) over Mill Covert at dusk.]
Overcast, calmer, 17C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush (3) Top Blackthorn. Greenfinch across plot.
Amber list: Wren patio. Snipe across meadow westwards. Bullfinch calls spinney. Grey wagtail on cut reed, main pond. Stock dove over plot. WP (15+) over Horseshoe Plantation. Kestrel (2) across plot.
Jackdaw (2+) main pond trees, big oak.
Tit flock (BT, GT) patio, shed area etc. Goldcrest yews. Robin HH, spinney, main pond. Pied wagtail shed roof. Chiffchaff call MSE. Goldfinch (2) by shed. Robin (4) round main pond. Jay across plot. Red admiral near HH.
Buzzard over plot. Buzzard perched WRR pole. Buzzard (2) over Church Lane. Buzzard perched scratty hedge. Grey heron with cattle west of WBH.
Herring gull (imm), common gull (3+) southwards near plot.
[Grey heron on rushy grazing west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, breezy, 16C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: Wren patio. Kestrel (male) hovering by WRR. WP across plot. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot to Horseshoe Plantation.
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees, big oak.
Tit flock (BT, GT (2+)) shed area etc. Goldcrest yews. Nuthatch big oak. Pied wagtail shed roof. Coal tit spinney.
Jay (2) across meadow. Red kite (2) Church Lane, meadow etc. Buzzard over meadow etc.
Herring gull (imm), common gull (5+) southwards near plot.
03/10/2023Start of work to renovate main pond Hillside House 2023-10-03 (3203)
Overcast at first after overnight rain, showers at first, then sunny intervals, breezy, 16C, wind W BF 1-4.
Red list: House martin over Horseshoe Plantation. Starling (6) westwards.
Amber list: Dunnock by shed. Stock dove song near shed. Wren patio. Kestrel (male) with food WRR pole. WP across plot.
Jackdaw (14+) main pond trees, big oak.
Robin song HH. Robin Top Blackthorn. Blackbird yews, pines area. Muntjac barking spinney. BT Top Blackthorn. Chaffinch across plot.
Jay (2) across meadow. Red kite (2) meadow. Buzzard over Wensum, Church Lane, meadow etc.
LBBG (2) southwards near plot.
Many flies, perhaps Thaumatomyia notata (Diptera, Chloropidae) inside Hillside House. Chinery says this fly (the small cluster-fly) enters houses in large numbers in the autumn.
Grey heron (2) over meadow and down on to Church Lane arable. [Rooks and jackdaws (4000+) over roost at Mill Covert, 1855 BST.]
Overcast, some sunny intervals, calm, 21C approx, wind SW BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit yews and laurel hedge.
Amber list: WP (50+) over grazing east and west of WRR. Stock dove (3) on willow. Wren main pond. Bullfinch WBH.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw (20+) insect-hawking over plot and nearby.
Robin song WBH. Nuthatch big oak. , c) main pond trees by laurels, d) spinney. Tit flock shed area. (BT, GT). Blackbird yews. Collared dove (2) Silver Service. Chiffchaff WBH. Carrion crow (2) westwards over plot. Buzzard perched for 1 hour approx Top Blackthorn. Green woodpecker call, perhaps at Church Lane.
Main pond reed-cutting work -- southern hawker, various wolf spiders, Tetragnatha sp, many predatory bugs (perhaps marsh damsel bug Dolichonabis limbatus), banded snails, etc.
Overcast, overnight showers, breezy, 21C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit patio (gorse). Mistle thrush South Raynham church tower.
Amber list: WP big oak. WP (4) WRR. WP (80+) over grazing east and west of WRR. Stock dove WRR. Wren song box area, patio shrubs. Dunnock under yews. Bullfinch into spinney.
Jackdaw (14+) main pond trees, big oak.
Robin song in approx 4 places round plot -- a) HH, b) WBH, c) main pond trees by laurels, d) spinney. Tit flock yews and patio (BT, GT (3+), coal tit). Blackbird yews. Collared dove WRR. Nuthatch big oak. Chiffchaff song WBH/spinney. Pied wagtail (2) HH, shed concrete, Silver Service. Carrion crow ash3 tree. Muntjac barking by HH at dusk.
Jay (2) WRR. Magpie (4) scratty hedge/SHO. Buzzard over plot to perch at Church Lane.
Common gull (5+), BHG, LBBG (adult) southwards near plot.
Sunny intervals, calm, 17C, wind SW BF 0-2.
Amber list: Bullfinch call yews or box area. Kestrel WRR. Rook westwards over plot. WP off nest in WBH hawthorn (opposite main pond).
Jackdaw (40+), jay (2), magpie alarms on main pond trees.
Robin song HH. BT patio. Pied wagtail on HH and shed. Goldfinch big oak. Red admiral near yews.
Grey heron following cattle on grazing near WRR.
Prob herring gull (imm, < 1YO) over plot.
Overcast at first, sunny intervals later, calm at first, breezy later, 18C, wind W BF 0 then 3-5.
Red list: Mistle thrush scratty hedge/SHO. Marsh tit calls (‘tu’tu-tu..’) patio area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) ash3 tree. Stock dove (8+) Horseshoe Plantation and SHO. Moorhen call MNW Carr Stream. Wren MSW. WP off nest WBH. Kestrel WRR.
Marsh harrier (all-dark) westwards across plot, 1800 BST approx.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees, big oak.
Muntjac shed concrete. Blackbird shed concrete. Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Nuthatch big oak, Horseshoe Plantation. Goldfinch big oak. Robin MSW. Carrion crow Silver Service and Horseshoe Plantation. Jay (2) meadow and main pond. Pied wagtail across meadow. Migrant hawker near main pond. Large white (2) MNW. Hornet willow.
Red kite over meadow mobbed by carrion crow and jackdaw (2). Buzzard perched scratty hedge. Grey heron across meadow.
Overcast, some sunny intervals, breezy, 20C, wind S or SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Marsh tit calls MSE.
Amber list: Wren a) MSE, b) shed concrete. Kestrel scratty hedge. WP (3) shed roof. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot. Bullfinch calls shed area.
Jackdaw (11+) main pond trees, big oak. [Jackdaw (40+) west of WRR.]
Robin song HH. Robin song Top Blackthorn. Blackbird shed area. Goldfinch (6+) laurel hedge burdock. Tit flock (BT, GT (3+)) meadow. Nuthatch shed elder. Migrant hawker south of shed. Coal tit meain pond trees.
Common gull (30+) southwards. [Common gull (40+) on tilled arable near Mill Covert. Red kite (4), buzzard (4) over Mill Covert.] Buzzard (2) near Church Lane. Carrion crow (2) over plot. Magpie scratty hedge. Grey heron across meadow. [Grey heron with cattle rushy field west of WRR.]
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, showers later, breezy, 21C, wind S BF 2-5.
Red list: Marsh tit calls patio area.
Amber list: Kestrel call WRR area. WP (2) over plot. Moohen main pond.
Jackdaw (14+) main pond trees, big oak. Jackdaw into oak box.
Robin song HH. Robin song main pond trees. Goldfinch (5) near main pond. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT (7+)) shed area. Chiffchaff song WBH. Nuthatch across plot. Collared dove Silver Service plot. Migrant hawker (2) near WBH and over shed concrete.
LBBG eastwards. Common gull (30+) southwards. Buzzard near plot. Carrion crow over plot. Magpie Top Blackthorn. Grey heron across meadow.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals later, breezy, 21C, wind W or SW BF 2-4.
Red list: House martin (10+) over meadow. Marsh tit patio, shed area.
Amber list: WP (2) over plot. Song thrush, WP (2) Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (5 +2) Church Lane. Rook (2) eastwards. Moorhen Carr Stream near MNW.
Robin song HH. Robin song main pond trees. Robin (2) aggro by shed. Coal tit, goldfinch (5) WBH. Jay WBH. Nuthatch across plot. Goldcrest big oak. Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Chiffchaff song WBH. Blackbirds at roost Top Blackthorn. Robin song (2) MSE. Migrant hawker over shed concrete.
At dusk -- again poss hedgeh*g foraging in reeds MSW.
Cormorant along Carr Stream.
Common gull (5+) southwards. Red kite (2) WRR/Church Lane junction and nearby. Buzzard (2)over meadow. Carrion crow (3) meadow and Horseshoe Plantation. Grey heron across meadow (also grey heron (2) same area at dusk. [Buzzard (4) over Mill Covert. Gulls (150+) over Wensum.]
Unidentified wader NE across meadow (snip*?).
[At dusk (1900 BST) -- little owl call west of WRR. Jackdaw/rook roost at Mill Covert.]
Sunny intervals, breezy, 21C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Red list: Marsh tit call patio area. House martin (4+) over plot. Linnet call over plot.
Amber list: Wren Top Blackthorn in hazel. Dunnock Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (female/imm) scratty hedge fenceline, then WRR/Church Lane junction. WP imm shed concrete. Stock dove meadow area. Sparrowhawk (adult male) perched willow by main pond, mobbed by GSW.
Chiffchaff song WBH/spinney. Chiffchaff MNE. Sylvia sp (prob blackcap) call Top Blackthorn. Tit flock meadow (GT male, BT). Robin song yews. Jay main pond trees. Swallow southwards. Nuthatch Silver Service. Chaffinch over plot. Coal tit A1065 ashwoods.
Migrant hawker, common darter over shed area. Red admiral willow.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) Wensum/Horseshoe Plantation. LBBG (adult) Church Lane. Grey heron across meadow.
Overcast at first, drizzle, sunny intervals later, breezy, approx 18C, wind S BF 2-4.
[At Broadlands Country Park (Houghen) with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- crossbill (12 approx) in pines and drinking at pool, hobby insect-hawking, buzzard (1 + 1), carrion crow, rooks (20+), jay, chiffchaff, blue tit, siskin (3), cormorant (15), migrant hawker, common darter (several), poss dor-beetle, prob Adalia 10-punctata (ladybird), peacock, bees on heather (prob Colletes sp per Dave Weaver), common toad.]
[Brisley -- rook (25+), jackdaw (25+), starling (20+), swallow (5+).]
Sunny intervals, 21C approx.
Red list: Marsh tit with tit flock. House martin (25+) over Church Lane arable and Wensum.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) WRR electricity cable. Kestrel (imm/female) WRR. Dunnock shed area. Stock dove (3) round plot. WP (2) pines, 1 WRR.
Tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Robin patio. Chaffinch (female, male) shed/big oak. Blackbird (2+). Carrion crow (2+) over plot.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard Wensum. Gulls (500+, mainly common gull, BHG) over Church Lane/Wensum.
Tawny owl song/call HH after sunset.
Sunny intervals, 20C approx.
[Stanfield -- house martin (10+), swallow (4+), pied wagtail, grey wagtail.]
[Whissonsett/Horningtoft -- kestrel, red kite, stock dove (3), gulls (500+, common gull, LBBG).]
Overcast at first after overnight rain, sunny intervals later, calmer, 17C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) across meadow from scratty hedge. House martin (15+) Church Lane and Wensum.
Amber list: Song thrush (3+) SHO and MNW (on hawthorn). WP main pond area. Rook (2) across meadow area. Sparrowhawk (male) across plot.
Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw (40+) on grazing near meadow, with carrion crow (3+).
Tit flock shed area. Goldfinch (30+) round plot on burdock. Robin song HH. Nuthatch big oak. Green woodpecker call near main pond. Swallow (15+) SHO, meadow, Church Lane etc. Blackcap (2), chiffchaff, GT (2+), BT (5+), blackbird MNW, Top Blackthorn. Chaffinch (2) across meadow. Chiffchaff main pond. Robin song pines.
Buzzard Top Blackthorn, disturbed, left towards Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite (2) WRR. Buzzard (5) circling Church Lane.
Herring gull (4, imm) SW over plot.
Overcast, blustery, rain from midday, 20C, wind SW BF 2-6.
Red list: Marsh tit with tit flock. House martin (2) over meadow.
Amber list: Stock dove patio. Song thrush pines or laurel hedge. WP main pond area. Kestrel calling round meadow.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Tit flock shed area. Blackbird round HH. Goldfinch (30+) big oak, shed area etc, on burdock.
Tawny owl call near HH.
Overcast, breezy, rain later, 18C, wind SW BF 2-6.
Red list: Marsh tit with tit flock.
Amber list: Bullfinch across plot. WP big oak.
Jackdaw (18) main pond trees and big oak.
Tit flock (53+, BT (45+), GT (4+), coal tit, goldcrest) shed and patio area. Blackbird laurel hedge. Carrion crow Church Lane. Goldfinch (13) big oak. GSW ash3 tree. Migrant hawker over shed concrete. Jay round plot.
Red kite (2) Church Lane. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Buzzard meadow etc. Gulls (30+, common gull, BHG) circling near plot.
Overcast after heavy overnight rain, breezy, showers later, 21C, wind SW BF 2-5.
Red list: Marsh tit with tit flock.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) on scratty hedge. Rook (4) SE over plot. Bullfinch WBH. Dunnock MNE. Dunnock patio. Stock dove (10) over plot.
Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees.
Nuthatch big oak. Tit flock (20+, mainly BT, some GT, coal tit) shed area. Blackbird (5+) laurels by main pond (not apparently on rowans, presumably eating berries). Robin HH area. Chaffinch MNW. Siskin over meadow. Buzzard across meadow. Jay (2) MNE. Carrion crow (4) across meadow.
On brambles MSW -- ichneumon wasp (2) either Pimpla sp or Apechthis compunct*r, TBD. Also prob Roesel’s bush cricket. Southern hawker (female) round shed concrete.
Red kite (4) over Church Lane, meadow, Wensum etc.
Gulls (10+, common gull and herring gull) over Church Lane. Grey heron over Church Lane.
[West of WRR -- red kite, WP (5+), stock dove.]
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, calm, 21C, wind E BF 0-3.
Robin patio.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- tit flock (BT, GT), chaffinch (5+), chiffchaff (3+, some song), bullfinch calls, GSW, kestrel. Southern hawker over grassland. The fungus Scleroderma aurantium (“common earth-ball”) in many places inside the woods.]
[Brisley -- rook (25+), jackdaw (25+), starling (25+), swallow (10+), house martin (5+), pied wagtail. Two dead tawny owls on B1146 opposite Harper’s Green access road.]
Sunny intervals, calm, 22C, wind E or NE BF 0-3.
Red list: House martin (3) over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush (2) main pond. Stock dove song shed area. Dunnock main pond. Wren several places (MSW). Kestrel calling over plot.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees and big oak.
Blackcap (female/imm) main pond trees and Top Blackthorn. Blackbird alarms laurels by main pond. Tit flock (20+, mainly BT; GT (4+)) shed, main pond area and Top Blackthorn. Carrion crow (2) across plot. Magpie call scratty hedge or neaby. Swallow over meadow. Goldfinch (14+) Silver Service.
Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn, moved to scratty hedge.
Common gull (10+) eastwards near plot.
[Grey heron, stock dove west of WRR.]
15/09/2023Roesel bush cricket Roeseliana roeselii Hillside House 2023-09-15 (3187)
Sunny, calm, 23C, wind S BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit song/calls box area (‘chiff-chiff-chiff’ and others). House martin (4+) over plot, A1065 ashwoods etc. Greenfinch (male) over plot. Linnet call near/over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove song big oak. Sparrowhawk (male?) meadow. Kestrel (male?) over meadow and Church Lane. Rook (3) eastwards, then later westwards over meadow.
Jackdaw (30+) spinney. Jackdaw (10+) insect-hawking over WRR area.
Swallow (2) between WBH and WRR. Swallow (10+) southwards. GT spinney. Robin song a) box, b) Silver Service/MSE (sim reg). Chaffinch (2) westwards. Chiffhcaff WBH/spinney. GSW ash3 tree. BLackbird (3+) main pond rowans.
Migrant hawker (male) over shed concrete. Migrant hawker (female) perched rowan by WBH. Prob brown hawker MSW. Common darter (2 in tandem MNW), singles elsewhere. Hornet (2+) with red admiral on failing willow. Wasp nest MNE (by tack and big goat willow). Peacock, large white, small white round plot. Prob Roesel’s bush cricket on HH conservatory (submitted to irecord).
Red kite, buzzard (3+) over plot area. Gulls (30+, common gull, BHG) over WRR etc.
At dusk -- poss hedgeh*g foraging in reeds MSW; bat (prob pipistrelle); dor-beetles (several); wrens. Tawny owl calls/song WRR/Church Lane junction and Horseshoe Plantation. Grey heron (2) across meadow.
[Grey heron (2) west of WRR.]
Despite forecast of sunny conditions, overcast much of the day, some sunny intervals, calm, ~20C, wind E or SE BF 0-1(2).
Red list: House martin heading SW over plot. Greenfinch over plot. Marsh tit call shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) shed roof. Stock dove (20+) over plot (eastwards). Rook (20+) over plot (eastwards). Kestrel (male) mobbing buzzards.
Marsh harrier (all-dark) westwards across plot.
Siskin (12) westwards across plot.
Jackdaw (16+) big oak and main pond trees.
Robin (2) aggro near shed. GT, BT, coal tit, nuthatch shed area. Collared dove (2) HH and Silver Service plot. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation etc. Chiffchaff WBH. GSW ash3 tree. Jay Salix trees. Goldcrest spinney to pines.
Migrant hawker over shed concrete.
Overcast, calm, 18C, wind E or SE BF 0-1(2).
Red list: House martin over plot. Marsh tit call near HH.
Amber list: Stock dove out of shed.
Jackdaw (8+) big oak and main pond trees.
Robin song yews. BT across plot. Collared dove (2) into Silver Service plot. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation etc.
Overcast after overnight showers, calm, 20C, wind N or NE BF 0-2.
Red list: Mistle thrush (7+) Church Lane. House martin (10+) over meadow.
Amber list: Stock dove song near HH. WP a) weeping willow, b) Top Blackthorn. WP off nest in pines. Bullfinch call MSE. Kestrel (prob imm) WRR electricity pole.
Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees.
Robin song a) yews or nearby, b) MSE. Tit flock (BT, GT, LTT, blackcap) MNE and Top Blackthorn. Blackbird (3+) meadow. Collared dove near HH. Magpie Top Blackthorn. Jay spinney area. Carrion crow across meadow. [Jackdaw (100+) up from fields west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, conditions beginning to change after exceptional warmth of early September, breezier, 24C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: House martin (15+) westwards over plot. Marsh tit patio and laurel hedge.
Amber list: Stock dove song near HH. Stock dove ash2 tree. Stock dove (15+) over/round plot, probably from arable west of WRR. WP song spinney. WP willow. Rook (2) eastwards near plot. Rook (3 imm) westwards across meadow. Wren song WBH. Song thrush alarm main pond area at dusk.
Jackdaw oak nestbox.
Blackbird (3 males (imm), greyer than typical British) on patio (likely recent arrivals). Swallow (3) over plot. GT (2), BT shed area. Nuthatch big oak. Goldfinch (5+) weeping willow. Robin song yews area. Collared dove (2) shed area. GSW (female) ash3 tree. Migrant hawker shed concrete. Tit flock through shed area (40+, BT, GT, coal tit, LTT, marsh tit). Jay spinney.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) circling over plot.
[Grey heron (2) with cattle west of WRR.]
[At dusk -- jackdaw and rook roost Mill Covert.]
10/09/2023Norfolk Conservation Corps at Marsham Heath 2023-09-10 (3176)
Sunny, mainly calm, 30C, wind E or SE BF 0-2 (later W 1-3).
Hobby insect-hawking over fields near WRR.
Coal tit spinney. Swallow over plot. Jackdaw big oak.
Migrant hawker over shed concrete, common darter (several).
[At Marsham Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- kestrel, buzzard, (hobby), possible honey buzz*rd, stonechat (3+) on cables, nightjar, chiffchaff, mistle thrush (3), siskin (call), woodpigeon, wren, common darter (many), migrant hawker, prob buff-tip (Phalera bucephala) caterpillar, garden spiders Araneus diadematus, common lizard.]
[Brisley -- starling (50+), rook (40+), jackdaw (100+). Whissonsett -- linnet.]
10/09/2023Marsham Heath 2023-09-10 (3181)
[Marsham Heath, Norfolk (NWT site).]
Sunny, calm, 30C, wind E or SE BF 0-2.
Red list: House martin (2) over plot. Linnet call WBH or WRR.
Amber list: Wren shed area. Stock dove ash3 tree. WP a) ash3 tree, b) 2 hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak. Chiffchaff hornbeam (by spinney). GT (2) shed area and box. BT (3) Top Blackthorn, also shed area. Coal tit spinney. Collared dove (2) round plot. Robin song a) shed shrubs/yews, b) Top Blackthorn. Swallow (4+) over meadow and plot. Goldfinch (3) main pond trees and Silver Service. Nuthatch Silver Service. Carrion crow (3+) across plot.
Migrant hawker, southern hawker, common darter (several). Red admiral, small white.
Common gull (3+), BHG (3+) eastwards over plot. Grey heron with cattle between WBH and WRR. Red kite over Church Lane. Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantation.
Sunny, calm, 26C, wind W BF 0-1.
Red list: Marsh tit MSE under hybrid poplars, on hawthorn. Mistle thrush Top Blackthorn with blackbirds. House martin over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush pines. Wren a) patio, b) MSE. Stock dove Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (2) across meadow.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees. GT shed area. BT shed area. GSW main pond trees. Coal tit spinney. Collared dove (2) pines. Blackbird (5+) main pond laurels and Top Blackthorn. Robin song MSE. Red admiral on willow. Carrion crow (3+) across plot.
Common darter, small tortoiseshell near HH. Large Volucella sp by HH.
Common gull (40+) eastwards over plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream. Buzzard over plot.
Sea-fret conditions at first, then sunny, calm, 25C, wind SE BF 0-3.
