
General records 2016

This table lists miscellaneous records of animals and plants at or near Hillside House for 2016.

Wildlife records 2016 at South Raynham
Frost early on, wind almost nil, sunny spells, quite cold.
Stoat running around between oak and pond, scooting in and over log pile etc; mobbed briefly by jackdaw. House sparrow (yes, really, at least one house sparrow!) heard calling from laurel hedge in morning, perhaps in roost. Kestrel (female?) perched on ash by pond, on poplar along SE edge of meadow etc. Siskin (prob) heard near meadow. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (3+), woodpigeon (3+), collared dove, moorhen (2), blackbird, dunnock, robin, coal tit, marsh tit. Great tit (2) by H.H. kitchen. Jackdaws (6+) round pond, on ground etc, also 2 in and out of oak and willow nestboxes.
Greenfinches (35+) collecting at laurel hedge roost (~1530 GMT).
Frost in morning, wind almost nil, fog or mist early on, sunny spells, quite cold.
Fieldfares (3) on oak. Kestrel perch-hunting edge of plot. Goldfinch (30+) on sycamore mid-moring, resting after feeding nearby.
Wind almost nil, sunny spells, colder, frost early on.
Magpie on sycamore, oak. Kestrel on fields near meadow and near W. Raynham Rd, some territorial/courtship (?) calling. Buzzard (prob. juv) calling, general area of S. Raynham church. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (4+), woodpigeon (5+), collared dove, stock dove, moorhen, blackbird, jackdaw. Jackdaws (8+) round pond, on ground etc, also 2 in and out of oak and willow nestboxes.
Wind almost nil, sunny spells, still fairly mild.
Jay on ground by oak. Coal tit, marsh tit by shed.
Greenfinch (12+) round laurel hedge roost near dusk.
On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (9+).
Wind moderate W or SW, mainly overcast, dry until after sunset, mild.
Buzzard (2) near meadow (1 perch-hunting on field immediately west of plot, 2nd -- probably the juv -- calling and moving east). On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (2+), chaffinch (7+), moorhen (2), woodpigeon (2), dunnock, robin, blackbird, marsh tit etc. Goldfinch flock (~30) in general area of H.H. plot.
Stoat chasing adult rabbit in the vicinity of the shed (near the pond, near the kitchen etc), eventually capturing it under the laurel hedge (~1045 GMT); prey was apparently dispatched quickly; during the chase, the stoat ran very close to several other animals, including a blackbird and a grey squirrel; the squirrel seemed completely unperturbed by the proximity of the stoat, though it did pay close attention; the stoat made no attempt to chase or attack the squirrel; some other birds had flown up to low perches nearby but there was no alarm-calling or mobbing.
[Near Del's Nursery, Sculthorpe -- red kite over farmland.]
Wind very light W or SW, sunny, dry, frost at first.
Buzzard (3) circling over area of S. Raynham church, then heading south. Also perched in various places near plot. Kestrel (male) hovering over fields near W.Raynham Rd etc. Mistle thrush song from start of Church Lane area. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (2+), chaffinch (4+), moorhen (2), woodpigeon (2). LTT flock (~15) foraging in sycamore tree by shed, among 'helicopter' seeds (latter mostly still attached). Possible (distant) little owl heard at dusk near S. Raynham church.
Wind very light W or SW, sunny spells, dry, mild.
PFG (~220) near plot heading NW (presumably back to the Wash), ~1345 GMT. Buzzard perched electricity cables field immediately west of plot, also a second at the same time circling over damp grazing south of South Raynham church. Kestrel (male) hovering over fields near West Raynham Road etc. Mistle thrush song from start of Church Lane area and simultaneously near Silver Service (i.e. two individuals singing). Blue tit (2+) on elders NW corner of meadow. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (2+), chaffinch (4+), moorhen (2), woodpigeon. Unidentified raptor at dusk in blackthorn thicket N end of meadow, perhaps flushed out by mobbing LTT flock (local flock usually consists of around 15 individuals). Possible stoat kill heard just outside plot boundary on field west of plot (different location from 20/12), but also possible water rail.
Greenfinch (20+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
Wind negligible, mainly sunny, dry, mild.
Peregrine (male) over plot from north, almost right over H.H. Sparrowhawk (male) over meadow heading towards Horseshoe Plantation. Buzzard also over meadow. Kestrel (2, male and probable female) -- male near meadow, then perched on stag-headed oak; at same time female circling in probable territorial flight over field just north of meadow (i.e. close to the kestrel box put up during April 2015). Blue tit (2+) on elders NW corner of meadow.
Probable stoat kill heard just outside plot boundary near same elders.
On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (2+), chaffinch (4+), moorhen (imm), woodpigeon. Flock of 30+ finches, probably goldfinch, over field immediately west of plot. Jackdaws (~40) departing from Church Lane area eastwards around 1400 GMT.
Wind almost nil, overcast, dry, light drizzle at times, mild.
Buzzard chased little egret for ~100m near Horseshoe Plantn. Coal tit on yews by kitchen. Kestrel (male) perch-hunting from electricity cables over field by W.Raynham Rd. Mistle thrush song from near Church Lane. Song in vicinity of H.H. plot -- robin (several), dunnock, wren, great tit, song thrush (on N edge of meadow). On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (3+), chaffinch (3+), robin, blackbird, moorhen (ad + imm), woodpigeon. Marsh tit on burdock.
Wind almost nil, mainly overcast, dry, damp, mild.
Stock dove (2) on ash trees near pond. Woodcock flushed from ditch NW corner of meadow, flew towards grazing on N side of Carr Stream. Goldcrest and blue tits (3+) on sycamore by shed. Moorhen taking cover in reeds round pond. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant, collared dove, chaffinch (3+, 2 with malformed feet), great tit (2), blue tit (2+), coal tit, robin, blackbird, moorhen (ad + imm), woodpigeon. Marsh tit on burdock. Kestrel taking mammalian prey (bank vole?) from stone bank along edge of patio. Later two kestrels along Carr Stream not far from meadow, calling repeatedly. Near plot -- grey wagtail, nuthatch, GSW.
Wind negligible, overcast, dry, damp, misty, mild.
Sparrowhawk (male) into trees by pond. Song thrush song along N edge of meadow. Marsh tit (2+) on burdock, thistles etc by pond, by shed etc. Buzzard over meadow etc.
Greenfinch (21) collecting near laurel hedge roost.
Wind negligible, overcast, dry but damp, mild.
Jackdaws (4+) in and out of oak and willow nestboxes.On bird seed by shed -- moorhen (2 adults), chaffinch (2+), coal tit, blackbird (2+), collared dove, robin etc. Song thrush song from spinney, also one along N edge of meadow. Egret sp. flying west over W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard over meadow etc.
Wind almost nil, overcast, dry but damp, mild.
Jackdaws (4+) in and out of oak and willow nestboxes. Starlings (10, 100+) flying west over plot near dusk. Buzzard (adult) perched electricity wires near W. Raynham Rd, also prob juv calling repeatedly from edge of Horseshoe Plantn. On bird seed by shed -- pheasant (3+), moorhen (3), collared dove, blackbird. Goldfinch (4) on oak.
Wind very light S, overcast, drizzle at times, mild.
Robin (2 places), wren (2 places near pond) in song on H.H. plot. Sparrowhawk (male) perched in willow at dusk, left towards Church Lane. Stock dove (2) over plot, also one very near willow nestbox, later jackdaws in and out of same nestbox. Mistle thrush song Church Lane. Starlings (10+) heading west over plot near dusk (to roost).
Stoat kill (probable) heard just NW of meadow, near dusk.
Wind almost nil, overcast, dry.
Tit flock on meadow (LTT 12+, BT 3-4, GT). Jackdaws (7+) in and out of oak and willow nestboxes. Stock dove (2) near pond etc. Mistle thrush on stag-headed oak, also one singing Church Lane.
Greenfinch (17) collecting by laurel hedge roost.
Wind light NW, mainly sunny, temperatures approx. average for December, dry.
[At Pensthorpe with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- probable great white egret with little egret for size comparison, both in flight, near R. Wensum. Lapwing (200 approx) in/on scrape area. Assumed feral greylag flock (50+). Goldeneye (male), tufted ducks (5+), gadwall (2+), shoveler (male), teal, mallard (several) in or on flooded pits. Dunnock, robin, blackbird etc. Mistle thrush near site entrance. Kestrel, buzzard (3+), sparrowhawk (female) also in various places. Moorhens quite numerous (e.g. 7+ near site entrance, very tame). Rooks (mainly) and jackdaws near carpark, probably 50+.]
SW airflow, mild, overcast, dry.
PFG (45+35) over from NW, heading roughly in direction of Whissonsett. Starling (30+30+20+6) heading west over plot, near dusk. Mistle thrush song from Church Lane. Goldfinch (10+) on burdock etc near shed and pond. Nuthatch calling from bungalows east of plot. Bullfinch (2) along W edge of plot. Sparrowhawk across meadow heading towards Church Lane near dusk. Buzzard (2) circling low over meadow. Coal tit, robin on meadow along western edge. Meadow pipit over field immediately west of plot.
Pisaura mirabilis in reeds among poplars, still quite active.
SW airflow, very mild for December, overcast, drizzle/showers at times.
Woodcock flushed from base of poplar NE of pond, flew to reedy field E of meadow. Goldfinch (30+) on burdock near shed and pond. GSW on oak. Nuthatch calling from bungalows east of plot. Bullfinch (5) along hedge, W edge of plot. Treecreeper (2, perhaps 3) on sycamore near shed. Tit flock in spinney etc (15+, GT, BT, LTT). Kestrel hovering over meadow next to W.Raynham Rd. Sparrowhawk (male) across meadow heading west. Buzzard calling from near meadow. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (3+), robin, pheasant (2+), moorhen (3), coal tit. Redwings and fieldfares (15+), starling flying west over plot. Muntjac near SW corner of plot. Mistle thrush song from Church Lane.
High pressure weakening, wind almost nil, mainly overcast, dry.
Jackdaws (2+) in and out of willow nestbox, also on top of oak nestbox. Kestrel hovering over meadow next to W.Raynham Rd. Buzzard over meadow, towards Horseshoe Plantn. Second (much paler beneath) calling from stag-headed oak. Goldfinch (10+) on burdock near shed. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (7+), robin, pheasant (2+), moorhen (3). Redwings (9+) foraging on ground near oak early on. Pied wagtail near shed.
Greenfinch (10+) collecting at dusk near roost.
High pressure weakening, wind almost nil, overcast, dry, fog or mist later.
Jackdaws (2+) in and out of willow nestbox. Grey heron foraging in grazing field immediately west of plot. Kestrel perched on oak several times and sallying out over grassy area near pond. Perhaps a female, head streaked brown, however tail quite grey. Beautiful drop- or diamond-shaped black markings underneath, roughly in lines. Buzzard off ash on meadow, towards Horseshoe Plantn, where a second could be heard. Sparrowhawk (prob female) fast through garden near shed. LTT flock (12+) through garden near dusk. Marsh tit by lawn. Goldfinch (10+) on burdock near shed. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (4+), robin, pheasant (2+), moorhen (3), blackbird (2+). Robin, wren, blackbird (2+) on meadow SW corner. Bullfinch (2) on hedge along W edge of plot. Mistle thrush on stag-headed oak near S.Raynham church. Fieldfare (5+) heading west near plot.
Greenfinch (5+) collecting at dusk near roost.
Anticyclonic, wind almost nil, mainly overcast, dry.
Woodcock flushed from base of goat willow, SW corner of meadow, flew to blackthorn thicket along N edge of meadow. LTT flock (14) through garden. Marsh tit by shed. Goldfinch (4+) on burdock near shed. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (4+), robin, pheasant (2+), coal tit, moorhen (3), pied wagtail, blackbird (2+).
Greenfinch (4+) collecting at dusk near roost.
Anticyclonic, wind light NE, overcast, dry.
Woodcock (2) over H.H. garden (lawn) and ash wood immediately south of A1065 (1615 GMT), at tree-top height, flying close together, perhaps courtship or territorial. Buzzard on stag-headed oak near S. Raynham church, a second calling at the same time from north end of NBW. Red kite (prob) over canopy of garden trees near Church Lane. Jackdaws (4+) near pond, in and out of willow nestbox. LTT flock (12+) on oak etc, moving through H.H. garden. On bird seed by shed -- chaffinch (2+), collared dove, blackbird, robin, pheasant (2+), coal tit. Jackdaws and rooks (2000+, prob. ~10:1) heading E or SE at dusk in W.Raynham/E.Raynham area.
Greenfinch collecting at dusk near roost, apparently only 2 at present.
Anticyclonic, wind light, overcast, dry.
Pink-footed goose (200+) over plot from NW (presumably from roosting location on Wash). Jackdaws (10+) near pond, in and out of oak and willow nestboxes etc. On bird seed by shed -- moorhen (2 ads + 1 imm), chaffinch (2+), woodpigeon (1+), collared dove, blackbird, dunnock, robin, pheasant (2+), coal tit, great tit. Marsh tit on burdock, blue tit (2+) on oak, nuthatch on oak. Fieldfares (15+) heading west over plot. GSW (female) on oak.
Anticyclonic, wind very light, sunny spells, dry, frost early, milder.
Snipe over meadow, possibly came down to forage. Little egret (presumed) along Carr Stream, departed east. Grey wagtail, pied wagtail in vicinity of H.H. Redwings (8+, etc) over plot in mist early on. Grey geese heard in distance to east. Buzzard over plot and on stag-headed oak near S. Raynham church. On bird seed by shed -- moorhen (2), chaffinch (2+), great tit, woodpigeon (5+), blackbird (2+), dunnock, robin, collared dove, pheasant (2+, male courting female). Marsh tit and goldfinches (6+) on burdock. Bullfinch near shed. Stock dove (2) near ash1 nestbox. LTT (10+) apparently going to roost at dusk in spinney area. Starlings (8+) heading west over plot towards dusk. Siskins (6+), probable, over plot.
Greenfinch on sycamore near dusk.
Anticyclonic, wind very light, sunny spells, dry, frost early and lingering, cold.
Rough-legged buzzard (probable -- no bins to hand) overflying plot from E, heading NW towards Mill Covert (pale underneath, wings longer, straighter-edged and held flatter in glide than buzzard), clearly in medium- or long-distance transit (unlike typical buzzard sightings here). On bird seed by shed -- moorhen (2), chaffinch (2+), great tit, blue tit (2+), coal tit (2+), woodpigeon (2+), blackbird (2+), dunnock, robin. Jackdaws (4), kestrel perched on oak. Buzzard (dark, perhaps adult) on stag-headed oak near S. Raynham church, with mistle thrush.
Anticyclonic, wind almost nil, sunny, dry, frost early and lingering, cold.
Stoat briefly running off towards spinney 1315 GMT; kill from 28/11 is still under yews. Kestrel hovering over field adjacent to plot. Buzzard going to perch in spinney. Jay on western edge of plot. On bird seed by shed -- moorhen (2), chaffinch (2+), great tit, blue tit (2+), coal tit (2+), collared dove, woodpigeon (5+), blackbird (2+), dunnock, robin (2+), jackdaw, pheasant, pied wagtail. Jackdaw in and out of oak nestbox. Bullfinch (f) feeding on nettle seeds near box tree. Marsh tit (1+) on ground by box, apparently searching for old bird seed (none put there this autumn). Goldfinch on burdock by shed. Stock dove (1 only -- mate may be in box) display-flighting off ash NW of pond. Egyptian goose (2) over from the south. Starlings (15+) overflying eastwards.
Greenfinch (2+) assembling on sycamore for roost.
Wind very light, mainly sunny, dry, frost early, temp. near average.
Stoat next to Hillside House, with rabbit kill (~1145 GMT), alongside house etc; later kill was moved (by predator) to base of small yews by kitchen; predator left in direction of spinney. Kestrel perched on ash N of pond. Robin, blackbird, coal tit, dunnock, collared dove on bird seed by shed.
Greenfinch (1) on sycamore near dusk.
Wind almost nil, mainly overcast, occasional showers.
Grey squirrel sitting on top of oak nestbox, then mobbed by 2+ jackdaws.
[At Buxton Heath with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- snipe (2) dropping into boggy part of heath, green woodpecker, redwings (15, 15) some on holly berries, fieldfares (20), bullfinch, siskin (1+), redpoll (1, also flock of 20+, prob. this species), kestrel, buzzard, woodpigeon (250+), carrion crows (5+, perhaps family party), jay, tits (great, blue, coal), robin, blackbird, etc. Also harvest mouse nest in rushy ground found by Yvonne of NCC. Entrance of vole/woodmouse nest.]
Grey squirrel entering tit box on beech -- hole has been enlarged at some time by chewing or chipping, perhaps by a squirrel.
Greenfinches (5+) into laurel hedge roost at dusk.
Wind light NE, overcast, dry, quite cold.
Jay on ground by oak. Chaffinches (6) on bird seed by shed. Red kite over Church Lane (S. Raynham). LTT (9+, probably 15-20) collecting near dusk in elder bushes by shed, perhaps agitated by presence of predator, later towards spinney (possible roost?). Several blackbirds and wrens in vicinity. Woodpigeons (8+) in cypresses by near oak, probable roost. Woodcock dropping into spinney near H.H. at dusk. Jackdaws (mainly) and rooks (total 500+) heading to roost eastwards over S. Raynham (Church Lane area).
Wind light NE, overcast, dry, quite cold.
Buzzard perched in ash just north of H'shoe Plantn. Snipe over meadow and nearby, probably flushed from ditch along western edge of plot. Several blackbirds feeding on crab apples, NE corner of meadow, also on hawthorn.
Buzzard near meadow, also perched on electricity pole by W.Raynham Rd. Wren by H.H.
Wind very light W, mainly clear, dry, quite cold.
Kestrel near spond and spinney.
Wind light W, overcast, drizzle, mild.
Stoat hunting in Hillside House garden between house and A1065 fence (~1030 GMT), departed into spinney; at one point investigating vicinity of mammal lodge by fence. Kestrel perch-hunting on oak, made apparently unsuccessful sally towards edge of plot. Goldfinch (30+) on ash trees by spinney, apparently feeding on ash seeds. Several blackbirds on H.H. plot. Mistle thrush (2) on stag-headed oak near S.Raynham church, one leaving towards rectory. Buzzard perched nearby, persistent calling from second (assumed juv). A few redwings in area.
Wind light W, overcast, dry.
Sparrowhawk (female) over plot, heading west. Goldfinch (15+) near pond etc. Grey wagtail by H.H. Goldcrest in yews by H.H. kitchen.
Greenfinch (11) near H.H. at dusk, probably about to enter roost. Siskin heard about same time, possibly in with greenfinches.
Wind light N, sunny spells, dry.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- brambling (1 or 2, identified by call), occasional siskin, redpoll (1+), bullfinch (several), mistle thrush, blackbirds (several), fieldfares (60+) and redwings (similar numbers) -- mainly feeding on hawthorn berries, skylark (occasional) overhead, sparrowhawk (female, twice), buzzard, jay, tit flock (great, blue, marsh and LTT), woodcock (probably same bird seen twice by NCC volunteers), field vole. Also robin, dunnock, woodpigeon etc. Linnets (25+) and stock dove on nearby stubble field.]
Wind light S, overcast, drizzle all day.
Moorhen (3) on grass by H.H. kitchen. Fieldfares and redwings (total ~30) over plot in morning. Dunnock, robin, wren etc round shed.
Greenfinch (3) at top of beech late afternoon, perhaps beginning of roost -- left towards ivy-covered trees alongside spinney.
Wind almost nil, sunny spells, mainly dry.
Stock dove (2) on dead ash near pond, later 7 flying over plot. Jackdaws (4) on ash trees near pond, probably feeding on remaining ash keys, a pair in and out of oak nestbox, also 8 on ground by pond. Redpoll heard over plot. Usual goldfinch flock near pond. Bullfinch (2) from meadow area towards spinney.
[Fieldfares and redwings (total 500+) along lanes between Harpley and Weasenham, flushed from hawthorn hedges.]
Wind W, very light, cloudy, showers.
Stoat near western edge of plot, close to oak, dragging and/or pushing dead adult rabbit towards meadow. Coal tit foraging in upper parts of Salix tree along edge of pond. Probable treecreeper heard nearby. Fieldfares and redwings (total ~30) over meadow and vicinity. Small flocks of starlings heading NE near dusk, pehaps to a roost. Great tit on elder bushes near shed. Moorhen (1+) on pond, as usual. Bank vole inside shed. Buzzard (2) on stag-headed oak (near S. Raynham church), one (might lighter coloration) calling repeatedly, pehaps a juv.
Wind NW, fresh at times, cloudy, some sunny spells, mainly dry.
Tit flock though H.H. garden, with dunnock, robin, goldcrest in yew trees by kitchen. Treecreeper on sycamore. Brown rat, bank vole on bird seed by shed. Starlings (30+) flying east over plot. Buzzard over fields to west of plot.
Wind N, fresh at times, cloudy, some sunny spells, cool.
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Kestrel perched repeatedly on same tree, once eating (unidentified) prey. Buzzard over fields to west of plot. Lapwings (6) flying over northwards. Jay on ground near oak.
Wind N, fresh at times, showers, some sunny spells, cool.
[Booton Common: GSW, sparrowhawk female, kestrel, rooks (250+) with some jackdaws, mistle thrush, siskin (2), starlings (40+), also a few redwings and a tit flock.]
Wind N, fresh, overcast, showers.
Blackbirds (8+) on grass near shed. Robin, wren, dunnock, chaffinch, tits alsopresent. Probable sparrowhawk kill on edge of spinney (distress calls from prey) but not seen. Buzzard calling repeatedly from field immediately west of plot. A few fieldfares overflying plot.
Several common toads rescued during move of firewood stack. Many Tegenaria sp. (perhaps T. sylvestris) in same stack.
Wind light, mainly overcast, dry.
Fieldfares (20+) with few redwings heading east over plot near dusk. Grey wagtail and 2 pied wagtails on bird bath by H.H. Siskin over plot. Yellowhammer and skylark calling from nearby. Bullfinch calls from western edge of plot. Marsh tit on beech by H.H., blue tit on bird seed by shed. Robin and wren by shed. Kestrel perch-hunting field immediately west of pond. Jackdaws (4+) in and out of oak nestbox etc, also 63 collecting on poplars near Church Lane towards dusk.
Probable Amaurobius ferox found in rubble from dismantling of garden wall. Several common toads and common frogs in same debris.
Wind northish, light, sunny spells, dry, cooler.
Fieldfares (40+) with few redwings on hawthorn bushes, meadow. Buzzard near pond etc.
New spider for the plot -- Segestria senoculata found inside breeze blocks during dismantling of garden wall. This species was thought to be absent owing to lack of suitable old brick walls.
Wind NW, light, overcast, drizzle in monring.
Sparrowhawk fast through H.H. garden. Snipe (2) over plot from east, departed towards W.Raynham Rd. Buzzard (prob. juv) calling repeatedly from near S. Raynham church. Starling (10+) over plot from east.
Some Pisaura mirabilis found to be still active during garden tidying.
Wind light, fog or misty early on, dry, mild.
Green woodpecker flying over plot from north, probably towards Wensum Pools plot.
Wind almost nil, cloudy, fog or misty early on, dry, mild.
Brambling over plot (identified by call). Siskin (3, then 25+) into poplars along SE edge of plot. Bullfinch calling from hedge along W edge of plot. Redwing (40) into hedges etc W. Raynham Rd. Buzzard calling from Horseshoe Plantn. Jackdaws collecting in poplars etc near S.Raynham church. Moorhen, robin, wren, dunnock in H.H. garden. Grey wagtail and pied wagtail (4+) over plot. Probable treecreeper in cypresses near A1065. Skylark heard overhead.Tit flock (GT, BT, LTT) on meadow.
Wind light, cloudy, sunny spells, dry, mild.
Marsh tit by shed, on burdock. Redwing and fieldfare flock (100+ in total, approx 50:50 RW:FF) in trees and hedgerows along W.Raynham Rd near dusk, some departing east probably to roost. (Fieldfare arrival noticeably later than redwings). Buzzard calling from stag-headed oak, also one perched in beech tree opposite H.H. near dusk, probably hunting voles. Pied wagtail by shed. Dunnock along ditch west of pond. Kestrel close to S. Raynham church, also near W.Raynham Rd. [Sparrowhawk over Tesco's, centre of Fakenham].
Wind light, cloudy, sunny spells, dry, quite mild.
Pied wagtail (2) and grey wagtail on concrete by shed.
Wind light, cloudy, sunny spells, dry, quite mild.
Buzzard near S.Raynham church. Redwings (15+) round plot. Goldfinch (10) on burdock etc. Siskin (2) calling/subsong from top of beech by H.H. Blackbird, robin, wren near shed. Jay foraging by oak, on ground and in tree. Pied wagtail (2) and grey wagtail on concrete by shed.
Wind light, cloudy, sunny spells, dry, quite mild.
Buzzard calling repeatedly from stag-headed oak near S.Raynham church. Probable red kite to the north of the church, not far from Raynham Hall. Moorhen calling from H.H. pond. Much smaller numbers of redwings (5+) than yesterday. Jackdaws (25+) collecting in churchyard of S.Raynham church.
Wind very light, mainly overcast, sunny spells, dry.
Fieldfares (8+) with redwings (50+) in vicinity of meadow, feeding on hawthorn berries (fewer berries this year than last). Redwings probably arriving from north and east. Sparrowhawk (prob female) across meadow and into poplar trees along meadow SE edge. Bullfinch on edge of meadow. Jackdaws (4) on ground by oak, also one in and out of oak nestbox, also prob. inspecting willow nestbox.
Wind almost nil, overcast, dry.
Possible woodcock flying south low down towards spinney. Bullfinch male along H.H. plot western edge.
Wind light, N or NE, sunny spells, mainly dry.
[At Holt Lowes, seen by Norfolk Conservation Corps -- green woodpeckers (2+), GSW, sparrowhawk (female), possible peregrine (juv), kestrel, buzzard (3+), snipe, redpoll (6), siskin (several), bullfinch, yellowhammer (male), occasional redwing, LTT flock, GC (2+), PFG (3, also larger flock possibly this species), carrion crow (10, in roving party). Also present, a common sandpiper not seen by Norfolk Conservation Corps.
Common frogs. Several darters (Sympetrum) still active, some in tandem, some egg-laying. Wasp nest on ground. Hornet. Various fungi, including Boletus sp. Lousewort Puccinella, Iris common in mire.]
Wind light, fresh at times, N or NE, overcast, drizzle, quite mild. A weak depression over near continent bringing an easterly or north-easterly airflow over North Sea.
Some "vis mig" this morning, no doubt reflecting weather conditions. Small and medium sized flocks of mainly redwings (60, 30, 25, 15, 20 etc) coming in from the north or north-east. A few fieldfares mixed in with them.
Jackdaws inspecting oak nestbox. Buzzard perched usual stag-headed oak near S. Raynham church. Kestrel calling from same area. GSW. Small tit flock on H.H. plot. Goldfinch (20+) near pond etc. Skylarks (number unknown) over plot from south.
Wind fresh N or NE, showers, sunny spells.
PFG (30+) heading over A1065 north near W.Raynham Rd.
Buzzard over fields near plot. Fieldfare (30+) flying west over plot. Sparrowhawk (female, prob. imm) flushed from trees by pond and heading into H.P. Goldfinch (25+) near pond. Kestrel (female/imm) perched several times on oak by shed, watching for (prob) voles.
Wind fresh N or NE, showers.
Jays (2) by pond, oak etc. Buzzard (2) over fields near plot.
Wind light N or NE, showers.
Jays (2) by pond, oak etc. Buzzard (2) over fields near plot, 1 calling repeatedly (begging). Kestrel near W. Raynham Rd.
Wind light northish, showers.
Great tit by oak. Goldfinches (10) over plot (on burdock). Buzzard (3) over fields near plot. Nuthatch. Mistle thrush heading towards S. Raynham church area. Goldcrest (2) on blackthorn etc, edge of spinney. Possible raven over high from north.
Wind light NE, sunny spells.
Buzzard (2) near spinney and vicinity. Kestrel perching on oak, on field west of plot, etc. Jays harvesting acorns on oak, near shed. Redwing (1) by pond, also calls heard. Moorhen calls from pond. Pied wagtail on S.S. workshop.
Wind light E or NE, sunny spells.
Buzzard (2) near S. Raynham church etc. Mistle thrush perched bare oak near S. Raynham church. Stock dove (2+) fleeing area by pond when disturbed.
Wind light E or NE, sunny spells.
Buzzard (3+) near S. Raynham church etc. Sparrowhawk, prob. female, circling over meadow and nearby. Kestrel on field to west of meadow.
Wind light NE, sunny spells.
Buzzard (3+) over meadow and vicinity. Kestrel on field west of plot. Jays (2) harvesting acorns on oak, near shed. Nuthatch calling from spinney. Robin song H.H. plot.
Wind light W, sunny spells.
Goldfinches (12+) on thistles near shed. Buzzard over meadow harrassed by jackdaws.
Red admiral (2) on ivy. Southern hawker round pond.
Wind light SW, overcast, drizzle at times.
Jackdaws (4+) feeding on ash keys by pond. Goldfinches (12+) on thistles near shed. House martins (40+) foraging over meadow and adjacent fields. Lapwings (100+) on/over fields west of W.Raynham Rd (recently tilled). Kestrel near H.H. plot. Nuthatch on beech by house. Pied wagtail on and round meadow, near dusk.
Wind light SW, mainly overcast.
Chiffchaff song, H.H. plot.
Chiffchaff song near H.H.
Wind light SW, mainly overcast.
Treecreeper on sycamore by shed. Pied wagtail on plot. Nuthatch on beech by H.H. Mistle thrush over, heading towards S.Raynham church. Chiffchaff calls and song near H.H. Robin song near H.H. Song thrush on lawn by shed. Buzzard (3) near H.H., including juv. begging repeatedly.
Bombus pascuorum still on lavendar. Red admiral near H.H.
Wind light E or SE, sunny spells.
Parties (15+) of hirundines (swallows and HM) heading S or W. Kestrel (2) on field next to W.Raynham Rd. Goldfinches (10+) by pond. Chiffchaff calls and song near pond. Lapwings (~75) over fields near W.Raynham Rd, departed east. Redwing (prob., 2) into Horseshoe Plantn. Buzzard (3) round plot.
Araneus quadratus (female on web, with male in attendance) on meadow, A. diadematus near shed. Bombus pascuorum still on lavendar.
Wind light N, mainly cloudy
Jackdaws (6 or 8) inspecting oak, willow etc nestboxes. Chiffchaff calls, brief song. Blackcap calls near meadow.
Wind light N, sunny spells.
Pinkfeet (7) over heading northwards.
Wind fresh N, cloudy, drizzle in morning.
Goldfinches (25+) by pond.
Wind light E, sunny, warm.
Great tit alarm near shed. Chiffchaff song by pond. Goldfinches (25+) by pond. Nuthatch over plot. Buzzard juv begging not far from S. Raynham church.
A new spider for the plot -- Araneus marmoreus pyramidatus female inside her 'tent' by web near pond. Bombus pascuorum still on lavendar. Small white, red admiral, southern hawker around plot.
Wind light E, sunny, warm.
Great tit song (near shed). Coal tit song. Blackcap (female?) apparently feeding on white bryony berries. (Elder and rowan berries are finished). Chiffchaff song by pond. Dunnock (2+). Chaffinch (2+) insect-catching from oak. Goldfinches (5+). Robin song. Nuthatch over plot. Song thrush alarms at dusk.
Bombus pascuorum still on lavendar. Prob. Mellinus arvensis (3+) by Cistus plants in border. Small white, red admiral, peacock, small tortoiseshell, southern hawker around plot.
Wind light, sunny, warm.
Buzzard juv calling repeatedly from oak near S. Raynham church, apparently begging. Adult nearby. Kestrel over field west of plot, possibly insect-catching. Stock doves (2+) display-flighting etc near pond, also song from spinney area. Marsh tits calling from burdock patches.
Bombus pascuorum still on lavendar, brimstone, small tortoiseshell, small white, comma around plot. Southern hawker over grassy area near pond and shed.
Wind light, sunny, warm.
[Lolly Moor, Dereham: Hobby catching prob. dragonflies over trees. Buzzards (prob. juvs) calling repeatedly. Chiffchaff, bullfinch calling occasionally.]
[Lolly Moor, Dereham: many Sympetrum darters in tandem flights, egg-laying in small pools (previously created by Norfolk Conservation Corps). Hornet. Green bush cricket. Prob. Araneus cornutus etc. Several rare plants.]
Wind light, W, overcast, rain or drizzle in morning.
Blackcap (2+, male and female) eating elder berries near W. edge of plot (blue tit and goldfinch on same elder trees). Goldfinch flock is 10+. Blackbirds are now feeding on laurel berries -- rowan berries are almost all gone. Wren by H.H. kitchen. HM (10+) foraging over plot and field to west in drizzle.
Wind fresh, W, sunny spells.
Jackdaws (2+) in and out of oak nestbox. Stock doves (3+) on plot. Usual goldfinch flock (25+) on plot by pond and on field west of meadow. Buzzard (2) near plot, round Horsehshoe Plantn. etc. Peregrine (prob. juv) over fields west of W. Raynham Rd, departed NE. Hirundines (mainly HM) in small numbers southwards.
Bombus pascuorum on lavendar by H.H. Green-veined white on lavendar. Small tortoiseshell, speckled wood by shed.