Red list: Marsh tit shed shrubs, yews etc.
Amber list: Song thrush alarm main pond area. Wren MSW. Bullfinch calls shed area. Sparrowhawk (male) Silver Service plot, then into hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Nuthatch shed area. GT, BT (3+) shed area. Carrion crow (2) across plot. Coal tit spinney. Collared dove (2) pines or laurel hedge. Robin (2) aggro by shed. Goldfinch (10+) Silver Service plot. Swallow (3) over plot.
Small white, brimstone (male) by HH. Migrant hawker shed concrete. Common darter near box. Prob Pemphredon lugubris inside HH.
Red kite Church Lane.
Common gull (150+) over Church Lane and Wensum.
At dusk -- pipistrelle sp over shed concrete and yew hedge (same for last few nights).
Sea-fret conditions at first, then sunny, calm, 25C, wind E BF 0-2.
Amber list: WP a) shed roof, b) Top Blackthorn. Song thrush laurels by main pond. Dunnock MNW. Wren a) Top Blackthorn, b) MSW. Bullfinch (3) MNE. Bullfinch imm MNW.
Probable blackbird influx -- 7+ on dead ash at Top Blackthorn, likely related to weather conditions 0940 BST.
Jackdaw (14+) ownership contests at oak, beech, willow boxes. [Jackdaw (60+) west of WRR.] Jay, nuthatch shed area. Chiffchaff WBH/spinney. Blackcap (2), BT (2), robin MNW/Top Blackthorn. GT, BT (3+) across meadow. Carrion crow (2) across meadow. GSW main pond trees. Coal tit spinney. Collared dove Silver Service plot.
Buzzard (6), red kite over Horseshoe Plantation.
Common gull (100+) eastwards over plot.
Sunny, calm, 25C, wind E BF 0-2.
Red list: House martin (2) pver plot. Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Dunnock patio. WP pullus at A1065 laurel hedge nest dead (predated). Kestrel (male) perched scratty hedge. Sparrowhawk (male) attacking goldfinch over Silver Service plot and HH (failed). Wren alarm yews area.
Jackdaw (14+) ownership contests at oak, beech, willow boxes. Robin patio. Nuthatch big oak. Swallow (10+) over grazing north of Carr Stream (this seems to be regular local group). Swallow (3+) over plot. Sand martin over plot. Carrion crow (2) over plot. Collared dove song SIlver Service plot and shed area.
Migrant hawker shed area. Common darter round HH. Speckled wood, GVW, small white.
Common gull (10+) over plot. [Buzzard west of WRR.]
Sunny, calm, 26C, wind SE BF 0-1.
Red list: House martin (3) pver plot. Marsh tit MSW.
Amber list: WP (2) copulation willow. WP nest at A1065 laurel hedge -- 1 chick fledged, other chick branching. Woodpigeon 6+ active nests round plot. Kestrel (male) circling Church Lane. Stock dove (3) eastwards. Bullfinch main pond trees (Salix).
Jackdaw (14+) ownership contests at oak, beech, willow boxes. Robin song HH. BT (3+) big oak and WBH. Goldfinch (10+) main pond area. Coal tit, goldcrest spinney cypresses. Swallow (2) WRR and over plot. Carrion crow (4+) over plot. Jay main pond. Nuthatch big oak. GSW main pond area. Blackbird rowans by main pond. Pied wagtail (2, prob) southwards over A1065 ashwoods. Collared dove Silver Service plot and shed area.
Migrant, brown, southern (male) hawkers, common darter (several including 2 in tandem) round shed area. Large white, small white, brimstone (male), speckled wood, red admiral.
Little egret perched Top Blackthorn ash. Common gull (120+, 100+), herring gull (10+, 10+, mainly imm), BHG (5+) eastwards over plot. Buzzard (3, 1, etc) over plot and nearby.
Sunny intervals, high cloud, calm, 23C, wind S BF 0-1.
Red list: Marsh tit shed area. House martin over plot.
Amber list: Moorhen call Carr Stream near MNW. WP (2) shed roof. WP nest WBH hawthorn. WP (2 pulli) in nest laurel hedge by A1065. Bullfinch Top Blackthorn and MSW. Rook (2+) west of WRR, one (imm) over plot. Wren (5+) various places round meadow. Stock dove by A1065 cypresses. Stock dove main pond trees. Stock dove (4) westwards over plot.
Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaw (5+) insect-hawking over grazing near plot. Robin song a) pines, b) main pond trees, c) MNW. BT (3+) MNW. GT (2) by shed. Goldfinch (4+) main pond area. Chaffinch (male) ash3 tree. Chiffchaff MNW, Top Blackthorn, some song. Blackcap (2+) round meadow. Blackbird MSW. Swallow (10+) Church Lane. Carrion crow (5) across plot. Green woodpecker call on/near plot. Grey heron (2) grazing east of meadow. Nuthatch shed area. [Little egret west of WRR.]
Hornet (3+) hawthorn tree MSW, with ichneumon wasp, common wasps, calliophorid and tachinid flies. Common darter by HH.
Red kite over A1065 ashwoods and nearby.
Common gull (20+) eastwards over plot.
Sunny, high cloud (cirrus), calm, 21C, wind N BF 1-2.
Red list: Marsh tit patio.
Amber list: Moorhen (imm) in Salix tree by main pond. WP (2) shed roof. Kestrel (male) circling WRR and WBH. Sparrowhawk (male) up from MSW or main pond area. Bullfinch MSW/WBH.
Marsh harrier (female/imm, all dark with yellow cap and throat) circling over plot approx 1400 BST.
Robin song by HH. BT, GT patio. Siskin call near main pond. Goldfinch (5+) ash3 tree. Blackbird into laurel hedge. Swallow (2) across plot. Jackdaw (5+) insect-hawking over grazing near plot. Migrant hawker, common darter round shed. Small white (2+).
Red kite (2) over Church Lane. Buzzard (2 adults) over HH, some display/aggro.
Gulls (30+, mainly common gull) eastwards over plot.
Mainly overcast, damp at first, calm, 20C, wind SE or E BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit MSE.
Amber list: Stock dove nest on top of concrete block boundary wall between HH plot and Silver Service pullus has gone, assumed fledged. Stock dove main pond trees. Wren a) MSE, b) MNE, c) Top Blackthorn etc. Bullfinch MNW. WP (2) courtship shed roof. WP off nest under hybrid poplars MSE. WP nest A1065 laurel hedge still active.
Jackdaw (17) big oak and main pond trees. Jackdaw (8+) in ownership contest (‘parliament’) beech nestbox. BT Top Blackthorn. Chiffchaff call spinney. Blackbird laurel hedge and yews. Robin (song) MNW. Grey squirrel (2+) round big oak, on hazel etc. Collared dove (2) shed area. Goldfinch (25+) round main pond, hybrid poplars. Swallow (30+) southwards over plot. Nuthatch big oak. Carrion crow (2+), GSW across plot.
Migrant hawker over shed concrete.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. Gulls (100+, mainly common gull, a few herring gull) westwards over/near plot.
Mainly sunny at first, high cloud (stratocumulus?), calm, 19C, wind SW or S BF 0-2.
Red list: Marsh tit shed shrubs and yews. Swift heading SW in afternoon.
Amber list: Stock dove nest on top of concrete block boundary wall between HH plot and Silver Service (1 nearly fledged pullus). Wren a) MSE, b) MNE, c) Top Blackthorn etc. Bullfinch (male) MNE. Dunnock (4) MNE. Dunnock (2) Top Blackthorn. Whitethroat (imm) MNE and dogrose by Carr Stream. WP (2) courtship shed roof. WP off nest under hybrid poplars MSE. Kestrel (male) perched poplars Church Lane. Kestrel calling from WRR.
Hobby (2) circling directly overhead above HH 1445 BST.
Jackdaw (14) main pond trees. BT (2+) Top Blackthorn. GT MNW. Chiffchaff (2+, some song) meadow. Blackbird, robin (song) Top Blackthorn. Robin shed area. Grey squirrel (2+) round big oak, on hazel etc. Collared dove (2) shed area. Goldfinch (2) main pond trees. Swallow (2) over meadow. Swallow (10+) over shed area. Blackbird (2+) WBH. Blackcap call WBH and MSW. Blackcap (female/imm) hawthorn by Carr Stream near WRR. Nuthatch big oak.
Common darter, southern hawker (female) western edge of meadow. Migrant hawker over shed concrete. Peacock, small white (3+) by shed. Wasps, calliophorid flies and hornet worker hawthorn MSW (with blackberries).
Buzzard adult and imm SHO. Buzzard (2) circling over HH. Grey heron (2) along Carr Stream.[Jackdaw (40+) west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, showers in afternoon, 19C, wind NW or W BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (4+) over plot.
Amber list: WP nest laurel hedge by A1065 still active. WP by nest in pines. Song thrush out of laurel hedge by HH (surely too late for nest).
LBBG (adult) dropped down to shed concrete carrying prob WP or collared dove pullus, swallowed prey, then departed.
Swallow (4+) over plot. Goldfinch (2) ash3 tree. Collared dove song Silver Service plot. Coal tit song spinney cypresses. [Cormorant, little egret (2) west of WRR.]
28/08/2023Taphrina alni (alder tongue gall) on alder pseudocones Hillside House 2023-08-28 (3171)
Sunny intervals, 19C, wind W or NW BF 1-3.
Red list: Mistle thrush (9+) Church Lane, from SW. HM (3) over meadow and plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) ash3 tree. Wren patio. Bullfinch across shed area. Dunnock Top Blackthorn. Rook (imm) eastwards across plot. Sparrowhawk (male) circling over meadow mobbed by hirundines. Kestrel (adult male) perched WRR pole.
Jackdaw (2+), BT big oak. Jackdaw (2) main pond trees. BT (3+) patio, spinney etc. Robin (imm) patio. Robin (adult) shed shrubs. Grey squirrel big oak, on hazel etc. Collared dove main pond trees. Nuthatch big oak. Blackbird pines. Blackbird yews. Blackbird WBH (on elder). Chiffchaff spinney. Buzzard round main pond. GSW main pond trees.
Blackcap (female/imm), BT (2+), dunnock Top Blackthorn. WP off nest MNE. Swallow (4) over Top Blackthorn, grazing and Church Lane arable. Later swallow (10+) over same area. Red kite over meadow and nearby.
Buzzard (2 adults with begging imm) up from spinney towards Church Lane.
Picture shows alder tongue gall Taphrina alni on alder pseudocones, from a tree at SW edge of the meadow. This looks like the work of an insect (perhaps gall-wasp or aphid), but Taprina is a fungus (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taphrina_alni). The affected tree was pollarded during winter 2022/23.
[Grey heron (2) west of WRR, with cattle.]
Mainly overcast at first, sunny intervals later, 19C, wind W BF 1-3(4).
Probable GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO across meadow heading WNW 0955 BST. Size near kestrel, roughly cuckoo-shaped, but with longer, fairly pointed wings and especially longer tail. Pale underneath, no apparent barring. Darker above but light conditions making it difficult to determine upperparts colours. Bill cuckoo- or thrush-shaped (not like raptor or parakeet). Heading into wind, flight strong, with fairly clear beating/gliding phases, at up to tree-top height.
Red list: House martin over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) ash3 tree. Wren patio and shed area. Bullfinch (3+) WBH. WP back at nest in laurel hedge near A1065 (after hedge-cutting). WP off nest in hawthorn MSE. Kestrel WRR and meadow. Moorhen in Carr Stream near MNW.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. BT, GT shed area. Blackbird, robin yews. Grey squirrel (3) big oak, on hazel etc. Robin shed area. Collared dove (2) main pond trees. Goldfinch (4+) near shed. Swallow (2 + 5) over plot. Nuthatch shed area. Carrion crow across plot. Migrant hawker shed concrete. GSW round plot.
Red kite (2) over Church Lane. Buzzard (2) spinney.
LBBG (2) southwards near plot. Common gull Church Lane.
[Grey heron, magpie (2) west of WRR, with cattle. Buzzard (4) circling over Mill Covert.]
Overcast, low cloud, almost sea-fret conditions at first, clearing to sunny intervals, 18C, wind W BF 0-2.
Red list: House martin over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) ash3 tree. Wren song patio. Bullfinch (2) shed area. Bullfinch (male) main pond. Dunnock patio. Rook (2) eastwards near plot. WP nest in laurel hedge near A1065 has 2 pulli.
Jackdaw (4) big oak. Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees. BT (3+) WBH. GT patio. Chiffchaff spinney and laurel hedge. Blackbird yews. Grey squirrel (2+) round big oak, on hazel etc. Robin shed area. Collared dove (2) shed area. Goldfinch (2) main pond trees. Swallow (3) over plot. Coal tit song spinney. Nuthatch Silver Service plot, alarm call with buzzard overhead.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. [Grey heron west of WRR, with cattle.]
Sunny or sunny intervals at first, 20C, wind W BF 1-2(3).
Red list: Marsh tit call near shed. Marsh tit already starting to eat burdock seeds by box.
Amber list: Stock dove song shed area. Stock dove big oak area. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Kestrel (adult male + imm) WRR pole. Wren (2) by shed shrubs. WP big oak. WP on nest in laurel hedge west side of track by HH. Bullfinch shed area. Whitethroat (imm) in beech and yew hedge (with tit flock). Song thrush spinney.
Jackdaw (2 + 2) big oak. Jackdaw (3) willow by main pond. Robin patio. Robin (2) aggro shed. Tit flock (BT (9+), GT (2+), coal tit, goldcrest, nuthatch) patio/shed area. GT on burdock or hogweed. Blackbird patio. Blackbird (2) shed shrubs. Blackcap (3) hornbeam square and patio area. Magpie (2) Top Blackthorn. Grey squirrel (2+) round big oak, on hazel etc. Carrion crow recruit-calling on ash3 tree for several minutes. Jay main pond trees.
[Rook (30+) and jackdaw (40+) up from grazing west of WRR. Grey heron west of WRR.]
Sunny intervals, 24C, wind W BF 0-2(3).
Hobby (2 adults) over Church Lane, meadow, etc, heading SE, rising to prob 250+ metres, then turning northwards, ignoring hirundines at lower altitude, 1515 BST and later. Soon after, hobby (imm) insect-hawking over WRR and vicinity, lower down (approx 30-60 metres).
Red list: House martin heading SW.
Amber list: Wren (2) patio. WP (2) shed concrete. WP (2) WRR pole. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Stock dove song shed area. Bullfinch (4+) WBH rowans. Wren Top Blackthorn. WP nest hawthorn MSE under hybrid poplars, 7 metres up. Song thrush main pond trees.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Robin song near HH. Tit flock (8+, BT, GT, nuthatch) near shed. Grey heron (adult) along Carr Stream to perch near rushy field west of WRR. Sylvia warbler Top Blackthorn. Blackbird, goldfinch (2) WBH. Swallow (4) west of WBH, also others over plot. No Acros. Robin shed shrubs. Coal tit spinney or big oak area. Carrion crow over plot. Buzzard spinney. Grey heron Carr Stream.
Red admiral (5+) round willow by main pond. Common darter by WBH. Migrant hawker shed concrete. Holly blue laurel hedge. Probable purple hairstreak by yews.
BHG (2, 1 etc) southwards.
Sunny intervals, 22C, wind W BF 1-2(3).
Red list: Marsh tit call MSE. Greenfinch (male) MNW hawthorn. House martin (4+) over HH and A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Bullfinch Top Blackthorn. Wren MNE. Stock dove song, WP shed area. Dunnock a) MNW, b) laurel hedge. Kestrel (imm) WRR pole.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Collared dove (3) WRR/Church Lane junction. Tit flock (10+, mainly BT, GT (1)) MNE. Nuthatch big oak. Goldfinch (2) by weeping willow. Robin a) Top Blackthorn, b) song MSE, song shed area. Collared dove song shed area. Chiffchaff call spinney. Carrion crow (2) hybrid poplars. GSW across meadow. Swallow heading SW. LBBG (adult) eastwards. Buzzard over plot.
Overcast, then sunny, then overcast, 24C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin over spinney.
Amber list: Bullfinch yews area. Wren patio. WP (3+) shed concrete. Stock dove shed roof.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Collared dove a) (2) on elder WBH; b) 2 by HH (4 in total). BT (3+), GT (2), coal tit, nuthatch shed shrubs area. Goldfinch (2) by weeping willow. Swallow (1, 2, etc) SW over plot.
Migrant hawker (2) shed concrete. Adult devil’s coach-horse, Salticus scenicus with prey by front door of HH. Very tatty purple hairstreak by shed.
Gulls (100+, BHG, common gull) heading NW in evening.
Sunny intervals, 25C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Amber list: Bullfinch WBH. WP (2+) shed roof and nearby. Dunnock yews. Dunnock Top Blackthorn (dogrose). Kestrel (male) Church Lane. Moorhen call MNW (in Carr Stream).
BT shed area. Blackcap (3+) hornbeam square. Blackbird shed area. Robin song laurel hedge. Collared dove (2) HH and shed area. Swallow (3) heading SW. Magpie Top Blackthorn.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. Buzzard meadow etc.
Mainly sunny or sunny intervals, 27C, wind SW BF 1-4.
[At Bure Marshes NNR (Woodbastwick) with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- cormorants (1, 4, etc), buzzard, sparrowhawk (male), linnet (2), robin, bearded tit call, chiffchaffs; no Acros. Also greater bladderwort, cowbane Cicuta virosa, frogbit, Succisa pratensis, Cladium. Dragonflies Aeshna grandis, A. mixta, A. cyanea, darters, water stick insect, brimstone, red admiral, speckled wood, holly blue, female drinker moth.]
[Muntjac (2), roe deer (2) by Norman’s Burrow Wood.]
[Brisley -- starling (60+), swallow (4+). Whissonsett -- house sparrow (25+).]
Overnight showers/rain, sunny intervals, 24C, wind SW BF 2-4(5).
Red list: Marsh tit patio and shed area.
Amber list: Bullfinch yews. WP (2+) shed area. Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. Stock dove (2) by ash3 box.
BT, GT shed area. Coal tit spinney cypresses. Blackcap (female/imm), blackbird (imm) shed elder. Blackbird yews. Robin song yews. Collared dove HH and shed area. Swallow (4 imm) heading SW.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Gulls (BHG, common gull, LBBG; 5, 10, 20 etc) southwards over plot.
Overcast, 20C, wind E or SE BF 1-4.
Red list: HM (2+) over spinney. Marsh tit shed and main pond area.
Amber list: Bullfinch WBH (probably on rowan). WP (3+) round main pond. Stock dove on willow by main pond.
Unidentified small wader over meadow, went eastwards, either sn*pe or Tringa sp.
Nuthatch, tit flock (BT, GT) shed area. Blackcap MNW. Whitethroat (imm) Top Blackthorn. Blackbird WBH, MSW, Top Blackthorn. Chaffinch Top Blackthorn. Robin shed area. Swallow (3+) over spinney. GSW across meadow. Goldfinch main pond trees. Collared dove (2) HH.
Red kite over plot. Buzzard meadow. Buzzard (2) over Church Lane. Grey heron by WBH. Grey heron (2) west of WRR with black cattle.
Gulls (BHG, common gull; 5, 10, 50 etc) heading SE.
Mainly overcast, odd sunny intervals, approx 21C, wind SE BF 1-3.
Red list: House martin (2+) over plot.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) round main pond. Stock dove collecting nest mat from patio. Wren shed shrubs. Bullfinch spinney or WBH. WP shed roof.
Tit flock (10+, mainly BT, GT (2+) shed area. Jackdaw (6) big oak and main pond trees. Blackcap in/near yews. Goldfinch big oak. Collared dove (2) Top Blackthorn. Holly blue near HH.
Buzzard, red kite (2) over plot.
Gulls (200+, mainly common gull, some BHG) drifting southwards over plot.
Mainly overcast after overnight showers, some sunny intervals, approx 22C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) WRR electricity pole. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Stock dove collecting nest mat from patio. Dunnock, wren MSE. Bullfinch (2 imm) WBH. WP Top Blackthorn. Probable WP nest hawthorn next to WBH (outside plot).
Tit flock (10+, mainly BT, GT (2+) shed area. Robin (2) shed area. Nuthatch, jackdaw (2) big oak. Blackcap (male) MNW. Swallow (2+) over grazing west of meadow. Goldfinch (2) main pond trees. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw (14+) heading SE from plot at sunset.
Migrant hawker over shed concrete. Southern hawker (female) on hawthorn, MSW. Holly blue near HH. Brimstone (female) on burdock near shed.
Buzzard over meadow.
Gulls (30+, mainly common gull, some BHG) southwards over plot.
Mainly overcast, showers early on, sunny intervals later, approx 23C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Amber list: Kestrel (adult + imm), WP (3+), stock dove (2) WRR electricity pole. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Stock dove collecting nest mat from patio, apprently for nest by A1065 in cypress. Dunnock laurel hedge. Bullfinch (2 imm) on rowan trees, MSE.
Tit flock (15+, mainly BT, GT (1+) shed area. Robin WBH.
[Gulls (40+, mainly BHG, common gull) on tilled arable near Mill Covert.]
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, approx 22C, wind SW BF 2-4.
[At Booton Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- common lizard (3+), common toad, swallows, robin song, kestrel, sparrowhawk (imm/juv), buzzard, red kite, migrant hawker, southern hawker, comma, meadow brown, peacock, Bombus terrestris.]
Migrant hawker over shed concrete.
Amber list: Song thrush on patio at dusk.
Sunny intervals, approx 27C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) MNE hawthorn.
Amber list: Wren MSW. Kestrel (male) west of WRR and over meadow. Bullfinch a) (2) MSE; b) (2) WBH; c) spinney. Sparrowhawk (male) over meadow. WP nest (prob) MNW.