Wind very light S, cloudy, humid.
Jackdaws (2+) in and out of oak nestbox. Usual goldfinch flock near plot, on field west of meadow. Chiffchaff along west edge of meadow, also on oak near shed. Moorhen (2) by shed etc.
Sawfly larvae (probably hazel sawfly) are defoliating the tops of at least 4 alders along west edge of meadow. Presumably this is a second generation for the year -- previous record was 28/06. Several Bombus pascuorum on lavendar by H.H.
Wind light W, sunny at first.
Jackdaws (2+) in and out of oak nestbox. Goldfinch flock (10+) on thistles and ragwort by pond. Buzzard (2) over plot, near spinney etc.
Several Bombus pascuorum on lavendar by H.H. Southern hawker over plot.
Wind almost nil, mainly cloudy, dry.
Hobby insect-catching near H.H. pond, departed east (1145). Stock dove (3+) near pond. Chiffchaff calling near pond. Usual goldfinch flock (10+). Blackcap calls from elder bushes. Buzzard over plot and perched, field west of meadow.
Dragonflies in tandem over H.H. plot. Bombus spp. on lavendar.
Wind fresh, NW, mainly cloudy.
[Juvenile cuckoo at Woodbastwick Marshes, gadwall (6+), cormorant.].
[Woodbastwick Marshes -- brimstone, southern hawkers, perhaps migrant hawkers, A. diadematus, A. quadratus, cowbane, Carex spp., Cladium].
Wind light, N, sunny early, cloudy later.
Jackdaws (4) hanging round oak and willow nestboxes. Stock dove (3) on oak. Blackbirds (several) near H.H. in laurel hedge etc, probably harvesting laurel berries. Treecreeper on sycamore by H.H. Blackcap (6+) on elder trees along west edge of plot. Chiffchaff calling near pond. Hirundines (groups up to ~25) southwards, mainly HM. Buzzard over field west of plot.
Small tortoiseshell, comma, Bombus pascuorum around the plot. Wasp nest by track along W edge still very active.
Wind light, W or SW, mainly cloudy.
Jackdaws (2) hanging round willow nestbox. Blackbirds (6+, all juvs?) near H.H., into laurel hedge. Occasional hirundines southwards, mainly HM.
Probable Megachile sp. bee on the logstack (mainly black or dark, with yellowish 'fringe' to abdomen, assumed to be hairs). Perhaps M. centuncularis.
Wind light, W, sunny spells.
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox (0740).
Wind light, W, sunny spells.
Spotted flycatcher foraging in corner of H.H. plot next to allotments.
Blackcap also present. Goldfinch flock (12+) is still about the plot.. Also marsh tit on burdock, chaffinch (2+). Buzzards (juv) calling from near H.H. plot. Moorhen (2 ad, 1+ juv fullgrown) by shed etc.
Solitary wasp from 27/08 is tenatively idenitified as Mellinus arvensis ('Field digger wasp').
Wind light, W, sunny spells.
[Swannington Upgate common -- several dragonflies (southern hawker, common darter etc) over ponds. Also a very fine water scorpion. Remains of unidentified prob. juv. raptor, probably part-dismembered by a mammalian predator such as fox. Strongly barred flight-feathers (blackish, whitish and tawny brown, also pale finely dark-barred feather possibly form underside. Hobby/kestrel/sparrowhawk?]
Wind light, W, sunny spells. Thundery later.
Buzzard (probably juv) calling from Horseshoe Plantn. and nearby.
Another solitary wasp (2+) mostly round Cistus plants on the front border by H.H. Probable Bombus pascuorum bumblebees (2) on lavendar.
Wind light, W, sunny spells.
[Swifts (5+) over Wells harbour.]
Wind light, W, cloudy, showers, occasional thunder early on.
Chiffchaff by oak etc. Blackcaps (3+) in same area. Kestrel perched, field west of meadow. A few hirundines over plot, mostly house martins, perhaps heading south.
Southern hawker by sycamore near H.H. Small tortoiseshell (4+), red admiral, large white on buddleia. Mason wasps (2+) by shed entrance. Probable Bombus pascuorum bumblebees (2) on lavendar.
Wind very light, W, sunny, warm.
Chiffchaff by oak etc., briefly singing at times. Stock dove on ash by pond. Kestrel perched, field west of meadow. Buzzard over same meadow.
Brimstone on buddleia.
Wind very light, W, sunny, warm.
Spotted flycatcher (2, adults) on oak (1715 onwards).
Goldfinches (18+) by pond etc. Buzzards (2) over plot. Green woodpecker calling from near pond. Small numbers of hirundines passing over southwards (mainly house martin, odd swallows and sand martin).
Small tortoiseshell, red admiral, comma on buddleia. Southern hawkers (2+) and several probable migrant hawkers in afternoon, over shed etc.
Wind fresh, W, sunny spells, brief showers.
Greenfinches calling. Stock doves (2+) near ash nestboxes. Blackbird juvs (3+) feeding on rowan berries. [Lapwings (120+) over newly-tilled fields near Mill Covert.].
Two more tentative identifications of bees/wasps -- 1) mason 'bees' are probably Pemphredon lugubris, a solitary wasp; 2) 'ichneumon' on log stack more likely Gasteruption jaculator. Also present by log stack are small (5mm) solitary wasps. Several 'mason wasps' (unident.) by shed. Red admiral, small tortoiseshell (3), comma on buddleia.
Wind lightish, W, sunny spells.
[At Potter's Fen and Scarning Fen -- several rare plants; common lizards in two places. Large green grasshoppers very numerous for the present day. Southern hawkers, common darter in fair numbers. Hobby fast westwards. Swifts (7+) overhead just beforehand, also a few swallows and house martins. Sparrowhawk (prob male).]
Wind light, N, sunny spells.
Whitethroats (3+) in sedge just west of H.H. plot opposite pond. Juvs still being fed by adults. Green woodpecker juv on oak by shed etc. Chiffchaff calls from H.H. plot. Greenfinches calling. Stock dove flying out of ash1 nestbox. Blackbird juvs (3+) feeding on rowan berries.
Probable Rhyssa tridactyla (ichneumon) on log stack (but see 22/08). Peacock (3), comma on buddleia.
Wind light, N, sunny spells.
Blackcap (female/juv) on elder tree by pond. Chiffchaff calls from H.H. plot. Greenfinches calling, prob in nest in cypresses. Bullfinch calls from cover along west edge of plot.
Hoverfly Syritta pipiens numerous on burdock plants again. Prob. Ichneumon suspiciosus on meadow, along west edge. Several bees, thought to be Probable Bombus pascuorum bumblebees, on thistles etc. -- quite large, buff hairs on thorax, narrow greyish-white bands on dark abdomen. Peacock (3), comma on buddleia. Digger wasp(s) present at log stack may be Ectemnius sp.
Wind lighter than recently, NW, sunny spells.
Usual mason bees (unident.), on log stack, also Chrysis. Solitary wasps (3+) by shed -- these could be Odynerus spinipes, tentatively identified in 2015, but seem small. Apparently males (8-11mm) are smaller than females (10-12.5mm). Hoverfly numerous on burdock plants recently is tentatively identified as Syritta pipiens (thick-legged hoverfly).
Wind fresh, NW, sunny, quite warm.
Blackbird mostly juvs still feeding on rowan berries. Stock dove song near H.H. Buzzards (3) agonistics near Horseshoe Plantn.
A digger wasp, possibly beewolf Philanthus, or Ectemnius sp. entering large (10mm+) hole in a willow log in the log stack. Difficult to see properly. Also mason bees (unident. -- but see 22/08), Chrysis. Solitary wasps (3+) by shed. Brismstone (1), peacock (2+), gatekeeper, whites by buddleia. Several southern hawkers round the plot.
Wind light, NW, cloudy, drizzle in morning.
Blackbirds, mostly juvs, have become more visible -- e.g. four together on the box tree, perhaps eating box seeds. Also feeding on rowan berries. Stock dove song near H.H. Tawny owl calling near H.H. (2055).
Wind light, N, sunny spells, rather cool.
Goldcrest foraging in oak by shed. Kestrel over meadow. Sparrowhawk (prob male) into large ash just north of meadow. Moorhen ad (2) and 3 juv (60% grown) by H.H.
Wind light, W, sunny spells, warm.
Buzzard (2+) over H.H. and fields to west. Moorhen ad and 2 juv (60% grown) by H.H. Green woodpecker in gardens by start of Chruch Rd, S. Raynham.
Elephant hawkmoth caterpillar on Epilobium by new hedgebank. Comma by pond.
Wind light, W, sunny spells, warm.
Buzzard (2+) over H.H. and fields to west. Kestrel over H.H. etc. at various times. Moorhen ad and 2 juv (60% grown) by H.H. A few house martin overhead, but swifts probably now gone already.
On buddlleia and near shed -- peacock (5), comma, silver-washed fritillary, brimstone. Meadow brown (several), whites (many), gatekeeper nearby.
Wind light, W, cloudy at times, sunny spells later.
Sedge warbler 1) foraging in reed edge of pond; 2) later, alarm-calling close to goat-willow, meadow SW corner (suggesting nest). Unident. warbler edge of pond, possible Cetti's (poor view, but quite dark). Chiffchaffs (several, including some juvs) calling and foraging mainly along W edge of H.H. plot. Moorhen 2 juv (60% grown) by H.H. Greenfinch songflighting over pond area. Woodpigeon probably feeding pulli in laurel hedge. Blackbirds still feeding on rowan berries near pond.
Song thrush perched near W. Raynham Rd. Kestrels (juv plus 1+ ads) on fields adjacent to meadow. Buzzard juv calling repeatedly from fields west of W. Raynham Rd, later 3+ buzzards over W. Raynham Rd area. Red kite over same area, rising and drifting south.
Wind fresh, W, sunny spells.
Dunnock feeding young in bramble patch, W edge of plot, prob. in nest but not seen.
Wind fresh, W or SW, cloudy early, sunny spells later.
Hobby fast through/over H.H. garden, probably into spinney nearby at canopy height, perhaps perched.
Fair numbers of white butterflies, H.H. garden, also peacock, small tortoiseshell etc. and various flies (including usual hoverflies). Southern hawker over pond, also Aeshna grandis over lawn, several darters (prob. common).
Wind light, W or SW, cloudy, fairly cool.
Blackirds (mostly juvs) are now beginning to harvest the ripening berries on the largest rowan tree. Moorhen ad with 1 juv (75% grown) by H.H. Sedge warbler in reeds fringing pond (quiet, brief song/subsong). Stock dove song from poplars along meadow SE edge. Green woodpecker juv on trunk of elder tree by pond. Kestrel juv on electricity pole near W. Raynham Rd. Greenfinch song from near H.H. Sand martins starting to head south, high up in cloudy weather (who can blame them?).
Wind light, W or SW, sunny spells early, drizzle later.
Moorhen ad with 1 juv (75% grown) by H.H., also small juv in pond. Stock dove (2 + 2) leaving pond area, prob. nesting pairs. Buzzard (prob adult) over H.H. plot.
Laothoe populi caterpillar on A group plant, near A10. Also pale green looper type caterpillar. Ruby-tailed wasp (perhaps Chrysis ingnita) by log stack, with a few mason bees and ichneumon wasp (unident.). Fair numbers of butterflies immediately north of pond on ragwort etc., including GV-white, large white, comma, painted lady (1), peacock, brimstone (1), holly blue (1), skipper sp., meadow brown, prob. small heath.
Wind light, W or SW, rain or showers in morning, fairly warm.
Buzzard (prob adult) over H.H. plot. Green woodpecker over plot from SW, heading towards meadow. Kestrel male and 1+ juvs near pond.
Wasp in vicinity of sea buckthorns planted 2016), perhaps Polistes sp. (possibly P. dominula?) -- mostly yellow legs, yellow antennae, one broad black band at anterior end of abdomen, ~5 narrower bands behind. Also Chrysis ignita by log stack, with several mason bees (yet to be identified). Many white butterflies over meadow.
Wind light, W or SW, rain or showers p.m., rather cool.
Buzzard (4+) over H.H. plot. Kestrels 1+ juvs near H.H. plot.
Wind light, W, rain or showers in morning.
Swifts (60+) moving SW over S. Raynham area in drizzle, probably start of southward migration.
25/07/2016Sawfly larvae on Scots pine, probably Diprion pini, Hillside House 2016-07-25 (0584)
Wind light, W, sunny spells, cooler (around 21C).
Yellowhammer song from W. Raynham Rd west of meadow. Buzzard in general area of H.H., perched on ash west of meadow, etc. Kestrels calling frequently, probably 1+ juvs with parents, mostly near bridge over Wensum stream (W. Raynham Rd area). Swifts (6+) over H.H. plot screaming etc. Chiffchaff calls now seem to have stopped. Greenfinch (2) over H.H. plot.
Several sawfly larvae on Scots pine by shed, perhaps pine sawfly Diprion pini. (See photo).
Chiffchaffs calling monotonously from vicinity of H.H., in sycamore, by shed etc., probably with newly-fledged young.
Two common shrews brought in by Misty (cat) at Hillside House -- distinctly tri-coloured (quite dark brown on back, fawny on sides, whitish underneath).
Wind light, sunny, warm (at least 33C later).
Spotted flycatcher calling and perched on bare twigs of sickly beech, Silver Service plot.
Reed bunting male song just outside NW corner of meadow, on large ash. Red kite (2) soaring over Horseshoe Plant. area. Stock dove departing from area of barn owl box. Chiffchaff calls from W side of pond. Greenfinch song, H.H. plot. Probably 2+ woodpigeon nests in laurel hedge.
Wind light, sunny, warm.
Reed bunting male song NW corner of meadow, moving to hedge along W. Raynham Rd. Whitethroat female in NW quadrant of meadow. Chiffchaff song meadow east edge (in Salix). Greenfinch song, H.H. plot. Goldcrest song H.H. garden (A1065 cypresses). Blackcap male and female foraging sycamore by H.H. kitchen, also chiffchaff. Stock doves (2) showing interest in kestrel box (N edge of meadow). Buzzards (3) over plot, mobbed by kestrel male. Kestrel male taking prey just S of pond, leaving westwards. Oystercatcher calling from near meadow.
Mason bees entering cells on log stack. Various commoner butterflies (meadow brown, ringlet, GV-white, small tortoiseshell) over grass by shed etc.
Wind light, sunny, warm.
Spotted flycatcher calling from ash wood by A1065 immediately south of H.H.
Whitethroat (female) in reeds etc. meadow NW quadrant, alarm calls.
[At Alderford Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- several orchids (common spotted, twayblade, pyramidal, bee orchid). Several dragonfly and damselfly species over pond in main quarry area. Marsh bedstraw in woodland pond. Also white admiral in woods. Bullfinch male and female, blackcap and chiffchaff song, yellowhammer song nearby.]
Wind light, W or NW, sunny spells, warmer.
Reed bunting male song 1) NW corner of meadow; 2) near NE corner of meadow (two males). Chiffchaff song meadow east edge (in Salix). Greenfinch song, H.H. plot, cypresses by A1065.
Probable hobby over H.H. from south, fairly high, heading north. Kestrel male over Wensum valley woods to east of S. Raynham church and nearby.
Wind light, NW, sunny spells, rather cool.
Spotted flycatcher in ash woods opposite H.H. Also calls from bungalows by Silver Services, though flycatcher not seen.
House sparrows (small numbers) calling from brambles in spinney opposite old council houses S. Raynham, also on roof of same houses (close to H.H., about 70 metres away, but still not on the plot!).
Blackcap family in blackthorn thicket immediately west of H.H. again, one or two visiting yew trees by kitchen for berries. Greenfinch song from edge of lawn, H.H. Marsh tit feeding on thistles near house sparrows in spinney area. Whitethroat male song from elder thicket, meadow NW corner. Chiffchaff song meadow east edge (in Salix). Chiffchaff calls along hedge W edge of plot by pond, probably with juvs. Wren song by shed.
Wind light, N or NW, sunny spells, cool for time of year.
Blackcap (5+, all fledged) in blackthorn thicket immediately west of H.H. -- clearly a family party. Moorhen by H.H. kitchen. Chiffchaff calling by pond, probably with juv. Red kite over S. Raynham church and nearby. Buzzards (2+) over H.H. plot several times, one mobbed by male kestrel. Chaffinch male calling from dead ash, blackthorn thicket N edge meadow several times, probably a nesting territory.
Wind light, NW, sunny spells, rather cool.
Reed bunting song 1) from blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow, 2) from meadow NE quadrant (simultaneous registrations indicating two territories). Kestrel calling near H.H.plot. Blackbird juv begging calls from spinney. Whitethroat song from hedge along W. Raynham Rd, west of meadow.
Wind light, W, mainly overcast, drizzle or showers in afternoon.
Whitethroat song from W. Raynham Rd near Carr Stream. Chaffinch song from same area. Blackcap male and female in and round box tree by H.H., alarm calls (perhaps with juv(s)). Red kite over S. Raynham church area. Swifts (6+) foraging, screaming, copulating in air etc over H.H.
[Buzzard (2) in apparent territorial clash over Fakenham town centre. Kestrel male over Hempton.]
Wind light, W, sunny spells.
Spotted flycatcher (prob) perching at top of ash N edge of meadow, then moving to large ash to the north.
Moorhen adult with downy juv by H.H. kitchen etc. Reed bunting male song from hawthorn by Carr Stream, just NW of meadow. Possible sedge warbler dropping into meadow NW quadrant. Barn owl foraging over meadow and nearby (~2045). Song thrush song from blackhorn thicket N edge of meadow, also prob female nearby and along W edge of meadow, alarm calls. Red kite several times over H.H.plot etc. Buzzard over A1065 by H.H. Whitethroat song from W. Raynham Rd near Carr Stream. Kestrel male hovering over meadow and nearby. Chiffchaff dong from near pond. Several swifts in area of S. Raynham church.
Wind light, W, overcast, drizzle in morning.
Chaffinch song from oak by shed.
Wind light, W, quite warm, mostly cloudy, showers in morning.
Chiffchaff song from Salix trees by pond. Kestrel (male) over H.H. plot and nearby several times.
Barn owl foraging over meadow west of meadow (~2030).
Whitethroat song from hedge along W. Raynham Road. Prob. whitethroat charr calls along ditch on W edge of meadow. Reed bunting song from just outside H.H. plot along Carr Stream. Song thrush song blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow (goldfinch (2+) in same area), song thrush prob moved from hedge SW of pond. Greenfinch song H.H. plot. Marsh tit alarm calls from spinney by H.H. Moorhen full-grown juv in H.H. garden by kitchen.
Wind light, W, quite warm, mostly cloudy, odd showers.
Jackdaws (2+) briefly hanging round oak nestbox (~0630). Carrion crows (2+) by pond etc. Chaffinch song from oak by shed, H.H. plot, clearly (and unsurprisingly) fading now. Chiffchaff song from Salix trees by pond. Kestrel (male) over H.H. plot and nearby several times.
Wind light, W or NW, quite warm, mainly sunny with some cloud.
Chaffinch song from vicinity of oak by shed, H.H. plot. Sedge warbler in NW quadrant of meadow, perched above reedtops but no song. Reed bunting song from meadow west of meadow. Bullfinch (male) heading into blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow. Buzzard (2) over H.H. plot several times.Chiffchaff song from Salix trees along meadow E edge. Blackcap (female, prob) in blackthorn spinney near H.H. Whitethroat song from hedge along W. Raynham Road. Song thrush song H.H. plot western edge. Greenfinch song same area.
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, mainly sunny with some cloud.
Whitethroat song-flighting over NW corner of meadow. Simultaneously a second in song from hedge along W. Raynham Road, 150 metres away. Kestrel hovering in various places in vicinity of H.H. plot, at one point two together over meadows west of W. Raynham Road. Chiffchaff song 1) from Salix trees along meadow E edge, 2) just NW of pond, 3) from blackthorn spinney along meadow N edge (i.e.3 separate territories).
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, sunny.
Sedge warbler (prob juv) in rank vegetation western edge of meadow, alarm calls. Sparrowhawk (male) perching in tall poplars start of Church Road. Kestrel hovering in various places in vicinity of H.H. plot. Chiffchaff song from Salix trees along meadow E edge, also just NW of pond.
[Stoat crossing A1067 near Foxley.]
[At Booton Common with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- several rare or scarce plants including Cladium mariscus, marsh helleborine, ragged robin, etc.]
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, sunny spells.
Stoat between Hillside House kitchen and shed (~0930). Sparrowhawk (male?) perching in ash N edge of meadow, then leaving westwards, low down, towards W. Raynham Road. Chiffchaff song from Salix trees along meadow E edge.
Hornet near shed.
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, sunny spells, showers at times.
Kestrel male in vicinty of meadow, also perched on dying ash containing nestbox. Reed bunting near western edge of meadow. Whitethroat song , probably from same area. Buzzard in area of H.H. plot.
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, sunny spells.
Barn owl foraging over meadow immediately west of meadow (0804). Buzzards (2+) over H.H. and S. Raynham area.
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, sunny spells.
Many Croesus septentrionalis larvae (hazel sawfly) on an alder in SW corner of meadow, partially defoliating side branch.
Barn owl foraging over meadow immediately west of meadow (0715). Marsh harrier female (or imm male) over meadow and H.P., fairly high (above 50 metres), heading south. Kestrel in same area. Buzzards (2+) soaring over S. Raynham area. Whitethroat song meadow NW corner.
Wind light, S or SW, quite warm, mostly overcast.
Araneus cucurbitinus on pine by shed.
Wind light, S or SW, humid, quite warm, overcast, occasional light showers.
Spotted flycatcher on oak by shed.
Chaffinch song from big oak. Blackbird, wren, robin, chiffchaff and possible treecreeper song from H.H. plot, blackcap song from spinney. Goldcrest foraging in sycamore by H.H., probably feeding at nest in cypresses on edge of plot. Coal tit calls from cypresses by A1065. Kestrel male perched by W. Raynham Rd, later apparently insect-catching in flight over meadow etc. Female reed bunting near apparent nest (close to poplar A10), uneasy. Green woodpecker calls from spinney area, perhaps nestlings or recently fledged juvs.
Probable Libellula sp. on meadow, near western edge. Also Agelena labyrinthica in same area.
[Swifts and house martins (20+ of each) over houses in West Raynham -- there are few of either in South Raynham. Kestrel also present.]
Wind light, S or SW, humid, quite warm, mainly overcast.
Cat brought in shrew thought to be pygmy shrew Sorex minutus; fortunately this was rescued and released apparently relatively unharmed.
Wind light, warmish, dry, sunny spells.
Buzzard perch-hunting from electricity pole next to W. Raynham Road. Later, buzzard lifting food from this field and carrying it northwards. Barn owl hunting in same field (immediately west of H.H. pond) and apparently taking prey from middle of field, departing south (0820). (If this is a parent feeding young, recent rain may have prevented the pair from foraging.) Chiffchaff, robin song in H.H. garden. Reed bunting pair (male with food), whitethroat pair, both pairs on meadow, immediately north of pond. Blackcap song in spinney just west of H.H.
Jackdaw inside oak nestbox again.
Wind light, mild, overcast & dull for most of day, rain or showers until after midday.
Song thrush juv (fully independent), blackbirds (4+), woodpigeon (3+), blue tit juvs (3+), RLP in H.H. garden.
Wind light, warmer than recently, sunny spells.
Jackdaws still entering nestbox on oak, at least 3 individuals, perhaps non-breeders or one-year-olds (the brood in this box is thought to have fledged successfully, see 09/06/2016).
[At Hoe Rough near Dereham with Norfolk Conservation Corps -- five species of warbler in song, near the river (chiffchaff, willow warbler, blackcap, whitethroat and garden warbler). However no Cetti's or Acrocephalus spp.. Hobby catching insect prey. Two species of Libellula, hornets, cinnabar moths, brimstone, etc also present.]
Wind light, cool, overcast for most of day, drizzle or showers until midday.
Robin disturbed accidentally from incubation at nestbox by A1065 fence (same box as previous failed attempt, see 04/05/2016). Buzzard, kestrel over H.H. plot. Roe deer male disturbed from edge of meadow, leaving westwards.
Wind light, mild, overcast.
Red kite over H.H. plot from west. Carrion crow feeding on dead rabbit by shed. Greenfinch song near H.H. Chiffchaff song by pond, also blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow.
Moth thought to be Nemophora [=Nemotois] degeerella perched on recently-planted laurel by pond.
Orchid found near meadow SW corner, probably Dactylorhiza sp.
Wind light, warmish, but heavy showers in afternoon.
Jackdaws now hanging round in general area of spinney and pond, all broods assumed to have fledged. Chaffinch song from oak. Goldcrest, coal tit song from cypresses near A1065. Blackcap song near H.H. Buzzard over H.H. plot, also perched on electricity poles by W. Raynham Road (kestrel male perched on same pole later).
Scorpion fly Panorpa sp. and spider Enoplognatha ovata (formerly called Theridion ovatum) in nettles along western edge of plot. Latter is apparently rather scarce in West Norfolk, perhaps under-recorded (see NBN Gateway).
Wind light, warm, dry, sunny (clear skies).
Jackdaws at oak perhaps fledged. Jackdaw juv at entrance of ash2 nestbox, adults feeding at ash1 box. Chaffinch song from oak. Blackbird independent fledged juv by lawn, on box tree etc. Blackcap song near pond. Chiffchaff song blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow. Wren and robin song SE edge meadow, also by H.H. Jay in sycamore by H.H., chased by blackbird. Moorhen by oak, shed etc, also clash between two near pond. Blackcap alarm calls repeatedly blackthorn thicket by H.H. Buzzard over H.H. plot.
Pisaura mirabilis meadow SE edge.
Wind still light northerly, mild, sunny (clear skies).
Jackdaws feeding at oak, willow and ash1 nestboxes. Chaffinch song from oak. Blackbird independent fledged juv by lawn, on box tree etc. Blackcap song near pond. Chiffchaff song blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow. Wren and robin song SE edge meadow, also by H.H. Jay in sycamore by H.H., chased by blackbird. Moorhen by oak, shed etc, also clash between two near pond. Blackcap alarm calls repeatedly blackthorn thicket by H.H. Buzzard over H.H. plot.
Pisaura mirabilis meadow SE edge.
Wind light northerly, mild, sunny intervals.
Jackdaws feeding at oak and willow nestboxes. Chaffinch nest in yew has apparently failed -- 1 dead pullus, perhaps deserted, caused by disturbance (too close to the house). Carrion crow low down by A1065 cypresses, chased by jackdaws. Moorhen by H.H., on lawn etc. Buzzard (2) over West Raynham Rd. Chiffchaff song goat willows NW of pond.
Wind light northerly, rather cool, overcast.
Robin (2+) near house, feeding fledged juv. Jackdaws feeding at oak, willow and ash1 nestboxes. Whitethroat female probably feeding at nest in western half of meadow. Little egret over from south. Buzzard over H.H. plot several times, once in company of kestrel.
Scorpion fly Panorpa sp.in nettles near pond.
Wind light northerly, rather cool, cloudy.
Red admiral on sycamore and nearby. Barn owl carrying prey from direction of S. Raynham church towards pond, possibly aming for new nestbox but prevented from delivering there by my presence. Tawny owl young calling from trees by A1065.
Wind light N, rather cool, cloudy, drizzle.
Song thrush foraging H.H. lawn, feeding fledged juv by A1065 fence. Robin (2+) near house. Jackdaws feeding at oak and willow nestboxes. Chiffchaff song near H.H.
Wind light N, rather cool, sunny spells, dry.
Song thrush foraging H.H. lawn. Robin (2+) near house. Marsh tit in beech by H.H.
Wind light N, rather cool, sunny spells, dry.
Song thrush foraging H.H. lawn. Reed bunting song meadow (N edge blackthorn thicket area). Buzzard, with kestrel, over field west of meadow.
Red kite over plantation wood near E. Raynham.
Wind light W or N, mild, sunny spells, dry.
No sp*tted flycatcher record today. Reed bunting song from blackthorn thicket meadow N edge. Whitethroat song hawthorn W edge meadow, also charr calls simultaneously meadow NW corner, indicating 2+ individuals (prob pair). Goldcrest song shed cypresses. Song thrush foraging H.H. lawn, also song shed cypresses. Great tit female patio border (searching in leaf litter), also great tit feeding at oak and beech nestboxes. Jackdaws feeding at oak nestbox (must be near fledging). Jay in beech by H.H. Chiffchaff song from pond region. Chaffinch female off nest small yews by H.H. kitchen. Stock dove (2) leaving area by barn owl box (prob nest). GSW from west towards Horseshoe Plant.
Wind light W, mild, cloudy, dry.
H.H. No sp*tted flycatcher record today. Reed bunting song from blackthorn thicket meadow N edge (also song from song thrush, chiffchaff, blackcap, dunnock from same area). Acro sp. song meadow SE corner (in Salix), prob. sedge w. Goldcrest song A1065 cypresses. Song thrush foraging H.H. lawn. Great tit male on patio border (searching in leaf litter). Pied wagtail on roof of H.H. Jackdaws feeding at oak nestbox. Dunnock song near shed etc. Jay working blackthorn, cypress etc near H.H. RLP (2) on lawn etc. Chiffchaff song from pond region, also spinney. Stock dove song in spinney. Whitethroat song meadow western edge (on hawthorn). Blackcap song Salix trees along meadow E edge, also poplars etc along meadow SE edge. Buzzard over meadow etc. Kestrel male into poplars along meadow SE edge. GSW from west towards Horseshoe Plant.
Cardamine flexuosa growing up abundantly in area of cut reed, meadow SE corner. Garlic mustard in varous places meadow etc.
Wind light W veering N, mild, cloudy, occasional showers.
Spotted flycatcher in H.H. pond area, near shed etc.
Swallow over H.H. plot, also swifts in general area (small numbers).
Jackdaws feeding at oak nestbox, also feeding at willow box.
Nuthatch call from H.H. garden. Great tit male clash small cypresses (near shed), also prob feeding at beech box. Chaffinch male on oak, also song. Goldfinch song sycamore near H.H. Dunnock song near shed etc. Song thrush foraging H.H. lawn. Jay near pond. RLP (2) on grass near pond.
Chiffchaff song from pond region. Whitethroat song meadow western edge (on hawthorn). Blackcap song Salix trees along meadow E edge, also near H.H. Acro sp. song meadow SE corner (in Salix). Sedge warbler song pond. Reed bunting song, from S side of blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow.
Buzzard over meadow etc. Mistle thrush song from ash trees south of A1065. GSW from west towards Horseshoe Plant.
Wind light SW, mild, cloudy, occasional showers.
Spotted flycatcher in H.H. garden.
Jackdaws feeding young in oak nestbox. Acro sp. song meadow SE corner (in Salix). Reed bunting song, from area of blackthorn thicket N edge of meadow.
Wind light NW, mild, cloudy with hazy sunshine.
Spotted flycatcher in H.H. pond area, on oak, willows etc.
Jackdaws feeding young (now audible) in oak nestbox, also feeding at willow box. Chaffinch male on oak, also song. Moorhen (2) with 3 still downy young, prob 10 days. Blackcap song meadow NE corner; also male by meadow SW corner. Chiffchaff song blackthorn thicket meadow north edge, also song from pond region. Whitethroat song meadow SW corner. Kestrel (male) near S. Raynham church. Buzzard over W. Raynhmam Rd area.
Mason bee cells (5+) visible in log stack by boundary wall. Hornet on sycamore.
Wind NW, mild but rather cool for mid-May, sunny spells.
Spotted flycatcher H.H. garden (on sycamore, hedge along W. edge, on oak etc).
Chiffchaff song.
[Woodlark in full song, Cawston Heath -- also willow warbler, yellowhammer, goldcrest, chaffinch, chiffchaff, kestrel.]
Wind NW, mild but cool for mid-May, sunny spells.
Reed bunting male song from ash just outside plot, meadow NW corner.
Still quite warm.
Spotted flycatcher on oak, beech, sycamore, etc.
H.H. garden -- song -- chiffchaff, chaffinch, wren, dunnock, coal tit, blackcap, greenfinch. Many bibionid flies.
Still warm.
Spotted flycatcher in H.H. garden (a.m.).
Prob. chaffinch nest in yew by H.H. kitchen, chaffinch song. LTT, BT, GT. Buzzard (2) overhead etc. Sedge warbler singing middle of meadow, near young alder. Seen well, perched. Jackdaw brood calling oak nestbox. Great tit inside oak nestbox (tit box!). Probable marsh harrier female W. Raynham Rd area (distant, no bins).
Mason bees round boundary wall logstack, thought to be Osmia sp.
Still warm.
Chiffchaff song, H.H. area. Kestrel over field west of meadow. No whitethroat or Acrocephalus song.
Acrocephalus song, middle part of meadow -- prob. sedge warbler (see later).
Warm for early May.
Acrocephalus song from pond, 0030. (Almost certainly sedge warbler).
Robin nest in nestbox by A1065 fence empty, probably predated within last couple of days.
Bibionid flies numerous.
Whitethroat song and songflight, meadow SW corner and near blackthorn thicket. Second singing from W. Raynham Rd. Lesser whitethroat song briefly from W. Raynham Rd near derelict cottages. Kestrel display over field west of meadow.
Wind SW or S, mild (no frost overnight), cloudy.