Chiffchaff alders along meadow west. BT, blackcap (2) MNW. Goldfinch (2) MNW. Reed warbler Top Blackthorn. Blackbird (2 imm) on rowans Top Blackthorn.
On grassy/thistly areas -- peacock (5+), bristone (2 males), large white, GVW, gatekeeper, probable holly blue. Migrant hawker over shed concrete.
Buzzard over meadow. Grey heron, little egret along Carr Stream.
Mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, approx 21C, wind W BF 1-2.
[At Ilketshall St Andrew with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- swallows, jackdaw (2), comma, meadow brown.]
03/08/2023Black-tailed godwits at Purton (Gloucs) 2023-08-03 (c) Mark Woolfrey
Sunny intervals, odd showers, approx 21C, wind SW BF 1-3.
[At Purton (Gloucestershire) with AMW -- swallow (20+), sand martin (50+), chiffchaff, goldcrest, blackcap. On estuary -- black-tailed godwit (27), GBBG (2+), curlew (2+), BHG (50+), hobby.]
Sunny intervals, odd showers, approx 22C, wind SW BF 2-4.
Amber list: Wren patio and A1065 cypress stumps. Dunnock patio. Stock dove big oak. Kestrel (imm) on WRR pole. Bullfinch WBH.
Pied wagtail transit flights between Silver Service plot and WRR area.
Robin patio. Tit flock (15+, mainly BT, some GT, nuthatch) shed area. Goldfinch (2) Top Blackthorn.
On grassy/thistly areas -- peacock, small tortoiseshell, red admiral, comma, small white, large white, small skipper, gatekeeper; probable holly blue; Bombus terrestris, B. lapidarius; soldier beetles; various hoverflies, especially on hogweed flowers.
Showers at first, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, approx 22C, wind W BF 1-4.
Amber list: Wren dust-bathing inside shed. Moorhen call main pond. Bullfinch (2) MSW and WBH.
Reed warbler song (brief) main pond, some juv calls.
Blackcap song yews area. Blackcap (female) yews and laurel hedge. Robin patio. Tit flock (15+, mainly BT, some GT,) MSE hybrid poplars. Goldfinch on blackthorn by laurel hedge. Common darter on topper.
Buzzard over plot and nearby.
[Gulls (60+, mainly common gull, some BHG) over arable near Mill Covert.]
Showers at first, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, approx 22C, wind W BF 1-4.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls from yews area. WP carrying nest mat to laurel hedge (near earlier greenf*nch nest). Kestrel over meadow and along WBH.
Jackdaw in oak box.
Reed warbler adult and juvs in reeds main pond south end.
Blackcap (female) eating yew berries on yews. Nuthatch, GT, BT also present. Chiffchaff calls. Collared dove (2) main pond trees. Goldfinch big oak etc.
Amber list: Bullfinch (male) flycatching from willow by main pond. Stock dove (3) big oak. WP (3+) on shed roof.
Pied wagtail transit flights between Silver Service plot and WRR area.
Blackcap song spinney. Robin HH to Silver Service plot. Buzzard round plot.
Amber list: Bullfinch in yews. Stock dove attempting to court WP on shed roof. WP (3+) on shed roof.
Pied wagtail transit flights between Silver Service plot and WRR area.
Blackcap song a) spinney, b) main pond Salix trees. Robin HH to Silver Service plot. Buzzard round plot.
Red kite (2) display over meadow, Church Lane etc. Buzzard meadow area.
Amber list: Bullfinch in yews.
Red list: HM heading SW over plot. Marsh tit in yews and shed hazel.
Amber list: Stock dove, WP shed area.
Blackcap song, chiffchaff song spinney. Swallow over plot. Nuthatch yews, with tit flock.
[Grey heron, little egret west of WRR.] Buzzard over plot. BHG (3, 1, etc) westwards.
Red list: Swift (2) heading SW over plot. Marsh tit yews area.
Amber list: Bullfinch yews area. WP, reed bunting (male) Top Blackthorn. WP big oak.
Blackcap song spinney. Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Magpie Top Blackthorn.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, approx 19C, wind SW BF 1-3.
Amber list: Dunnock by shed. Kestrel (adult male) WRR pole.
Blackcap song, chiffchaff song spinney. Robin shed concrete. Tit flock (15+, mainly BT, some GT, coal tit, goldcrest) near shed. Goldfinch (2+) big oak. Swallow (4+) southwards over plot.
Red kite (2), buzzard over plot and nearby.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, showers, approx 17C, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Swift (1 + 1 +...), HM (1 + 1) heading SW over plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (2) foraging near/over plot, mainly by WRR. Sparrowhawk (male) carrying prey SSE over plot.
Blackcap song spinney. Robin patio and shed concrete. Goldfinch (7+) round big oak and nearby.
Red kite, buzzard over plot.
Mainly overcast, sunny intervals, odd showers, approx 19C, wind SW BF 2-4(5).
[At Upgate with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- swallow (4+) round village, buzzard, robin.]
[Brisley -- barn owl foraging over meadow area near Bell, stock dove (3).]
Bastille Day. Overcast, steady rain from late morning, 16C, wind SE BF 2-4(5) later.
Red list: Swift (10 + 15 etc), HM (2+) heading due south over plot in drizzle, clear evidence of beginning of return migration.
Amber list: Kestrel perched WRR pole. Kestrel along WBH. Song thrush song willow. Song thrush patio. Dunnock song yews area. Woodpigeon shed roof, ash3 tree, etc. Stock dove patio. Bullfinch (2 or 3) across plot, perhaps feeding in yews.
(Possible honey buzz*rd over medow, no bins.)
Blackcap song, chiffchaff song spinney shrubs/cypresses. Goldfinch (3) big oak. Robin shed concrete.
Swallow (9+) Church Lane.
Carrion crow (5) across plot.
[Red kite (3), grey heron (2) on ash tree west of WRR. RK over recently sprayed digestate on cut rye field with gulls (mainly common gull).]
Mainly overcast.
Amber list: Song thrush song ash3 tree.
Blackcap song yews/spinney. Magpie (4) round main pond. Buzzard (3+) circling/displaying over plot and nearby.
Amber list: Song thrush shed concrete. Kestrel round plot.
Jackdaw (10+), magpie (2) on willow.
Blackcap song yews/spinney.
11/07/2023Excessive herbicide usage at East Barsham churchyard 2023-07-11 (3106)
Red list: Swift (10+) heading SW over plot.
Amber list: Dunnock song yews. WP (3+) on shed concrete etc.
Jackdaw (10+), magpie (2) on willow.
Blackcap song spinney. Chifchaff song WBH/willow. Red kite over meadow.
Red list: Swift (10+) heading SW over plot.
Amber list: Wren song near HH. Song thrush song ash3 tree.
Blackcap song spinney.
[At Calthorpe Broad with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- green woodpecker, hobby, blackcap song, coal tit song, reed warbler song (also feeding juvs), blackbird song, little grebe, mallard, mute swan. Brown hawker, four-spotted chaser, emeralds. Red deer (2) on arable.]
Red list: Swift (10+) heading SW near plot.
Amber list: Dunnock song yews.
Sand martin (7+), swallow (4+) southwards over plot.
Blackcap song in spinney blackthorn.
Brown hawker (at 2-3 metres height), broad-bodied chaser near HH.
Sunny intervals after overnight rain, wind W BF 2-4.
Red list: Mistle thrush eastwards and westwards across meadow, probably feeding a brood at Horseshoe Plantation.
Amber list: Song thrush song ash3 tree. Dunnock song yews. Whitethroat song MSW (hawthorn) and WBH. WP, stock dove (latter evicted from oak box by jackdaw) shed. Whitethroat (male) MSE to midpoint of MSW/MNW.
Reed warbler song opposite hawthorn MSW.
Blackcap song a) spinney/WBH corner; b) willow/rowan area (sim regs).
Meadow brown, ringlet, gatekeeper near shed, patio.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) main pond area. Kestrel fledged juv on scratty hedge. Sparrowhawk (female) carried prey SSE over plot (prey had quite long dangling legs, perhaps a thrush). Song thrush song ash3 tree. Song thrush song spinney. Song thrush on patio. Stock dove (2) willow. WP (2) courtship shed.
Chaffinch song, blackcap song, chiffchaff song, goldfinch song all in spinney shrubs. Buzzard Church Lane.
Red list: Marsh tit calls patio area.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) over plot. Kestrel (2+ fledged juvs) on scratty hedge.
Blackcap song a) rowan, b) spinney west of spinney cypresses. Chiffchaff song spinney.
Comma, ringlet, meadow brown, small tortoiseshell, small white.
Sunny intervals, dry, wind W BF 2-5, 19C.
Red list: [Spotted flycatcher east of Fakenham.]
Amber list: Kestrel (2) mobbed buzzard. Kestrel (fledged juv) on scratty hedge.
Goldfinch big oak.
Red kite over meadow.
Amber list: Kestrel (3 fledged juvs) on scratty hedge fed by adult female 0920. Kestrel (juv) at Top Blackthorn, so family is moving around now. Song thrush song ash3 tree. Wren song spinney.
Chaffinch song, blackcap song, chiffchaff song, goldfinch song all in spinney shrubs. Buzzard Church Lane.
Amber list: Moorhen and juvs on main pond. Reed bunting (female) MSW with food (clearly near nest).
Reed warbler song main pond.
Rain overnight until mid-morning, then sunny intervals, wind SW BF 1-4.
Amber list: Kestrel (2 jus) on at Top Blackthorn. Moorhen and juvs (2+) on main pond. Song thrush song near main pond. Stock dove.
Reed warbler song main pond.
Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch song big oak.
Meadow brown, ringlet, small tortoiseshell, comma grassy areas. The beetle Oedemera nobilis on flowerheads.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) across meadow.
Amber list: Kestrel fed juv a) on scratty hedge, b) on scratty hedge big ash. Reed bunting into Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (male) patio shrubs.
Reed warbler main pond (NW/NE corners and middle of south part). Acro MNW.
Chiffchaff song near WBH. Green woodpecker on track along WBH and yew hedge area. Chaffinch song yews and box.
Meadow brown (10+ copulating pairs), ringlet, skipper round grassy areas.
Red list: Swift (5+) over plot. Greenfinch song South Raynham church.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) fed juv on scratty hedge.
Chiffchaff song near WBH. Green woodpecker near big oak. Green woodpecker near South Raynham church.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) collected prey by laurel hedge and landed on big oak. Kestrel fed young on scratty hedge.
Coal tit song pines.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, max temp 25C.
Red list: Greenfinch song near HH. Starling eastwards over plot.
Amber list: Kestrel (2+ pulli) in Top Blackthorn box. Dunnock song yews.
Reed warbler (2) main pond.
Chaffinch song (frequent) beech area (spinney). Coal tit song pines. Robin in patio shrubs (Griselinia).
Inverts -- the beetle Oedemera nobilis (Oedemeridae) (probable) on various inflorescences; the bug Anthocoris nemorum (Cimicidae, includes bedbug Cimex) (probable) on flowers of ground elder; Libellula sp, by washing-line; ringlet, meadow brown, speckled wood, etc. The spider Nuctenea umbratica on shed.
No marsh orchids visible west of MSW, probably eaten by cattle, but good patches of probably Lotus uliginosus.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, max temp 24C.
Amber list: Stock dove on big oak. Song thrush song A1065 cypress stumps.
Chaffinch song beech area (spinney).
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, max temp 23+C.
Amber list: Dunnock song, wren song yews. Kestrel juv outside box on box roof, with 1 pullus still inside. Kestrel (male) on big oak. WP song.
Chaffinch song beech area (spinney). Coal tit pines to spinney cypresses. Collared dove song cypress area.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, max temp ~23C.
Amber list: Dunnock song patio or yews. Kestrel (male) on big oak.
Chaffinch song beech area (spinney). Blackcap (male) patio shrubs.
[Thursford -- barn owl foraging 0645 BST, oystercatcher, linnet, green woodpecker. Little Snoring church -- house martin nest (1). Little Snoring -- house sparrow (10+).]
Amber list: Song thrush song hornbeam (by box). Reed bunting main pond. Wren song near HH. Kestrel (male) arriving at Top Blackthorn box with food, 3+ pulli in box.
Chaffinch song near HH. Chiffchaff main pond under weeping willow. Reed warbler collecting nest material (heads of old reed) from main pond NW and NE. Blackbird (male) WBH. Coal tit from pines to spinney cypresses.
Magpie (2) MNW.
No frost, sunny, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp ~23C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) shed to patio. Greenfinch song big oak/spinney cypresses. Starling (5 + 2) eastwards.
Amber list: Stock dove song near HH. Stock dove (2) courtship on shed. Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars. Kestrel (male) on spinney cypresses. Kestrel (female) over meadow. Kestrel pullus inside Top Blackthorn box. Dunnock song patio and yews.
Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Reed warbler song north-east edge of main pond.
Buzzard round plot.
15/06/2023West Rudham Church 2023-06-15 (3034)
No frost, sunny, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 23C.
Red list: Marsh tit call yews/shed area.
Amber list: Song thrush patio.
Robin patio.
No frost, sunny, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 22C.
Red list: Swift over A1065 ashwoods. Marsh tit shed area.
Amber list: Stock dove song near HH. Reed bunting (male, female) in reeds of main pond, south of large island. Kestrel across meadow.
Blackcap song WBH. Chaffinch (male, female) near shed, big oak, brood probably fledging near hornbeam. Reed warbler song main pond 5m from weeping willow. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Pied wagtail transit flights Silver Service and somewhere westwards. GT main pond trees, also patio.
Jackdaw (10+) mobbed buzzard over plot.
Southern hawker (male) shed area (first of year).
13/06/2023Coxford Church near Fakenham 2023-06-14 (3026)
No frost, sunny, dry, wind E or SE (BF 1-4), max temp 24C.
Amber list: Stock dove flushed out of shed cistern box. Kestrel (male) along Carr Stream near Horseshoe Plantation. Kestrel (female) near Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw chicks at shed nest gone, presumably fledged.
Blackcap song shed shrubs and pines. Chaffinch provisioning flights into spinney nest area. Reed warbler song (weak) near weeping willow by main pond. Chiffchaff (4+) probable fledged brood under/in weeping willow. Pied wagtail transit flights between Silver Service and somewhere westwards. Goldfinch (7+) mobbing jay over shed and Silver Service. Goldfinch (2) yews.
Buzzard (2), red kite over plot.
Marsh harrier (adult male) circling near plot, drifted east.
[Coxford -- oystercatcher on arable, red kite, Egyptian goose, kestrel on church tower, linnets, pied wagtail, yellowhammer, whitethroat. Helhoughton -- mistle thrush song, house martin (3+ nests on school), swift (8+), greenfinch (3+), swallow. West Raynham -- house martin (5+), swift (10+), house sparrow (10+), rook (3) overhead, jackdaws (30+), stock dove, greenfinch. East Raynham -- mistle thrush song, little egret.]
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, wind E (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch (male) big oak. Marsh tit laurel hedge to yews.
Amber list: Dunnock patio shrubs, then laurel hedge by elder.
Robin song beech.
No frost, mainly overcast, wind E (BF 1-4).
Red list: House martin (2) eastwards. Mistle thrush ash3 tree.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) over plot. Kestrel (male, female) in hybrid poplars.
Pied wagtail transit flights Silver Service and WRR direction. Goldfinch song shed.
No frost, mainly overcast, wind E (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch male-male aggro yew hedge and big oak. House martin (2) eastwards. House martin (5+) over A1065 ashwoods. Marsh tit call shed area.
Amber list: Kestrel hovering over meadow. Kestrel (female) WRR pole. Stock dove on shed concrete. Dunnock (2) laurel hedge.
Pied wagtail transit flights Silver Service and WRR direction. Goldfinch (2) shed concrete. Robin shed shrubs. Blackbird song oil tank and shed. Chaffinch male-male aggro pines. Collared dove nest mat yews.
LBBG adult eastwards. Common gull (1YO) Churhc Lane.
No frost, mainly overcast, wind E (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch (2) laurel hedge by A1065 (different from nest further north). Greenfinch at laurel hedge 4m nest. Greenfinch song big oak. Swift (2) eastwards.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) over grazing near WBH, later on big oak. Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars then Horseshoe Plantation. Stock dove song spinney. Dunnock laurel hedge.
Jackdaws at oak and beech nestboxes.
Blackcap song WBH. Blackbird male, female into hedge opposite HH kitchen. Goldfinch (6) round plot and Silver Service. Collared dove WRR. Robin yew hedge. Chaffinch female from yew hedge to Silver Service. Oystercatcher eastwards near plot.
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4).
Red list: House martin (5+) eastwards.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) into Horseshoe Plantation. Kestrel (female) at Top Blackthorn. Song thrush song ash3. Wren song patio. Dunnock laurel hedge (by elder). WP patio. Stock dove (2) courtship A1065 cypresses.
Blackbird song yews and shed. Blackbird (male-male) aggro big oak and yews. Blackbird imm by shed. Pied wagtail from Silver Service westwards. BT (4+) shed area. Swallow round shed. Goldfinch by shed. Carrion crow main pond trees.
Jackdaw (36) in main pond trees 2025 BST.
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch song willow. Greenfinch into laurel hedge 4m nest. Mistle thrush spinney towards Church Lane.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) meadow and WRR. Kestrel (2 males) 7 metres apart on hybrid poplars. Song thrush song ash3 tree and beech. Wren song patio. Dunnock (2) laurel hedge (by elder). Dunnock song patio. WP (2) patio with nest mat.
Blackbird song yews. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Blackcap song WBH and main pond trees. Carrion crow (2) on willow. Chaffinch (male, female) on yew hedge. Goldcrest collecting nest mat (moss) from big oak, taking it to spinney cypresses. Pied wagtail from Silver Service westwards.
Buzzard (2) Church Lane. Egyptian goose near plot.
03/06/2023Ragged-robin Lychnis flos-cuculi in meadow, South Raynham 2023-06-03 (2970)
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch (female) on patio. Greenfinch (male) big oak. Swift (2) Church Lane. Marsh tit big oak, with BT.
Amber list: Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars. Kestrel (male) hovering over MSE/MSW. Kestrel (male) in hybrid poplars. Stock dove song near HH. Reed bunting (male) Top Blackthorn west end. Dunnock song yews.
Jackdaw fledging frenzy at beech box.
Blackbird song near HH. Collared dove, goldfinch (2) shed area. Robin feeding juv by HH. Chaffinch (male) spinney to Silver Service (nest somewhere in spinney blackthorn).
Buzzard north of Church Lane. Red kite over plot and Church Lane. Grey heron (imm) mobbed by kestrel.
03/06/2023Ragged-robin Lychnis flos-cuculi closeup, South Raynham 2023-06-03 (2976)
Ragged-robin in meadow near Hillside House.
This meadow and others nearby were left fallow for several years until 2019. The estate now graze cattle there each summer.
An interesting macrophyte assemblage has developed. This includes Juncus (2+ species), Carex acutiformis, C. hirta, C. disticha, Glyceria plicata, cuckoo-flower, marsh-marigold, Dactylorhiza praetermissa, Saxifraga granulata, meadowsweet, water avens, watercress, etc.
Meadows like this have become much scarcer. The estate deserves credit for the management of these areas.
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4).
Red list: Greenfinch juv on HH track. Swift (7) over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush song ash3. WP (2) shed. Reed bunting (female) weeping willow and main pond trees. Dunnock yews/patio. Stock dove (2) courtship weeping willow.
Hobby over plot and WRR 0748 BST.
Jackdaw pullus in shed nest.
Carrion crow on plot. Blackbird song hornbeam/yews. (imm) yews. Goldcrest yews. Swallow round shed. Coal tit song pines. Robin patio. BT near shed.
Grey heron along Carr Stream. Red kite near plot. Common gull (8), LBBG (2+) Church Lane/WRR. Buzzard (2) aggro over Church Lane.
[Little egret, carrion crow, oystercatcher (2) west of WRR.]
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4), max temp 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch calls yews/box. Greenfinch (female) into laurel hedge nest (4m from Camelia). Greenfinch song willow (SW of main pond). Greenfinch (male, female) on patio. Swift (4+) over meadow/Church Lane area.
Amber list: Song thrush song beech or spinney nearby. Reed bunting (male) in laurel hedge near GF nest. Moorhen along track MSE under hybrid poplars. Dunnock yews. Kestrel (female) by Top Blackthorn box (jackdaw nearby).
Jackdaw feeding at willow box.
Blackbird (imm) yews. Blackbird (male) near yews. Blackbird song yews area. Blackcap song WBH. Goldfinch (2) main pond Salix trees. Carrion crow main pond area. Collared dove (2) shed/spinney. Coal tit call pines. Pied wagtail Silver Service to west of WBH.
Common gull (5+), herring gull (5+), BHG eastwards.
No frost, overcast, light (very light) drizzle for much of the day, wind E or NE (BF 1-4), max temp 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch in weeping willow by main pond. Swift (1 + 1) eastwards over meadow. Mistle thrush on ash3 tree. Mistle thrush heading towards spinney from meadow direction.
Amber list: Song thrush song a) beech/spinney, b) ash3 tree. Dunnock (2) courtship in patio shrubs. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Kestrel (male) over main pond trees. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Reed bunting main pond to south on foraging flights (2).
Jackdaw feeding at beech, shed nests.
Reed warbler song main pond 5m from weeping willow.
Chiffchaff alarm MSE ditch. Blackbird (imm) by shed shrubs. Blackbird (male) with food yews. Goldcrest spinney cypresses.
Buzzard round plot (WBH etc). Common gull (5+) eastwards. [Little egret by Carr Stream west fo WRR.]
[Hempton Common -- garden warbler song (150m south of crossroads), willow warbler song, chiffchaff song/calls, whitethroat song. Oystercatcher on arable opposite with jackdaw (15). Oystercatcher over Fakenham industrial estate.]