Great tit pair foraging in patio border, H.H. Jackdaw in oak nestbox. Stock dove on oak. Collared dove (2) on sycamore by H.H. Pied wagtail with prob. nest mat on H.H. roof. GSW on oak, H.H. Greenfinch, goldfinch song H.H. plot. Chaffinch male on oak, prob pair chasing round box tree.
[Willow warbler and whitethroat song, Wensum Pools plot.][Swallow Sculthorpe Moor site, house martins over houses near Dunton.]
Wind SW or S, mild, sunny intervals.
Great tit pair nestbuilding at beech nestbox. Some courtship begging by female. No reed warbler song yet from meadow. House martin over H.H. Chiffchaff and blackcap (male) in goat willows west of pond. Kestrel male and female close to nestbox meadow thicket, but little sign that box is actually in use. Marsh tit (2) on poplars SE edge of meadow. Mistle thrush prob. carrying food from field west of meadow to site SE of H.H. Blue tit, goldcrest, chiffchaff, song thrush (dusk), robin, dunnock song near H.H. Wren alarm near A1065, prob. nest.
Salticus zeb. on new log stack near shed. Several Pisaura mirabilis (well-grown) and many Pardosa wolf spiders on grassy area nearby, also bee-fly (Bombylius). Queen wasp rescued from inside H.H., released outside. Several bats active at dusk near pond.
Wind swinging west and south, milder.
[Many house sparrows in gardens of suburban part of Chelmsford, also odd swallow.]
Northerly airstream, cool.
Tit box on willow by pond has old bees nest and slugs, no tit nest. Tit box NW of pond is empty but with beetles and earwigs on base, suggesting bats. Tit box on goat willow W of pond has tit nest but no eggs. Marsh tit present at box in meadow blackthorn thicket but not visited to avoid disturbance -- expect incubation to be starting around now. Blackbird nest in hawthorn NE corner of meadow has 2 (or 3) pulli, feathered but still small (6-8 days). Robin nest A1065 fence has 6-7 pulli (very brief visit to minimise disturbance), all craning actively, prob. 1-2 days old. Song thrush pair has 1 or 2 fledglings nearby, perhaps from nest in laurel hedge -- parents gave alarm calls. Fledglings flying quite well, tails still shorter than adults'. Jackdaws off oak nestbox, probably incubating.
Unselttled, northerly airstream, cool.
Jackdaw in oak nestbox. Goldfinch (4) on H.H. patio. Greenfinch (male, female) on sycamore. Song thrush foraging on H.H. lawn. Pied wagtail (male, female), RLP (2) on H.H. grass. Chaffinch pair on oak. Kestrel over H.H. plot. Treecreeper on sycamore by H.H.
Unsettled, northerly airstream, cool.
Stock dove (2) on ash with kestrel box. Mistle thrush foraged on field west of meadow, came from S.S. direction. Song thrush pullus (laurel hedge nest) definitely dead.
Northerly airstream, breezy, cool.
Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash2 nestboxes. Blackbird 1 ringed fledgling by H.H., probably 2nd also present. Great tit song from beech by H.H., also in/out box. Buzzard over meadow etc. Sparrowhawk (female) carrying prey from junction A1065 and W. Raynham Rd, towards Horseshoe Plant.
Showers (hail), sunny intervals, northerly airstream, breezy, cool.
Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1, ash2 nestboxes. Goldcrest song from cypresses next to A1065. Pied wagtail female on grass by shed. Blackbird 2 ringed fledglings by shed, with male and female. Great tit courtship feeding on sycamore, inspecting wall site nearby. Goldfinch pair collecting nest mat by laurel hedge. Greenfinch female carrying nest mat by sycamore.
Sunny intervals early, northerly airstream, quite cool.
Jackdaws at oak, willow, ash1, ash2 nestboxes. Blackbird male by nest in hawthorn NE edge of meadow, 3-4 small pulli. Small tit egg (1) in nestbox meadow blackthorn thicket N. edge. Bullfinch call from same thicket. Woodpigeon (33) on beech by H.H. Treecreeper on same beech. Moorhen by shed. Chiffchaff song in hedge SW of pond. Great tit song in trees west of pond. Song thrush pair (prob) by goat willows NW of pond.
Mistle thrush song from poplars at start of Church Rd.
Starlings (6+) over Hempton.
[House sparrow (2+) on house opposite Wensum Pools. House sparrow by empty cottages East Raynham.]
Fairly cloudy, sunny intervals, dry, wind light (easterly), quite cool.
Jackdaw (2) at oak nestbox, also 2nd pair at willow box, 3rd pair at ash2 box. RLP (2), coal tit, blackbird, moorhen etc on food by shed. Kestrel display-flighting field next meadow and meadow. Carrion crow on ash by pond. Song thrush nest in laurel has only 1 pullus, quite cold. Robin nest has 7 eggs (A1065 fence, disturbed). Chaffinch song sycamore by H.H.
Sunny with some cloud, dry, wind light (easterly), quite cool.
Jackdaw (2) at oak nestbox. Other pairs at willow and ash1 boxes, probably also ash2. Song near H.H. -- chiffchaff, goldcrest, chaffinch. song thrush. Territorial clash between song thrush at beech -- one left to sing in ash trees south of A1065. Probably at least two other singing song thrush near H.H. Woodpigeon (33+) feeding in beech tree by H.H., presumably on budding leaves. Sparrowhawk (female?) circling over W. Raynham Rd area. Blackbirds (5+) on grass near oak etc. On new food by shed -- coal tit, great tit, blackbird, jackdaw, etc.
Sunny, dry, wind light (easterly), mild, but sight frost in early morning at H.H.
Jackdaw (2) at oak nestbox, prob. courtship-feeding in box. At times both of pair inside box. Other pairs at willow and ash1 boxes. Oak pair still on tree at 2025 BST, but others going SE to roost at dusk, in pairs. Carrion crow again near H.H. patio -- rabbit carcass has now been opened, liver probably removed but gut discarded. Great tit (3 -- m, m, f) on sycamore by H.H., foraging in twigs, also on ground in leaf-litter. Song thrush foraging on lawn by H.H. Pied wagtail male on grass by shed. Goldcrest song in cypresses by A1065. Coal tit song from ash trees south of A1065. Kestrel display-flighting by . end of pond, chased by jackdaw. Reed buntingsong NE corner of meadow, but shy. Chiffchaff song and calls from trees by pond, blackthorn/ash thicket meadow, blackthorn thicket near H.H. Prob whitethroat song allotments, but brief. Blackcap in Salix trees by pond. Buzzard perched in willow NE corner of meadow.
Red kite over plantation by E. Raynham village. Sparrowhawk circling over NBW north end (north of A1065).
Some poplars now showing good amounts of emerging leaf, but many yet to break bud. Blackthorn on meadow is only just flowering and alder leaves on meadow are still quite retarded -- some evidence of cooler or delayed local microclimate there, reasons not clear.
Sunny, dry, wind light (easterly), mild.
Jackdaws at oak nestbox courtship-feeding, on tree and probably in box. Other pairs at willow and ash1 boxes. Stock doves (3) on oak, in presence of jackdaws, also hanging round ash trees by pond. Great tit (3) at beech box (in and out etc), also song. Marsh tit song in spinney. Blackbird female feeding fledged chick (metal-ringed), by A1065 cypresses, near S. end of house, etc. Only one chick visible at any one time. Song thrush foraging on lawn by H.H., also one singing from sycamore tree at dusk, probably the laurel hedge pair. Blackcap song from blackthorn thicket in spnney. Grey heron off pond. Greenfinch song near H.H., also goldfinch in sycamore by H.H. GSW drumming near H.H. Kestrel disply-calling in region of spinney. Buzzard over field west of meadow. Carrion crow showing interest in dead young rabbit on H.H. patio. Treecreeper on beech by H.H. Goldcrest song from cypresses near A1065. Robin incubating at A1065 fence nest. Other song near H.H. -- coal tit, wren, chiffchaff, chaffinch.
Overcast, dry, wind light, rather cool.
Jackdaws (2+ pairs) in oak and willow nestbox. Stock doves also hanging round willow nestbox. Great tit collecting nest mat at beech and oak nestboxes (i.e. 2 nests), also song. (Sycamore box is apparently not attracting any interest, but only recently installed). Blackbirds (3+) and song thrush foraging on grass near oak etc. Robin pair apparently courtship feeding near shed Pyracantha. Dunnocks (2+) foraging on ground near shed. Goldcrest song from cypresses near road. Coal tit song near H.H..
Sunny, some fair-weather cloud, wind light, fairly mild.
Jackdaws in oak nestbox. Blackbird pulli at nest in Pyracantha have departed, some contact calls close by. Robin probably courtship-feeding at A1065 fence nestbox. Song thrush incubating at nest in laurel hedge (2.5 metres from ground). Kestrel in spinney. Reed bunting male in NW corner of meadow, calling and perching in elder tree.
Steady rain or drizzle for most of day, overcast, wind very light, cool.
Jackdaws (3+ pairs) in oak nestbox, willow nestbox and in ash trees by pond. Blackbirds (3+) foraging on grass by oak, male and female delivering food to nest in Pyracantha (2 pulli visible, now well-feathered). Dunnocks (3) in brash pile in spinney near edge of H.H. plot, also individuals foraging on ground near house. Great tit foraging in leaf litter by house. Song thrush delivering food to nest in laurel hedge, exact location of nest yet to be determined but ~2 metres from ground. Moorhens (2+) usual territorial/sexual clashes between pond and spinney, also on lawn. LTT in willow by pond. Chiffchaff, chaffinch song close to H.H. GSW on tall dead ash by pond.
Steady rain or drizzle for most of day, overcast, wind light NE, cool.
Jackdaws (3+ pairs) in oak nestbox, willow nestbox and in ash trees by pond. Stock dove (2+) in trees by pond, also others display-flighting in general area. Kestrel perched in tall ash immediately north of pond in morning. Blackbirds (3+) foraging on grass by oak. Male and female delivering food to nest in Pyracantha. Dunnocks (3) in brash pile in spinney near edge of H.H. plot, also individuals foraging on ground near house. Great tit foraging in leaf litter by house. Song thrush delivering food to nest in laurel hedge, exact location of nest yet to be determined but ~2 metres from ground. Moorhens (2+) usual territorial/sexual clashes between pond and spinney, also on lawn. LTT in willow by pond. Chiffchaff, chaffinch song close to H.H. GSW on tall dead ash by pond.
Sunshine and showers, wind very light, mainly southerly, at times quite humid, mild, later some low cloud in from NE (i.e. over the North Sea). Arrival of two more summer visitors.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, others at willow nestbox and in ash trees by pond. Jackdaws still leave to the SE at roost, even the pair at the oak box.
Kestrel male and female display-flighting over meadow etc in morning, then perched in tall ash immediately north of pond near dusk, also one perched on isolated ash on field west of meadow.
Blackbirds (3+) foraging on grass by oak. Male and female delivering food to nest in Pyracantha, also removing faecal sac. Robin feeding second in A1065 cypress nestbox. Dunnock apparently with nest mat in nearby ivy-covered cypress. Great tit song near H.H., male in Pyracantha by shed. Mistle thrush foraging on rough fallow west of meadow. Song thrush foraging on grass etc near H.H., prob 2+ individuals. Siskin in poplars by pond. Blackcap male subsong in laurel hedge by H.H., also in blackthorn thicket near H.H. Buzzard over meadow etc. Chiffchaff song near pond. Chaffinch song near H.H. Goldfinch singles on H.H. plot. Moorhen (3) agonistic clashes SW of pond.
Swallow flying north near H.H.
Greenfinches (10) in beech by H.H. at dusk, presumably still going to communal roost.
Dry, sunny, some fair weather cloud, wind very light, southerly, mild.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, others at willow nestbox and in ash trees by pond. Kestrel female perched in ash immediately north of pond for half an hour or more in morning. Blackbirds (2+) foraging by oak, male and female near nest in Pyracantha, female delivering food. Brood now with full covering of feathers, probably mostly downy on the body. Jays (2) in trees near pond. Great tit song near H.H. -- prob. pairs near beech, oak and sycamore boxes. Pied wagtail foraging on grass by shed. Chiffchaff (2) foraging/calling in sycamore by H.H. Possible redwing on ash by pond.
Drizzle for most of morning, overcast, wind very light, southerly, mild.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, others at willow nestbox. Blackbirds (2+) foraging by oak, male and female near nest in Pyracantha, male delivering food. Blackbirds (3+) chasing jays (2) away from western hedge, oak area etc. Song thrush foraging on lawn H.H. Mistle thrush (2) in spinney, on beech, cypresses etc. probably a pair. Also mistle thrush song from area of spinney by A1065. Greenfinch song in vicinity of H.H. Great tit song near H.H. Grey heron flushed from pond in morning, then returning later (1600 BST). Pied wagtail on shed. GSW over H.H. plot from east. Bats (2) forging over grassy area near pond (prob pip. sp.).
Mostly dry, wind light & westerly, mild.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, others at willow nestbox. Blackbirds (2+) foraging by oak, near nest in Pyracantha. Song thrush foraging on lawn H.H. Chiffchaff song, three areas -- goat willows by pond, blackthorn thicket near stream (meadow), blackthorn thicket meadow SE corner. Greenfinch song in vicinity of H.H.
Sunny, some cloud, wind light & southerly, mild.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox. Blackbirds (2+) foraging by oak. Three pulli ringed by Gary Elton at nest in Pyracantha. Robin nest by fence by A1065 has 5 eggs. Pied wagtail male and female on shed etc, also grey wagtail on shed.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox. Stock dove in trees near pond. Blackbird pair feeding at nest in Pyracantha. Robin probably courtship feeding incubating bird at A1065 fence nestbox. Greenfinch songflighting over H.H. plot. Kestrel male and female display-calling over meadow, later one perched on tree containing kestrel nestbox.
Dry, wind light & westerly, mild.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, delivering nest mat, others at willow nestbox. Blackbirds (2+) foraging by oak. Male and female to blackbird nest in Pyracantha. Song thrush alarms near H.H., adults foraging on lawn etc. Chiffchaff song in pond area. Pied wagtail male and female on shed etc. Greenfinch song in vicinity of H.H. Great tit prospecting in wall along H.H. eastern boundary (near shed). Buzzard (2) over meadow and nearby. RLP (2) feeding by shed. Green woodpecker calling, probably on or near meadow.
First green shoots on poplars. All sea buckthorn now showing evidence of budding and growth, including one along meadow SE edge (previously looked as if failing).
Mostly dry, odd showers, wind light & westerly, rather cool.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, delivering nest mat, others at willow nestbox. Blackbirds (2+), song thrush foraging by oak. Blackbird nest in Pyracantha has 3 pulli, still naked, quite fat, one markedly smaller. Chiffchaff 2 song simultaneously from spinney, other from pond area. Sparrowhawk into ash by pond from west towards dusk (~1850 BST), soon moved off through Silver Service plot.
Showers or drizzle in morning, wind westerly, light in morning but picking up later, rather cool.
Jackdaws (2) in oak nestbox, also preening on tree, others at willow nestbox. Jackdaw flock (24+) in general area of Church Lane etc. Blackbirds (2+), song thrush, redwing foraging by oak. LTT on oak. Chiffchaff song from spinney. Great tit inspecting beech nestbox, also alarm-calling nearby.
Sunny with some cloud, fairly mild.
Jackdaws (2) by oak, willow, ash1 and ash2 nestboxes. Stock dove on ash by pond. Song thrush foraging in garden. Greenfinches (several) close to H.H., some song. Pied wagtail male and female on shed. Barn owl over field west of meadow (dusk, ~2030 BST -- first sight record since early March, probably foraging later now). Moorhen (2+) ongoing territorial clash between pond and spinney. Buzzard (2) over Horseshoe Plantn (south of S. Raynham church). Mistle thrush song near S. Raynham rectory/church. Great tit (2+) on meadow along north edge (also song). Chiffchaff song (2, 1 NE corner of meadow, 2nd near pond). Mistle thrush through H.H. garden past pond towards A1065. About 10 dead frogs and toads on N. edge of pond, killed by predator, assumed to be grey heron. White-tailed bumblebee hanging round new log stack. Small bat (prob. pip) foraging over area between pond and shed. Probable cat tracks along path meadow north edge. One or two poplars planted winter 2015/16 now looking close to budburst, but none in leaf yet.
Showers in morning, wind light and southerly, mild.
Jackdaws (2) by oak nestbox. Song thrush foraging by shed. Greenfinch pair on patio, perhaps collecting nest mat. Greenfinch song near H.H. Goldcrest foraging in pines between pond and shed. Moorhen (4) lengthy territorial clash between pond and spinney, apparently two pairs. Reed bunting male on meadow by ash/blackthorn thicket. Bee-fly by new log stack (dark leading edges to wings). Woodcock prob 'twissick' roding call NW of pond but distant (at dusk). Some alders now very close to budburst.
Showers early on, then calm, hazy sunshine, mild.