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4), max temp 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch with juvs in box. Swift (2) heading E or NE over meadow. Mistle thrush song on Silver Service spruce.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) courtship in patio shrubs. Stock dove (3) main pond trees. Kestrel (male) over WRR. Reed bunting from main pond to NW.
Blackcap song WBH opposite willow. Blackbird (male-male) aggro on patio. Blackbird (male) with food on yews, also to laurel hedge (nest).
BHG (1 + 1) eastwards.
No frost, overcast, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-4), max temp ~14C.
Red list: Greenfinch with juvs in box. Swift (2) over plot and nearby. House martin (4) eastwards over meadow.
Amber list: Song thrush song ash3. Wren song near HH. Kestrel (male) over grazing by WBH. Kestrel (female) inside Top Blackthorn box. Mallard (4) along Carr Stream. Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (16) in willow 1955 BST (mostly non-breeders?).
Blackcap song WBH (by hawthorn). Blackbird song yews. Chiffchaff alarm MSE. Collared dove (2) round shed area.
LBBG eastwards.
No frost, light cloud, dry, wind E (BF 1-4), max temp 17C.
Red list: Greenfinch song willow. Greenfinch song laurel hedge or yews.
Amber list: Song thrush song beech. Dunnock shed shrubs, patio. Dunnock song near shed. Stock dove song big oak or spinney. Kestrel (male) circling over meadow, also into Top Blackthorn box area.
Reed warbler song main pond under weeping willow, with reed warbler into reeds 8m towards middle.
GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box. GSW on same tree, chased off. BT in goat willow by main pond. Pied wagtail across plot from Silver Service. Coal tit on pines.
Red kite (2) over plot. Red kite (2) over area north of Church Lane. Buzzard over Church Lane.
No frost, mainly sunny, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 17C.
Red list: Greenfinch male-male aggro in big oak and pines. Cuckoo song NE of plot, (north of Horseshoe Plantation). Mistle thrush song Church Lane/WRR junction.
Amber list: Song thrush song a) beech, b) ash3 tree (sim reg). Dunnock shed blackthorn. Stock dove song shed area. Reed bunting out from main pond heading SE (over A1065 ashwoods). Reed bunting (female) in spindle by Top Blackthorn patch. Wren song shed shrubs/yews.
GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box. Blackbird (4 males) a) ash3, b) beech, c) near laurel hedge, d) Silver Service spruce.
[Pear Tree Corner to Whissonsett -- lapwing (2) display near road; stock dove (4); grey heron on arable; linnet song; skylark song (4+); yellowhammer song.]
[Ilketshall St Andrew -- Polistes sp collecting material off wooden gazebo. Hornet. Also blackcap song, chaffinch song, swallow.]
No frost, mainly sunny, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), warm.
Hobby circling meadow, departed eastwards 1640.
Swallow prospecting inside shed south end.
Red list: Mistle thrush from Horseshoe Plantation direction into spinney. Swift (2) over A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Song thrush song beech/spinney. Dunnock song yews. Bullfinch from spinney towards Horseshoe Plantation. Stock dove (2) willow. Moorhen call main pond.
Blackbird song yews. Collared dove shed. Green woodpecker call main pond trees.
No frost, mainly sunny, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), warm.
Red list: Mistle thrush from spinney heading NE over meadow. Swift over WRR. Greenfinch ash3 tree.
Amber list: Dunnock song yews. Bullfinch from spinney towards Horseshoe Plantation. Stock dove (2) willow. Moorhen call main pond.
Reed warbler song main pond middle.
Swallow round shed, some song.
Jackdaw feeding at shed nest. Jackdaw (22) in main pond trees near dusk.
GT feeding at A1065 cypress nest. Chaffinch song near HH. Blackbird song near HH. Blackbird on ash3. Chiffchaff song ash3. GSW (female) in ash3.
Buzzard over meadow.
Common gull (3+), BHG (2) eastwards.
No frost, sunny from midday, dry, warm.
Amber list: Song thrush song beech. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked passerine near shed.
Coal tit bathing in birdbath.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) perhaps to old nest i laurel hedge. Mistle thrush alarm on/near oak in middle of spinney. Mistle thrush from spinney beyond meadow.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) Top Blackthorn. Wren song patio and shed shrubs. Dunnock shed shrubs. Reed bunting song MNW. Stock dove, WP (2) on shed roof.
Jackdaws feeeding at beech nest.
Reed warbler song main pond middle and south end, also in laurels.
Robin in/on shed. GT feeding at A1065 cypress nest. Goldcrest, chaffinch (female) in spinney cypresses. Chaffinch song east of spinney cypresses.
Hornet queen on shed.
Common gull (6) eastwards, LBBG westwards.
Red list: Greenfinch song near HH. Mistle thrush song hybrid poplars and main pond trees. Mistle thrush from spinney over meadow (northwards).
Amber list: Kestrel (male) circling/display over meadow. Dunnock patio.
Hobby (2) insect-hawking over meadow/Church Lane for several minutes 1445 BST. Hobby (male?) in full stoop towards top of spinney; rising up, then full stoop into main pond area, 90-degree change of direction approx 5 metres up, incredibly fast (at least as fast as stooping peregr*ne).
Reed warbler song MNW.
Blackbird (male-male aggro) patio. Chiffchaff song willow (by main pond).
Red kite over plot area. Buzzard (2) over meadow and plot area.
Blackbird (male-male aggro) patio. Swallow round shed.
[At Calthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- little grebe, buzzard, hobby, mallard (male), common crane over, moorhen chicks, chaffinch song, wren song, blackcap song, robin song, reed warbler song, LTT, great tit song, blue tit. Carex elata, C. appropinquata, C. riparia, Hottonia palustris, Ranunculus scleratus. Hairy dragonfly, Libellula quad. Xysticus sp.]
Red list: Greenfinch song willow. Mistle thrush from spinney to north of meadow. Mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: Dunnock shed. Stock dove into shed. Kestrel (male) main pond trees, hybrid poplars, also circling WRR. WP near shed.
Jackdaws feeding at shed and oak nests.
Chiffchaff song WBH. Goldcrest (2) on shed.
Buzzard (3+) round plot.
Saxifraga granulata (5+ plants) on grazing next to MSW.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) big oak. Greenfinch (female) with nest mat laurel hedge approx 2m from earlier location.
Amber list: Sedge warbler song MNW (in elders/maples). Whitethroat song MNW and/or dogrose by Carr Stream. Song thrush song a) spinney (on cypress) and big oak; b) ash3 tree; c) Top Blackthorn. Song thrush (2) aggro WBH/spinney junction. Dunnock song shed/yews. Stock dove into shed.
Blackbird (4 males, sim reg) a) shed, b) ash3, c) 2 in pines. Blackbird (male) MSE. GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box. GT foraging in patio gorse. Robin laurel hedge opposite shed (probable juv or nest). Collared dove song Silver Service plot. Collared dove display WRR. Magpie A1065 cypress stumps. Pied wagtail on shed roof. Chiffchaff song, blackcap song WBH.
Red list: Greenfinch (female) with nest mat laurel hedge approx 2m southwards from earlier location. Marsh tit song and call spinney (box) and shed shrubs.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney on cypress and big oak. Song thrush (2) aggro WBH/spinney junction. Dunnock song shed/laurel hedge. Stock dove into shed. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked passerine by pines.
GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box. GT foraging in patio gorse. Robin laurel hedge opposite shed (probable juv or nest). Collared dove song Silver Service plot. Collared dove display WRR. Magpie A1065 cypress stumps. Pied wagtail on shed roof.
No frost, mainly overcast, odd showers, wind S or SE (BF 1-4), max temp 14C.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Greenfinch a) songflight main pond trees, b) song on big oak (sim reg), c) male, female at laurel hedge nest site, d) male eating dandelion seeds on shed concrete. Swift over meadow.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney on cypress. Kestrel main pond trees. Dunnock shed shrubs. Bullfinch (male) transit from spinney towards Horseshoe Plantation.
GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box. Goldfinch (2+) shed concrete. Chaffinch male on big oak, female on shed concrete. BT on beech. Coal tit song pines or spinney. Pied wagtail (male) on shed roof, also in foraging flights between Silver Service and direction of WRR.
Buzzard circling over Church Lane.
Amber list: Song thrush song a) spinney on cypress, b) Top Blackthorn (sim reg). Stock dove display flight round main pond trees. Dunnock shed concrete. Wren song a) main pond trees (lime/Salix), b) box tree area. Sedge warbler song MSW. Sparrowhawk (male) fast through main pond area.
Jackdaw feeding at shed (north end) nest; nest is on log stack.
BT shed area. GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box. Chiffchaff song meadow eastern edge.
No frost, cloudy at first, then showers, wind N (BF 1-4), max temp 12C.
Red list: Mistle thrush spinney to meadow direction. Greenfinch songflight shed/big oak area. Greenfinch (male) in patio shrubs (Griselinia).
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney. Kestrel (2) circling/display-flight over meadow and nearby across to WRR.
GT food delivery at A1065 cypress box.
No frost, dull, overcast at first, then sunny intervals, wind N or NE (BF 0-2), max temp 14C.
Red list: Mistle thrush on ash3 tree.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney.
[At Harper’s Green Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- long-eared bat foraging in broad daylight near pond, low down over grass, later captured in flight by kestrel (male). Buzzard, red kite, willow warbler song, blackcap song, blackbird song, song thrush song, whitethroat song, chiffchaff song, linnet song, swallow (4+), LTT (2+), moorhen (2) on pond. Mallard (2) nearby. Plants including Rorippa amphibia (great yellow-cress), Viola riviniana (probable), sorrel, Luzula campestris.]
[Open arable near Pear Tree Corner -- lapwing display, (plus 1 on ground), skylark song (2+), linnet (8+), whitethroat song, yellowhammer song, stock dove (15); Medicago arabica (spotted medick) on verge-side TF908233.]
No frost, dull, overcast, wind N or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch laurel hedge nest area. Greenfinch (male) eating dandelion seeds hornbeam square.
Amber list: WP (5+) in elder by beech (eating leaves). WP in pines. WP (2) Top Blackthorn. Song thrush song spinney. Song thrush hornbeam square to Silver Service plot. Kestrel mobbed jackdaw (2) by Top Blackthorn box. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked passerine near Silver Service workshop.
Jackdaw into oak box. Jackdaw (5+) weeping willow.
Blackbird (male, female) in pines. Blackbird (male) hornbeam square. Robin foraging on tractor. Goldfinch (4+) in big oak. Goldfinch (2) eating dandelion seeds hornbeam square. LTT across from shed towards A1065 ashwoods. GT into nestbox A1065 cypress stumps.
No frost, dull, drizzle or showers at times, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp ~12C.
Red list: Greenfinch into laurel hedge nest. Mistle thrush from main pond trees towards spinney.
Amber list: WP (5+) in elder by beech. Song thrush song spinney. Mallard (3) round meadow, 2 onto grazing by WRR. Kestrel (male) hovering near WBH over grazing. Bullfinch (male, female) from spinney across to Horseshoe Plantation.
Jackdaw into willow box.
Blackcap song spinney (by beech). Blackbird (male, female) in pines. Robin song yews.
No frost, dull, heavy rain near midday.
Garden warbler song WBH, plum area.
Reed warbler song main pond.
Red list: Greenfinch song main pond trees near track/ash2 tree. Marsh tit WBH/yew hedge junction on elder.
Amber list: Moorhen on WBH track. Dunnock by shed pyracantha nest. Dunnock song MSE ditch. Song thrush song spinney. Kestrel (female) at Top Blackthorn. Stock dove flushed from cistern nestbox in shed. Reed bunting (male) Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw into beech box.
Carrion crow (2) Horseshoe Plantation. Blackcap song WBH/spinney junction. Blackbird song ash3 tree. Chiffchaff song MSE blackthorn.
GARDEN WARBLER song main pond trees and WBH, near rowan 0800 BST.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) hovering over grazing near WBH.
Chaffinch song big oak. Goldfinch (2) in Salix trees main pond.
No frost, overcast, drizzle at first, wind W (BF 0-2), max temp 18C.
Garden warbler song main pond trees north end and hawthorn under ash3.
Lesser whitethroat song WBH.
Red list: Mistle thrush main pond trees to spinney. Swift (2) near plot.
Amber list: Reed bunting (male, female) in main pond Salix trees. Stock dove display main pond area. WP (5+) Top Blackthorn on blackthorn. Sparrowhawk (male) attacked passerine Silver Service plot.
Jackdaw into oak box.
Reed warbler song main pond.
Blackbird song ash3 tree. Chaffinch song big oak. Blackcap song spinney. Goldfinch (2) willow. Goldfinch song big oak. Pied wagtail Silver Service to west. Collared dove display main pond trees.
Buzzard over/round plot. Red kite over WRR.
Red list: Greenfinch (2 males) on laurel hedge blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) by box at Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch (male) on under yews on freshly-dug ground. Reed bunting song main pond middle/SW. Whitethroat song meadow east.
Garden warbler song main pond Salix trees (distant).
Reed warbler song main pond.
Jackdaws into oak, beech boxes.
Blackbird (female) WRR. Chiffchaff song oak MSE under hybrid poplars. GT (2) MSE. Robin song yews. Blackbird (male, female) yews and laurel hedge. Blackbird song ash3. Nuthatch big oak. Goldcrest (2) shed shrubs. Chaffinch song big oak. Oied wagtail Silver Service to west.
Red kite Church Lane.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) on big oak. Greenfinch (female) on box tree. Marsh tit in Cox near A1065.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) delivered food to female at Top Blackthorn. Sparrowhawk (male) captured blackbird (possibly ad male) and carried it towards hybrid poplars. Sedge warbler song in MSW ditch opposite old goat willow. Wren nest in yew hedge.
Reed warbler song main pond middle.
Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Robin song WBH. Blackcap nest yew hedge (4m from wren). Chaffinch song big oak. Goldfinch (6) hornbeam square.
Buzzard (3) over plot.
Red list: Greenfinch (3) near laurel hedge nest area. Greenfinch (male, female) on hornbeam square.
Amber list: Reed bunting (male) main pond. Whitethroat song WBH sea buckthorn. Bullfinch (male, female) from spinney towards Silver Service plot. Song thrush song WBH/MSW. Dunnock song laurel hedge.
Jackdaw into oak and beech boxes.
Reed warbler song main pond.
Green woodpeck call on plot. Chaffinch song wych elm. Swallow (2) over shed and Silver Service. Chaffinch song spinney blackthorn. Blackbird song A1065 cypress stump. Blackbird male-male aggro on ash3 tree. Goldfinch (2) beech and front area. Goldfinch (5) hornbeam square.
Red list: Greenfinch into laurel hedge nest area. Mistle thrush (2) on willow (main pond). Swift (2) over meadow.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) on hybrid poplars and on scratty hedge. Bullfinch (male, female) willow. Reed bunting from main pond to south of plot (south of A1065). Dunnock (2) laurel hedge. Dunnock on shed. Whitethroat alarm WBH bramble. Wren song under ash2 and ash3.
Jackdaw taking nest mat to oak box.
Reed warbler song main pond (middle).
Swallow (1 + 1) eastwards. Chaffinch song spinney blackthorn. Blackbird song ash3, sim reg male with food on shed roof. Goldfinch (3+) big oak. Collared dove (2) WRR. Magpie meadow. Blackcap song spinney and round shed. BT (2) shed shrubs and big oak. Chiffchaff song main pond trees.
Buzzard eastwards. Red kite (3) with buzzard over Church Lane.
No frost, sunny then showers, max temp 15C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) into laurel hedge nest area. Mistle thrush on big oak. Mistle thrush Silver Service to spinney.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) on big oak. Moorhen with small chick main pond. Song thrush song opposite plot, south side of A1065.
Reed warbler song main pond.
Carrion crow (2) main pond trees. Buzzard (2) WRR, buzzard (4) Horseshoe Plantation.
Herring gull (ad + imm) eastwards. Common gull eastwards over plot. [Common gull (30) near West Raynham.]
No frost, stratus cloud, sunny intervals, wind NE (BF 1-3), max temp 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) into laurel hedge nest area. Greenfinch song yews or box. Mistle thrush on WRR cable. Mistle thrush on white willow. Mistle thrush attacking sparrowhawk (male) in spinney, with jackdaw (10+) nearby. Linnet (2, male, female) foraging on edge of shed concrete, apparently eating dandelion seeds, 1430 BST. Female with slight reddish on forehead.
Amber list: Reed bunting (male) in reeds main pond south end. Stock dove (2), WP on shed roof. WP out of box, perhaps nest. Dunnock in yews/shed shrubs/laurel hedge. Kestrel (male) circling Top Blackthorn. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw into oak, willow boxes.
Reed warbler song main pond south end (first of year).
Blackbird (male, female) bathing in birdbath, some aggro. Blackbird (male) on ash3 tree. GT song HH. Robin song yews or patio. Blackcap song shed laurel hedge. Swallow eastwards.
Red kite over plot.
No frost, stratocumulus cloud, sunny intervals, wind NE (BF 1-3), max temp 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) on Cox by box. Cuckoo song NE of South Raynham church (first of year).
Amber list: Reed bunting heading south over HH (probably to forage in rape field).
Jackdaw into beech box.
Swallow heading NE over plot. Blackbird (male) in shed. Blackbird (female, dark, near-uniform) hornbeam square. Blackbird (laurel hedge male) on shed roof.
[Hempton Common -- garden warbler song 100m from crossroads. Lesser whitethroat song (2) north end. Willow warbler song. Chiffchaff song. Hawthorn/bnlackthon patch between Hempton and Toftrees -- lesser whitethroat song. Fakenham Holt Road -- rooks at nests. Fakenham, near Medical Centre -- starling (20+).]
No frost, cumulus or cumulonimbus cloud, sunny intervals, wind NW (BF 0-2), max temp 15C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) into laurel hedge nest location. Greenfinch song near HH. Mistle thrush chasing blackbird on big oak. Mistle thrush foraging on grazing between WBH and WRR. Mistle thrush (2) perched Top Blackthorn. Mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Sparrowhawk (adult male) perched hybrid poplars, moved to perch at Top Blackthorn (near nestbox). Stock dove shed roof. WP (8+) plot and Silver Service plot. Wren song box main pond (under ash2 tree). Sedge warbler song (brief) main pond near weeping willow. Sedge warbler in reeds by ash3 tree. Sedge warbler song MSW 10m from goat willows. Reed bunting (female, well-marked mask) in goat willows main pond. Reed bunting male song SE corner of Top Blackthorn patch. Wren WBH. Mallard (3 males) along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw into beech box.
Blackbird (male) shed shrubs. Blackbird (female, dark, near-uniform) shed concrete. Blackbird (female, paler, mottled) between big oak and WBH. GT song HH. BT (pair, courtship-feeding) at natural nest-site ash tree nearest triangular box. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Chiffchaff (female?) begging attitude shed shrubs and elder. GSW (male) on big oak. Chaffinch (female) on main pond goat willows. Chaffinch (male) yew hedge by beech. Bibionid flies abundant, especially on meadow.
Red kite, buzzard (2) over meadow and nearby.
No frost, high light stratocumulus cloud, some sunny intervals, wind W (BF 0-1), max temp 15C.
Red list: Greenfinch (female) into laurel hedge nest location. Mistle thrush on big oak.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) on scratty hedge. Dunnock (2) at nestsite shed shrubs (pyracantha). Stock dove (2) display round shed area. WP (2+) shed roof. Moorhen call main pond. Whitethroat (male) song hawthorn by goat willows MSW, went towards Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaws on trees, probably non-breeders -- 3 on big oak, 2 ash3 tree, 2 willow.
Blackbird (female) to laurel hedge nest location (opposite HH kitchen). GT (2) patio. Coal tit pines. BT MSE. Blackcap (2 males) in goat willow by weeping willow. Carrion crow on grazing near WBH. Robin by shed. Goldfinch (4) on shed concrete. Collared dove (3) round shed area and Silver Service.
Orangetip, holly blue, brimstone (male) shed area. Mining bees and hoverflies numerous laurel shrubs main pond. Probable Andrena nitida (2+) by laurel hedge by shed. Bombus terrestris in several places. Bibionid flies numerous round plot.
Buzzard over meadow etc.
Oystercatcher heading SE over plot.
[Common gull (150+) on tilled arable near Mill Covert.]
No frost, light cloud (stratocumulus?), sunny intervals, wind SE (BF 0-1), max temp 16C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) out of laurel hedge. Mistle thrush foraging on ground near yew hedge, hornbeam square, transporting to spinney.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) copulation at Top Blackthorn. Male entering nestbox. Stock dove on shed concrete. WP Top Blackthorn. Wren song box area. Mallard (3) along Carr Stream.
Jackdaws on trees, probably non-breeders -- 3 on big oak, 2 ash3 tree, 2 willow.
Chiffchaff at nestsite low down in old reeds in ditch by MSE, 15m from plot boundary. Blackbird (male) still feeding at laurel hedge nest (opposite HH kitchen). GT into nest A1065 cypress stumps. BT shed blackthorn. Carrion crow main pond trees.
No frost, overcast, mist at first, then drizzle, wind W (BF 1-3), max temp 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch (2 males) aggro by laurel hedge ner shed. Mistle thrush (2) foraging on ground near yew hedge, hornbeam square; collecting worms, transporting to spinney. Starling heading SW over plot.
Amber list: Song thrush on big oak, chased by mistle thrush (2). WP (5+) on beech. WP on shed. Stock dove (3) big oak/shed. Bullfinch (female) eating seeds of Griselinia.
Jackdaw into oak box. Jackdaw (3+) big oak.
Goldcrest collecting nest material on edge of shed roof (spider web, probably of Nuctenea umbratica (Argiopidae, orb-spinners), which is numerous there, and already showing in early April). Goldfinch (2) shed concrete, collecting dandelion petals. Robin yews. Blackbird (female) hornbeam square. Blackbird (3 males) aggro near WBH/big oak. Chaffinch song.