Robin nest in nestbox by A1065 fence has two eggs. Jackdaws by nestboxes (oak, willow, ash1 and ash2). Stock doves (3) on ash by pond. Chiffchaff song simultaneously from meadow east edge, meadow SW corner, also spinney. Grey heron off pond near dusk. Many common frogs on pond.
Greenfinches (12+) still collecting by laurel hedge roost.
[Pensthorpe -- red kite, buzzard, little egret, reed bunting, barnacle goose (40+), gadwall (male & female), chiffchaff song (several), mistle thrush song, mute swan, etc.]
Calm, thin cloud, hazy sunshine, mild.
Peregrine over H.H. from NW (~0745 BST). Chiffchaff (2) song simultaneously, 1 near Salix trees along E. edge of meadow, 2nd near cypresses/blackthorn thicket immediately west of H.H., also in Salix tree NW of pond. Jackdaws and stock doves in and around nestboxes. Jackdaws (2) bringing nest mat to oak nestbox. Buzzard (2+) over meadow and nearby. Blackbird (female) to shed/Pyracantha nest. Pied wagtail (2, male & female) on house, shed, bird bath etc. Marsh tit in box tree by H.H. Several great tit close to house, prob more than one pair. GSW into poplars along SE edge of meadow. RLP (2) on meadow west edge. Barn owl hoarse call heard near spinney and field west of H.H. plot.
Calm, thin cloud, hazy sunshine, fairly mild.
Chiffchaff (2) simultaneously, 1 near Salix trees along E. edge of meadow, 2nd near cypresses/blackthorn thicket immediately west of H.H. Jackdaws and stock doves in and around nestboxes. Jackdaws (2) bringing nest mat to oak nestbox. Goldcrest with nest mat, flew from yews by kitchen towards cypresses by A1065. Blackbird (3 males) all close together between oak and cypresses. Buzzard over meadow and nearby, later 3 near NBW, also 2+ at dusk along western edge of H.H. plot, probably hunting for rabbits. Song thrush 2 singing simultaneously, either side of pond (NE and SW sides). Mistle thrush (2) prob. prospecting in poplars and small oak along SE edge of meadow. Woodcock (2) -- first definite roding flight, approx treetop height, close together, came from N. end of NBW, went towards S. end of W. Raynham Road, 'twissick' call clearly heard almost overhead. Kestrel hovering etc over field west of W. Raynham Rd.
Sunny, some cloud.
Red kite over Walsingham, also near S. Creake along Fakenham/Wells road. Little egret, treecreeper Walsingham.
Sunny, some cloud.
Robin nest in nestbox near A1065 fence has one egg.
Calmer than yesterday, sunshine & showers.
Jackdaws (2) near oak nestbox. Stock dove (2+) display-flighting over H.H. plot and vicinity. Marsh tit near new small tit box on goat willow by pond. Blackbird apparently incubating at shed/Pyracantha nest. Marsh tit, great tit song. Buzzard over meadow.
Fairly strong south or south-westerly winds, cloudy, rain in morning (storm 'Katie').
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Jackdaw flock (40+) on or over field west of meadow. Stock dove (2) and woodpigeon (10+) on and near oak. Jay on ground by oak. Blackbird foraging near shed/Pyracantha nest, which has 3 eggs (female disturbed while incubating ~1600 BST). Stock dove (3) on oak (courting etc). Woodcock across field immediately west of pond (2002 BST), below tree-top height but not obviously roding; possibly another in same direction approx 2 minutes earlier. Buzzard disturbed from perch in large poplars along SE edge of meadow (~1945 BST). Song thrush -- 2 singing simultaneously, one in sycamore by shed and second in weeping willow by pond. Blackbird song from NW corner of pond. Moorhen (2) emerging from western edge of H.H. plot, probably from ditch along western edge of plot. Prob. different pair on pond (calling occasionally, not seen). Unidentified call or song from NE corner of meadow, prob. tit sp. Marsh tit song from spinney immediately east of H.H. Kestrel over fields west of W. Raynham Rd.
Breezy, south-westerly, sunshine & showers.
Buzzard (2) on meadow, in ash by stream, in willow etc. Robin (2) fighting fiercely on the ground, by sycamore near shed. Muntjac in Hillside House garden ('lawn') near house.
Greenfinches (13) collecting by laurel hedge roost.
[Honeypot Wood, Wendling -- roe deer (2), badger sett, wood anemone, lesser celandine, primrose, dog's mercury, much chalara.]
Breezy, south-westerly, cloudy, fairly mild.
Starling (70+) heading east over H.H. plot. Redwings (30+) in trees near pond (subsong), hanging round in the general area. Redpoll (male?) on ash tree meadow and nearby. Chiffchaff song from blackthorn thicket, SE edge of meadow and along eastern edge.
Jackdaws (2) near oak nestbox. Stock dove on shed. Woodpigeon (5+), blackbird, dunnock, chaffinch etc on food by shed. Marsh tit in poplars along meadow SE edge; also 2 near shed. Coal tit song near H.H. Buzzards (2+ over Mill Covert; 1 over Norman's Burrow Wood area)> Kestrel perch-hunting from plum, western edge of H.H. plot. Moorhen (3) chasing near pond.
Many (20+) common toads clasping etc in edge of pond.
[Red kite over mixed belt, E. Raynham area, with buzzards (2).]
Sunny, slight breeze.
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, bringing nest material. Second pair attempting briefly to enter same box. Jackdaws (2) at willow nest box. Other jackdaws near ash boxes. Stock dove (3) near first ash box, on oak etc. Buzzard (2) over meadow etc. Sparrowhawk (male) mobbed by jackdaws over meadow and area, with probable female kew-calling near SE edge of meadow. Chaffinch (4+), robin, dunnocks (3+), coal tit, collared dove (2), etc on food near shed. Robin-type nestbox by fence next to A1065 contains a thrush-type nest, possibly robin, cup is lined with fine material such as thin grasses ('bents').
Mixed redwing and fieldfare flock (30+) arrived at dusk, went into apparent roost in ivy-clad ash trees along edge of spinney. Kestrel display-flighting near bridge over stream (W. Raynham Rd), site may be in old ash tree.
Many (20+) common toads clasping etc in edge of pond.
Cloudy, sunny spells, drizzle later in day.
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, bringing nest material. Jackdaws (2) at willow nest box. Other jackdaws near ash boxes. Stock dove (2) near first ash box, on oak etc. Pied wagtail (male) on shed. Moorhen (2), chaffinch (3+), robin, collared dove (2), woodpigeon, blue tit, coal tit, marsh tit (2+) on food by shed. Dunnock (3+) near shed, some song. Great tit pair by beech nestbox (also display flight by shed). Coal tit song from sycamore by H.H. Nuthatch, bullfinch (male), mistle thrush on oak. Blackbird pair visible near shed at times. RLP by H.H., under laurel hedge. Kestrel just north of meadow. Reed bunting close to north edge of meadow and stream. Mixed fieldfare and redwing flock heading east (30+, ~0700 GMT). Mallard (male) dropping into pond.
Greenfinches (10+) collecting by laurel hedge roost.
Mainly dry, cool, sunny spells (pressure falling).
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, removing some oak leaves probably introduced by squirrels. Jackdaws (2) at willow nest box, also others near first ash box. Stock dove (2) near first ash box. Pied wagtail (2, female and male) on shed, near recently-constructed log stack. Marsh tit, moorhen, woodpigeon, robin, jackdaw, blackbird on food by shed. Coal tit song from cypresses by A1065. Robin-type nestbox by A1065 fence is occupied, possibly by robin, but difficult to say without risking desertion (this box is in the ivy 'hedge'). Red kite over field west of H.H. plot. Kestrel calling near meadow. RLP (2) on meadow (west edge). Mistle thrush song near S. Raynham church/rectory.
Finally, some amphibian activity in the pond -- very little so far, presumably reflecting recent cool temperatures.
Mainly dry, milder than recently, sunny spells (pressure starting to fall).
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox with nest material; also several apparently insect-hawking over general area of S. Raynham. Buzzard (3) over Norman's Burrow Wood (one very pale), also 2 over field west of meadow (one carrying possible nest mat). Bullfinch (2, male and female) feeding on blackthorn buds etc., thicket immediately west of H.H. Pied wagtail (male) on shed. Long-tailed tits continuing carrying nest mat towards Silver Service area. Song near H.H. -- chaffinch, robin, great tit, dunnock, goldcrest (in cypresses near H.H.), song thrush (at least two, one immediately SW of pond, other along SE edge of meadow), blackbird, reed bunting (brief, by blackthorn thicket on meadow). Coal tit, marsh tit near shed. Starling (3) dropping into cypresses near A1065 near dusk -- apparently to roost. Woodcock (2, around 1845 GMT) flying together, very close, below tree-top height, perhaps courtship chasing? Small bats (presumed pipistrelle sp.) over pond, near H.H. kitchen, etc -- first relatively mild evening for some weeks.
[Red kite over A1065 just SW of E. Raynham.]
Mainly dry, cool, sunny spells (high pressure).
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, one visit with pine cone (dropped). Other pair at first ash box. Long-tailed tits carrying nest material towards houses by Silver Service. Kestrel circling, hovering over, etc. meadow and adjacent. Later male and female present on edge of old grazing just north of meadow, within 50 metres of box. Buzzard perched on ash by pond, apparently interested in something on the ground between pond and shed. Greenfinch song flight over H.H. garden. Bullfinch (2, male and female) fedding on blackthorn buds etc., thicket on north part of meadow. Reed bunting dropping into rank vegetation by W. edge of meadow near dusk (but no song). Song near H.H. -- robin, great tit, marsh tit, woodpigeon, stock dove (in W. end of spinney).
Flock of unidentified waders (45+), probably bar-tailed godwit, but too distant for safe identification, rising from west of Mill Covert and climbing in quite neat, compact circles, probably went north, at times in rough V-formation. Presumably came up from tilled arable.
Mainly dry, some drizzle, cool, cloudy (high pressure).
Marsh tit song near cypresses and blackthorn thicket immediately west of H.H. Siskin overhead (call). Buzzard (6+) over Norman's Burrow Wood (north end) -- much calling, display-flighting etc. Prob. 2 more in area. Kestrel perched on ash, field west of meadow, also just north of meadow, some territorial calling. Snipe flushed off flooded patch, NW corner of meadow. Reed bunting calling in same area. Mistle thrush song from S. Raynham church/rectory area.
Mainly dry, slight drizzle, cool, cloudy (high pressure).
Jackdaws -- 2 visiting oak box, bringing fresh oak twig, also removing some old material. Other 'pairs' in general area and small flock (40+) foraging on field west of meadow.
Collared dove (2+) near shed. On food by shed -- marsh tit, chaffinch (2+), woodpigeon (4+). Song thrush, blackbird on 'lawn' by H.H. Dunnock (2+) in small yew by kitchen. Sparrowhawk (female) perched in small cypresses (1235 GMT), then through H.H. garden -- presumably the same individual as seen on 15/03. Kestrel hovering over meadow. Reed bunting song, call from meadow blackthorn thicket north edge. Buzzard over meadow and vicinity. Mistle thrush song from S. Raynham church/rectory area.
Dry, cool, sunny spells (high pressure).
Jackdaws (Total 10+, apparently visiting all four nestboxes. One pair is now in effective possession of the oak box, though at least two other pairs are attempting to compete for ownership. The main pair is beginning to remove oak twigs etc from the interior. This material is presumed to have been added previously by grey squirrels, which were seen delivering twigs and leaves to the box on several occasions in late winter. The additional material may have raised the top of box contents too much for the jackdaws. [The squirrels seem to have retreated to the spinney approx. 50 metres away, see 15/03.] Jackdaw 'pairs' were also present near the willow box and the first and second ash boxes.
Collared dove (3+) round small cypresses near shed, probably getting ready to nest. These cypresses are used as a regular roosting site by woodpigeons. On food by shed -- moorhen (2), marsh tit, chaffinch (4+), woodpigeon (4+). Goldcrest song, small cypresses. Song in vicinity of H.H. plot -- greenfinch, robin, great tit (2+), goldcrest. Kestrel (male) perched on hawthorn ~60 metres from nestbox. Buzzard (3+) circling high over H.H. plot and area.
Dry, cool, cloudy/sunny spells (high pressure).
Marsh harrier (female/imm) circling over meadow etc with buzzard (~0820 GMT), disappeared quite high up, probably off to the east.
Jackdaws (2, visiting oak box, in and out, so squirrels have not effectively taken over this box -- one of the pair was in the box for at least 20 minutes around 0830 GMT. A second 'pair' was also present at times, causing some squabbling. Jackdaw 'pairs' were also present near the first and second ash boxes). Collared dove (2) on oak. Woodpigeon (7+), moorhen (2) etc on food by shed. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- wren, great tit. Grey heron over from north, heading towards Wensum Pools area. Kestrel (female) hovering over field west of meadow, perched on electricity cables etc. Kestrel male perched on hawthorn, edge of tilled field immediately south of S. Raynham church (i.e. not far from nestbox on meadow). Buzzard (3+) soaring high over Norman's Burrow Wood area. Starling (40+) heading eastwards, probably returning migrants. Reed bunting song from general area of blackthorn thicket, north edge of meadow -- may be outside H.H. plot but close.
Dry, mist and/or low cloud off the North Sea (high pressure).
Jackdaws (4 visiting oak nestbox, apparently unable to enter). Stock dove (2+1) on oak, on ash by pond etc. Mistle thrush (2) foraging on ground by oak, also nest-prospecting on oak and beech. Mistle thrush song from area round S. Raynham church/rectory (400 metres away, clearly a 2nd pair). Great tit song by shed. Kestrel calling over H.H. plot and nearby. Moorhen (2, on grass by oak etc., also calling repeatedly form centre of pond). Grey squirrel on ground in spinney.
Mobbing calls from tits etc drew attention to a sparrowhawk female attacking a collared dove very close to north end of H.H. In the scuffle the collared dove audibly collided with a first floor window. I walked back up to the house and the sparrowhawk, unsettled by my approach, briefly flew to perch in the sycamore by the house but quickly departed. The collared dove was on the ground by H.H. kitchen and was clearly dead. Blood around the head area indicated it probably died from collision trauma, rather than injuries inflicted by the hawk. I left the body of the dove on the ground nearby and decided to water some plants. While waiting for water tank to fill the sparrowhawk reappeared low down and curled round to perch low in the box tree. To see whether the sparrowhawk would go back to it, I put the dove's body on top of the sand heap by the kitchen and left the area. On my return 15-20 minutes later, the body of the dove had disappeared and must have been removed by the sparrowhawk -- this was too short an interval for a mammal to have taken it and no large birds (crows, buzzard etc) were around. So the hawk must have returned to collect the prey.
Greenfinches (20+) collecting by laurel hedge roost.
Dry, cloudy/sunny spells (high pressure).
Jackdaws (2, visiting first ash box also ~4 visiting oak nestbox, but unable at latter to enter -- grey squirrel has almost filled the box with oak leaves and twigs). Collared dove (2) on oak. Chaffinch (6+), robin, woodpigeon (2+), dunnock (2+) etc on food by shed. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- blackbird, robin, wren, blue tit, marsh tit, great tit, woodpigeon. Mistle thrush song from area of S. Raynham church/rectory. Kestrel (male) perched on ash on meadow on which nestbox was installed 2015, also calling. Great tit perched on hawthorn where box installed 29/01/2016. Buzzard (2, circling over Mill Covert; 2, over Norman's Burrow Wood).
Greenfinch (10+) assembling at laurel hedge roost, but difficult to count.
Dry, cloudy/sunny spells (high pressure).
Fieldfare (5+) arriving from west, perching in and calling from poplars on SE edge of meadow. Redwing (20+) flying over H.H. plot from west (probably heading back). Great tit pair feeding on edge of H.H. patio, also inspecting box on beech. Stock dove (2), jay etc on oak, H.H. plot. Marsh tit in willows by pond. On food by shed -- moorhen, woodpigeon (2+), collared dove etc. Mistle thrush song from area near S. Raynham rectory. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- blackbird, wren (NW corner of pond), robin, marsh tit, blue tit (willow east side of pond), dunnock, stock dove, greenfinch, goldfinch (on sycamore by shed). Reed bunting calling from area of blackthorn thicket, north edge of meadow, probably just north of stream. Buzzard (2) over Mill Covert, also 3+ over Norman's Burrow Wood area. Sparrowhawk (2, prob. male and female) circling over Mill Covert. Kestrel (2, male and female) circling over field immediately east of W. Raynham Rd. Carrion crow (2+) over meadow etc. Jackdaws (2, on first ash box; also 2 round oak nestbox area). Grey squirrels (3) near shed, into oak nestbox etc. Moorhen again calling repeatedly from middle of pond, probably on a nest. Honeybee in H.H. kitchen released. Siskin (1+) over H.H. plot. Skylark again singing over general area of H.H. plot, mainly over fallow field east of W. Raynham Rd. Pied wagtail over plot at dusk. Magpie near bridge over stream, W. Raynham Rd.