Greylag goose westwards over plot.
Red kite over Church Lane and nearby. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Very light frost, mainly overcast, showers/drizzle later, wind SE (BF 1-2), max temp 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews area. Mistle thrush on ground near big oak.
Amber list: WP (5+) on beech. WP on shed. WP Top Blackthorn. Stock dove big oak. Dunnock song patio area. Dunnock song MSE. Wren song main pond (laurels). Kestrel (male) on big oak, headed to Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting song MNE. Sedge warbler song MNE/MSE. Sedge warbler song main pond south end. Bullfinch in spinney blackthorn area. Mallard along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw (2+) big oak. Jackdaw into willow box.
Blackbird (female) hornbeam square. Blackbird (male) patio. Chaffinch song MNW. Goldcrest big oak. Goldfinch (2) shed concrete. Robin song box. Robin foraging in yews. Collared dove (2) big oak. GSW drumming Horseshoe Plantation.
Greylag goose (2) westwards over plot.
Buzzard call Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, sunny intervals at first, mainly dry, wind SE (BF 1-2), max temp 9C.
Red list: Greenfinch (female) into laurel hedge nest area. Mistle thrush (2) into hybrid poplars from spinney. Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Linnet (female) in bramble patch WBH.
Amber list: WP (5+) on beech. WP (2) in pines, probably prospecting. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Dunnock yews. Dunnock song MSE blackthorn. Wren song MSE. Kestrel (male) in hybrid poplars; round main pond trees. Reed bunting song MNW. Sedge warbler song main pond south and north ends, maybe same singer. Bullfinch (female) in spinney blackthorn and nearby, perhaps eating beech buds.
Jackdaw at oak box.
Blackbird (2) hornbeam square. Blackbird song weeping willow. Chaffinch (male) shed shrubs. Chaffinch song A1065 ashwoods opposite Silver Service. GT hybrid poplars; also shed shrubs. Goldfinch (2) shed area. BT MNE. Robin song near shed/HH. Coal tit in pines.
Greylag goose (8) westwards over WRR. Greylag goose (4) Church Lane.
No frost, overnight rain, sunny intervals, showers, wind N or NW (BF 1-3), max temp 8C.
Red list: Greenfinch calls yews. Mistle thrush foraging on grazing between WBH and WRR.
Amber list: WP (10+) on beech. WP (2) in pines. [WP (40+) on beech north of Church Lane.] Stock dove (2) shed/main pond trees. Stock dove display Church Lane. Song thrush by yew hedge and in big oak. Wren on tractor. Mallard along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw into oak, willow boxes.
Blackbird (3+) hornbeam square. Chaffinch song near patio. GT patio shrubs. Goldfinch (2) shed area. BT (2), GT (2) aggro near beech. Robin with faecal sac A1065 cypresses.
Buzzard over plot. Red kite over Church Lane.
24/04/2023Fungal infection (probably scab) on white willow 2023-04-24 (2889)
No frost, overcast, showers, wind NW (BF 1-3), max temp 9C.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane.
Amber list: WP (15+) on beech. Stock dove round patio area. Stock dove (2) shed north end; stock dove shed south end (prospecting). Kestrel (male) hovering/circling over meadow, later over grazing west of WBH. Song thrush near big oak. Bullfinch calls in or near yews. Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw into beech box.
Blackbird (male) delivering at laurel hedge nest. Blackbird (4+) WBH/big oak/yew hedge area. BT big oak. GT song beech/box area. Goldfinch (2) round patio. Goldcrest in patio shrubs. Chaffinch song near patio. Collared dove song on big oak. Pied wagtail (2) Silver Service plot and shed area.
Red kite over Church Lane area. Buzzard near Horseshoe Plantation.
Cultivar white willow SE of main pond has clear evidence of infection by scab or canker, most likely scab from time of year (canker appears in late summer or autumn). See pics. Scab is caused by the asexual or ‘imperfect’ form of a fungus Venturia saliciperda that does not reach the sexual form in Britain (from note by Rose, D.R. 1959).
No frost, overcast, showers/drizzle at times, max temp approx 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch calls male spinney. Mistle thrush into main pond trees.
Amber list: Kestrel (male?) in hybrid poplars. Stock dove on patio. Stock dove flushed from cistern nestbox in shed north end. Sedge warbler song MSE (middle of reedy area, SE of Top Blackthorn).
Jackdaw with nest mat at oak box.
Blackbird (male) on patio. Blackbird to laurel hedge nest. Robin in yews. Nuthatch on mossy branches of big oak.
[Greylag goose (2) west of WRR and over Church Lane arable.]
No frost, overcast, wind SW (BF 1-3), max temp 13C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) near laurel hedge nestsite, in yews etc.
Amber list: WP (9+) on beech. Stock dove (3) on shed roof. Sparrowhawk (male) into hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw into beech box.
Blackbird (3+) yew hedge/shed area. Robin by laurel hedge. Robin by ivy hedge (2nd pair). Blackcap (male, female) in laurel hedge opposite shed.
Buzzard over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, showers later, wind E (BF 1-3), max temp 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) near laurel hedge nestsite, in yews etc.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls box area. Sedge warbler song main pond; MSW (pehaps 2 singers). Mallard along Carr Stream. Stock dove (3) shed roof. WP (5+) on beech.
Nuthatch on big oak. BT, GT (2) shed area. Robin by laurel hedge. Robin song, GT song at dawn. Blackbird (male) with food into laurel hedge (opposite HH). Goldcest (2) aggro A1065 cypresses.
Buzzard over plot.
Greylag goose (2) southwards over HH. Common gull (30+) heading SE over plot. [Red deer (6), common gull (25+) near Mill Covert.]
No frost.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) near laurel hedge nestsite, in yews etc.
Amber list: Bullfinch calls spinney blackthorn. Kestrel (male) circling WRR.
Swallow heading NE. Blackbird (male) with food into laurel hedge (opposite HH), female alarms. Blackbird song yews. Chaffinch (male with bumblefoot, right foot missing; female intact). Chiffchaff song MNE, second singer MSE/hybirid poplars.
No frost.
Red list: Greenfinch (male) on shed blackthorn. Mistle thrush song spinney (probable location). Marsh tit (2) shed/patio.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) outside Top Blackthorn box; (male) inside box 1010 BST. Stock dove (5+) on/round shed. WP (5+) on beech.
Chaffinch (male, female), goldfinch (2), BT (3) on shed blackthorn. Chaffinch (male) HH. Chaffinch (female) shed. Nuthatch song (“LG-like”) on big oak. Blackbird (male, female) with food by laurel hedge (opposite HH). Chiffchaff song main pond trees.
Red list: Greenfinch in pines.
Amber list: Kestrel Church Lane. Kestrel (male) courtship-fed female at Top Blackthorn box, probable copulation. Wren on tractor. Sedge warbler song main pond (south end).
Green woodpecker (male) on ground between WBH and big oak. Coal tit (2) in pines. Robin (2) near iavy hedge. Blackbird (male) into laurel hedge (probable nest). Carrion crow (2) across plot.
Rabbit (4+) west of near WBH.
Red kite over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, wind E or NE (BF 1-2), max temp 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews, spinney, big oak. Greenfinch (male) eating comfrey flowers by pines. Greenfinch (female) at nest site in laurel hedge. Marsh tit call/song (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff’) near shed, yews. Mistle thrush song spinney, moved to Silver Service spruce.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) near box at Top Blackthorn 0825 BST. Kestrel (male) round plot and meadow. Kestrel pair copulation 1500 BST. Stock dove (3+) shed roof. WP (5+) round plot, on beech eating buds etc. Wren alarm main pond. Song thrush song Silver Service plot near MSE blackthorn. Bullfinch (male, female) MSE blackthorn.
Jackdaw (4+) at oak box. Jackdaw (19) on big oak. Jackdaw (2) at beech.
Chaffinch (male, female) ivy hedge, chaffinch song. Chaffinch (male) in pines. Robin on tractor, round shed etc. Robin song (dawn). Blackbird song yews before dawn. Blackbird (3+) near big oak. Blackcap (male, female, song) near ivy hedge and shed shrubs. Goldcrest (2) ivy hedge. GT song near patio (dawn). BT shed, patio etc. Chiffchaff song spinney. Goldfinch (2, song) yews and shed area. GSW drumming Horseshoe Planation.
Orangetip, brimstone (male), peacock. Mining bees, hoverflies on laurel by main pond. Bank vole patio.
Buzzard over plot.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews. Mistle thrush song spinney and/or A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Kestrel (female?) in Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel (male) on big oak, off westwards. Stock dove (2) shed. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. WP (3+) round plot. Bullfinch (male, female) on Cox by box.
Jackdaw (25+) alarms in spinney.
Chaffinch (male) shed roof. GT (3) aggro on James Greaves. Blackcap song spinney. Blackbird (4+) WBH/shed/big oak area, 2 males aggro by WBH. Goldfinch song laurel hedge/yews. Goldfinch with nest nest mat yews. BT shed area.
Buzzard in spinney.
Brimstone (male) shed area.
No frost, sunny intervals after showers, wind N or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 13C.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) on box at Top Blackthorn box 0845 BST, hassled by jackdaws. Stock dove (2) shed area. WP (3+) on big oak. Mallard (3) chasing flights along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw (4+) on big oak. Jackdaw (3) by ash3 box.
Chaffinch (male) shed roof. Chaffinch (male) on ivy hedge. Robin on tractor. Blackbird (2 males) near WBH and big oak. Pied wagtail (male, female) shed and Siver Service. GSW ash3 tree.
Muntjac (2) along WBH track. Rabbit (2+) near big oak.
No frost, sunny intervals, showers, wind S or SE (BF 1-3), max temp 11C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) copulation on blackthorn by laurel hedge. Marsh tit (2) apparently flycatching by weeping willow.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched near Top Blackthorn box 1600 BST. Stock dove arriving at shed with nest mat. WP (4+) on ash2 tree. Wren inside shed. Dunnock song yews.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 or 2 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (2) by beech box.
Swallow over shed area.
Chiffchaff song MSE. Robin (2) by shed concrete, shed, laurel hedge. BT song box and spinney. GT song on weeping willow. Nuthatch song/call spinney and A1065 ashwoods.
Buzzard (3) over WRR. Magpie across plot.
Mining bees above bank by main pond (probably 3-4 species), also hoverflies. Bank vole patio.
No frost, sunny intervals then cloudy, showers later, wind W (BF 2-5), max temp 11C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) in or round nest location laurel hedge. Greenfinch (male) song yews. House martin over plot (first of year).
Amber list: Kestrel (male) entering Top Blackthorn box. Stock dove (2) courtship shed south end. Stock dove (4) round plot. Mallard along Carr Stream. WP (4+) on ash2 tree.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (2) into beech box.
Treecreeper with probable nest mat A1065 cypresses near road.
Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Robin (2) aggro A1065 cypresses. Robin (2) by shed, laurel hedge. BT shed area. GT (2, song) patio. GT alarms weeping willow. Blackbird song shed area.
Buzzard (2) over meadow, spinney, mobbed by magpie.
Common gull (10+) southwards over plot in morning.
No frost, sunny intervals then cloudy, showers later, wind SW (BF 2-5), max temp 11C.
Red list: Greenfinch (male, female) in or round nest location laurel hedge, male perched blackthorns. Marsh tit (2) shed blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) meadow. Stock dove (2) out of shed. Stock dove (2) Top Blackthorn. Wren song MSE/MNE. Bullfinch calls MSE blackthorn, MNE, and WBH. Mallard Carr Stream. Moorhen along WBH track. WP (10) by scratty hedge. WP (5+) ash2 tree. Wren patio and shed. Wren song MSE/MNE. Grey wagtail over plot, over shed.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box).
Chiffchaff song MSE in blackthorn. Blackcap song spinney. Robin (2) by shed, laurel hedge. BT (2) shed area.
Buzzard over meadow.
Common gull (40+) southwards over plot in morning.
No frost, sunny intervals then cloudy, wind W (BF 2-5), max temp 13C.
Red list: Mistle thrush across plot towards Church Lane. Greenfinch (male, female) in or round nest location 2m from Camellia and in yews.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) main pond area. Kestrel (male) hovering WRR. Stock dove (2+) round shed. Wren song spinney. Moorhen calls main pond.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw into beech box.
Chiffchaff song MSE in blackthorn. Robin (2) by laurel hedge. Blackbird song near shed. Coal tit (2) patio shrubs. BT song spinney. Chaffinch shed area.
Common gull (25+) southwards over plot in morning.
[Hempton Common -- willow warbler song (3+), chiffchaff song, wren song, dunnock song, robin song, mistle thrush song. Rook (5+) nearby.]
Red list: Marsh tit chipping song spinney.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) at Top Blackthorn box. Song thrush song near plot. Stock dove (2) in shed.
Jackdaw (18) on main pond trees at dusk.
Chiffchaff song, blackcap song spinney. Robin patio. Robin (2) shed concrete. Coal tit song pines. Blackbird song spinney near beech. GT (2) patio. GT song patio. Chaffinch (male) wych elm. Carrion crow (2) collecting twigs ash3 and hybrid poplars.
Common gull (25+), herring gull, BHG (5+) heading SW.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) in ash2 tree (perhaps prospecting). Greenfinch to nest location laurel hedge.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) at Top Blackthorn. Wren song a) spinney, b) main pond top end and under hybrid poplars. WP Top Blackthorn. WP (4+) on ash2 tree. Song thrush song hybrid poplars and Silver Service plot SE of hybrid poplars. Dunnock song main pond top end. Stock dove (3) shed area.
Jackdaw (18) on main pond trees at dusk.
Swallow (2) WRR.
Chiffchaff song MSE/MNE goat willow. Chiffchaff (2) patio. Robin laurel hedge and shed. Blackbird (2 females), BT, collared dove (3) by shed. Coal tit pines. GSW drumming plot. Nuthatch song/call A1065 ashwoods.
Holly blue, brimstone (male) by laurel hedge. Bombus terrestris by main pond.
Buzzard Mill Covert. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, mainly cloudy (low stratocumulus), wind N (BF 1-2), max temp 11C.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) main pond trees. Greenfinch calls/song spinney. Greenfinch (female) in or round nest location 2m from Camellia.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched by box at Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel pair copulating on WRR pole, also calling along Church Lane. Stock dove (2+) round shed. Wren alarm MNE/MSE. WP (4+) on hornbeam square. Song thrush song Silver Service plot SE of hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (20+) collecting main pond trees near dusk.
Chiffchaff song MSE/MNE, in goat willow and poplars. Robin (2) by laurel hedge (nest probably opposite house). Blackbird song near shed near sunrise. GT in patio border. GSW drumming main pond trees. Egyptian goose northwards over plot. Bombus terrestris queen MSE.
Muntjac chased off plot. Muntjac (juv) near Top Blackthorn.
Red list: Marsh tit shed blackthorn. Greenfinch song. Greenfinch (female) to nest location 2m from Camellia.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) in box at Top Blackthorn box 0730 BST. Mallard (2) Carr Stream. WP (5) main pond trees. Stock dove (3) A1065 cypresses. Song thrush song spinney.
Goldcrest yews. Blackbird song shed area. Goldfinch big oak. Blackcap song spinney.
Buzzard (2+) over plot. Red kite plot and Church Lane.
Drizzle, wind W (BF 1-2).
Red list: Marsh tit shed blackthorn and laurel hedge. Greenfinch (female) to nest location laurel hedge.
Amber list: Mallard (2) on main pond. Mallard Carr Stream. WP (5) main pond trees. Stock dove (2) min pond trees. Wren nestbuilding ivy hedge. WP (15+) Church Lane arable.
Jackdaw (3) in/on oak box. Jackdaw (2) by triangular box.
Blackbird song yews or shed area. Blackbird yew hedge. BT (4+), GT shed area. Robin (3+) shed. Robin with nest mat at tractor. Robin by box tree. Collared dove (2) big oak.
Red kite plot and Church Lane.
Red list: Greenfinch (female) to nest location laurel hedge. Fieldfare (100+) heading SW at dusk.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) Top Blackthorn by box. Kestrel (male) WRR. Kestrel (pair) copulation at Top Blackthorn. WP (2) WRR. WP (4+) WBH and big oak. Stock dove (6) WRR.
Jackdaw with nest mat to beech box. Jackdaw at oak box. Jackdaw with nest mat at willow box.
Pied wagtail (2 males, 1 female) courtship on shed roof, blacker male chasing off greyer.
Blackbird (4+) shed area. Chiffchaff song Top Blackthorn and MNE. Goldcrest yew hedge. Chaffinch song Cox and ivy hedge.
Buzzard (2) Horseshoe Plantation.
[Oystercatcher on grazing west of WRR.]
Sharp frost, sunny, wind EE (BF 1-2), max temp 11C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) spinney round beech. Greenfinch (2) into laurel hedge with nest material.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched on perch at Top Blackthorn box. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Wren song near shed. WP (4+) on ground by big oak. Dunnock near box.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (2) inside beech box.
Pied wagtail (3 -- male, male, female) on big oak. Robin song shed concrete.
[Oystercatcher (2) on rushy grazing west of WRR.]
Sharp frost, sunny, milder later, wind E (BF 1-2), max temp 9C.
Red list: Marsh tit chipping song MSE under hybrid poplars. Greenfinch (male, female) laurel hedge.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched near box Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) perched WRR pole. Stock dove main pond trees. Sparrowhawk (male) circling WRR and WBH area, mobbed by jackdaws. Wren main pond. WP (4+) round main pond area.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (2) inside beech box.
Blackcap song spinney (first of year). Chiffchaff patio bramble. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Blackbird (3+) shed area. Blackbird song near shed. Robin (2) shed concrete. Robin nest in teapot perhaps abandoned. BT shed area. GT pines. Goldfinch (2) yews. Collared dove (2) round plot. Nuthatch song A1065 ashwoods opposite plot.
Redwing (4) hybrid poplars.
Buzzard (2) over meadow. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
No frost, sunny intervals, wind NE (BF 1-2), max temp 8C.
Red list: Mistle thrush song spinney west end.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) at Top Blackthorn 0915 BST. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Bullfinch call Top Blackthorn. Mallard (male) off main pond.
Coal tit, goldfinch (4) laurel hedge. Nuthatch call (‘hwee, hwee, ...’) A1065 ashwoods opposite plot.
No frost, rain or drizzle early on, sunny intervals later, wind NE (BF 1-2), max temp 8C.
Red list: Mistle thrush ash3 tree.
Amber list: Mallard (3) along Carr Stream. Wren song MSE/MNE. Wren main pond in reeds. Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw in beech box. Jackdaw (2 on box, 2 in box) oak box.
GT A1065 cypresses. Chaffinch (2) plot and Silver Service plot. Goldcrest yews. Chiffchaff song WBH. Blackbird (3+) WBH track etc. Blackbird song near shed.
Redwing (11) eastwards at dusk.
Red kite over plot and Church Lane.
No frost, rain or drizzle much of the day, wind NE (BF 1-2), max temp 11C.
Red list: Marsh tit shed and main pond.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) patio.
Jackdaw in beech box.
GT song main pond (by weeping willow). A1065 cypresses. Chiffchaff song MNE/MSE. Chiffchaff shed shrubs. Treecreeper on stem of pine in pines. GSW ash3 tree. BT MNE.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, max temp 15C.
Red list: Marsh tit on hybrid poplar catkins, MSE. Greenfinch (2) in yews.
Amber list: Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Dunnock song MSW (round brash pile). Stock dove (2) shed. Wren song main pond. Kestrel in Top Blackthorn box. Kestrel main pond trees. WP (2) Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw in beech box. Jackdaw at oak box (2 on box, 1 in box).
Robin disturbed out of shed teapot nest. Collared dove (2) round shed. Chiffchaff song main pond trees. Chiffchaff patio and shed. MNE/MSE. Chiffchaff shed shrubs. BT shed area. GT (2), coal tit patio. Blackbird shed and yews. Chaffinch song shed area. Jay WBH.
Grey heron Carr Stream. Common gull (5+) southwards. Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantation. Green woodpecker Church Lane/WRR junction.
Red kite round plot.
No frost, drizzle or rain from mid-morning until afternoon, mild, wind W (BF 1-3), max temp 13C.
Red list: Marsh tit chipping song MSE or in Silver Service plot. Greenfinch (male, female) on patio shrubs.
Amber list: Bullfinch (male, female) on plum in WBH. WP (2) shed area. Stock dove (3) round shed. Kestrel (female) inside box Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) Top Blackthorn area. Dunnock (2) MSW brash. Sparrowhawk (male) attacking passerine MSE.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (2) hassling inside beech box (squirrel aparently absent). Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees.
Chiffchaff patio shrubs. Chiffchaff song meadow east edge. Blackbird (3+) shed area. Blackbird song near shed. Robin by shed. BT shed area. Goldfinch (4+) big oak. Collared dove (2) round plot. Carrion crow (2) main pond trees and nearby.
Common gull (10+) southwards over plot.
No (or very light) frost, drizzle or rain from mid-morning until later afternoon, cold, wind SW (BF 1-4), max temp 7C.
Red list: Marsh tit chipping song box or spinney blackthorn. Greenfinch (male) on big oak. Greenfinch (2) in laurel hedge opposite shed (old, tall part of hedge). Starling (5) across plot towards WRR area.
Amber list: WP (2) pines. WP (2) on on ground near WBH. Stock dove (3) round shed. Kestrel (female) inside box Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) perched big oak. Kestrel hovering WRR. Moorhen along WBH track.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (2) hassling grey squirrel inside beech box (squirrel chased off later with stick). Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (45) assembling main pond trees before roost.
Treecreeper on big oak.
Blackbird (3+) shed area. Blackbird song near shed. Robin (3) by shed. Robin attending shed (teapot) nest. Coal tit song pines. Coal tit (2) patio shrubs. BT (3+) shed area. Goldfinch (8) main pond trees. Collared dove (3) round plot. Redwing (25+) westwards across plot. Bank vole patio. Chaffinch (female, bumblefoot) on birdbath. Chaffinch (male) song shed area.
Sunny intervals, quite cold, calmer, wind W or SW (BF 1-4), max temp 7C.
Red list: Greenfinch song yews and laurel hedge. Greenfinch song main pond area.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) round shed. Kestrel (2 females) display over meadow. Moorhen by head.
Jackdaws at oak, beech and willow boxes.
Robin by shed. Goldfinch (2?) by probable nest in yews. Blackbird (3+) shed concrete.
Drizzle at first, then sunny intervals, quite cold, max temp 8C.
[At Alderford with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- buzzard (3), bullfinch, GSW, blackbird (song), robin (song), chiffchaff song, red kite. Grass snake. Many morel fungi (Morchella sp., probably M. vulgaris), strongly associated with anthills of Lasius flavus. Also several bumblebees including Bombus lapidarius. Possible parsley piert on anthills.]
[Lenwade -- herring gull (adult) treading roadside verge.]
[Brisley -- common gull (160) near common. Rook nests (15+). Guist -- rook nests (30+).]
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, showers later, mild, wind W (BF 1-5), max temp 12C.
Red list: Marsh tit chipping song box or spinney blackthorn.
Amber list: WP on ground by yew hedge. Stock dove (2) round shed. Dunnock song pines/laurel hedge. Song thrush hornbeam square. Kestrel (female) inside box Top Blackthorn 0805 GMT.
Jackdaw (3+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw inside beech box. Jackdaw (4) by willow box.
Blackbird (3+) shed area. Robin patio. GT (2) patio. Goldfinch (3) laurel hedge (perhaps prospecting). Collared dove round plot.
Carrion crow (2) on grazing near WBH.
No frost, sunny intervals, blustery, showers later, mild, wind SW (BF 1-5), max temp 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch song laurel hedge. Greenfinch big oak. Greenfinch into laurel hedge. Marsh tit chipping song spinney blackthorn.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) inside box Top Blackthorn 1035 GMT. WP (30+) on grazing east of meadow. Stock dove (3) round shed. Dunnock spinney blackthorn and hornbeam. Mistle thrush (2) alarms Horseshoe Plantation SW corner mobbing carrion crows.
Jackdaw (4+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw inside beech box. Jackdaws in willow, ash3 boxes. Jackdaw (2) round Top Blackthorn.
Blackbird (male, female) near shed. Robin by shed. LTT (2), BT (2) blackthorn by shed. Goldfinch (2) in yews. Collared dove (2) shed area. Carrion crow (3) edge of meadow and Horseshoe Plantation, disturbing mistle thrushes. Magpie across plot.
Red kite (2) Church Lane. Buzzard (3) display etc over Horseshoe Plantation.
Common toad spawn in main pond SE corner, just 1 location.
Bombus lapidarius MSE.
Herring gull on/over grazing near plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-5), max temp 14C.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) at Top Blackthorn, mobbed buzzard. WP nest in pines. WP (25+) Church Lane arable. Stock dove big oak.(2) shed. Dunnock patio area. Wren song spinney by beech.
Jackdaw (2) in beech box after grey squirrel chased out with stick.
GT song near patio. Grey wagtail (female) on Hamamelis near ivy hedge.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard display over meadow.
Tree B21 showing some catkins at top (none on betulifolia yet).
Common gull (10+), BHG southwards over plot.
No frost, blustery with showers at first, mild, sunny intervals later, wind SW (BF 1-6), max temp 15C.
Red list: Greenfinch song spinney cypresses. Marsh tit chipping song spinney.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) Church Lane. WP (15+) across plot. Stock dove (2) shed. Song thrush Top Blackthorn. Wren MSW. Wren song spinney near box.
Jackdaw (5+) on big oak (1 in box, 1 on box). Jackdaw (2) attempting to evict grey squirrel from beech box.
Chiffchaff (2+ singers), spinney and shed shrubs. Blackbird (2 males) by laurel hedge. Blackbird (male, female) bathing. Blackbird probably at nest in pyracantha by shed. Robin (3) by shed. Robin visiting teapot nest. GT by box. Coal tit song spinney. Goldfinch (5+) over/round plot. Collared dove beech. Carrion crow main pond trees. Redwing (30+) into spinney and on big oak.
Brimstone (male) near shed.
Red kite (2) over meadow (display?), also low down over plot. Buzzard over plot.
[Helhoughton -- mistle thrush (2). Hempton (opposite Fakenham Garden Centre -- wren song, bullfinch, chaffinch song, chiffchaff song (2), blue tit, LTT, snipe, carrion crow. Hempton -- rook (11 nests). Hempton/Shereford -- brown hare (5+) TF89695.]
No frost, showers at first, mild, sunny intervals, wind SW (BF 1-4), max temp 13C.
Red list: Greenfinch song spinney cypresses.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) by ivy hedge, perhaps nestbuilding in ivy todd.
Chiffchaff song spinney. Robin (2) in/by shed, robin (2) by ivy hedge (simreg). Robin visiting teapot nest.
Grey wagtail (summer plumage male, female), pied wagtail (male) on shed roof.
Common gull (30+) southwards.
[Kestrel (male) Hempton/Toftrees TF905280.]
No frost, showers, sunny intervals, max temp 11C.
Red list: Greenfinch song beech or spinney cypresses. Greenfinch (2) laurel hedge. Marsh tit (‘tsiff-tsiff...’) MSE or Top Blackthorn. Mistle thrush (2) main pond trees and eastwards.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) patio. Kestrel (male, female) WRR. Kestrel perched by South Raynham Church. WP Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw big oak (1 in box, 2 on box).
Fieldfare, redwing (2) MSW. BT Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (6), GT (2+), robin (3) by shed. Robin visiting shed teapot. Treecreeper A1065 cypresses.
Herring gull (3YO) on grazing west of WBH, treading for earthworms.
Stickback (probable, 20+) in Carr Stream close to ditch outfall MNE.
19/03/2023Brash hedge work at Top Blackthorn 2023-03-19 (2870)
No frost, showers, sunny intervals, max temp 11C.
Red list: Linnet song MSW/WBH bramble. Marsh tit chipping song a) MNW, nearby Carr Stream, b) MSE.
Amber list: Reed bunting song MSW. Dunnock song, wren Top Blackthorn. Song thrush MSW. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw big oak (1 in box, 2 on box).
BT Top Blackthorn. GT song A1065 cypresses. Fieldfare (12) Church Lane. Goldfinch (6) MSW/MNW. Robin song yews. Robin visiting shed teapot.
Buzzard (3) over Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite Church Lane.
Early bumblebee MNW.
[Green woodpecker west of WRR.]
Herring gull (adult?), LBBG (2) over grazing near plot.
Red list: Starling (12) ash3 tree. Starling (5) near Horseshoe Plantation. Marsh tit chipping song a) MNW, nearby Carr Stream, b) MSE.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak and main pond trees. Dunnock song main pond trees/MSW. Wren song. Wren patio. Kestrel (male) hybrid poplars. WP (2) Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak. Jackdaw (10+) main pond trees.
Blackbird (5) shed concrete. Robin (2) by shed. Redwing (5) ash2 tree. Carrion crow (4) main pond trees. Fieldfare (10+) MNE. Goldfinch (3) shed area. Coal tit WBH. Jay (2) big oak area. GT (2) ivy hedge. GSW scratty hedge/Horseshoe Plantation.
Some common toad calling on main pond.
[Buzzard over Wensum]. Red kite Church Lane.
No frost, calm, spring-like, sunny intervals, showers, wind SW (BF 0-2), max temp 13C.
Red list: Greenfinch song hybrid poplars or main pond trees. Greenfinch song spinney (simreg). Mistle thrush on ash4 tree.
Amber list: Kestrel (female) perched near Top Blackthorn box, and on nearby large on scratty hedge. WP (2) Top Blackthorn. WP (7) eating ash buds A1065 ashwoods. Stock dove main pond trees. Song thrush Top Blackthorn. Wren MSW. Wren song spinney near box.
Jackdaw (5+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (2) in beech box.
Blackbird (3+) by yew hedge and WBH. Robin by shed. BT by triangular nestbox. Coal tit song near shed, also by shed shrubs. Goldfinch (3) shed shrubs. Collared dove (2) beech. Carrion crow (4) across meadow. LTT (2) Top Blackthorn. Redwing (11) westwards near sunset.
No common toad activity.
Red kite Church Lane.
No frost, drizzle at first, mainly cloudy, calmer, wind SW (BF 0-2), max temp 13C.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call main pond/hybrid poplars area, (‘tyi-tyi-tyi...), simreg with marsh tit (‘tsiff, tsiff, ...) edge of A1065 ashwoods. Greenfinch (2) hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) courtship round Top Blackthorn box. WP (2) main pond trees. Stock dove (3) big oak.
Jackdaw (6+) on big oak (1 in box, 2 on box). Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (2) in beech box. Jackdaw at willow box.
Blackbird (3+) by yew hedge and WBH. Robin (2+) shed. GT near shed. BT (4) Hamamelis. Goldfinch eating seeds of Griselinia (patio shrubs). Goldfinch (3) MNW. Collared dove (2) big oak. Carrion crow (2) on hybrid poplars. Fieldfare main pond trees.
Redwing (6) to roost in spinney.
Buzzard (3) over Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite Church Lane.
Common gull (adult) over Church Lane arable etc. Common gull (40+) drifting NW near plot, also a few BHG.
The Ides of March. Beware, despots.
Sharp frost, fog at first, sunny intervals later, calmer, wind NW (BF 0-3), max temp 8C.
Red list: Marsh tit near yews, shed (‘tsiff, tsiff, ...). Starling (3) main pond trees. Greenfinch (15+) on hybrid poplars towards sunset, some songflighting. Starling (400+?) heading SW across plot at dusk, presumably to roost.
Amber list: Kestrel (male, female) copulating on large ash, scratty hedge. WP Top Blackthorn. Dunnock patio, shed shrubs. Stock dove (4) shed roof, pines. Wren main pond.
Jackdaw (6+) on big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (4) beech by box.
Blackbird (2+) by yew hedge and WBH. Robin by shed. GT, BT near shed. Goldfinch shed shrubs. Collared dove (2) big oak. Carrion crow (5+) in A1065 ashwoods. Fieldfare (7) ash2, ash3 trees.
Buzzard over plot. Red kite WRR and over meadow.
Common gull (adult) over Church Lane arable etc.
[Roe deer (4 females) on arable south of Mill Covert.]
No frost, rain or drizzle at first, sunny intervals later, calmer, wind NW (BF 0-2), max temp 7C.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call (‘tyi-tyi-tyi...’) near spinney cypresses and box.
Amber list: Kestrel hovering and circling over meadow, some display. Later, kestrel off ash tree at Top Blackthorn. WP Top Blackthorn. Dunnock (2) courtship laurels by A1065. Stock dove (2) shed roof. Stock dove (2) Top Blackthorn. Wren call main pond.
Jackdaw (6+) on big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees.
Blackbird (5+) by yew hedge and WBH. Robin (3) by shed. GT, BT (3+) near shed. Coal tit song big oak area. Goldfinch big oak. Carrion crow (2) breaking off twigs at tops of hybrid poplars for nests.
Buzzard (2) over plot. Red kite over Church Lane. Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow.
Herring gull (2 imm) northwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, blustery, mild, wind SW (BF 2-5), max temp 14C.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) perched big oak, washing line posts. WP (35+) on Church Lane arable. Dunnock song main pond. Dunnock song meadow east edge. Dunnock song yews. Stock dove (3) shed roof. Mallard (male, female) on main pond. Mallard (female) on Carr Stream. Bullfinch calls MSE blackthorn.
Jackdaw (6+) on big oak (1 in box). Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees.
Blackbird, robin by shed. GT pines. GT (2) big oak. BT (3) shed roof. Goldfinch meadow. Pied wagtail across plot.
Buzzard (2) over WRR.
Common gull (5, 1, etc) drifting southwards. Herring gull (2+ adults) southwards.
No frost, mainly overcast, milder, wind SW (BF 1-3), max temp 10C.
[At Pensthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps (bramble removal to encourage mining bees)-- buzzard (3+), red kite (2+), rooks (30+ nests), great white egret (2), oystercatcher (50+), cormorant, greylag goose (several pairs), shoveler, mallard, blackbird (2 by cafe), dunnock by cafe, song thrush, mistle thrush song, greenfinch.]
Red list: Greenfinch song laurel hedge.
Amber list: Kestrel hovering near Top Blackthorn.
Sharp frost, overcast at first, calmer, cold, sunny intervals later, wind SW (BF 0-1), max temp 6C.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call A1065 ashwoods. Starling (30) briefly on hybrid poplars, then off eastwards.
Amber list: WP (30) on Church Lane arable. Dunnock yews. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Kestrel (male, female) perched at Top Blackthorn. Later, kestrel calling repeatedly at Top Blackthorn. Song thrush spinney.
Jackdaw (7+) on big oak (2 in box, 2 on top of box). Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (3) attempting to enter beech box. Jackdaw ash2 tree by box.
Blackbird laurel hedge. Robin patio.
Muntjac (2) along stock fence opposite WBH, MSW.
10/03/2023Hillside House 2023-03-10 (2858)
No or very light frost, overcast, wintry, cold, blustery, snow or sleet in morning, sunny intervals later, wind N or NE (BF 2-5), max temp 4C.
Red list: Marsh tit WBH/spinney corner.
Amber list: WP on grazing near WBH. Dunnock song shed area. Bullfinch call spinney.
Jackdaw (3) on big oak. Jackdaw (20+) round main pond trees.
Blackbird (2+) near shed, yew hedge etc. Robin (2) patio. GT, BT shed area. BT (4) shed shrubs. GT, BT Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch big oak. Carrion crow on grazing near WBH.
Buzzard on big oak. Red kite over plot. Red kite (2) circling over Church Lane woods and northwards. Little egret along Carr Stream.
Light frost, overcast, cold, light snow cover at first, snow, sleet or drizzle later, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 4C.
Red list: Greenfinch song in laurel hedge (probable location).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. Song thrush by WBH. WP (3) main pond trees. Bullfinch across plot.
Jackdaw in oak box. Jackdaw (6+) big oak. Jackdaw (7+) willow. Jackdaw (8) ash3 tree. Jackdaw by ash2 box.
Blackbird (3+) near shed, yew hedge etc. GT shed area. BT (2) shed area. Goldfinch (2) oak burdock patch. Collared dove (2) big oak, shed area. Carrion crow hybrid poplars. Coal tit song pines and spinney cypresses.
Green woodpecker on hybrid poplars in snow.
Egyptian goose on SHO.
Common gull (adult) on WRR pole. Common gull (5) southwards over plot.
Sharp frost, overcast, cold, light snow cover at first, wind E or NE (BF 1-3), max temp 4C.
Red list: Marsh tit burdock near patio. Marsh tit song/call (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff’) MSE under hybrid poplars. Greenfinch (6, probable, no bins) into beech tree Silver Service plot near sunset.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) courtship shed roof. Song thrush by WBH. Kestrel (male) perched willow by main pond. WP main pond trees. Mallard (2) round main pond.
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak, 1 in box. Jackdaw (2) by beech box.
Blackbird (3+) near yew hedge etc. GT by yew hedge. GT under MSE hybrid poplars. Magpie across meadow. Goldfinch (3) shed concrete. Collared dove (2) shed area, pines. Goldcrest yews. Carrion crow (2) in main pond trees and hybrid poplars. Buzzard, red kite over Church Lane.
Fieldfare (15+), redwing (80+) westwards across plot near sunset, probably into spinney, from Horseshoe Plantation direction.
Herring gull (adult), common gull (adult) foraging on grassy areas of grazing next to plot.
No frost, overcast, cold, drizzle, some sleet, wind N or NW (BF 0-2), max temp 4C.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) display round shed. Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw (2+) on big oak, 1 in box.
Blackbird (3+) near shed. GT (2) patio. Robin by patio. Jay main pond trees. Magpie across meadow. Carrion crow (2) hybrid poplars etc. Goldfinch (2) shed concrete. Buzzard (3) circling over meadow. GSW (2) across plot. Pied wagtail on grazing near Carr Stream.
Red kite (2) circling over Church Lane woods.
No frost, overcast, cold, drizzle, wind N or NW (BF 0-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch. Marsh tit WBH.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) on shed roof. Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw (2) inside oak box. Jackdaw (5+) round big oak. Jackdaw in willow, beech boxes.
Collared dove big oak. Blackbird (2+) by laurel hedge, some aggro. Robin (2) patio and nearby. Robin (3) by shed. GT by shed. Goldfinch (4) under big oak.
No frost, overcast, light showers, wind N or NW (BF 1-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Mistle thrush across towards A1065 ashwoods from Horseshoe Plantation.
Tawny owl song and call spinney.
Amber list: WP (250+) up from arable north of Church Lane.
Buzzard (3) circling over A1065 ashwoods. Sparrowhawk (male) meadow.
[Greylag goose (70+), Egyptian goose (4+) on parkland near West Raynham. Wensum woodland -- marsh tit, treecreeper, chiffch*ff (possible), roe deer (2), GT. Tracks of red deer in many places. Robin in hedge near South Raynham church.]
No frost, overcast, light showers, wind N or NW (BF 1-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock patch. Mistle thrush song main pond trees (few records this winter).
Amber list: Stock dove round shed. WP (2) on ground by WBH. WP (3) on grazing west of WBH. Dunnock song patio. Mallard (2) along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box. Jackdaw (4 + 5) round big oak.
Collared dove big oak. Blackbird (5+) near WBH, some aggro. GT patio. GT by shed. Goldfinch (7) round big oak. Robin (2) aggro by shed.
Little egret perched Top Blackthorn.
Herring gull (3-year-old) by Carr Stream east of WRR. Common gull (20+) westwards near plot. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
No frost, mainly cloudy, some light showers, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 6C.
Red list: Marsh tit in WBH. Greenfinch song laurel hedge. Marsh tit song (2, simreg) a) by A1065 ivy hedge, b) in A1065 ashwoods.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) round shed. WP on ground by WBH. Kestrel (2 females) perched at Top Blackthorn, some aggro. Song thrush song main pond trees or WBH.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box, now re-secured. Jackdaw (6+) round big oak.
Collared dove pines. Goldfinch (10+) over plot. Blackbird (2+) round shed, laurel hedge etc. Robin collecting moss from ground near shed concrete and taking it laurel hedge.
Buzzard over plot.
Herring gull (adult or 3-year-old) on ground by Carr Stream east of WRR, in company of jackdaw.
Light frost, mainly cloudy, dry, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 6C.
Amber list: Stock dove (3+) round shed. WP (2+) on grazing near WBH. Dunnock song yews area. Dunnock (2) courtship laurel hedge. Kestrel (female) perched dead ash Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (female) perched WRR pole. Mallard (3) along Carr Stream. Bullfinch calls Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box, which has slipped and needs securing. Jackdaw (6+) round big oak.
GT shed shrubs. Collared dove (2) big oak. Goldfinch (2) shed shrubs. BT pines area. Blackbird (3+) round shed, laurel hedge etc. Robin song near shed. Chaffinch on mossy parts of big oak. Jay main pond trees.
Buzzard across meadow.
Evidence of start of return migration -- fieldfare (80+), redwing (20+) from west into hybrid poplars.
Greylag goose southwards over plot.
Common gull (10+), BHG (10+) across plot. Herring gull (adult) by Carr Stream west, then east, of WRR.
Light frost, sunny intervals with showers, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Mistle thrush foraging on grassy area south of scratty hedge.
Amber list: Stock dove (3+) round shed. WP (2+) on ground by big oak. Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch calls Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box (2 on top of box, 1 inside). Jackdaw (2) investigating shed eaves (for nest-sites).
Collared dove (2) big oak. GT by laurel hedge. GSW main pond trees. Goldfinch (2) shed concrete. Blackbird (3+) round shed, laurel hedge. BT (5+) WBH.
Red kite perching in trees by Church Lane. Later, red kite (2) display flight high above meadow. Buzzard over main pond area.
A few small fishes active in Carr Stream in places, perhaps stickleb*ck.
Common gull (100+), BHG (20+) across plot.
No frost, cloudy with showers, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 8C.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff..’) Top Blackthorn. Greenfinch call hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Kestrel (male) circling at Top Blackthorn. Dunnock (2) courtship-chasing patio shrubs. Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Song thrush ash2 tree. Wren (2) laurel hedge. Stock dove (2+) display round main pond. WP by laurel hedge and main pond.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box (2 on top of box, 2 inside). Jackdaw (2+) by beech box.
Collared dove (2) big oak and Silver Service plot. GT (2) patio. GSW main pond trees. BT laurel hedge. Blackbird (3+) round shed, laurel hedge. Robin song yews. Coal tit song pines.
Buzzard (5+) over Horseshoe Plantation and Church Lane.
Herring gull (3+ adults) near Carr Stream west of WRR.
No frost, cloudy at first with showers, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 8C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) main pond trees.
Amber list: Kestrel mobbing jackdaw (2+) attempting to access nestbox at Top Blackthorn. Dunnock song on yews.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box (2 on top of box, 1 inside). Jackdaw (2+) by beech box.
Goldcrest (2) laurel hedge, yews etc. Collared dove (2) big oak and Silver Service plot. Muntjac on resting on north side of Carr Stream. Carrion crow round meadow and scratty hedge.
No frost, sunny intervals, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 8C.
Amber list: Dunnock (3) courtship-chasing patio shrubs.
[At Buxton Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- linnet (5+), stonechat (2+, male and female), kestrel, buzzard (2), mistle thrush (2), meadow pipit (12+) arriving to roost, carrion crow (6+), yellowhammer, coal tit, great tit, little egret.]