Dry, cloudy/sunny spells (high pressure).
Fieldfare (2) perched and calling from poplars on SE edge of meadow (relatively few records of this species during the main winter months -- these may be on the way back towards continental Europe). Marsh tit in willows by pond and (2) along SE edge of meadow. On food by shed -- moorhen, woodpigeon (2+), collared dove etc. Mistle thrush song from area near S. Raynham rectory. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- blackbird (several), wren (elder hedge near pond), robin, marsh tit, reed bunting (from area of blackthorn thicket, north edge of meadow, also calling from same area). Buzzard over spinney, by A1065. Kestrel perched on electricity cables west of W.Raynham Road. Moorhen again calling repeatedly from middle of pond, probably on a nest. Red kite (2) circling quite low down over field immediately west of W. Raynham Rd.
Dry, cloudy/sunny spells (high pressure).
Blackbird female taking nest material to Pyracantha by shed. On food by shed -- moorhen (2), woodpigeon (8), blue tit etc. Goldcrest by H.H. kitchen. Jackdaws (4+) competing over new barn owl box on SE edge of meadow, also visiting willow nestbox. Nuthatch, coal tit on sycamore by H.H. shed. Woodcock (1) flew past pond towards meadow in broad daylight (~1200 GMT). Also woodcock (2) flying near pond, north and south, at dusk (1830 GMT), quite low, somewhat roding-like flight but surely rather early in year. Mistle thrush (3+) in poplars on SE edge of meadow, much song, some chasing, alarm-calling etc. Song thrush came up from ditch immediately west of pond. Mistle thrush song from area near S. Raynham rectory. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- blackbird (several), song thrush (elder hedge near pond, also goat w+H242illow on east edge of meadow -- 2+ individuals), robin, coal tit, marsh tit, blue tit ('semi-song'), greenfinch. Buzzard in trees along edge of field immediately south of S. Raynham church, also one circling over Mill Covert. Kestrel perched on electricity cables west of W.Raynham Road. Moorhen calling repeatedly from middle of pond, probably on a nest.
A few greenfinches going to roost in laurel hedge near south end of house, also into ivy 'hedge' by A1065.
Dry, cloudy/sunny spells.
Blackbird female now definitely taking nest material to Pyracantha by shed. Song thrush, moorhen (2) on grass near shed, H.H. plot. Song -- robin, dunnock, chaffinch. Buzzard (5+) circling/displaying over general area of S. Raynham. Kestrel (male) on electricity wires, field east of W. Raynham Rd. Mistle thrush song from area by S. Raynham church/rectory. On food by shed -- collared dove, robin, chaffinch (3+), moorhen, marsh tit, dunnock, blue tit, pheasant, goldfinch, blackbird, grey squirrel, coal tit, woodpigeon, great tit etc. Goldcrest by H.H. kitchen. Fieldfare (~15) arriving from west over H.H. plot, probably alighting in ash trees by A1065. Skylark song over fields immediately to south of A1065 and over field west of meadow. Stock dove (2) on dead ash by pond. Nuthatch on sycamore by shed. RLP (2) on meadow. Possible reed bunting (2) on meadow near edge of cut reeds. Water boatman (several) active in edge of pond.
Greenfinches (12+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Continuous rain in morning.
Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Moorhen (2), chaffinch (2), robin, dunnock, woodpigeon (7+), collared dove etc. on bird seed scattered by shed. Woodpigeons (4) using a puddle as a bird-bath. Moorhen (2) chasing as before, near H.H., in spinney etc. Song thrush in area of blackthorn thicket by H.H. Song -- robin, chaffinch (in sycamore by shed). Possible nest-building by blackbird, pyracantha by shed. Chaffinch pair probably beginning to nest-prospect in vicinity of shed etc. GSW over H.H. plot, towards wood south of A1065.
Greenfinches (36+) collecting at laurel hedge roost (~1700 GMT), skittish.
Drier, though drizzle set in later in afternoon.
Bank vole in leaf-litter/detritus in border by Hillside House. Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Moorhen (2), chaffinch (4), great tit (2+), robin, dunnock, woodpigeon (3+), collared dove, goldfinch (7+) etc. on bird seed scattered by shed. Jackdaws (2) near oak nestbox. Goldcrest foraging on yew hedge by H.H. kitchen. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- dunnock (near shed), robin, blackbird. Kestrel flying form spinney area towards stream by meadow. Skylark song over field east of W.Raynham Rd.
Greenfinches (57+) collecting at laurel hedge roost (1650 GMT).
07/03/2016Snow/sleet showers. Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Chaffinch (4), great tit, marsh tit, blue tit, robin, dunnock, woodpigeon (5+), collared dove etc. on bird seed scattered by shed. Moorhen (2) by pond etc, also, at dusk, clambering around in blackthorn bushes adjacent to H.H., probably eating flowers or leaf buds. Jackdaws (2) on oak nestbox -- grey squirrel probably inside. Bank vole inside shed. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- robin. Buzzard (2) display-flight over north part of Norman's Burrow Wood (showing talons etc).
06/03/2016Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Dunnock (2+) by new hedgebank. Moorhen by pond. Grey squirrel collecting nest material and taking it to oak nestbox; two jackdaws mobbing the same squirrel -- ongoing competition for ownership of the box. Barn owl perched in goat willow NW of pond (~1700 GMT). Buzzard (2+) in general area of South Raynham. Kestrel hovering over field east of W. Raynham Rd. Mistle thrush song from area near S. Raynham church. Grey heron approaching pond but spooked by digger and departed. Skylark song overhead, H.H. plot.
Blackbird (3+) on grass near oak. Moorhen (3) by pond, 2 in assumed male-male fighting -- the third stood by and watched from close range. Sparrowhawk (male) low through garden by shed. Song thrush on laurel and ivy hedge eating ivy berries. Red kite along W. Raynham Road, drifting northwards. Woodmouse disturbed from burrow next to oak whip during transplanting work.
Greenfinches (30+) assembling at laurel hedge roost.
04/03/2016Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Moorhen (2), goldfinch (4+) near shed etc. Grey squirrel in oak nestbox. Sparrowhawk (prob female) from spinney towards W.Raynham Road. Buzzard (2) over H.H. plot and area. Barn owl over fields either side of W. Raynham Road (~1700 GMT). Stock dove song in spinney.
03/03/2016Moorhen (2), goldfinch (7) near shed etc. Jackdaw (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Buzzard (2) over H.H. plot. Chaffinch song (2 simultaneous).
Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Moorhen (2), goldfinch (4+) near shed etc. Jay on old ash by pond. Sparrowhawk (prob male) circling over W. Raynham Road area then stooped into area of Norman's Burrow Wood. Buzzard over H.H. plot.
Greenfinches (40+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
01/03/2016Old wasp nest in storage shed 2016-03-02
A huge old wasp nest was found in the storage area of the shed, housed in a kitchen base unit carcass (see picture). The approximate dimensions were 50 x 30 x 35 cm.
Blackbird (4+) on grass near oak. Chaffinch (4+), woodpigeon (7+), collared dove, moorhen (2, at times sexual or territorial chasing), marsh tit, dunnock (2+), goldfinch (2+) near shed etc. Little egret near bridge over stream, W. Raynham Road. Grey squirrel carrying sticks etc to oak nestbox. Buzzard over W.Raynham Rd. Sparrowhawk (prob male) near Church Road. Mistle thrush song from poplars near start of Church Road. Amphibian (prob common toad) in pond. Song in vicinity of H.H. -- robin, wren, goldcrest, dunnock.
Greenfinches (38+) assembling at laurel hedge roost (1700 GMT approx).
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. At least two other pairs on grass near oak etc. Moorhen (2), dunnock (3+), great tit (3+), woodpigeon (3), collared dove, chaffinch (2+), nuthatch (2) near shed etc. Bullfinch (3+) on blackthorn thicket near H.H. Blackbird (2+), song thrush (2) on grass, H.H. plot. Mistle thrush (2) flying over H.H. towards W. Raynham Rd, mobbed by greenfinch, at dusk. Song -- blackbird, robin, goldfinch, goldcrest. Buzzard (2) calling from near Church Road at dusk. Barn owl over field west of meadow (~1445 GMT and later). Carrion crows (2) foraging on ground near to western boundary of H.H. plot in grass field.
Greenfinch (20+) collecting laurel hedge roost.
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Bullfinch (3+) on blackthorn thicket near H.H. Barn owl over meadow and adjacent (~1650 GMT).
Greenfinch (15+) collecting at laurel hedge roost.
Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Dunnock, chaffinch (4+), collared dove, on food by shed. Nuthatch on oak. Mistle thrush on oak and on grass nearby. Buzzard over ash woods south of A1065 near H.H. Little (prob.) egret (2) near bridge over stream, W. Raynham Road. Sparrowhawk (male) past pond and landing in top of poplar along SE edge of meadow. Bullfinch (3+) on blackthorn thicket near H.H.
Greenfinch (40+) collecting at laurel hedge roost, probably an underestimate.
26/02/2016Slight frost in early morning. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox; 5 on grass by oak (among molehills etc). Stock dove (2) in ash trees near pond etc. Moorhen (1), marsh tit, dunnock, chaffinch (4+), woodpigeon (3), collared dove, nuthatch, etc. on food by shed. Blackbird (2+) on grass etc. H.H. plot. Barn owl over field west of meadow (~1445 GMT). Red kite circling over Church Road area. Buzzard (2) over ash woods south of A1065 near H.H.
Frost in early morning.
Blackbirds (5+) on grass, H.H. plot. Song thrush (2+) in vicinity of H.H. Moorhen (2), great tit (3+), goldfinch (3+), chaffinch (4+), robin, dunnock, etc near H.H., near shed etc. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Stock dove (2) in ash trees near pond etc. Jay on grass by oak. Barn owl over meadow and field to west of meadow (~1500 GMT). Song thrush alarm near western edge of H.H. plot at dusk. Buzzard (3) over H.H. in morning.
Unidentified call from reeds on western edge of meadow ('kik, kik, kik,..'), probably water rail.
24/02/2016Blackbirds (5+), song thrush on grass, H.H. plot. (Also song thrush by H.H. kitchen). Goldcrest song in remaining cypresses by A1065. Goldfinch (3), robin, dunnock, etc. near shed. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Stock dove in ash trees near pond etc. Probable reed bunting calling from reeds of meadow at dusk, possibly at roost. [Sparrowhawk female circling over Church Road area, mobbed/attended by jackdaws (40+). Red kite in distance with buzzard somewhere near Raynham Hall. Buzzard (3+) soaring/displaying in vicinity of S. Raynham church.].
23/02/2016Moorhen (2), blackbirds (5+) on grass, H.H. plot. Four tit species by shed (great, coal, marsh, all taking food spread on ground, also blue). Robin, dunnock etc. near shed. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Mistle thrush alarm in spinney near H.H. Barn owl (2) on field west of meadow, one perched on small ash in middle of field (1600 GMT onwards till dusk). Kestrel later on same ash tree. Song, H.H. garden and vicinity -- song thrush, chaffinch, marsh tit ('chu-chu...'), goldcrest (latter in remaining cypresses near A1065). Buzzard (5) over Mill Covert around midday, soaring etc, also 2+ over H.H. and nearby. Sparrowhawk (prob male) soaring over spinney by A1065.
Moorhen (2), blackbirds (6+) on grass, H.H. plot. Great tit, blue tit, robin, dunnock etc. near shed. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Bullfinch (2+) on blackthorn by H.H. Barn owl briefly on field west of W. Raynham Road (1430 GMT). Song, H.H. garden and vicinity -- blackbird, song thrush, chaffinch.
Greenfinch (70+) at laurel hedge roost (1640 GMT).
21/02/2016Moorhen (2) on grass, H.H. plot. Sparrowhawk (male) hunting at dusk meadow. Starling (apparently just 1) going to roost via meadow (though not nearby).
Moorhen (2), blackbirds (5+) on grass, H.H. plot. Great tit, blue tit, robin, dunnock etc. near shed. Bullfinch (1) on blackthorn by H.H. Barn owl on field west of W. Raynham Road (0930 GMT, also ~1430 GMT).
Greenfinches (60+) collecting by laurel hedge roost (~1600 GMT).
Golden plover (65+ flying south, later smaller groups heading north) in S. Raynham area.
Starling on oak and nearby, 0800 GMT (Perhaps first record in south part of H.H. garden, near the house, since end 2013. The only other record of this species in this period is the flock that roosted in the reedbed Oct 2014).
Moorhen (2), blackbirds (5+) on grass, H.H. plot. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Great tit, blue tit, robin, dunnock etc. near shed. Little egret in various places along stream north of meadow. Barn owl on field west of W. Raynham Road (1445 GMT). Goldfinch (14) on oak etc. Chaffinch (4, all female), marsh tit, collared dove (2) by shed. Song thrush on grass, H.H. plot. Golden plover (100, then smaller groups) flying south over S. Raynham (1440 GMT).
Greenfinches (61+) at laurel hedge roost.
18/02/2016Blackbirds (3+) on grass, H.H. plot. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Barn owl over fields adjacent to meadow (~1630 GMT). Buzzard (2+) in area of S. Raynham. Golden plover (80+ [20+20+40]) S. Raynham, flying over high eastwards near sunset.
17/02/2016In H.H. garden in morning: great tit (2), chaffinch (2+, female, male), robin, marsh tit, goldfinch (6+), song thrush (2+), moorhen (2), collared dove (3+), blue tit (2+, song heard), dunnock (2+) in vicinity of shed, also woodpigeon (5+). Blackbirds (5+) on grass, H.H. plot. Jay (2) on ground by oak and also feeding on seed put down 16/01. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Kestrel on oak. Barn owl hunting through H.H. garden, crossing A1065 and continuing near houses on south side of main road (0815 GMT), later over meadow (~1400 GMT). Buzzard through H.H. garden (0815 GMT). GSW near pond. Carrion crow near W. Raynham Road. Treecreeper low down on oak feeding in moss. Golden plover (50+, in scattered small groups) flying over S. Raynham from north (1205 GMT). Bullfinch (2+) on blackthorn bushes adjacent to H.H. kitchen.
Great tit (3+) in vicinity of shed, also dunnock (song), robin tit etc. Blackbirds (3+) on grass, H.H. plot. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, also 2 others near willow nestbox. Moorhen, marsh tit on new seed put out by shed. Treecreeper on oak. Kestrel (male) perched in ash trees near kestrel nestbox on meadow. Barn owl over fields adjacent to meadow (1600 - 1630 GMT approx).
Greenfinches (30+) collecting by laurel hedge roost (1600 GMT onwards).
Great tit (3+) in vicinity of shed, also dunnock, robin, blue tit etc. Blackbirds (3+) on grass, H.H. plot. Barn owl on meadow and fields adacent to meadow (1545 to 1630 GMT). Buzzard over meadow and H.H. plot, perhaps attracted by carrion in field to west -- disturbed carrion crows (2) from same area. Large flock of jackdaws (some rooks) collecting over area NW of S. Raynham church late afternoon. Mallard (2 males) landing in H.H. pond near dusk.
Greenfinches (40+) at laurel hedge roost, spending some time in poplars near pond (1600 GMT onwards).
Little egret along stream just west of W. Raynham Road, perched quite high up in several different trees.
Greenfinches (30+) at laurel hedge roost (~1600 GMT).
12/02/2016Frost in morning. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, 2nd pair in and out of first ash box (next to hawthorn). Stock dove (3+1) territorial flighting etc, over H.H. plot. Jay on grass by oak. Bullfinch (6 [2 males, 4 females]) on blackthorn bushes immedtiately west of H.H. kitchen, apparently eating the flowers. Moorhen (1) on grass, H.H. plot. Marsh tit (2) on oak, H.H. plot. Cormorant (3) over H.H. plot low from NW, heading SE. Barn owl over field west of plot (1100 GMT).
Frost in morning.
Greenfinches (1, 2, etc.) leaving laurel hedge roost in morning. Moorhen (1) H.H. garden. Song thrush song nearby. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, 2nd pair in and out of willow box. Later, grey squirrel in oak box, but jackdaws visited again in afternoon -- apparent ongoing competition for use of the box (see 12/02). Stock dove (2) territorial flighting over H.H. plot. Mistle thrush perched in large hybrid poplar on edge of meadow, also on oak. Lapwings (15+10+...) flying NE near S. Raynham. Buzzard (2) over meadow etc. Sparrowhawk (prob. female) over H.H. from south, disappeared near S. Raynham rectory area.
Barn owl over field to west of H.H. plot (1245 GMT), later again also over meadow (1545-1615 GMT).
Snipe flushed from extreme NW corner of meadow off junction between ditch and Carr Stream (first record on plot!!).