[Pear Tree Corner -- yellowhammer (song), linnet (5+). West of Whissonsett -- common gull (100+). Whissonsett -- barn owl perched near road. Brisley -- rook (13+ nests). Guist -- rook (100+) collecting in trees near sunset. Near Cawston -- skylark (2), chaffinch (female).]
No frost, cloudy at first with showers, wind N or NE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 8C.
Red list: Marsh tit song/call ‘tyip-tyip-tyip...’ WBH. Greenfinch song hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Song thrush song spinney. Stock dove big oak. Stock dove (2) display flight round main pond area. Kestrel (male and female) mobbing jackdaw (2) attempting to access nestbox at Top Blackthorn. WP (5+) Church Lane arable. Bullfinch (2) calls at Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting Top Blackthorn. Song thrush WBH ditch.
Jackdaw (3+) at oak box (2 on top of box, 1 inside). Jackdaw (2+) on big oak.
Collared dove (2) big oak and Silver Service plot. Carrion crow (2) across plot. Blackbird (2) shed shrubs. Fieldfare, redwing on Silver Service spruces. Green woodpecker ash3 tree and hybrid poplars. Buzzard (2) circling WRR.
Common gull (4+) near plot.
No frost, overcast at first with drizzle, sunny intervals later, wind N (BF 1-3), max temp approx 8C.
Amber list: Dunnock (2) meadow east ditch. Wren (1 + 1) MSE. Kestrel (female) perched inside box at Top Blackthorn. Song thrush song spinney, west of cypresses. WP (40+) Church Lane area. Stock dove out of north end of shed. Mallard (3) along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw in beech box. Jackdaw (3+) at oak box (2 on top of box, 1 inside).
Blackbird (4) by laurel hedge and shed. Robin song yews. GT shed shrubs. Jay (2) MNE. Collared dove big oak. Redwing (4) hybrid poplars. Goldfinch (3) on ground at hornbeam square.
Redwing (30+) Church Lane.
No frost, overcast, drizzle in morning, wind SW (BF 0-1), max temp approx 8C.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Dunnock song a) MNE, b) Top Blackthorn. Song thrush Top Blackthorn. Kestrel (male) perched Top Blackthorn.
Jackdaw (3+) beech box. Jackdaw (3+) oak box. Jackdaws in ash3, willow and ash2 boxes. Grey squirrel on and round big oak.
Blackbird (4) by laurel hedge and shed. Robin song a) MNE, b) WBH. BT Top Blackthorn. Jay MNE. GT WBH.
Herring gull adult near plot. Gulls (100+, mainly common gull, some BHG) across plot heading NW.
No frost, sunny intervals, still mild, wind SW (BF 1-4), mild, max temp approx 11C.
Red list: Marsh tit on laurel hedge burdock patch (on the ground). Marsh tit on patio slabs apparently anting.
Amber list: Stock dove (5+) main pond trees. Stock dove (2) display flight Top Blackthorn. Stock dove (2) with nest mat entering shed north end. Kestrel (male) round Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (male) Top Blackthorn, quite confiding. WP (60+) Church Lane arable. Dunnock (2) patio. Dunnock shed shrubs.
Jackdaw (2) successfully evicting grey squirrel from beech box, after intense scrap (both jackdaw and squirrel inside box at one point). Jackdaw (6+) big oak. Jackdaws (50+) heading southwards near sunset (usually E or SE).
Robin, GT, BT near shed. Blackbird (3) by laurel hedge. Chaffinch (female) near ivy hedge. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn.
Common gull (25+), some BHG, westwards near plot.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
No frost, sunny intervals, mild, wind SW (BF 1-4), mild, max temp approx 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch out of laurel hedge in afternoon. Mistle thrush on cable WRR. Marsh tit song/call Silver Service plot or hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Kestrel (male) Top Blackthorn area.
GT (2) song and ‘zhenk-zhenk’ MNE near nestbox. BT (3+) MSE blackthorn. Blackbird by laurel hedge near A1065. Buzzard over meadow several times. GSW drumming spinney.
Common gull (500+), some BHG, heading NE from west of WRR in compact flock near sunset.
[Rook with nest mat Holt Road Fakenham. Rook (15+) Old Hempton, a few in trees over church but no nests. Rook nests (6) in trees near Johnson Brothers.]
No frost, some drizzle at first, sunny intervals later, mild, wind W (BF 1-4), mild, max temp approx 13C.
[Kettlestone with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- house sparrow (10+) in hedges, starling (5+), song, greenfinch (2+) song, reed bunting (4+) on fallow field, red kite (2), buzzard, dunnock song, blackbird, robin, chaffinch song, skylark song. WP (100+) on arable. Yellowhammer song (5+) between Fakenham and Kettlestone. Tawny owl between Hempton and Toftrees. Brown hare road casualty TF905281.]
No frost, overcast, wind W (BF 1-4), mild, max temp approx 13C.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) round main pond and shed. WP round plot. Dunnock song a) main pond near ash3 tree, b) Top Blackthorn west, c) Top Blackthorn middle or east. WP carcass MNW on cut reed. Song thrush song scratty hedge.
Jackdaw in big oak box, 2 on top of box. Jackdaw 6+) big oak.
Collared dove (2) big oak and Hillside House. BT Top Blackthorn. Redwing Top Blackthorn. GT shed. Green woodpecker Church Lane trees. Goldfinch (8) round shed. Blackbird Top Blackthorn. Magpie past main pond.
Buzzard Horseshoe Plantation.
Common gull (200+), BHGl (50+) drifting SW in morning.
No frost, mainly overcast, wind W or SW (BF 1-4), mild, max temp approx 14C.
Red list: Greenfinch out of laurel hedge in morning. Greenfinch song/call hybrid poplars. Marsh tit song/call ‘tyip-tyip-tyip’ near shed.
Amber list: Wren patio. Song thrush song spinney cypresses. Sparrowhawk (male) low past MSE brash hedge towards main pond. Stock dove (2) round main pond. WP (5+) round plot.
Jackdaw in big oak box. Jackdaw (10+) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Robin (2) aggro patio. Redwing (10+) across plot from east. Redwing (5+) into roost in spinney. Collared dove (2) round big oak. BT shed area. Blackbird (5+) round yews and shed near dusk.
Common gull (25+), BHG (5+) heading NE in afternoon.
No frost, overcast, drizzle in morning, wind SW (BF 1-3), max temp approx 11C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) quietly inside Griselinia and gorse in patio border.
Amber list: WP across shed area. Wren foraging at base of main stem of big oak. Mallard (2) along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw in big oak box. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (6+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (15+) on grazing west of WBH.
Goldfinch (8) big oak. Robin song a) shed area, b) Silver Service plot. Robin, blackbird patio. LTT (5), goldcrest with tit flock past shed.
Gulls (common gull, BHG) (30+) heading south in small parties (10+) over plot in morning. Common gull (150+), BHG (10+) heading NE in afternoon.
Light frost, sunny, dry, wind S or SW (BF 1-2), max temp approx 10C.
Harvest mouse winter nest under vigorous old reed, MNW. Like summer nest, but very near the ground, with a tiny side-entrance, covered over with large amount of moss. No-one at home. (Found during reed-cutting).
Red list: Marsh tit song (tyi-tyi-tyi’) spinney. Greenfinch song/call hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. Stock dove (2) on ground by Horseshoe Plantation. Song thrush song spinney. Song thrush song Horseshoe Plantation (north end). WP (8+) on ivy Horseshoe Plantation. Mallard (3) along Carr Stream.
Jackdaw (2) in big oak box. Jackdaw (4+) big oak. Jackdaw (12+) main pond trees.
Redwing (40+), fieldfare between scratty hedge and Horseshoe Plantation, on grazing. Robin patio. GT song near shed. BT (4+) hybrid poplars. BT Top Blackthorn. Chaffinch (male) Horseshoe Plantation. Goldfinch (8) shed area. Coal tit song spinney cypresses.
BHG (30+) heading south over plot in morning. Common gull (10+) northwards in afternoon.
Buzzard perched Horseshoe Plantation, above A1065.
14/02/2023Brash hedge on perimeter of Top Blackthorn 2023-02-14 (2840)
Light frost, sunny, dry, wind S (BF 1-2), max temp approx 10C.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) across from Horseshoe Plantation to trees by Church Lane.
Amber list: Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Dunnock on patio. Bullfinch call near patio. Song thrush song spinney. Kestrel (male) circling WRR and meadow area.
Jackdaw in big oak box. Jackdaw (7+) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Blackbird by laurel shrubs main pond. Robin song patio area. Collared dove big oak. Fieldfare MNE hawthorn. GSW across meadow to Church Lane/WRR junction. Carrion crow by scratty hedge. BT (3+), goldfinch (3+) by shed.
No frost, sunny intervals, dry, wind S (BF 1-2), max temp approx 9C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) in laurels by main pond. Marsh tit MSE (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff’). Marsh tit on ground by patio.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Wren Carr Stream opposite Top Blackthorn. Dunnock song patio. Bullfinch (male, female) WBH plum.
Jackdaw in/out big oak box. Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
GT song Silver Service plot. Coal tit song pines. Blackbird (3) by laurel hedge. Remains of blackbird on MNW track, probably killed by sparrowhawk. Robin main pond (in goat willow). LTT (2) WBH by sea buckthorn shrubs. Collared dove song big oak. Redwing (4) hybrid poplars. Jay poplars by Horseshoe Cottage.
Buzzard (2) circling over meadow.
BHG, common gull (30+) heading S in morning.
No frost, overcast, dry, wind S (BF 1-2), max temp approx 9C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) in laurels by main pond. Marsh tit MSE (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff’). Marsh tit on ground by patio.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Stock dove (2) Horseshoe Plantation. Song thrush song spinney (west end). Wren Top Blackthorn (in brash hedge being strengthened). Dunnock song Top Blackthorn. Dunnock (2) courtship patio.
Jackdaw in/out big oak box. Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
GT song MSE. GT main pond. Blackbird (2) main pond track by laurels. Blackbird patio. Robin song yews. BT (3+), LTT (2) Top Blackthorn. Collared dove (2) copulation big oak. song spinney cypresses. Goldfinch (7+) shed burdock. Redwing (2) main pond trees. Goldcrest Top Blackthorn. Magpie across meadow.
Grey heron near WRR.
Buzzard across meadow.
BHG, common gull (200+) heading SW in morning, later NE.
No frost, overcast, dry, wind S or SW (BF 1-2), max temp approx 10C.
Red list: Mistle thrush, greenfinch at WRR/Church Lane junction. Greenfinch (3) over meadow. Marsh tit in laurel hedge burdock patch (took seedhead into cover under yews).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) over meadow. Kestrel on WRR pole, calling. Song thrush song in spinney (perhaps cypresses). WP (30+) over plot. WP on WBH. Wren MSW and by Top Blackthorn access track.
Jackdaw (2) in/out big oak box. Jackdaw (20+) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
GT song (2+) round plot. Blackbird WBH, MSW ditch. Robin song yews. BT (2) Top Blackthorn. Collared dove song spinney cypresses. Goldfinch (3) on ground under laurel hedge burdock patch. Jay (2) MSE hybrid poplars.
Short-tailed vole nests (4+) under cut reed MNW. Harvest mouse nest in same cuttings. Grey squirrrel by yew hedge. Many banded snail on cut reed area, with Clubiona sp. (spider).
Buzzard SHO.
Egyptian goose (2 + 2) 1 pair over plot, other west of WRR.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) round shed. WP WBH. Dunnock laurel hedge burdock. Kestrel scratty hedge.
Jackdaw chasing flights continued.
Little egret eastwards along Carr Stream. Grey heron on ground by WBH. GSW (2) across plot, aggro in flight. Redwing across plot. Goldfinch (2) by shed.
Frost, sunny intervals overcast, dry, wind S or SW (BF 1-2), max temp approx 8C.
Red list: Mistle thrush, greenfinch at WRR/Church Lane junction. Greenfinch (3) over meadow. Marsh tit in laurel hedge burdock patch (took seedhead into cover under yews).
Amber list: Stock dove (4) round shed. Sparrowhawk (female) circling over Horseshoe Plantation. over meadow. Kestrel scratty hedge. Bullfinch (4) spinney blackthorn. Song thrush across plot towards spinney. Dunnock patio. Wren MSW.
Jackdaw (4) contesting ownership of big oak box (2 on box, 2 inside box). Jackdaw (6 + 4) in repeated chasing flights round main pond and shed area, also contesting other boxes.
GT patio. Collared dove in pines. Blackbird MSW track. Robin patio.
Buzzard (2) over plot.. Red kite over plot and Horseshoe Plantation (mobbed by carrion crow).
Hard frost, mainly sunny, wind S or SE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 6C.
Red list: Mistle thrush (2) on WRR pole. Greenfinch call near WRR/Church Lane junction.
Amber list: Stock dove (4) main pond trees. Bullfinch (female) near box tree. Kestrel on on WRR cable.
Jackdaw (2) in/out big oak box. Jackdaw (3+) by beech box. Jackdaw (20+) on grazing between WBH and WRR.
GT A1065 cypresses. Blackbird MSW. LTT (6+), GT, BT big oak. Collared dove (2) big oak. Goldfinch (4+) on ground under oak burdock. Robin meadow by Top Blackthorn access track. Redwing (2+) across plot. Fieldfare MNE crabapple.
Buzzard (2) near meadow. Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Sharp frost, mainly sunny, wind S or SE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 8C.
Red list: Mistle thrush ash2 tree near sunset (perhaps prospecting).
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Reed bunting Top Blackthorn. Dunnock patio.
Jackdaw (5+) big oak. Jackdaw (2) in/out at beech box.
GT (‘zink-zink’) by main pond. Blackbird (2) WBH. Blackbird, LTT Top Blackthorn. BT patio. Collared dove song big oak. Goldfinch song/call main pond trees by MSW. Robin song pines. Redwing (25+) across plot. Blackbird (2) aggro A1065 cypress stumps.
Buzzard across meadow to spinney. Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn, moved to SHO.
Sharp frost, sunny after fog/mist cleared, wind SE (BF 1-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Greenfinch song/call MSW. Linnet song/call Top Blackthorn. Possible yellowhamm*r MNW.
Amber list: Stock dove big oak. Dunnock MSW or WBH. Moorhen call main pond.
Jackdaw (11+) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Goldfinch main pond trees. GT by main pond. Blackbird MSW hawthorn. Collared dove (2) big oak. BT (2+) Top Blackthorn.
Buzzard (2) across meadow to spinney at dusk.
No frost, sunny intervals, wind N (BF 1-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Greenfinch song/call spinney or WRR/A1065 junction area. Greenfinch song/call WRR/Church Lane junction.
Amber list: WP (10+) spinney. Wren patio and laurel hedge burdock. Kestrel (male) WRR pole.
Jackdaw (8+) ownership contest big oak box. Jackdaw (3) attempting to evict grey squirrel from beech box. Jackdaw (15+) foraging on grazing west of WBH.
Goldfinch oak burdock. Goldcrest flycatching yew hedge. GT by main pond. Blackbird WBH by MSW. Magpie (2) eastwards across meadow. Collared dove big oak, also with nest mat near spinney cypresses. Robin patio. Fieldfare (2) in hybrid poplars.
Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, sunny intervals, calmer, wind W (BF 1-3), max temp approx 10C.
[Kettlestone -- red kite, Egyptian goose (2), starling, house sparrow (5+), redwing (25+), BHG (60+).]
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, breezy, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 12C.
Red list: Greenfinch song main pond area. Greenfinch song WRR/Church Lane junction.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak. WP (50+) Horseshoe Plantation. Reed bunting Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (3) up from tall reeds MSW. Dunnock song MSW near goat willows. Kestrel scratty hedge or Church Lane.
Jackdaw (4) big oak.
Goldfinch burdock by pines. BT (2) Top Blackthorn. GT (male) by main pond. Blackbird (2) by main pond. Blackbird along WBH track. Magpie across meadow. Collared dove (2) big oak, also in pines. Robin song WBH track. Robin laurel by main pond. Nuthatch big oak.
Little egret perched ash by scratty hedge, also over meadow. Red kite (2) Church Lane and meadow. Buzzard perched SHO.
Common gull (5+) across plot. [Common gull (100+) arable near Mill Covert.]
No frost, sunny intervals, breezy, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 10C.
Red list: Mistle thrush song Church Lane (brief). Greenfinch (male) perched beech near sunset.
Amber list: Stock dove (2), WP (7+) across meadow. Moorh*n/water ra*l main pond. Song thrush Top Blackthorn. Song thrush song a) in spinney, b) Church Lane. Dunnock song main pond trees. Dunnock patio. Wren reeds MSE near hybrid poplars.
Jackdaw (11) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (5+) big oak. BT main pond. Blackbird (2) patio. Blackbird by main pond. Blackbird MNE. Fieldfare MNE at dusk by crabapple. Magpie across meadow. Redwing near spinney. Goldcrest in ivy next to A1065. Collared dove (2) big oak, also in pines. Robin song main pond trees. Robin MNE crabapple.
Little egret Carr Stream by MNE. Red kite Church Lane. Buzzard (2) west of WRR. Buzzard perched SHO. [Common gull (100+) arable near Mill Covert.]
Light frost, sunny, breezy, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 9C.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) big oak etc. WP (60+) on arable by Church Lane. Kestrel on scratty hedge.
Jackdaw (13) big oak.
Goldfinch (5+) big oak. GT laurel hedge burdock. BT burdock by A1065. Blackbird (2) shed concrete. Magpie across meadow. Redwing (12) into hybrid poplars.
No frost, sunny intervals, breezy, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 10C.
Red list: Marsh tit call (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff...’) near shed. Greenfinch call hybrid poplars in afternoon.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. Dunnock song patio. Dunnock Top Blackthorn. Bullfinch in spinney blackthorn. Reed bunting song (halting) in or close to Top Blackthorn. WP (30+) on arable by Church Lane. Sparrowhawk across plot northwards.
Jackdaw (10) big oak. Jackdaws (3) by beech box.
Goldfinch (7+) big oak, MSW. Collared dove (2) pines etc. GT song main pond area. GT MNW, confiding. BT Top Blackthorn. Blackbird patio. Carrion crow (2) round plot. Magpie (2) across meadow. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantation. Red kite over meadow, Church Lane etc. Redwing (4+) out of spinney.
Little egret along Carr Stream, landed near MNE.
Grey heron west of WRR. Common gull (20+) northwards over plot. HG (imm) heading SW over plot.
Light frost in places, sunny, breezy, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 8C.
Red list: Marsh tit call/song (‘chi-chi-chi...’) near shed. Greenfinch call hybrid poplars in afternoon.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) big oak and main pond trees. Dunnock song main pond trees. Dunnock song near patio. Wren laurel hedge burdock and patio. Bullfinch (4, 2 males, 2 females) in spinney blackthorn.
Jackdaw (6) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees. Jackdaws (2) in/out at beech box. Jackdaws in/out oak and willow boxes. Jackdaw (12+) foraging on grazing west of WBH.
Goldfinch (3+) big oak. Collared dove (2) pines etc. GT song main pond area (near small box). GT song by shed. BT (2) patio. Robin song elder tree near box tree. Robin MSW at goat willow work. Blackbird by main pond. Carrion crow (3) round plot. Magpie perched Top Blackthorn. Buzzard over Horseshoe Plantation. GSW across meadow. Green woodpecker call near SHO. Nuthatch call near main pond trees. Grey squirrel main pond trees.
Pied wagtail MNW.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Cormorant Carr Stream/Horseshoe Plantation. Common gull (2+) southwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals later, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 7C.
Water rail (1 or 2) call MSE.
Red list: Marsh tit near box tree.
Amber list: Stock dove main pond trees. Dunnock (2) courtship patio. Wren patio.
Jackdaw (5) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (6+) burdock near shed. Collared dove (2) pines etc. GT song main pond area. BT patio. Robin patio. Blackbird (3+) leaf-turning near yews, patio. Carrion crow ash3 tree.
Little egret (2) along Carr Stream, some low-level aggro.
No frost, overcast, wind W (BF 0-2), max temp approx 5C.
PIED WAGTAIL (25+) roost in reeds or blackthorn by Top Blackthorn (assembling 1620 GMT).
Red list: Marsh tit (1+) burdock blackthorn. Woodcock round meadow in broad daylight 1430 GMT.
Amber list: Stock dove (3) big oak. WP (3) big oak. Mallard (male, female) up from Carr Stream.
Jackdaw (4) big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Goldfinch (3+) laurel hedge burdock. Collared dove big oak. GT in shed. GT pines. BT (4+) shed area. Blackbird (3+) WBH, Top Blackthorn. Redwing (2) Top Blackthorn. Green woodpecker call scratty hedge.
Cormorant along Carr Stream near Horseshoe Plantation.
No frost, overcast, wind E or SE (BF 0-2), max temp approx 6C.
Water rail call (kik, kik,...) near Top Blackthorn. Water rail sharming call reeds near or in Top Blackthorn (2nd location).
Red list: Marsh tit (1+) MNW in maples etc. Greenfinch (2) over meadow, then towards Church Lane.
Amber list: WP (30+) over Horseshoe Plantation. Stock dove Horseshoe Plantation. Wren (2) MSW near goat willow work. Wren near WBH. Dunnock (2) fierce aggro WBH track. Dunnock (2) patio under yews. Song thrush at Top Blackthorn. Reed bunting (male, female) Top Blackthorn, perhaps another female above Carr Stream, near sunset. Bullfinch (male) across plot towards Silver Service plot. Sparrowhawk (2 males) territorial clash over meadow. Later Sparrowhawk male perched near ash3 tree, then off towards spinney. Kestrel (male) perched main pond trees, moved to WRR pole.
Jackdaw (30+) assembling in hybrid poplars after arriving from roost near sunrise. Jackdaw (1) straight into oak box from roost.
GT song main pond near weeping willow. Robin MSW near goat willow work. GT (female) MSW. Coal tit alders (along meadow edge). BT patio etc. Nuthatch call spinney. Jay main pond trees. Carrion crow (2+) across plot.
Buzzard perched cypress stump (near A1065). Buzzard pale phase (imm?) over from sotuh, circled near Mill Covert. Buzzard Top Blackthorn.
Green woodpecker call, GSW call both Horseshoe Plantation north.
Grey heron Carr Stream. Little egret along Carr Stream.
[Marsh tit (2) Horseshoe Plantation by A1065.]
[Roe deer carcass (see 26/01) moved away from A1065 into Horseshoe Plantation to prevent scavngers being struck by traffic.]
No frost, overcast, wind N (BF 1-2), max temp approx 7C.
Red list: Marsh tit by patio. Greenfinch (1 male + 2 male, female) on big oak before roost.
Amber list: WP across shed area. WP (15+) near scratty hedge. Stock dove (2) by Horseshoe Plantation. Wren MSE ditch. Wren (2) main pond.
Jackdaws arriving near sunrise.
Blackbird by laurel hedge in damp conditions. GT song yews area. Blackbird (3) by yew hedge. Redwing (3), blackbird (3) foraging in thawed leaf litter under big oak. Goldfinch (3+) round shed area. BT (6+), LTT (3+), GT in pines. Robin by box tree.
Robin song spinney next to box tree.
Buzzard inside spinney. Buzzard several times round plot.
Red kite near Church Lane.
[Woodcock next to road on ground in spinney near Toftrees TF896269, didn’t flush.]
[Rook (40) grassy area Hempton Common.]
[Roadkill along A1065 -- roe deer TF884240, muntjac TF886245, badger TF900275.]
Sharp frost, mist, overcast, wind SW (BF 0-1), max temp approx 5C.
Red list: Marsh tit by Hammamelis and on laurel hedge burdock. Greenfinch (2) landing on Silver Service beech assembly tree. Woodcock up from ditch next to hybrid poplars.
Amber list: Dunnock patio. Dunnock song yews (also before sunrise). Wren in (frosty) ground vegetation round patio and shed. Bullfinch (female) on dock or nettle near box tree. Bullfinch (male) by laurel hedge near A1065. Snipe NW across plot.
Jackdaw (3) on beech. Jackdaw (2) allopreening on big oak. Jackdaw (5+) on oak. Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees.
Blackbird on patio (eating some leftover rice). Blackbird (3) on hornbeam square. Chaffinch (3+), GT, BT (4) patio. GT song yews area. GT song MNE. Goldfinch (7) on burdock patches. Collared dove in pines. Robin by box tree.
Redwing (7) across plot towards spinney.
Buzzard perched inside spinney.
Hard frost, sunny, dry, wind SW (BF 0-1), max temp approx 4C.
Red list: Lapwing (12) westwards over plot. Greenfinch song/call WRR/Church Lane junction, probably a second calling near A1065/WRR junction. Woodock up from boundary ditch MSW.
Amber list: Dunnock patio. Wren song Top Blackthorn. Wren MNW. Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Bullfinch call MNE. Sparrowhawk attacked passerines under pines.
Jackdaw (3) hassling grey squirrel inside beech box soon after dawn. Jackdaw (5+) on big oak. Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees.
Blackbird across plot. GSW into Silver Service plot. BT MNE. GT MSW. Chaffinch, LTT (2), BT in oak MSE. Collared dove (2) in beech.
Buzzard perched Top Blackthorn.
Grey heron along Carr Stream.
Muntjac (2) copulating by scratty hedge. Muntjac on edge of Horseshoe Plantation.
Hard frost, sunny, dry, wind SW (BF 0-1), max temp approx 4C.
Water rail call repeatedly along Carr Stream opposite Top Blackthorn and MNW.
Red list: Marsh tit song ‘tu-tu-tu...’ by patio. Marsh tit song/call (‘tsiff-tsiff-tsiff...’) MSE near brash hedge. Greenfinch (male) song beech 1500 GMT approx. Later greenfinch (2) on beech before roosting.
Amber list: Dunnock song near box tree. Dunnock under pines. Wren MNE. Wren MSE under hybrid poplars. Kestrel on lime trees South Raynham churchyard. Stock dove WRR pole. [Stock dove (2) rushy area west of WRR.]
Jackdaw (3) hassling grey squirrel inside beech box soon after dawn, clearly squirrel as later 2 in/out at same box.
GT song Silver Service plot. Robin (2) by patio, 1 song by box tree. BT foraging in reed-heads MNW. Fieldfare MSW and in WBH. Goldfinch (3+, some songflight display) MNW. Blackbird (2) aggro under yews. Bank vole patio shrubs. GSW (2) into main pond trees from west. Chaffinch on hybrid poplars. Nuthatch in A1065 ashwoods.
Buzzard Top Blackthorn. Magpie perched scratty hedge opposite Horseshoe Plantation. Muntjac along edge of Horseshoe Plantation.
Little egret (2 aggro) along Carr Stream, 1 perched on ash tree at times. Cormorant along Carr Stream.
22/01/2023Heathland management task by Norfolk Conservation Corps 2023-01-22 (2801)
Hard frost, sunny, dry, wind W (BF 0-1), max temp approx 3C.
[At Broadlands Country Park (Houghen Plantation) with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- carrion crow (2+), magpie, jay, woodcock (up from edge of heath), kestrel (female), robin, coal tit, cormorant overhead.]
[Barn owl in front of traffic along A1067 at TG087189, perched in tree next to main road.]
Hard frost, sunny, dry, wind NW (BF 0-1), max temp approx 5C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2+) song ‘tu-tu-tu...’ MSE near brash hedge. Mistle thrush alarm north of MNW. Mistle thrush (3) in hybrid poplars, perhaps prospecting. Greenfinch (1 male, 1 female) into roost before 1600 GMT. Greenfinch spinney area in morning.
Amber list: Stock dove on shed roof. WP (2) copulation big oak. Dunnock (2) in ditch under hawthorn along MSW/MNW edge. Wren under shed. Wren next to pines. Kestrel (male) on WRR pole.
Jackdaw (11+) main pond trees. Jackdaw (3) entering beech box, removed some leafy material from box, probably evicted grey squirrel soon after sunrise.
GT song near big oak. GT song MNE (on hawthorn and oldest rowan). Robin song round box tree. Robin MNW western ditch. BT (2) main pond. Fieldfare MNE. Fieldfare (3) foraging on sun-thawed grassy area near scratty hedge. Blackbird (2) MSW. Collared dove big oak. Coal tit call spinney. Goldfinch (3+) oak burdock. Goldfinch MSW on alders.
Buzzard perched Horseshoe Plantation (above A1065).
Little egret along Carr Stream westwards.
Common gull eastwards over plot.
Unidentified grey geese (20) southwards near plot at dusk.
Hard frost, cloudy, wind N (BF 2-4), max temp approx 5C.
Red list: Marsh tit on burdock by patio. Greenfinch (1 male + 1 male) on assembly tree then into laurel hedge roost (at 1543 GMT, 1547 GMT).
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees. WP across plot into spinney. Sparrowhawk (female?) across plot northwards.
Jackdaw (14+) main pond trees and hybrid poplars before sunrise.
GT (2) song WBH and somewhere (2 singers). Goldcrest in pines. BT (2) shed shrubs. Fieldfare (3+) on Red Sentinel crabapple trees (fruits now almost all gone) and nearby ivy in WBH. Blackbird (2) WBH. Collared dove (3) round plot. Blackbird (2) aggro near shed at dusk.
Buzzard at Top Blackthorn.
Little egret in Carr Stream by hawthorns MNE.
[Roe deer (2, male, female) on arable near Mill Covert TF872243.]
Hard frost (ground frozen solid), sunny, dry, wind W (BF 1-2), max temp approx 3C.
Water rail call Carr Stream MNE.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) round main pond trees. Dunnock patio shrubs. Bullfinch (female) near patio. Kestrel (male) with prey on WRR pole. Snipe across plot from west to east.
Jackdaw (3) beech attempting to evict grey squirrel from box. Jackdaws (15+) on grazing near WBH.
Robin song yews and near box tree. BT near patio. Goldcrest in yew hedge. Collared dove (3) round big oak. GT song WBH. GT MNW. Fieldfare (2) southwards over plot at dusk.
By now (almost the end of the third week of January), thrushes are struggling to find food in very cold weather, as we have had this week and in the early part of December. On some days, the ground is too hard for finding earthworms and other invertebrates below the leaf-litter. The only fruits available now are probably ivy berries -- all haws, sloes, crabapples are gone. A few hips are still on dogrose on the meadow. Some Pyracantha berries may still be present by the shed. Redwing (5+) and blackbird (5+) are exploiting, with some difficulty, ivy berries on ivy-covered trees in the spinney.
Little egret along Carr Stream. Mallard (4) up from Carr Stream opposite MNW.
Buzzard in spinney. Buzzard perched WBH, attempted to capture prey by washing line. Carrion crow across plot.
Tawny owl call spinney after sunset.
Common gull near meadow.
Muntjac on grazing in the open near scratty hedge.
Sharp frost, frost lingering in shaded places, sunny, dry, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp approx 4C.
Red list: Woodcock up from MSW ditch, off towards spinney. Greenfinch (1 female) at assembly tree, Silver Service plot, into laurel hedge at 1558 GMT.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) across meadow. Dunnock patio shrubs. Wren Carr Stream opposite MNE.
Jackdaw (3) beech, jackdaw (3) big oak, jackdaw (8) main pond trees. Jackdaws in/out at beech, oak and willow boxes.
Robin yews. Tit flock near patio (BT (3+), LTT (3+), GT). Goldcrest in yews and yew hedge. Redwing (3+), blackbird in ivy-covered trees in spinney.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Buzzard (2) circling Horseshoe Plantation.
Sharp frost, sunny, dry, wind N or NW (BF 1-3), max temp approx 1C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) burdock near patio. Greenfinch (6 + 4 extra) assembling on beech tree Silver Service plot and then into roost at 1555 GMT.
Amber list: Stock dove (2+) display flight near main pond. WP (2+) foraging on grazing near WBH.
Jackdaw (3) beech. Jackdaw (8+) big oak, main pond trees. Jackdaw (5+) on grazing near WBH.
Robin patio shrubs. BT near shed. LTT spinney. Coal tit call shed area. Green woodpecker call meadow. Redwing (3) over from north.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
No frost (dew on grass), overcast, showers, wind N or NW (BF 1-4), max temp approx 5C.
Red list: Marsh tit shed/pines area.
Amber list: Wren near shed. WP (25+) across plot, disturbed by shoot.
Jackdaw (2) big oak. Jackdaw (4+) main pond trees. Jackdaw in/out at oak, willow, ash3 boxes.
Robin song box tree. Green woodpecker across plotfrom NW towards A1065 ashwoods.
Buzzard circling over meadow then perching Top Blackthorn.
Grey heron (2) across meadow westwards.
No frost, overcast, showers in morning, sunny intervals later, wind W or SW (BF 2-5), max temp approx 6C.
Red list: Marsh tit patio burdock patch. Greenfinch (4+) assembling on beech trees on Silver Service plot, then (1558 GMT) into laurel hedge roost.
Amber list: Wren near ivy hedge. Dunnock on patio. Kestrel (2) across plot heading SE, then kestrel (male) hovering over MNW. Stock dove (3) in or near main pond trees. Wren MSE brash hedge. WP across shed area.
BT (4+), GT (4+) by patio. GSW (2) on dead branches of wych elm, edge of spinney. Redwing (25+) in A1065 ashwoods. Goldfinch (6) big oak. Blackbird (3+) round shed. Jay on hornbeam square. Carrion crow (3+) across meadow.
Treecreeper on big oak, especially main stem.
Buzzard perched WRR pole.
Little egret Carr Stream near MNE and nearby several times.
HG (2 adults) westwards over or near plot.
No frost, overcast, rain or drizzle until after midday, wind W or SW (BF 2-6), max temp approx 11C.
Amber list: Bullfinch (2 females) on blackthorn shrubs by shed.
BT, GT (3+) by shed. LTT on big oak. Robin song near laurel hedge and shed. Nuthatch big oak. Redwing (7+) across plot. Goldfinch (4+) big oak. Blackbird in pines. Collared dove (2) shed area. GSW on dead branch of wych elm, edge of spinney. Green woodpecker call Horseshoe Plantation.
Little egret across grazing west of WBH.
HG (1st winter), common gull (5+) southwards over plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, wind W or SW (BF 2-6), max temp approx 9C.
Water rail call main pond.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) main pond trees. Bullfinch, wren near shed. Dunnock MSE/MNE.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak, jackdaw (4+) main pond trees.
BT (2+) song, GT song, robin song near shed. Blackbird alarm near shed. Redwing (5+) from north. Goldfinch (4+) shed area. Collared dove (2) near shed.
Little egret near WRR.
Buzzard over meadow.
Gulls (305+ in 20 minutes, mainly common gull (90%+), also HG (10+), BHG (5+)) drifting south over plot around sunrise. Later (near sunset), gulls heading north over plot.
No frost, overcast, dry until mid-afternoon, then showers, wind W or SW (BF 2-6), max temp approx 12C.
Red list: Marsh tit laurel hedge burdock. Greenfinch (male) song (‘dzwee’) spinney in afternoon.
Amber list: Stock dove over plot. Dunnock patio. Bullfinch (female) nettles near patch, also on laurel hedge burdock patch. Sparrowhawk (male) low through MSE. Wren in brash hedge MSE.
Jackdaw (7+) big oak.
BT (3+), GT patio shrubs. Coal tit call, probably in big oak. Blackbird (4+) near shed, laurel hedge etc at dusk, some probably to roost in hedge. Redwing towards spinney. Robin patio. Goldfinch (15+) round patio, big oak etc.
Cormorant westwards along Carr Stream.
Common gull (25+) drifting south over plot.
No frost, overcast, dry until mid-afternoon, then showers, wind W (BF 2-6), max temp approx 9C.
Red list: Marsh tit burdock near shed on big oak. Greenfinch (male) in or on laurel hedge 1520 GMT.
Amber list: Stock dove (2) over plot. Wren round shed. Dunnock call near yews.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Goldfinch (12+) shed area. BT (2), GT near shed. Chaffinch beech area.
Redwing (15) over plot into A1065 ashwoods.
Common gulls (10+) over plot.
No frost, overcast, rain/drizzle for most of day, wind S (BF 1-5), max temp ~11C.
Jackdaw (6+) big oak.
Buzzard perch-hunting on big oak.
Goldfinch (10+) main pond trees. Goldfinch (30+) on oak burdock patch. Robin, BT near shed. Robin eating leftover rice on shed concrete. Blackbird on shed concrete. BT, GT along WBH. Chaffinch MNE hawthorn. Collared dove on big oak. Collared dove (2) on plot and Silver Service plot.
Redwing (8) over plot from north.
Common gulls (25+) drifting southwards over plot in morning.
Light frost, sunny or sunny intervals, wind W (BF 2-5), max temp ~7C.
Red list: Marsh tit burdock near shed.
Amber list: Stock dove over meadow. Wren by shed.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees and big oak. Jackdaws in/out at ash2 box.
GT patio burdock. BT by shed. Blackbird alarm MSW ditch.
Red kite over shed area. Buzzard across meadow, at SHO etc.
Common gulls (20+) returning northwards over plot.
No frost, sunny intervals, wind S or SW (BF 2-5), max temp ~8C.
Red list: Marsh tit burdock near shed. Starling (6) westwards across plot.
Amber list: WP (2) courtship main pond area. Stock dove by shed.
Jackdaw (5+) main pond trees and big oak.
Redwing (2) big oak, main pond trees. Chaffinch big oak. Collared dove big oak.
Common gulls (10+), HG (2) southwards over plot.
No frost, overcast, showers, wind S or SW (BF 2-6), max temp ~8C.
Red list: Marsh tit burdock near shed. Mistle thrush into main pond trees.
Amber list: Bullfinch (2, females) eating pyracantha berries by shed. WP (15+) over plot and into Horseshoe Plantation. Sparrowhawk (male, 1st winter) attacking passerines in WBH. Kestrel on big oak.
Jackdaw (8+) main pond trees, also in/out at big oak nestbox.
Treecreeper on spinney cypresses.
BT (2+), GT near patio. Blackbird (3+) hornbeam square. Blackbird MNE. Blackbird (2) aggro, robin song Top Blackthorn. Goldfinch (25+) on burdock by patio. Jay WBH.
Gulls (250+, mainly common gull, BHG, some HG) circling Church Lane.
[Sparrowhawk (male, 1st winter) across A1065 at Toftrees. Rooks (50+) on arable Hempton.]
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, wind W (BF 1-4), max temp ~8C.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) near shed. Marsh tit burdock near patio. Woodcock eastwards over Hillside House 1625 GMT. Woodcock westwards over A1065 ashwoods 1630 GMT.
Amber list: Bullfinch MNE. Dunnock yews. Stock dove (2) near shed.
BT (2+), GT near patio. Blackbird (2) near yews. Goldfinch by big oak. Collared dove big oak area.
Fieldfare Top Blackthorn. Redwing (30+) along scratty hedge. Carrion crow near Horseshoe Plantation.
Egyptian goose (2) northwards near plot.
Little egret foraging on grazing near Carr Stream, near MNW.
Tawny owl song and call spinney at dusk.
Common gull (10+) drifting southwards over/near plot. Gulls (250+, mainly common gull, BHG) heading northwards at dusk over plot, silent.
No frost, mainly overcast, mild for January, calmer, wind W (BF 1-3), max temp ~11C.
BEWICK’S SWAN (probable, or whooper, perhaps subadult, probably lost) calling heading SE over plot (crane-like call). Seen without bins and at first identified as probable whooper, but the website norfolkbirds.com says that 3 Bewick’s were present at Great Ryburgh (9.0 km from Hillside House) on the 6th of January, but the number had increased to 4 by the 7th. Chances are that the swan that went over the Hillside plot was the fourth individual. The website shows that far more Bewick’s than whooper are present in Norfolk right now.
Bean goose (3, probable, from call and coloration) eastwards over A1065 ashwoods.
Water rail call main pond several times.
Red list: Greenfinch beech. Marsh tit burdock near patio. Woodcock up from MSE poplar planting area.
Amber list: Bullfinch near shed. Dunnock patio. Dunnock song MSE blackthorn. Moorhen Carr Stream near MNE.
Siskin call main pond area.
BT (1), GT (2+) near patio. Coal tit in Hamamelis. Robin (3+) by big oak and WBH (aggro between 2 on fence). Blackbird alarms near yews etc. Goldfinch (8+) by WBH. Nuthatch in hybrid poplars MSE.
Short-tailed vole nest by MSE track.
Redwing (5+) in A1065 ashwoods.
Buzzard (2) spinney and WRR area.
Common gull (60+), HG (10+), BHG (10+) drifting in small groups southwards over/near plot.
No frost, mainly overcast, some sunny intervals, mild for January, breezy, wind W (BF 2-5), max temp ~12C.
Red list: Greenfinch (2) on beech before sunset, some song (‘dwzee’).
Amber list: Bullfinch (male) across plot from east. WP (15+), stock dove from east.
Siskin (20) westwards across plot towards spinney.
BT (1), GT (1+) near shed. Robin (2+) by patio, shed etc. Blackbird by yews. Goldfinch on burdock near patio.
Grey squirrel on big oak.
Redwing (5+) from north.
Common gull (100+) drifting in small groups SW over or near plot.
No frost, overcast, rain/showers for most of day, still mild, wind W (BF 1-5), max temp ~9C.
Red list: Marsh tit (2) on laurel hedge budock, also on burdock by A1065 cypress stumps. Greenfinch emerging from laurel hedge (roost) 0820 GMT.
Amber list: Bullfinch MNW.
Jackdaw (12+) big oak and main pond trees.
Green woodpecker calling from ash3 tree.
Tit flock (10+, mainly BT, GT (1+), coal tit, LTT) near big oak and cypress stumps, also in pines. Robin by patio. Blackbird (4+) by WBH and yew hedge. Nuthatch on big oak. Goldfinch (12+) big oak. Chaffinch (2) eating pyracantha berries by shed. Collared dove big oak area. Fieldfare, blackbird MSW. Buzzard SHO. GSW calling at Horseshoe Plantation north end.
Grey squirrel (3+) in spinney. Rabbit (2+) along spinney north edge.
Redwing (10+) main pond trees, perhaps just arrived. Fieldfare (5), redwing over plot from north.
No frost, sunny intervals, overnight rain, quite mild, wind W (BF 1-3), max temp ~6C.
Red list: Mistle thrush near main pond trees. Marsh tit on burdock patch north of shed.
Amber list: Stock dove entering shed north end. Stock dove (2) display flight round shed area. Kestrel (male) WRR. Wren WBH.
Jackdaw (20+) big oak and main pond trees.
Collared dove on big oak. BT (2) on hazel by shed. Buzzard perched inside spinney.
Little egret along Carr Stream.
Common gull (15+) heading SW over plot.
01/01/2023Reed-cutting task by Norfolk Conservation Corps 2023-01-01 (c) Nigel Smith
No frost, overcast, overnight rain, mild, wind SW (BF 2-5), max temp ~13C.
Visit of Norfolk Conservation Corps (reed-cutting and brash hedge work at Top Blackthorn).
Pink-footed goose (75+) westwards north of Church Lane.
Red list: Woodcock across meadow towards grazing near WBH at dusk.
Jackdaw (4+) big oak.
Blackbird (2+) along track near MNW.
Buzzard perched Horseshoe Plantation (over A1065). Grey heron near Horseshoe Plantation at dusk.