10/02/2016Moorhen (1) H.H. garden. Robin, chaffinch and greenfinch song. Barn owl over fields E and NE of plot (1650 GMT), then perched on reed cuttings stack NE edge of meadow. Buzzard flying towards S. Raynham church area, also 2 soaring over wood to west of W. Raynham Road.
Moorhen (1), goldcrest, blackbirds (3+), dunnock, robin etc H.H. garden. Great tit song from area just NW of pond (near recently installed nestbox). Barn owl over fields west of plot (1430-1445 GMT). Mistle thrush singing for ~25 minutes from beech tree immediately west of H.H., also in ash wood immediately south of A1065. Buzzards (2+?) calling repeatedly from general area of S. Raynham. Kestrel on field west of meadow.
Greenfinches (70+) collecting by laurel hedge roost from 1600 GMT onwards.
Moorhen (1), goldcrest, blackbirds (1+), dunnock, robin etc H.H. garden. Barn owl (2) over meadow and adjacent fields, again quite close to new nestbox (1535 GMT).
Greenfinches (50+) collecting by laurel hedge roost from 1535 GMT onwards, but v. difficult to count (blustery conditions).
Moorhen (1), blackbirds (8+), dunnock, great tit etc H.H. garden. Kestrel perch-hunting from oak etc. near shed. Jackdaw box on oak has been occupied by grey squirrel, which is collecting twigs from the oak to build a nest inside the box. Goldcrest H.H. garden. Little egret on stream near NW corner of meadow. Large (1000+) jackdaw & rook flock collecting in trees near S. Raynham church. Barn owl on field west of W. Raynham Road (~1500 GMT). GSW on poplars SE edge of meadow, also on oak H.H. garden.
Greenfinches (48) collecting by laurel hedge roost from 1500 GMT onwards.
Goldcrest near H.H. kitchen. Barn owl (~1500 GMT) on fields east and west of meadow and on meadow (after new nestbox installed along edge of meadow). Jackdaw (2) on oak near nestbox, apprently reluctant to enter. Grey wagtail near pond. Peacock butterfly out in the open by the shed. Large bumblebee near H.H.
Greenfinches (75+) collecting by laurel hedge roost 1615 GMT.
Bullfinch (3+) feeding on blackthorn in edge of spinney opposite H.H. Goldcrest (song) near H.H. kitchen. Barn owl (~1600 GMT) on field west of meadow and on meadow. Grey squirrel in oak nestbox. Song, near H.H. -- blue tit, great tit, marsh tit, chaffinch, song thrush, robin.
Greenfinches (50+) collecting by laurel hedge roost 1615 GMT.
Buzzards (2) calling repeatedly near S. Raynham church and rectory.
Bullfinch (3+) feeding on blackthorn in edge of spinney opposite H.H. Mistle thrush (2) on oak by shed (possibly prospecting), also alarm call from beech opposite H.H. Goldcrest on box, yew etc by H.H. kitchen. Barn owl (0800 GMT) on field west of meadow and on meadow. Kestrel (male) alighting ground by pond and oak (perhaps taking prey). Jackdaw (2) on oak.
Greenfinches (54+) collecting by laurel hedge roost 1615 GMT.
Lapwing (18) flying SW past S. Raynham.
01/02/2016Bullfinch (6, at least 3 female) feeding on blackthorn in edge of spinney opposite H.H.
Garden Birdwatch (10 species, well down on 2013 -- drizzle may have reduced numbers). Moorhen (2) H.H. garden near pond and shed. Barn owl over field west of meadow 1115 GMT, and again at 1530 GMT. Kestrel (male) on oak in spinney next to H.H.
Greenfinches (65+) at laurel hedge roost 1610 GMT, very skittish -- reason became apparent when sparrowhawk (prob male) attacked flock.
Moorhen (2) H.H. garden near pond.
Barn owl along S. edge of meadow ~1615 GMT, may have been disturbed from roost in one of the jackdaw boxes.
Grey geese, prob. greylag goose (10+) in small numbers flying over near dusk southwards. Jackdaws (250+, 500+, ...) heading for roost from north-west over S. Raynham.
29/01/2016Blackthorn in edge of spinney opposite H.H. is just starting to flower. Budburst has begun on elder along western edge of plot.
28/01/2016Moorhen (2) H.H. garden near pond. Goldcrest song near H.H. kitchen. Bullfinch (4) on blackthorn in spinney. Barn owl over fields either side of meadow and on meadow, perched on post edge of sheltered field to east (1625 GMT), presumably avoiding brisk westerly breeze. Grey wagtail along stream. Jackdaws (250+) heading for roost from north-west over S. Raynham.
Moorhen (2) H.H. garden near pond. Bullfinch (m, f) on blackthorn in spinney.
Stoat near original mammal lodge by pond and on goat willow, brash pile etc nearby (presence given away by wren alarm calls; very curious, came within 5 metres of me).
Buzzard (2) over meadow etc. in brief prob territorial clash. Kestrel over field to west of plot. Woodcock over meadow from SE, disappeared west of W. Raynham Road -- approach caused alarm calls from LTT flock. Barn owl over fields either side of meadow and on meadow (1550 GMT).
Greenfinches (50+) at laurel hedge roost 1610 GMT. Song thrush on edge of stream on N edge of meadow.
Moorhen (1) H.H. garden. Bullfinch (m, f) on Pyracantha by shed.
Greenfinches (60+) at laurel hedge roost ~1600 GMT.
26/01/2016Moorhen (1) H.H. garden. Bullfinch (4) on blackthorn at edge of H.H. garden (in spinney).
Moorhen (1) H.H. garden. Kestrel H.H. garden and spinney. Bullfinch (m, f) on blackthorn at edge of H.H. garden (in spinney). Buzzard calling by H.P. (wood south of S. Raynham church). Possible marsh harrier in same area, but distant. Blackbird (4+), song thrush (2+) H.H. garden. Jay on ground H.H. garden. Song -- song thrush, robin.
Greenfinches (67+) collecting near laurel hedge roost 1615 GMT. Mistle thrush song S. Raynham area.
Greylag goose (2) flying over south at dusk.
Buzzard over meadow, then perched in wood south of S. Raynham church. Mixed tit flock meadow. Sparrowhawk hunting along stream south of S. Raynham church. Blackbird (5+), song thrush (2+) on grass H.H. garden. Jay in spinney area. Song -- song thrush, robin. Mistle thrush song from area near S. Raynham rectory, also 2 on poplars meadow with GSW, redwing (8+) and finches (25+). Lapwing 55+ heading NE near sunset but perhaps about to settle on fields locally.
Greenfinches (80+) collecting near laurel hedge roost 1530 GMT onwards (arriving in small numbers from various directions, some quite high up -- some also entering roost when main flock still perched near top of sycamore, so difficult to count accurately; number recorded is probably an underestimate).
23/01/2016Moorhens (1+) in H.H. garden. Buzzard over plot from east. Barn owl over field west of plot (1615 GMT). Mixed tit flock meadow. Sparrowhawk hunting along stream south of S. Raynham church. Song thrush song from blackthorn thicket meadow (north side), also song from robin, blue tit, etc. Grey wagtail in reeds over pond at dusk, as before -- probably a roost site.
Moorhens (2+) in H.H. garden. Chaffinch (5+), coal tit (2), dunnock etc. by shed.
Barn owl (2) over field west of plot (1620 GMT) -- possible territorial dispute. Tawny owl flushed from small ivy-clad tree by house (19/20 West Raynham Road [~1645 GMT]).
Moorhens (2+) in H.H. garden. Stock doves (2) by willow nestbox.
Golden plover (10) flying over S. Raynham from north east.
Moorhens (2+) in H.H. garden. Buzzard perched south of S. Raynham church. Marsh harrier (female/imm) over meadow from east, headed over W. Raynham Road. Sparrowhawk (female?) hunting in gardens near S. Raynham S.S., perched briefly in top of deciduous tree. Great tit song SE corner of meadow, also (simultaneously) in area by tit box north end of pond. Marsh tit pair along meadow southern edge (siff-siff-siff call). Blue tits in same area (subsong). Song thrush alarm in same area, also song near north edge of meadow. Mistle thrush song in two places (1) NW corner of wood south of S. Raynham church; (2) apparently in spinney area somwhere near W. Raynham Road. Barn owl hunting over field east of meadow 1640 GMT. Also robin (song), wren, dunnock, GSW (drumming), carrion crows (4+), jackdaws, etc.
Greenfinches (25+) collecting near laurel hedge roost.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Buzzard in spinney area. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox, also a pair probably inspecting ash box by pond. Stock dove (2) in area by pond, probably in and out of willow nestbox. Blackbirds (6+) on grass in H.H. garden. Redwing near pond on meadow. Great tit (2) on ground by shed. Goldfinch (4+), chaffinch (4+), dunnock, robins, wren, etc. by shed. Barn owl hunting over field to west of plot and meadow 1550 to 1615 GMT. Lapwing (50+) on fields west of W. Raynham Road.
Greenfinches (40+) collecting near laurel hedge roost, entering roost in small numbers and difficult to count.
Moorhens (2+) in H.H. garden. Buzzard by pond. Jackdaws (2) in and out of oak nestbox. Stock dove (2) in area by pond, probably in and out of willow nestbox. Blackbirds (4+), jay, redwing on grass in H.H. garden. GSW (male) by pond. Great tit (male) on young yew hedge by H.H. kitchen. Goldfinch (7+), chaffinch (4+), dunnock, robins, wren, etc. by shed. (Goldfinches now mostly on the ground -- burdock seed is apparently spent so the old dead plants can be removed soon). Treecreeper on oak. Barn owl hunting over field to west of plot 0810 to 0855 GMT, and 1530 GMT over meadow. Woodpigeon (125+) on fields west of W. Raynham Road. Golden plover (10+10+...) over S. Raynham from north. Nuthatch song in vicinity of H.H.
Greenfinches (60+) collecting in beech tree near laurel hedge roost -- some of roost may have moved to ivy-clad trees along northern edge of spinney (next to H.H., north of A1065). Apparently all in roost by 1600 GMT.
Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Blue tit song H.H. garden by shed. Great tit and coal tit song along southern edge of meadow.
Greenfinch (30+) collecting by laurel hedge roost.
16/01/2016Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Buzzard by pond, probably feeding on dead rabbit. Jackdaws (2) on ground by shed, eating scattered birdfood; also pair in and out of oak nestbox. Stock dove (2) in area by pond. Chaffinch (8), goldfinch (5+), marsh tit, great tit, robins (2+), dunnocks (2+), etc. by shed. Blackbirds (4+), song thrush on grass in H.H. garden. Goldcrest on young yew hedge by H.H. kitchen. Lapwing (40+) heading NE in morning. Buzzard (2) circling by wood south of S. Raynham church.
15/01/2016Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Buzzard in spinney next to H.H. Carrion crows (2) feeding on rabbit by pond (same one as on 14/01). Chaffinch (6), marsh tit, great tit etc. by shed. Kestrel in vicinity of H.H. Coal tit song (?) eastern edge of meadow. Lapwing (40) heading NE 1112 GMT, also around 40+ circling over harvested sugarbeet field west of W. Raynham Road. Barn owl meadow etc 1425 GMT. Probable woodcock heading towards meadow at dusk.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Red kite over meadow and adjacent ~1000 GMT, departed northwards.
Buzzard (dark, with prominent pale chestband or 'gorget', reminiscent of a mayoral chain) perched on willow by pond, then dropping down to feed on dead rabbit. Stoat kill indicated by later inspection -- much of the rabbit's neck area was mssing.
A few greenfinches collecting by laurel roost but may instead have used the small yews by H.H. kitchen -- very cold and blustery. Only 1 chaffinch (female) by shed.
Grey squirrels are in the process of ruining the feeders on the box tree, so, as on 12/01, food is now scattered on ground instead (see picture of damage to three feeders).
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Marsh tit, nuthatch, chaffinches, great tit (2), etc. at feeders. Bullfinch (4+) on blackthorn bushes by H.H. Chaffinch (6+) feeding on ground by shed, where food scattered 12/01 -- one female chasing at least three males off at times. Kestrel over field to west of plot. Mistle thrush singing from S. Raynham rectory garden. Egret (presumed little) over meadow area. Lapwings 40+150+... over from north east again.
Another harvest mouse nest found on meadow (SE corner).
Stoat kill (probable) -- rabbit screaming from central area of meadow. Barn owl over field west of meadow 1550 & 1620 GMT. Buzzard over fields west of W. Raynham Rd, with 200+ common gulls in same area and 50+ woodpigeon.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Marsh tit, nuthatch, chaffinches, great tit (2), etc. at feeders. Squirrels have now ruined one of the feeders on the oak so food scattered on ground instead. Lapwings (small flocks 14+40+...) over S. Raynham heading SW. Barn owl hunting field west of meadow and field on west side of W. Raynham Road 1450 GMT.
Greenfinches (25+20+...) at laurel hedge roost 1510 GMT, also in morning leaving roost in small groups after 0800 GMT. Some may be roosting in ivy-covered trees along north edge of S. Raynham allotments.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Goldcrest in Pyracantha by shed. Lapwings (small flocks 15+15+...) over S. Raynham heading SW. Barn owl hunting through meadow 1448 GMT.
Greenfinches (45+) at laurel hedge roost 1520 GMT.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Kestrel perch-hunting from oak. Grey wagtail on eastern edge of meadow. Lapwings 180+15+15+... over S. Raynham heading SW during morning, probably ahead of cold weather forecast for this week. Bullfinches (5+) in H.H. garden.
Greenfinches (48+, but already starting to go into hedge) at laurel hedge roost 1540 GMT.
Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Goldfinch (8) on ground by habitat pile, edge of lawn H.H. Lapwing 40+ west of W. Raynham Road.
Greenfinch (50+) collecting laurel hedge roost 1530 GMT.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Kestrel perch-hunting from vicinity of beech to the side of H.H. and probably taking prey on the lawn. Song thrush song and alarm call in H.H. garden. Grey squirrels taking much of the food from two of the feeders (remedial action required). Various on feeders (nuthatch, coal tit, etc. Buzzard by pond. Unidentified old nest, perhaps of Acrocephalus warbler, low down on reed stems SE corner of meadow, probably from 2015 season. Marsh tit and grey wagtail on eastern edge of meadow. Mistle thrush song from vicinity of S. Raynham rectory.
Barn owl over field to west of W. Raynham Road 1450 GMT, also over meadow 1500 GMT.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Lapwings (75+) over from east, also at 1550 GMT, heading west perhaps to recently harvested sugarbeet fields west of West Raynham Road. Jay on edge of meadow. Buzzard by pond. Barn owl hunting field west of W. Raynham Road 1610 GMT, despite blustery conditions.
Greenfinches (39+) collecting by laurel hedge roost 1550 GMT.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Stock doves (2) on oak by shed. Song thrush song in vicinity of H.H. -- more than one singing, probably first noted this winter. Buzzard by pond. Mistle thrush singing in area of S. Raynham rectory. Blue tit song meadow. Jay edge of meadow (SE corner) on blackthorn etc. Sparrowhawk (female) into hedge along H.H. west border at dusk, then soon off northwards.
Barn owl over field west of meadow (0810 GMT); also 2 barn owls over same field and meadow around 1430 GMT.
05/01/2016Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden. Nuthatch on feeders H.H. garden. Unidentified call in area by pond -- possible w*llow tit (not seen). Barn owl over meadow and adjacent fields, 1415 to 1455 GMT. Buzzards (2) over meadow, moving to area by church. Many robins singing in general area of S. Raynham. Jackdaw in and out of oak nestbox.
04/01/2016Moorhens (4) in H.H. garden. Nuthatch on feeders H.H. garden. Jay on ground near oak. Wagtails (presumably mostly pied) perhaps beginning to form a roost in vicinity of the pond, numbers difficult to ascertain; some song. Mistle thrush song near S. Raynham church, also great tit song in H.H. garden. Jackdaw flock (15+) group flying over H.H. plot. Sparrowhawk female past pond and along poplars.
Moorhens (3+) in H.H. garden.
Stoat briefly between pond and shed (1140 GMT).
Bank vole inside shed.
Kestrel (male) perch-hunting off oak etc, Hillside House garden. Jay nearby. Nuthatch on feeders.
Grey geese, prob. PFG (150+), at South Raynham from north-west, approx 1000 GMT.
Tawny owl song by pond (1600 GMT).
Sparrowhawk (adult male) perched on beech near H.H. (1600 GMT).
Barn owl on field west of West Raynham Road (1530 GMT; also earlier at 0857 GMT). Bullfinches (small numbers) in blackthorn hedges along West Raynham Road.
[Wellingham Road -- yellowhammer (male), a few goldfinches etc. Junction of A1065 with Wellingham Road -- golden plover (90+) over from north, also greylag goose (2) from north.]
Greenfinch (20+) collecting by laurel roost (most probably already in roost).